Read Holding On To Heaven Page 50

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  This is happening way too fast.

  What feels like only minutes since I told Ryan to call Lucifer has been hours. The sun is still visible on the horizon, but lower in comparison to where it had been earlier that day with Graham. We were no longer on the campus, instead having been transported to Green Haven, my old home town.

  I haven't been back to Green Haven in almost three years and even then it had been to gather up what remained of my stuff and successfully bring it to where my mom now called home, a larger city almost three hours away. Why Lucifer chose this place is beyond me, but given what was about to take place, it wasn't like beggars could be choosers. If he wanted me to die here then I would.

  I haven’t seen Ryan since he'd taken off before I was moved. Something didn't feel right about it. Is he alright? Did Lucifer change his plan again and Ryan had already been taken from me? I thought about asking the demon that moved me, but considering his focus had been solely on making sure I’m unable to escape, I doubt he'll be willing to give me the answers I desperately want.

  Green Haven Memorial Park. That’s where I am now, rope wrapped around my body and knotted at my wrists. I spent many a night in this park, content with just bringing out a blanket, lying on it and looking up at the stars. Sometimes Graham had come with me, other times Emma when she came down to visit, but mostly it had just been me. I prefer it that way. It was the one time I could be alone and think about my future.

  The girl who hears voices still has a life to live and a future that she needed to plan even though there had been moments where any type of future seemed pointless. I wasn't proud of those dark times in my past, but I had them just like everybody else. Life couldn't be painful if you weren't around to feel it.

  Even with the sun going down, casting shadows over the park, it still looked pretty much the same as when I spent time here. The only difference seemed to be the children’s play area, complete with slides and swings. That wasn't something the town wanted to invest in back when I lived here. Even though I couldn't exactly enjoy it from my vantage point, I was happy they'd finally done it. Where the park felt so lonely before, it was now filled with life.

  “I can't believe he’s done this to you.”

  Looking up at the sound of the voice I see Ryan, standing a few feet back from me, the expression on his face grave. I sigh in relief at the sight of him. I could handle being tied up to the tree while preparations were made, as long as I knew he was alright.

  “When I imagined being kinky for the first time, this was definitely not what I had in mind.” I say lightly, smiling just a little, sensing the distress he felt and wanting to make light of it.

  “Not funny. You don’t know how badly I want to release you right now.”

  “Then what's stopping you?”

  “He's controlling me. If I make any attempt to do anything that isn't according to plan, he has the ability to destroy me right where I stand.”

  Moving closer until he was standing directly above me, he knelt down until his knees were digging deep into the dirt below. He reached out and ran his fingers across my cheek, pain evident in his eyes. I didn't have to be a mind reader to know he’s being tortured seeing me this way. I only wish I could take it away, but in choosing this, I gave up my ability to. We’re stuck.

  “He won't keep you tied up forever, but knowing him he's going to find the marks these leave,” he stopped as he fingered the ropes around my wrists. “Beautiful.”

  “He likes torture marks? Of course he does. I sure know how to pick em, don't I?”

   Having him here, as close as he is to me is hard enough. I couldn't allow myself to focus on it or I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it through without falling apart. I know what the end result is going to be and would do everything in my power to put off thinking about it as long as possible.

  “How can you make jokes at a time like this? You shouldn't even be here. This is not your destiny. This is my punishment.”

  “I'm tied to a tree with no foreseeable way out, what would you rather I do? Break down and cry? I can't do that, Ry. I made the choice and I've got to live with it. For however long I have left.”

  “You shouldn't have to. I should have gotten you out of this. I wasted so much time. I should have just told you everything the moment I felt the shift.”

  “Maybe so, but you still told me and that’s all what matters. What do you mean by this is your punishment?”

  The sadness in his eyes is like daggers being shoved into my heart. I hated seeing him this way. In telling me everything he had and allowing me the chance to reach out to the one person who might be able to help us, he sacrificed everything. Life as he knew it is over now, if his words are any indication. He betrayed Lucifer. I doubt anyone lived once that happened.

  “He isn't making me do all of this so I can take over for him when the time comes or to stand by his side. He’s doing it because in falling in love with you, his choice for a bride, I betrayed him in the worst way possible and he wants revenge.”

  “By letting us be married, even if it is demonic? Seems like a weird type of revenge.”

  “The wedding is not the revenge, Serenity. He’s giving me the one thing that I would want as a human before the real act of his revenge kicks in.”

  “Which is you killing me?”

  He nods slowly, his eyes lowering away from mine. As he shifts I catch what looks like the color in his eyes changing, becoming darker.

