Read Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France Page 68



  M. de Rosny had risen from my side and started on his journey when Iopened my eyes in the morning, and awoke to the memory of the taskwhich had been so strangely imposed upon me; and which might,according as the events of the next fortnight shaped themselves, raiseme to high position or put an end to my career. He had not forgottento leave a souvenir behind him, for I found beside my pillow ahandsome silver-mounted pistol, bearing the letter 'R.' and a coronet;nor had I more than discovered this instance of his kindness beforeSimon Fleix came in to tell me that M. de Rosny had left two hundredcrowns in his hands for me.

  'Any message with it?' I asked the lad.

  'Only that he had taken a keepsake in exchange,' Simon answered,opening the window as he spoke.

  In some wonder I began to search, but I could not discover thatanything was missing until I came to put on my doublet, when I foundthat the knot of ribbon which mademoiselle had flung to me at mydeparture from Rosny was gone from the inside of the breast, where Ihad pinned it for safety with a long thorn. The discovery that M. deRosny had taken this was displeasing to me on more than one account.In the first place, whether mademoiselle had merely wished to plagueme (as was most probable) or not, I was loth to lose it, my day forladies' favours being past and gone; in the second, I misdoubted themotive which had led him to purloin it, and tormented myself withthinking of the different constructions he might put upon it, and thedisparaging view of my trustworthiness which it might lead him totake. I blamed myself much for my carelessness in leaving it where achance eye might rest upon it; and more when, questioning Simonfurther, I learned that M. de Rosny had added, while mounting at thedoor, 'Tell your master, safe bind, safe find; and a careless lovermakes a loose mistress.'

  I felt my cheek burn in a manner unbecoming my years while Simon withsome touch of malice repeated this; and I made a vow on the spot,which I kept until I was tempted to break it, to have no more to dowith such trifles. Meanwhile, I had to make the best of it; andbrisking up, and bidding Simon, who seemed depressed by the baron'sdeparture, brisk up also, I set about my preparations for making sucha figure at Court as became me: procuring a black velvet suit, and acap and feather to match; item, a jewelled clasp to secure thefeather; with a yard or two of lace and two changes of fine linen.

  Simon had grown sleek at Rosny, and losing something of the wildnesswhich had marked him, presented in the dress M. de Rosny had given hima very creditable appearance; being also, I fancy, the only equerry inBlois who could write. A groom I engaged on the recommendation of Rambouillet's master of the horse; and I gave out also that Irequired a couple of valets. It needed only an hour under the barber'shands and a set of new trappings for the Cid to enable me to make afair show, such as might be taken to indicate a man of ten or twelvethousand livres a year.

  In this way I expended a hundred and fifteen crowns. Reflecting thatthis was a large sum, and that I must keep some money for play, I wasglad to learn that in the crowded state of the city even men with highrank were putting up with poor lodging; I determined, therefore, tocombine economy with a scheme which I had in my head by taking therooms in which my mother died, with one room below them. This I did,hiring such furniture as I needed, which was not a great deal. ToSimon Fleix, whose assistance in these matters was invaluable, Ipassed on much of M. de Rosny's advice, bidding him ruffle it with thebest in his station, and inciting him to labour for my advancement bypromising to make his fortune whenever my own should be assured. Ihoped, indeed, to derive no little advantage from the quickness of witwhich had attracted M. de Rosny's attention; although I did not failto take into account at the same time that the lad was wayward andfitful, prone at one time to depression, and at another to giddiness,and equally uncertain in either mood.

  M. de Rambouillet being unable to attend the _levee_, had appointed meto wait upon him at six in the evening; at which hour I presentedmyself at his lodgings, attended by Simon Fleix. I found him in themidst of half a dozen gentlemen whose habit it was to attend him uponall public occasions; and these gallants, greeting me with the samecurious and suspicious glances which I have seen hounds bestow on astrange dog introduced into their kennel, I was speedily made to feelthat it is one thing to have business at Court, and another to be wellreceived there.

  M. de Rambouillet, somewhat to my surprise, did nothing to remove thisimpression. On all ordinary occasions a man of stiff and haughtybearing, and thoroughly disliking, though he could not prevent, theintrusion of a third party into a transaction which promised aninfinity of credit, he received me so coldly and with so much reserveas for the moment to dash my spirits and throw me back on myself.

