Read Hold On Page 30

  “Sure,” I repeated.

  “You’re good with it, you can be lazy today and I can do it,” Merry offered.

  Ethan’s eyes got big with excitement.

  “Then it’s a pajama day for me,” I declared, though it wasn’t since I had to work that night, but at least during the day I could make it that way.

  Unless Merry came back and my pajamas were history.

  “You set it up, bud, I’ll drop you,” Merry said to Ethan, then looked at me. “I’ll come back.”

  My knees got weak for another reason, and I shot him a very different kind of look before I took off to go brush my teeth.

  I did this for the first time in my life, leaving two guys who meant the world to me in my kitchen.

  Two of them.

  A dream I’d never dared to dream.

  And shit, that dream coming true made me feel warm and squishy.

  * * * * *

  I was still in my pajamas.

  I was also on my knees.

  Merry was in his jeans, his shirt, but he was sitting on the side of my bed with me kneeling between his legs.

  And I’d finally got my mouth around his dick.

  My kid was at a movie. Merry had dropped him off.

  Then he came back to me.

  His cock was wide, Jesus, and the veins protruding, catching against my tongue, making me want to trail the tip along them (something I did, repeatedly), the head thick and broad. Amazing.

  I couldn’t take him all—he more than filled me—but that didn’t mean I didn’t try.

  I did.

  I gave it my all.

  And then kept giving.

  Honestly? I didn’t know who liked it more, Merry getting his dick sucked or me giving it my all, trying to take him deep, hearing the noises I was making him make, feeling his powerful body tense around me.

  I felt his hand on my head shift, so his fingers clenched in my hair as he bit out, “Christ, Cherie.”

  I took him as far as he’d go and lifted my eyes to his.

  His hungry gaze was on me, and the instant he got mine, his started burning.

  “Fuck me,” he growled.

  I slid him out and lifted up, beyond ready, whispering, “Okay.”

  He was ready too. I knew when he shifted immediately, eyes still on me, hand going to the back of his jeans as I yanked my pajama shorts and panties down.

  He was still rolling the condom on when I climbed up, knee to the bed, swinging the other leg over.

  He had himself ready for me, one hand guiding his cock, the other hand sliding along my side to my back and lower until he cupped my ass.

  I felt him where I needed him and drove down, taking him completely.

  I watched his head drop back, the cords of the muscles at his neck straining, the column of his throat bared.

  Right there. That was mine. All for me.

  I went in.

  Trailing my mouth along something I’d wanted for so long, it was not funny, while riding the cock of a man I’d wanted so badly, it was scary, all this on my bed in my house, I felt my pussy start convulsing.

  Merry felt it too (obviously) and righted his head, dislodging my mouth from his throat, his free hand coming up to grip my hair.

  “Do not come,” he ordered.

  “Okay,” I breathed, moving, doing it fast, taking him deep, slamming down on him hard.

  “Cherie.” His tone was thick with sex and warning. “Do not fuckin’ come.”

  God, that pushed me closer.

  “You might hafta ride this one out when I’m done, baby,” I gasped, getting closer.

  “Slow it down,” he growled.

  That only made me speed it up.

  “Fuck,” he grunted, watching me take him. Then his hand in my hair slid to the back of my neck and curled around firm, just as his hand at my ass moved so he could circle my waist with his arm.

  Having a hold on me, he held fast and stayed me before a downward glide, so I just had the tip.


  “Merry,” I whispered, my voice needy.

  “Be a good girl,” he ordered.

  Fuck, seriously.

  “Merry.” That was pleading.

  “Wanna watch you fuck me like I got off watchin’ you blow me,” he shared gruffly. “So slow it down.”

  I bit my lip, straining against his hold.

  “You gonna be my good girl?” he asked.

  His words and, well…everything pushed me closer and my entire body tightened, fighting to drive him deep.

  Something changed in his eyes that sent me spiraling.

  “You’re gonna be bad,” he whispered.

  “Baby, please.”

