Read Hope Restrained Page 11

  Aaron turned away from the group first, Maddy taking that as her cue to sit down and Jason taking it as his to exit the stage and take a seat amongst the empty tables of the room.

  Xander walked Hope to the center of the room, the same space where Maddy had been presented to Joseph — where she’d been introduced to disgrace and shame on a scale unbelievable to even the most cruel hearted of men. A thick blanket of tension settled over the barely occupied room, the smallest sounds echoing across the walls. Light flickered over Hope’s hair and skin and Xander looked up at the crystal chandelier in the room, wondering if it cast its iridescent spark upon her body as a sign of pardon or in condemnation.

  “Thank you for joining us, Ms. Delacroix.” Aaron’s voice rang throughout the room, his tone and demeanor inflexible in its reproach. “Xander has explained that you are ready to tell us the reason behind your attempt on my life.” No emotion existed within his words; the absence of which hinted towards the dark anger to which he’d fallen. Xander looked up into the concerned look on Maddy’s face — she’d also recognized the deep black that wrapped itself around him. Hope didn’t respond, didn’t even bother to look up from the floor, the shame of having been defeated resting heavily on her once proud shoulders.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dread trickled along her spine when Xander walked her through the empty halls and through two large doors that led to the place where all of this had started. That dread warped and twisted as soon as the doors closed and she listened as each person took their place in the room and her skin crawled at the sound of Aaron’s voice, a warning hidden within his words.

  Her mouth was suddenly dry, her throat swelling with anger and resentment, with fear and regret. She felt Xander behind her, the warmth of his body rolling over hers, an unsettling comfort. The muscles of her body tensed, her instinct screamed for her to fight, but her mind — her spirit — those felt broken and dissolved.

  “I suggest you speak quickly, Ms. Delacroix. I’m losing my patience.”

  She felt Xander’s hand against her back, his touch softly goading her into a response. She raised her face to look at Aaron, her hair falling back from her forehead and cheeks, her eyes opened wide against the brilliant light played across the surfaces of the room.

  Her mouth was dry when she finally answered, “You were attacked by your own men. I’m as much a victim in this as you.”

  Aaron’s shoulders rolled back on his frame and his mouth set into a thin line. The emerald green of his eyes shot quickly to Xander and Jason before returning to Hope. “Explain.”

  She sighed, finally resigning to the fact that she had no choice but to speak. “My sister was abducted three weeks ago. I was contacted by a member of your network demanding that I enter The Estate compound and meet him if I wanted to see her alive again. I complied and I was told that either I killed you or she died. Given that I like her more than I like you, I made my choice.”

  She could see every muscle on his body tense, but then he relaxed again, not truly affected by the insult. “Who was he?”

  “He never gave me a name, or, at least, a real one.”

  “You could have come to us with the information.”

  “And sit back and watch you slaughter every person in that house, including my sister? Your network is known for the sick and depraved. I doubted you’d concern yourself with the welfare of a forced whore.”

  “That’s a shame, Ms. Delacroix. We might have been able to help you retrieve your sister. As it stands now, I doubt she lives given that you weren’t successful in your attempt on my life and that fact has undoubtedly spread throughout the entirety of The Estate.”

  His words were another blow to her chest, the pain underlain by the question of whether or not he told the truth.

  “How many people were in the house when you arrived.”

  “Fifteen guards — fourteen after I removed one’s head. Seven women, all drugged, including my sister.”

  It was dead quiet in the room as Aaron appeared to think over the information he’d been given. Hope jumped a little when he finally interrupted the silence.

  “Jason, I put you in charge of the searches. How did the slaves go unnoticed?”

  A man approached the raised stage, his hair a shock of white atop the sun-kissed skin of his body. He was the same height as Hope, but three times as wide. There was something about him that disturbed her; the way he moved, or the way he held his body; she couldn’t be sure. He turned to look at Hope as he passed and the eerie silver of his eyes stole her breath momentarily. He stared at her for a moment, looked at her with more familiarity than he should.

  Glancing back to Aaron, he answered, “Patrick and I both ran the searches. I can only speak for the houses I personally entered. I guarantee you, slaves were not being kept. I’m unsure how they would have escaped Patrick’s notice as well.” He looked between Aaron and Hope, before adding, “I’m not sure that what she tells us is entirely accurate, Aaron. It could be a ruse to create a problem within the network, in order to weaken the whole by setting the individual units against each other.”

  Aaron stood frighteningly still following Jason’s suggestion. A snake ready to strike, his green eyes shifted between Hope and Jason. When she didn’t cower under his burning gaze, he appeared surprised that, even though she should be terrified of what would happen, she refused to show fear in the face of her biggest threat. She stood taller, rolling her shoulders back in response to the suggestion that she was lying. She couldn’t understand how the women had been missed, if searches were conducted, but she would make sure it didn’t happen again.

  “I’ll take you to the house. Right now, if need be. If you intend to remove my sister without harming her, I’ll do whatever it takes to assist you.” Struggling to keep her voice calm, Hope allowed herself to sink to a dark place, to separate herself from the soul crippling fear that something had happened to Honor — that something could happen now that she’d involved Aaron Carmichael.

