Read Historical Romances: Under the Red Robe, Count Hannibal, A Gentleman of France Page 84



  On the following day, accordingly, we started. But the news of the twokings' successes, and particularly the certainty which these had bredin many minds that nothing short of a miracle could save Paris, hadmoved so many gentlemen to take the road that we found the innscrowded beyond example, and were frequently forced into meetings whichmade the task of concealing our identity more difficult and hazardousthan I had expected. Sometimes shelter was not to be obtained on anyterms, and then we had to lie in the fields or in any convenient shed.Moreover, the passage of the army had swept the country so bare bothof food and forage, that these commanded astonishing prices; and along day's ride more than once brought us to our destination withoutsecuring for us the ample meal we had earned, and required.

  Under these circumstances, it was with joy little short of transportthat I recognised the marvellous change which had come over mymistress. Bearing all without a murmur, or a frown, or so much as onecomplaining word, she acted on numberless occasions so as to convinceme that she spoke truly--albeit I scarcely dared to believe it--whenshe said that she had but one trouble in the world, and that was theprospect of our coming separation.

  For my part, and despite some gloomy moments, when fear of the futureovercame me, I rode in Paradise riding by my mistress. It was herpresence which glorified alike the first freshness of the morning,when we started with all the day before us, and the coolness of thelate evening, when we rode hand-in-hand. Nor could I believe withoutan effort that I was the same Gaston de Marsac whom she had oncespurned and disdained. God knows I was thankful for her love. Athousand times, thinking of my grey hairs, I asked her if she did notrepent; and a thousand times she answered No, with so much happinessin her eyes that I was fain to thank God again and believe her.

  Notwithstanding the inconvenience of the practice, we made it a ruleto wear our masks whenever we appeared in public; and this rule wekept more strictly as we approached Paris. It exposed us to somecomment and more curiosity, but led to no serious trouble until wereached Etampes, twelve leagues from the capital; where we found theprincipal inn so noisy and crowded, and so much disturbed by theconstant coming and going of couriers, that it required no experienceto predicate the neighbourhood of the army. The great courtyard seemedto be choked with a confused mass of men and horses, through which wemade our way with difficulty. The windows of the house were all open,and offered us a view of tables surrounded by men eating and drinkinghastily, as the manner of travellers is. The gateway and the steps ofthe house were lined with troopers and servants and sturdy rogues; whoscanned all who passed in or out, and not unfrequently followed themwith ribald jests and nicknames. Songs and oaths, brawling andlaughter, with the neighing of horses and the huzzas of the beggars,who shouted whenever a fresh party arrived, rose above all, andincreased the reluctance with which I assisted madame and mademoiselleto dismount.

  Simon was no match for such an occasion as this; but the stalwartaspect of the three men whom Maignan had left with me commandedrespect, and attended by two of these I made a way for the ladies--notwithout some opposition and a few oaths--to enter the house. Thelandlord, whom we found crushed into a corner inside, and entirelyoverborne by the crowd which had invaded his dwelling, assured me thathe had not the smallest garret he could place at my disposal; but Ipresently succeeded in finding a small room at the top, which Ipurchased from the four men who had taken possession of it. As it wasimpossible to get anything to eat there, I left a man on guard, andmyself descended with madame and mademoiselle to the eating-room, alarge chamber set with long boards, and filled with a rough and noisycrew. Under a running fire of observations we entered, and found withdifficulty three seats in an inner corner of the room.

  I ran my eye over the company, and noticed among them, besides a dozentravelling parties like our own, specimens of all those classes whichare to be found in the rear of an army. There were some officers andmore horse-dealers; half a dozen forage-agents and a few priests; witha large sprinkling of adventurers, bravos, and led-captains, and hereand there two or three whose dress and the deference paid to them bytheir neighbours seemed to indicate a higher rank. Conspicuous amongthese last were a party of four who occupied a small table by thedoor. An attempt had been made to secure some degree of privacy forthem by interposing a settle between them and the room; and theirattendants, who seemed to be numerous, did what they could to add tothis by filling the gap with their persons. One of the four, a man ofhandsome dress and bearing, who sat in the place of honour, wasmasked, as we were. The gentleman at his right hand I could not see.The others, whom I could see, were strangers to me.

