Read Holidays and Dreamy Nights - Book 3 Page 20


  Cassie was in her room, anxious to hear from her parents. She ached to hear their voices again, so she couldn’t stop hoping. She picked up the radio and listened to different frequencies. Most of the music was from the top ten popular songs, or the news about Parkerville, so she kept changing the stations. She was so upset with herself, since she couldn’t remember what station she went to the first time.

  Oh, come on. It has to be around this station. Please, Mom, talk to me. I can’t keep going on here, without knowing where you and dad are . . . and you’re both okay.

  She sat down on her bed and started to cry. She kept moving the dial, when there was a little bit of static. She thought she heard something and tried to tune it in.

  “Cassie . . . static . . . love . . .?” Then the static got louder.

  “No, come back! I need to talk to you,” she cried, into the radio. “Please, please say something, Mom. I need to hear your voice,” she shouted into the radio.

  This went on for more than an hour and she was about to give up, but then she heard her name.

  “Mom, is that you? Is it really you?

  “Yes . . . me . . . dad and I . . . trying . . . be brave . . . we have to . . .”

  Then the radio went back to static.

  She had to wait for her tears to stop flowing, before she washed her face. Then she started down to the living room.

  Everyone was present and Cassie could see it was ten minutes to midnight. Justin told everyone to go through the family room door and into the back yard. He was a little shaken at something he and Marion saw on the TV, but was glad they had been alone.


  The countdown was getting ready to start, when the TV started to show something no one was expecting. One of the Keepers; who had been talking and referencing several events that took place the previous year, started forgetting where he was. He was now centered on something the camera caught earlier in the evening.

  Sara and Mr. Figg were standing near the TV, trying to concentrate on what was happening. Sara was engrossed on the newest revelation that caused the speaker to lose all of his decorum.

  “Holy Smoke! What on earth is that? Or who on earth is that? Somebody get down there right away!” the announcer shouted.”

  When the clock struck twelve, Todd kissed Laura, and Ron followed suit with Carol Jean. Mr. Figg took Sara into his arms, giving her a very passionate kiss, but much to his surprise, everything went black, as he landed on the floor.

  Laura was standing over him with a huge, black wrought iron pan in her hands.

  “Don’t you ever touch my mother again, you big jerk!” Laura screamed.

  Ron and Carol Jean jumped up from the sofa, terrified.

  Skye and Chad came out of the room, laughing and hugging each other, until they saw an unconscious Mr. Figg on the floor.

  “Oh, Laura.” Was all Todd could say, putting his hands to his head.

  “You killed him! I swear you’ve killed him. Oh, Laura, why did you have to do that?” Sara yelled in shock.


  When the Keaton’s took Cassie out the family room door, all she could see was darkness. Justin had a flashlight and showed everyone the inside of a large black tent, which encompassed both families’ yards. Amy and her parents were already waiting, each with a little flashlight.

  “Here, “Amy said, giving out flashlights for everyone. “This is going to be the best New Years Eve we’ve ever had.”

  “Daddy, what’s going on,” Geri asked.

  “You all have to wait until midnight and I think you will be surprised,” Justin smiled.

  “So where’s the swimming pool,” Cassie said anxiously, not taking another step.”

  Geri laughed, “It’s completely covered, silly. Haven’t you even noticed?”

  “I guess not, but thanks for telling me,” Cassie laughed.

  “Justin,” Marion started. “What in the world are we doing here?”

  “Just wait and see, Mare. It’s a surprise and I think everyone will enjoy it.”

  Everyone used their flashlights to find wooden chairs in a semi-circle and took a seat.

  “So, what’s sparkling at the top of the tent?” Marion asked, a little worried.

  Chris just couldn’t keep quiet. “It’s supposed to look like stars . . . get it?”

  “Oh, yeah, it does look like stars. You’re so smart, Chris,” Geri laughed. “I wouldn’t have even thought that.”

  “Okay, everyone, it’s just a few minutes to midnight. Keep looking up,” Justin instructed.

  All eyes were looking at the stars above, when a golden globe started to shine at the top of the tent. It started coming down slowly and Cassie jumped up from her chair.

  “It’s the New Year ball! How did you know?”

  “Oh, a little birdie told me, but once you see the number 10, we all have to count down together, but not too loudly.” Justin seemed like a little boy, in his excitement.

  After a few minutes, they all were counting out the different colored numbers, as the ball descended. At the end of the countdown, a sign with 1966 flashed at the bottom. Bubbles of bright colors started coming down from the top of the tent, popping quietly, as to not disturb the quiet of the night. It was a beautiful sight and everyone was laughing and enjoying all the colors and streamers covering everyone.

  Cassie was smiling, with another torrent of tears running down her face, when she grabbed Chris and kissed him.

  “I know you had to be part of this, but how did you know, Chris?”

  “Hey, I didn’t know anything about it. Dad found out from a co-worker in the city and thought you’d like it. He wanted you to feel at home.”

  “Yes, this was perfect and I really do believe I belong here. Thank you so much, everyone.”

  Both families helped to clean up the yards, having so much fun and decided to make it a tradition, as long as the Keepers don’t find out.


  Skye ran to the phone to call Dr. Ross, and in a flash, Dr. Ross was at the kitchen door.

  “Well, well, Laura, what have you done this time?”

  “I think I killed Mr. Figg,” Laura said, quite calmly.

  “Ya did? Well he doesn’t look dead to me. He’s still breathing.”

  Dr. Ross threw a few cotton balls at her and got down on one knee to examine his patient.

  “Looks like one heck of a concussion to me, but I’ll get him over to the clinic. Come on boys give me a hand.”

  “You have a clinic?” Skye asked surprised, as she was bombarded with exploding different colored cotton balls.

  Ron, Todd, and Chad all lifted Mr. Figg and carried him out to Dr. Ross’ black car.

  “How did you know to bring your car and how did you get here so quickly?” Skye asked, totally confounded.

  “I’m funny that way,” he said, and threw another handful of cotton balls at her.

  Sara, Skye, and Carol Jean followed the guys out to Dr. Ross’ car.

  “Oh, great!” Carol Jean said, looking across the street.

  “Well, that’s no surprise. We knew she’d watch everything that went on over here. She has nothing better to do on New Year’s Eve,” Skye replied.

  “Well, everyone, have a Happy New Year,” Dr. Ross said. “I’ll fix this fellow up and all will be fine.”

  “Thank you so much, Dr. Ross, you always seem to come to my rescue,” Sara said shaking his hand.

  “That’s what I’m here for and you happen to be one of my favorites.” The doctor put his hand in his pocket and pulled out some silver exploding cotton balls to throw at Carol Jean and Skye. He then backed out of the driveway and waved to them, as he drove up the road.

  Carol Jean looked at Ron and they both smiled.

  “Never a dull moment,” Skye said, as Chad put
his arm around her and lead her back inside.

  “It was improper, totally improper,” Sara said when she approached Laura sitting with Todd on the love seat.

  “I know,” Laura said, tears streaming down her face.

  “Oh, I don’t mean you, honey, I meant Gerald. He had no right to take advantage of me that way. Now, I’m not saying it was right of you to hit him with one of my grill pans, but he had it coming.”

  Laura jumped up and threw her arms around her mom.

  “No one is going to take you away from me, Mom, except Dad of course.”

  Sara turned to Chad and Skye. “And just where were you two all night?”

  “Oh, well, we were, um . . .” Chad started.

  “We were watching the stars,” Skye broke in.

  “There aren’t any stars out tonight,” Sara challenged.

  “I didn’t say stars in the sky, now did I?” Skye countered, with a smile on her face, clutching Chad’s hand.

  Sara turned her back and walked over to the TV saying, “Well, I hope you turned off that little TV before you left the room.”

  There was silence, as both teens stared at each other . . . amazed.

  “Honestly, mother, is there nothing we can’t hide from you?” Laura asked.

  “Nothing!” Sara answered.


  Now for those families who were still watching TV, and enjoying the funny and embarrassing things caught on the cameras; all of a sudden, something kept repeating. The camera picked up two shadows emerging from a time warp and it looked like people, but no one could believe it.

  The Wedding Day

  Finally, the day of the weddings were announced and the double ceremonies would take place on Sunday, January 10th, after the church service and giving the couples the time needed to make their arrangement. There would be a potluck afterward and both parents of the brides and grooms were supplying cakes.

  Jackson and Pam were so happy. Pam’s friends were excited to be included in her wedding. Her three bridesmaids were going to wear green dresses, with small white bouquets.

  Todd was asked to be the best man and Chris would walk one of the bridesmaids down the aisle. Pam’s maid-of-honor just happened to be Amanda Stewart and the two bridesmaids were Pam’s two younger sisters.

  The first wedding party was waiting for their cue, when the Peach sisters began to play the Wedding March on the organ.

  Pam’s younger sister was the flower girl, holding a basket and dropping tiny white flowers, as she walked down the aisle. Her older sister wore the same white and green dress as her sister, as she walked next to Chris.

  Next came Amanda, who looked beautiful with her flowing auburn hair, covered with tiny white flowers. The green gown was her idea, since it brought out the beauty of her hair and her green eyes.

  As the wedding party came closer to the altar, Chris noticed Ruth Ann to his right. He smiled and looked into her eyes, for just a moment, and a shiver went through him. He stumbled just a moment, but gained control.

  Cassie and Skye were a few pews further up, closer to the altar, pretending to gush and faint as he walked by.

  Then Pam appeared in the back of the church, holding onto her father’s arm. She was a beautiful bride, with a delicate veil and a long train flowing behind her.

  Todd stood next to the groom, at the altar, grinning from one ear to the other.

  The ceremony was perfect and everyone stood up, as the happy couple kissed and ran down the aisle.

  Almost everyone left the chapel, to meet up in the recreation room, but Sara and Marion stopped the girls from leaving.

  “Girls, we need to stay for both weddings,” Sara spoke up. “It wouldn’t be kind to ignore your classmates’ wedding. It’s bad enough how young they are, but we aren’t going to be rude.

  Cassie and Skye gave out a sigh and sat back down.

  “Does your aunt even know Mayla was the one who discovered Sara’s secret room at the sleep over? We are way beyond being nice with this.”

  “I’m with you, but poor Bruce, his life is just about over,” Skye looked down, shaking her head.

  After a few minutes, the Royals and their boyfriends filtered into the chapel. They were loud and disrespectful, and the pastor had to remind them where they were. Loretta Parker walked in with Cindy and Peter, searching the chapel to see who showed up. When she saw Sara and Marion, she smiled and started over to where they were seated.

  “I am so happy to see you here, Marion. I’ve always known you were a good friend. Oh, and Cassie, you haven’t been over to visit. We must plan a day when you can come and have dinner with us. I know Peter is anxious to get to know you better, and well, Cindy speaks of you often.”

  Cassie smiled and started to speak, but Sara stopped her.

  “Loretta, the ceremony is about to begin. We don’t want to ruin the atmosphere of the chapel,” Sara said, putting her finger over her lips. “We should all be quiet and wait for the wedding party to come in,” she whispered.

  “Oh, you’re right . . . my mistake. We’ll just sit behind you, if you don’t mind?”

  Sara wanted to say something vulgar, but just smiled and nodded, “Of course, we would enjoy your company. That would be nice.”

  Sara squeezed Marion’s hand, to release her frustration.

  Bruce walked up to the altar and waited for his bride, standing next to the pastor. After a few moments, someone put on the record, The Sugar Shack.

  Mayla started dancing down the aisle in her gown, singing along with the song, as Bruce joined in.

  The congregation was only about ten to fifteen people, standing up staring at the bride. As she danced toward Cassie and Skye, the girls joined in singing and dancing in place. Soon after, most of the guests were singing along.

  Loretta glared at Beth Johnson, the bride’s mother, and then she shouted to everyone. “Stop this sham of a wedding! This is a place of God.”

  Pastor Martin smiled and joined in with the song, and everyone kept singing and dancing. Once the song was over, the wedding vows were completed.

  Bruce and Mayla kissed, and thanked everyone who came.

  “Thank you for coming to our wedding,” Mayla shouted. “Sometimes you lose and sometimes you win. I’m certainly the winner this time.”

  Then the song began to play again, as everyone danced out of the chapel, except for Loretta. She sat in her pew in shock.

  Valentine’s Day

  Mac Brennan came in from milking the cows, his breakfast waiting for him on the table. His dad came in shortly after Mac and sat down. His dad started eating and gulping down his milk, when he stopped in midway.

  "Son, you know Valentine's Day is not too far off."

  "Oh, gee, thanks, Pop. I really needed to be reminded. Last year, if you remember correctly, I took Skye to a candle-lit dinner, and you know, I swear she didn't appreciate any of the preparations I made for her. I took her to Burgerland, which has the best fries and burgers anywhere. I took one of Mom's candles, so she could have a candle lit dinner and I even got us a booth next to the jute box, so she'd have music to listen to. I wore my best Levi's and my best shirt, not a hole to be seen anywhere."

  "But did you wear deodorant, son? And did you change your underwear? Women like that."

  “Of course I wore deodorant; at least, I think I wore some. But that was a year ago. I can't remember if I changed my underwear or not. Hey, what difference would that make, since she was with the best lookin' guy in Bright Springs?"

  "Well, son, I don't think any woman could ask for more. No, I truly don't. But I have an idea that will solve this whole mess. Now, I’m sure there’s a Valentine's Day’s party in Parkerville and I know you’re clever enough to sneak in and bring that girl back with you. Those people are little off, if I remember, so no one will even notice."

p; Mac put his fork down and leaned toward his father. “I'm all ears." Mac said, with a devilish grin on his face.

  "Okay, but where's your mom? I don't trust her and I think she's on Skye's side."

  "I saw her walkin' out towards the chickens." Mac grinned.

  "Good, now here's what you're gonna do, come that special day."

  The two Brennan men whispered back and forth for a good fifteen minutes, until they both had a major plan.

  "Well, Pop, I can't thank you enough. I got some hope again and that's all I need to get me through until that day," Mac said, relieved.

  "Now son, I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but those Cavanaugh’s have been invited to move into Parkerville, so you just might have to set your mind around that, but I sure hope that Chad kid won't be any trouble."

  "He wasn't any trouble when he went to school with her. I can handle him and anybody else who gets in the way," Mac laughed.

  The plan was set and Mac was excited. Soon he’d have his little chickadee back in his arms forever.

  When the day finally came, he was ready. Mac got into his dad’s blue Impala, with the passenger seat loaded with red roses, boxes of candy, and a huge bologna sandwich. His dad made it for him to keep up his energy.

  His dad waved goodbye and wished him good luck, as Mac honked the horn when he drove out of the Brennan driveway.

  “Now what is that boy up to?” Mrs. Brennan asked, coming up behind her husband. “And you actually let him drive your precious car?”

  “Never you mind! You just get back in the house and do whatever you was doin’. Your son is going to be a happy man tonight, I guarantee it.”

  “Don’t forget, son, easy does it!” His dad shouted as the car flew down the dirt road of the driveway.


  The last of the snow was about gone, to everyone’s delight, but there was always a chance for a few flurries later in the month.

  It was the day of the Valentine’s Day party and everyone was excited.

  Marion had called for a shuttle to take the girls to Moore’s Glen, the weekend before. Although the shops in Parkerville are stocked with beautiful clothes, Geri wanted something a little different for the big party on Saturday night.

  “Okay, girls,” Marion yelled, waiting at the front door. “They’re not going to wait forever!”

  Cassie and Geri ran down the stairs, grabbed a jacket, and boarded the shuttle.

  The girls talked about what they wanted to wear to the party and were anxious to see what they would be able to find. After a couple of hours, they found what they wanted, caught the shuttle back, and hurried up to their rooms to try everything on.

  Chris was up in his room, over the garage, pulling out his outfit. He had a big smile on his face and hoped to win Cassie over for good.


  Skye came down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some more treats for the cabin. Jake and Chad would be by soon to pick her up. The cabin was ready to go, but she needed to be the first in the door to make sure everything was going to go as planned.

  Just then, Sara came down the stairs wearing a small black fedora on her head with a red ribbon tied around it, as her hair was pulled to one side with another red ribbon. She was wearing a satin red and black striped skirt, with a skirt had a slit up the side, and wore a white satin blouse and a black vest.

  “Well, what do you think?” Sara asked, spinning around in front of Skye and giving her little black fedora a pop with her hand.

  Sara looked so much younger, but as Skye examined her outfit, she rolled her eyes and sighed, with her hands on her hips, very confused.

  “You’ve all got this Valentine’s Day wrong. What on earth gave you the idea it was all about some stupid gangster movie, they made about the massacre in Chicago, all those years ago. The massacre just happened to be on St. Valentine’s Day, you know. Tonight is the day of love, flowers, teddy bears, red roses and boxes of heart shaped chocolates. I’m sorry to tell you this, but the rest of the world celebrates it like I just described.”

  “Oh,” was all Sara could say to this enlightenment. “Well, if what you say is true, you certainly look the part of a pretty valentine present for some lucky young man.”

  Guilt settled in immediately at the look on her aunt’s face. “I’m sorry, Aunt Sara, I didn’t mean to burst your bubble. You do look fantastic, but it’s kind of sick, celebrating a day meant for love with people dying. It was just a movie, or a newsreel, can’t remember. Sure, it happened, but it’s not something to celebrate.”

  Skye was wearing a pink chiffon dress, with a white lace collar, and a pink and white ribbon held her long silky hair in place. She was also wearing pink and white satin shoes.

  There was a knock at the kitchen door and Skye ran to answer it.

  Chad looked gorgeous in a white suit with a red tie. He took Skye’s hand, said hello to Sara and complimented her on her outfit, and then off they went to Kidgeons Cabin.

  “Have fun, honey, and don’t be out too late tonight,” Sara said with a smile.

  Sara closed the door and leaned against it. She now felt foolish and wanted to know the truth. She went into her secret room and decided to see what they were doing in the rest of the world.

  She turned to the news in New York City and there it was right in front of her. A man and his wife, or girlfriend, was getting into a beautiful white carriage decorated with lots of red and white roses. The girl was holding red roses and was all dressed up with a white party dress and a fur coat. The man was wearing a suit and had his arm around her; the couple looked very much in love. The coach was drawn by two white horses with large wreaths of red and white flowers surrounding their necks.

  She saw people coming out of restaurants all dressed up and couples holding hands everywhere. Then, it all came down to the announcer.

  “Yes folks, young lovers and old lovers join this day as the official day of celebrating love. This is the day they stand in line for marriage licenses. Churches are booked well in advance to be married on Valentine’s Day, the sweetest day of the year.”

  So, we got it all wrong, for how many years now? Sara thought to herself. “Well, that’s that.”

  Sara went up to her room and searched through her closet for the prettiest dress she owned.


  The Keaton’s walked to the school, along with their neighbors. Everyone was wearing a light coat, mostly due to the cool weather, but also to cover their clothes. Everyone was anxious to see what surprises the evening would bring, once the coats came off.

  Cassie and Geri walked into the ladies’ gym locker and hung up their coats. They couldn’t wait to show off their outfits.

  Cassie wore a sailor dress with a crisp, white cotton skirt with large pleats and navy trim. The red bodice fitted perfectly, with a large white sailor collar, also with navy trim. The collar dipped deeply in the back. She pulled out a large, glittering red heart, to complete her outfit. She pinned the heart on the left side of her collar and attached it with a black, arrow-shaped pin. She wore red heels and a sailor hat, tipped over her left eye, and her long hair was in a pageboy flowing over her left shoulder. She liked what she saw in the mirror and put on a white mask.

  Geri wore a square-cut, white jacket with red piping over long flowing, fitted navy-blue satin pants. Her shoes were red sandals. She had her hair in two long pony tails, high on her head, with red and navy ribbons.

  When they came out of the dressing room, Cassie complimented Geri’s cute outfit.

  “Oh, Geri, you look adorable.”

  “Thanks, you look great, too. I really like the arrow though your heart. That’s perfect!”

  Cassie shook her head, not understanding what she meant, but then she saw the decorations.

  There were white balloons everyw
here, but they were splattered with red paint, dripping down. She also noticed there were splashes of red dripping from the walls. Most of the boys were carrying toy machine guns, or Tommy guns, and most of the boys had their hair slicked down, with a part in the middle, or wearing Fedora hats.

  There were photos of gangsters from the 30’s on all the walls, with a bulls-eye over their chests. The guns were loaded with ammunition and each gun was filled with different colored paintballs.

  Cassie just stared in awe, not knowing what was going on.

  “Geri, where are the hearts and cupids?”

  “Huh? What are you talking about?”

  “Isn’t this a Valentine’s Day party?”

  “Yeah, so what’s the problem?” Geri asked, completely confused.

  “Valentine’s Day is all about love and flowers, heart-shaped boxes of candy and stuffed animals.”

  Geri laughed. “No, I’m sorry, but it’s really about all the bloody shootouts in the past. Don’t you know about the Valentine’s Day massacre? It was a terrible thing, but we have fun with it now. I’m surprised you didn’t know that. Why would there be hearts, unless we’re aiming for them.”

