Read Holidays and Dreamy Nights - Book 3 Page 9


  It was a difficult task to convince Norman’s parents, that he would make a miraculous recovery, if they brought his comatose body to the school cafeteria kitchen. Finally, they agreed. Norman’s parents hired an ambulance and took their son’s weakened body to the school kitchen.

  After all, it was the perfect time since school was out for Christmas vacation.

  Sara had contacted Dr. Ross to help Norman settle back into his body, without scaring his parents. They were already confused and frightened.

  Dr. Ross stood over Norman’s body, trying to convince his patient to enter his waiting body. He did this through telepathy, convincing him to lie down in his body.

  Norman was extremely happy to see his parents, his own parents, since he never really got along with Jackson’s family. He finally approached his own body, which he hadn’t seen in two years. His body was very thin and weak. He didn’t want to get into the body he had always detested and have a face he knew only a mother could love. But he had no choice.

  Skye and Cassie nudged him over to his body and told him this was his last chance to set things right. Slowly, Norman lay down on his body and closed his eyes. Much like Jackson, he was slowly drawn into his own body. After a brief moment, he opened his eyes and looked at his parents. His mother and Father cried and both wrapped their arms around him and hugged him.

  “Oh, son, you’ve come back to us. It’s a strange place to wake up, but we were told this would happen if we brought you here. It’s just a miracle. You must have loved school so much, son, you wanted to wake up here. Why, your best friend, Jackson, already graduated. He’s even engaged,” his mother said crying.

  “He’s not married yet?” Norman said, with his voice just above a whisper.

  “No, they decided to wait a little longer, but I have to tell you, they are inseparable. You can truly see they love one another other. He treats her like a queen and he’s very different now. I guess the thought of marriage woke him up.”

  “Yeah, right,” he whispered.

  “Well, let’s get you home, Norm, so we can catch you up on everything and get you strong again. Oh, Skye and Cassie, how can we ever thank you for helping to bring back our boy to us. You were right to have Sara call Dr. Ross. As soon as he’s strong enough, we’ll let him go back to school.”

  Norman was wheeled out of the school on a gurney, as some of the neighbors watched. The ambulance sped off, taking a very miserable Norman back to his home and his own room.

  Pam and Jackson watched as the ambulance went by them, as they walked hand and hand down the sidewalk.

  “What a miracle! Your old friend is back among the living,” Pam said.

  “Yeah, that’s great, but sweetheart, I’m your Jackson . . . forever and ever.”

  Pam hugged him asking, “No more Jack?”

  “No more Jack…. it’s Jackson, always.” He said.

  After watching the ambulance go by, Skye and Cassie walked up to Jackson and gave him a hug.

  “Oh, it’s so good everything worked out for your friend, Jackson,” Skye said.

  “Don’t be a stranger. We’ll be seeing you around,” Cassie smiled.

  Around the corner and up the block, Todd and Chris passed Jackson and Pam. They talked about the weddings coming up, and finally started to leave, but Jackson walked up to his friends.

  “Thanks, guys, this was great. It’s taking a little while to get used to this body again, I think I need to walk around with Pam and just get accustomed to my wonderful life.”

  Ruth Ann was walking by and stopped to say something to Jackson.

  “I’ll miss you at school, Jackson, but I wish you and Pam have a wonderful wedding.”

  “I’ll miss you, too, Ruthie. You don’t know how much I appreciated you.”

  “Oh, you’ll get over it,” she laughed and smiled at Pam.

  “What was that about?” Pam asked.

  “It’s nothing. I mean she could see me, I mean, she was just a friend from high school.” Jackson gulped.

  Pam looked up at her fiancé and smiled, while all could see how much they loved one another. “Come on, Jackson, let’s look for a bench.”


  An Unforgettable New Years Eve


  It was now New Year’s Eve and the town was always a little anxious, as they had their fears about the future.

  Skye, Cassie, and Carol Jean were walking to the square, but only Skye and Cassie were talking.

  “I can’t wait to stay up for the ball to come down tonight and know it’s a whole new year starting. I’m always a little sad to see the year end, but I’m very excited about the New Year coming,” Cassie gushed.

  “I’m with you,” Skye agreed.

  “What are you talking about . . . what ball?” Carol Jean broke in.

  “Carol Jean, don’t you watch the count down on New Year’s Eve in New York, when the ball comes down and changes the year?” Cassie said a little confused.

  “No, never seen it. I guess we don’t get that channel.”

  “What do you mean, you don’t see it?” Cassie said in wonder. “The whole thing is on a couple of channels tonight.”

  “Sorry, but I’ve never seen it. All of our channels are focused on the Keeper’s promises for the New Year coming up. All the other stations go off the air at 10:00 pm.”

  Skye and Cassie just looked at each other in amazement and decided to change the subject. The girls said their goodbyes and went their own ways.


  “So what do you usually do on New Year’s Eve?” Skye asked Carol Jean.

  “Oh, just sit around and watch old news reels on TV, of what we did the year before. It’s so boring, but my dad and mom insist we watch it,” Carol Jean said dragging her feet along the sidewalk.

  “Well, you know you’re welcome to come over to our house and celebrate with us?” Skye offered.

  “Oh, yes, that would be so much fun, watching you and Chad make out, and then there’s Todd and Laura. Oh, that would be . . . so much fun.” Carol Jean said sarcastically.

  Just as Skye was about to remark about a bad mood she was in, Marabelle came trudging across the road toward them.

  “Hey, C.J., wanna come over tonight and watch all the stupid stuff on TV with Homer and me?”

  “No, I’m sure my mother has figured out a much better torture for me,” Carol Jean replied.

  “And hello to you, too, Marabelle,” Skye said, narrowing her eyes at her nemesis.

  “Oh, get lost, Barbie Doll, we don’t run in the same circles,” Marabelle smirked.

  Skye said goodbye to Carol Jean and repeated the offer to come over.

  Carol Jean just waved her off and started for home.

  All of a sudden, Ron Andrews went running by Skye, to catch up to Carol Jean. This stopped both Marabelle and Skye in their tracks.

  He said something to her and she listened intently. Then to the shock and amazement of anyone watching, he kissed her and ran back past Skye.

  “Carol Jean!” Both Skye and Marabelle yelled together, but Carol Jean just kept going and hurried into her house.