Read Hollywood Merman PG-13 Version Page 3

  Chapter 3: Divine Angel

  Levi and Vivien spotted her film crew arriving a little ways down the moonlit beach in their lifeboats. “Well, I’d better get going before they get worried about me.” Vivien said as she stood up and brushed sand off her gown. She turned to go but Levi found himself calling out to her.

  “Wait, woman.”

  Vivien turned around, “Yes?”

  “Think you could spare a scrap of cloth? When my tail dries off I’m going to be naked and I left my shorts on another beach. I don’t want to be arrested for indecent exposure.” Levi’s tone was dry and he had to catch himself from saying ‘again’.

  Vivien looked down at Levi’s spectacular tail, which was slowly drying. His legs were gradually beginning to appear and soon so would his-! “Uh, sure.” Blushing at her lewd thoughts, Vivien tore off a long strip of material from her gown and tossed it to Levi. He caught it and nodded in thanks. “See you soon, merman.” The actress said before she hefted her skirt and ran down the beach towards her film crew.

  Levi let out a heavy sigh as he watched her go. He was so screwed. However-

  There was a bright flash of light and appearing before Levi was…a woman. No, an angel. She was tall and fit looking with long, wavy, white-blonde hair that cascaded down almost to her toes. She had ice-blue eyes and porcelain white skin. The angel was wearing silver battle armor consisting of a breastplate, shoulder armor with spikes, a metal skirt with spikes on it, greaves, and gauntlets. A broadsword was strapped to her side. Outstretched behind her was a pair of enormous, white, feathery wings.

  “Holy crap…an angel?” Levi muttered darkly to himself, immediately on his guard. After all…he was a sinner so any business an angel had with him couldn’t be good.

  The angel smiled at Levi but the smile held little warmth to it. “Hello, Levi Devlin, so we meet again.”

  “Again?” Levi frowned.

  “Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am the Archangel Uriel and I have been assigned by the One True God to be your guardian angel.” There was a strange melodious note to her voice like chiming bells.

  “Guardian angel? Me? You can’t be serious.” Levi scoffed and shook his head. “I don’t need a guardian angel, lady.” Nor do I deserve one.

  “I beg to differ…merman. That female just discovered your secret. I would say that you are in a real pickle. But not to worry, I’m here to help you. If you but ask me I shall slay the human female for you.” Her smile and expression had turned cruel, her hand sliding down to the hilt of her sword.

  Shock and surprise warred on Levi’s face before he narrowed his dark blue eyes at her. “Slay? I thought you were an angel. Aren’t guardian angels supposed to be…?” Levi waved his hand through the air as he searched his mind for the right word. “Kindhearted, sweet or whatever?”

  “I’m not that kind of angel. Besides, I’ve been a Rogue Angel for the past five hundred years or so. This mission will get me back in God’s good graces. However, if you’re captured and dissected I will have failed in my mission to protect you.”

  “I don’t need protecting, lady.” Levi sneered as his tail completely vanished to reveal his humans legs.

  Archangel Uriel’s gaze moved down over Levi’s chest and blatantly stared at his nakedness. “Impressive.”

  “Blazes.” Levi flushed as he quickly stood up and wrapped the scrap of cloth that Vivien had given him around his waist. “Aren’t angels supposed to be more…prudish?”

  Uriel shrugged carelessly. “Like I said - Rogue Angel. So have you made a decision? Shall I kill Vivien Tempest to protect your secret?”

  Levi marched right up to the angel and glared at her. “Listen, you - if you want to keep those pretty wings of yours on your back, you’ll stay the hell away from Vivien Tempest.” He threatened as he cracked his knuckles.

  Uriel blinked at Levi in surprise. “You’re actually defending her. A human.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t believe it. You’ve changed so much.” There was a note of sadness to Uriel’s voice that Levi didn’t miss.

  Levi’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean by ‘I’ve changed’?”

  “When the time is right…you will remember everything. I’ll be in touch, Levi.” Uriel began to back away from Levi across the sand.

  “Wait, don’t bother. Why don’t you tell your God…that instead of wasting his time on a lost cause like me he should be concerning himself with how the humans are treating the Earth!”

  Uriel smiled coldly. “Or perhaps you haven’t changed so much. Goodbye, Levi.” The Archangel spread her wings and took off into the night sky, disappearing behind the dark gray storm clouds that were still rolling across the sky.

  Levi ran a hand back through his hair in an exasperated gesture. “Crap.” The last thing he needed was some Archangel keeping tabs on him. “I don’t need a freakin babysitter. It’s not like I’m Tristan Savant.” Tristan Savant was a half-incubus who was friends with Levi. The incubus was also a chocolatier and known for making chocolates that drove women wild. Before Tristan managed to win the heart of the girl he loved, he’d been a total playboy, and had had one-night stands because he needed sex in order to survive. Tristan’s guardian angel Michael had had a hell of a hard time putting the incubus on the right track.


  A new workday at Poseidon’s Trident had begun. Levi, Derek, Malakye and Garth were all in the kitchen prepping ingredients for the day. Around noon, the door to Poseidon’s Trident opened and in walked none other than Vivien Tempest, her bodyguard, Urban West, and stylist, Teresa Brown. The trio took a seat at one of the tables close to the window that overlooked the restaurant’s porch.

  Levi grit his teeth as a sense of dread washed over him. Aw hell. She really came.

  Vivien looked up at Levi, removed her sunglasses, and raised her hand to get his attention. She did a little wave and smiled at him. “Hey, Levi, get your butt over here!”

  Levi ground his molars while his fellow chefs shot him curious looks. “Derek, take over.” Levi handed the man the frying pan he’d been tossing vegetables in.

  “Sure thing, Boss.” Derek said, taking the pan.

  Levi stomped his way over to Vivien’s table, crossed his arms over his chest, and glared down at her. He couldn’t help but notice what she was wearing. A classy, white, trench coat with black buttons running down the front, tight black jeans that hugged her curves deliciously, and a pair of white high heels. “Yes?”

  “I have good news. I’ve already spoken with Director Scott Maverick and he’s agreed to give you the role of the merprince. Apparently, you really impressed him yesterday with your ability to literally throw out his film crew.” Vivien grabbed her shoulder bag that had been hanging off the back of the chair, rummaged around in it, and pulled out an extra script that Scott had given her. She handed the script to Levi, who took it reluctantly.

