Read Honeymoon from Hell I Page 9

determined to finish before something else could happen and put a test to their sanity.

She wanted this, wanted him and she was determined to get it. She kissed him with everything she had, gently suckling his tongue as his thrusts became harder, more determined and before she realized what was happening, she was screaming his name while he mumbled, “Thank God,” over and over again until exhaustion finally claimed her and she felt herself drifting off with a smile that quickly turned to a chuckle when she heard the unmistakable sounds of a kitten purring.

Three Months Later…….

“Did everyone study last night?” he asked, glancing up from his desk to catch every student in his class nodding enthusiastically.

“So, you’re ready for a pop quiz?” he asked, biting back a smile as their eager expressions turned horrified.

“Yes?” came the collective answer.

“Liars,” he said, chuckling as he stood up and went to the chalkboard.

“Why don’t we review everything to make sure that we’re all clear on the material?” he suggested, shaking his head with a chuckle when he caught their relieved sighs.

“Let’s start with the-”

“Excuse me,” Haley said, drawing his attention immediately to the back of his classroom where she was poking her head in the room. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but could I talk to you for a minute?”

“We were just about to have a review,” he said, glancing at the clock and noting the time. There was only twenty minutes of class left and his students desperately needed this review if they had any hopes of passing the pop quiz that he had planned for tomorrow. “Can it wait until after class?” he asked, hating to put his wife off, but he knew that Haley would understand. He also knew that she’d let him know if it was something that couldn’t wait until later.

“Oh,” she said, pushing her glasses up her nose as she worried her bottom lip. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry,” she said with one of those adorable little smiles that he loved.

“I’ll see you in twenty minutes, sweetheart,” he said, ignoring the snickers from a couple of jocks.

She nodded absently as she agreed, “Okay, twenty minutes.”

He went to pick up the chalk again, but paused when he noticed that she hadn’t left, but instead now stood a little further in the classroom, worrying her hands in front of her as she shifted anxiously.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, frowning when he realized that his wife was nervous.

“Huh?” she asked, looking as though she’d forgotten that he was in the room. “Yes, yes of course it is.”

“Okay,” he said softly with what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “Then I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”

“Twenty minutes,” she repeated with a firm nod even as she continued to worry her hands together.

He reached for the chalk again only to pause when he once again noted that his wife had moved further into the room. For a minute he watched her continue to wring her hands together and worry her bottom lip.

“Are you sure that everything’s fine?” he asked, gesturing for his students to turn around and face the front of the class.

Haley smiled, a real smile that instantly calmed him. “Yes, yes of course.”

“Good,” he said, starting to return his attention to the chalkboard when her next words made him pause.

“It’s just that…..,” she started to say, only to let her words trail off.

“It’s just that, what?” he asked, moving to step around his desk and walk towards her.

She shook her head and with another smile said, “It can wait until later.”

And with that, she finally turned around and headed for the door. Not really sure what to make of her visit, but not really concerned, he turned around and-

“It’s just that I’m pregnant and I wanted to tell you.”

-tripped over his own feet and stumbled forward. He was forced to slap his hands against the edge of the desk or fall flat on his ass as his mind raced to make sense of what she’d just said.

“W-what?” he asked, not really sure that he’d heard her correctly.

“I just wanted to let you know that I was pregnant and to let you know that we needed to stop at a store on the way home tonight and pick up some milk,” Haley said brightly while the class stared at her in utter shock while Jason stood there, struggling to catch his breath.

He felt himself nod, not really sure why he was doing it, but he felt that he should be doing something.

“Alright,” Haley said, brightly, “I’ll see you after class!”

And with that, she finally left the room just as his legs gave out. He held onto the desk for dear life, still struggling to comprehend the words that had come out of his wife’s mouth.


Haley was pregnant.

They were having a baby.

A baby, they were having a baby because Haley was pregnant.

He’d gotten Haley pregnant.

She was having his baby.

They were-

“Are you alright, Mr. Bradford?” someone asked, a boy or a girl, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that he was definitely not okay.

“D-do you need anything, Mr. Bradford?” someone else asked.

The response was instant, years of Bradford survival taking over in that moment of crisis. “Food, I need food.”

Coming in July 2015

Trevor and Zoe’s Honeymoon…