Read Hold On Tight (Lazarus Rising Book 6) Page 25

  Jett pulled her closer. I’m right here, baby.

  Where he’d always be.

  “So, yes,” she added, voice seething. “You’re getting an ass-kicking as soon as you can walk. Then you’re helping all of the people Rowe hurt. Here’s a word for you to focus on, agent, and that word is atonement.”

  His head sagged. “I will atone, I swear it.” His breathing seemed ragged. “Are you and the baby okay?”

  Jett’s fingers slid to her stomach.

  “We’re fine,” Savannah answered, the rage still cracking in her voice.

  They were Jett’s world.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t just leave me to die,” McNeely rasped. “You should have. I don’t deserve—”

  “They aren’t the monsters,” Savannah cut in. “That’s not who Jett and his friends are.”

  McNeely’s stare drifted between them. “It’s not who I want to be, either.”

  “Then don’t make me regret giving you another chance,” Jett warned him. Because Savannah was wrong. He could be a monster. If she was ever threatened again, the monster would come out in a wave of darkness.

  Savannah twined her fingers with Jett’s. “One more question.” She exhaled slowly. “When we searched you, we found my baby’s yellow blanket in your pocket. What the hell was that doing there?”

  McNeely winced. “Found it…at your place. In the middle of freaking chaos. I just—it was wrong. Everything was so wrong. It was the only thing that wasn’t destroyed, and I just wanted to save it.” His gaze slid over her. Seemed to linger on her stomach. “Just wanted to save…” He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry.”

  The guy sounded as if he actually meant those words. Only time would reveal the truth, though. Would he be a changed man? Or an asshole who needed to be put down?

  Without another word, Jett and Savannah left McNeely’s room. The hospital corridor was empty. Jay had flown in nurses and doctors he trusted, and there was only one other patient in the whole place.

  But they didn’t go into the next room. Not yet. They didn’t go see that second patient.

  Jett stilled beside Savannah. Her head tipped back as she stared up at him. “Baby…” He brushed back a lock of her hair. “You don’t have to go in there and face him. You don’t have to ever see Sam again.”

  “I do.”

  “He sold you out. Jennifer said she can toss him into a jail cell. He kidnapped her, and she can press charges against him that will last—”

  “I need to see him.” Her smile almost broke his heart. “And then we’re done. One chapter closed. A whole other life waiting.”

  About that other, precious life. “Did Elizabeth run her tests?”

  Savannah had told McNeely that she and the baby were fine, but Jett knew she wouldn’t have told that guy anything else. Just a flat, easy answer.

  She smiled at him. “She started, but I didn’t want her to run the ultrasound just yet. I wanted you there for that part.”

  It was hard to breathe.

  “She said that the baby may be completely normal. No Lazarus side effects. No psychic powers from my side.”

  “I will love the baby.” That was it. Full stop. Savannah’s child would always be loved by him, no matter what.

  “Then let’s finish this with Sam, and then go see our baby.”

  His heart was racing faster. And he was damn eager. So, when they entered Sam’s room, he might have shoved open the door too hard. It flew back, hitting the wall.

  Sam gave a quick, sharp cry. His arms jerked up—but his right hand was cuffed to the hospital bed, so it didn’t jerk far.

  “Settle your ass down,” Jennifer advised him with a roll of her eyes. She sat near the bed, guarding her prisoner.

  “Savannah!” Relief flashed on Sam’s face. “You’re okay! Oh, Vannie, I am so sorry! So sorry! That Rowe bastard was in my head. Been in there since I was a kid. I tried to shut him out but never could. Phillip said the guy would help me, the way he’d helped you.” The man’s words just tumbled out. “I thought he’d shut down the voices, but he made things worse for me. He got—”

  “He’s dead,” Savannah cut in softly.

  Sam drew in a ragged breath. “I know.” His left hand rose. His fingers touched his temple. “He’s not in here any longer.”