  Teresa was looking back and forth between Levi and Vivien intently. “Wait, I don’t get it. What’s going on? What do you mean Levi is going to be playing the merprince? What about Dax?”

  “Dax has been fired.” Vivien waved her hand dramatically in Levi’s direction. “May I present to you all the new and improved - merprince!”

  The sound of something being knocked over in the kitchen was heard. Levi felt like groaning and rubbing his temples. His fellow chefs, who knew his secret, were probably freaking out right about now with what they’d just heard.

  “Vivien, I never really agreed-” Levi started to object.

  But Vivien cut him off. “Oh, yes you did. Don’t you remember…what happened last night?” She waggled her eyebrows at him.

  Levi gripped the script in his hands. Crap.

  “Anyways, make sure you memorize your lines for the first couple of scenes. Filming starts tomorrow. Yay.” Vivien said in an excited manner.

  At Vivien’s words, Derek, Malakye, and Garth all left the kitchen and made a beeline for Vivien?
??s table. “Whoa, wait, fill us in. What’s going on, Boss? You’re going to be in a movie?” Derek asked with obvious disbelief in his voice.

  Levi sighed, and scrubbed a hand down his face. He could barely believe it himself. “Apparently so. It’s not that big a deal. Don’t worry about it, guys.”

  “Not that big a deal?” Vivien interrupted as she looked over at the chefs. “Your friend Levi has been scouted by me to play the merman prince in the Disney remake of The Little Mermaid - The Little Merman! Instead of the star being a merprincess - there’s a reckless merprince, who falls in love with a free-spirited princess, which will be played by yours truly.”

  Derek, Malakye and Garth were all slack-jawed by this startling announcement.

  “How can Levi play the part of a merman when he’s-” Malakye was saying-

  However, Vivien cut him off with a nervous look. “Levi will be provided with a designer tail made by the famous mertailor Eric Ducharme, of course. Nothing to worry about.”

  Derek elbowed Malakye in the side with his elbow to shut the man up. “Ah, a designer tail. I see. Well, the Boss is a great swimmer.” He laughed nervously.

  Garth was clenching his fists and shook his head. “It’s much too dangerous, Boss. He can’t be in the movie he-!”

  Derek elbowed Garth in his side next. “I’m sure that Levi can handle it, or else he wouldn’t have agreed. Right, Boss?”

  Levi sighed and nodded. “I can handle it, guys. Don’t worry.”

  Urban was watching the unusual exchange Levi was having with his fellow chefs in interest. These guys were…hiding something.

  “Now that that’s settled…I bet you guys are curious about the movie script and the movie’s plot. Am I right?” She waggled her eyebrows at the chefs.

  “I am kind of curious.” Malakye admitted shyly.

  “Well, get your butts over here. Levi, show your chefs the script already.” Vivien demanded. Before Levi could even respond, Vivien had stood up from her seat, grabbed the script from Levi’s hand, placed it on the table, and opened it up to the first page.

  In a matter of minutes, the four chefs were deeply engrossed in reading the movie script. Just like Vivien knew they would be. The script was just that good. “I’ll be right back. I’m just going to go powder my nose.” Vivien said casually before she excused herself.

  “You’re going to what?” Levi asked.

  “It means she’s going to go to the bathroom, man.” Urban offered, in a bemused tone.

  “Ah, why didn’t she just say so then?” Levi asked dryly.

  Vivien flushed at the guys’ conversation. Gah! Men! She stomped off towards the bathroom hallway and peeked over her shoulder to see that the four chefs were still engrossed with the movie script. Perfect. Time for some snooping.

  Vivien bypassed the bathrooms and made her way into the back of the restaurant, past the kitchen, and went up the stairs that led to the second floor. Her friend Ambrose Rune had warned Vivien that the four chefs didn’t allow anyone up on the second floor…and that if she accidentally went up there she may never been seen or heard from again. It made Vivien incredibly curious about what was up there, and she just had to see what the four chefs were hiding in their rooms.

  The actress entered the hallway that had doors on either side. Each door had a little wooden sign hanging on it with a room number. Vivien decided to check ‘Room 1’ first. She opened the door, stepped inside, and flipped on a light switch. Whoa. The entire room was filled with potted plants…very exotic looking plants. Vivien entered farther into the room and began to admire the plants. “I’ve never seen plants like these before.” Vivien reached her hand out towards one of the plants and its vines actually started to move. It looked a little like a Venus flytrap except for the fact that it was purple with a bright magenta interior. “Unreal. They must be from the Amazon or something.”

  There was an impressive computer set up; video games were all over the floor, as well as books. An entire bookcase was filled with books too. Vivien continued snooping around the room and noticed the open compact of white makeup on the dressing table. Ah, this must be Malakye’s room. Since it was Levi’s room that she was looking for she flipped the lights off, left the room, and closed the door softly behind her.

  Vivien tried ‘Room 2’ next. This particular bedroom appeared pretty normal and was decorated with antiques. Then she noticed the two large tanks that were sitting on a long wooden table. She walked over to the tanks and saw that the larger one had an enormous pet python inside of it. The python was quite large with bronze and black scales. The tank that was next to it was filled with pet mice. Although she had the unsettling feeling that those mice were food for the python. Vivien rubbed her arms at the gruesome thought.

  Vivien was about to leave when she caught sight of all the canvases scattered about the room. She spotted an easel with an unfinished painting of a red-haired woman with tattoos on her face. In fact, most of the paintings featured a mysterious, redheaded woman, but the strange part was that the women in the paintings were featureless. Vivien then noticed a tattoo gun sitting on the dresser and deduced this was Derek’s room.

  Vivien left Derek’s room and decided to try ‘Room 3’. This room looked like it belonged to a jock, and sports or martial arts enthusiast. There was a punching bag hanging from the ceiling and a pile of ruined punching bags sitting in the corner with sand draining out onto the floor. Martial arts posters were taped to the walls, and Vivien recognized Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Tony Jaa. As a fellow martial artist, Vivien also had respect for the greats.

