Read Hope For Valentine's Day Page 2

healthy relationship. James had listened intently, he’d all but given up on finding a woman worth marrying but figured, if the right woman did turn up, he wanted to be ready to make a relationship work.

  ‘You know it’s Valentine’s Day next Saturday?’ Lauren asked, taking a sip of wine, eyeing him over the rim of her glass.


  ‘We’re taking the yacht out since we’re all home and there’s a friend of mine I’d like you to meet. How about I invite her as your date?’

  ‘No, thanks! You’re as bad as Ben and Gemma, setting me up with your career obsessed friends.’

  ‘I’m only suggesting her because last time we spoke you said you’re over dating superficial women who don’t want to commit. She’s not superficial and up until now she's been career focused but she's keen to settle Have you changed your mind? Do you want to stick with your non-commitment types?’

  ‘No. I want someone who's willing to commit. But, why is it the women I date are so self-absorbed? They're either flaunting their looks to entice me to spend a shit load of money on them, or they're so focused on their career they can't talk about anything else. Is it possible to find a woman that might consider someone other then themselves? ‘Cause I’m not sure.’

  In that moment, he glanced up and noticed Hope, walking towards him. ‘Hi James!’ She beamed her gorgeous smile, making his pulse race.

  ‘Hope! What a surprise.’ He sucked in some air as he stood to greet her. She reached up and kissed his cheek. Her lips, warm and soft, sent a wave of heat through his body. She looked stunning. In high heels, she stood at shoulder height against his six-foot frame. Her figure hugging wrap dress highlighting all her sexy curves, beautifully. Her uniform didn’t do her justice. And, she was wearing her rose-quartz necklace.

  ‘You look incredible. Such a change seeing you out of uniform.’

  ‘Thanks,’ she smiled then glanced down at Lauren.

  ‘I’m Hope. James has been visiting my checkout every Friday morning, at Coles, for the past eighteen months or so.’ She smiled.

  ‘Jeez, has it really been that long?’ He shook his head.

  He’d started deliberately choosing her checkout counter, some time ago, after he noticed how well she packed his groceries and she was always cheerful, then he started looking forward to chatting with her and, after some weeks, he noticed her eyes and her smile. But, he hadn’t realized just how long it’d been, how long he’d looked forward to Fridays, so he could see Hope.

  ‘I’m Lauren.’ Her gaze sweeping over Hope as she extended her hand. Hope offered hers, for a quick handshake.

  ‘I’m sitting over there.’ Hope turned and pointed to a table. Lauren glanced briefly in James’ direction, a curious smile on her face, before her attention returned to Hope. ‘I was just on my way from the bathroom when I noticed James and thought I’d say hello.’

  James’ eyes landed on the male, sitting at Hope’s table, his stomach hardened.

  ‘Is that your boyfriend?’ Lauren asked, straight to the point, as usual.

  ‘He’s my date for the night.’ Hope rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate his generosity in bringing me here. This place, and the food, it's amazing, I’d never be able to eat here otherwise, it’s outside of my budget,’ Her eyes widened.

  ‘Don't worry he can afford it.’ James growled. He didn't dare glance at Lauren.

  ‘You know him?’ Hope asked.

  James nodded, looking into her surprised eyes. ‘He's part of a networking group I’m involved with.’

  ‘Well, anyway,’ She bit her full, juicy bottom lip. James had to look away, taking a breath to settle himself, as she continued. ‘When he's not looking at his phone, all he talks about is his new gaming console. I don't know anything about video games.’

  ‘You poor thing would you like to join us?’ Lauren asked, indicating at the vacant place beside James.

  'Sure, why not?' James added. 'We can easily add another chair to the end of the table if you and John would like to join us.'

  A look of delight crossed Hope’s face. ‘It's nice of you to offer, but…’ She pressed her lips together, dropping her head and shoulders, shifting on her heels. ‘We've finished our meals and he wants to leave. I’d better do the right thing and go with him.’ She bent down, collecting something from the floor near James’ feet, flashing her ample bust at him. His heart fluttered, his loins stirring, rendering him inarticulate. When she stood she was holding something in her fingertips her eyes glimmering. She placed it on the table in front of him. A highly polished, heart shaped rose-quartz. ‘Is this yours?’ Her gaze on James.

  'Thanks.' He’d never seen the stone before but a rejuvenating adrenaline rush through his body indicated how thrilled he was that Hope thought it was his.