  Savannah walked closer to the bed. “Jennifer said you were trying to help me.”

  Yeah, well, Jennifer had also told them that Sam had been in on Patrick Zane’s abduction of Savannah. Jett wasn’t ready to embrace the guy in a warm, family hug.

  He’s someone else who will be getting an ass-kicking.

  Sam gazed at Savannah with guilt-ridden eyes. “I never wanted you hurt. The minute he started putting you in his sights, God, when he worked the kidnapping with Patrick—it was too much. I was sick, desperate to get you back home.”

  And Jett remembered how frantic the guy had seemed when he and Savannah had walked into Phillip’s mansion. How relieved to see Savannah alive again.

  “Patrick Zane was some for-hire thug,” Sam explained in his strained voice. “That guy—he killed people for money, and Rowe hired him to take you.”

  Jett felt fury surge within him once again.

  “But Patrick, I think he fell for you, Savannah. Something happened. Because suddenly, he was changing the plan. He stopped talking to Rowe and went silent. I knew where you were,” Sam continued in a choked voice. “I could feel your fear. I fed the details of your location to Rowe, and he—”

  “He arranged for me and my team to go in with guns blazing,” Jett finished. Yeah, he knew how this story ended.

  “I’m so sorry,” Sam said. “It…it wasn’t me. It was like I was a puppet, and Rowe was pulling the strings.”

  “You’re not a puppet any longer,” Jett snapped at him.

  Sam shook his head. “Savannah…”

  “Rowe is gone,” Savannah said with a quick roll of her shoulders. “I think I’d like to see what you’re like, without someone else always being in your head.”

  “I’m not…I’m not going to jail?” He seemed stunned. He should have been stunned. And grateful.

  “I think jail would do him some good,” Jennifer argued with a huff. “Let’s not be too hasty with this decision.”

  Sam turned toward her. “I love you.”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped.

  “I do. Couldn’t ever tell you because I didn’t want him to make you a target. Rowe always targeted the things his enemies cared about.” His gaze cut back to Jett. “That’s how he was going to bring down Jett’s team. But in the end, they were stronger than he ever suspected.”

  “Savannah is the one who killed him.” Jett glanced at the woman he loved. “She’s the one who’s strong.”

  Savannah focused on Jett. Her gaze softened as she stared at him. “He made a mistake. He tried to take you from me.”

  Jett bent toward her. Pressed his lips to hers.

  I will never leave you again.

  She smiled against his lips. I think it’s time you met our baby.

  He pulled back. The woman owned him, heart and soul. Without looking away from her, he said, “Sam, lucky bastard, you get to keep living. Now work at convincing Jennifer that you’re an asshole who doesn’t belong in jail.”

  Jett’s fingers twined with Savannah’s as they left the room. Behind them, he heard…

  “You do not love me. Don’t feed me some BS line because you think it will help your case—”

  “That’s why I love you. Because you don’t accept my BS. Jennifer—”

  The door shut.

  Jett stared down at Savannah.

  “He’ll spread the story that I’m dead,” she said. “Everyone will believe a senator, right?”

  No, but they could try it. Folks would be more likely to believe Jennifer and Agent McNeely.

  “When we start our new life, where will we go?” Savannah asked him as they headed down the hallway.

here you want.” They slipped into the elevator.

  Savannah hit the button for the next floor. “I like the beach.”

  “Then get ready to feel the sand between your toes.” He lifted her hand to his mouth. Kissed her knuckles.

  She smiled at him. “We’re going to start over?”

  “We’re going to do anything you want.”

  “I like that.” She leaned close. Pressed her lips to his. “I like that a lot.”


  Savannah stared over at the monitor, watching as the dark swirls and shadows took shape.

  Elizabeth was staring at the screen. And she was frowning.

  Unease slithered through Savannah. “What’s happening? When we talked earlier, you said I seemed fine…”

  Elizabeth leaned closer to the screen.

  Jett’s hold tightened on Savannah’s hand.