  Cassie was dumbfounded. “So, if you had cupids, would they be shooting their arrows at the good people or the gangsters?”

  “Well, cupids are angels, right? So, I guess they would be after all the gangsters. Gee, I wonder why we don’t have cupids in here. That would be really neat.”

  “Geri, the cupids shoot their arrows to make people fall in love.”

  “What? That doesn’t make any sense. They love you, but they still want to kill you?”

  “Oh, never mind.” Cassie gave up the fight.


  Over at the Myers’ house, Carol Jean was just putting on the finishing touches of her Valentine’s Day outfit.

  She was wearing a white fedora with a black velvet band and a long red feather sticking out of the band. She was wearing a short black skirt, a white long-sleeve blouse, a black silk vest, and a black and gray pinstriped blazer. She had on black tights with black shiny heals; she borrowed from Skye. The topper of the whole ensemble was the long dark haired wig she bought in a store in Marshall City. The black sunglasses gave her a sexy, but murderous look.

  When Carol Jean’s mom came up to see what she was up to, she thought Skye was visiting.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Skye, I didn’t know you were here. Where on earth is Carol Jean? She shouldn’t have left you here waiting.”

  Carol Jean turned a dark ominous look at her mother, and then she burst into laughter and fell on her bed the wig slipping off.

  “Good grief, Carol Jean, is that really you?” her mother said, ready to faint.

  “Yep, it’s me. I decided to go as Skye, and darned if it didn’t fool you, Mom. I wonder who else I can fool. This is really going to be fun.”

  “Yes, well, I hope you don’t get yourself into trouble. Does Skye know about this charade?”

  “Yes, she knows. She thinks it’s funny. She won’t be there anyway, cause she and Chad are going up to Tickle Pine to the cabin and afterwards the bon fire.”

  “Alright, but don’t stay out too late and don’t get yourself into any trouble. At least this time Skye and Cassie won’t be with you, and that’s kind of a relief. When those two girls are around, you always seem to get into some kind of mischief.”


  Cassie saw Chris wondering around in his double-breasted, hound’s-tooth jacket, so she walked up to him to admire his outfit.

  “Wow, Chris, I didn’t know you had such broad shoulders.”

  Chris had to laugh, “Yeah, I’ve been working out.” Then he tried to stare into her eyes through her mask, trying to match the eyes he’d seen in his mirror.

  “Are you okay?” Cassie asked, staring back at him.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just a little worried you couldn’t see through that mask.”

  “I like the mask, since I wanted to be a little mysterious, but your jacket looks really good on you and I do like that gangster hat.”

  “Can you imagine wearing a hat all the time? That was a really strange time in our history.”

  “You do know, not everyone was a gangster back then, right?” Cassie asked.

  “Sure I do, Doll,” Chris tipped his hat. “Of course, I’m sure there were some normal people back then.”

  “You watch way too many old movies,” Cassie laughed.

  “Come on, Cassie, do you want to shoot a couple of gangsters.”

  “Sure, sounds like fun to me,” she answered, looking back at the door. She couldn’t wait to see Joshua enter.”


  Joshua borrowed his dad’s truck for the night, but he felt a little embarrassed, so he parked at the back of the parking lot.

  “Okay, Zach, we’re here and please don’t get into any trouble. Cassie and I are going to Tickle Pine for a while, but you don’t have to announce it to everyone. We’ll pick you up later on, okay?”

  The two walked into the gym and Zach couldn’t wait to find Geri.

  “Yeah, see ya later, bro” Zach tried out his gangster slang. “I’m gonna find me a chick to dance with.”

  Joshua started to laugh. “Go have some fun, but don’t get into any trouble. Mom will kill me if you don’t behave.”

  Zach tipped his hat down over his eyes and put on a big smile, as he saw Geri standing with her friends.

  Joshua watched as Cassie walked off with Chris. He was a little let down, but soon found Joey sitting at the top of the bleachers. He headed toward him, climbed up, and sat down next to him.

  “So, Joey, what do you think about our Valentine’s Day? Does it bring back lots of memories?”

  Joey smiled and pulled down the rim of his hat. “How did you found me, kid? I’m supposed to be incognito.”

  “Well, you’re sitting up here all by yourself, in a trench coat, and your hat’s seen its last days.”

  “Whaddya mean by that? You can’t buy good quality like this anymore. So, why didn’t you dress up?”

  “I did! I’m wearing a jacket. It has those shoulder pillows in there.”

  “Oh, I can see you put a lot of work into this shindig, but aren’t you worried about your sweetheart over there? She’s a honey and you need to do something about it. You gotta fight for what you want in this world.”

  “No way, she’s not into him; I know that for a fact. I just gotta keep him away from her, but it’s not easy, man, since she lives with the jerk.”

  “Hey! You talking about my nephew . . . my blood?”

  “Oh, yeah, sorry; I forgot about that. I didn’t mean anything.”

  Joey slapped the back of Joshua’s head. “I’m kiddin.’ There’s someone else for him and she’s a doozie. He’s looking for her, but he doesn’t have the brains.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not so sure he’s good enough for her either; I just need to know for sure he isn’t after Cassie. How can I keep him away from her? She’s a princess, not sure if you knew that.”

  “I know more than you can imagine, Sonny.” Joey stared ahead, with a worried face. “You know Chris thinks he’s smooth, but he doesn’t have a clue. He could just ruin everything.”


  Jake dropped the kids off at the cabin and drove down to pick up more. Skye unlocked the cabin door and they both walked in. She turned on the lights and asked Chad to start a fire in the large brownstone fireplace. He took off his jacket, just in case, as he walked over to the gritty bunch of logs, piled high. He then had to remark about the cabin.

  “This just looks fantastic. You and Cassie did all this?” he asked.

  “Well, Carol Jean, too, but we had a ball. Cassie and Joshua will be coming up later. They decided they should
make an appearance at the crazy party in the gym.”

  “That should be fun. Those people are a little off about Valentine’s Day.”

  “Yes, Chad, you’ve certainly got that right.”


  Cassie was having fun killing the gangsters, but when it was Chris’ turn, she looked up into the bleachers. She knew Joey would be there, watching. She was surprised to see Joshua sitting next to him and wanted to get away. She looked farther down the bleachers and saw a girl with long blond hair, piled on the top of her head. She wore a red mask and instinctively, she looked back toward Cassie.

  Who is she? I know she was on the train, but I don’t remember seeing her in town. I just wonder what she’s up to and I need to find out, now.

  She turned toward Chris, who was shooting his Tommy gun, covering the poor schmuck with paint, when one of his friends opened fired next to him. It was a gruesome scene, but she was able to finally get away.

  As she walked toward the bleacher, the girl had disappeared.

  Good grief, I only looked away a few minutes. Where did she go?

  There were so many kids and grownups wandering around, with lots of noise echoing from the shooting. She tried to weave herself through all the people and finally bumped into the mystery girl.

  “Oh, hi,” Cassie said a little unexpected. “I remember seeing you on the train. Do you remember me?”

  “Of course, I remember you.” There was a velvety tone to her voice. “I see you all the time, but you don’t recognize me.”

  “How could I have mistaken you? You’re amazing.”

  The girl laughed and put her hand on Cassie’s shoulder. “We’ll meet again, sweet Cassie, and I’ll explain everything to you, but today is not the day.”

  Cassie didn’t know what to say, but when the girl touched her shoulder, a shiver went through her and she stood transfixed in a daze.

  “Cassie, say something. I’m getting a little worried about you,” Geri yelled, patting her face.

  “What’s going on?” Cassie finally spoke, removing her mask. “Did you see that girl?”

  “What girl?” Geri said. “I’ve been trying to get you to say something for a while.”

  Cassie shook her head and looked around. There were some people watching her and came over to see if she was okay.

  “I’m fine, really, I’m fine.” She said to her concerned audience.

  “Come on, Cassie; let’s sit down in the bleachers. Your face is still a little pale.”

  “Geri, I don’t remember anything. What was I doing?”

  “Well, when I came up to you, you were just staring at the floor. It was a little creepy.”

  “Gosh, I don’t remember anything, except Chris shooting at all the bad guys.”

  It didn’t take long for Cassie to finally compose herself and told Geri she should have some fun, and not worry about her. She went to the bleachers and climbed up to join Joshua and Joey.

  “You okay? You look a little pale, doll face,” Joey said, a little worried.

  “I’m fine, but I don’t remember what happened.”

  “Okay, that’s all I need to know,” Joshua spoke up. “We’re gonna get some fresh air.”

  “That’s a good call, Josh, and I’ll keep an eye on those grifters . . . so get outta here.”

  Cassie took Joshua’s hand and he carefully led her down the bleachers. At the bottom, Cassie told Geri she and Joshua were going to take a walk, since she needed some fresh air.

  Zach walked up to Cassie and promised to keep Geri out of trouble.

  “What does that mean?” Geri pouted, “I’m not the one who’s always in trouble. I’m an angel next to Cassie.”

  “Yeah, right, but I’ll make sure she stays one,” Zach laughed, as the couple walked away.


  “Oh my gosh, the gym looks great,” Carol Jean shouted above the din of everyone gathered to celebrate.

  “Yeah, I guess the usual are gathered again . . . the older generation,” Ruth Ann said in a bored tone.

  “Now remember,” Carol Jean whispered, “don’t give me away.”

  “I won’t, if you won’t.” Ruth Ann smiled and walked away, leaving Carol Jean to look at her and frown.

  “That girl is downright strange,” Carol Jean surmised.

  Two long tables were bountiful with cakes, cookies, potato chips and sandwiches, while another table held punch bowls full of ice and punch.

  “Oh, this is going to be so much fun,” she said, as Ron approached her, wearing a red and black mask.

  “Skye, have you seen Carol Jean?” he asked, when he got close enough.

  “Oh, I don’t think she’s coming.” Carol Jean giggled under her mask.

  “That can’t be, we were going to meet here tonight, and later on go up to the cabin. Hey, wait a minute; you’re supposed to be up there now, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, but I thought I’d look in and see what was happening here first.”

  “Shoot, I was really looking forward to this,” Ron said, dropping his head.

  “Well, look no further,” Carol Jean said, removing her mask.

  “Good grief, Carol Jean, you look so much like her, you really had me fooled,” Ron said, relieved. “Come on, let’s get some punch.”

  Sara walked in and shocked everyone there, with her style and beauty, and with total lack of costume for the night’s fun. She walked over to her friends and sat close to Margie and Marion, who were both dressed as gun molls.

  “Good grief, Sara, what is the joke here? Why would you dress like you’re going to dinner or a party?” Marion asked a little stunned.

  “I think she looks great, very sexy, and classy,” Margie said, taking Bud’s hand for another dance.

  “Well, Marion, this is a party and I felt uncomfortable in what I was wearing earlier. No offense, dear, but I was kind of put straight tonight by my niece, and I felt rather silly afterwards. I actually looked on one of the New York channels to see what was really going on tonight. Marion, we’ve got it all wrong.”

  After a lengthy talk with Margie and Marion, about what really happens on Valentine’s Day, Marion just stared wide-eyed at Sara and looked down at her hands.

  “Wow, we did get that wrong!” Marion started to laugh. “Well, we’ll get it right next year, with candy and cookies in the shape of hearts, and decorate with roses and other nice flowers. But the kids will be so sad, if there aren’t a few gangsters to shoot. They look forward to this party every year and no one really gets hurt.

  Sara, maybe next year we can make it a little more romantic, but good grief, we grownups love shooting those cardboard gangsters and so do the kids,” Marion said, laughing. “Should we stop the children from playing as cowboys or Robin Hood? They know it’s pretend, but maybe next year we can have both.”

  “Well, Bud and I have had a ball, slow dancing tonight. For us, it has been a romantic night,” Margie mused. “By the way, Sara, where are Todd and Laura? I thought they were coming tonight, or did they go up to the cabin with Skye and Chad?”

  “Oh, who knows, maybe they’re on a bench talking somewhere, but I’m sure they’re fine and just having fun,” Sara replied.


  Mac drove slowly to the entrance of the Parkerville gate. He noticed some cars parked by the side of the road and parked beside one close to the bushes. He knew all the ins and outs of this town and easily went through an old gated hologram. He chuckled as he walked through it.

  “I can’t believe they’re still using that old fake gate to keep people out,” he snickered.

  He was sneaking around one of the gym entrances, peering into the gym windows and not seeing Skye anywhere. Then, he saw her dancing with some guy Mac had never seen before.

  “Well, at least she finally got rid of that Kane gu
y,” he said under his breath. Next he saw her walking towards one of the side doors to the gym with her drink. She walked outside into the crisp cold air of February and looked up at the sky. She was happy that somebody liked her and she liked him back.

  “Wow, what a break,” Mac whispered, as he watched her and tried to get closer. “Wait a minute, that’s not my darlin.’ Why would somebody dress up like her?” Mac said under his breath.

  Carol Jean was outside with her glass of punch, walking back and forth in front of the door, it was plain that she was obviously waiting for someone.

  Marabelle, with her usual perfect timing, saw Carol Jean alone and walked over to her.

  “Hey, girl, what’s going on, why are you dressed up like that little sex pot? Have you lost all your buttons or what?” Marabelle grimaced, with her hands on her hips.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake . . . go away,” Carol Jean sighed.

  “Yeah, go away now,” Ron said, as he handed Carol Jean a plate.

  “Hey, you don’t have to drop a platter on me, for me to know when I’m not wanted. It just creeps me out that everyone here has a partner except me.”

  “Well, Will and Freddie don’t have partners, so maybe you could grab one of them.” Ron suggested with a little grin on his face.

  “Are you kidding? Both of them are a sandwich shy of a picnic. I wouldn’t waste my time,” Marabelle snickered.

  She was about to clunk back into the gym, when she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. He was trying to hide by the side of the building and he was even bigger than she was.

  “Whoa, I’ve got to check this guy out.” Not wanting to risk losing him, she went back into the gym and went out the other back door.

  Mac could not see Skye anywhere, but he spotted the Kane guy, sitting with a taller version of his beloved.

  “Wow, that must be her cousin, Laura. I wouldn’t mind cuddling with her myself,” Mac whispered to himself.

  Just when Mac was getting up the nerve to corner Laura, and find out where Skye was, Marabelle came up in back of him and grabbed him around the waist.

  “Hello, big guy, come on we’re gonna dance.”


  Geri and Zach were getting a little tired of shooting the cardboard gangster and decided to find a bench to sit down and talk.

  “Geri, can I get you a drink or a couple of cookies?”

  “Sure, I’d really like that. Wow, it’s getting a little hot in this gym, don’t you think? Maybe we can go outside, when you come back.”

  Zach smiled, as he went to find some refreshments.

  Marion was trying to find Geri, in the crowded gym, and saw her sitting alone.

  “Honey, are you having fun? Why are you just sitting here alone? I saw Teddy and Amy over on the other side, with a group of kids your age.”

  “No, I’m just a little tired right now. So, I thought I’d just sit here for a while. Don’t worry about me,” Mom, “I’m fine.”

  Marion was a little worried about her daughter and decided to get her something to drink. She smiled at Geri and walked away.

  Whew, that was a close one. Come on Zach, we have to get going, Geri thought to herself, a little worried.

  Zach was returning with some cookies on a paper plate and two bottles of cola under his arm. He had a big smile on his face and nearly ran into Marion.

  Fortunately, Marion didn’t notice, as Margie called out her name. “Wait up, Marion, and let me join you at the snack table.”

  Zach was getting a little nervous, but started walking a little faster toward the bench.

  Geri saw him getting closer and she pointed toward the back door. They finally made it outside and laughed as they ran to the bleachers, to be alone.

  “Isn’t this a fun time?” Margie said, as she grabbed a paper plate and piled on some cookies. “I’m not going to eat all those cookies myself, but thought the ladies would enjoy them.”

  Marion smiled, “That’s very nice of you, Margie, but I’m going to take something over to Geri. She’s sitting all alone and I’m not sure what the problem is.”

  “Oh, I hope she’s okay. Let me know if you need me to help.”

  “I will, but I’m thinking something is wrong. I hope no one hurt her.”

  “Marion, no one would hurt Geri. She’s precious.”

  “I know, but I won’t be able to enjoy all of this, if my daughter is miserable.”

  Marion touched Margie’s arm, as she walked back to the bench with some goodies. To Marion’s surprise, Geri was gone. She looked around and saw some kids and asked them if they had seen her.


  Marabelle pulled Mac out of his hiding place and he desperately tried to disconnect himself from her grasp.

  “Oh, ma’am, I think you’ve made a mistake here. Uh, I came to see someone else. Now, ma’am, you gotta let me go . . . please,” Mac begged.

  “Not on your life, big guy, you were just made for me. Come on, I want everyone to see me dancin’ with you.”

  Marabelle would not take no for an answer, and with all her strength, dragged Mac into the gym and on to the dance floor, startling everyone in her wake.”

  It was the perfect song for Marabelle. They had just started to play Chances Are, when Marabelle put her hands on his shoulders and laid her head against his chest. She was in seventh heaven.

  Mac tried his best to break free, but in the end, he just glided across the floor with her and tried not to make a spectacle of himself.

  “You are the best looking guy in the whole world. I thought I was in love with Todd Kane, but you just run circles around him. You’ve taken his place in my heart, handsome.”

  Mac was still wearing his black mask, but quite a few people recognized him and actually felt sorry for him.

  “Good grief, look what the cat dragged in,” Sara said with a little laugh.

  “What on earth is he doing here?” Marion seethed.

  “Well, to tell the truth, Betty Brennan called me to say Mac was up to something, and not to be surprised if he showed up tonight. Skye is safe and sound, but I can’t say the same for Mac,” Sara laughed.

  Even after the music stopped, Marabelle continued to crush Mac to herself.

  “Uh, ma’am, the music stopped and I was wondering if you knew where Skye Mackenna was tonight.”

  “Nope, never heard of her and you are not to mention that little ditz’ name again.” Marabelle warned.

  “Oh, well . . . okay, but I think I better be leaving now. It’s getting kind of late and I got to get my dad’s car back to him,” Mac practically cried.

  “Hey, big guy, now that I found you, I’m not letting you out of my sight. The evenings young and I’ve got you.” Marabelle smiled.

  When Carol Jean and Ron walked back into the gym for the next dance, they both stopped in their tracks when they saw who Marabelle was dancing with.

  “Do you know who that is?” Carol Jean asked Ron.

  “Yeah, isn’t that the big guy who took Skye away after the chase?”

  “That’s him, only this time, I think he got himself into something really dangerous,” Carol Jean laughed.

  “Come on, let’s dance.” Ron took Carol Jean into his arms and held her close in a slow dance. She was never happier.

  Will watched, as Ron danced with the only girl he’d ever really cared about, and now he was losing her.

  The Fludge family was sitting on the bench of the gym, watching a happy Marabelle, who finally met someone . . .just her size.

  “He looks like a nice young man, Mama,” Mr. Fludge said, hugging his wife.

  “He looks like a big idiot,” Homer said, totally bored by the night’s activities.

  So it went for the rest of the night, with Marabelle capturing Mac, and him thinking he would have to dance with her for the rest of his life. The worst part was he was kind of enjoyi
ng her adoring eyes, staring up at him, like Daisy the cow back on the farm.

  Yeah, her eyes remind me of my favorite cow’s big eyes, kind of serene, while she chews her cud.


  Rose Baker and her lifelong friend, Billy, were just coming up the walkway to the gym, when they saw Joshua and Cassie walking together toward the parking lot.

  “Hey, you two,” Rose hurried up to Cassie. “Why are you two leaving so soon?

  “Sorry, Rose, but we’re going to another party up on Tickle Pine.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun. You two have a great time up there.”

  The two couples parted and went their own way.

  Cassie kept looking for the Edward’s truck, but Joshua pointed to the truck behind a tree.

  “Joshua, I hope you don’t think I’m embarrassed about your truck. These people seem to be so stuck up at times.”

  “Nay, it doesn’t matter. One day we’ll have everything we want.”


  Chris finally ran out of ammo and looked back, hoping Cassie was watching him.

  “Damn it, where'd she go?” He took a few steps away from the paintball display, trying to find her. “Oh, come on, Cassie, you were just here a minute ago. So, where did you go?”

  “Who are you talking to, Christopher?” A smooth, velvety voice spoke up behind him.

  Chris started to laugh, as he started to turn around. “Wow, Cassie, your voice gave me goose bumps.”

  “Who’s Cassie?”

  He was now looking at the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, but he couldn’t speak a word. He just stared into her eyes and knew it was the girl from his mirror.

  “Yes, Christopher, it’s me. Why did you take so long to find me?”

  “I . . . I don’t know,” he stammered. “Who are you?”

  “I’m your treasure,” she breathed closed to his face. “We’ll meet again, my love.”

  Chris could only watch the girl of his dreams walk away, as he couldn’t move an inch.


