Read His Victory Page 5

role and the crowd would love him for it. It was the 28th day of the Games and I was recovering well the swelling have died down and I could see my knuckles was out of position but I could use my hands and move my fingers, it was only a matter of days until I would be able to train again. I only had 5 days left before my next battle.

  The 30th day of Gladiator Games arrived and Marcus was ready to face the Wild Boar, as he walked upon the arena ground I could hear the crowd going crazy at the sight of the Beast slayer. There was a loud applause and the sounds could be heard within the cells “Beast – Beast – Beast” as the crowd shouted out loud. He bowed to the audience and growled at them like a Lion. “Release my Gentle Boar!” he shouted, some of the people in the crowd laughed at him mocking the Beast. The Boar entered the arena, it was huge and the muscles could be seen on its shoulders blades and neck, this Beast was no toy and not here to play with, Marcus knew he would had to finish the Beast quick or this would be his last battle in the arena. The Wild Boar stormed at him pointing its horns straight at him he acted quickly and threw the net so that it would get hooked on the tusks dragging the net, the Boar stepped on top of the dragging net and forced the head of the Boar to smash into the arena floor almost out cold the Boar tried to regain consciousness, Marcus acted with no time to spare and ran towards the Boar and slit it’s throat. He ripped out the tongue of the Boar and held it in the air whilst jumping up and yelling to the crowd “tonight we will eat Boar!” the crowd loved it, it was quick and gruesome but effective they loved the Beast slayer and awarded him a Max 200 points for his victory.

  Another Gladiator named Hadrian made it through his Battle alive but was severely injured and would not make it to through the week, Nero’s informants notified him of Hadrian’s condition. He rushed to announce himself in one of the Battles in round 4 of the Gladiator Games; he would face Hadrian on the 31st day of the Gladiator games for his freedom.

  The Gladiator Games schedule - Round 4:

  I would fight on the 33rd day against Septimus and Marcus to face a 220 lb Jaguar on the 40th day of the Gladiator Games.

  The 31st day of Gladiator Games was started by the trumpets for the Emperor Nero who would face a Gladiator. He would give the Gladiator a chance to redeem his freedom. The stage was set and a red carpet was rolled out for the Emperor to walk out onto the arena wearing his trademark white armour and armed with his shining silver bladed swords. Once Emperor Nero was in the centre of the arena the guards escorted Hadrian to the centre, he was forced to bow in front of Nero, Hadrian was unstable in his feet, one of his upper legs was cut to the bone. And he had 4 ribs broken one of his eyes was ripped out during his battle. He was no fit contender for Nero. The battle was started, Hadrian attack at Nero with his sword but there were no power coming from his strikes and the crowd could see it, they responded with throwing their hand in the air and shouting at the Emperor to stop with the battle, but Nero was having fun he felt unstoppable and fearless as he cut and stabbed Hadrian he lost control and began to cut off Hadrian hands and feet, the Gladiator was almost dead and pleaded the Emperor to finish him as the pain was unbearable. Nero laughed at him and out of ignorance asked the crowd “LIVE or DIE?” Some of the people stood up and turned their backs on the Emperor out of displease meant some of them shouted “Die” he turned around and decapitated Hadrian.

  We could hear how the crowd reacted and knew that there was no mercy shown in the arena by Emperor Nero. I wanted to face him so badly and kill him I had one goal get my family back by killing Nero but it had to wait, his time will come. My hands were almost healed and I could train again; I could not strike at anything with my fists as it was still hurting. So I trained my striking skills with my sword and spear. I felt strong and the Hercules mode set in I was unstoppable and felt the power boiling from within me. I could kick; there was nothing wrong with neither my legs nor my feet. I stomped at the punching equipment kicking them off the platform and breaking it. I wanted to kill. I walked straight up to Septimus and pushed him with my shoulder as to awaken him to act but no reaction he was afraid of me I could see it in his eyes. I grinned and walked away, I wanted trouble I wanted to express myself so I turned around and stormed at Septimus I jumped and kicked him on the chest with both my feet knocking him off his feet, the guards quickly reacted and it was on, my chance was here “real practice” I thought to myself. I killed one guard using another guard as a smashing tool, I was ruthless and no one could contain me, some of the other Gladiators ran towards their cells and hid inside of them, the bodies were piling up all around me as I kicked and smashed anyone who tried to stop me. “Virtus STOP!” I recognised the voice, as I turned around I saw my wife Diana, General Quintus send word to fetch her when he saw that I was getting out of control and could not be stopped. She looked at me and asked “who are you”, tears running over her cheeks, I knew she was devastated by my reaction and behaviour but I also did not know who I have become “Hercules! Gladiator slayer of the Colosseum” I replied and turned around. “No you are Virtus, loving father of Janus and husband to Diana” she shouted at me. Whilst walking I looked over my shoulder and replied “Virtus is waiting outside the city walls where Hercules will bring him his family” Quintus took her away as I walked away to my cell.