  In a sports equipment holding bin Vivien could see a basketball, football, baseball bat, baseball glove, and a couple of baseballs. T-shirts with funny expressions were lying on the floor as well as several pairs of jeans. A bunch of stress balls were sitting on the man’s dresser, but they looked like chewed up dog toys they were in such bad shape. The baskets full of candy gave the room away as being Garth’s. Anytime Vivien had seen the chef he was sucking on a Tootsie roll pop.

  Vivien left Garth’s room and took a deep breath as she stood outside ‘Room 4’. This was it. This had to be Levi’s room. Vivien opened the door, stepped inside, and flipped on a light switch, to reveal-

  Vivien gasped at the sight before her. It was beautiful. There were shelves attached to all four walls and on those shelves were a bunch of things that had obviously been brought up from the sea: colorful pieces of sea fan coral, sand dollars sitting on little plastic stands, huge seashells, jars filled with pieces of sea glass, and jars filled with colored sand.

  Vivien reached out, selected an orange and pink conch shell, and placed it against her ear. She closed her eyes and listened to the hypnotic sound of the ocean. The actress opened her eyes and smiled. Levi’s love for the sea was obvious…it was a part of who he was. He was a merman and would make the perfect merprince for the movie. Through emotional conveyance, Levi would be able to share his love for the sea with the moviegoers.

  He loves the sea…just as I do. Vivien put the shell back and was just about to leave when something in Levi’s trashcan caught her eyes. Something red. Vivien made her way over to the trashcan and reached inside of it to pull out a bloody sock. She frowned. In fact, the entire trashcan was filled with bloody socks. How odd. She tossed the sock back into the trashcan and shrugged. Whatever.

  After that she caught sight of a tank. Vivien walked over to it and saw a red-eared slider turtle. The tank had a few inches of water in it and a rock. There was a label on the tank, which read: ‘Raphael’. This made Vivien smile thinking about Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. “You do look a little like Raphael with those red bands on your face, don’t you, little guy?” She cooed at the turtle before silently leaving the room and heading back downstairs to the restaurant.


  Once upon a time, there was a reckless yet courageous merprince named Levi. Despite his father King Triton’s warnings
, Levi would continually leave the merkingdom of Atlantica and go on dangerous adventures close to the surface. Levi was a fierce warrior, a hunter, who loved a good challenge though and couldn’t sit still for long. He quickly grew bored of the sheltered palace life King Triton wanted for his son, and of the simpering, obedient mermaids that vied for his attentions.

  Almost daily, Levi would search out dangerous sea monsters and kraken that were attacking human ships and slay the beasts himself thereby saving the humans from certain death. Levi had inherited his father’s magical trident and it was this powerful weapon that he used to fight the sea monsters with.

  One day, while Levi was swimming close to the surface he spotted a huge ship. He watched the ship for hours and was about to leave the area since everything appeared safe…when a kraken appeared. Levi let out a battle cry and attacked the beast. With his trident, he executed skillful jabs and slashes. He cut off several of the kraken’s limbs and finally when the beast opened its mouth - Levi plunged his trident deep inside, slaying the beast. Blood and ink filled the water as a result.

  “And cut!” Director Scott Maverick shouted as he watched the footage his underwater cameramen were capturing of Levi Devlin swimming around underwater and pretending to battle a kraken. “That was perfect! That’s a wrap for the reshoot of the opening scene.”

  At first, when Vivien had requested that Dax Fisher be replaced with Levi Devlin, Scott had been skeptical but…now after seeing the professional merman in action. Well. He was impressed. Director Maverick was also fascinated with Levi’s fake tail…it looked so incredibly real. Perhaps, real fish scales had been sewn into it? Scott made a mental note to ask the chef later.

  When Director Maverick had explained the scene to Levi he’d caught on quickly and hadn’t needed training with the trident beforehand either. Levi claimed to study martial arts and the way he moved the fake trident so skillfully through the water as he faced an invisible enemy was evidence of this fact. The chef did a great job visualizing what it would be like to fight a kraken in his mind’s eye. Once they added the CGI to the scene it would be incredible. Scott felt a giddy laugh bubble up his throat and let it leave his mouth. This movie was going to be his greatest masterpiece! He’d fought hard to get where he was today and to be respected in the movie industry as a worthwhile director at the age of thirty-six.

  Levi Devlin also had this fierce presence - one that Dax Fisher had simply lacked despite the man’s good looks. Levi was simply more…intense. On screen, Levi immediately captured a person’s interest. “Well, hurry up and pull the poor guy up! I want to compliment him on a job well done!” Director Maverick yelled at his crew with an air of obvious impatience.

  “Uh, Sir. About that, Levi…he’s gone.” One of the underwater cameramen had come up to say, and was scratching the back of his head while looking perplexed.

  “What? What do you mean he’s gone? If he drowned because of you idiots-” Director Maverick shot back.

  “Ah, Sir, Levi said he’d go on ahead without us and meet us at the restaurant since the scene was completed successfully.” Vivien piped up at the director’s side.

  Director Maverick’s eyes bulged. “You mean he’s going to swim back?” He looked over towards the shore and shook his head in disbelief. “But that’s a good three miles to swim back to shore.”

  “Oh, he can do it. Don’t worry.” Vivien assured in a nonchalant manner.

  Director Maverick shrugged, took off his baseball cap, and scratched his head. “Well…if you say so. I trust your judgment, Vivien. You always know your own limitations when it comes to stunts, and the limitations of others. Tomorrow we’ll reshoot the rescue scene and we may even have time to start the scene with Dylan Black.”

  “Dylan?” Vivien’s interested was piqued.

  “Yes, he arrives today. He just finished the filming he was doing in France for his latest romantic comedy. I gave him the address of Poseidon’s Trident. He should be meeting us there later for lunch.” Director Maverick informed her.

  Vivien smiled giddily. Dylan Black. Finally. I can’t wait to meet him…my future husband.


  Levi walked through the front door of Poseidon’s Trident soaking wet and dressed in only a pair of swim trunks. Derek, Malakye, and Garth immediately caught sight of him from the open kitchen and ran out to greet him.

  “Levi! You’re back. How did the filming go?” Derek asked in his usual easygoing manner.