  Rose and Billy were entering the gym, when they saw some good friends.

  “Well, Rose Baker, it’s wonderful to see you,” Sara said, smiling. “We’re so pleased to see you both. Billy, we haven’t seen you out in a long time. I’m hoping we’ll see you and Rose more often, now.”

  Margie and Marion nodded their approval.

  “So, where is your sister?” Marion asked.

  “Let me see, now. Oh, Bernadette? Well, the last time I saw her, she was playing cards with Mother. They were having a wonderful time . . . well, Mother was. Poor Bernadette looked a little spent and I was lucky I could get away. Cassie and Skye really need to stop by, especially Cassie, since she sent those sweet cookies to Mother. It just has to stop. We are so tired of her being nice all the time . . . it’s wearing us down.”

  The three women looked dumbfounded.

  Billy offered to get Rose some punch, and walked over toward the refreshments.

  “What a perfect gentleman, I must say. And I’ll tell you something, girls, I’m just glad tonight is a free night for the single women to be out and about; otherwise, I just couldn’t speak for my safety with Billy around me,” Rose giggled.

  “Yes, Rose, you are perfectly safe here at the gym,” Margie said with a smile.


  Joshua and Cassie were on their way to the party at the cabin, while Joshua was trying to change the radio channels, but most of the stations were from Parkerville.

  “Why can’t this town have a top-ten channel? All these force fields around here block out everything. It’s a shame we have to leave Parkerville to find some decent music?”

  Cassie was a little quiet, staring out the window.

  “Is something wrong, darlin’? You haven’t said a word since we got in the truck. I thought you’d be happy to go up to Tickle Pines.”

  Cassie turned toward Joshua, with a worried look on her face.

  “I have something really important to tell you, but I’m not sure I should say anything.”

  Joshua gave out a sigh. “You know you can say anything to me.

  “I know, but I don’t think you’ll believe me.”

  “Darlin’, you’re my life. Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

  Cassie looked down at her hands, as Joshua pulled the truck off the road.

  “Okay, but don’t tell anyone . . . please?”

  “I swear, I won’t say a word. Just tell me, Cassie, you know you can trust me.”

  “Well, I got a little transistor radio from the wishing well. I was so surprised to get it, since I didn’t put my name in at church. I was going through all the channels, when I heard something that couldn’t possibly be true.”

  “Okay, go on.”

  “I was listening to some Christmas music, but suddenly I heard a voice calling my name.”

  “What? Are you sure?” Joshua questioned. “Oh, I’m sorry . . . please go on.”

  Cassie started to cry. “It was my mother. I mean it, it was her.”

  Joshua was quiet for a few moments. “I want to believe you, darlin’, but how could that be?”

  “Because they aren’t dead! My dad spoke to me, too. He said they were trying to get away.” Cassie looked into Joshua’s eyes. “Do you believe me?”

  Joshua combed through his hair with his hand. “Did your dad say where they were?”

  “I don’t know, since I could hardly hear them.”

  “Do you have the radio with you?”

  “Yeah, I keep it with me all the time. I have it in my purse.”

  Cassie retrieved her precious radio and turned it on, starting to dial the channels. There was music from the forties and fifties, and constant information about Parkerville, but every now and then she only heard static.

  “This is when I can hear my parents, when the static breaks in.”

  She held the radio between her and Joshua, listening and changing the channels. Finally, Cassie gave up. “Maybe we can get a better channel up on Tickle Pine. It’s higher there and the channels might come in a little more clearly. What do you think, Joshua?”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m as anxious as you are to hear them. Let’s try to going up to the cabin.”

  After a while, they parked close to the cabin, while Cassie kept changing the channels. Suddenly she heard a voice. It was faint, but she lost it.

  “Oh, come on, Mom, please talk to me.”

  “Cassie kept trying.” Joshua leaned next to Cassie.

  “Cassie,” a weak voice sounded.

  “Did you hear that, Joshua? We have to keep trying.”

  After a few more minutes, a voice shouted something, startling Joshua.

  “Mom, please talk to me. I need to know you’re okay.”

  “Find” . . . static . . . “need” . . . static . . . “room” . . .

  “She’s gone again,” Cassie started to cry. “I’m sorry; I just don’t know where she is. Do you have any ideas?”

  Joshua stared at Cassie for a moment. “I think they’re in the future.”


  Up at the cabin the kids were having a ball, dancing and singing along with the records, when the headlights from Joshua’s truck glared through the cabin’s window.

  Skye ran to the window to see who just arrived and ran out the door to meet Cassie.

  “Cassie, I was afraid you weren’t coming. Everyone’s already here. ”

  “I’m sorry; we pulled off the road for a few minutes.”

  “Oh,” Skye grinned. “You don’t have to tell me what you were doing, but I do have a nasty imagination.”

  Cassie laughed. “I’ll get back to you later. It’s not really what you’re thinki

  All the kids were dancing, and after a while, Joshua brought out his guitar.

  “Come on, Cassie, let’s have some fun,” Joshua laughed. “How about some Sonny and Cher?”

  Cassie wasn’t expecting this, but when Joshua winked at her, she smiled and joined him in front of a microphone, which was set up on a little handmade stage.

  Chad and Skye found a seat in the corner of the cabin and sat down to watch everyone having a good time. It was so much fun to watch the kids from school actually letting their hair down and showing their talents in front of the microphone.

  Cassie and Joshua looked at one another and started to sing, Baby Don’t Go, and after a while, everyone joined in on the chorus.

  Everyone clapped and whistled, at the end of the song, wanting them to sing another song.

  “Okay,” Cassie agreed. “How about I Got You Babe?

  “Yes,” everyone shouted, as they all sang along, with the girls singing Cher’s part and the boys followed with Sonny.

  “Okay, that’s enough for us,” Cassie laughed, as she walked back to her chair. Joshua stayed on the stage to play his guitar for some other singers.

  There were a couple Royals having fun singing and laughing, since they kept forgetting most of the words.

  Mayla wanted to sing with her new husband and Gina forced Michael to sing with her. Unfortunately, the guys were tone death.

  After a while, Cassie was getting a little annoyed, since she wanted to go back to the gym and spend some time alone with Joshua. After every song, Joshua would smile at her, but she just glared back.

  He finally got the message from Cassie, and was ready to stop, when Gina walked back to the stage.

  "Hey, you guys, I want to sing my favorite song, Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Do you know it, Josh?"

  "Sorry, but I don't think I've ever heard that song." Joshua shrugged his shoulders. "Does anyone else know it?"

  There was silence and a few girls started to giggle.

  "Oh, come on, what's wrong with you guys?” Gina yelled out. “It's a great song! Okay, I'll just start singing and you can pick up the tune."

  Gina started jumping in the air, throwing up her arms, and swishing her skirt, as she sang the song. She kept singing, while everyone just stared at her in shock. She was in her own universe, as she ran around the room, screaming the lyrics no one really knew. She finally threw herself on the floor at the end. No one spoke at first, but then everyone cheered and laughed.

  "Where in the world did you hear that song?" Joshua asked.

  "Everybody knows it," Gina said, but then realized the song came out in the 80's. "Oops, wrong decade!"

  "What?" Cassie asked, looking at Gina.

  Paula stood up clapping. "Wow, Ginger, that song was incredible! I didn't know you were such a gifted songwriter. Did you make it up as you sang?"

  Gina stared at her for a moment and then broke out laughing. "Yeah, I wrote that a long time ago. Gosh, I forgot I'm the only one who knows it," as she sped back to her chair.

  “Wow,” Michael yelled, standing up clapping. “Gin, you are so amazing! I love you so much, more than you can ever know.”

  Gina smiled, but then she felt a twinge of quilt, knowing she put a spell on him. The real problem was; she already knew she was falling in love with him, but did Michael really love her.

  Finally, Joshua was getting enough hints from Cassie, who wanted to leave, so he announced he was done for the night. He could hear groans throughout the cabin, but Cassie took Joshua’s hand and led him out to his truck.


  Back at the gym, Marion was beside herself with worry, since she couldn’t find Geri. Justin and Chris, along with most of the men, searched through all the rooms in the school, but Geri was nowhere to be seen.

  Joshua and Cassie pulled into the parking lot and saw a couple of kids on the bleachers.

  “I think that’s Geri?” Cassie said, as she started walking toward the couple, who were enjoying a very long kiss.

  Joshua called out Zach’s name and the couple stood up suddenly.

  “What are you guys doing?” Cassie said, tapping her foot. “Does your mother know where you are? She’s probably forming a posse right now.”

  “On, no, I didn’t think she would try to find me,” Geri said, her eyes wide open.

  “Come on, Geri, we have to sneak into the gym right away, and Zach; you and Joshua should be coming into the gym at the front. Come on . . . hurry!”

  Cassie and Geri ran to the back of the gym, where there was a door with access to the locker room. Once they were inside, they sat down on a bench for a moment.

  “Now what?” Geri asked.

  “I think we should just walk into the gym, like nothing really happened.

  Justin and Chris pushed through the locker room and saw the girls.

  “Where in the world were you two?” Chris spoke up. “Everyone’s worried about Geri.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry; I just wanted to talk to Geri, privately. I had no idea everyone was looking for her.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Chris said. “We already looked in here. What do you have to say about that?”

  “Good grief, Chris, we didn’t know anyone was looking for us? We just came in here a little while ago, so we could find some privacy.”

  Suddenly, Justin entered the locker room.

  “Daddy, please don’t be mad. I just wanted to talk to Zach and we wanted to be alone. I like him and he likes me. He would never do anything to hurt me, but I know Mom would be furious if she knew.”

  Justin sat down next to his daughter. “So, this is all about a boy?”

  “Kind of,” Geri smiled. “You know, Mom treats me like a baby,” Geri sighed, “I know Mom wouldn’t let me even talk to Zach, so we had to get away and talk.”

  Justin let out a sigh. “Promise me you won’t do anything like this again.” Then he turned to Cassie. “I know you wanted to help Geri, but if this happens again, you need to let Marion or I take care of it.

  She nodded.

  “Are you going to tell, Mom?" Geri asked. "You can ground me for a week, if you don’t tell her?”

  “Pumpkin, that’s not how it works and you know that. We have to be honest and tell your mother. I think you may be a little surprised.”


  Cassie walked back into gym to find Joshua and Zach. It wasn’t hard to find them. “Hey, guys, the secret is out. Sorry it didn’t turn out better, Zach. I’m sure everyone here already knows what happen.”

  “Are you kidding? I’ll remember this day for the rest of my life!” he said, as he walked over to his friends.

  “Well, I’m glad Geri and Zach had some fun tonight, but what about you and me?” Joshua smiled and put his arms around Cassie. “How about you and I go somewhere nice and quiet?”

  “You mean the bleachers?” Cassie smiled.

  “Sounds good to me.”


  Back on Tickle Pines, some of the girls stayed behind to help clean up the cabin. Skye headed for the large kitchen, with a tray full of paper plates and cups. Chad was right behind her, with empty soda bottles and bowls of half eaten potato chips.

  “Do you want to save any of these?” Chad asked.

  “No, just toss them in the waste basket.”

  The other girls were ripping off paper tablecloths and wiping off tables, while a couple of girls were sweeping the floors.

  “We really need to leave this place as clean as we found it,” Skye said.

  Chad found a ladder and started taking the decorations off the walls. He was really surprised to see Laura and Todd walk back in.

  “Here, I’ll give you a hand with that,” Todd volunteered, as he helped pulling decorations off the walls. “Boy, those girls really did a job on this place,” he remarked, ripp
ing off a large cutout heart.

  “Yeah, we always decorated the school gym back home for Valentine’s day,” Chad answered, bringing down some paper garland.

  Laura appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, as Skye was wiping off the counter top.

  “Need any help in here?” Laura asked.

  “Sure, we can always use help.

  Laura went to work in the kitchen sink, washing the few forks and spoons that weren’t plastic, and the big empty bowls that had recently held potato chips, corn chips, and popcorn.

  “What made you guys come back?” Skye asked.

  “Hey, it was Todd’s idea. He didn’t think it was fair that everyone left the clean-up to you and a few other girls.”

  “Cool,” Skye smiled. “Laura, what’s with you and Todd, are you two getting serious?” Skye cautiously asked.

  Laura had her back to Skye as she pondered the question. “I don’t know. It doesn’t really feel the same, as before I went away . . . you know? I mean, I always thought I’d marry Todd someday. We grew up together, and we’ve always been there for each other. I don’t know if there’s something missing, this turn around, but I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “I know what you mean, Mac kept me away from Chad when we lived in Bright Springs, so it made me want him more. Now that I have him all to myself, the quest has kind of gone out for me. Oh, but I do think I love him. I’m pretty sure, at least,” Skye said, taking a quick peek at Chad on the ladder. Then she looked back at Laura and they both began to laugh.

  Todd was continuing with the walls, ripping down cupids, hearts, bows and arrows.

  “Hey, Chad, are you and Skye a couple, or what?” Todd asked pensively.

  “What’s it to you?” Chad answered back.

  “Oh, nothing, I just wondered, since I kind of thought of myself as her protector, and I just wanted to know if everything was cool between you guys.”

  “It’s cool, and yeah, we’re a couple,” Chad answered, looking down at Todd with a sneer on his face.

  “Okay, I’m going to take the trash out to the container outside. I’ll be right back,” Skye said, picking up a couple of small trashcans.

  “Need any help?” Laura asked, still wiping the bowls.

  “Nope, I’m fine.”

  Todd noticed Skye taking the trash outside through the back of the kitchen. He looked up at Chad, who was directing Mindy Lunch to catch some garland he was going to throw down.

  Todd slipped out the front door and went around to the side of the cabin’s kitchen door. He watched Skye dumping some trash into the container and didn’t say anything at first.

  “Hey, what happened to us?” Todd said, making her jump.

  “You scared me,” she said, leaning up against the cabin door.

  “I was just wondering . . . that’s all. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

  He walked over to her and put a hand on either side of the door trapping her. She looked up and smiled at him.

  “Well, Laura came back and Chad moved in, and you and I sort of glided away from each other, I guess.” Skye said, looking down at her shoes, feeling awkward.

  “What if I wanted to glide back in?” Todd said, putting a finger under her chin, lifting her eyes up to meet his.

  “I don’t know, Todd, I just don’t know.”

  Still trapping her, he leaned in and kissed her. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around him, and clung to him.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up, continuing to kiss her.

  When they both came back down to earth, they turned and leaned against the door, out of breath.

  “Oh, baby girl, I don’t think I can ever let you go again,” Todd said, still trying to get his breath back.

  Skye leaned against the door, with a tear running down her cheek. “We can’t hurt the ones in there.” She nodded to the cabin. “They love us, too.”

  Skye walked away and started to pick up the trashcans, heading back into the kitchen and put the cans back in their place. “Well, I think we’re pretty cleaned up. We might as well go home now.”

  Chad was putting the ladder away and the girls were putting the brooms back in their place. Todd walked back in and started picking up the garland left on the floor, but the cabin looked great. Off went the lights, as the kids walked out into the night.

  Jake was sitting in his truck; ready to haul them back home.

  “Wow, what a night,” Chad said, jumping into the back of the truck, reaching down a hand for Skye.

  “Yeah, what a night,” Todd followed his example and helped Laura into the back.

  The boys helped the rest of the girls into the truck and they were off.

  “What a night,” Jake said, with a big grin on his face.

  A Curious Birthday Surprise

  Cookie was seated at her desk, writing out invitations for Joshua’s birthday party.

  He’s going to be nineteen. How did this happen? He can’t become a grown-up yet!

  She felt her eyes starting to water, but she was determined to get through this arduous job.

  Okay, Edith, just make a list and get it over with.

  Joshua and Zach came running into the house, horsing around and laughing. Their dad came in behind them.

  “Hey, your mother is busy in the dining room.”

  “Sorry, Dad, but Zach started this,” Joshua laughed. “Okay, we’re done.”

  Zach gave Joshua an evil smile as he walked into the kitchen.

  “Oh, no, you don’t, that piece of cake is mine!”

  “What cake?” Zach said, as he ran out the back door.

  Joshua didn’t chase after his brother, but sat down next to him mother.

  “Can I help you out?”

  “Thanks, but I think I got everyone on your list. I’ll send out the invites in a few minutes, but I want you to see if I missed anyone.”

  Joshua glanced through the names and sighed a little. “Mom, you’re making this way too big. I only wanted a few friends, not the whole telephone book.”

  “Well, honey, I just don’t want to hurt any feelings.”

  “I know, Mom, but I just want a few friends, who I really want to be with.”

  “Okay, Joshua, I do understand. I’ll just stick to your list.”

  Joshua took a deep breath and kissed his mother on her cheek.

  “It’ll be fine, Mom. I know how hard it’s been for you all these years, inviting everyone in Parkerville, but they don’t come. I’m an adult now and I just want my real friends to be here.”

  Cookie smiled, as she scanned the list of names onto her phone and then waited. After she heard a beeping sound, she scanned the invite through her phone monitor. Within a few minutes, all the invitations were on their way.


  Cassie was in the den, reading a magazine and watching an episode of I Love Lucy. She was laughing, but then she heard beeping. She turned down the TV and saw a small machine printing out something. She walked over to the machine and picked up the invitation for Joshua’s party.

  “Oh, Joshua, why didn’t you tell me? Now I have to think of a great gift for you.”

  “Hum, so Joshua is having a birthday?” Chris asked, as he walked behind her. “So, are we both invited?” Chris took the invitation and walked out the door, as Cassie followed him.

  “Oh, come on, Chris, you hate Joshua. Why would you want to go?”

  “I don’t know; it could be a lot of fun.”

  “What? No, you weren’t invited and you shouldn’t go anywhere near his party. You just want to make trouble and that’s not right.”

  “No, I think it will be amazing. You know, I haven’t been out to that farm in a long time, it could be interesting.”

  “Chris, you weren’t invited! Just live with it!” Cassie said furiously.

  Chris smiled and walked away.

  “GEES!” Cassie screamed an
d then ran up to her room.


  Chris was up to no good, as he called Todd.

  “Hey, did you get your invitation?”

  “What are you talking about?” Todd asked.

  “An invitation to Joshua’s birthday party. Cassie got one, but for some reason, we were left off the list. I can’t believe it! I’m guessing they’ll be riding horses and swimming in the pond, and Mr. Edwards does that rope-twirling trick. Not to mention all the food. Mrs. Edwards is a great cook. You know, I really want to go.” Chris said.

  “Sure, that sounds great. I know you can’t want to see Ruth Ann in all her splendor. You know she has a crush on you. She might just knock you out and keep you in her closet.” Todd laughed.

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot about that, but come on it could be fun, if the right girls show up. If it’s a drag, we can just leave.”


  Cassie had the phone against her ear, looking at the invitation, as she waited for Skye to pick up.

  “Skye, did you get Joshua’s invitation to his birthday on Saturday?”

  “No, I don’t think so. The mail already came this morning, so I guess he didn’t invite me.”

  “No, Skye, they have a way to send messages through the phone. Isn’t that weird, but I’m sure you got one.”

  “Oh, why are we surprised at anything around here? I’ll go down and ask Aunt Sara if she got it.”

  “I’m positive you got it, but Chris is being evil and pretending he wants to go.”

  “Chris is just jealous and wants to make trouble,” Skye said. “Don’t worry about it. He’s just trying to make you mad. Oh, my aunt is calling me. I’ll call you back later on, since we’re going to the market.”


  Joshua woke up early on Saturday, a little worried about his party. He didn’t want any trouble from certain people, so he pulled on his sweats and decided he needed a good run to calm himself down. He quietly left the house and headed for the driveway. As he ran toward the curve in the road, he saw a bright red, Chevrolet Chevelle, sitting in the driveway.

  He cautiously walked up to the car, not believing his eyes. The car wasn’t locked, so he opened the driver’s door and sat down on the black, leather seat. The key was in the ignition and an envelope was lying on the passenger’s seat. He picked it up, seeing his name and ripped it open.

  He couldn’t believe his eyes; actually, he wiped his eyes, hoping he wasn’t crazy. The letter was from Cassie’s grandmothers, asking him if he would take the car off their hands, since they were too old to drive such a cherry car. They also told him to be careful and mind the laws, and not to drive too fast, especially if their precious granddaughter was in the car. They both signed their names and wrote a huge, Happy Birthday!

  He put down the letter, smiled, and started the car. He slowly drove up the dirt driveway, so he wouldn’t wake up anyone in the house, but once he hit the asphalt, he let her go!


  It was early afternoon when Justin allowed Chris to use the family car to drive Cassie to the farm, while Skye and Todd sat in the back, with Geri and Amy.

  Cassie had asked Marion to allow Geri to go with her to the party, but Marion hesitated, since she wasn’t ready for her little girl to have a boyfriend. She finally talked to Amy’s mother and both girls were allowed to go, even though both mothers would watch the clock until they returned home.

  Chad was invited, as well a few others, but he would arrive a little later.