  Some time elapsed before our people succeeded in procuring us anyfood, and during the interval we were exposed to an amount of commenton the part of those round us which I found very little to my liking.There were not half a dozen women present, and this and our masksrendered my companions unpleasantly conspicuous. Aware, however, ofthe importance of avoiding an altercation which might possibly detainus, and would be certain to add to our notoriety, I remained quiet;and presently the entrance of a tall, dark-complexioned man, whocarried himself with a peculiar swagger, and seemed to be famous forsomething or other, diverted the attention of the company from us.

  The new-comer was somewhat of Maignan's figure. He wore a back andbreast over a green doublet, and had an orange feather in his cap andan orange-lined cloak on his shoulder. On entering he stood a momentin the doorway, letting his bold black eyes rove round the room, thewhile he talked in a loud braggart fashion to his companions. Therewas a lack of breeding in the man's air, and something offensive inhis look; which I noticed produced wherever it rested a momentarysilence and constraint. When he moved farther into the room I saw thathe wore a very long sword, the point of which trailed a foot behindhim.

  He chose out for his first attentions the party of four whom I havementioned; going up to them and accosting them with a ruffling air,directed especially to the gentleman in the mask. The latter liftedhis head haughtily on finding himself addressed by a stranger, but didnot offer to answer. Someone else did, however, for a sudden bellowlike that of an enraged bull proceeded from behind the settle. Thewords were lost in noise, the unseen speaker's anger seeming sooverpowering that he could not articulate; but the tone and voice,which were in some way familiar to me, proved enough for the bully,who, covering his retreat with a profound bow, backed out rapidly,muttering what was doubtless an apology. Cocking his hat more fiercelyto make up for this repulse, he next proceeded to patrol the room,scowling from side to side as he went, with the evident intention ofpicking a quarrel with someone less formidable.

  By ill-chance his eye lit, as he turned, on our masks. He saidsomething to his companions; and encouraged, no doubt, by the positionof our seats at the board, which led him to think us people of smallconsequence, he came to a stop opposite us.

  'What! more dukes here?' he cried scoffingly. 'Hallo, you sir!' hecontinued to me, 'will you not unmask and drink a glass with me?'

  I thanked him civilly, but declined.

  His insolent eyes were busy, while I spoke, with madame's fair hairand handsome figure, which her mask failed to hide. 'Perhaps theladies will have better taste, sir,' he said rudely. 'Will they nothonour us with a sight of their pretty faces?'

  Knowing the importance of keeping my temper I put constraint onmyself, and answered, still with civility, that they were greatlyfatigued and were about to retire.

  'Zounds!' he cried, 'that is not to be borne. If we are to lose themso soon, the more reason we should enjoy their _beaux yeux_ while wecan. A short life and a merry one, sir. This is not a nunnery, nor, Idare swear, are your fair friends nuns.'

  Though I longed to chastise him for this insult, I feigned deafness,and went on with my meal as if I had not heard him; and the tablebeing between us prevented him going beyond words. After he haduttered one or two coarse jests of a similar chara
cter, which cost usless as we were masked, and our emotions could only be guessed, thecrowd about us, seeing I took the thing quietly, began to applaud him;but more as it seemed to me out of fear than love. In this opinion Iwas presently confirmed on hearing from Simon--who whispered theinformation in my ear as he handed a dish--that the fellow was anItalian captain in the king's pay, famous for his skill with the swordand the many duels in which he had displayed it.

  Mademoiselle, though she did not know this, bore with his insolencewith a patience which astonished me; while madame appeared unconsciousof it. Nevertheless, I was glad when he retired and left us in peace.I seized the moment of his absence to escort the ladies through theroom and upstairs to their apartment, the door of which I saw lockedand secured. That done I breathed more freely; and feeling thankfulthat I had been able to keep my temper, took the episode to be at anend.

  But in this I was mistaken, as I found when I returned to the room inwhich we had supped, my intention being to go through it to thestables. I had not taken two paces across the floor before I found myroad blocked by the Italian, and read alike in his eyes and in thefaces of the company--of whom many hastened to climb the tables to seewhat passed--that the meeting was premeditated. The man's face wasflushed with wine; proud of his many victories, he eyed me with aboastful contempt my patience had perhaps given him the right to feel.