  Levi shrugged. “It was okay. I guess.”

  “Did anyone…you know…” Malakye looked around nervously to make sure none of their customers were listening in on their conversation. “See you.”

  Levi shook his head. “No…I swam back on my own and transformed in a cove.”

  “Did that crazy director make you do anything dangerous?” Garth asked darkly. “He has a reputation for making his actors and actresses do reckless stunts. Mal looked him up online and it’s apparently how he’s gotten so famous so quickly, and at such a young age for a director.”

  “Just fight a kraken.” Levi smirked.

  Malakye gasped and swayed on his feet, thinking that Levi was being serious.

  Levi chuckled at his friends’ worried expressions. “A CGI one, duh. I was just pretending to fight one. It was a piece of cake. That script makes no sense though…why would the merprince risk his life fighting sea monsters to save human beings? Preposterous.”

  “You never tried to save a human ship from a sea monster before?” Derek asked curiously.

  “Nope. And I’ve sunk my fair share of whaling ships too. I think the humans would consider me to be a sea monster. And the trident they gave me was plastic.” Levi grumbled. “You would think with the size of the budget they have for this movie that they could afford to give me a real one.”

  Derek chuckled at the obvious ire in Levi’s voice. “They were probably afraid you’d hurt yourself with it.”

  “Tch. Idiots.” Levi complained.

  “If you sign a waiver I’m sure they’d let you have a real one for the filming.” Derek suggested wisely.

  “A waiver?” Levi stroked his chin and nodded. “That could work.”

  Malakye frowned at Levi’s expression. “Levi, don’t you think you’re taking this movie a little too seriously? I still think it’s too dangerous for you to be a part of it. What if your true nature is discovered? And when the movie is released won’t Agent Darkhart figure out who you are…and come after you?”

  “Don’t worry, Mal. I’m being careful. I can outsmart a couple of pathetic humans.” Levi assured his friend. “As for Agent Darkhart…I have to settle things with that sadistic human eventually anyways. But when he comes, I’ll be ready for him.”

  “How did Vivien find out your secret anyways?” Garth asked.

  “That…I…” Levi rubbed the back of his neck and looked away, unable to meet Garth’s penetrating gaze. “Rescued her from drowning.”

  The chefs all gasped in response.

  “You saved a human from drowning?” Derek repeated in an incredulous tone until a knowing look settled on his tattooed face. “I bet you’re in lo-”

  “Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Derek, or I’ll rip your spine out through your mouth.” Levi threatened in a low voice.

  “Can he really do something like that?” Malakye asked with a horrified look on his face.

  Garth elbowed the Goth in his side. “Shut up, dude.”

  “I still don’t like this.” Malakye insisted.

  “Me neither.” Garth huffed.

  There was an amused twinkle in Derek’s blue eyes. “Sometimes you can’t escape your Destiny, guys.”

  “Sap.” Levi said before stalking off to go take a shower. He was all covered in salt and probably smelled like seaweed. Normally, he wouldn’t have given a crap but the idea of Vivien thinking he smelled bad didn’t sit well with him. Twenty minutes later, Levi was showered, dressed, and ready to he
lp out his fellow chefs in the kitchen.

  When noon rolled around, Vivien and her film crew entered the restaurant. Levi tried not to seek Vivien out with his eyes…but he couldn’t help it. She was wearing a black shirt, blue jean capris, and her white high heels. He noticed that Vivien appeared to be looking around the restaurant for someone. Him?

  Levi raised his hand in greeting, but when Vivien caught sight of Levi she frowned and looked around again before sitting down at one of the tables with a disappointed look on her face. Levi lowered his hand, feeling like an idiot, and swallowed hard. Well, that was odd.

  “Levi!” Director Maverick called out happily as he spotted Levi in the open kitchen and made his way over towards the chefs. “You left before I could tell you: great job today, man. You are an incredible actor. I really felt like I was watching a real merman battle a kraken. Oh, and next time you don’t have to swim all the way back to shore on your own, you know. We’d be more than happy to give you a lift.”

  “Ah, I did it for the exercise. You think these muscles just popped up on their own?” Levi drawled as he flexed his pecs.

  Director Maverick barked out a laugh. “No, I guess not!”

  “Ah, Director…about the plastic trident.” Levi began.


  “If I sign a waiver…can I wield a real one?”

  Director Maverick blinked and a slow smile curled his lips. “Sure. But it’s a very dangerous weapon. I would prefer not to risk you getting hurt, despite what people say about me.”

  “Director Maverick, isn’t what your movie needs - realism?” Levi asked slyly. “To make it the best it can be?”

  “Well, yes…you’re right.” Director Maverick rubbed the stubble on his chin. His goatee was getting shabby and he needed to shave soon, but he couldn’t find the time. “That’s what I always strive for in my action movies. I’ve worked with actors like Jackie Chan before and I was very exited to work with Vivien Tempest since they both do their own stunts. If you think you can handle it…go for it.”

  Levi smirked. “Oh, I think I can handle it.” The merman’s gaze strayed towards Vivien. “Er, did Vivien see today’s footage?”

  Director Maverick nodded. “Yes, she was quite impressed with you.” He noticed how Levi was watching Vivien closely with a small frown on his face. “Ah, she’s just impatient for Dylan Black to arrive.”

  “Dylan Black?”

  “Yes. He’ll be playing the part of the evil prince that weds the princess in the end.” Director Maverick explained.

  “I see.” Levi said while trying not to sound disappointed. Why should he care if Vivien seemed to be excited about seeing this Dylan Black guy? “Wait a second, I thought the merprince and princess would get together in the end? Like in the Disney movie The Little Mermaid?” Levi asked. He hadn’t read the entire script yet.

  “This version of The Little Meman is going to be tragic. It’ll be great. A real tear-jerker!” Director Maverick said excitedly as he imagined theaters across the nation filled with people crying their eyes out because of his movie.

  Garth accidentally smashed one of the petit fours he was working on. “The merprince and the princess are supposed to get together.” He rumbled angrily.

  “Ah, it’s just a movie, Garth.” Derek reminded the confectioner. “Calm down.”

  “Yeah, just a movie.” Levi echoed in a strange tone.