  But Elizabeth just tapped the screen. “Right here…this is your baby. See this flutter? That’s the heartbeat.” She moved the ultrasound wand over Savannah’s abdomen. “And you see this…this is your baby, too.”

  Wait…Too? Two?

  Elizabeth looked at them with a wide smile on her face. “I wanted the ultrasound so I could be sure, and now it is a definite thing. You have two babies in there, Savannah. Two babies who have very strong heartbeats.”

  Savannah’s gaze latched onto the swirling screen. All of those shadows there…

  “Two?” Jett repeated.

  His ragged voice had Savannah turning to him. Tears gleamed in his eyes. He blinked them away, but Savannah had seen them. Her own tears were about to fall.

  They were safe. They were together.

  They were a family.

  “It’s going to be a whole new world for you,” Elizabeth said softly as she patted Savannah’s shoulder.

  A whole new world for everyone.

  The Lazarus subjects were here to stay. Her children were coming, and nothing would ever be the same.

  Jett kissed Savannah.

  Are you ready for this? She sent the thought to him.

  I’ve never wanted anything more.

  It was going to be wild ride, and she couldn’t wait.

  The End

  Want more from Cynthia Eden? Then get ready for an all new romantic suspense, DON’T TRUST A KILLER.

  Don’t Trust A Killer

  To catch a killer…you have to use the perfect bait.

  FBI Agent Bree Harlow is working the biggest case of her career. She’s undercover on the hunt for a killer who has murdered three women—and she isn’t going to stop until she brings down her prey. She’s scored a job at Night’s Edge, the hottest club in New Orleans, and she’s just caught the attention of the club’s owner, the sexy and dangerous Kace Quick. Everyone knows the guy is shady—and probably linked to every criminal activity in the Big Easy. She shouldn’t find him so attractive. Shouldn’t want to do anything but lock the guy away. After all, he is her chief suspect.

  Be careful…sometimes, you can’t see the danger coming.

  Kace knows there is far more to Bree than meets the eye. He isn’t a fool, and he can spot a Fed from a mile away, though he does admit that Bree is the sexiest FBI agent he’s ever seen. He lets her play her game, though Kace plans to keep his hands very far off his gorgeous new problem. Then the attacks begin. Attacks all focused on Bree. And suddenly, it’s not a game any longer because Kace isn’t about to let his FBI agent get caught in the crossfire.

  To hurt a man, you have to destroy what he wants most.

  Kace has a powerful enemy working in the darkness—a man who wants to destroy Kace by making him look guilty as hell. Kace is being set up for murders he didn’t commit. And now, the killer has locked onto his next victim—Bree. Despite Kace’s best efforts, he has let Bree get too close. For the first time in years, Kace cares about someone else—a fatal flaw. And the killer in the dark can’t wait to make Kace pay for past sins…The killer thinks he can hurt Bree, and by hurting her, the mighty Kace Quick will fall.

  Things aren’t always as they appear…

  Bree won’t be anyone’s victim. She’s not the damsel in distress—she’s the woman ready to take down a murderer. She’ll break every rule in the FBI’s precious handbook in order to protect the lover she knows is innocent. Kace is hers, and Bree won’t let anyone hurt him. She’ll catch the real killer, she’ll prove his guilt, and maybe, just maybe, Bree and Kace can stop their world from going down in flames.

  Sex, murder, and lies…just another day in the Big Easy…

  Learn more about DON’T TRUST A KILLER now.

  A Note From the Author

  Thank you so much for reading HOLD ON TIGHT! If you enjoyed Jett’s story, please consider leaving a review. Reviews help new readers to find great books.

  I had such a wonderful time writing the “Lazarus Rising” series—the series allowed me to blend my two favorite romance sub-genres, romantic suspense and paranormal romance. I hope you enjoyed going on the twists and turns with me. And who knows…maybe there will be more super soldiers in the future!