  There were more cars in the driveway, than Cassie expected, and was a little worried. She was afraid these kids would make fools of themselves, as her anxiety was growing higher and higher.

  Everyone departed their cars and walked up to the house. Zach made signs to direct the crowd to the backyard, where Jim set up games for the guests to enjoy.

  Oh please, God, don’t let anything bad happen here and embarrass Cookie or her family. Cassie prayed to herself.

  All the kids got in line for the tempting, home cooking and seemed to be having a good time. Some sat at the two big picnic tables, while others sat around the pond on blankets.

  Cassie and Skye went into the house to compliment Cookie’s party and asked to help, as they walked into the dining room and saw all the food sitting on the table.

  “Wow, Mrs. Edwards, you certainly know how to cook. You must have worked all night,” Skye said, amazed.

  “Well, we had some time to do this right, but yes, it did take a long time to get everything finished. And please, call me Cookie. Mrs. Edwards is my mother-in-law.”

  Both girls were laughing, when Ruth Ann walked in behind them. She didn’t seem too happy at first, but then she saw Chris through the window, she smiled.

  “Hello, Skye,” Ruth Ann walked up. “I didn’t think you or any of those other idiots out there would show up.”

  “Now, Ruth Ann, please be nice today,” Cookie, pleaded.

  “Okay, if I have to,” Ruth Ann smirked. Then she walked up to Cassie. “I’m glad you came, sweet Cassie,” and then walked outside.

  Cassie felt goose bumps, as she stared at Ruth Ann, until she was out of view.

  “Cookie, can we help you in some way,” Skye asked.

  “No, you girls go out and have some fun.”

  Cassie took Skye’s hand and led her into the hallway.

  “Oh, wow, I know what’s going on, now,” Cassie said, excitedly.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Come on, I’ll need your help with this,” Cassie said, as she led Skye outside. She found a place to hide from everyone and asked Skye to wait there with her.

  “I’m going to try to do my projecting thing. You know what I can do, but you have to stay here with me. I haven’t ever tried to do this deliberately, but I need to try.”

  Skye seemed a little worried, but she was anxious to see what might happen and see for herself.

  Cassie closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind, but she couldn’t stop all the noise in her head. She kept trying to concentrate on one thing, Ruth Ann, but nothing happened.

  “Why can’t I do this? I can do this in my sleep, but I want to do it when I’m awake. I have to figure this out.”

  She took a couple of long breaths and closed her eyes. She did this a couple of times and Skye was afraid she would pass out, but after a few more breaths, her eyes glassed over. Skye stared at her and waved her hand in front of her eyes, but Cassie was stiff as a board, as her eyelids slowly closed. She was afraid to say anything or even touch her.

  Cassie had left her body and was hovering over the kids, who were actually laughing and having fun. Joshua was calling and looking for Cassie, as she flew over to him, not knowing how to control herself. She smiled at him and touched his cheek. He waved at his face, thinking he felt a fly, but couldn’t see Cassie.

  She smiled to herself and tried to find the beautiful girl she met at the dance and on the train. She felt herself floating over toward Chris, who was trying to get away from Ruth Ann, when suddenly, Ruth Ann stopped. She had a look of shock on her face, as she walked to a chair and sat down, and then she left her body. Now she was the beautiful girl Cassie met at the dance, in a ghostly body.

  Cassie, how can you see me?

  I guess we have something in common, Ruth Ann.

  No, I’m not really Ruth Ann; my real name is Story.

  So, you can change your look, when you want too?

  Yes, that’s my gift. I can also change my physical body, when I want to. I’m happy with my body as Story, and now I’m becoming Story more and more. Oh, do you want to see who I really am?

  You mean these two bodies aren’t who you really are? Do, you have another one?

  Yes, this is my real body.

Cassie was horrified, seeing her burned body and face, and she was suddenly swept back into her body, as she broke down crying.

  “Cassie, what’s wrong? Did you see something terrible?” Skye asked, trying to comfort her friend.

  “Yes, well no, just so very sad. I need to go back into the house and talk to Cookie. I’m so ashamed.” Cassie said with tears still running down her face.


  Joshua saw Skye and Cassie walking into the house. He could see Cassie was crying and he was furious. He rushed into the house, thinking someone hurt her or treated her badly.

  “Cassie,” he said rushing up to her. “Did someone hurt you? If someone hurt you, darlin’, you have to tell me.”

  Cookie grabbed a tissue for Cassie and asked her to sit down.

  “What happened, Cassie, please tell me?” Cookie asked.

  Now Skye was crying, but she didn’t know why. “Cassie, what did you see?’

  Cassie finally put her head down and wiped her tears. “I’m okay, really. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

  “No, someone hurt you and I can’t have anyone hurtin’ you,” Joshua said, his face was flushed.

  “Joshua, I’m fine. No one hurt me; so don’t be upset. I just saw something I shouldn’t have seen,” Cassie said, wiping the tears off her face.

  Cookie walked over to Cassie and put her hand on her shoulder. “You saw the real Ruth Ann, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but I had no idea. I saw her a couple of times as Story, but I never saw her . . . as that,” Cassie started to cry again.

  “It’s okay, dear. She’s fine now. She can be a little hard to handle, but she fixed her problem a long time ago. She’s very special and so are you.”

  Cassie took a deep breath and stood up. She gave Cookie a hug, as Ruth Ann walked into the dining room.

  Joshua, you’re needed over at the fences. Some kids want to take rides on the horses, and your dad went to the pond to see that the kids are all right. You need to go right now, if you know what I mean.”

  Joshua let out a sigh and gave Cassie a hug, before running up to the barn.

  “Ruth Ann, you need to be more, ah, careful.” Joshua said before he left.

  Cassie smiled and walked over to Ruth Ann, and hugged her.

  “I’m so glad we have something in common, Ruth Ann. Maybe we can become better friends.”

  Ruth Ann looked over at Skye as she wiped her eyes with a tissue.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Ruth Ann asked.

  “Oh, I just get caught up in things. That’s all. You’re sweet Ruth Ann.” Then Skye went out the kitchen door, leaving a bewildered Ruth Ann in her midst.

  “You’re nice too, Skye.” Ruth Ann hollered after her.

  “You know, we’re two of a kind. Maybe we can trade secrets sometime, at least, once you get some.”

  Cassie laughed and agreed.


  Chris was playing horseshoes with Todd, and he was winning. He was actually having fun at this party and admitted he was glad he came. He picked up his last horseshoe and aimed at the iron stake in front of Todd, who was trying to distract him.

  “Hey,” Bruce said, walking up to other horseshoes. “Do you mind if Mayla and I play a game?”

  “Sure, go ahead,” Todd said. “I don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun, throwing horseshoes at Chris, but he keeps ducking them.”

  Paula walked up behind Mayla and sat down on a bench nearby, as she smiled at Todd.

  It was Chris’ turn and when he let go of his horseshoe, Story walked past Todd, smiling at him. He got the ringer, but just stared at the vision of his heart.

  “Hey, Chris,” Story yelled out. “I didn’t know you were so talented.”

  Chris ran past Todd and caught up with Story. “Can I walk with you?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  “Wow,” Paula said. “Where did she come from? And has anyone even seen her before?”

  “Not me, but it seems Chris knows her,” Todd said, a little jealous.

  “So, can I play with you, Todd?” Paula asked smiling, walking over to the last horseshoe on the ground. “So, is it my turn or yours?”

  “Okay, yeah . . . Paula, it’s our turn,” Todd said, a little perplexed.

  Paula smiled at Todd and picked up the horseshoe, and then winked at him.

  Chris and Story were walking away, wanting to get to know one another.

  “Well,” Chris tried to think of something to say. “When did you get here?” Chris asked, seeming to flounder, “Um, I wish I knew you were going to be here. I could have picked you up and or . . .”

  “Chris,” Story stopped him. “Let’s go for a little walk.”

  “Sure, that would be great!” he said, looking around. “Where should we go?”

  “There’s a little stream behind the shed. We can talk in private, if you want.”

  “Yeah, that sounds great?”

  Story giggled and pulled him away, as Todd watched a beautiful girl lead his friend toward the shed.

  “Wow, this is a great party,” Todd said out loud.

  Cassie was walking out of the house, when they saw Todd watching Chris and Story walking away.

  Todd then turned and walked toward Cassie, and smiled. “I think Joshua is over at the pasture, letting some kids ride the horses.”

  “Uh, huh,” Cassie smiled, as she kept watching Chris and Story walking away. “Well, it’s about time Chris found someone. I’m really happy for them.”

  Todd excused himself and went into the house, looking for Skye.

  When he finally found her, helping Cookie, he saw her setting up the table for the desserts.

  Paula was disappointed, since she was attracted to Todd, and threw down the horseshoe. “Come on, Mayla, let’s walk over to barn. Joshua was letting the kids ride the horses. If I can’t get Todd, I might have a chance with Josh.”

  Mayla laughed. “Are you kidding me? Josh only has eyes for Cassie.”

  “Well, I can try, can’t I? Who knows, I might have a chance. Oh, why didn’t I see how handsome and wonderful he is, before she showed up?”


  “There you are,” Todd said, looking very frustrated.

  “Yep, here I am,” Skye replied, setting a plate of cookies on the table.

  “What's everybody up to, Todd?” Cookie asked.

  “Everybody’s scattered, but Chris went toward a shed with a gorgeous blond I've never seen before.”

  “Oh, really,” Cookie said, with her back to Todd. She wasn't sure if this was good news or bad.

  “Well, I'm glad Chris found a new girlfriend,” Skye said, not looking up.

  “I'd hardly call her a girlfriend. He just met her, for Pete’s sake,” Todd said frowning.

  “Come on, Skye, we need to talk.” Todd held out his hand for her to take.

  She looked at Cookie for her approval to leave and Cookie nodded.

  “When Chad gets here, would you let me know?” Skye asked.

  “Sure, I'll send one of the kids to get you, sweetie,” Cookie answered.

  “Oh, great, so he's coming, too?” Todd sighed.

  “Yes, but he said he'd be a little late. He had a fishing date with his dad,” Skye answered.

  “I just want to talk, okay?”

  Todd took Skye outside and down the steps of the Edward’s porch, heading for the side yard. He stopped at the swing set and looked seriously at Skye.

  “Look, it’s supposed to be a day of fun, nothing serious . . . right?” Skye asked, starting to turn to go back into the house. She didn’t like where this was leading.

  “Okay, nothing serious, except maybe this.” Todd wheeled her around, took her in his arms, and kissed her.

  Skye pushed him away.

  “Stop it!” Skye said angril
y. “You know I'm with Chad now, and you made it pretty clear at Christmas, who your heart belonged to.”

  Todd was stunned by Skye's animosity and embarrassed by her reaction, as he took a step back from her.

  “Hey, it was just a friendly kiss, okay? You've changed from the one we shared outside the cabin on Valentine’s night. What's with you?”

  “I wasn't expecting that either, but I'm not some idiot that goes from one boy to the next. Chad and I were good friends, before we became what we are now. So, back off, Todd!” Skye spat. She turned on her heel and was striding back into the house, when Chad and his father drove up.

  “Hey, baby cakes, did you miss me?” Chad said, getting out of the car, waving goodbye to his dad.

  “I sure did, handsome, and I’m so glad you’re here now,” she said, as she walked over to Chad. “So let's go see what the others are doing.” She grabbed his hand and the two took off for the meadow. Chad's warm hand in hers sent chills up her spine, and she was glad he didn't see Todd kiss her.

  Todd watched them walk away, he felt like someone plunged a knife into his heart.              


  Amy and Geri were playing with a homemade ring toss, when Zach walked up to them.

  “Hey, are you having fun, and can I join in?”

  “Sure, but I can’t seem to get many rings,” Amy said, “but Geri seems to be a natural.”

  If you want, I could take you to see our horses?”

  “Oh, I promised your mom I’d help her with the birthday cake,” Amy said, a little disappointed. “But you guys go have some fun.”

  Zach took Geri’s hand and walked up toward the pasture. “So, have you ever ridden a horse?”

  “No, but I think it would be fun,” Geri smiled. “I guess you ride all the time?”

  “Yeah, are you kidding, I love to ride, but most of the time I’m just doing farm chores.”

  “Hey, little Josh, your farm is a lot of fun,” Paula said, walking toward him.

  “My name is Zach, so are you gonna ride?”

  “I think so, but it seems a little scary,” Paula said, a little nervous.

  Mayla walked up to Zach and offered her hand. “Hi, I’m Mayla, and I’m glad to meet you both.”

  “You girls are Royals, aren’t you?” Geri said, walking in front of Zach.

  “Mayla smiled. “Being a Royal doesn’t mean we’re all stuck-up and wicked. Paula and I are getting a little snubbed by the other girls, but I wouldn’t have missed this party for anything. Those other girls are so boring.”


  Cassie finally found Joshua, helping Mayla onto a horse. He held the reins, while she settled into the saddle.

  “Mable is a gentle mare,” Joshua comforted her, “so she’ll be easy on you. You can ride around the whole pasture and be safe with her.”

  Mayla looked a little scared, but she had to keep up her tough demeanor and asked Mable to go. Joshua gave the horse a little tap and off she went, looking a little pale.

  Joshua smiled, as Cassie walked up to him and kissed him, and then offered a Happy Birthday, while Paula turned away, a little jealous.

  “So, what took you so long, darlin’?” Joshua asked, pretending to be sad.

  “I’m so sorry, but I had to watch Chris finally meet Story. And, oh wow, that boy was in heaven.”


  Chris and Story sat down on a large rock next to the stream.

  “I can’t believe you’re here?” Chris smiled, looking into her eyes. “Why did you leave me in the gym?”

  “I’ll explain it all one day, but I can’t stay here with you for very long.”

  “Why not? No one is around and I don’t even know who you are.”

  “Please be patient, my love. The day will come when we can be together.” She then put her arms around Chris’ neck and kissed him passionately, as he returned his passion for her.

  “Chris,” Story whispered, reeling from his kiss, “We’ll be together soon, I promise.”

  She then touched his cheek and Chris blacked out for a short time, finding himself alone. After a while, he saw Ruth Ann walking up to him, with a big smile on her face.

  “Hey, big boy, are you lonely?”


  Okay, hold on, let’s stop for a minute,” Chad said, pulling back on Skye’s hand.

  “Why? I just want to see what the others are up to. Oh, look, Mayla is riding a horse named Mable,” Skye forced a laugh.

  “No, I don’t care about that and you don’t, either. What’s going on and why was Todd walking behind you, when my dad drove up?”

  “Oh, you saw that?"

  “Yes, I did. I also saw you push Todd away and started walking away from him. Boy, was I relieved. So, what's going on?" Chad asked frustrated.

  “Todd doesn't know what he wants or who he wants," Skye said, stooping down to pick up a piece of straw to play with.

  “He wants you, Mac wants you, and I want you. So what happens now?" Chad said softly.

  “You’ve always been my friend, Chad, we’ve known each other since grade school, and now we’re more than just friends. You’re my boyfriend, and I never want to be without you. I tell you everything, and you tell me everything. We don’t have any secrets from each other. That’s what makes the two of us so close.” Skye said.

  “You still haven’t told me what you’re going to do about Todd.” Chad said.

  “I want to be with you, does that answer your question?” Skye asked.

  “That's what I wanted to hear,” Chad said, leaning down, kissing her.

  Todd was straggling behind Chad and Skye. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he saw what he didn't want to see and his heart just about broke.


  Joshua and Cassie were talking, when Cassie suddenly remembered something.

  “Joshua, I had a dream about my mother last night. It was so strange, since all I remember is she mentioned a room. You know, I remember the last time we could hear her, was on my radio. I’m pretty sure she mentioned a room.”

  “Do you know of a special room she had, when you lived in the city?”

  “No, I don’t remember . . .” Then she suddenly stared at Joshua. “Oh, I’m so stupid. It has to be Marion’s secret room.”

  “What secret room? My mom has special room, but it’s not a secret. She just likes to get away sometimes, to read or write letters.”

  “Oh, you really don’t know, do you? Geri showed me Marion’s room, but she didn’t realize it was special, either. She just thought it was a closet to keep the luggage and other stuff to hide away.

  I also know Sara has one, but Skye couldn’t figure out how to open it. Oh, wait a minute, when I was in Marion’s room, there was a box on the desk and I opened it. Then all of a sudden, I saw a woman seated on a chair, who started to run toward me, but I was scared and closed it.”

  “Darlin’, what if that was your mom in there?”

  “Oh, I was such a coward, but Joshua, you may be right. Now, I’m sure you’re right. Oh, thank you,” she said, as she put her arms around his neck and starting kissing him.

  Suddenly, they heard a loud bang, as one of the horses started kicking around in the barn. Joshua ran into the barn, with Cassie following.

  “What’s wrong, Joshua? Why is the horse lying down like that?”

  “Well, Lady is about to birth her second foal.”

  “What? She’s having a baby right now?”

  “It seems like it to me.”

  “Oh, my, what can I do?”

  “You need to go get my dad and tell him she’s getting ready to birth.”

  “Okay, I’ll go right now.”

/>   Cassie was flushed, as she started to run back down to the house, when Zach and Geri stopped her.

  “Why are you running, Cassie?” Geri asked. Is there something wrong?”

  “No, nothing wrong, there’s just a baby horse about to be delivered or whatever you call it.”

  “Are you kidding,” Zach said, grabbing Geri’s hand, and pulled her up to the barn. “Oh, you’ve got to see this.”


  Chris gave out a loud, irritating moan, as he saw Ruth Ann walking up to him.

  “You seem a little down, Chris. You know, you can put your head on my shoulder, if you want.”

  Chris paused for a moment, with his head down. “Ruth Ann, I’m sorry, I’m not in a good mood right now.”

  “So, why don’t we talk about it? It may help.” Ruth Ann smiled at him.

  Chris looked up and nodded. “I know I made a scene in Burgers and belittled you. That was wrong. I don’t know why I acted like such an ass, but I didn’t even know you that well. I was just mad that Josh met Cassie first and I felt left out.”

  “Well, Cassie is a beauty, that’s for sure, and I was also a little jealous. When you looked at me, I just lost it.” Ruth Ann put her hand over her heart. “I’ve liked you for years, but I’m not stupid. I knew there wasn’t a chance for me, but when you kissed my hand, it lasted for days.”

  Chris smiled and patted the stone, so she would sit down.

  “So, here we are, the leftovers,” Chris laughed. “But, I have recently met the most beautiful, amazing girl. I’ve only seen her a few times, but I’m head-over-heels in love with her. So, am I crazy?”

  “Yeah, definitely! You must be crazy.” Then she laughed. “Okay, I’m just kidding. I’m glad you met the girl of your dreams, and so have I. Well, I mean the guy of my dreams, but you know what I mean. So, now can we be friends . . . right?”

  “Right.” Chris smiled.


  Cassie rushed into the kitchen, where Cookie and Amy were just finishing the decorations on Joshua’s cake.

  “Where’s Mr. Edwards?” Cassie yelled.

  “I’m not sure, honey. Why are you so flushed?”

  “There’s a horse having a baby! I have to find him?”

  “How wonderful! We wondered if she was ever going to birth that foal.”

  “There’s going to be a new baby horse today?” Amy said, jumping up and down. “Can I watch?”

  “Sure, but it can be a little messy,” Cookie laughed. “Of course you can watch.” Then she looked up at Cassie, “Can you look over at the pond for Jim and I’ll get to Lady as soon as I can.”

  Cassie rushed out the door, running toward the pond, as Chris and Ruth Ann were walking toward her. She stopped in her tracks for a moment, seeing Chris laughing with Ruth Ann.

  “Hey, Chris, have you seen Mr. Edwards? One of the horses is having a baby.”

  “Really?” Ruth Ann yelled. “Chris, I’ll go see if Uncle Jim is still near the pond, but can you see if he’s behind the house, helping with the games?”

  Amy was running around telling everyone about the new addition to the farm and everyone started running toward the barn.


  All the guests were now in the barn, anticipating the new foal. Cassie was standing next to Joshua, leaning on the gate to Lady’s stall. Zach, Geri, and Amy went up to the hayloft to get a better view.

  It was now late afternoon and some clouds were rolling in, making the barn a little dark.

  “What’s going on,” Jim Edwards said, as he turned on the lights. “It wasn’t supposed to rain today. Why is it getting dark so early? Joshua, go see what’s going on outside.”

  Joshua and Cassie walked out of the barn to see dark clouds coming in.

  “You were right, Dad, it’s about to rain.”

  Jim gave out a sigh, as the wind starting blowing and Joshua closed the hinged door. “I’m going to complain about this, but there isn’t much we can do right now.

  Lady tried to get up, as everyone watched, but then she fell down again.

  “I think she’s about ready,” Jim said.

  Everyone started chattering softly, but not loud enough to upset the mare.

  Geri and Zach were in front of the loft’s window, when Geri heard a strange noise.

  “Zach, did you hear that?”