  “Well, I’m going to go join the others. Keep up the great work, Levi.” Director Maverick said before he returned to his table.

  “Who the hell is Dylan Black?” Levi asked Derek - his resident human expert.

  “Dylan Black is an actor famous for his heartwarming and tear-jerking performances in romantic comedies and romantic dramas. Everyone on the net is excited that this will be Dylan’s first role playing a dark character or villain.” Derek informed his boss.

  “Dylan Black.” Levi growled. “I haven’t even met the guy and I already don’t like him.”

  At that exact moment, the door to Poseidon’s Trident opened and in stepped a man with an intimidating, commanding presence. He was even taller than Levi at six-six, and equally muscular. The man had short black hair that was longer in the front and shorter in the back, and had a pair of dark sunglasses on his face. The actor was wearing a tight black shirt that clung to his hard muscles, black pants, and shiny, black dress shoes. The first few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned to reveal the black onyx pendant that was hanging on his chest.

  As the actor entered the restaurant, he removed his sunglasses to reveal his intense, coal-black eyes. The man smiled revealing perfect white teeth. Dylan Black approached the tables followed by his entourage and manager.

  “Ah, look! It’s Dylan Black!” “Dylan’s finally here!” The film crew immediately began to make excited exclamations as soon as they spotted the handsome actor.

  Director Maverick stood up from his seat and quickly made his way over to greet Dylan. “Dylan! You’re finally here. How did the filming go?” He offered Dylan his hand.

  Dylan took the director’s hand and shook it. “It went well. Thanks. But I’m very excited to get started on filming for The Little Merman. Although, I must admit that I’m still angry that you turned me down for the role of the merprince. Who’s playing him? I heard it was Dax Fisher who landed the role.” Dylan looked around the restaurant curiously to catch sight of the blond.

  “Ah, well, about that…we actually replaced Dax with someone else.” Director Maverick hedged.

  Dylan’s gaze snapped back to the director and he raised a dark eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Who?”

  “He’s the Head Chef and owner of this restaurant actually. His name is Levi Devlin.” Director Maverick pointed to the open kitchen.

  “Levi?” Dylan turned his head to look at the kitchen and his eyes widened when he spotted the blue-haired chef. “You…!” The actor cut himself off and coughed into his hand.

  Growing impatient for Dylan to notice her, Vivien stood up and made her way over to the actor. She put her hand out in front of her. Her blue-green eyes were glittering with admiration. “Hi, I’m Vivien Tempest. It’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m a huge fan of yours. I still can’t believe that we’re going to be working together.”

  Dylan took Vivien’s hand and smiled politely. “A fan you say?” He raised Vivien’s hand to his lips and kissed it. “The pleasure is all mine, Vivien. I look forward to working with you as well. I’ve seen most of your work and I have to say I was impressed. Is it true that you do all your own stunts?”

  Vivien blushed at the feeling of Dylan’s soft, sensual lips brushing the back of her hand. “Yes, I do.”

  Dylan dropped her hand but kept smiling. “Impressive.”

  As Levi watched Dylan and Vivien’s interaction…a fierce ache bloomed in his chest and he rubbed at his sternum. His heart rate had jacked up too. He felt like going over there and bashing Dylan’s head in. How dare he kiss Vivien’s hand like that? Vivien was…his. He shook his head. No, she’s not mine. What the hell was wrong with him? Levi wondered, feeling confused and bewildered by his own thoughts.

  “Uh…Boss…you’re ruining that pan.” Derek pointed out.

  Levi looked down and saw that he’d totally bent the handle of the frying pan he’d been using. Oops. “Just who does that creep think he is - kissing her hand like that, huh?” Levi snarled at Derek as he tossed the pan into the trash.

  Derek raised an eyebrow at Levi. “He thinks he’s a rich, handsome, famous actor - and he’s right.”

  Levi watched as the cocky actor crooked his finger at his manager in an impatient gesture. Or at least Levi thought the guy was probably Dylan’s manager. He appeared to be pretty young, probably in his late twenties. The manager had messy, orange hair, blue eyes, and freckles. He was wearing a rumpled suit that looked too big for the man’s lanky frame. His manager seemed to know what Dylan was asking for as he whipped out a towel to wipe off
the chair with before Dylan sat down.

  A vein in Levi’s forehead throbbed. What the hell is up with that? Acting all high and mighty - like he’s too good to sit on my chairs. Dylan Black may have been tall, handsome and muscular, but he was still only a lowly human in Levi’s book.

  Levi watched as Vivien slyly took the seat right next to Dylan. That ache in his chest was bothering him once again. “I’m not feeling so hot. Derek, take over the kitchen.” Levi muttered before handing Derek the new pan he’d gotten out, and heading to his room.

  The three chefs watched Levi go with worried expressions on their faces. Levi had never stopped in the middle of cooking before. Ever.


  Once upon a time, there was a spirited, adventurous princess beloved by everyone in the Kingdom of Sol. One day, on her way back home to her castle by the sea, her ship was attacked by a fearsome kraken. The princess made sure that everyone made it to the lifeboats safely before worrying about herself. However, once the princess was inside the lifeboat she realized that her handmaiden, Lucinda, was still on the sinking ship.

  Princess Vivien’s Uncle Richard tried to stop her, but Vivien jumped off the boat and into the sea. She swam back to the ship and used a rope to climb back onboard. Princess Vivien spotted her handmaiden and helped to free Lucinda’s dress from the deck. The princess took Lucinda by her hand and led her to the railing. Vivien picked Lucinda up and tossed her overboard. She was about to join Lucinda when the mainmast suddenly collapsed and fell on top of her, trapping her to the deck.

  The ship began to sink along with Princess Vivien. However, the merprince Levi had been nearby. Prince Levi finished off the kraken with his trident and then spotted the sinking princess. The merprince swam down to rescue her and used his trident to leverage the mast off of the princess. After that he took the princess into his arms and began to swim her back up to the surface.

  Levi then swam the princess to shore. The merprince crawled onto the beach and dragged the body of the princess with him. He checked her for signs of life and put his ear to her chest to listen for her heartbeat. “She’s alive.” Levi breathed with relief upon finding one. He waited for her to regain consciousness and while he waited he decided to sing for her. Levi opened his mouth and began to sing in a deep, baritone voice, which steadily rose into an alto.

