Read Holding On To Heaven Page 45

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I’m the key to everything. I’m the one that will bring hell on earth and destroy the world as we know it.

  It’s a little hard to take in. I mean how had I not known that this would be my fate when the plan was put into motion? Why, given what I am had I not questioned everything thoroughly and figured it out before now? I’m a demon hybrid for Christ sakes. Nothing that happens in Hell has ever been above board. Why did I blindly accept it this time?

  I thought I was so smart blocking out Heaven and Hell at the same time. Letting my selfish impulses where Serenity is concerned guide me without any real admonishment.

  At least I had been, until now.

  Lucifer's news that I’m the one that would execute what can only be looked at as the end of everything, shocked me. When he determined he wanted to take a bride, one that he could siphon power from, I’d been all for it. I was his biggest supporter, wanting nothing more than for him to achieve his goal.

  I knew that once he got what he wanted, my time both on Earth and otherwise would be in jeopardy. Lucifer never did anything without figuring in every factor. I also knew that any deviation from that plan would render me nonexistent, which is where shading myself came into play. He couldn't deal with me if he didn't know I’d done anything wrong.

  Unfortunately for me, he knew. Whether or not he believes my feeble excuses, he knew I overstepped my bounds. He’s going to work with it and turn it around in his favor. I may not be taken out of existence the way I originally thought, but his fate for me now is far worse.

  I would have to kill Serenity, at least the very parts of her I care for and the ones that distinctly make her who she is. I would have to drain her life, bringing about the end of the world at the same time.

  I wanted out before and really thought I stood a chance, but now, it looks grim. Between the realizations that she has a soul mate that stood between whatever we might share, I also have to worry about the consequences for my deceit to the only man that had paid me any mind over the years. The only real father I’ve ever known. Given the magnitude of what I just learned, I’m filled with even more doubt that I can make it out alive, let alone doing the right thing.

  “Why my son, are you so affected by what I planned for you? I would have thought you would have jumped at this chance. Given what you have just told me, you being joined with the angelic one, draining her of the light she carries, should make you ecstatic.”

  He’s right. I should be happy because I would have Serenity. Sure, it isn't the way I want her, but I would still have her. I would also have the most powerful position in Hell. Everything could work out the way I want it to and I would hold more power than I ever thought possible.

  Except I’m not happy about any of it. I don’t want it this way. If I’m meant to be with Serenity, defeating not only the angel, but the soul-mate as well, then I want to do it the natural way. The right way.

  “Father, while I am most appreciative of the chance you are giving me, I’m just not prepared for the change of plan.”

  When all else failed, deviate back to what you know and lie. That’s how I’m gonna deal with this. I could only hope that in doing so I would give myself enough time to warn her. I can’t let her walk into this blind or I might not be able to protect her. If I was going to be forced into this, then I’m going to do whatever I can to make it as easy on her as possible. It’s the least I can do.

  “Understandable. The more time that passes, you will begin to feel more comfortable in your new position. Now that I have informed you, we need to put things in motion.”


  “You must go to her and prepare her for what is to come. She will reach her true destiny. You have until tomorrow evening. We begin then.”

  Great. Now I’m on a clock. Sure that worked in my favor as it gave me time to reach Serenity and let her know what’s about to happen, but it isn't enough time for me to figure a way out of this. I can’t let this happen. I can’t be the one to take her life and turn her dark. While I don't agree with Heaven having her either, it’s by far a better alternative to what Lucifer has planned for her.

  “Yes Father, I will begin the preparations for tomorrow. You can count on me.”

  “That is exactly what I hoped to hear. Keep me abreast of any issues, and Ryan?”


  “Do not attempt to hide from me again. I have put a great deal of energy and time into you, grooming you for this very moment. I have no qualms about taking you out if I need to. Prepare the girl for her destiny and also for your own.”