  “What's happening to your eyes?”

  “He's forcing my demon side through. He's been trying for the last hour or so, but now I’m unable to deflect it. He wants to turn me, so that when the time comes, I can do what needs to be done. Then he'll allow me to be human again in order to watch the result.”

  “He plans on torturing you.” I say keeping my voice calm, not allowing a trace of emotion to come through. Given the current state we were in, me sharing how much it upset me wouldn't help. I had to stay strong.

  “Yes and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”

  The air around us began to change, going from a light breeze which to me was enjoyable to an overwhelming blast of heat. It didn't take either one of us long to figure out what the change meant.

  “Such a beautiful sight this is. Seeing two lovers torn apart by circumstance, coming together to say their final goodbyes.”

  “Were the binds really necessary, Father? She already agreed to see this through. You've branded her so that she cannot change her mind. Surely you realize you’ve won.”

  “They weren't needed, but they amuse me. I see how much pain seeing her trapped this way causes you and it brings me immeasurable joy.”

  “Wow, you really are an asshole.”

  Lucifer laughs and pointing his long bony finger at me, he looks to Ryan. “She really is the perfect choice. It's a pity she won't be around much longer. She could definitely inspire hours of entertainment for me.”

  “You're here, you got to see how much this bothers me. What else can you possibly want?” Ryan asks in completely ignoring everything that’s been said.

  “I came to inform you that it is time. You must come with me while Serenity is taken and prepared. It is time for a wedding.”


  When Graham made his way back to his room mere minutes after we'd spoken we had done as I said and joined right away. I made sure that he was aware of what would be happening now and after hearing his acceptance, I had completely taken over his being. It was now mine to do as I saw fit, something that given my earlier attitude was a gift I am not deserving of, yet I had.

  Having gotten word from Michael as to where Lucifer was keeping Serenity and the demon, I prepared my vessel for transport and immediately put myself back where I had been only a few days before.

  Lucifer had chosen Green Haven as the main focal point of his plan for a reason. It had been the place that not only had I spent time
in when I'd taken Graham as my host years before, but it was also a place close to Serenity and unknown to the man she is intending to marry. He had not known her during the period of life that she lived here, which meant that if he did attempt to go against the master plan, his execution would fail.

  If I wasn't so intent with making him pay for everything he’s done, I would admire his choice.

  There are only two churches in the small town of Green Haven. One hadn't been used in years, the other a mecca for the religious. The sad reality is that when worshiping in my father’s name, a place is not needed, but the humans have yet to realize this. Father prefers the times when he is one on one with the people that believe. It is in those times he can give them his full attention. Churches were made simply because the humans let their egos become far too large for their bodies to contain.

  The abandoned church seems out of character for Lucifer to use as a home base given the religious overtones, but with the way he had been ejected from Heaven, it did seem my fallen brother is coming full circle. What ended for him the day Father cast him out would begin in a place seemingly blessed by it. The irony is not lost on me.

  As I stand in front of the church, taking in the boarded up windows complete with the color of spray paint, I felt the wind change around me. This is indeed the place. I can feel his power as strong as my own burning inside me.

  Closing my eyes and focusing on the way Serenity looked the last time I'd seen her, I scanned the area for any trace of her. I felt her fear first, evident through the heat emanating off her body, her form coming into view completely as I locked on it.

  She is alone in the room, sitting on a wooden pew in front of a mirror, her hands slowly running a brush through her hair. She is dressed all in black, the material of her clothing hugging each and every curve of her body. On top of her head, held in a knot is the veil and it is then I realize just what is about to take place.

  In saying yes to Lucifer's plan it is almost time for the wedding that would join the two of them together as one. It would be from there that Lucifer would cut her, draining her of her life force and consuming it into his own body. He would then be at his most powerful.

  I cannot let that happen. I have to stop this now and now that she is alone, it’s the perfect time. Focusing again on her, in her present form, I felt my body begin to dissipate until it formed again directly behind her.


  Spinning around on her seat her eyes go large as she takes me in standing before her. She would have no idea that I was not Graham, which is exactly the way I want it. While he may believe he had been the cause of her choosing to join with Lucifer, he was not. It had been me.

  “Graham, what are you doing here?”

  “I can't let you do this.”

  “Oh really? So earlier when you told me I was stupid for caring about Ryan, not bothering to hear me out, you weren't pushing me to do this very thing?”

  Maybe appearing as Graham given the anger she is now displaying hadn't been the best idea after all. While I believed that my actions had caused this, maybe Graham had at least partially known what he was talking about.