  During the journey to the castle, however, which we performed on foot,attended by half a dozen armed servants bearing torches, I had time torecall M. de Rosny's advice, and to bethink me of the intimacy whichthat great man had permitted me; with so much effect in the way ofheartening me, that as we crossed the courtyard of the castle Iadvanced myself, not without some murmuring on the part of others, toRambouillet's elbow, considering that as I was attached to him by theking's command, this was my proper place. I had no desire to quarrel,however, and persisted for some time in disregarding the nudges andmuttered words which were exchanged round me, and even the effortswhich were made as we mounted the stairs to oust me from my position.But a young gentleman, who showed himself very forward in theseattempts, presently stumbling against me, I found it necessary to lookat him.

  'Sir,' he said, in a small and lisping voice, 'you trod on my toe.'

  Though I had not done so, I begged his pardon very politely. But ashis only acknowledgment of this courtesy consisted in an attempt toget his knee in front of mine--we were mounting very slowly, thestairs being cumbered with a multitude of servants, who stood oneither hand--I did tread on his toe, with a force and directness whichmade him cry out.

  'What is the matter?' Rambouillet asked, looking back hastily.

  'Nothing, M. le Marquis,' I answered, pressing on steadfastly.

  'Sir,' my young friend said again, in the same lisping voice, 'youtrod on my toe.'

  'I believe I did, sir,' I answered.

  'You have not yet apologised,' he murmured gently in my ear.

  'Nay, there you are wrong,' I rejoined bluntly, 'for it is always myhabit to apologise first and tread afterwards.'

  He smiled as at a pleasant joke; and I am bound to say that hisbearing was so admirable that if he had been my son I could havehugged him. 'Good!' he answered. 'No doubt your sword is as sharp asyour wits, sir. I see,' he continued, glancing naively at my oldscabbard--he was himself the very gem of a courtier, a slender youthwith a pink-and-white complexion, a dark line for a moustache, and apearl-drop in his ear--'it is longing to be out. Perhaps you will takea turn in the tennis-court to-morrow?'

  'With pleasure, sir,' I answered, 'if you have a father, or your elderbrother is grown up.'

  What answer he would have made to this gibe I do not know, for at thatmoment we reached the door of the antechamber; and this being narrow,and a sentry in the grey uniform of the Swiss Guard compelling all toenter in single file, my young friend was forced to fall back, leavingme free to enter alone, and admire at my leisure a scene at oncebrilliant and sombre.

  The Court being in mourning for the Queen-mother, black predominatedin the dresses of those present, and set off very finely the gleamingjewels and gemmed sword-hilts which were worn by the more importantpersonages. The room was spacious and lofty, hung with arras, and litby candles burning in silver sconces; it rang as we entered with theshrill screaming of a parrot, which was being teased by a groupoccupying the farther of the two hearths. Near them play was going onat one table, and primero at a second. In a corner were three or fourladies, in a circle about a red-faced, plebeian-looking man, who wasplaying at forfeits with one of their number; while the middle of theroom seemed dominated by a middle-sized man with a pec
uliarly inflamedand passionate countenance, who, seated on a table, was inveighingagainst someone or something in the most violent terms, his languagebeing interlarded with all kinds of strange and forcible oaths. Two orthree gentlemen, who had the air of being his followers, stood abouthim, listening between submission and embarrassment; while beside thenearer fireplace, but at some distance from him, lounged a nobleman,very richly dressed, and wearing on his breast the Cross of the HolyGhost; who seemed to be the object of his invective, but affecting toignore it was engaged in conversation with a companion. A bystandermuttering that Crillon had been drinking, I discovered with immensesurprise that the declaimer on the table was that famous soldier; andI was still looking at him in wonder--for I had been accustomed all mylife to associate courage with modesty---when, the door of the chambersuddenly opening, a general movement in that direction took place.Crillon, disregarding all precedency, sprang from his table andhurried first to the threshold. The Baron de Biron, on the otherhand--for the gentleman by the fire was no other--waited, in apparentignorance of the slight which was being put upon him, until M. deRambouillet came up; then he went forward with him. Keeping close tomy patron's elbow, I entered the chamber immediately behind him.