  “I did,” Amy broke in, a little worried.

  “Oh, there are lots of little noises on a farm and it may be some thunder starting up,” Zach said, trying to calm them down, but he was beginning to get a few goose bumps.

  The three kids in the loft weren’t as interested in the birthing now, but they were more interested in what the noise was outside.

  Cassie looked up at the loft and she could see Geri was upset.

  “Joshua, I’m going to see what’s bothering Geri,” as she walked to the loft and climbed up.

  She sat down next to Geri and Amy, who were staring out the barn opening.

  “Look over there by the house. I thought I saw something dark over there,” Geri said, starting to shiver.

  “Oh, it’s nothing, honey, it’s just your eyes getting used to the dark clouds coming in. There’s nothing over there.”

  All of a sudden, Lady’s water broke and everyone yelled, stepping back.

  “Wow, how much water was in there?” Paula asked.

  Jim laughed and told her it’s not unusual. “Okay, everyone, the foal should be coming out any minute, stand back.”

  Everyone was quiet, waiting for the foal to birth, when Geri let out a scream. Everyone was shocked and looked up at the loft.

  Cassie looked down at Joshua, with fear in her eyes.

  Joshua climbed up the ladder, taking two rungs at a time.

  “There,” Zach shouted, pointing his finger. “Did you see that?”

  Joshua sat down next to Zach, as everyone on the ground floor was staring up at him.

  “Chad, can you lock the doors?” Jim asked quietly.

  “Sure I can . . . is there something wrong?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’d feel better if were all locked up.”

  Skye ran to lock the door, at the other end of the barn, and climbed up to the loft from the other side. Paula and Mayla did the same.

  Everyone was quiet, except for Lady, who was giving birth.

  “Edith, you and the girls need to go up in the loft, just to be safe, since I don’t know what’s going on out there.”

  “No, Jim, I’m going to stay with Lady.” Then she turned to the boys, who were still on the bottom floor. “If you want, you can climb up there, too.”

  Everyone was quiet and no one moved, as they were all listening to the silence. Then suddenly a loud, growling was heard in the near distance.

  Cassie and Joshua were staring out the window, trying to see where the sound came from, when two large, dark figures moved toward the house.

  “What are they?” Cassie asked, as she leaned onto Joshua. “They’re almost as tall as the house,” she whispered.

  “I don’t know,” he said shaking his head.

  Everything was quiet for a few moments, when the growling and breaking of wood rang out. Suddenly, a truck started down the graveled lane, toward the house. Joshua opened the window and tried to shout to the passenger to stop, but their windows were up and couldn’t hear.

  All eyes were on the truck, when it stopped next to the house. A tall man got out on the driver’s side, with a large rifle on his shoulder. Then another armed man got out on the other side. They had a spotlight on the top of the truck and started moving it along the horizon.

  Another loud roar sounded and most of the girls started to cry. Cassie put her arms around Geri and Amy, promising them it was going to be okay.

  Everything was now still, way too still, when a couple of shots rang out.
Everyone flinched in the barn, and the little black filly took her first breath.

  Now the focus of the kids turned toward the little filly, trying to stand up.

  Joshua was still watching the house, but another round of shots broke the stillness.

  “Can you see anything?” Cassie whispered.

  “No, but I’m just about to go out there and see for myself.”

  “No, please!” Geri begged, crying. “I don’t want to lose you.” Then she gave him a hug. “You can’t go down there, Joshua. You have to stay with Cassie.”

  The two men came back to the truck, pulling out a mass of ropes and netting, and ran toward the house.

  Then a large semi truck came down the lane, stopping next to the other truck. The two men grabbed the boom winch and put the hook into the moving netting.

  Growling could be heard again and one of the men screamed out in pain.

  “Dad,” Joshua shouted, “I have to go see what’s going on, before they take it away.”

  All the young men ran out of the barn, toward the trucks. Cookie told Jim to go with them, since she could take care of the new addition of their farm.

  The girls stayed were they were, still a little scared, and watched from afar.

  Just as Joshua and Chad were nearly there, a warning shot went over their heads.

  Jim started cursing as loud as he could, trying to find out who was on his property, but when he got closer, another shot went off. Joshua had to hold his father back.

  “Don’t come any closer,” a voice rang out through a bullhorn. “Go back to the barn, where you’ll be safe.”

  “This is my property and you’re trespassing!” Jim said, about to push through the boys.

  “Dad, you can’t do anything,” Zach pleaded.

  “He’s right, Dad. They’re gonna hurt you if you don’t stop,” Joshua reminded him.

  Cassie and Ruth Ann were close by, in the hayloft. They looked at one another and smiled.

  Skye watched as Cassie’s eyes went blank, knowing she was out of her body, and she hugged her, so no one would know. Ruth Ann just leaned against the wall, when she left.

  Both girls were flying over the men and swooped down to see what was in the net. Cassie almost lost control of herself, as Ruth Ann flew to her for support, and both girls went back to their bodies.


  All through Parkerville, alarms were going off. Justin was called to the Court House at the square, leaving Marion alone and terrified. She had always been told there was nothing that could hurt them, as long as the energy fields were in place.

  She finally walked into the den and locked the door; as she called her stronghold, levelheaded friend, Sara.

  “Sara, what’s happening? I’m terrified and I’m all alone. I don’t know what’s happening and my children are out there, facing unbelievable horror.”

  There was silence on the other phone.

  “Sara, are you there?” Marion screamed.

  “Yes, oh yes, I’m here, but I’m also devastated. We were told this couldn’t happen.”

  “What happened? Do you know anything?”

  There was another pause on Sara’s side.

  “Sara?” Marion screamed again.

  “Okay! Something happened to the energy field. There was a glitch or something.”


  “Marion, someone shut off the energy field near the Edwards’ farm.”

  “Who would do such a thing?”

  “I don’t know, Marion, but that’s about all I know right now. All the men are trying to determine what happened. Oh, wait! I just got a notification, the kids are fine.”

  “Oh, thank God!”

  “Marion, they won’t tell me anything useful right now, but the meeting is over and Justin will be home soon. Don’t be scared, they have it under control.”

  Marion sighed as she put down the phone, but then collapsed onto the sofa and cried her heart out.


  An ambulance showed up, with the siren blasting, as everyone in the barn was watching out the windows. The ambulance pulled up, in front of the trucks, so no one could see what was happening.

  Cassie and Ruth Ann were back in their bodies and both girls were in shock. Cassie couldn’t stop the tears running down her face, but told everyone the danger is over.

  “What danger?” the girls yelled.

  Ruth Ann sat up and told everyone there were a couple of bears that were able to get through the energy force, but they had to shoot them. They had to be put down, since they were dangerous and they couldn’t capture them. The energy force is fixed now, so we don’t have to worry anymore.”

  “They weren’t just bears, Ruthie, they looked like an experiment that went terribly wrong.” Cassie looked at Ruthie expectantly.

  “They sure did.” Ruthie agreed.

  “How do you know that, Ruthie,” Mayla said.

  Ruth Ann just stared at her, not knowing what to say.

  Cassie slipped her radio out of her pocket and showed everyone. “See, I have my radio with me. They said they were bears, who got through the energy field, but they shot them,” Cassie added.

  “Well, I’m glad they’re dead,” Paula said. “We were promised we would always be safe here.”

  Joshua and the other boys walked into the barn.

  “Everything is okay, now. I know we are gettin’ lots of calls from your parents, and they are gonna pick you up in a little while,” Joshua said.

  “Wow, this was the best birthday party I’ve ever been to. I can’t wait to tell everyone at school,” Geri said. “Gosh, Amy, everyone will want to know what happened and we’ll be the most popular girls at school.”

  “Cassie, I spoke to your mom and told her I’m bringin’ you and the other girls home right away,” Joshua said.

  “What about the birthday cake?” Geri asked.

  “Well, I think the cake is on the ground by now. Those bears must have loved it,” Joshua laughed. “I’ll bet that’s why they wanted in, just to get that cake.”

  Although Joshua laughed, Cassie knew he was extremely upset.

  “Okay, I guess the party is over and I’m so happy to see the new filly. What’s her name?” Cassie asked.

  “I think we will have everyone come up with a name, send it to me, and then we’ll pick the winner. Is that a good idea?” Cookie said, with a smile.

  Everyone perked up and rushed out of the barn, as their families were honking their horns, driving down the lane. After most of the kids left, Joshua and Cassie walked toward the house to see the damage.

  “I’m so sorry, Cookie. I hope everything can be fixed,” Cassie said, not believing how bad it was.

  “We’ll be fine and everyone is safe, now. That’s the most important thing. Thanks for coming, girls, and hopefully, the next visit will be a little more entertaining,” Cookie walked over to all the girls and gave them hug. “Joshua, I think Amy’s dad’s here, so Geri, do you want to ride home with them.”

  “Yeah, we can talk about all the stuff we want to tell everyone tomorrow,” Amy laughed.


  Chris drove Todd home, as both boys were hiding their own secrets from one another.

  When everyone was gone, Joshua took Cassie, Skye, and Chad to the back of the garage, where he hid his new car.

  “Oh, man, that car’s choice?” Chad said, as he nearly drooled over it. “Awesome, dude, I hope my dad gets me a car like this. This is outta sight!”

  “Joshua, did your dad buy this car? It does seem a little expensive,” Cassie said, wondering how they could afford it.

  “No, it was a birthday gift, from someone’s crazy, out-of-this world grandmothers,” Joshua smiled. “I still can’t believe it’s mine.”

  “Well, let’s get it on the road,” Sky
e said, a little overwhelmed.

  The gang had fun, enjoying the car, but they also remembered what a frightened day they just lived through.

  Once Cassie and Joshua were alone, sitting in the car, Joshua seemed to be drained from what he saw.

  “Joshua, I know what you saw.”

  “No, you didn’t, not really.”

  “Yes, Joshua, I saw it all . . . believe me. I saw more than you did. I have a special talent you don’t know about.”

  Joshua seemed a little confused, but asked how she could see it, since she was so far away.

  “I can leave my body, at times, especially when I’m upset or dreaming. Those weren’t just any old bears, they were huge monsters.”

  Joshua stared at her and felt a shiver go up his back. “So, you’re one of the four,” he whispered. “Darlin’, this is important. We all came from the future, years ago. There were twelve families who came here, to make a better life for themselves, but something must have followed us.”

  “You mean those monsters?”

  “Yeah, but we didn’t know. There shouldn’t have been any animals following us. We made sure.”

  “Well, something went really wrong, didn’t it? So, what if there are more of them?”

  “I don’t know, but we’ll take care of it.”

  Cassie stared into his eyes. “So that’s where my parents are, right?”

  “Yeah, but they were forced to go, since the town needed you and Skye to take us back there, where a new town is waiting for us.”

  Cassie shook her head. “No, that doesn’t make any sense and it doesn’t really feel right to me.”

  “I know, it’s just too hard to explain everything right now, and I don’t really know that much myself. It’s all a big secret, and no one really knows who we are, but they have questions. Cassie, you must know by now you have talents, but do you know it’s all about the bracelets?”

  “Yes, I’m very aware of what’s going on, but I need to know more.”

  “I’m sorry, but we weren’t told everything. I only know certain girls have powers. That’s why you and Skye were brought here. And, Ruthie is one of them, since she seems a little strange at times, but I don’t know who the other girl is. I believe the Keepers know what’s happening, but they aren’t sharing.”

  The Marmadon

  Sunday morning, the church was so crowed, there wasn’t enough room for everyone. Most of them came an hour before the service started. A notice went out to the rest of the congregation to come to the 7:00 pm service.

  Marion called all her friends to tell them they would be going to the evening service and they could have an early dinner together at the square. They hoped that everyone would try to forget the horrible event at the Edward’s farm.

  The day went slowly, as everyone was a little nervous, but they tried their best to have a nice time.

  Cassie called Joshua, and he told her to try to have a nice dinner, but once he got off the phone, he made the decision to be at the square, when Cassie was leaving the restaurant.

  Marion and Justin were talking, walking with Sara, while the girls walked behind them. The girls walked along the sidewalk, speaking in low voices, and trying to stay a little farther behind the adults.

  “Hey, is Chad really a good kisser?” Cassie asked.

   Skye looked at Cassie and rolled her eyes. “Have you seen the boy? He’s a doll, and yes, he’s a great kisser. I’ve still got butterflies in my stomach."

   “So, do you think you love him?”

   “I think I love all boys who can kiss that good!” Skye laughed, avoiding the question.

   “Well, I'm relieved . . .” Cassie stopped in her tracks.

   “Yeah, someone is following us, right?” Skye whispered. “I've been listening for the past ten minutes and it sounds strange. It sounds like big wet feet.”

  “Okay, I don’t need another monster to show up,” Cassie's said in a shaky voice, but the noise kept getting louder and louder.

  They suddenly realized the adults had already turned around the corner.

   “You might have to do that thing you do, okay?” Skye looked at her, as they stood very close to one another. “It's breathing very hard, like a big animal; hopefully, it’s just a cow or horse, or something else,” Skye said, turning her head in the direction of the sound.

  “What are you saying? There aren’t any animals in Parkerville,” Cassie reminded her.

  “Oh, yeah, I thought I was in Bright Springs for a moment. I wish I could suddenly wake up and see my sister.”

  “Okay, stand back,” Cassie whispered to Skye.

  “Oh, I'll do more than that!” Skye backed up against the nearest tree. She heard the cameras above her and told herself not to be afraid. This is a well-guarded town; Cinder and Blister are bound to be here somewhere.

   Cassie sat down on a bench with her eyes closed. Very slowly she slipped out of her body and opened her eyes. She looked in Skye's direction, as she was huddled up against the tree.

   "Oh, dear Lord!” Cassie exclaimed, looking toward Skye.

   "What! What’s wrong, Cassie?" Skye said paralyzed with fear.

   "It's in the tree! It's in the tree, Skye! Get away from there! I can see big red eyes right above you!"

  Skye let out a blood-curdling scream, as something wet touched her arm. Tears trickled down her face as she tried to move, but she couldn't.

   Cinder and Blister were racing up the street. At first they saw Cassie on a bench, with her blank eyes staring at the tree.

   That’s when Blister spotted it. He turned to see Skye, her face white as a sheet, seemingly glued to the tree. Then, he saw the eyes, angry red eyes, staring at him.

   “Skye, come away from the tree,” Blister spoke quietly.

  “Help her! Please, help her!” Cassie said shaking, withdrawing back inside her body. She didn’t know what to do.

   “Can you hear me?” Blister asked Skye, who continued to stare straight ahead . . . tears streaming down her face.

   Cinder had gone to stay by Cassie, protecting her. The eyes shifted from Blister to Cassie, and continued to stare at her. Cassie’s eyes widened at the monster’s new interest in her.

   “Can you move, Skye?” Blister asked, continuing the questioning, as others started to arrive on the scene.

   “No,” she said, just above a whisper.

   Todd and Chris were next on the scene.

   “What's wrong? What's happening to Skye? Why are you standing like that?” Todd asked.

  Justin finally realized the girls weren’t following, so they ran back, retracing their steps.

   When Sara got to her, she instinctively knew what Skye was going through. She walked toward her and put out her hand.

  “I . . . I can't.” Skye swallowed.

  “Yes, you can, sweetheart, give me your hand.”

  Skye tried to move her hand, but the creature had her bound to the tree.

  “Try again!” Sara pleaded.

  “C…an’t breathe.” Skye choked out.

  Meanwhile, the monster kept its eyes focused on Cassie. She could only surmise it was amazed that she could see it.

  Blister turned to Todd. “Go and stand on the other side of Cassie . . . now.”

  “I’ll go too, but please, someone help her!” Laura said shaking.

  Todd and Laura both went to stand by Cassie. But both were totally baffled at why Skye could not leave the tree. Then, Laura looked above Skye’s head.

  “I see it, it’s horrible. It’s above her head in the tree, those horrible red eyes.”

  “I see it too.” Todd said, his face turning white as a sheet.

  Justin and Marion were next to arrive.

  Marion saw it before Justin and just put her hands to her mouth in horror.

  “Blister, what's happening?” Justin took in the situation and basically knew what was going on, but he needed to hear from Blister

  “It's got her,” was all Blister could say, never taking his eyes off her.

  Chris ran up and stood by Todd and Laura protecting Cassie. Then, the creature turned its eyes toward someone else, standing off to the side.

  Ruth Ann stood next to Joshua and neither said a thing. “Can you help?” Joshua whispered to Ruth Ann.

  “I don't know,” Ruth Ann whispered back.

  More and more people were gathering around the site of this poor girl, caught up in something they could never have imagined. Then all of a sudden, Sara took in her breath, as she stared wide-eyed at her niece. A very thin trickle of blood was coming from Skye's eyes.

  “Somebody do something!” Sara screamed in tears.

  “Skye!” Cassie cried.

  All of a sudden, Skye’s whole body went limp. Her head lolled to one side and she looked as if she’d passed out.

  “No!” Todd screamed and tried to go to her, but Cinder and Blister held him back.

  “Do something!” Joshua hissed at his cousin.

  Ruth Ann moved from Joshua and very slowly started for the tree. She carefully crept behind it and put her back up against the other side of the tree. No one noticed her or what she was doing. No one ever really took notice of Ruth Ann. She started very slowly to blend into the tree. She placed her hands against the rough bark and moved them up and down.

  This made the creature let go of Skye for just a second, but in that second, Skye fell to the ground unconscious.

  Justin went to her and picked her up. He carried her to the safety of one of the benches.

  There was an angry roar coming from all around them.

  Blister ran to stand in front of Cassie, who seemed to be in a sort of trance and something knocked her to the ground. Chris and Joshua covered her with their bodies as gently as they could.

  Cassie’s astral body now floated over toward Ruth Ann. She reached into the trunk of the tree and set Ruth Ann free, as she came from behind the tree and walked to Chris and Joshua. Cassie was still in the tree, shocking the tree with her energy.

  Suddenly, the monster growled, now wanting Cassie as its next target.

  “Pick up Cassie and take her over to the benches,” Ruth Ann said, in a trance-like voice, as Cassie came back to her body.

  A truck came barreling down the street and stopped short at Pennypacker’s, where the three girls were sequestered.

  “Gerald!” Sara yelled and went to him.

  “What's going on here, Justin?” Gerald asked, protectively putting his arm around Sara.

  All of the neighbors soon joined in. There were dozens of people milling around talking among themselves.

  Justin went to stand in the square and asked people to gather around.

  “I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but Parkerville has another intruder. A very dangerous intruder! Folks, we have a Marmadon in our midst and I don’t know how or why it’s here. It is very dangerous and it can change into anything it wants. We must be extra careful and be on our guard at all times.

  Mr. Pennypacker came forward and stood in front of Justin. “And just how are we to know when this monster is around, if it can change shapes at will, Justin?”

  “No one’s going to be safe ever again,” a woman cried out.

  Justin looked over at Joshua and Todd, caring for Skye.

  “Sadly to say, it’s after them . . . Cassie and Skye. I think we all know why, and we all need to take responsibility for their lives.”

   People were nodding their heads and talking among themselves, at this point. They were feeling safer, but terrified for the girls.

   Ruth Ann went to stand beside Joshua, as she elbowed him, nodding toward Mr. Figg’s truck.

  Something very big and heavy had just gotten into the bed of his truck. No one else seemed to notice or hear the springs, when the thing entered the truck, but the Marmadon was injured, when Cassie shocked him.

  Joshua’s jaw dropped. “What should we do? Is it after him, now? We should warn him.”

  Joshua started to go over to Gerald, but his cousin stopped him. “No, it means him no harm. In fact, I think it belongs to him.”

  Joshua just stared at Ruth Ann, not knowing what to do.


  After a few days, when Ruth Ann got ready to go to bed, Joshua knocked on her door, asking to come into her room . . . to talk.

  “Come on in. Is it about Cassie?” she teased.

  “That’s not a bad subject, and you’re close, but it’s kind of about her and Skye.”

  “Oh, so what did you want to talk about?”

  Remember when that thing attacked Skye in the tree, and then tried to get Cassie. Do you remember what you saw?”

  “Yeah, I saw the bed of Mr. Figg’s truck go down really low, like something huge was climbing onto it.”

  “Exactly! We’ve got to tell the others,” Joshua said earnestly.

  “No!” Ruth Ann recoiled.

  “We have to; it could be life or death. Come on, we can’t keep this a secret forever. We’ve got to find that thing. I’ve been thinking it’s got to be out on Mr. Figg’s farm.”

  “I’m just not sure, Josh, who’s going to believe stupid old Ruth Ann and her country cousin?”

  The Aftermath

  The sweet happy atmosphere of Parkerville was no longer evident in the small town. A malevolent dark pall had settled over the atmosphere and people were now leery of everyone and everything. They stayed in their homes and only went out if it was absolutely necessary. No one was allowed to travel alone and no one visited. The children couldn’t romp on the playgrounds or even play in front of their property.