  He disappears before my eyes and I let out the breath I’d been holding in tightly since the second he appeared. I was right earlier. He didn’t believe my excuses and he knows that I tried blocking him. The next time it happened, I would have to be sure it worked better because now that he had given me the time, I couldn't waste a minute of it. I had to warn Serenity.

  Before it was too late.


  I hate demons.

  No matter how much power I put into tracking this one, it would seem he is stronger and able to block me at a moment’s notice. I have no idea where to find him.

  It is trying, this search and I am aware that there is no time to waste. It is only a matter of time before Lucifer puts his plan in motion and I have to find a way to counter it as well as bring Serenity around to my way of thinking before that time is upon us.

  Just the mere thought of what I am about to do reminds me again of how much I have changed in such a short period of time. I am now willing to go against everything I believe in, to garner a life with Serenity. I would disobey my father, brothers and all of Heaven to achieve this goal. Something I am already doing in agreeing to help redeem the demon, but something that would be made worse by the steps I am now about to take.



  I knew his voice anywhere. What he is doing inside of my mind though, I could not be sure. Is he aware of what I am about to do and has come to stop me?

  “Yes brother?”

  “You are treading down a path I fear I will be unable to bring you back from. You must not go through with this no matter what your heart wants. You must remember your place.”

  “I have not forgotten my position, Michael. I am merely attempting to keep the original deal in place. Father kept the information from me for far too long, allowing both souls to come into contact with each other again. He has thrown a wrench into my plans. I am merely fighting against it.”

  “I know that you believe yourself to be doing the right thing, but you are not. Father made a mistake in not telling you of Graham and Serenity's bond before now, but it will still happen as written. He will be your vessel and you will still be with her in the way Heaven intended, but not if you go through with what you are planning.”

  “I would have Serenity only in a manner of speaking. Michael, she is my beloved. I deserve more than to be with her on the sidelines. I will not let the soul-mate bond change what is meant to be.”

  “What would happen when she passed on from this life? When she ceased being Serenity Richards? Where would she end up, little brother?”

  “Heaven of course. What kind of question is that? You already know the answer.”

  “I am aware that I know the answer, but I want to be sure that you do. The moment she enters through the gate, she is yours. Father will have no further use for her, which means she will become yours.”

  “After her soul has been joined back together with Graham’s. That is what you mean, isn't it Michael?”

  “Yes, but once her soul is whole again, there will be no other cause for concern as it pertains to the soul-mate bond. Isn't that ultimately what you want?”

  It is exactly what I want of course, but given that Serenity has been given a full human life, I wasn't willing to wait that long for us to be together. I had been promised life on the planet wit
h her and I want that to begin now, not when she finally returns home.

  “Yes of course that is what I want, but it is also not what was written.”

  “Gabriel, if you choose this path of darkness, I will be left with no other choice then to strip you of your powers and position and bring you back home. I cannot in good conscience let you do this. This was never your path.”

  Being threatened with losing my powers, spending the rest of eternity locked away at home should have scared me, but honestly, it did not. Michael is right, this is not my path but I am not sure what my true path is anymore. All I know is that I need to have Serenity in it. There could be no other option.

  “Do what you must, brother.”

  I am nowhere near Michael, but I can hear the exasperation in his tone loud and clear. He is bothered by my determination and lack of caring as it pertains to my powers. He has never been through something like this and I figure he has to be close to his limit now. It is only a matter of time before he gave up on me completely.

  “Brother, it is your lucky day.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “As much as I would personally love to take your power from you and banish you back home for an eternity alone, it would seem there has been a change in plans.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, it seems that Lucifer has put his plan into motion which means we are both needed in Heaven now. We need to come up with a plan before this time tomorrow or he will succeed. It looks like your punishment is going to have to wait.”

  Did I just hear him right? Had Lucifer really put his plan into motion and if so, is the demon aware of it? Maybe I did not have to find him after all. It would only be a matter of time before he came looking for me. Maybe this could work out after all and in the process we could take care of both issues at one time.

  “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go.”