  She turned to Lauren. ‘I’m hoping he’ll take me dancing, so we don’t have to talk much.’ She let out a half-hearted laugh. ‘Enjoy your dinner.’ And she sashayed away. James’ breath hitched and he inadvertently sighed, then glanced at Lauren. Her eyes filled with questions, as he lowered himself to his seat. He blew a long, loud breath from his mouth. ‘He won't take her dancing. He'll be in test mode. He must really like Hope to even be out tonight. She'll probably realize soon, he’s loaded, worth more than I am, and she’s hearing all about the next generation gaming system yet to be released on the market.’ His heart was heavy, frowning at Lauren, not hiding his displeasure.

  ‘Where do I start?’ Lauren blinked, watching as Hope turned to wave at them before leaving the restaurant. Her date still not taking his eyes off his iPhone. 'He didn't pay,' she blurted.

  'I let him dine for free.' James shrugged, taking a sip of wine, bracing himself for Lauren’s questions. 'John is part of an entrepreneurs on the coast group with me, we hang out and share info and whatever.'

  ‘You never cease to astound me, Jamie boy. You’d have to be the only person I know, with a net worth in the hundreds of millions, that does their own grocery shopping.’ She raised one eyebrow at him. ‘You do know you can order on-line or pay someone to do it for you, don’t you?’

  ‘I’m not above doing my own shopping and cooking. It keeps me grounded,' he sniffed. 'Maybe John does his own grocery shopping at Coles as well. I don't know how else he'd know Hope.'

  ‘So, Hope, hey?’ Lauren snorted, smirking. 'Ben said he had a sneaking suspicion you were seeing someone on the sly.' She roared with laughter. 'Except,' she uttered breathless between fits of giggles. 'He thought it was someone famous and you were keeping it secret to avoid public scrutiny.'

  James waited until she stopped her laughing fit. 'Ha, ha. You think you're so funny, And, yeah. I admit, Hope has caught my interest.’ Running his hands through his hair, he waited for Lauren to chastise him for wanting to date a checkout chick.

  ‘She’s certainly interested in you.’ Lauren wiped tears from her face, grinning broadly.

  ‘Do you think so?’ His heart lifted.

  ‘I know so. But, I’m a bit confused.’ Tapping the white tablecloth with her purple fingernails. ‘She’s not your usual tall, thin, blonde type.’

  ‘What? I don't only date tall, thin, blondes.'

  'Yes you do.'

  'Well, maybe it's time I changed my type because hell she's sexy and so considerate and easy to talk too, but she wasn't interested in a date when I offered.'

  Lauren’s face lit up with a big smile. ‘You should invite Hope for Valentine’s Day.’

  ‘Let’s see how her date with John goes.’ An empty sensation in his gut.

  James’ heart rate increased when he saw Hope on the register the following Friday. He knew she’d be taking a week off for study reasons, some time soon, because she’d mentioned it, a month ago.

  ‘Did the night get any better last Friday?’ he asked, hoping it hadn’t.

  ‘No, I’m afraid not,’ she groaned. ‘He took me back to his place and played games on his big screen TV while I watched.’ S
he blinked. ‘I finally dozed off around midnight and woke at three to find him passed out beside me with the game controller still in his hand. So I left.’ She laughed.

  James smirked. ‘I’m sure he’ll make someone very happy, someday.’

  Hope sent him that heart-stopping smile of hers, but as quickly as it appeared, it was gone again. ‘So...’ she hesitated. ‘Your girlfriend is lovely. Did you have a nice evening?’

  ‘Umm,’ he narrowed his eyes at her, shaking his head, searching his mind. ‘I don’t have a...’ Then it dawned on him. ‘Oh! No, Lauren is just a friend, actually more like a sister and she's been happily married for ten years. Actually, you missed meeting her husband by about five minutes.’ He chuckled. The look of relief on Hope’s face made his heart thump hard against his chest. Lauren was right. She’s interested. ‘So, what are you up to tonight?’ He asked.

  ‘I have another date.’ She didn’t stop scanning and packing to look up. If she had she’d have noticed the disappointment flicker across his face as his heart dropped to his feet. 'With John?'

  'No.' she laughed. 'With someone else...It looks like you’re having a party with all your purchases today?’

  She changed the subject, why?

  ‘I’m doing a sunset boat cruise with some friends tomorrow. Lauren will be there and Ben.’

  The previous day, when he, Ben and Lauren were discussing food options for the cruise, Lauren had written up a shopping list, suggesting James visit Hope, and