Read Homeless #1 Page 3

  “I will be there in a few minutes okay, honey. I love you, everything will be okay. Are you safe?” He asked.

  If Mark had done anything to hurt her, Randy didn’t know if he would be able to stop himself from killing the little bastard.

  “Yes, Daddy. I locked myself in the bathroom but please hurry! Mark is pounding on the door and telling me he is going to kick the door in if I don’t come out. Oh, Daddy, he is scaring me. There are people here that are so weird and gross and there are girls…girls doing things that…oh, Daddy, please just come get me please! Ahh!” Randy got chills as the call was cut off following a loud bang and Rose screaming.

  He had never heard his little girl so terrified and upset. Randy hoped Mark hadn’t finally kicked the door in. When he tried to call Rose back it went straight to voicemail. He better get over there.

  “What is going on, honey?” Mallory said. She had woken up and was staring wide eyed with worry at Randy.

  “That was Rose. She said she wants me to come get her and that we were right about Mark. She is scared…and crying,” Randy said.

  Mallory flipped off the covers and started getting dressed herself. Randy could hear her mumbling under her breath. Something about “a slimy toad”, “hurt my baby”, “murder that bastard”, “butcher knife”, and he swore he heard a “testicles” thrown in there. Randy smiled. Damn, he loved this woman. Then he walked over and put a hand on each of his wife’s trembling arms.

  “Mal, you need to stay here with Daffy and Lou. Rose said there were a bunch of weird people there, so I don’t want to put you in harm’s way. It will be fine. I will get our little girl and bring her home where she belongs. You stay here,” he said.

  Mallory closed her eyes and sighed, then her arms relaxed and she looked at Randy and nodded. Randy kissed her and hurried out of the room, hoping he would get to Mark’s before anything bad happened to his little girl.

  Chapter 7

  Daddy was so right, Rose Hudson thought as she huddled in the corner of the bathroom.

  She had her knees up to her chin and was holding onto her legs tightly, keeping her eyes closed and hoping Mark would just go away. While she had been talking to Daddy, Mark had kicked the door in and grabbed her phone and threw it in the toilet. She could hear him breathing and was terrified to look into his face and see that terrible look in his eyes that she had never seen before. What had happened to make her relationship, her night, and her life go to hell so fast?

  It had all started when they’d left her parents’ house after she had slapped Daddy. God, that was so mean, how was he ever going to forgive her? She had been acting like such a bitch lately. Please get here soon, Daddy, she thought anxiously.

  She had gotten into Mark’s car frustrated with her parents but excited about her future with him. They were gonna move into together and it was going to be perfect. When she told Mark she was moving out of her parents’ house and in with him, he seemed irritated. He had started making excuses and saying it wasn’t a good idea. She thought maybe he was just scared of that big of a commitment or worried for her moving out at such a young age. Then when she asked if they could just go to his place instead of out on their planned date, he started making more excuses. She had really started to get a weird feeling then. Frustrated, she insisted they spend some time alone at their future place since she was too upset to go out. He had always said his place was hers and that she could come over anytime. Rose had wondered why he was being such a freak about it all.

  After she started to get a little angrier, he finally agreed and told her to “calm the fuck down”. She couldn’t believe her ears. Mark had never cursed at her. Rose was upset but she was glad he was finally coming around, so she let it go. He said a couple of his friends were crashing at his place and he would have to call them. The call went straight to their voicemail and he seemed really annoyed and anxious as he left a message saying to get everyone out of the apartment because he was coming with his special girl. Mark then started trying to get her to talk about Daddy and how she felt about things and kept driving in circles. It seemed to Rose like he was stalling.

  They finally got to his apartment an hour later after she kept begging, and then eventually got annoyed and impatient, yelling at Mark to just go there. When they arrived, Rose noticed there were a bunch of cars and tons of people out front, on the balcony, and it looked like all over inside. She’d wondered if there was a party or something. It didn’t look like a party she wanted to be at.