  But next up, I will have a romantic suspense available for readers—a dark and sexy tale set in one of my all-time favorite cities, New Orleans. DON’T TRUST A KILLER will be available in September of 2018.

  If you’d like to stay updated on my releases and sales, please join my newsletter list. I share exclusive content with my newsletter subscribers, and I run monthly newsletter giveaways for readers.

  I’m also active on social media. You can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

  Again, thank you for reading HOLD ON TIGHT.


  Cynthia Eden

  About The Author

  Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a three-time finalist for the RITA® award. Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over eighty novels and novellas.

  More Information



  Her Other Works

  Boxed Sets

  Bad Things Volume One (Bad Things, Books 1 to 3)

  Bad Things Volume Two (Bad Things, Books 4 to 6)

  Blood and Moonlight (The Complete Series)

  Only For Me (Dark Obsession, Books 1 to 4)

  The Beasts Inside (Purgatory, Books 1 to 4)

  Mine Series Box Set Volume 1 (Mine, Books 1-3)

  Mine Series Box Set Volume 2 (Mine, Books 4-6)

  Forever Bound (Bound, Books 1 to 4)

  Naughty Or Nice

  Lazarus Rising

  Never Let Go (Book One, Lazarus Rising)

  Keep Me Close (Book Two, Lazarus Rising)

  Stay With Me (Book Three, Lazarus Rising)

  Run To Me (Book Four, Lazarus Rising)

  Lie Close To Me (Book Five, Lazarus Rising)

  Hold On Tight (Book Six, Lazarus Rising) - Coming Soon

  Bite Series

  Forbidden Bite (Bite Book 1)

  Mating Bite (Bite Book 2)

  Bad Things

  The Devil In Disguise (Bad Things, Book 1)

  On The Prowl (Bad Things, Book 2)

  Undead Or Alive (Bad Things, Book 3)

  Broken Angel (Bad Things, Book 4)

  Heart Of Stone (Bad Things, Book 5)

  Tempted By Fate (Bad Things, Book 6)

  Wicked And Wild (Bad Things, Book 7)

  Saint Or Sinner (Bad Things, Book 8) - Coming Soon

  Dark Obsession Series

  Watch Me (Dark Obsession, Book 1)

  Want Me (Dark Obsession, Book 2)

  Need Me (Dark Obsession, Book 3)

  Beware Of Me (Dark Obsession, Book 4)

  Only For Me (Dark Obsession, Books 1 to 4)

  Mine Series

  Mine To Take (Mine, Book 1)

  Mine To K
eep (Mine, Book 2)

  Mine To Hold (Mine, Book 3)

  Mine To Crave (Mine, Book 4)

  Mine To Have (Mine, Book 5)

  Mine To Protect (Mine, Book 6)

  Mine Series Box Set Volume 1 (Mine, Books 1-3)

  Mine Series Box Set Volume 2 (Mine, Books 4-6)

  Blood and Moonlight Series

  Bite The Dust (Blood and Moonlight, Book 1)

  Better Off Undead (Blood and Moonlight, Book 2)

  Bitter Blood (Blood and Moonlight, Book 3)

  Blood and Moonlight (The Complete Series)

  Purgatory Series

  The Wolf Within (Purgatory, Book 1)

  Marked By The Vampire (Purgatory, Book 2)

  Charming The Beast (Purgatory, Book 3)

  Deal with the Devil (Purgatory, Book 4)

  The Beasts Inside (Purgatory, Books 1 to 4)

  Bound Series

  Bound By Blood (Bound Book 1)

  Bound In Darkness (Bound Book 2)

  Bound In Sin (Bound Book 3)

  Bound By The Night (Bound Book 4)

  Forever Bound (Bound, Books 1 to 4)

  Bound in Death (Bound Book 5)

  Did you know that Cynthia Eden also writes romantic suspense? Check out her full book list.



  Cynthia Eden, Hold On Tight (Lazarus Rising Book 6)



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