  He held me at my neck, but his arm went away from my waist.

  I thought he was letting me loose.

  He wasn’t.

  His hand landed on my bare ass and the sound of the smack rent through the room as it scored straight from my ass right to my clit.

  Oh yeah. I liked it like that.

  “Gonna be good?” he asked.

  “No,” I whispered.

  He gave me what I wanted and spanked me again.

  My thighs jerked, my eyes stayed locked to his, and my clit started buzzing.

  “Gonna be good?” he repeated.

  I shook my head.

  He spanked me.


  “My brown-eyed girl likes to be bad,” he murmured, his heated eyes now on my mouth.

  I licked my lips.

  His hand landed on my ass.

  “Merry,” I breathed.

  His fingers at my neck grew light and he ground out, “Fuck me, baby.”

  I fucked him. Fuck yes, I fucked him hard and fast, coming on the third stroke, the orgasm so huge, I started bucking, winding my arms around his shoulders, clenching my fist in his hair, ramming down on his big, thick cock.

  “Merry.” It was a near cry as the orgasm engulfed me.

  My head shot back, my back arching, and my body kept moving, partially me, partially Merry’s arm again around my waist, slamming me down.

  I heard his noises as I rode out my orgasm, driving deep until finally his arm around me tightened, keeping me down, full of him, and he buried his face in my tank at my breasts and groaned as his body shuddered under me.

  I dropped my head so my lips were at his hair and allowed my climax to leave slow, sliding out of me while I sat on Merry’s big dick and held him to me.

  I only moved my head when he moved his, trailing his lips up my chest, my neck, my jaw. Both his hands moved as his head did, coming up to rest on either side of my head.

  He tipped me down and I thought he’d take my mouth, but he didn’t.

  He stared into my eyes, not moving.

  I read what was in his gaze.

  He liked that. He liked me being his good girl. He liked me being bad. He liked that we had that. He liked that I got off on it. He liked that I gave it freely. He liked that he could take it from me. He liked we were right there, my ass red, his cock buried inside me, as close as we could get in so many ways, him and me.

  On this thought and the fact I liked it too, totally, both his thumbs slid out and he traced my cheekbones.

  “Leavin’ you,” he whispered, and I felt every inch of me lock. But Merry didn’t waste any time sharing he wasn’t taking himself away. “You got less than an hour, honey. Shower. Get dressed. I got your pussy all over my jeans. Gonna go home, hit the shower. Change. Be back and I’m takin’ you to Frank’s for lunch.”

  I was still full of waffles.

  I would eat three of Frank’s fried tenderloin sandwiches to get what Merry was giving me.

  He was not fucking around. Date. Meet the kid. Show nearly the entirety of the ’burg he was with me by strolling into a Brownsburg Bulldogs home game, holding my hand.

  Now taking me to Frank’s so the rest of that entirety of the ’burg would see it or talk about it, and the fullness of that would go beyond
since they’d eventually (but soon) hear about it.

  I slid both my hands to the sides of his neck, but I didn’t say anything.

  “Get you home by the time your kid gets back,” he finished.

  I nodded.

  His gaze dropped then lifted.

  “Good with your mouth,” he muttered.

  I gave his neck a squeeze and said nothing.

  “Don’t know which I prefer—my good girl or when she’s bad.”

  I felt my lips curl up as my eyelids lowered.

  He didn’t miss it.

  “She likes to be bad,” he said softly and approvingly. “Gonna test that, Cherie.”

  I again made no verbal reply, but he felt my shiver and that was when his lips curled up.

  His hands left my head so he could wrap his arms around me as he declared, “You’re right.”

  Finally, I spoke.

  “About what?”

  “This is workin’ great.”

  I could actually feel myself melting in his arms, and I knew it was melting even though I’d never done anything like that in my entire life.

  “Merry,” I whispered.

  “You’re all I said you were and you give great head?” His lip curl turned into a cocky smile. “Definitely workin’ great.”