  The party “guests” there were scary and old, and there were a lot of slutty looking girls Rose thought were dressed like prostitutes all over the place. She had asked Mark what the hell was going on, but he had just dismissed her question with his hand and said to wait in the car. Then he’d run inside slapping fives with guys who were hanging out and smoking in front of his apartment. A few minutes later he had come back out.

  Mark told her to come inside and meet some of his friends. She didn’t want to but at least he seemed calmer and more like himself. When she got close to him he smelled really weird, like incense or something like that. Rose felt really uncomfortable but went along with him anyways.

  He’d introduced her to some guys, who just smiled and looked at her like a piece of meat. She was really freaked out but thought Mark would protect her. They sat down with some other people and Mark started drinking. Rose was shocked again. She didn’t know he drank. He kept drinking, and smoking…cigarettes and other things. She was in shock, not able to believe that her sweet Mark could be wrapped up with this kind of stuff and with these kinds of people.

  He started acting disrespectful to her the more he drank, and some of his friends were starting to sit closer to her and were smiling at her and trying to rub her back. When she asked him to tell them to stop, he just laughed and said for her to show his friends how good she was at giving head. All the creepers had laughed and started touching themselves and huddling around her.

  Then one of the girls dressed like a prostitute came over and sat on Mark’s lap and started kissing him, and he just kissed her back, feeling her up and letting her put her hand down his pants. Rose had been furious and hurt, but was more terrified at the increasing number of Mark’s friends now turning their attention to her. She took her chance and slapped a hand away then ran between the crowd, into the bathroom, locked the door, and called Daddy.

  Now Mark was in the room with her, and she finally looked up and saw a complete stranger…with nothing but anger in his glossy eyes.


  Mark could not believe this bitch. He had played the part of the perfect boyfriend for way too long and was sick of the drama and constant work that came with maintaining this fake ass relationship. She was hot and good in the sack, but she was just like any other girl, replaceable. But she was still his girl, one of his many girls, and just like the others she was his property. She was going to do what he told her to do, or else.

  It had started after they left her parents’ house. He had been feeling so good about sticking it to her old man, and was looking forward to sticking it to Rose to celebrate. He’d figured they could just screw in his car somewhere since his apartment was out of the question. All his boys were there for a party. They had those quite often, since the gang owned the apartment complex and didn’t have to worry about anyone calling to complain about noise.

  You couldn’t live there unless you were part of the gang. It was his turn to host, but he had forgotten he had a planned date with Rose and told the guys to have it without him. Things got annoying the moment she got in the car.

  She started talking about how she was done with her parents and how they could move in together at his place. That couldn’t happen. He had too much to lose if she saw or heard anything and went running her mouth. Mark had always told her she could move in with him just to sound nice so Rose would let him screw her. He never thought s
he’d call him on it. Damn, he realized that was backfiring big time now.

  He tried to talk her out of it and tried to make some excuses but she just got more and more pissed. Then she wanted to go to his place and kept insisting and whining and bitching. He figured he could get the guys to go somewhere else. Then he could play the sappy boyfriend and convince her to keep living at her parents’. After that he’d get some head, screw her, take her home and get on with his normal life.

  So, with that plan in mind, he’d called his buddy Frankie to tell him to get everybody lost, but only got the jerk’s voicemail. He’d reluctantly left him a message. Hoping he would get it and clear Mark’s place out, he drove around stalling as long as he could before Rose’s incessant bitching caused him to say screw it.

  When he got there the party was in full force. Mark ran in before Rose could bitch more and found Frankie with some girls on the sofa. He’d been freaking out to Frankie, so his good bud rolled him a joint and prepared a line of cocaine for him to snort. Afterwards, Mark felt much calmer, and his friends convinced him to just bring the bitch in.