  The town tried not to blame Skye and Cassie, but the evidence was there, in their minds. Since their arrival, things just hadn’t been the same and now, a marmadon was loose and didn’t care who it hurt or killed.

  Just after the attack on Skye, she was taken to the PV Clinic for evaluation. She was in a sort of coma from the trauma and had yet to come around. Justin had called an ambulance and gave strict instructions that no transfusions or injections would be done without his authority. Some thought this was extremely strange, while others just accepted that Justin knew what he was doing.

  Sara and Laura went to the clinic to be with Skye; however, as soon as Sara saw she was well taken care of, she quickly went home to her secret room.

  She contacted her husband, Tommy, and told him what had happened. Her husband was irate that something like this could happen in his beloved Parkerville. He decided to find the laboratory where they created the humix and went to see if there were any connections with the marmadon that was now loose in the past.

  Laura and Chad elected to stay behind and sit by Skye’s side.

  Her face was so pale and her pulse shallow.

  Tired of sitting, Chad began to pace back and forth, watching for any sign Skye was waking up.

  “She’ll be fine, Chad, I promise,” Laura said, while holding onto Skye’s cold hand.

  “Oh, I know she has to be here, but I can’t be without her. I mean, I really need her to be okay,” he said, looking down at Skye.

  Outside in the waiting room Todd, Chris, and Joshua waited. Cassie and Ruth Ann were also taken to a room, but no one really knew what to do or how to react. There was only silence.

  Finally after hours of waiting, Skye moved her hand. “It’s me,” she whispered.

  "We know it's you, sweetie, now please wake up," Laura whispered holding her hand.

  “It’s me, Mom, please know me . . . please,” Skye struggled to speak above a whisper.

  “I don’t understand.” Laura leaned in closer to her.

  “I do.” Chad kneeled beside her bed and took her other hand in his. “She knows you, baby . . . she knows you,” he whispered.

  Laura stared at him. “What is she talking about?” Laura leveled her eyes wit
h him.

  “She saw her mother,” Chad said in a hushed voice.

  Laura blinked twice at Chad. “That’s not possible.”

  “Mom, what’s happening? Who’s that man? No, no don’t take my mom away.” Skye tried to sit up and she was reaching her hand out.

  “Sweetie, you’re dreaming, that’s all. You’re just dreaming. Its okay, Chad and I are here with you. We won’t leave you, so please calm down,” Laura said, with tears in her eyes.

  Skye slumped back into her pillow and went back to sleep.

  “Alright, buddy,” Laura glared at Chad. “I want some answers and what do you mean she saw Aunt Dottie?”

  “Laura, I saw her, too. It was in this weird little antique shop. Skye thought she’d left her wallet there, so we went back to the shop. There were some strange pictures on the wall in this room at the back of the store. That’s where we saw this big spinning wheel.

  When you sit on it, it’s supposed to take you back to any time you want to go. Skye wanted to go back to the time her mother disappeared. Believe me; I thought the whole thing was just a hoax.

  We didn’t really believe it would work. But it did. We went to the bridge and she recognized her mother’s car coming over the bridge. Skye was off that contraption faster than I could stop her, as her mom stopped at the edge of the bridge.

  Skye ran to her, yelling for her to remember her. It was more than I could take. Then, this awful guy showed up, and just as her mom was starting to realize who she was, he stuck a needle in her in her arm and she collapsed reaching for Skye. Then he stuck Skye. If he had enough of that stuff, he would have stuck me, too. He told me it was just some kind of memory drug.

  I kept expecting Skye to remember, but she didn’t and I was so relieved,” Chad finished the story and just sighed. He went back over to Skye and sat in the chair next to her bed, with his head in his hands.

  Sara was standing in the doorway to Skye’s room with her arms crossed and she’d heard the whole story. She didn’t know how to feel, but she was horrified at what she heard.

  “Did you hear it all, Mom?” Laura asked, turning to see her in the doorway.

  “Yes, I did. Chad, please come out into the hallway with me.”

  Chad reluctantly left Skye’s side and went out into the hallway with Sara.

  Sara motioned for Chad to follow her to the waiting room, as they passed by Joshua, Todd, and Chris, who gave Chad a questioning look.

  “Alright, what do you want to know?” Chad started, before Sara had a chance to say a word. He was tired and grouchy, and wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated.

  “Well, I see you’ve got a little attitude going, so I’ll be blunt. Did you see the man who did this to Skye and her mother?”

  Chad had to get a drink of water, before he could go on.

  “Yes, I saw the man and he was some ugly dude. I thought he was going to shoot me with a needle, too, but he didn’t have enough serum. Then he picked up her mom and took off with her. I thought by now she would have remembered all of this; in fact, I kept expecting her to remember any day, but it hasn’t happened. I don’t know where he took her.”

  “So, what happen next,” Sara asked, concentrating on his words.

  “Oh, wait a minute, I just remembered something. He said he was going to take her back where she belongs . . . with him. After I heard that, I knew I had to get Skye out of there, in case he changed his mind and came back. So I took Skye back to the wheel and we came back.”

  At this point Chad took a seat beside Sara, closed his eyes, and leaned back against the seat, with his legs sprawled out in front of him. “I’m exhausted and I’m glad you finally know,” Chad sighed.

  “Does anyone else know?” Sara said looking at him.

  “Yeah, Joshua knows all about it,” Chad said, with his eyes still closed.

  “Joshua?” Sara yelled, despite her wanting to keep things quiet.

  “Yeah, so what?” Chad asked, surprised at her outburst.

  Now it was Sara’s turn to close her eyes and take a deep breath.

  “I just think the less people who know about this, the better,” Sara said in an even voice.

  “Did I just hear my name?” Joshua said, peeking through the door.

  “Yes, please come and sit down by Chad,” Sara said.

  “How’s Skye?” Was the first thing Joshua asked?

  “She seems to be coming out of it,” Sara answered.

  “Oh, thank God,” Joshua said, relaxing a little as he sat down next to Chad.

  “Joshua, Skye’s aunt knows about the spinning wheel ride before Christmas.”

  “Okay?” Joshua said, questioningly looking at Sara.

  “Oh, what’s the use?” Sara said, getting up and leaving the waiting room.

  “Chad, I never told anyone,” Joshua swore.

  “I know these people are all so damned secretive. I just get tired of it, but listen, Josh, Skye is starting to remember. She woke up briefly calling out for her mom.”

  Sara rushed back to Skye’s room and looked at Laura for any sign of any change.

  “No, Mom, nothing yet, she’s fast asleep,” Laura sighed and took Skye’s hand in hers.

  “I have to go now, but I’ll be back. I just have to see to something right away,” Sara said, rushing off.”

  “Okay, whatever, I’ll watch over her. Where’s Chad?”

  “He’s talking to Joshua in the waiting room, I’m sure he’ll be back in to give you a break,” Sara said, in a rather hurry.

  “Oh, okay,” Laura said yawning.

  Cassie and Ruth Ann were released, as they didn’t have any physical injuries, but Justin wanted to make sure they were okay. The girls went to see how Skye was doing, when they saw Sara talking to Chad and Joshua.

  “Mrs. Davis, can we go in and see her?” Ruth Ann asked.

  “I’m sorry, girls, but she needs her sleep, but I’ll let you know when she wakes up. I know she will want to see you, so come back a little later.

  “Okay,” Cassie started, “but we’re really worried about her.”

  Sara nodded and asked if they were all right.

  “Thanks for asking, Mrs. Davis, but we’re both fine,” Ruth Ann said, blushing.

  The girls left the clinic, but Sara noticed a hint of something wrong in Cassie’s eyes, as she rushed out of the clinic and started down the sidewalk, heading for her house.

  “Ruth Ann, I also have something I really need to do, so I’ll see you later on, okay?” Cassie smiled, as she said goodbye.

  Ruth Ann smiled, as she walked toward Chris and Todd.

  Joshua walked up to Cassie, a little apprehensive, but she smiled at him. “I’m fine, but you and I need to go somewhere.”


  While she was lost in thought, Sara hadn’t noticed Jake’s truck, when she came out of the clinic; he was waiting to take her anywhere she wanted to go.

  “Hey, Sara, where are you off to? Where can I take you?” Jake offered, catching up to her in his truck.

  Sara stopped and thought for a moment, then jumped into the truck.

  “My house first, and then back to the plaza.”

  “Okay, you got it,” Jake said, as he drove off.

  Sara ran to the kitchen door, grabbed something from her room, and was back in Jake’s truck in less than five minutes.

  “To the plaza, Jake!”

  “You know, Sara, most of the stores are closed now.”

  “Not the one I need,” she responded, looking straight ahead.

  “How’s Skye doin’.”

  “She’s going to be fine . . . better than ever, in fact.”

  Jake arrived at the entrance to the plaza and dropped her off.

  Sara walked determinedly into what had been Christmas Time.

  Up and down the winding sidewalks, she hurried looking for the antique shop Chad had described. Finally, there it was, closed of course, but that mean
t nothing to Sara Davis. She looked at the dark shop and took a deep breath, placing her bracelet on her wrist.

  “Need as needs be,” she whispered, as her bracelet started to glow and pink breath escaped from her mouth.

  The lights came on inside the shop and the door clicked open. She walked into the shop and went directly to the back of the store. There it stood the biggest spinning wheel she’d ever seen.

  “Trespassing?” A woman appeared behind Sara.

  “No, I need to take a trip, Elvira,” Sara replied unruffled.

  “I’m closed!”

  “Then how on earth did I get in? And if you look around, your lights are on,” Sara said, as she turned to face the older woman, who was wearing a strange outfit and a man’s gray hat.

  “We both know how you got in, but I just wasn’t aware that you were one of them,” Elvira said, a little uncomfortable.

  “Let’s get down to business,” Sara said, as she stared into Elvira’s eyes. “I have no time to stand here and argue with you, but I need to use your spinning wheel. How much do you want?”

  “It’s not for sale,” Elvira replied coldly.

  “Oh, for pete’s sake,” Sara sighed. “I don’t want to buy it, I need to use it.”

  “Be my guest.” Elvira motioned toward the wheel, with a welcoming gesture.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake,” Sara sighed, “Need as needs be.”

  All at once, the store door locked and the lights turned off, as Elvira dropped her head in a state of sleep.

  “I just don’t trust you, lady,” Sara said, climbing onto the spinning wheel.

  Sara pushed in the time and day on the wheel, as it immediately started spinning forward. As the wheel picked up speed, the wind became so cold; Sara was forced to close her eyes.

  It stopped on the side of the road before the bridge.

  Sara rushed off and ran down the bank and across the smooth rocks, avoiding the rippling water rushing by. She was now on other side of the bridge, as she ran up the bank and peaked over the guardrail, to see if she could see Danny Elliott.

  He was hiding behind the opposite guardrail, waiting for Dottie.

  “Damn, how do I get by him, without him seeing me?”

  While she was thinking of a way to get on the other side, and sneak up on him, he dashed out of his hiding place, as he ran to the other side of the bridge. She watched him, trying to move a heavy log across the entrance to the other side. With Danny busy, she raced across the entrance of the bridge and hid behind a large tree opposite the guard rail.

  He got it as far as he could, at least enough to slow someone down. Once again, he raced back to the guardrail, hunched down, and waited.

  No one was in sight at that moment. Skye and Chad had not appeared and there was no sign of Dottie driving up to the bridge, so Sara saw her moment.

  “Get up you worm!” Sara came from behind the tree, startling Danny.

  “What the hell!” Danny started to yell. “Where did you come from? Get the hell out of here.” Danny yelled as he approached her. He was completely unnerved by Sara’s sudden appearance.

  “Stay back, you worthless piece of filth!” Sara shouted. “You honestly think Dottie would be happy with you? She can’t stand you . . . she hates you. She’s a wife and a mom, you jerk,” Sara said, gritting her teeth.

  “Hey, what can I say? I want what I want and that’s all there is to it,” he smiled.

  Danny started toward Sara again, as she pulled out a gun from her jacket, aiming it at him.


  “Joshua, you need to take me home,” Cassie said. “I know Justin and Marion are with the Kane’s, and Geri is at Amy’s house. The only problem is, they won’t be gone too long and there’s something very important I have to do.”

  “Sure, darlin’, whatever you want.”

  Cassie smiled, as she grabbed Joshua’s hand, as they got into his car.

  “Can you give me an idea why we’re going there, Cassie? I’m sure Marion might get the wrong idea.”

  “Oh, yeah,” she giggled, “I’m sure she will, so let’s get there before they show up.”

  Joshua drove past the Keaton’s house and parked his car near the playgrounds. They walked back toward the house, hoping Geri wasn’t outside, as they entered the house from the back door.

  Cassie listened for a moment, to make sure they were alone, and then she and Joshua walked up the stairs, toward the master bedroom.

  “Where are we going?” Joshua asked a little leery.

  “Don’t worry; I know where we’re going.”

  They walked into the master bedroom and Cassie ran to the closet, as Joshua looked around, feeling a little uneasy. “So, what are we doing?”

  “Come on, it’s in here,” she said, pulling him into the closet.

  Joshua followed her through the clothes and shoes, and watched her take a key out of one of the coats, as he let out a sigh.

  “Don’t worry so much, Joshua, the worse it over now,” as she warned him to duck his head.

  Once they were in the secret room, Cassie closed the door and went straight to the desk and sat down. Joshua stood behind her.

  “Okay, let’s see if this will work,” Cassie said, as she opened the lid, but nothing happened. She started to hit the keys, but still nothing. “No! This can’t be happening to me. Why doesn’t it work,” Cassie yelled, still hitting the keys.

  “Let me see it, Cassie. Maybe I can figure it out.”

  Joshua leaned over the keyboard, taking his time and looking at all the keys, when he saw a round silver button at the top of the keyboard. Once he hit it, the screen lit up.

  “You did it!” Cassie screamed. Then she put her hand over her mouth. “Oops! I’m sorry.”

  “No, that’s okay, look!” Joshua pointed to a woman running toward them.

  For a moment, Cassie wanted to slam down the lid in fear, but Joshua put his hand over hers saying, “Don’t be afraid, darlin’, just take a breath.”

  As the woman came closer, Cassie started to cry. “Mom, it’s me!”

  “Yes, it is . . . it’s you!” Her mother said, as she slid into the chair in front of her screen, tears running down her face.

  “Where are you and dad, and why did you leave me?” Cassie kept crying.

  “Honey, your dad and I had to let you go to Parkerville. It was the only way to end this.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Joshua interrupted.

  “Oh, you must be Joshua. Your mother and I are best friends, and I’m so happy to finally meet you.”

  “Wait a minute, how do you know me and my mother,” Joshua asked, very confused.”

  “I know everyone in Parkerville, but we don’t have time to chit chat right now, dear. Cassie, your father and I will be at the fountain, where you most likely met Gina and her brother, Joey. There will be more people coming through the orchard at midnight as well, so no one will be watching the fountain. We plan on making our move . . . .”

  The laptop suddenly when silent and then went black.

  “Mom, are you still there?” Cassie asked, as she could only see herself crying in the reflection of the screen.

  “Come on, Cassie. We need to leave. Maybe we can get her on the radio a little later, but I really think we need to get out of here, before Justin comes back.”

  “But, when do you think they’ll be coming through the fountain?”

  “I don’t know, but we can still try to catch them on the radio later on. Don’t lose faith, Cassie. It seems like everything is finally going to be explained.”

  Cassie took his hand and smiled, “So let’s get out of here! We need to go to the library, so we can find out what’s going on.”

  Cassie stood up and walked to the closet, putting the key back into the coat pocket.”

  “That’s the wrong pocket, Cassie, it was the red coat.”

  “Are you sure?”

I kept saying, Little Red Riding Hood to myself.”

  “Oh, Joshua, you’re right.” Then she got on her toes and gave him a kiss. “You’re so smart.”

  They listened at the closet door, making sure no one was there, so they walked into the hallway, when they heard a door open downstairs. They slowly went down the hallway toward Cassie’s room, when they heard Geri and Amy laughing. The girls were running past the stairs, toward the living room.

  “Oh, great!” Cassie whispered.

  Once they heard the TV come on, the couple slowly walked down the stairs and entered the kitchen, as they heard the front door open.

  “Geri, we’re home,” Marion yelled.

  “Mommy, we’re in the living room. Is daddy with you?” Geri called out. Then she and Amy started giggling.

  Cassie and Joshua stood silent, praying Justin wouldn’t come through the kitchen door.

  “Yes, dear, we’re both home. Do you need us?” Marion asked.

  “We can’t get rid of all the static on the TV. Something’s wrong. We can’t get it to work,” Amy giggled quietly.

  “Oh, good grief, what have you broken now,” Marion said, as she and Justin went to their rescue.

  Cassie finally breathed out, as they went out the kitchen door. “We need to go, now.”

  Geri and Amy just smiled.


  Sara stood her ground. “I’d rather shoot you, Danny, and rid my family of your selfish, ruthless . . . arrogant plans,” Sara yelled at him.

  Danny raised both hands in a surrendering gesture. "Go ahead, Sara, shoot me and change history forever.”

  Sara’s eyes got big, as she thought for a moment.

  “Didn’t think of that did you?” Danny smiled.

  Sara took aim and fired, shooting Danny right through the heart.

  His face was contorted in both shock and pain, as he slipped to the ground and died. His body disappeared in a vapor.

  Sara walked back across the road to the other side of the bridge, with tears streaming down her face. She stopped for a moment and looked to the other side where Danny had been hiding.

  “Only God has the right to take a life, not me.”

   She went back to the spinning wheel where she left it, relieved. She now didn’t have to worry about Chad and Skye appearing, since there was no need now.

  She sat on the wheel for a second and wondered if what she had done was right. She thought about going home with no Skye, just Laura and Tommy. Things would be the same as they were. Dottie would be with Frank and a carefree, happy Skye, and the other children, as it should be.

  “But Dottie would have been there for her girls and all the years in between. Isn’t that the way it should have been?” she asked herself.

  “Damn, oh damn, what have I done?” Sara screamed into the air.

  The Forgotten Child

  Joshua was a little quiet, driving to the square, as Cassie left him to his thoughts. They parked the car in the parking lot next to the stores and started to walk toward the fountain.

  “Um, Cassie, the library is on Civic Lane. We need to turn around.”

  “No, not that library . . . the haunted library. Come on.”

  Joshua gave her a worried look, but still followed her.

  “Okay, I’m not sure if it will be there, but I’m hoping it is,” Cassie said, holding onto Joshua’s hand. “Now we are going to walk slowly around the clock tower.”

  Joshua just shrugged his shoulders and let Cassie lead him around, until she saw the Willow’s Way sign.

  “Yes, it’s there. Now, we have to go down this path,” Cassie squealed.

  “Where did that come from? I’ve been around this clock more times than I can tell you and . . .”

  “Darlin’,” Cassie laughed; you just have to trust me, okay? Come on, I want to show you the family crests.

  Once they got there, Joshua was stunned.

  “Do you want to see the Edwards’ crest?”

  “Of course, I do.” He kneeled down and touched the stone. Have you found your family crest?”

  “No, I couldn’t find the Evans’ crest, but now I know that was just a made-up name.”

  “Here it is, right next to our crest,” Joshua smiled. “Look, there’s the Emerson crest sittin’ right next to me.”

  “I should have known that, since we were meant to be together.” Cassie smiled up at him. “Now, we need to keep going.”

  Suddenly, they felt the breeze go by them and Joshua shivered.

  “Where did that come from?” Joshua said, holding onto Cassie’s hand a little tighter, realizing it was getting a little darker.

  “Don’t worry, we’re almost there and I’m sure Nelson is there now.”

  Finally, they saw the big willow tree, with the door carved into the tree trunk.

  “Here we are. Now we need to open the door.”

  Joshua finally gave up his hold on reality and walked toward the tree, and opened the door.

  “Cassie, we were expecting you two,” Nelson smiled and asked Joshua to close the door.

  “How do you know my name?” Joshua asked.

  Cassie laughed, as Joey stood up in front of her.

  “You gotta know, kid, Nelson is kind of special.”

  “Really? But he seems alright to me,” Joshua replied.

  Cassie and Joey looked at each other and laughed.

  “Okay, what’s goin’ on,” Joshua asked, a little frazzled.

  Nelson held out his hand, but when Joshua went to shake it, his hand went right through Joshua’s body.

  Joshua jump at least three feet into the air, while everyone else laughed.

  “What the . . .”

  “Sorry, kid,” Joey broke in, “but you had to see this with your own eyes, or you wouldn’t believe it . . . he’s a ghost.”

  Joshua was stunned, but Cassie took his hand. “Believe me; we all learned the hard way.”

  “Nelson, we came to talk to you,” Cassie said, “we just had a conversation with my mother. She mentioned they are getting ready to come back.”

  “Wow, doll face, you’re smarter than I gave you credit.”

  “I do have to tell you something,” Cassie continued, “my mother and father are in the future, which isn’t a big surprise to any of you, right? But do you know when they’ll be coming through the fountain? I was talking to them, just a while ago, but when they tried to tell me when, we were cut off.”