  “I was jealous. How the hell am I supposed to feel, Ser? You pretty much told me you were in love with another guy, a demon no less. Am I supposed to just hold you and say congratulations?”

  Thank you. I whisper as I let Graham take control of his body again. I knew there was no way I would be able to do this on my own. If he really did believe himself to be the cause of this then no one could fix it but him.

  “No. Thank you. I need to do this.”

  “You left me, Graham. You let me believe for almost three years that kissing you was wrong. That you didn't feel the same way. Not once in that time did you reach out to tell me different. Of course I fell in love with someone else. What was I expected to do? Wait for you when I didn't have a clue?”

  “No, but you weren't supposed to fall in love with a demon for Christ's sakes. Not when you can do so much better.”

  “Oh yeah, because you know, I've got a ton of guys lining up around the block to date me. A girl with voices of the dead in her head. Yeah, I'm a real catch.”

  Graham moved close to her, in a move so fast that being inside him, I had to take a moment to adjust to the change. He pulled her up from her seat, bringing her into his body before wrapping his arms around her and closing her in.

  “It has nothing to do with the amount of guys interested in you. You are a catch and as far as I can tell there are three people more than willing to prove it to you.”

  “Three people? What the hell are you talking about?”

  Even as she questioned it I know what Graham will tell her. That not only is there Ryan and him, but me as well.

  “In his own way, Gabriel loves you. He’s wanted nothing more in the last twenty years then to protect you from this very thing. Then there's me. I think I've already told you how I feel, but if you want to hear more than I’ve got no problem telling you. I was awake in Emma's bed last night after you passed out in my arms. I got to experience the way it felt having you pressed up against me. The way your heartbeat seems to slow to a crawl while you slept, probably the most peaceful you have in years. If I didn't love you before that moment, I damn sure did then.”

  Her body relaxed against his and I felt the temperature in the room begin to shift. No longer was it filled with heat and anger. In allowing her body to relax with his words, I knew I made the right choice giving him control. We might be able to fix this after all.

  “Why are you telling me this now? You see the way I'm dressed, the result of the choices I've made. Why come here and tell me this?”

  “Because if I let you go through with this, I will never forgive myself; and neither will Gabriel. Serenity, you don't need to do this. You can come with me now, leave here and never look back.”

  “I know you think that it’s that easy Graham but it’s not. I made my choice and I'm going to see it through and nothing you say will change it. I'm sorry.”

  She began to pull away from him and I could see the finality written all over her face through his eyes. As hard as I fought to save her, I couldn't do so if she didn't want to be saved. I had thought that in coming here, I would find her wanting to be freed from the choice she made, but what I am baring witness to instead is the complete opposite.

  She accepts her destiny.

  The door to the room opened and a shadow immediately bathed the room in darkness. Pulling Graham back, I took control, ready for battle if called for. While I needed him to try and get through to her, now that I know it is impossible, there is no way I am going to let him suffer. Whatever happened now would fall on me, I would take the damage.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Ryan asked making his way into the room, his eyes scanning between the two of us, and landing on the arms that were still very much wrapped around the woman he loves.

  “He was just leaving.”

  “I am not leaving.” I stated, fully prepared to stand my ground and fight the demon for her. While I understood that I couldn't change her mind it did not mean I couldn't use my powers to get her out of here against her will. Something I am fully prepared to do.

  “What do you want, Graham? Did you finally realize how stupid you are and want to make up for it?”

  Given the heated glare the demon was leveling in my direction I knew she had told him of what happened earlier. While I like the soul-mate bond no more than the demon, I understood what he is attempting to do here. Protect Serenity from what he perceives to be the real threat.

  “This is not her destiny. Serenity says that you know that. If that is to be believed, then you must help me get her out of here.”

  His expression changes as he lets his eyes scan over Graham’s body again. Realizing too late what he’s trying to do, my attempt at blocking him from learning the truth failed. He knows who I really am. While I wait for him to react, to give me up and turn on m
e, time seems to stop. He lowered his defense and his eyes become clear, though this time not filled with anger, but with sadness.

  “While I would like nothing more than to do that, I'm afraid it’s impossible. Even if she wanted to leave, or I wanted you to take her, she can’t do either. Lucifer made sure of that, which means he was expecting you.”

  I understand what he is getting at. He knew exactly who I was and what I was trying to do and agreed with me, wanting nothing more than to free Serenity from the plan that would ultimately destroy her.

  “He put a brand on her didn't he?” I ask, wanting confirmation for what I truly believe is the issue we now face.

  “Yes, which you know means she isn't going anywhere.”