  'Ha! well met, sir,' he said, sweeping the floor with his cap in anexaggeration of respect, 'now, perhaps, your high-mightiness willcondescend to unmask? The table is no longer between us, nor are yourfair friends here to protect their _cher ami!_'

  'If I still refuse, sir,' I said civilly, wavering between anger andprudence, and hoping still to avoid a quarrel which might endanger usall, 'be good enough to attribute it to private motives, and to nodesire to disoblige you.'

  'No, I do not think you wish to disoblige me,' he answered, laughingscornfully--and a dozen voices echoed the gibe. 'But for your privatemotives, the devil take them! Is that plain enough, sir?'

  'It is plain enough to show me that you are an ill-bred man!' Ianswered, choler getting the better of me. 'Let me pass, sir.'

  'Unmask!' he retorted, moving so as still to detain me, 'or shall Icall in the grooms to perform the office for you?'

  Seeing at last that all my attempts to evade the man only fed hisvanity, and encouraged him to further excesses, and that the motleycrowd, who filled the room and already formed a circle round us, hadmade up their minds to see sport, I would no longer balk them; I couldno longer do it, indeed, with honour. I looked round, therefore, forsomeone whom I might enlist as my second, but I saw no one with whom Ihad the least acquaintance. The room was lined from table to ceilingwith mocking faces and scornful eyes all turned to me.

  My opponent saw the look, and misread it; being much accustomed, Iimagine, to a one-sided battle. He laughed contemptuously. 'No, myfriend, there is no way out of it,' he said. 'Let me see your prettyface, or fight.'

  'So be it,' I said quietly. 'If I have no other choice, I will fight.'

  'In your mask?' he cried incredulously.

  'Yes,' I said sternly, feeling every nerve tingle with long-suppressedrage. 'I will fight as I am. Off with your back and breast, if you area man. And I will so deal with you that if you see to-morrow's sun youshall need a mask for the rest of your days!'

  'Ho! ho!' he answered, scowling at me in surprise, 'you sing in adifferent key now. But I will put a term to it. There is space enoughbetween these tables, if you can use your weapon; and much more thanyou will need tomorrow.'

  'To-morrow will show,' I retorted.

  Without more ado he unfastened the buckles of his breast-piece, andrelieving himself of it, stepped back a pace. Those of the bystanderswho occupied the part of the room he indicated--a space bounded byfour tables, and not unfit for the purpose, though somewhatconfined--hastened to get out of it, and seize instead uponneighbouring posts of 'vantage. The man's reputation was such, and hisfame so great, that on all sides I heard naught but wagers offeredagainst me at odds; but this circumstance, which might have flurried ayounger man and numbed his arm, served only to set me on making themost of such openings as the fellow's presumption and certainty ofsuccess would be sure to afford.

  The news of the challenge running through the house had broughttogether by this time so many people as to fill the room from end toend, and even to obscure the light, which was beginning to wane. Atthe last moment, when we were on the point of engaging, a slightcommotion marked the admission to the front of three or four persons,whose consequence or attendants gained them this advantage. I believedthem to be the party of four I have mentioned, but at the time I couldnot be certain.

  In the few seconds of waiting while this went forward I examinedour relative positions with the fullest intention of killing theman--whose glittering eyes and fierce smile filled me with a loathingwhich was very nearly hatred--if I could. The line of windows lay tomy right and his left. The evening light fell across us, whitening therow of faces on my left, but leaving those on my right in shadow. Itoccurred to me on the instant that my mask was actually an advantage,seeing that it protected my sight from the side-light, and enabled meto watch his eyes and point with more concentration.

  'You will be the twenty-third man I have killed!' he said boastfully,as we crossed swords and stood an instant on guard.

  'Take care!' I answered. 'You have twenty-three against you!'

  A swift lunge was his only answer. I parried it, and thrust, and wefell to work. We had not exchanged half a dozen blows, however, beforeI saw that I should need all the advantage which my mask and greatercaution gave me. I had met my match, and it might be something more;but that for a time it was impossible to tell. He had the longerweapon, and I the longer reach. He preferred the point, after the newItalian fashion, and I the blade. He was somewhat flushed with wine,while my arm had scarcely recovered the strength of which illness haddeprived me. On the other hand, excited at the first by the cries ofhis backers, he played rather wildly; while I held myself prepared,and keeping up a strong guard, waited cautiously for any opening ormistake on his part.