  ‘It’s the voice of an angel.’ Prince Vivien thought as she listened to Levi singing in a half-awake state.

  The princess’ eyelids fluttered and she slowly began to open her eyes. She saw a male figure hovering over her, the rising sun behind him making his hair appear dark, and she squinted against the blinding light to see him better.

  As soon as Levi saw that the princess was waking up, however, he pushed himself back into the water and swam a good distance away from her to watch her from behind a large rock that protruded out of the sea.

  The princess opened her eyes fully and sat up, groggily. She saw a hand being offered to her and looked up.

  A tall, dark and handsome gentleman was holding his hand down to her with a charming smile on his face. He was dressed in a fine black suit with golden embroidery on it. The man looked like a prince in his finery and was devilishly attractive. A jeweled rapier had been strapped to his side.

  ‘Is this the man who saved me?’ Princess Vivien wondered dazedly as she placed her hand in his and the man helped her up.

  “Are you alright, milady?” He asked her in a sensuous voice.

  “I…did you…?” Princess Vivien began, but her throat ached and felt as dry as sandpaper. Before she could speak again-

  “PRINCESS! MILADY!” The sound of several people calling out her name was heard and then Vivien’s handmaiden, Lucinda, appeared around the bend and spotted Vivien and her mysterious savior.

  “Princess!” Lucinda exclaimed upon seeing Vivien and tears of relief filled her eyes. “You’re alive! I was so worried.” She ran across the sand.

  “Princess…?” The dark-haired stranger murmured to himself as he looked at Vivien and a calculating look fell over his face for a fleeting moment only to be replaced with a charming expression.

  Lucinda ran across the sand to Princess Vivien and her rescuer, and stopped short when she saw the tall man. She looked up at him but then she smiled upon seeing how well-dressed he was. No man as handsome and well-dressed as that one could be a bad person. “Oh, thank you, Kind Sir, for saving our Princess! You shall be greatly rewarded!”

  The man smiled back. “I did not do it for any reward. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Dylan, son of King Obsidian. I hail from the neighboring Kingdom of Loki.”

  “A prince!” Lucinda exclaimed excitedly and was practically dancing on one foot. “My Prince, will you please assist me in taking the princess back to the castle?”

  “Why of course.” Prince Dylan readily replied.

  “I can walk-” Princess Vivien was saying when Prince Dylan suddenly swooped her up into his strong arms. “Oh my.”

  “Allow me to carry you, milady. You’re as light as a feather.” Dylan smiled down at her charmingly.

  There was a pink tinge to the princess’ cheeks. “Well, alright, if you insist.” Princess Vivien agreed and the prince proceeded to carry her back to the castle with Lucinda following close behind.

  “And cut!” Director Maverick’s commanding voice rang out.

  Dylan immediately placed Vivien on her feet and wiped his hands off on his pants.

  Vivien barely noticed Dylan’s coldness since she was distracted with searching for any sign of Levi hiding behind the rock that rose out of the sea. She’d been so surprised when Levi had just started singing like that! She hadn’t known the chef could sing. And his voice…it really was like the voice of an angel, just like the narrator had proclaimed. His singing had caused goose bumps to break out over her arms. Vivien really wanted to tell Levi how wonderful his voice was, and how it had made her feel, but she knew she had to start getting ready for the next scene.

  “What are you doing?” Dylan asked Vivien curiously when he noticed her staring out at the ocean. He wasn’t used to be ignored by anyone, especially a female.

  “Ah, no…I just wanted to speak with Levi.” Vivien explained in a distracted manner.

  “Vivien!” Teresa came running down the beach in Vivien’s direction. “What are you doing, girl? We have to get you showered and dressed for the next scene!”

  “Ah, right.” Vivien agreed as Teresa began to drag her away.

  “Charlie.” Dylan called out for his manager to appear.

  Charlie came running with a bottle of purple Gatorade for Dylan. “Here, Boss.”

  Dylan took the Gatorade, unscrewed the lid, and began to chug it. His dark eyes followed Vivien as she was being dragged away. If there was one thing that Dylan did not like it was being ignored.


  Over the course of the next couple of days, the merprince watched Princess Vivien from the ocean as she lived her life in her castle by the sea. Levi told himself he was watching her because he was merely concerned for her well-being and wanted to make sure that she was okay after her near drowning experience.

  One day, Levi spotted the princess on horseback riding across the beach at a fierce gallop. Her long, golden hair was loose and streaming behind her like a flag. She was dressed in a simple white shirt, black pants, and shiny riding boots. The merprince had never seen a human female in pants before and thought she looked nice.

  As the princess rode across the beach at a gallop she seemed so fearless - so beautiful.

  The princess stopped her white mare at the surf’s edge and dismounted. She pulled her boots off and walked into the ocean’s surf to cool off her aching toes. “Ah.” She let out a pleasured moan as the water cooled her blistered feet. A noise that Levi felt was strangely erotic.

  Vivien shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked out over the ocean towards a rock that was jutting out from the sea, and the
merprince couldn’t help but feel as though she were looking right at him. Just when the merprince was about to reveal himself-

  The sound of approaching horses was heard, and Levi saw Prince Dylan and the princess’ handmaiden Lucinda both riding down the beach towards the princess. Dylan was riding a magnificent black stallion and Lucinda was riding an adorable brown pony.

  “Princess!” Lucinda called out, waving her hand.

  “Oh drat.” The princess swore as she pulled on her boots and quickly mounted her horse. She turned her horse around with a skillful pull of the reins and rode towards her friends. “Good day. Lovely weather we’re having, isn’t it?” The princess called out casually.

  “Princess! Just what do you think you’re doing?” Lucinda chided.

  “Horseback riding. What does it look like I’m doing, silly.” The princess giggled.

  “Don’t play innocent with me, Princess. You’re wearing pants!” Lucinda pointed her trembling finger at the pants. “It’s incredibly inappropriate and scandalous!”

  Princess Vivien pouted. When it came to being a proper lady of the Kingdom of Sol she knew she lacked decorum. “But I can’t gallop in a dress, Lu.”