  His green eyes were impassive when he turned his attention to her. When he spoke again, he did so in a formal and controlled manner. “You’ve attempted my life once, and now, you expect me to have you at my back? I’m sorry, Ms. Delacroix, but I haven’t survived as long as I have by making foolish decisions.”

  She felt Xander’s hand against her, somehow knowing that Aaron’s words had upset him. Feeling his anger like a cloud at her back, she shivered against its heat, pulling her from the unfeeling void to which she was attempting to escape.

  Since Hope had entered the room, Maddy had been quiet in her chair behind Aaron. However, when Aaron grew quiet, she finally punctured the silence with her delicate voice. “If what she says is true, you should go tonight.”

  Aaron twisted his body to look her at her, before she continued, “No woman should have to live as a slave.”

  Hope’s jaw dropped and she looked between Aaron and Maddy, not understanding how she was a slave speaking out against the very thing Aaron had done to her. Noticing how Aaron’s expression softened at Maddy’s words only served to confuse Hope further.

  Turning back, he asked, “Are you able to describe the house, location and features?”

  Her stomach twisted over itself, she didn’t want them going in without her, didn’t want them handling her sister not knowing what would be done with her. But what choice did she have? “Yes.”

  “Xander, I want you to obtain the necessary information from Ms. Delacroix and place her back in the cell. Once that’s accomplished, meet me in my suite. Jason, you will be coming with us as well. If what she says is true, I want any men involved killed on sight. The Estate no longer tolerates acts against innocent lives. Dissension will result in death.”

  Xander’s hand wrapped her bicep almost immediately and he pushed her along through the ballroom towards the doors leading into the west wing. When they’d closed behind him, he stopped before pulling her back to his chest. His mouth rested against her ear, creating tremors thr
ough her body. “I promise you, no harm will come to your sister. I will make it my personal mission to see to her safety once we enter that house.”

  Her heart sank. Turning her head to stop his breath from rolling across her like silk, she asked, “And will she become your property as well?”

  The blue of eyes churned like a mercurial sea when he responded. “It would distract me from taming you. No offense, Sunshine, but it’s not a distraction I want at the moment.”

  The quiver that ran along her spine and down her legs only intensified the fire ignited within her core by his words. Her mind reeled against the reaction.

  He must have noticed her struggle because he stepped into her, the size of his body completely covering hers. “I’d take care of what your body craves right now if I didn’t have to go correct your fuck up.”

  Like ice melted to extinguish the building flame, her expression twisted with anger, every muscle in her body tightening in its desire to fight. “How fucking dare you?”

  He winked. “I have no problem speaking the truth, especially if it serves to piss you off.” He leaned over and nipped at her earlobe before saying, “You’re much more responsive when angry.”

  He didn’t give her time to respond before walking her down the corridor and through a doorway she recognized as the room where she’d initially been held. He immediately bound her arms and legs, but left her enough slack in the chain where she could sit or lie down.”

  Looking her over, his eyes heated at the sight of her bound and rendered helpless. He knelt before her, grabbing her by her hair and pulling her face towards him. His mouth brushed across hers before pushing again — taking control of her body while silencing the confusion, anger, and insurrection that swirled like a storm within her mind.

  Pulling away, his voice dropped to a deep timbre when he admitted, “I hope the spark of rebellion never dies inside you. I enjoy stripping you of your fight every time I light you up inside.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “Tell me which house.”

  The details slipped easily from her lips, her resolve broken far enough that even something as small as a kiss was enough to leave her loose and malleable.

  He smiled once she’d confessed. “Good girl.”

  Standing, he walked to the door, looking back at her one more time before disappearing out into the lit corridor. When the door shut closed again, Hope was left with nothing but the light of the moon and stars shining through the glass ceiling above her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I don’t think she’d lie about this, Aaron.”

  Xander watched as Aaron pulled on his leather trench, strapping steel blades of all shapes and sizes to his body. They’d prepared for battle together many times in the past and, like those times, they’d covered themselves in enough weaponry to take out a hundred men.

  “She has every reason to lie.” The green of his eyes roiled with barely controlled anger. “And I’m concerned that you’ve let down your guard with this woman. If we go there tonight and find nothing, she dies immediately when we return. I’ve been patient to this point, but I won’t allow her to twist your head any further.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of keeping my head in her presence.” Xander’s body tensed at Aaron’s threat, his spine straightening to think of what he’d have to do to protect Hope if Aaron truly intended what he’d said. He didn’t want to think that women were being abused once again at the compound, but in this instance, he prayed it was true.

  Aaron stared at him before silently turning to exit the room, Xander quickly falling in step at his back. Entering the living room, he saw Maddy pacing nervously in the kitchen while Jason sat relaxed back into the couch. Straightening at Aaron’s presence, Jason commented, “I’ve spoken with Patrick, he will meet us at the house.”

  Aaron’s face swiveled quickly in Jason’s direction. “Did I instruct you to do so?”

  Jason staggered as he stood, taken back by the cold fury of Aaron’s tone. “No.”