  It was time, my name was called out it was the 33rd day of the Gladiator Games I was to face Septimus. We lined up next to each other bumping and pushing each other while standing next to each other, the guards kept a close eye on us as we annoyed each other. As we stepped onto the arena grounds the battle begun we grabbed each other and rolled on the ground hitting and kicking each other, he knew he had to catch me off-guard to have a chance to beat me, as I was busy holding him down he pulled out his dagger and cut my stomach open the blood flooded out the wound he drew first blood, he planned his attack well but that made me mad and that was the last thing he should have done, I felt like the mighty Hercules again I had kill him, I wanted to kill him and only saw red out of fury I called him over to try that again I lifted my arm up yelling out “come on Septimus come on” he ran towards his sword I had nothing only the imagination of being Hercules that blade would not cat me, I walked straight up to him and then he struck me with his sword on the arm, the blade cut me to the bone, I was losing blood fast, my arm was deeply cut as well as my stomach. Then it happened, I fell to the ground I was dizzy I have lost to much blood, he was going to kill me when the crows started toy yell and shout out loud “LIVE-LIVE-LIVE!” the Emperors had to make a decision, I knew my fate Emperor Nero would not agree, I had to act quick before I die in the arena today. I waited until Septimus looked up at the Emperors Stands not knowing what to do, as he looked up I started to craw towards my swords I used up every ounce of energy I had left and got up, I stumbled up to Septimus from behind I waited for him to turn around so to face me, as he did he had a shock and pulled back to struck me with his sword I decapitated him using my two swords as a scissor. I fell to the ground still alive but barely lying next to Septimus’s decapitated head, the crowd started to chant “Hercules LIVE - Hercules LIVE”.

  As I was dragged off the arena by the guards leaving a string of blood trailing after me I applauded the crowd by their decision to spare my life. They placed me in the cell, the medic asked if I required any medical attention, but I knew I could not use any of it, I asked him to give me the needle and the twine so that I can fix my wounds by myself, Marcus assisted me by stitching my wounds. I was badly wounded but would make it to the next battle.

  I was recovering but the wounds was not fully healed, the 40th day arrived and Marcus up next. No Gladiator has ever beaten a 220 lb Jaguar at the Gladiator Games. Marcus was confident that he would kill this Jaguar; he made jokes saying that we all would dine with him tonight as he cooked the beast for us. The Jaguar was beautiful and huge, the exotic animal made the show more likable and the crowd loved it calling this Gladiator Games the best ever, he entered the arena wearing his Lion skin the Jaguar was already on the arena g
rounds waiting for Marcus, the Beast walked up and down the Colosseum walls, it looked as if it was planning its attack, then out of nowhere the Jaguar stormed Marcus, he threw his net as to cover the head of the Jaguar but he was to slow, the jaguar caught him biting on his neck closing his airway, whilst dragging Marcus over the Arena. Marcus was killed the Beast called Jaguar was still unbeaten in the arena. The crowd was shocked by the sight, the Jaguar was speared as to retain the body of the Gladiator, the Jaguar was near dead when Emperor Nero entered the Arena carrying his sword in his hand, he would slay the Beast. He stuck his sword into the chest right through the heart of the Jaguar and killing it. He lifted up his sword at the crowd and yelled “the beast slaying Emperor” the crowd just laughed at him as he walked off the arena back to his seat “I will show them I will fight a real Gladiator and kill him” he told Emperor Julius.

  The Gladiator Games schedule - Round 5:

  I would fight on the 43rd day against Decimus.

  Marcus was dead and my wounds were almost