  “You shouldn’t be galloping at all! You’re a princess and soon to be this Kingdom’s Queen! What if something were to happen to you?” Lucinda wrung her hands together in worry at the horrible thought.

  “Then my Uncle Richard would rule in my stead, I imagine.” The princess frowned thoughtfully.

  “Princess!” Lucinda scolded.

  A deep, dark, sensual chuckle filled the air. “It’s alright, Lucinda. You know there’s no stopping our headstrong, free-spirited princess. The princess is like a wild bird. She would be forever unhappy being caged and longing for freedom. But you need not worry, as long as I am at your princess’ side I shall protect her with my life.”

  Lucinda blushed at the prince’s bold words. “Oh, I see. Well…as long as you’re with the princess then I suppose it would be alright.”

  “Excellent.” Prince Dylan trotted over next to Princess Vivien and took her hand. “Your Highness…please allow me the honor of becoming your protector.” He placed a gentle kiss on her hand.

  Princess Vivien flushed and snatched her hand away. “Fool…if you’re trying to woo me…you’re going about it the wrong way. Hyah!” The princess kicked her horse’s sides and rode off into the forest.

  “Ah, usually I’m a lot smoother with the ladies.” Prince Dylan said with a sheepish hand behind his head and a chagrined expression on his face.

  “Don’t give up, Prince Dylan. Surely, your feelings will reach our stubborn princess!” Lucinda assured.

  A sly smile curled Dylan’s lips. “Surely.”

  Levi continued to watch from behind the rock, and decided that that night would be the last time he watched the princess. After all she had a handsome prince for a suitor who’d just vowed to protect her with his own life. The princess had no need for him.

  “And cut!” Director Maverick called out. “Well done, everyone. Let’s get ready for the next scene-”

  A female scream echoed through the nearby forest.

  Vivien! Levi recognized the voice and quickly swam to the nearby cove he’d discovered earlier before the day’s shooting had started. He swam into the cove and quickly pulled himself up on the shore. Levi wiped the water off his tail with his hands to cause it to dry faster. As soon as his tail was dry and his human legs had appeared, he put on the pair of swim trunks he’d hidden behind a rock earlier that morning.

  Levi leapt to his feet, ran to the edge of the cove, and climbed over some rocks to the other side of the beach where the film crew was. The merman took off running down the beach and then through the trees of the nearby forest. His feet left heavy indentations in the dirt with blood. He reached out his senses and searched for Vivien’s presence. Once he’d located her he made a beeline for her current location.

  Levi burst through some bushes and into a clearing where the entire film crew was gathered and appeared to be taking a break. Levi frantically scanned the crowd and spotted Vivien seated on the ground with a crewman wrapping her ankle with a long strip of white gauze. Apparently, she’d hurt her foot…maybe even broken it.

  “Vivien!” Levi called out in concern as he ran over to her and crouched by her side. “You’re hurt. Is your ankle broken?” His chest was heaving as he struggled to catch his breath from having run all the way there.

  “Levi?” Vivien’s eyes got big due to her surprise at seeing him there. She knew that to be there he would have had to go somewhere to transform first, and then had to have run all the way there. But…even so, it had only taken him five minutes to reach her. “What are you doing…here? I mean…it’s nothing. Just a sprain. See.” Vivien stood up and smiled. “I’m okay.”

  “I heard you scream. What happened?” Levi demanded with a fierce look in his eyes.

  “Oh, there was a snake on the forest trail-” Vivien was saying before Levi suddenly got a murderous look in his eyes and stomped off.

  Levi returned a few minutes later with a dead snake in his hands, which he tossed at Vivien’s feet. “Was this the snake?”

  Several crewmembers gasped at the sight of the now headless snake and their jaws dropped.

  Vivien looked down at the dead yellow and black snake. “Yeah, that’s him alright. Uh, you didn’t have to kill it. It’s just a wild animal…I probably frightened him, causing him to attack the horse like that.”

  “The little pest caused you to fall off your horse. You could have broken your neck. He deserved to die.” Levi said simply.

  “Levi…” Vivien murmured, the caveman routine really shouldn’t have made her heart flutter but it did. Or perhaps it was just the adrenaline that was still pumping through her veins because of her fall.

  A dark, sensuous male chuckle was heard as Dylan approached them and put a hand on Levi’s shoulder. “We’ve stopped filming, man. There’s no need to act so concerned or gallant towards Vivien. She’s not really a princess.”

  Levi shrugged the man’s hand off his shoulder. “I wasn’t acting.”

  Dylan raised a dark eyebrow at the chef. “Is that so?” A dangerous glint came to his black eyes, but was gone so fast Levi wondered if he’d imagined it.

  “Vivien, can we begin preparations to film the next scene?” Director Maverick called out.

  “Yeah, I’m good to go.” Vivien declared as she walked forward and hid a wince as her foot hit the ground.

  No one seemed to notice that tiny wince or that Vivien was actually in pain, but Levi did. Was this how it always was for her? He wondered. She’d perform dangerous stunts, get herself hurt, but then grin and bear it in order to continue filming? But why? Why would she feel the need to push herself so hard? She’d mentioned something about making her parents proud. Was it for them? Weren’t they already proud of their incredible daughter? Levi wondered.

  This female…being in pain is unacceptable. “No, you’re not.” Levi challenged before he swooped Vivien up into his arms. “Vivien is done with filming for today. She needs rest. She’ll film the scene you need tomorrow, Director.”

  “Ah, Levi? What are you doing? Hey! Put me down!” Vivien struggled in Levi’s hold.

  “Ah, but Vivien said she was ok-” Director Maverick was saying before Levi glared in his direction. “Eek. You know, what? I think we could all use a break. Until tomorrow everyone!”

  “Stop your struggling, female. Resistance is futile. I have you and I’m not letting you go.” Levi rumbled as he took off into the forest at a jog.

  Dylan watched Levi carry Vivien out of the woods and stroked his chin. “Now that’s…interesting.”

  “Ugh! You’re acting like a total caveman! Where the hell are you even taking me? Your cave?” Vivien demanded as she poked her finger angrily into his chest.

  The corner of Levi’s lip twitched at her suggestion. “Back to my re
staurant. There you will eat and rest.”