  Crillon had already seized upon the king, and, when we entered, wasstating his grievance in a voice not much lower than that which he hadused outside. M. de Biron, seeing this, parted from the marquis, and,going aside with his former companion, sat down on a trunk against thewall; while Rambouillet, followed by myself and three or fourgentlemen of his train, advanced to the king, who was standing nearthe alcove. His Majesty seeing him, and thankful, I think, for theexcuse, waved Crillon off. 'Tut, tut! You told me all that thismorning,' he said good-naturedly. 'And here is Rambouillet, who has, Ihope, something fresh to tell. Let him speak to me. Sanctus! Don'tlook at me as if you would run me through, man. Go and quarrel withsomeone of your own size.'

  Crillon at this retired grumbling, and Henry, who had just risen fromprimero with the Duke of Nevers, nodded to Rambouillet. 'Well, myfriend, anything fresh?' he cried. He was more at his ease and lookedmore cheerful than at our former interview; yet still care andsuspicion lurked about his peevish mouth, and in the hollows under hisgloomy eyes. 'A new guest, a new face, or a new game--which have youbrought?'

  'In a sense, sire, a new face,' the marquis answered, bowing, andstanding somewhat aside that I might have place.

  'Well, I cannot say much for the pretty baggage,' quoth the kingquickly. And amid a general titter he extended his hand to me. 'I'llbe sworn, though,' he continued, as I rose from my knee, 'that youwant something, my friend?'

  'Nay, sire,' I answered, holding up my head boldly--for Cillon'sbehaviour had been a further lesson to me--'I have, by your leave, theadvantage. For your Majesty has supplied me with a new jest. I seemany new faces round me, and I have need only of a new game. If yourMajesty would be pleased to grant me----'

  'There! Said I not so?' cried the king, raising his hand with a laugh.'He does want something. But he seems not undeserving. What does hepray, Rambouillet?'

  'A small command,' M. de Rambouillet answered, readily playing hispart. 'And your Majesty would oblige me if you could grant the Sieurde Marsac's petition. I will answer for it he is a man of experience.

  'Chut! A small command?' Henry ejaculated, sitting down suddenly inapparent ill-humour. 'It is what everyone wants--when they do not wantbig ones. Still, I suppose,' he continued, taking up a comfit-box,which lay beside him, and opening it, 'if you do not get what you wantfor him you will sulk like the rest, my friend.'

  'Your Majesty has never had cause to complain of me,' quoth themarquis, forgetting his _role_, or too proud to play it.

  'Tut, tut, tut, tut! Take it, and trouble me no more,' the kingrejoined. 'Will pay for twenty men do for him? Very well then. There,M. de Marsac,' he continued, nodding at me and yawning, 'your requestis granted. You will find some other pretty baggages over there. Go tothem. And now, Rambouillet,' he went on, resuming his spirits as heturned to matters of more importance, 'here is a new sweetmeat Zamethas sent me. I have made Zizi sick with it. Will you try it? It isflavoured with white mulberries.'

  Thus dismissed, I fell back; and stood for a moment, at a loss whitherto turn, in the absence of either friends or acquaintances. HisMajesty, it is true, had bidden me go to certain pretty baggages,meaning, apparently, five ladies who were seated at the farther end ofthe room, diverting themselves with as many cavaliers; but thecompactness of this party, the beauty of the ladies, and the merrypeals of laughter which proceeded from them, telling of a wit andvivacity beyond the ordinary, sapped the resolution which had borne mewell hitherto. I felt that to attack such a phalanx, even with aking's good will, was beyond the daring of a Crillon, and I lookedround to see whether I could not amuse myself in some more modestfashion.

  The material was not lacking. Crillon, still mouthing out his anger,strode up and down in front of the trunk on which M. de Biron wasseated; but the latter was, or affected to be, asleep. 'Crillon is forever going into rages now,' a courtier beside me whispered.

  'Yes,' his fellow answered, with a shrug of the shoulder; 'it is apity there is no one to tame him. But he has such a long reach,morbleu!'

  'It is not that so much as the fellow's fury,' the first speakerrejoined under his breath. 'He fights like a mad thing; fencing is nouse against him.'