  The crowd round us, which had hailed our first passes with noisy criesof derision and triumph, fell silent after a while, surprised andtaken aback by their champion's failure to spit me at the firstonslaught. My reluctance to engage had led them to predict a shortfight and an easy victory.

  Convinced of the contrary, they began to watch each stroke with batedbreath; or now and again, muttering the name of Jarnac, broke intobrief exclamations as a blow more savage than usual drew sparks fromour blades, and made the rafters ring with the harsh grinding of steelon steel.

  The surprise of the crowd, however, was a small thing compared withthat of my adversary. Impatience, disgust, rage, and doubt chased oneanother in turn across his flushed features. Apprised that he had todo with a swordsman, he put forth all his power. With spite in hiseyes he laboured blow on blow, he tried one form of attack afteranother, he found me equal, if barely equal, to all. And then at lastthere came a change. The perspiration gathered on his brow, thesilence disconcerted him; he felt his strength failing under thestrain, and suddenly, I think, the possibility of defeat and death,unthought of before, burst upon him. I heard him groan, and for amoment he fenced wildly. Then he again recovered himself. But now Iread terror in his eyes, and knew that the moment of retribution wasat hand. With his back to the table, and my point threatening hisbreast, he knew at last what those others had felt!

  He would fain have stopped to breathe, but I would not let him thoughmy blows also were growing feeble, and my guard weaker; for I knewthat if I gave him time to recover himself he would have recourse toother tricks, and might out-man[oe]uvre me in the end. As it was, myblack unchanging mask, which always confronted him, which hid allemotions and veiled even fatigue, had grown to be full of terror tohim--full of blank, passionless menace. He could not tell how I fared,or what I thought, or how my strength stood. A superstitious dread wason hi
m, and threatened to overpower him. Ignorant who I was or whenceI came, he feared and doubted, grappling with monstrous suspicions,which the fading light encouraged. His face broke out in blotches, hisbreath came and went in gasps, his eyes began to protrude. Once ortwice they quitted mine for a part of a second to steal a despairingglance at the rows of onlookers that ran to right and left of us. Buthe read no pity there.

  At last the end came--more suddenly than I had looked for it, but Ithink he was unnerved. His hand lost its grip of the hilt, and a parrywhich I dealt a little more briskly than usual sent the weapon flyingamong the crowd, as much to my astonishment as to that of thespectators. A volley of oaths and exclamations hailed the event; andfor a moment I stood at gaze, eyeing him watchfully. He shrank back;then he made for a moment as if he would fling himself upon me daggerin hand. But seeing my point steady, he recoiled a second time, hisface distorted with rage and fear.

  'Go!' I said sternly. 'Begone! Follow your sword! But spare the nextman you conquer.'

  He stared at me, fingering his dagger as if he did not understand, oras if in the bitterness of his shame at being so defeated even lifewere unwelcome. I was about to repeat my words when a heavy hand fellon my shoulder.

  'Fool!' a harsh growling voice muttered in my ear. 'Do you want him toserve you as Achon served Matas? This is the way to deal with him.'

  And before I knew who spoke or what to expect a man vaulted over thetable beside me. Seizing the Italian by the neck and waist, he flunghim bodily--without paying the least regard to his dagger--into thecrowd. 'There!' the new-comer cried, stretching his arms as if theeffort had relieved him, 'so much for him! And do you breatheyourself. Breathe yourself, my friend,' he continued with avain-glorious air of generosity. 'When you are rested and ready, youand I will have a bout. Mon dieu! what a thing it is to see a man! Andby my faith you are a man!'

  'But, sir,' I said, staring at him in the utmost bewilderment, 'wehave no quarrel.'