  I sighed in fake annoyance. “A man and his blowjobs.”

  “Babe, the act? Awesome,” he stated. “You grabbin’ my hand practically before I could get in your door and draggin’ me to your bedroom so you could shove me on your bed and get your mouth on my dick?” His hold on me tightened slightly. “Awesome.”

  “You have a great cock,” I shared.

  His hips shifted and his smile didn’t get any less cocky. “It likes you too.”

  “Thank God,” I muttered.

  He kept smiling, but he did it gently pulling me off him.

  He put me on my feet as he straightened from the bed.

  “Gonna use your john, then I’m gonna go,” he said. “After that, less than an hour, Cher.”

  I nodded.

  “Dig Ethan, like spendin’ time with him. But I want my good girl and my bad one all to me again. While I’m away, want you to think on finding us that time and soon, you hear me?”

  I nodded again, back to feeling warm and squishy because he was wasting no time letting me know he wanted more of me.

  He shifted and I knew he was adjusting his jeans even as he ordered, “Now kiss me.”

  I got up on my toes, leaned in, hands to his chest, head tipped back, and I kissed my guy.

  It was wet but short.

  When he was done, he bent, nabbed my pajama shorts and panties, and handed them to me.

  But after I put them on and before he walked out of my room, he bent to touch his lips to my nose.



  “Less than an hour,” he said softly, then I watched him walk away.

  I did it thinking that was mine. All that tall, lean handsomeness. His big dick. Him making my son (and me) waffles. Him wanting my ass in a booth with him at Frank’s so he could show the whole ’burg he was claiming me.

  That was all mine.

  Forty whole hours, that had been mine.

  And I hadn’t fucked it up.

  A record.

  A record I was going to keep breaking.

  Maybe for eternity.

  * * * * *


  Garrett’s phone started ringing before he let himself in his apartment after taking Cher out to lunch at Frank’s, going back to her place and hanging on her couch (mostly making out) until her kid got home, then hanging with Ethan and her until she had to start getting ready for work.

  He left her to it.

  That didn’t mean he wasn’t hitting J&J’s later that night for a drink.

  He pulled his phone out on that thought, doing it smiling.

  He took the call still smiling.

  “Yo, Rocky,” he greeted his sister.

  “So, let me see,” she said in his ear. “Swank’s Thursday night. A freaking Bulldogs game on Friday. Frank’s four hours ago.”

  He tossed his keys on the bar and started to shrug out of his jacket. “Apparently, ’burg’s buzzing.”

  “‘Buzzing’ is not the word for it. They haven’t had anything this juicy since…” she trailed off, probably trying to think about when they’d had something that juicy.

  But he already knew. “Since you and Tanner sorted your shit.”

  “Well, really, since Dusty got shot by that kid, but that isn’t the good kind of juicy that this is,” she replied, but her voice turned hesitant when she asked, “It is, isn’t it, Merry? You and Cher, it’s the good kind of juicy, right?”

  “I like her, honey,” he shared. “Like her, her kid is great. So yeah, it’s the good kind of juicy.”

  She was silent a moment before she said, “I’m glad.” More hesitant when she asked, “Mia?”

  “Mia’s done.”

  Even though he gave her that firm, he knew she was chewing on it because she was silent again.

  She broke it, saying, “I think that’s good. Cher…she’s a fighter. Mia…not so much.”

  She got it.

  Rocky got it better than anybody.

  “Yeah,” he agreed.

  “So, you bringing her over to meet your niece, say, tomorrow?”

  He nearly burst out laughing. “She already knows Cecelia…and you. But I get you. Though, what I get, still gotta tell you that we had our first date two days ago, Raquel.”

  She amended her question.

  “So, you bringing her over to meet your niece next weekend, but you’re getting your ass over here tomorrow before CeeCee forgets what her uncle looks like?”

  She wanted him to come and spend time with her daughter.

  She wanted more for him to come and spend time with his sister so she could see for herself that he was edging toward happy.