  Vivien pouted. “Couldn’t we just drive there like normal people?”

  “I don’t know how to drive.” Levi admitted.

  Vivien’s eyebrows rose. “Really? Why not?”

  “I don’t trust those strange human contraptions. I feel claustrophobic inside of them…probably the same way a fish feels in a fish tank. My friend Derek knows how to drive though and anytime we need to go somewhere by car he takes us all there. I do know how to ride a motorcycle though. It’s much less confining.”

  “Ooo a motorcycle? What kind?”

  “A Harley Davidson.”

  Vivien’s aquamarine eyes glittered with approval. “Harley’s are expensive. I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle.” There was a wistful note to her voice.

  “Then why don’t you?” Levi’s brow furrowed. “You seem fearless, female.”

  Vivien pouted. “My parents wouldn’t let me get one. They consider motorcycles to be too…low class.”

  “I could let you try riding my bike once you are healed up if you’d like.” Levi offered. Can’t believe I’m offering her this.

  “My parents would kill me if they found out.” But I’m dying to see what it’s like on the back of a Harley.

  “What your parents don’t know won’t hurt them.”

  “You would do that for me?” Vivien searched Levi’s eyes and he nodded at her. “Thanks. I think I’ll take you up on that offer later.”

  The feeling of Vivien in his arms and her warm body pressed against his did things to Levi. Things he didn’t understand. His heart rate had picked up again and the ache in his chest was back. This female…was affecting him in the strangest of ways.

  He breathed in her scent…she smelled like sun-warmed sea grapes - sweet, juicy, delectable. He nuzzled his nose in her hair without really realizing what he was doing.

  “Oh my God…are you smelling my hair?” Vivien gawked.

  “Yes.” Levi was shameless.


  Levi smirked. Perv? Who? Him? Impossible. That would imply he was attracted to this human female in his arms, which he most assuredly was not. He jerked his head back, wondering what the hell was wrong with him…and with his body.

  Upon arriving at Poseidon’s Trident Levi kicked the door open and strode inside. As soon as Derek, Malakye, and Garth spotted Levi and Vivien, concerned looks formed on their faces and they rushed out of the kitchen to be of assistance.

  “Levi? Vivien? What happened?” Derek was the first to ask.

  “You can put me down now, Levi.” Vivien said, looking embarrassed.

  Levi ignored her and carried Vivien over to a nearby couch before setting her down upon it. He then gave her a stern look. “Stay.” He turned to face the chefs. “She fell off a horse and sprained her ankle. She’s going to eat and rest here.”

  “I’m not hungry. And I’m not tired either. I could have kept on filming earlier, Levi.” Vivien complained hotly. “I’ve never missed a day of filming in my life!”

  “Why would you continue when you were obviously in pain?” Levi asked.

  “I’m not.”

  “I saw you wince.”

  “You…you don’t understand. It’s taken a lot of hard work to get this far and to be chosen for this role. It’s an honor. I have to do my best.” Vivien clenched her hands in her lap. “This time for sure…I’ll make my parents proud.”

  “Foolish female. They should already be proud of their amazing daughter.” Levi huffed, patted her head and then headed for the kitchen to begin cooking Vivien up something delicious and extravagant. He missed the astonished look on Vivien’s face due to his kind words. The other chefs shook themselves from the shock of seeing Levi being nice to a human female and returned to the kitchen too.

  “So…other than the accident, how was the filming today?” Derek asked in a low voice.

  Levi frowned as he chopped up some vegetables with lightning speed. “I don’t understand the merprince.”

  “What don’t you understand?” Derek asked.

  Levi shrugged. “His…feelings. How could he be attracted to a human female? Even if she is beautiful. It makes no sense. No, never mind…forget I said anything.”

  Derek reached out and squeezed Levi’s arm. “You can’t help who you fall for - I think that’s what happened to the merprince.”

  “He…fell for her. How do you know if you’ve-” Levi cut himself off. He was so not going there. “Never mind.” He rubbed his chest where it ached. This was not what he suspected. He was sick. Very sick.

  “How was Dylan Black?” Malakye piped up curiously.

  “Useless bum…he failed to protect her even after he’d vowed to protect her with his life.” Levi grumbled.

  “Uh, Levi, you do realize you’re filming a movie, right? It’s not real. The things Dylan says to Vivien while they’re filming aren’t true. They’re not his real words.” Derek felt the need to point out.

  “Of course I know that…I’m not an idiot.” Levi said gruffly. I just thought…he’d protect her. She really seems to like that human. Her eyes look like shinning disco balls anytime she looks at him.

  After Levi finished making his Cajun seafood pasta with shrimps and scallops, he carried it out into the main restaurant area and turned to face Vivien, only to find her fast asleep on the couch. He crouched next to her and brushed a stray hair behind her ear. Silly female. She said she wasn’t tired. A fond, tender expression formed on Levi’s face without him realizing it.

  The chefs watched Levi’s interaction with Vivien in concern, and that’s when they noticed the trail of bloody footprints Levi had left behind on the floor.

  “Look. Bloody footprints.” Malakye said in a hushed voice to Garth and Derek.

  “Remember how in the original version of The Little Mermaid - when the mermaid was turned into a human every single step she took, it felt like she was walking on knives? I bet Levi feels the same way. There is always truth to be found in legends.” Derek deduced. “I’m surprised he’s managed to keep this a secret from us for so long.”

  “A demon’s curse.” Garth muttered darkly to himself.

  “What was that, Garth?” Malakye asked.

  Garth shook his head. “Nothing.”

  “We never would have found out that Levi was a merman if it hadn’t been for Malakye accidentally spilling that bowl of saltwater all over him that one time.” Derek continued to reminisce.

  The tips of Malakye’s ears turned red with embarrassment and he was glad for his white makeup. “Shut up, Derek.”

  “Levi’s always been a very secretive guy.” Garth agreed. “But we’ve got his back on this.”

  “Yeah.” Derek said. “That we do.”

  To be continued in…Fish 4: Playful Dolphin

  Levi: “For those of you who wish to sample the dish I made Vivien, search for Cajun seafood pasta at I’ll make sure to make her eat some as soon as she wakes up.”