Read Hopelessly Found Page 1


  Written By

  Lyn Wilkerson

  Hopelessly Found

  Lyn Wilkerson

  Copyright © 2013 by Lyn Wilkerson

  Lyn Wilkerson

  5911 Richmond Road #6204

  Texarkana, TX 75503

  (904) 535-8781

  Act I

  Scene 1


  Andrew is driving west, toward the sunset, through the flat plains of eastern New Mexico. Camera is set over his right shoulder, catching view out of windshield. Andrew lifts iPhone from console and scrolls through his Music. He chooses Marc Cohn’s “True Companion” from list and it begins to play through car stereo.


  What do I have to lose? Why am I so afraid of embarrassing myself? She doesn’t know me, and probably never will. This may be my only chance to connect with her.

  Andrew flips to the iPhone’s Notes app, and opens it. A list of notes appears on the screen, each note identifying an musical artist and a song title. To the list, Andrew adds Marc Cohn and “True Companion”.

  Andrew looks up to catch the car drifting onto the right shoulder. He pulls back onto the road.

  ANDREW (CONT'D) Shit. Really should stop using my phone while driving.

  Andrew relaxes and continues driving.

  ANDREW (V.O.) (CONT'D) I wonder what would happen if I sent her a part of a song, just a verse, something that related to how I feel about her.

  Andrew sits silently for a few moments.


  Yeah, if I sent it to her hotel in Pensacola, there is a good chance she would receive it. I could send several. That would increase the chances of her receiving them.

  Another pause occurs. Andrew’s face brightens as each idea materializes.

  ANDREW (V.O.) (CONT'D) I could also send them to media outlets in the Pensacola area. I’m sure they would take any opportunity to publicize a story about a movie shoot in the area.

  Andrew turns off the stereo.

  ANDREW (V.O.) (CONT'D) Chelsea’s curiosity will surely lead her to send an email to the address I will include with the song. That will open a line of communication between us, and we will see what happens.

  Scene 2


  Andrew enters his hotel room, placing his overnight bag on the floor by the desk and his computer case on the bed. He pulls out the laptop from the case and places it on the desk, turning it on. He retrieves the power cord from the case and plugs in the laptop before sitting in the desk chair. Once powered up, he opens the browser and accesses his Twitter account. From the Tweet list, he chooses one from Janice Bain with a photo attached. The photo shows Janice standing with a fan in front of a hotel.

  ANDREW (V.O.) Where is that hotel? I know they’re filming in Pensacola.

  Andrew opens another tab in the browser and logs in to a travel web site.

  ANDREW (V.O.) (CONT'D) The cast would be staying at a nice hotel.

  Andrew searches for hotels in Pensacola, and sorts the resulting list by higher to lower price. He then scans the images of each hotel provided in the list. He clicks on one hotel’s image to increase its size.

  ANDREW (V.O.) (CONT'D) That’s it. That is the entrance to the Hampton Inn Beachfront. Thank YOU, Janice.

  Scene 3


  Andrew is standing on the stationery aisle, his eyes scanning the shelves.


  I need something that catches that stands out in the mail when it is delivered. A bright colored envelope. White will blend in with the rest of the junk mail.

  Andrew chooses bright pastel invitation envelopes and stationery and heads to the checkout counter.

  Scene 4


  Camera shot of inside of floral shop Andrew enters through front door. Florist is standing behind the counter.

  FLORIST Can I help you?

  Andrew walks up to the counter.


  Yes. I need to have a bouquet of flowers delivered to a friend in Pensacola, Florida.


  Okay. We can do that. What are you looking for?


  Well, they need to be a specific flower, sunflowers to be exact.


  That shouldn’t be a problem. Go ahead and fill out what you want on the card. I will make a call to make sure the florist in Pensacola has them available, and then we will place the order.

  The florist hands Andrew a blank card, then turns and walks through a doorway behind the counter.

  Andrew pulls out a piece of paper from his coat pocket. He sets it next to the card on the counter and then pulls out a pen. Andrew transcribes what is on the paper to the card, writing on front and back. Camera shot of front of card as Andrew checks it.

  “...the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close...

  Thomas Moore "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"

  Andrew turns the card over, reading the of back of the card.

  “With these flowers of adoration

  Awaiting your response with hope and anticipation [email protected]

  The florist returns through the doorway.

  FLORIST (CONT'D) We should be good to go. They have plenty. Are you ready?

  Andrew hands the card to the Florist.


  I believe so. I would like the message to be just as it is on the card.


  Not a problem. I will go place the order and print your confirmation.

  The florist returns back through the doorway. Andrew walks around the shop looking at the various arrangements.

  Scene 5


  Chelsea enters the hotel lobby with fellow actors Janice and Shane and approaches the attendant at the front desk.

  CHELSEA Any messages?


  No phone messages, Ms. Bryant. We do have some mail for you.

  The attendant turns around to the back counter, and retrieves several brightly colored envelopes. The attendant hands them to Chelsea. Janice looks at the envelopes and turns to the attendant.


  Who sent these to her?


  We don’t know. There is no return address. They arrived over the weekend while all of you were out of town.

  Chelsea opens one of the envelopes and pulls out a equally bright piece of paper. The camera shows a close up of the text on the paper. The text reads a verse from a song, with the artist’s name and the song title underneath:

  “If you just realize what I just realized, Then we'd be perfect for each other And will never find another Just realize what I just realized We'd never have to wonder if We missed out on each other now.”

  --Colbie Calliat, “Realize”

  Under the artist’s name and song title is an email address.

  CHELSEA I don’t get it.


  Seems kind of lame.


  Yeah. Probably just some nut job. You’ve got to be careful with these guys.



  If you give them any attention whatsoever, they become obsessive.

  Chelsea hands the opened envelope and the rest of them to the desk attendant.


  Go ahead and throw those away for me. You can throw away any others that come in as well.

  The Desk Attend
ant takes the envelopes and puts them in the waste basket under the desk. Chelsea turns to Janice and Shane.


  So, what are we doing for dinner?

  Chelsea, Janice, and Shane walk away from the front desk and turn down the hallway toward the elevators.

  David enters the lobby from outside, carrying a camera case over his shoulder. The desk attendant sees him.


  Sir, you’re a friend of Ms. Bryant?

  David stops at the desk.

  DAVID Yes. Why?


  I forgot to give her these flowers that also came for her.

  The desk attendant grabs a vase containing a bouquet of sunflowers and begins to hand them to David.


  Let me see the card.

  The desk attendant sets the vase on the desk, retrieves the card, and hands it to David. David opens the small envelope and reads the card to himself. Camera shot of card.

  “...the heart that has truly loved never forgets, But as truly loves on to the close...

  Thomas Moore "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"

  David turns the card over, reading the of back of the card.

  “With these flowers of adoration

  Awaiting your response with hope and anticipation

  [email protected]

  David puts the card in the camera case. He then picks up the bouquet and begins walking toward the elevators.


  Thanks, I will give them to her.

  Scene 6


  Andrew is driving east toward Pensacola. A minute passes. Andrew rubs his forehead and turns down the car stereo.


  If I can confirm that I guessed the hotel right, then I will at least know she would have received the notes I sent.

  The SUV hydroplanes briefly in a deep patch of water, forcing Andrew to put both hands back on the wheel and lift off the accelerator.

  ANDREW (OUT LOUD) (CONT'D) Damn. Okay...I’m awake. Not going to be any point if you don’t make it there alive.

  In the opposite direction, the headlights of oncoming cars are faint in the downpour.