  The other nodded. For a moment the wild idea of winning renown bytaming M. de Crillon occurred to me as I stood alone in the middle ofthe floor; but it had not more than passed through my brain when Ifelt my elbow touched, and turned to find the young gentleman whom Ihad encountered on the stairs standing by my side.

  'Sir,' he lisped, in the same small voice, 'I think you trod on my toea while ago?'

  I stared at him, wondering what he meant by this absurd repetition.'Well, sir,' I answered drily, 'and if I did?'

  'Perhaps,' he said, stroking his chin with his jewelled fingers,'pending our meeting to-morrow, you would allow me to consider it as akind of introduction?'

  'If it please you,' I answered, bowing stiffly, and wondering what hewould be at.

  'Thank you,' he answered. 'It does please me, under the circumstances;for there is a lady here who desires a word with you. I took up herchallenge. Will you follow me?'

  He bowed, and turned in his languid fashion. I, turning too, saw, withsecret dismay, that the five ladies, referred to above, were all nowgazing at me, as expecting my approach; and this with such sportiveglances as told only too certainly of some plot already in progress orsome trick to be presently played me. Yet I could not see that I hadany choice save to obey, and, following my leader with as much dignityas I could compass, I presently found myself bowing before the ladywho sat nearest, and who seemed to be the leader of these nymphs.

  'Nay, sir,' she said, eyeing me curiously, yet with a merry face, 'Ido not need you; I do not look so high!'

  Turning in confusion to the next, I was surprised to see before me thelady whose lodging I had invaded in my search for Mademoiselle de laVire--she, I mean, who, having picked up the velvet knot, had droppedit so providentially where Simon Fleix found it. She looked at me,blushing and laughing, and the young gentleman, who had done hererrand, presenting me by name, she asked me, while the otherslistened, whether I had found my mistress.

  Before I could answer, the lady to whom I had first addressed myselfinterposed. 'Stop, sir!' she cried. 'What is this--a tale, a jest, agame, or a forfeit?'

  'An adventure, madam,' I answered, bowing low.

  'Of gallantry, I'll be bound,' she exclaimed. 'Fie, Madame de Bruhl,and you but six months married!'

  Madame de Bruhl protested, laughing, that she had no more to do withit than Mercury. 'At the worst,' she said, 'I carried the _poulets!_But I can assure you, duchess, this gentleman should be able to tellus a very fine story, if he would.'

  The duchess and all the other ladies clapping their hands at this, andcrying out that the story must and should be
told, I found myself in aprodigious quandary; and one wherein my wits derived as littleassistance as possible from the bright eyes and saucy looks whichenvironed me. Moreover, the commotion attracting other listeners, Ifound my position, while I tried to extricate myself, growing eachmoment worse, so that I began to fear that as I had little imaginationI should perforce have to tell the truth. The mere thought of thisthrew me into a cold perspiration, lest I should let slip something ofconsequence, and prove myself unworthy of the trust which M. de Rosnyhad reposed in me.

  At the moment when, despairing of extricating myself, I was stoopingover Madame de Bruhl begging her to assist me, I heard, amid the babelof laughter and raillery which surrounded me--certain of the courtiershaving already formed hands in a circle and sworn I should not departwithout satisfying the ladies--a voice which struck a chord in mymemory. I turned to see who the speaker was, and encountered no otherthan M. de Bruhl himself; who, with a flushed and angry face, waslistening to the explanation which a friend was pouring into his ear.Standing at the moment with my knee on Madame de Bruhl's stool, andremembering very well the meeting on the stairs, I conceived in aflash that the man was jealous; but whether he had yet heard my name,or had any clew to link me with the person who had rescuedMademoiselle de la Vire from his clutches, I could not tell.Nevertheless his presence led my thoughts into a new channel. Thedetermination to punish him began to take form in my mind, and veryquickly I regained my composure. Still I was for giving him onechance. Accordingly I stooped once more to Madame de Bruhl's ear, andbegged her to spare me the embarrassment of telling my tale. But then,finding her pitiless, as I expected, and the rest of the companygrowing more and more insistent, I hardened my heart to go throughwith the fantastic notion which had occurred to me.

  Indicating by a gesture that I was prepared to obey, and the duchesscrying for a hearing, this was presently obtained, the sudden silenceadding the king himself to my audience. 'What is it?' he asked, comingup effusively, with a lap-dog in his arms. 'A new scandal, eh?'