  So he did and instead of being chill, she was all scared, quiet, and annoying. Mark had started drinking some brewskies and got a little hammered. Next thing he knew, he noticed Frankie standing behind Rose. Pointing at Rose, Frankie made a blowjob motion and then grabbed his own crotch. Mark figured why the hell not and told her to do it for his bros.

  She started freaking out, but he forgot all about it when Lorraine sat her fine ass on his lap and shoved her hand down his pants and started working his stick. Next thing he knew, Rose was running into the bathroom and had locked the door.

  He was so pissed, especially when he listened through the door and heard her talking to her dad. That had been the last straw, so he had kicked the door in and threw her phone in the toilet to kill the call. Now he had to show Rose who was boss.


  Rose was terrified, looking up into the face of the man she’d loved with all her heart until tonight. She closed her eyes and turned away from him, fighting back the sobs building inside of her. Mark grabbed her by the hair and yanked her up to face him.

  “Come on, you little princess bitch. Open your eyes and stop whining! You are going to take care of my friends because I said so. You want to live here, then you need to do what I say. In fact, take care of me first,” Mark said.

  Rose’s eyes opened and then widened in horror as Mark unbuttoned his pants and began fumbling with his zipper.

  He was so drunk he was having problems unzipping himself with his free hand, so when he let go of her hair to use both hands, she shoved him out of her way and took off running. She made it past the crowd and out the front door before Mark caught up to her and grabbed her. Before he spun her around, she saw a familiar pickup truck come flying through the parking lot and screech to a stop a few feet away.


  Chapter 8

  Randy slammed the car into park and quickly got out of his truck. He saw Mark holding on tightly to Rose’s arm. All he could think was that the son of a bitch better take his slimy hands off Randy’s little girl. He was trying his best to resist the urge to get back into his truck and run Mark over with it. Looking around the parking lot, he knew that wouldn’t be a good idea.

  There were a bunch of shady looking guys standing around out front of Mark’s apartment and more were wandering out the front door to see what was going on. Some of them had their hands under their coats. Randy would have to be careful. He took a deep breath to calm himself and slowly walked toward Rose and Mark. The latter looked around Randy’s tearful daughter and finally noticed him.

  “Oh, just fucking great! Look who it is, daddy fucking dearest. Get the hell out of here, you bitch!” Mark yelled.

  It was obvious to Randy that Mark was drunk. His speech was slurred and he was swaying, but he had a good grip on Rose’s arm and she couldn’t shake free. She looked at Randy with big eyes that said how sorry, and how scared, she was. Randy put both hands up in a calming motion as he addressed Mark.

  “Look, Mark, just let go of Rose and me and her will leave and you will never have to see me again. And you will never see Rose again.”

  Mark just shook his head and pulled Rose back behind him.

  “No way, Mr. H! She is mine and she isn’t going anywhere! Now get the hell out of here or my boys will take care of you,” Mark said.

  A few of Mark’s “boys” took a step forward towards Randy. Damn, Randy thought. This was not going well. He needed to keep things from escalating.

  “Mark, listen to me. I am going to take Rose with me, whether you like it or not. Just do the right thing for once and let her go. There is no need to get your friends involved. This is between you and me,” Randy said.

  Mark let that sink in, and then he smirked and motioned for his friends to chill out as he started to take his coat off.

  “You’re right, old man. This is between you and me. So why don’t we just settle it right now. I have been wanting to kick your dumb old ass for a long time,” Mark said.

  Mark let go of Rose so that he could roll up his sleeves and then focused on getting into a fighting stance. She took the opportunity and ran over to Randy’s side. Rose hugged him and Randy hugged her back, tightly.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay, honey. Now, go get in the truck. We have to get out of here,” Randy said.

  She nodded, but as she started towards the truck, Mark yelled and started running towards them. Randy raised his fist and prepared to knock the little jerk’s head off. When Mark saw Randy’s raised fist, he stopped running, squealed, and fell back onto his butt. Randy smiled and noticed some of Mark’s buddies were chuckling or trying to hide smiles and laughter.