  “Sorry, sweetie, but it won’t happen until the marmadon is vanquished. We need to be very careful now, since those good people deserve to come back safe and sound.” Nelson replied.

  “Wait a minute!” Joshua asked. “What are you talking about?”

  Nelson laughed. “It does seem a little confusing, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, just a little,” Joshua said. “So, what happened to your baby?”

  Everyone was quiet, until Cassie asked. “What baby?”

  “Yes, our baby. Bernadette and I, she’s the love of my life,” Nelson confessed.

  “You were married to Bernadette . . . Bernadette Baker?” Cassie asked.

  “Well, it’s a long story. Her witch-of-a-mother wouldn’t allow it.”

  “So, did you have a boy or a girl?” Cassie asked. “Did someone adopt the baby in Parkerville?

  Nelson became quiet.

  “Wilhelmina wanted to get rid of the child, but her husband, Randall, had a plan. He took his eldest daughter, Lila, to the future, along with my Emily, my beautiful daughter. He faked his death and his daughter’s, to save my little girl.”

  “So, she’s living in the future?” Joshua asked.

  “Yep, they’re living out their lives and doing okay,” Joey answered. “They’re living in Bastion, a safe haven, not New City. I was able to visit a few times, but it was getting harder and harder to get back to the city. They finally told me I had to le
ave for good, since they didn’t want me around my sister, Gina.

  If the old bat knew any of this, I’m not sure what she’d do about it, but Lila married a great guy and raised Nelson’s little muffin. She was cute as bug.”

  “So, why am I here? Why didn’t they just take me with my parents?” Cassie said in a quiet voice.

  “You, my dear, and those other three girls, are the only way they can bring Parkerville to the future. That’s the real reason you wear those bracelets. Those bracelets harvest the power to take the town back,” Nelson explained.

  “So, I was right!” Cassie mused. “Do you know what they planned to do with us, if we go back?”

  “No, I’ve been told this my whole life, it will be a paradise there and we will be safe and happy,” Joshua said, as his voice slowly fainted away. “Why would my family tell me a lie?”

  “Look at me, kid,” Joey said, looking straight into Joshua’s eyes. “The Keepers . . . are . . . lying to you and you families. They want to bring everyone back to New City; since they are losing most of the people they live off. So, don’t believe it for one minute, Josh!”

  “Well, I think they want to trade futures,” Nelson said. “If they can bring everyone from Parkerville to the future, they will be able to swap with us and take over this wonderful little town we love. They think they can live forever, here in Parkerville.”


  Sara looked down at the small buttons on the spinning wheel. She hesitated for a moment and then turned the time back twenty minutes earlier. Immediately the wheel began to spin backwards, with the wind causing her hair to blow all over her face.

  When the wheel stopped, she brushed the hair from her face and slowly got off the wheel. Her hands were shaking and she wondered if she could go through with it again. She made her way down the bank, crossed the small tributary and under the bridge as before and up to the other side.

  Danny was just walking towards the guardrail. He hunched down as before and waited. Then she saw her chance as he ran across the bridge to move the log.

  She crossed over, ran, and hid in back of the tree.

  When Danny came back and took his spot behind the guardrail, she came out from behind the tree and confronted him.

  It was an awful shock to see him alive again. She could not stop shaking as she repeated everything she’d said earlier.

  “Didn’t think of that, did you, Sara?” Danny smiled.

  “Yes, I did. I killed you once today, Danny boy, don’t make me do it again,” Sara said in a deadly tone.

  Danny’s eyes got huge and he put his hand up to his chest.

  “I felt something strange when I saw you just now. You’re not exactly surprised, are you?”

  This time, however, Danny was shaking. He was really nervous and kept an eye on her, and an eye on the road.

  “I don’t have time to play these games, now. Either shoot me or get the hell out of here.”

  “You think this is a game? Ruining my sister’s life and her family is a game?” Sara tilted her head and got closer to Danny with her gun.

  “Whoa, hold on now, I didn’t mean that. I guess that sounded pretty bad. I didn’t know she had kids, damn it. Okay, but I don’t care. She’s the only woman I ever loved, and I need her back.” Now he started to tear up.

  “Oh, this is too much, I don’t believe those tears for a second.”

  She backed away from Danny and aimed her gun. “You’re so pathetic.”

  All of a sudden they both heard a car coming.

  Danny looked and it was her . . . it was Dottie.

  “Okay, Sara, either kill me and change history, or get back behind that tree again.” Danny said, breathless and shaking.

  Slowly, Sara watched Dottie’s blue car drive over the bridge and stop. She got out when she saw the teenage Skye running towards her, who was crying out her name.

  “Oh, my God,” Sara whispered, as the scene opened up before her.

  Danny watched for a second, and then he ran out from his hiding place, and stopped suddenly when he saw the girl.

  Sara watched as Skye reached up and scratched Danny’s face.

  Then Danny plunged the shot into Skye’s arm and picked up Dottie.

  Now Chad was crying and arguing with Danny.

  Sara couldn’t hear everything, but she already knew what was going on. Danny picked up Dottie and ran back to the guardrail with her. He stopped when Sara stood in his way, as she leaned down and kissed Dottie, with tears in her eyes. I’ll see you again, sweetie.”

  “Now go,” she whispered, narrowing her eyes at Danny.”

  He didn’t say anything to her and he didn’t smile this time, he just ran. Seconds later, a bright light appeared where he had the time warp hidden in the woods.

  Chad had picked up Skye and the two of them were gone.

  She walked across the road and looked at Dottie’s blue car. The door was still ajar. “Well, Danny, there is one thing I can do this time; there will be no mystery about what happened to my sister. She reached into the glove compartment of the car, grabbed a pen and an old envelope and wrote this message:

  Danny Elliott kidnapped Dottie Mackenna where he took her, I don’t know. He swore he’d get her, and he did.

  Back on the wheel, she set the time and date to go back to Miss Moon’s shop. It was a few months after Christmas, so there was no chance of her running into Chad and Skye. The wheel stopped spinning and she was once again sitting in Elvira’s back room. She was still sound asleep, as Sara exited the wheel.

  “Need as needs be,” she said, hating the pink breath. It’s such a giveaway.

  Elvira immediately lifted her head.

  “Sorry, I must have nodded off for a second. Now, you say you want to use the spinning wheel? Well, to tell you the truth, it hasn’t been working very well lately.”

  “That’s fine, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t really need it,” Sara said quite seriously.

  “Goodbye, Miss Moon.”

  “Goodbye, Mrs. Davis.”

  Sara rushed out of the shop and out of the plaza, stopping once just to sit down at the fountain. All of a sudden she was crying, sobbing great tears in a moment, as she started to hyperventilate.

  Marion rushed over to her and sat down by her.

  “What happened? Is it Skye? Oh, dear, Lord, it’s not Skye?” Marion started tearing up.

  “No, Skye will be angry, but she’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, Sara, you’re shaking. What happened?”

  Sara explained the spinning wheel and all that had happened, as told to her by Chad. She knew she had to take the wheel back and try to stop Danny, but then she told Marion that she had shot and killed him.

  “No!” Marion shouted and stood up to look down on Sara. “You couldn’t, you shouldn’t have. We all knew he was the one to kidnap Dottie, but don’t you see, you would have changed . . .”

  “I know, Marion, I wrote that note and left it in Dottie’s car not an hour ago, that’s why I went back and let him live. I let him go through with his rotten, selfish plans. It’s over and now Skye has to face what happened, and get on with her life. The good news is I know where he’s taken her.

  Truth Be Told

  After Sara’s trip to Elvira Moon’s shop, to set a few things right, she headed back to the clinic to confront Skye and hoped she was finally awake.

  Chad and Laura were sitting outside Skye’s room when Sara entered the clinic.  She wiped away any last minute tears, which may have lingered since her talk with Marion. She then walked up to them, a little surprised to see them there.

  Before Sara could say a word, Laura spoke up. “What can I say, Mom, she kicked us both out.”

  “Okay, I understand she’s upset and angry, but she’s taking it out on everyone. I’ll see if I can make things a little better,” Sara said.

  “Well, good luck,” Chad grimaced.<
br />
  As Sara entered the room, she could see a black cloud hanging over Skye’s head. Her bracelet was black and the look in her eyes was so sad.

  “You’re going home, sweetie, isn’t that good news? There’s nothing wrong with you, but before we leave this hospital room, you’re going to have to hear me out.”

  “I have nothing to say to you or anybody else,” Skye responded with her arms crossed.

  “Well that’s good, because I plan on doing all of the talking.” Sara pulled the chair closer to Skye’s bed.

  “Okay, let’s begin. I heard you road on a spinning wheel at Miss Moon’s antique shop. Well, so did I, and very recently. I heard you had a very upsetting encounter with a horrible, threatening man. Well, so did I. Now, the problem with this part is, I happen to know that man from another time.  He’s selfish and self-centered, and I just had to shoot the man,” Sara said bluntly.

  “What! You shot him?” Skye sat up in bed, eyes wide.

  “Yes, I shot him, but then I thought better of it. So I went back on the wheel, and this time, I didn’t shoot him. The thing is, Skye, we didn’t really know what happened to your mom. All these years we had no idea if she was alive or dead. Now we know! She’s alive and we know who took her.” That must be a relief to you. I mean, we’re going to get Dottie back.”

  All of this was too much for Skye to handle. She was there and saw it all, but now, she didn’t know what to think, or whom to trust.

  “Chad knew what happened, since he was there with me. He knew it all!” Skye said angrily.

  “Yes, Chad watched the man stick a needle in your arm and your mother’s. But, what was he supposed to do?”

  “He was supposed to tell me what really happened!”

  “No, he was supposed to keep you safe and take care of you, and watched to see if you remembered. And, that’s exactly what he did. I don’t know how anyone else would have handled that kind of weird situation.  Skye, don’t you see that you brought Chad into something that was completely out of his realm of normal. Chad is relatively new to Parkerville, so you really threw him a huge curve bal, girl.”

  Skye contemplated for a while, taking some time to review everything that had happened, but she finally realized her aunt was saying was true.

  “I never thought about it like that. I just didn’t realize Chad wouldn’t be prepared for the strangeness of everything in this town. Gosh, I was awful to him, but when do I get my mom back? Where is she? Is she okay, does she remember me?”

  “Too many questions, sweetie, but we can’t answered them here. I’ll tell you everything that happened when we get you home safe and sound.” Sara got up from her chair and ushered in Laura and Chad.

  “I’m so sorry to both of you. Chad you went through a lot for me and I’m so grateful to you. I’m so sorry for treating you so bad,” Skye said, getting out of bed and hugging both Chad and Laura.

  “I think we need to get her home,” Sara said, as she got Skye’s clothes out of the closet.

  Dr. Mark Stevens

  Tommy left Parkerville two years ago, looking for Sara’s twin sister, Dottie. He knows that Parkerville has become a danger to everyone there, especially for Skye and Cassie. He went to the future, not only to look for Dottie, but also to try and figure out a way to close down Theron Vent. What he found out was amazing.

  He found the lab where the humix were born, and he also found out that the first tries at creating artificial life, was a disaster. Horrible mangled things came out of the experimental lab. However, the ones that lived had to be placed in huge water tanks and monitored. These monsters were huge pink or flesh colored experiments, gone wrong, and extremely dangerous. All of their eyes were blue, but turn angry red, when they are provoked. Everyone was safe, while they were kept in the tanks. 

   To Tommy’s surprise, the main scientist who created these first things was none other than a man called Gerald Figg, Dr. Gerald Figg. Dr. Mark Stevens explained everything to Tommy, including the fact that Gerald came back into the future sometime around February, but after he left, one of the marmadons was missing.

  “That’s a strange name. Where did it come from?” Tommy asked.

  “I have no idea, I guess Figg named them from something he saw in a medical journal.

  But the worst part was that it was a disaster. When the first humix were born, it was a terrible sight.”

  “I can’t even imagine.” Tommy said.

  "Mr. Davis, I will always feel guilty for this, but I could not stand its anguish, so I administered a drug to put them to sleep, as you would an animal, because at that point, that's all they were. The next marmadons had a more human tone to them, but they were also monsters. They were huge flesh-colored giants. Everything about them was exaggerated . . . hands, feet, heads, eyes and mouths. Oh, those eyes, so red and angry. We tried for years to invent a serum to at least calm them down, and we succeeded. We put the serum in the tanks and all of the creatures turned docile. Now their eyes are blue, except for the one who is missing. We are certain that Dr. Figg has that one and he's very dangerous.”

  Tommy was about to leave with this newfound knowledge, when Dr. Stevens added.

  "There is one last thing you must know, Mr. Davis. They can make themselves invisible. They have the ability to copy or blend into their surroundings. Come, I'll show you.”

  Dr. Stevens led Tommy into a huge room with twelve large tanks. The marmadons were in the tanks, some were visible, some were not, but their large eyes were always visible. They’re large, round blue eyes.

   Tommy had to turn away from their large pink bodies and grotesque faces. Their noses were not complete, but they all had mouths that grinned from ear to ear.

   "I understand," Dr. Stevens nodded to Tommy, "I'm so used to them now and they don't bother me. Only when I was alone with them before, with their angry red eyes staring at me, I was afraid at times. Now, they seem very docile." 

   "Thanks, Dr. Stevens, but I have to go home now. I’ve been here way to long and I need to see my family."

   "Oh, of course, maybe I shouldn’t have shown them to you." 

   "No, you did the right thing. Now I'll know what to look for."

   "Only if you can see it," Dr. Stevens replied sadly.

  A Deadly Night in Parkerville

  Rose Baker was on her way to Misha's house in the glen, wanting her special recipe for canning pomegranates. She tasted some on her toast one morning and thought it was heaven.

  She was lost in thought, as she turned the corner for the glen, and started down the slight hill, passing Memory Hall. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something odd hanging from a tree. She walked toward the tree, but when she was in full sight of the object, she let out a scream all of Parkerville could hear.

  Rose dropped her purse and started running down the path to the glen. People were coming out of their homes and looking everywhere to see who had screamed so loud.

  By the time she reached Misha's house, Rose was hoarse from screaming, with tears running down her face, as Misha opened her door.

   "The tree, the tree, it's so horrible . . . just hideous. Oh, Dear Lord, who or what could have done that," Rose choked out the words.

   "Seat down, Misha go look," she said, wrapping her shawl around her. A chill went through her, as she trudged up the hill to a tree, with a presumably dead object in it.

   When she came to the tree, a few others were standing around it, looking up at a poor defenseless decker, who had met his end in a cruel and painful way.

  Someone had called Justin Keaton and he arrived shortly in his black car.

  "Get him down," Justin said sternly and looked away.

   Jake and a few other men showed up carrying a ladder. It was placed against the tree some men slowly made their way up it to untangle the little guy, who was hanging upside down. One of his legs was much longer than
the other, and it was a grim sight to see and deal with.

   "I know what did this and this is the final straw," Justin said in a harsh voice.

  Toby was one of the older deckers, who probably tried to somehow stop the marmadon from entering the glen. The poor little fellow failed and lost his life for it. The other deckers came to claim his body and wept as they took him away.


  In the early morning hours of Saturday, the Davis house was asleep, except for the gentle turning of the kitchen doorknob. Someone was entering the sanctuary of Sara’s house, slowly climbing the stairs to the bedrooms above, walking down the hallway to Sara’s room, and opening her door.

  He stood for a moment, staring down at a sleeping Sara, with her soft hair disheveled on the pillow. His heart ached to touch her, as he kneeled at the bed, and then ran his hand down her soft warm cheek.

  “Hey, wake up, my love . . . it’s me. I’m home.”

  He heard a soft moan lingering in her throat and then she opened her eyes.

  “Tommy,” she whispered, and then wrapped her arms around her husband. She clung to him, as she never had before, sobbing into his shoulder.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, stop crying. I’m back and I’m back to stay,” he said, nuzzling his face in her neck.

  He got up from his kneeling position and sat beside her on the bed.

  “Okay, what’s going on? Is there any news, or any more reports regarding the marmadon? How are Skye and Laura?” Tommy asked a little concerned.

  “They’re okay. We had a bit of a time with Skye at the clinic. She was saying some crazy things while in a temporary coma. I guess that happens. She was terrified to come home and afraid of every bush or tree that swayed with the wind. I think she’s over that now, but she’s just mad,” Sara said with a long sigh.

  “Okay, I’ve got some news for you,” Tommy proceeded to divulge all that he had learned at the lab, where the humix were created, and especially who was in charge.

  “I’m not too surprised about that, since Gerald has been acting very strange lately. The saddest part of this is there has been a murder of one of the deckers. Toby was found hanging upside from a tree. It was brutal and even worse, since Rose Baker found him. I think she’s still in shock and I also believe the deckers are planning some kind of revenge.”

  “No, that can’t happen. We have to find that thing before it does any more harm. Fortunately, I know how to stop it, but I need to find out where Figg is keeping it. Once I find out, I can neutralize it. Dr. Stevens gave me a vial of serum that once poured into the water, will turn the beast docile, oh, and we have a houseguest. I brought Dr. Stevens back with me.

  “Oh, Tommy, that’s fine, I’m just so glad you’re back.” Sara threw her arms around him and didn’t let go for the rest of the night.

  Tommy was happy to slide into bed with Sara. It had been two years and they had a lot to catch up on, including the whereabouts of Sara’s sister. But that could wait until morning, when he surprised his daughter and niece.

  The Big Plan

  On Friday, the Parkerville High’s bells took forever to ring, each class seemed like an eternity before lunch.

  The girls were seated at their usual table, but this time Ruth Ann was invited, so she sat between Skye and Cassie. Snickering could be heard throughout the cafeteria, as to why Ruth Ann had the temerity to sit with the popular girls.

  “Just ignore them. We’ve got some very important things to talk about,” Skye assured her.

  Carol Jean took her seat next to Skye and gave Ruth Ann a curious smile.

  “Nice to see you here, Ruthie.”

  “Thanks!” Ruth Ann smiled back.

  “Hey, listen carefully; we’re going to have a meeting tomorrow night to find out where this dreadful thing is being kept. We do have an idea who it belongs to, though.”  Cassie whispered to Carol Jean.

  Carol Jean was opening her lunch bag and leaned in to what Cassie was saying.

  “I don’t think this is the time or place to say that person’s name, okay?” Ruth Ann whispered.

  “You’re right. Absolutely right, since you never know whose listening,” Skye whispered back.

  Carol Jean looked over her shoulder and it seemed Marabelle had dropped a napkin off of her tray, leaning in to hear what was going on.

  “Marabelle, go away,” Carol Jean moaned.

  “Oh, like you girls are just so interesting? Well, I’ve got other fish to fry and I wouldn’t waste my time on any of you.” She huffed and trudged away.

  “Okay, so where’s the meeting?” Cassie asked.

  “We’re all going to Memory Hall tomorrow night at 9 o’clock, but go to the back door, not the front entrance.  And please don’t bring any flashlights,” Ruth Ann cautioned.

  “Okay, wait a second, not Memory Hall? I don’t think I could go there, after what happened to that poor decker. Ralphy is still so upset, he won’t talk,” Carol Jean whispered.

  “It’s for him we’re doing this and for what Skye’s been through,” Ruth Ann replied.

  “Okay, not to be rude, but what exactly does this have to do with you?” Carol Jean asked Ruth Ann.

  “That doesn’t matter, it’s important that she wants to help, and we can use all the help we can get right now . . . okay?” Cassie said, glaring at Carol Jean.

  “Yeah, okay,” Carol Jean, replied grudgingly.


     Saturday afternoon seemed to last forever at the Myer’s house, waiting for the meeting to begin at Memory Hall. Carol Jean and her brother, Ralphy, played a game together, thinking up some ideas that they wanted to bring up at the meeting, to capture or kill the marmadon.

  Meanwhile, at the Davis’ house, secrets were finally being revealed, as hope was at hand for finding Skye’s mom.

  Parkerville overwhelmed Dr. Stevens.  He was also infatuated with Laura, and Tommy wasn’t all that happy about it. Laura offered to take him for a tour around the town and even show him the gardens.  As they walked through town, the curious openly stared at the visitor.

  “Well, Dr. Stevens, what do you think of that?” Laura smiled, as she slowly waved her hand over the garden down below them.

  “Please, just call me Mark, and I can’t believe my own eyes. Is that for real?  I mean, I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my entire life,” he said in awe.

  Mark Stevens hunkered down and touched the soft green grass at his feet.

  “This is incredible, Laura, and I don’t want to go back. I want to stay here forever.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” Laura hesitated. “You have to be invited to live here, Mark, and that doesn’t happen very often, I’m sorry,” she sighed.

  “No, I totally understand. I’d feel that way, too, if I were a part of this little paradise. I just pray that Vent never finds out about this place,” Mark said, looking down at the beauty before him, and taking in all the vibrant colors and the bright white gazebo.