  'No, sire, a new tale-teller,' the duchess answered pertly. 'If yourMajesty will sit, we shall hear him the sooner.'

  He pinched her ear and sat down in the chair which a page presented.'What? is it Rambouillet's _grison_ again?' he said with somesurprise. 'Well, fire away, man. But who brought you forward as aRabelais?'

  There was a general cry of 'Madame de Bruhl!' whereat that lady shookher fair hair about her face, and cried out for someone to bring her amask.

  'Ha, I see!' said the king drily, looking pointedly at M. de Bruhl,who was as black as thunder. 'But go on, man.'

  The king's advent, by affording me a brief respite, had enabled me tocollect my thoughts, and, disregarding the ribald interruptions, whichat first were frequent, I began as follows: 'I am no Rabelais, sire,'I said, 'but droll things happen to the most unlikely. Once upon atime it was the fortune of a certain swain, whom I will call Dromio,to arrive in a town not a hundred miles from Blois, having in hiscompany a nymph of great beauty, who had been entrusted to his care byher parents. He had not more than lodged her in his apartments,however, before she was decoyed away by a trick, and borne off againsther will by a young gallant, who had seen her and been smitten by hercharms. Dromio, returning, and finding his mistress gone, gave way tothe most poignant grief. He ran up and down the city, seeking her inevery place, and filling all places with his lamentations; but for atime in vain, until chance led him to a certain street, where, in analmost incredible manner, he found a clew to her by discoveringunderfoot a knot of velvet, bearing Phyllida's name wrought on it indelicate needlework, with the words, "A moi!"'

  'Sanctus!' cried the king, amid a general murmur of surprise, 'that iswell devised! Proceed, sir. Go on like that, and we will make yourtwenty men twenty-five.'

  'Dromio,' I continued, 'at sight of this trifle experienced the mostdiverse emotions, for while he possessed in it a clew to hismistress's fate, he had still to use it so as to discover the placewhither she had been hurried. It occurred to him at last to begin hissearch with the house before which the knot had lain. Ascendingaccordingly to the second-floor, he found there a fair lady recliningon a couch, who started up in affright at his appearance. He hastenedto reassure her, and to explain the purpose of his coming, and learnedafter a conversation with which I will not trouble your Majesty,though it was sufficiently diverting, that the lady had found thevelvet knot in another part of the town, and had herself dropped itagain in front of her own house.'

  'Pourquoi?' the king asked, interrupting me.

  'The swain, sire,' I answered, 'was too much taken up with his owntroubles to bear that in mind, even if he learned it. But thisdelicacy did not save him from misconception, for as he descended fromthe lady's apartment he met her husband on the stairs.'

  'Good!' the king exclaimed, rubbing his hands in glee. 'The husband!'And under cover of the gibe and the courtly laugh which followed it Bruhl's start of surprise passed unnoticed save by me.

  'The husband,' I resumed, 'seeing a stranger descending his staircase,was for stopping him and learning the reason of his presence; butDromio, whose mind was with Phyllida, refused to stop, and, evadinghis questions, hurried to the part of the town where the lady had toldhim she found the velvet knot. Here, sire, at the corner of a lanerunning between garden-walls, he found a great house, barred andgloomy, and well adapted to the abductor's purpose. Moreover, scanningit on every side, he presently discovered, tied about the bars of anupper window, a knot of white linen, the very counterpart of thatvelvet one which he bore in his breast. Thus he knew that the nymphwas imprisoned in that room!'

  'I will make, it twenty-five, as I am a good Churchman!' his Majestyexclaimed, dropping the little dog he was nursing into the duchess'slap, and taking out his comfit-box. 'Rambouillet,' he added languidly,'your friend is a treasure!'

  I bowed my acknowledgments, and took occasion as I did so to step apace aside, so as to command a view of Madame de Bruhl, as well as herhusband. Hitherto madame, willing to be accounted a part in so prettya romance, and ready enough also, unless I was mistaken, to cause herhusband a little mild jealousy, had listened to the story with acertain sly demureness. But this I foresaw would not last long; and Ifelt something like compunction as the moment for striking the blowapproached. But I had now no choice. 'The best is yet to come, sire,'I went on, 'as I think you will acknowledge in a moment. Dromio,though he had discovered his mistress, was still in the depths ofdespair. He wandered round and round the house, seeking ingress andfinding none, until at length, sunset approaching, and darknessredoubling his fears for the nymph, fortune took pity on him. As hestood in front of the house he saw the abductor come out, lighted bytwo servants. Judge of his surprise, sire,' I continued, looking roundand speaking slowly, to give full effect to my words, 'when herecognised in him no other than the husband of the lady who, bypicking up and again dropping the velvet knot, had contributed so muchto the success of his search!'