  Looks like Mark just lost a little respect, Randy thought. Good. Randy crouched down and looked Mark in the eye.

  “If you ever come near my daughter again, I will kill you with my bare hands. Do you understand me, you lousy, worthless, waste of a human being? Say you understand me!” Randy demanded.

  Mark nodded and then looked away. He looked like he had tears in his eyes.

  This keeps getting better, Randy thought. Payback’s a bitch, you little jerk off.

  Randy got up and looked at the crowd that had gathered. None of them made any movement, and some of them actually nodded at him as if to say they got it. Maybe they had a daughter. He turned around and walked to his truck, got in, and drove away. Rose hugged his arm and laid her head on his shoulder. He had his daughter and she was safe. The nightmare was finally over.

  Chapter 9

  “Thanks for the help, you assholes!” Mark yelled.

  He was pacing back and forth in his apartment living room. After what happened with Rose and her dad, he’d stood up and told everyone to leave and that the party was over. The guys that had been outside when Rose’s dad confronted Mark laughed and smirked at him as they left. He was furious, and now he was taking it out on his main three man crew, Frankie, Vance, and Nate.

  Mark had asked them to stay so they could come up with a plan on how to get back at Rose’s dad. All 3 men sitting on the couch in front of him had been inside when everything went down, so Mark had decided to change the story to make himself look better. He kept pacing as he started to spew his tale.

  “The fucker had a gun and threatened me at gun point to let Rose go with him, and then he made me get down on my knees so he could embarrass me before he left. None of those losers outside tried to help me, they were all too chickenshit. And all you fucking bitches were inside here screwing around and getting wasted. What do you have to say for yourselves!?” Mark asked.

  They looked back and forth. Frankie stood up.

  “Sorry, bro. We didn’t know you needed us, but some of the guys we talked to before they left didn’t say anything about a gun. They said you punked out, man,” Franki
e said.

  Mark got nose to nose with Frankie.

  “Are you calling me a liar, you dumb prick?” Mark asked.

  Frankie’s eyes narrowed and then Vance and Nate stood up. Frankie smiled.

  “Actually, Mark, I am calling you a liar. You punked out like a little bitch. Now, me and the guys think it’s time this crew had a new leader,” Frankie said.

  Mark scoffed.

  “Oh really, num-nuts? A new leader? Who, jackass?” He asked.

  Frankie smiled and crossed his arms as he replied.


  What the hell, Mark thought. These are supposed to be his guys. They work under him, and are supposed to respect him. In all honesty, they looked like they wanted to fight him. Shit. Mark was trying to decide what to do when the door opened and the color drained from Frankie and the others’ faces. Mark turned around and was face to face with his cousin Blane. He looked as crazy as ever, and was twitching as usual.

  “What the fuck is going on here, Mark? I just got a call from Hank and Bobby, and they said a girl was here and saw all the drugs and the whores, and then her dad came and took her and you pussied out and let him leave with her. What the hell kind of show are you running here, cousin? Do you know what could happen if they run their mouths to people or if he calls the cops?”

  Mark took a step back and bumped into Frankie. Looking back at him, Mark realized he still looked pissed too. Mark looked back at Blane.

  “Hey, cuz, you look good? Want a beer or something?” Mark asked.

  Blane stared coldly back at Mark. Mark continued.

  “Okay, not thirsty then? That’s cool. Anyways, don’t worry, cuz. Everything is good. It’s alright. The cops are as crooked as Frankie here’s dick and we got coverage from city hall. Ain’t nothing gonna happen if daddy dearest calls the cops.”

  Blane just shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes tightly shut.

  “Listen to me, you dumb, stupid fuck. I asked around and figured out that little bitch you were screwing with and brought here is the daughter of Randy Hudson, as in Hudson Construction…one of the biggest and most respected companies in the city. They’ve been in business since before you and me were even a twinkle in our daddies’ eyes, man. He starts talking and people will listen.