  “Who’s Vent?” Laura asked.

  “Oh, Laura, you never want to meet him. He’s a vile man who ruins everything he touches.”

  “Well then, you’re right, I never want to meet him. Sorry, Mark, it’s time to head back. I have an important meeting to go to tonight.

  “Look, maybe tomorrow can we come back and sit in that wonderful white gazebo? What do you say?” Mark said, almost pleading.

  “Yeah, well, maybe, but for now, I really need to get back.”

  “Oh, okay.” Laura had to literally drag Mark away from the garden. It wasn’t long before something else caught his attention and once again, Laura had to grab his hand and pull him along Honeysuckle, until they were back at her house.

  The Strange Meeting

  A couple
of hours later, Skye and Laura were on their way to Memory Hall, close to the square. Ralphy and Carol Jean joined up with them.

  There were quite a few kids standing at the back door to the hall, as they all seemed to be waiting for Laura and Skye. Ralphy let them in, and just as the door was gliding shut, a large foot stopped it from closing. No one seemed to notice the extra person in the room, until the lights were switched on.

  “Marabelle, what are you doing here? You certainly weren’t invited and you aren’t a part of this meeting,” Skye said.

  “I have every right to be here, just as much as everyone else,” Marabelle argued.

  “Oh, just forget her,” Todd grimaced.

  “You couldn’t if you tried, honey,” Marabelle flirted.

  “Alright, everyone take a seat. We have to get this settled as soon as possible,” Laura said, taking control of the group.

  The conference table was very long, accommodating twenty, with soft padded seats surrounding it. Sixteen young adults took a seat and looked toward Laura for the next move.

  Ralphy sat on a high stool near the light switches, against the wall.

  “Everyone, I want you to meet Mr. Mark Stevens. He is visiting here, as an expert on marmadons. Hopefully, we’ll be hunting and killing the monster soon,” Laura announced.

  Mark stood up, a little uneasy, to explain to the group about the marmadon and what to expect.

  “First of all, you probably already know that this beast has no will of its own, no conscience and no directives, unless given one. I need to make that clear. And, it can only exist in water, unless it is given orders of some kind. You already know it can blend into different shapes, and its eyes are red, which is in our favor.  It can’t hide those big red eyes. Any questions so far?” Mark asked.

  “Yes, why did you bring it here in the first place?” Marabelle asked, narrowing her eyes at the doctor.

  “I didn’t, Miss. I’ve come here to try and get it back, without killing it. I have a serum that can make the beast docile,” he answered.

  “We don’t want it . . . alive! We want it dead and gone,” Freddie spoke up.

  “Oh, shut up, Freddie, you didn’t even see it,” Carol Jean hissed at him.

  “Neither did you, in fact, no one can see it!” Will said, back at her.

  “You can see its eyes you big dope,” Ron replied, putting his arm around Carol Jean.

  “Who asked you anything, Ron?” Marabelle yelled.

  “Marabelle, just shut up,” Carol Jean shouted back.

  All at once control was lost and everyone was screaming at each other. Laura tried to get control back, but it was completely lost.

  Ralphy got so upset, and he pressed a button on the wall next to the light switch. A cool mist came down over everyone seated at the table and the group calmed down. As soon everyone was calmed, Ralphy turned off the switch.

  “Good job, Ralphy,” Carol Jean said, proud of her little brother.

  The Peach sisters were bemoaning that no one ever wants to hear what they might want to say.

  “Faith and Hope, why are you even here?” Skye asked.

  “Well, we wanted to tell someone a long time ago, but we thought everyone would just laugh at us,” Faith said.

  “Yeah, it was the strangest thing that happened at Christmas, when our dad took us to Christmas time,” Hope spoke up. “We saw Mr. Figg there, talking to your Aunt Sara.”

  “So?” Skye asked.

  “Well, our dad wanted a bale of hay for the manger scene at the church and we said we’d take care of it,” Faith broke back in. “Dad asked Mr. Figg if it was okay to come over and get a bale. Mr. Figg was so busy talking to your aunt; he said it would be fine and come over anytime.”

  “Okay?” Joshua said wondering, “So, where are you going with this?

  “Well,” Faith continued. “Dad figured it would be all right if we went over right then and picked up the bale. So, we drove over to Mr. Figg’s farm and drove to the barn, where the bales of hay were kept.

  “Good grief, all three of us were amazed, since Mr. Figg was working in the barn and very willing to help dad put the bale in our truck!” Hope finished. “Dad laughed and said, “How in the world did you get home so fast, Gerald?”

  “What do you mean, I haven’t left the farm all day,” Mr. Figg replied. “So, Mr. Peach, did you want one bale or two?”

  “One will be fine, thanks a lot,” Dad said. “We didn’t talk about it all the way home, but our dad did suspect something funny was going on,” Faith said.

  “Yeah, I asked Dad when we got home, if he thought Mr. Figg had a twin brother,” Hope added.

  “Well, what did your dad say?” Cassie asked.

  “He just looked a little puzzled for a moment and then he said something’s not right. He needed to go to talk to Justin about it.”

  “Damn, I knew it,” Mark said quietly.

  “We’ve got to get to Figg’s farm . . . now.” Mark got up and was out the door before anyone could stop him, or even grasped what just happened.

  “Mark!  Hold on, we’ve got to talk about this first!” Laura yelled. “You don’t even know where he lives.”

  That stopped Mark in his tracks. He ran his hand through his hair and tried to make Laura understand how dangerous this guy is. He came back into the room and slouched into a chair defeated.

  “I can stop this thing . . . I can.” He said.

  Everyone just stared at Mark and talked among themselves.

  “Okay, well, we need his weapon or potion, whatever you want to call it, and we need to get out of here and start for Figg’s farm,” Marabelle infused into the conversation.

  “She’s absolutely right! Now, once again, let’s get going. Oh, can someone show me the way to Figg’s farm? We need to get this over with,” Mark said confidently.

  Marabelle was so stunned that someone actually agreed with her, she stared at Mark astonished. “I’m right?”

  “Yes, you’re right. Now there aren’t a lot of us to cover this farm, but if we split up in groups of fours . . .” Mark started.

  “Can we help?” Tommy walked in with Justin behind him.

  “Dad, where did you come from and how did you know about the meeting?” Laura asked.

  “Well, we know we weren’t invited, but we do listen to everything around us, and when most of the kids went missing, we had an idea a meeting was taking place. So, we’ve got some trucks parked outside if you want to jump in them and head out to Figgs farm?” Justin said.


  “Dad, I think there’s something you should know,” Laura started.

  “Okay, pumpkin, what now?” Tommy asked, keeping his eye out for anything untoward jumping out at them. “It seems Mr. Figg has a double, at least that’s what the Peach sisters told us tonight.”

  Laura told her dad all about the Peach sisters and their father seeing Mr. Figg in town at Christmas, and how they saw him again a few minutes later in the hay barn.

  “We’ll deal with the other Figg, if and when we come to it. Otherwise, he’s been spirited away to our house this evening.”

  Mr. Figg had been invited to Sara’s house for a trumped-up meeting. Marion would also be there, along with Todd’s father and Margie. So, they would keep him out of the way for a while.

  They finally came to the long lane, leading into the Figg Farm, and parked the trucks a few feet away in a field close to the road. Everyone got out of the trucks and stood close together, waiting for the next step in catching the beast.

  Tommy took one group and Justin took the others, splitting them up in two different directions. Mark divided up the serum, giving one half to Justin and keeping the rest for Tommy’s group.

  Everyone was warned to not make a sound, but however; with that many kids marching into a dangerous situation, it could be just about impossible to keep them all quiet.

  “Laura, I had no idea that Mr. Davis ha
d such a wonderful home and family.  I mean I heard of families before, but I never really saw one. It’s so wonderful to be here with you, oh, and your family,” Mark stuttered.

  “You do say the word wonderful a lot,” Laura whispered.

  “Oh, sorry, I guess that’s the only way to describe your world,” Mark whispered back.

  “Hey, you two, shut . . . up!” Marabelle hissed walking in front of them.

  “Okay,” Mark whispered.

  “Damn, if we weren’t trying to find this miserable thing, I could think of so many more ways to spend this night,” Chad said, holding tight to Skye’s hand.

  “This is the last place I want to be, so I hope you realize that,” Skye whispered to him.

  “Of course I know, nothing is going to hurt you or Cassie, we’ve all got it worked out,” Chad whispered back.

  A few yards in front of them, Ron and Carol Jean were quietly holding hands and whispering to one another.

  “Hey, how about a little roll in the hay later on?” Ron whispered.

  “Are you kidding me? This is serious, Ron, we’re all in danger of losing our lives. This isn’t a game,” Carol Jean hissed at him.

  “Look, I know, but we need more time together. You have to admit that,” Ron said under his breath.

  “Would all you people just shut up?” Marabelle whispered, as loud as she could.

  They came to the end of the driveway and gathered around Tommy Davis.

  “Okay, Dad, what’s next?” Laura asked.

  “Well, looks to me like someone or something is home, because the lights are on,” Tommy answered.

  “Look, we’ll take the corn shed,” Ron volunteered. So, he and Carol Jean went softly through the tall grass, surrounding the shed, and crept inside. The shed was a good 20 x 50 feet in dimension, and the door squeaked a little as they entered. All they saw was just row upon row of corn fodder.

  The rest of the group had spread out and were searching every building on the property.

  Skye and Chad decided to take the barn where the hay was stored. The big double doors were closed tight, and for some reason, there was a padlock connecting the doors.

  “I don’t know many farmers who lock their barn doors,” Chad questioned, looking at Skye.

  “This has to be it,” Skye whispered and started to back away.

  Joshua came up behind her and she started to scream. Cassie put her hand over Skye’s mouth and hugged her.

  “It’s okay, it’s just us,” Cassie whispered to her.

  “Joshua, come here quick, and girls stay back,” Chad advised.

  Soon others were quietly gathering around the suspicious barn.

  “That’s one heck of a padlock,” Tommy said, approaching the doors.

  “Justin, have you got anything on you we could use to break it open?” Tommy asked, as Justin as his group joined the rest.

  “That’s not necessary,” Gerald Figg came up behind the group with a key.

  “Well, Gerald, it seems you left the meeting early tonight at the Davis’ house.”  Justin assessed.

  “I’ve been here all night. I’ve never left,” he answered, while sticking the key in the padlock and watching it drop to the ground.

  “Please, look all you want,” Gerald said, as he opened the barn doors and ushered them all in.

  The kids reluctantly entered the barn and started to cautiously look around. Justin stayed behind to question Gerald, a little further on.

  “So, are you saying you have a twin brother?” Justin inferred.

  “No, I don’t have any brothers, as you should already know.”

  “Well then, how do you explain . . . wait a minute . . . you’re a . . .” Justin started.

  “If that’s all, I have some work to do in the house . . . goodnight.” Gerald turned around and casually walked back to the house.

  Tommy came back out of the barn, along with Mark Stevens.

  “That’s not Gerald Figg,” Justin said, as soon as they were close enough.

  “His brother?” Tommy asked.

  “No, he’s a humix. He made an identical copy of himself.”

  “I should have known,” Mark said.

  Everyone was about to leave, after giving up on the barn. However, Chris found a large blue button on one of the back walls of the barn.

  “Hey, what’s that on that wall? I wonder what it does?” Chris asked.

  “DON’T TOUCH IT!” Justin yelled, and ran into the barn.

  But Chris’ curiosity got the better of him and he pushed the button.

  “No, Chris!” Justin yelled again, just as he got to the back where Chris was standing.

  “Uh, oh, you’re in for it now, old pal,” Todd said.

  All of a sudden the boards of the barn floor started to shake and a whirring sound could be heard. A trap door below the button started to rise upward, and underneath, was a huge glass cylinder spiraling up.

  “I’m getting out of here,” Todd said, as he quickly backed up, while keeping his eyes on the gigantic cylinder slowly coming up.

  “Me, too,” Chris said, backing up with Todd.

  “Everyone get out of the barn, especially the girls. Get them all out of here . . . now!” Justin yelled.

  Next to the trap door, there was another trap door, squeaking and rising up alongside.

  “Mark, this is your chance, get the serum out,” Tommy said to him.

  “Yeah . . . right!” Mark slipped his hand in his pocket and ran toward the cylinder. All of a second, another cylinder started coming up from the other trap door.

  “But, they’re both empty, there’s nothing in them,” Todd noticed.

  “Don’t you believe it,” Mark said, running past him.

  Mark grabbed a ladder, which was leaning against a wall of the barn, and brought it over to the cylinder.  He leaned it up against the glass encasement and started to climb up.

  Just as he got to the top, the water from the first cylinder started to empty out into the second one beside it.

  “Oh, dear God, what do I do now?” Mark yelled.

  “Pour it in anyway; it still might do the trick,” Justin yelled back.

  Everyone outside backed further away from the scene before them, all searching for the fatal sight of the red eyes. The sound of the cylinders rising up was so deafening, everyone had to yell to be heard.

  Skye started to shake, as the second cylinder stopped, while the first one continued to displace the water into it.

  Mark was climbing back down the ladder, after having poured the serum into the emptying cylinder.

  “Come on, kids, nothing’s happening, just be still and quiet a little longer,” Tommy said.

  “Dad, something just doesn’t feel right,” Laura said, looking around her.

  “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

  “Girls, come closer,” he motioned to Skye and Cassie.

  “I have a feeling that big empty one is going to burst into a million pieces any moment,” Cassie said shaking.

  “Why should it?” Gerald said, walking up in back of the crowd.

  “We knew you had that horrible monster,” Marabelle spat at him.

  “It’s not mine. I just wanted to assure you that the cylinder won’t break, no matter what,” Gerald said evenly.

  “Why?” Justin asked, walking up to him.

  “Why would it need to? Once its empty, the thing inside can walk right through it.”

  Just at that moment, Will happened to be looking upward, at something he heard behind him.

  Tommy said as loud as he could, “Kids, start running.”

  Ron stood like a statue, looking up into a pair of angry red eyes.

  “Come on you idiot.” Carol Jean grabbed Ron’s arm and they all took off screaming and running down Figg’s driveway.

  Skye and Cassie were already on the run, halfway down the driveway.

  “Skye, Cassie run as fast as you can,” Justin yelled.

  There was a roar behin
d them and the whole situation seemed hopeless. The monster was going to kill them.

  Hope and Faith were both crying, and finally fell by the wayside on the wet summer grass.

  Freddie grabbed the hand of Faith, while Will grabbed Hope’s and they all took off running again, not even knowing where the beast was.

  The roaring of the beast was all anyone could hear as they ran. Justin jumped into the truck, while Tommy got into the second one. Both trucks started down the road honking their horns and getting the kids to jump into the back.

  Mark had taken Laura’s hand and reached Tommy’s truck before the rest of the kids.  Laura was crying uncontrollably for Skye and Cassie.

  Marabelle was sitting in the back of Justin’s truck, staring straight ahead, not saying a word to anyone.

  Carol Jean and Ron were running, and finally caught up to the others. She’d let go of Ron’s hand, so he could help the Peach sisters, and Will and Freddie.

  “Come on,” Ron yelled, as he started running toward a group of trees to hide.

  “Are you crazy? It likes trees!” Carol Jean screamed at him. She pulled away from him and started speeding to run toward town.

  Meanwhile, the beast was quickly catching up to the girls. At one point, Skye thought she could feel its putrid breath on the back her neck. She was beyond scared now, as she forced herself to run faster.  She was almost out of breath, with Cassie right beside her, when she felt a hand grabbing hold of hers and pulling her faster.

  No one noticed an additional girl among the group at the barn.

  “Gina!” Skye said gratefully.

  Cassie also felt a hand grabbing hold of hers.

  “Story? Oh, thank God.”

  “Now, this is what we have to do because we can’t outrun it,” Story said, while trying to catch her breath.

  “We’re going to run straight towards that light pole up ahead and stop. Then we’re going to turn, all four of us, at the same time and clasp hands with our bracelets connecting.”

  The four girls reached the end of the street and stopped at the light pole. Then they turned and clicked their bracelets all at the same time.

  “Now, scream, stop! As loud as you can!” Story yelled.

  “STOP!” They screamed, as their bracelets turned a bright blinding yellow.

  “Look away from the bracelets,” Gina yelled.

  The marmadon stopped and screamed in agony.

  A very large, strange body appeared on the ground, just three feet from the girls.

  One of the trucks sped up to the girls and stopped, as Mark jumped out and ran to the other truck, which was just pulling up.

  “Justin, do you have the other vial I gave you with the serum?”

  “Yes, it’s right here.” Justin pulled the vial out of his pocket and handed it to Mark. He then ran over to the beast, lying on the street, as he opened its mouth and poured the serum, then he stood back.

  Everyone gathered around the horrible looking thing that had been chasing the girls. Very slowly the eyes of the beast turned a pale blue. Its breathing was now shallow.

  The girls’ bracelets finally had gone back to a quiet white.

  People started coming out of their houses and walking towards a lamp pole.

  The girls stood hand in hand, afraid to unclasp their brave moment with each other.

  Chris saw Story and ran up to her, hugging her and holding on to her.

  Joshua was at Cassie’s side and held her, as Chad stood behind Skye, with his arms engulfing her.

  Michael came out of nowhere and ran over to Gina, who was so happy to see him, while Mark walked over to Laura and took her aside.

  “I’m going to have to take it back to the lab.”

  “I thought you loved it here and wanted to stay,” Laura said, with tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, I do love it here. There’s no place on earth like this home for me,” he said, wrapping his arms around her.

  “I hoped you’d feel that way,” she smiled.

  He turned and asked as many of the guys standing around as he could, to help put the beast in the back of one of the trucks.

  It took twenty-five of them to lift it and put it in the back of Justin’s truck.

  Meantime, a ruckus was starting on Honeysuckle.

  A very angry Gerald Figg was stomping up the sidewalk with Sara, Marion, Margie and Bud hurrying behind him.

  “Justin, what the hell is going on here?  What right did you have to go out to my farm and search it? You were trespassing and I know my rights,” Gerald screamed, flailing his arms every which way.

  Justin folded his arms across his chest and looked at Gerald. “Am I speaking to the real Gerald Figg?” 

  “Now what kind of a stupid question is that?” Gerald answered.

  “Not stupid at all.” Tommy came forward giving Gerald a surprise.

  “Tommy Davis, when did you get back in town?” Gerald asked.

  “First of all, what makes you think we were at your farm?” Justin asked.

  “My farm hand called me at your house and told me, alright?” Gerald answered smugly.

  “Well, we met your farm hand and guess what? It was you,” Tommy said smiling.

  “Big deal, so I have a twin brother,” Gerald said smiling back.

  “That’s what we thought, but he said he didn’t have a brother,” Justin said accusingly.

  Meanwhile Sara came to stand by Tommy and looked at him curiously. “I had no idea you had a twin, Gerald. Have I ever met him?”

  “Uh, maybe, we both run the farm together. Yes, I think you might have met him a couple of times,” Gerald said convincingly.

  “What you have, is a humix of yourself, which you created in my lab,” Mark Stevens said coming forward.

  “Stevens, what on earth are you doing here and why’s everyone gathered around. What’s really going on?” Gerald asked.

  Justin came up behind Gerald, roughly grabbed his two wrists, and brought them together at his back and placed cuffs around them.

  “What the hell?” Gerald said, wrestling with the cuffs.

  “I’m taking you back with me,” Mark said. “Along with this marmadon you took from the lab, if it makes it.”

  Gerald looked in the back of Justin’s truck and went as pale as a ghost.

  “Why? Why would you try to kill us?” Skye asked him.

  Gerald Figg could not look Skye, or the other girls, in the face.  He hung his head, knowing he was beaten.

  “It isn’t just me,” he said under his breath.

  Other people from town, who had gathered around, sucked in their breath, when they heard what he said.

  “Who else is involved in this?” Tommy jerked him around to face him.

  “I can’t say, I honestly can’t say. Look, you got me, just leave it alone now,” Gerald said.

  Sara went over to him and looked him in the eyes. “I love my family, I love my niece, and I love her friends.  Please tell me we don’t have to go through this again?”

  “I can’t promise that, Sara.”

  Skye, Cassie, and the other girls just closed their eyes and held on to each other.

  All of a sudden, Gerald leaned down to Sara and said something very private to her, and then he asked Mark to take him away.

  Then, there was a horrible rumble in the truck, as big blue eyes appeared. The marmadon tried to sit up, but was too weak. It looked at Gerald and uttered the word, “bad.”

  Then it lay back in the bed of the truck.

  “This one might have a chance if I can get it back to the lab.” Mark said.

  “I want to go with Mark. I want to find my mom.” Skye said.

  Sara stood a thought for a moment. She knew what was going through Skye’s head, and she was right.

  “I’ll go with you.” Sara said.

  “You’re not leaving me out.” Laura said looking at Mark.

  “We’ve got a lot to plan in a short time. Okay, we’re going to the future.
” Sara said.


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