  'Quarrel?' he cried in his loud, ringing voice. 'Heaven forbid! Whyshould we? I love a man, however, and when I see one I say to him, "Iam Crillon! Fight me!" But I see you are not yet rested. Patience!There is no hurry. Berthon de Crillon is proud to wait yourconvenience. In the meantime, gentlemen,' he continued, turning with agrand air to the spectators, who viewed this sudden _bouleversement_with unbounded surprise, 'let us do what we can. Take the word fromme, and cry all, "_Vive le Roi, et vive l'Inconnu!_"

  Like people awaking from a dream--so great was their astonishment--thecompany complied and with the utmost heartiness. When the shout diedaway, someone cried in turn, 'Vive Crillon!' and this was honouredwith a fervour which brought the tears to the eyes of that remarkableman, in whom bombast was so strangely combined with the firmest andmost reckless courage. He bowed again and again, turning himself aboutin the small space between the tables, while his face shone withpleasure and enthusiasm. Meanwhile I viewed him with perplexity. Icomprehended that it was his voice I had heard behind the settle; butI had neither the desire to fight him nor so great a reserve ofstrength after my illness as to be able to enter on a fresh contestwith equanimity. When he turned to me, therefore, and again asked,'Well, sir, are you ready?' I could think of no better answer thanthat I had already made to him, 'But, sir, I have no quarrel withyou.'

  'Tut, tut!' he answered querulously, 'if that is all, let us engage.'

  'That is not all, however,' I said, resolutely putting up my sword. 'Ihave not only no quarrel with M. de Crillon, but I received at hishands when I last saw him a considerable service.'

  'Then now is the time to return it,' he answered briskly, and as ifthat settled the matter.

  I could not refrain from laughing. 'Nay, but I have still an excuse,'I said. 'I am barely recovered from an illness, and am weak. Even so,I should be loth to decline a combat with some; but a better man thanI may give the wall to M. de Crillon and suffer no disgrace.'

  'Oh, if you put it that way--enough said,' he answered in a tone ofdisappointment. 'And, to be sure, the light is almost gone. That is acomfort. But you will not refuse to drink a cup of wine with me? Yourvoice I remember, though I cannot say who you are or what service Idid you. For the future, however, count on me. I love a man who isbrave as well as modest, and know no better friend than a stoutswordsman.'

  I was answering him in fitting terms--while the fickle crowd, which afew minutes earlier had been ready to tear me, viewed us from adistance with respectful homage--when the masked gentleman who hadbefore been in his company drew near and saluted me with muchstateliness.

  'I congratulate you, sir,' he said, in the easy tone of a great mancondescending. 'You use the sword as few use it, and fight with yourhead as well as your hands. Should you need a friend or employment,you will honour me by remembering that you are known to the Vicomte deTurenne.'

  I bowed low to hide the start which the mention of his name caused me.For had I tried, ay, and possessed to aid me all the wit of M. deBrantome, I could have imagined nothing more fantastic than thismeeting; or more entertaining than that I, masked, should talk withthe Vicomte de Turenne masked, and hear in place of reproaches andthreats of vengeance a civil offer of protection. Scarcely knowingwhether I should laugh or tremble, or which should occupy me more, thediverting thing that had happened or the peril we had barely escaped,I made shift to answer him, craving his indulgence if I stillpreserved my incognito. Even while I spoke a fresh fear assailed me:lest M. de Crillon, recognising my voice or figure, should cry my nameon the spot, and explode in a moment the mine on which we stood.

  This rendered me extremely impatient to be gone. But M. le Vicomte hadstill something to say, and I could not withdraw myself withoutrudeness.

  'You are travelling north like everyone else?' he said, gazing at mecuriously. 'May I ask whether you are for Meudon, where the King ofNavarre lies, or for the Court at St. Cloud?'

  I muttered, moving restlessly under his keen eyes, that I was forMeudon.

  'Then, if you care to travel with a larger company,' he rejoined,bowing with negligent courtesy, 'pray command me. I am for Meudonalso, and shall leave here three hours before noon.'

  Fortunately he took my assent to his gracious invitation for granted,and turned away before I had well begun to thank him. From Crillon Ifound it more difficult to escape. He appeared to have conceived agreat fancy for me, and felt also, I imagine, some curiosity as to myidentity. But I did even this at last, and, evading the obsequiousoffers which were made me on all sides, escaped to the stables, whereI sought out the Cid's stall, and lying down in the straw beside him,began to review the past, and plan the future. Under cover of thedarkness sleep soon came to me; my last waking thoughts being dividedbetween thankfulness for my escape and a steady purpose to reachMeudon before the Vicomte, so that I might make good my tale in hisabsence. For that seemed to be my only chance of evading the dangers Ihad chosen to encounter.