Read History's Shadow Beginnings: Alexander Page 2

  “So be it. Take the wolf. Raise him as one of your own. But I want to know how he develops.”

  “But of course.” Xanderick's eyes met his father's; though he said nothing, Xandero showed gratitude in his face that only another Dracara would see.

  “As for you, Xandero, do you deny the charges against you?”

  “I deny nothing.”

  “Then for your crimes of espionage, collaborating with the Kitsuné Klan and Sons of Sphinx, studying and using forbidden magic, abandoning your duties as Dracaran Representative of the High Council of Magic, and your undetermined role in the disappearance of the Green Eye of Atlantis, your seat on the Council is now stricken, and with it any rights, privileges, and authority such a position is entitled to. You are removed from your place among the Elders of Fire, and I hereby sentence you to death. May you find peace amongst your ancestors.”

  “I accept the consequences of my decisions.”

  The wizard's eyes glowed and the sky cracked open, unleashing a torrent of lightning bolts upon the bound Dracara. The roars of pain, drowned in roars of thunder, gave way to near silence as Xandero breathed his final smoke-filled breath.

  The pup wailed and fought against Nayani's branches. Xandero was a harsh father, but his mother and sister were little more than a memory in his young mind. This Dracara, though he beat him and yelled at him, was his pack. He provided food and shelter, taught him to hunt, and protected him from predators. The pup whined in his cage. The lightning subsided; the skies cleared. The slain Dracara twitched as the residual electric particles coursed through his body. Nayani released the pup, allowing him to crawl to Xandero’s side.

  The wizards nodded to each other and vanished as quickly as they had appeared.

  Nayani watched the pup whimper and lick Xandero's face. Xanderick showed little emotion as she laid a wooden hand upon his back.

  “I am sorry, Xanderick.”

  “Hmph.” Xanderick snorted. “He knew well the consequences of his actions. I just hope it was worth it.”

  “It will be.” Nayani bowed and began her magical dance. Her branches and leaves withered into the ground; the driad was gone.

  “It is you and I now, Alexander.” Xanderick approached the pup. “Xandero sacrificed everything for his beliefs. You carry his name, you carry his blood, and you carry the burden of proving my father's death was not in vain. Do you understand?”



  Thus, the wolf pup, Alexander, was taken to the Dracaran Isles of Iltrepidore to be raised by Dracara, taught by the Elders of Fire. With an iron-clawed fist they trained him: to hunt, to battle, to know the laws and history of their people and of the High Council. Xandero had made grand claims for the pup. He did not disappoint.

  For centuries he lived among the dragons using his unique skills as needed, earning himself a place of respect among creatures not known for respecting outsiders. All the while, Xanderick developed his army, a secret known only to a few. Before long, Alexander was training with them, mastering the art of battle against wizards.

  After two previous wizard wars, Xandero had known it was only a matter of time until a third. They had won, but just barely. They may not always have such fortune. Many, including Xanderick, agreed with him. This time, they would be prepared.

  Armed griffin riders, experts in the practice of diffusing magic, and headed by Alexander, would lead the attack. They would strike before the enemy could gather enough strength to start another war. They were many, they were powerful and they remained in hiding. Few, however, could hide from Alexander's acute nose and sharp eyes.

  Under the cover of night, they would leave the Eagle's Nest and swoop upon their enemies. They had no elaborate strategy, no medals or recognition to be earned; they didn't need it. Alexander lived for the hunt, for the thrill of battle. He moved in and out of shadows changing form as he willed. With command of fire, lightning, wind, water and raw energy, along with his fangs, he had no shortage of ways he could launch an attack.

  The speed of the griffins was unparalleled. They flew silently through the sky at heights threatening to leave the Earth's atmosphere. Their eagle eyes saw all, but by the time they were seen it was too late. The strength of their beaks could crush bone. Their talons ripped through flesh like a hot knife through fat.

  Their riders, Gnites, a hybrid of gnome and sprite, stood a full head shorter than most humans, but were strong and agile beyond their size. Like a band of chimpanzees, they pounced on their enemies without mercy. Armed with swords and magic unique to their species, born and bred with one purpose, the Gnites of Atlantis left none to tell the horrors of their attack.

  For centuries, they hunted the wizards deemed responsible for the wars; for centuries they killed and attacked the dark cult. Countless artifacts were recovered, countless sanctuaries reclaimed. As far as Xanderick was concerned, victory was nearly theirs.

  * * * * *

  “You must call off the Gnites, Xanderick.”

  “What?” Xanderick scoffed. “We are on the brink of eliminating the Sons of Sphinx! Why should I back down now?”