  He grinned. “I’ll come ’round. Catch a game. Remind that baby girl I exist.”

  “That’d be good.”

  “And I’ll talk to Cher. We’ve jumped in with both feet. Maybe it’d be good we take some time to get used to the waters we’re in for a while before we hit more rapids.”

  “I hear that.”

  And again, she got it. She and Tanner had hit so much white water, it was a wonder they weren’t crushed against the rocks.

  They weren’t and Garrett was pleased as all hell they’d finally hit smooth.

  “Have a feeling you’ll be meeting her and Ethan in a different way soon, though,” he told her.

  “That’d make me happy.”

  What would make his sister happy was knowing her brother was happy.

  And he was happy. Cher putting on that dress for him. Cher giving him all she gave in the variety of ways she gave it the last two days. Seeing all she made in her son—funny like her, a smartass in a good way like her, a scrapper who doesn’t take shit just like Cherie, and loyal, so fucking loyal, it was beautiful.


  Garrett was happy.

  He just hoped he had it in him this time not to turn it to shit.

  “Right, seein’ as I got plans tomorrow to spend time with my niece, I’m gonna spend some time with my girl while she’s at work,” he started. “Lettin’ you go so I can get at least fifteen minutes of some football in so I don’t start gettin’ the shakes before I get behind the wheel of a vehicle.”

  “Best let you do that,” she muttered.

  “Rocky?” he called.

  “Yeah, Merry?”

  “Love my little sister,” he said.

  That got him silence again before she gave it back. “And love my big brother. See you tomorrow, Merry.”

  “See you then, honey.”

  They disconnected.

  He’d thrown his phone on the bar and was heading toward his couch when a loud banging came at the door.

  He hadn’t been home for ten minutes, but he knew from
the insistent sound, not to mention the ’burg buzzing, who was standing outside on the landing.

  He didn’t want to head that way, but he did because it had to happen eventually. He reckoned he might as well get that ball rolling now.

  He checked the peephole and saw he was right because outside was a woman who was pissed for what Garrett considered no reason, which made him pissed, even though he knew he should keep a lock on it.

  He didn’t.

  He opened the door.

  “What? Do you have cameras on me?” he asked, knowing that was not the way to lead, but he was angry Mia was not getting his message and he was not a big fan of her banging on his door.

  He wasn’t surprised when she shoved in, taking two strides into the room before turning on him.

  She threw out her hands, face full of rage. “Are you serious with this shit, Merry?”

  He closed the door, using that time to pull himself together, and turned to her. “We gotta talk.”

  “Yeah.” She took those two steps back to him and shoved his chest with one hand, doing it hard enough, his shoulder rocked back. “We fucking do.”

  He wasn’t big on her shoving him either.

  “Take a breath,” he demanded, forcing his voice to quiet just as he was forcing himself to remain calm and not lose it.

  “I don’t need to take a breath. I cannot believe you’re humiliating me this way,” she snapped.

  They weren’t going to do this.

  Not now, not ever if it came out angry.

  “This is not the time or the place,” he stated. “Like I said, we gotta talk. But it’s not happenin’ now when you’re pissed and I’m not feelin’ like bein’ pushed into a bad mood.”

  “Well, fuck that,” she bit out, shoving him again, this time with both hands so his whole torso swung back.

  He took a step to the side and warned, “Watch your hands, Mia. I don’t want them on me again.”

  She tipped her head to the side. “You don’t? Oh. I would guess you don’t, considering you got the good stuff direct from a professional all weekend.”

  He took a deliberate step away from her before he purposefully locked his body.

  After he did this, he dragged in a breath that was supposed to be deep and calming, but it came in shallow and did not one thing to ease the fury he felt building.

  “Watch your mouth,” he whispered.

  “Fuck you,” she shot back. “Swank’s was bad enough. Swank’s. That woman and you at fucking Swank’s. But a football game? You took her to a fucking football game? In the ’burg? For everyone to see?”