  “Let’s hope it was a wise decision for you to contact Patrick, considering it was his search that failed. I suggest that, in the future, you conduct yourself as instructed without making assumptions that I would want you to do anything further.”

  Jason’s entire body froze at the menace in Aaron’s tone. Xander remained quiet, knowing full well that Aaron had slipped into his role as the executioner. As dangerous as a hair trigger, Aaron could react unexpectedly to even the slightest perceived insult, attack or disobedience on the part of his men. Jason appeared to understand as well, and his hands immediately rose in defeat.

  “I apologize, Aaron. I didn’t intend to overstep your authority. I only thought …”

  “Then don’t fucking think.”

  Every person in that room stilled, Maddy immediately facing the floor in reaction to Aaron’s anger. Xander knew she couldn’t help it — that she used it as a means to hide from the depth of Aaron’s rage.

  Stepping towards the front door, Aaron turned back to look at Xander and Jason as they walked behind him. “Do not forget, if you know these men or are their friends, they have taken part in an attack against The Estate. Regardless of the relationship you have with them, their punishment is death. Do not hesitate or it will be your death as well.”

  Exiting a side door, the men poured out into the black of night, six boots marching in unison across the ground, hard with winter’s frost. Dry leaves blew at their feet as they traversed the woods, eventually finding the house lit up against the shadows and thick fog that surrounded it. Patrick stood in plain sight, feet held at shoulder width, his hands folded behind his back. He didn’t notice the men at first so Aaron held up a hand, stopping Xander and Jason before they could break away from the cover of the trees.

  Silently motioning them towards Patrick, Aaron indicated that he was going a different way. Xander nodded and walked away, breaking past the tree line and attracting Patrick’s attention. He knew Aaron moved around back, becoming nothing but a fast moving shadow, slipping quietly through the night.

  “Where’s Aaron?”

  Jason answered before Xander had the chance. “Change of plans, he wants us to run the search. Said if we find evidence of slaves inside, we are to kill any man that comes into sight.”

  Patrick’s eyes narrowed for a brief second before he forcibly relaxed his expression. Xander noticed the quick slip, but said nothing before motioning for Jason and Patrick to walk ahead. He didn’t fully trust either man and refused to have them at his back.

  Approaching the door, they moved swiftly up the stairs of the house, Patrick taking the front while Xander and Jason stood behind him in a triangular pattern. The door swung open and the men forced their way inside, Jason apprehending the man who’d attempted to block the door when they’d rushed inside. Splitting up, each man went a different direction, quickly sweeping through the large expanse of the house. Xander kept his eye open for anything that could point to a trap door, or hiding place — a rug out of place, a separation in the wall, anything that could lead to evidence that what Hope was claiming was true. He knew her life depended on what they found tonight. If they found nothing, it would be the end of Aaron’s patience with her game.

  ~ ~ ~

  The hinges of the door creaked from age and lack of care when Hope saw light creeping inside the room from the hallway. Lifting her head, she watched Maddy’s small silhouette move inside, a tray balanced in one hand while she closed the door with the other.

  “I’ve brought food. You need to eat if you hope to heal anytime soon.” As usual her melodic voice barely brushed against the silence of the room. Walking softly over the floor, she approached Hope, placing the tray at her feet. Hope straightened her body, her muscles tight and knotted over her body from her uncomfortable position on the floor.

  Her stomach growled angrily when she smelled the food on the plate. Maddy pushed it towards her. “It’s okay, Hope, just eat. I haven’t done anything to it.”
  Grabbing the fork on the plate, Hope quickly scooped up some white rice and shoveled it into her mouth, not caring that the shaking of her hand spilled most of it. She continued eating, her stomach churning with the introduction of something solid to digest. Maddy sat quietly watching Hope, her expression one of sympathy and remorse. When Hope had trouble swallowing down the food, Maddy handed her a bottle of water that she’d brought in the room with the food.

  When the only sound in the room was the scraping of Hope’s fork against the plate, Maddy shifted where she sat, her eyes searching the layout of chains in the room before refocusing on Hope. “Will you tell me about your sister?”

  The sound of the metal fork falling against the ceramic plate echoed throughout the room. Hope’s body tensed at the reminder that within hours she would find out the truth of Honor’s fate. She prayed that her sister was alive and not shattered by whatever those men had done to her over the past weeks.

  “What would you like to know?”

  “Her name for starters.” Maddy shrugged.

  “Her name is — or was — Honor.”

  Maddy’s eyes widened slightly. “Hope and Honor. Those are both lovely names. Is she older or younger than you.”

  Hope looked up and found nothing but kindness and innocent interest in Maddy’s eyes. “The same age — we’re twins. Well …” The sound of laughter was so foreign coming from her, it had been far too long since she’d been able to laugh. “… technically, I’m the older twin.” She remembered all the years that she’d teased Honor with that fact, the look of frustration on her sister’s face when Hope always told her to ‘respect her elders.’

  A smile peeked out on Maddy’s lips. “You light up when you talk about her.”

  Hope’s lips cracked from the small smile that snuck over her mouth. “Everything that is good can be found in her. She’s the only person that can truly see me, that can understand and not judge certain parts about me.”