  “The Council does not believe this is the way. You have condemned hundreds, maybe thousands, to death without trial, without proof, without giving them an opportunity to defend their actions, or even state they are not guilty of any crimes. It has gone too far.”

  “This is war, Li'Ang. We just barely won the last battle. And lest you forget, it is not yet over.”

  “We have a very long time before they awaken. When you told me you wanted to create an army, I supported you because we were weak, we were few. We would have been easily defeated; we didn't have a choice. But it has gone on too long, too many have been killed. Now is the time to put down our weapons, strengthen our numbers, teach those who wish to learn, guide those who would stray.”

  Xanderick growled.

  “What motivates you, Xanderick?” she asked. “Is it justice, or thirst for blood?”

  “You know very well what motivates me!” He roared and circled the woman before him. “We have lost nearly all of our magic. Dracara, not humans, were slain by the hundreds, while humans do nothing but talk and make laws that our adversaries do not adhere to.”

  “We want to end this war, Xanderick, not keep it going for centuries to come. For every wizard killed, another is born. Will you kill them all? Will it never end? We must strive for peace. We must think in a new way.” She paused to pet her albino, winged tiger. The giant cat purred and snuggled his head against her delicate frame. “We are building a school, Xanderick, hidden in the tundra and have chosen Amalia as its head. By recruiting pupils, we recruit allies and deny them the opportunity to become our enemies. The school would benefit from Dracaran influence.”

  “I've no interest in teaching, if that is what you propose.”

  “Then suggest someone.”

  “Do you really believe this is the best course of action? Not the Council, but you.”

  “Thanks to the Gnites of Atlantis, we have proven ourselves powerful. Now it is time to prove we are also wise. I believe diplomacy is in order. I also believe it is the perfect guise to keep an eye on young wizards and to mold them into what we want them to be. So, yes, I support Amalia's proposal.”

  “Hmm. Manipulating minds with your magic isn't enough for you, Li'Ang?”

  “How much easier would it be to find those we seek if we can lure them to us?” She replied with a smile.

  “You are a sly fox, indeed.” Xanderick sat in the cool grass and tapped his claw in the earth as he thought. “Take Darios the Black, he is young but wise; I taught him myself. He will do well in your school. I will scale back our attacks for now, but I will not dismantle my army.”

  “Of course not. We will still call upon them as the need arises: special missions and the like.”

  “So be it.”

  “There is one more thing...”

  “Yes?” Xanderick's eyebrow raised.

??I am in need of Alexander...I have a very special mission for him.”

  History's Shadow Beginnings: Alexander

  History's Shadow I: Legends Born

  Legends Born is a tale of two heroes, in the other's eyes, each a villain. Two books, two sides, two missions: one story. A new spin on the timeless clash of opposing forces, where it is not so simple to discern good from evil. As is often the case in life, perspective is everything.

  Will you join Fausta—navigating the web of secrets woven by her teachers—and the Sons of Sphinx as they battle wizard, creature and man to save the Brotherhood? Can they unlock the secrets to awakening their imprisoned father and bring unity and order to the world of magic? Is she just a pawn in a game she has no desire to play?

  Or will you follow Tahir—struggling with the idea that his mentors may be manipulating his destiny—as he and his band of adventurers fight sorcerer, beast and man to end the war on magic? Can they prevent the awakening of a powerful sorcerer who would only bring confusion and discord to the world of magic? Is the dream he pursues only an illusion?

  Their journeys take them on paths that inevitably collide. In the end, there can only be one victor; on which side will you fight? Choose wisely, for the fate of the world may very well depend on it.

  Travel the world through generations and uncover the secrets that hide in History's Shadow.

  About the Author

  K. Dzr is a web designer, author and artist living in Detroit, MI. A long time fan of sci-fi, fantasy and superheroes, she began collecting comic books and reading Terry Brooks novels at a young age. She spent most of her childhood drawing, writing and dreaming of fantastical places and characters, a hobby she continues to this day. Despite positive feedback on early written works, she had little desire to pursue a writing career and instead focused her creative energy into drawing and music. It wasn't until college, and after a lot of persuasion from her mother during a conversation about an idea for a comic book that she began writing her first novel, History's Shadow.

  K. Dzr lives in Detroit with her dog, Eerie LeighAnne Bartholomew III, and enjoys traveling, fighting zombies, learning languages, building and customizing things and going on adventures with her cousin Bennie. Once History's Shadow is wrapped up, she will be working on her next novel: Mustard, a tale of a schizophrenic surviving in a post-apocalyptic world, due to be completed before the world ends.

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