  'Ha! these husbands!' cried the king. And slapping his knee in anecstasy at his own acuteness, he laughed in his seat till he rolledagain. 'These husbands! Did I not say so?'

  The whole Court gave way to like applause, and clapped their hands aswell, so that few save those who stood nearest took notice of Madamede Bruhl's faint cry, and still fewer understood why she rose upsuddenly from her stool and stood gazing at her husband with burningcheeks and clenched hands. She took no heed of me, much less of thelaughing crowd round her, but looked only at him with her soul in hereyes. He, after uttering one hoarse curse, seemed to have no thoughtfor any but me. To have the knowledge that his own wife had baulkedhim brought home to him in this mocking fashion, to find how little athing had tripped him that day, to learn how blindly he had playedinto the hands of fate, above all to be exposed at once to his wife'sresentment and the ridicule of the Court--for he could not be surethat I should not the next moment disclose his name--all so wrought onhim that for a moment I thought he would strike me in the presence.

His rage, indeed, did what I had not meant to do. For the king,catching sight of his face, and remembering that Madame de Bruhl hadelicited the story, screamed suddenly, 'Haro!' and pointed ruthlesslyat him with his finger. After that I had no need to speak, the storyleaping from eye to eye, and every eye settling on Bruhl, who soughtin vain to compose his features. Madame, who surpassed him, as womencommonly do surpass men, in self-control, was the first to recoverherself, and sitting down as quickly as she had risen, confrontedalike her husband and her rivals with a pale smile.

  For a moment curiosity and excitement kept all breathless, the eyealone busy. Then the king laughed mischievously. 'Come, M. de Bruhl,'he cried, 'perhaps you will finish the tale for us?' And he threwhimself back in his chair, a sneer on his lips.

  'Or why not Madame de Bruhl?' said the duchess, with her head on oneside and her eyes glittering over her fan. 'Madame would, I am sure,tell it so well.'

  But madame only shook her head, smiling always that forced smile. ForBruhl himself, glaring from face to face like a bull about to charge,I have never seen a man more out of countenance, or more completelybrought to bay. His discomposure, exposed as he was to the ridicule ofall present, was such that the presence in which he stood scarcelyhindered him from some violent attack; and his eyes, which hadwandered from me at the king's word, presently returning to me again,he so far forgot himself as to raise his hand furiously, uttering atthe same time a savage oath.

  The king cried out angrily, 'Have a care, sir!' But Bruhl only heededthis so far as to thrust aside those who stood round him and push hisway hurriedly through the circle.

  'Arnidieu!' cried the king, when he was gone. 'This is fine conduct! Ihave half a mind to send after him and have him put where his hotblood would cool a little. Or----'

  He stopped abruptly, his eyes resting on me. The relative positions ofBruhl and myself as the agents of Rosny and Turenne occurred to himfor the first time, I think, and suggested the idea, perhaps, that Ihad laid a trap for him, and that he had fallen into it. At any ratehis face grew darker and darker, and at last, 'A nice kettle of fishthis is you have prepared for us, sir!' he muttered, gazing at megloomily.

  The sudden change in his humour took even courtiers by surprise. Facesa moment before broad with smiles grew long again. The less importantpersonages looked uncomfortably at one another, and with one accordfrowned on me. 'If your Majesty would please to hear the end of thestory at another time?' I suggested humbly, beginning to wish with allmy heart that I had never said a word.

  'Chut!' he answered, rising, his face still betraying hisperturbation. 'Well, be it so. For the present you may go, sir.Duchess, give me Zizi, and come to my closet. I want you to see mypuppies. Retz, my good friend, do you come too. I have something tosay to you. Gentlemen, you need not wait. It is likely I shall belate.'

  And, with the utmost abruptness, he broke up the circle.