Read Hopelessly Found Page 10


  Fade in to Andrew at his desk. Andrew turns off the monitor and the desk lamp.

  Fade out.

  Scene 3


  Chelsea is sitting in a left side window seat in the first class section of an airplane with a tablet propped up on the tray table. She is tired, and her head is resting in her left hand, her elbow on the window sill.

  Camera shot of tablet screen as she scrolls through a scene from the screenplay which she is reading. Scene title, “Wedding of Dreams”, shows at top of screen.

  Fade out from view of Chelsea


  Fade in Elizabeth standing inside the chapel, just inside the front door at the end of the aisle. Her father, Ray, is holding her arm in his.

  Camera shot of Kieran at the altar, standing next to the minister, both of them looking at Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s mother, Ann, is seated in the first pew to the left of the altar, turned toward Elizabeth. Samantha, Elizabeth’s best friend, is seated in the first pew to the right, turned toward Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth and Ray begin to walk down the aisle. Just before the altar, Ray and Elizabeth turn to face each other. Ray kisses Elizabeth on the cheek. Ray then walks over to Ann and sits next to her. Elizabeth steps up to the altar and stands facing Kieran, and he turns to face Elizabeth. Samantha stands up and walks over to the altar, standing below Kieran and Elizabeth.


  Kieran, the woman who stands before you is going to be your wife. She will look to you for comfort, for support, for love, for understanding, for encouragement, and for protection. You must never take her for granted, and always stand by her for good or ill.


  Today in presence of God, family and friends, I pledge to join my life with yours.



  With God's help I promise to provide, protect, respect and support you through all that life has to offer. I promise to stand by you through both good and bad times, in happiness and sorrow, come riches or poverty. You are God's beautiful gift to me and I will cherish you all my life.

  MINISTER 2 Elizabeth, the man who stands before you is going to be your husband. He will look to you for comfort, support, love, understanding and encouragement. You must never take him for granted and always stand by him for good or ill.

  ELIZABETH Today in presence of God, family and friends, I pledge to join my life with yours. With God's help I promise to submit, respect, support and encourage you through all that life has to offer. I promise to stand by you through both good and bad times, in happiness and sorrow, come riches or poverty. You are God's beautiful gift to me and I will cherish you all my life.

  MINISTER 2 Kieran, since it is your intention to marry, join your right hand with Elizabeth’s and declare your consent. Do you take Elizabeth to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?



  Elizabeth, do you take Kieran to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?



  The wedding ring symbolizes unity, a circle unbroken, without beginning or end. And today Kieran and Elizabeth exchange these rings as confirmation of their vows to join their lives, to work at all times to create a life that is complete and unbroken and to love each other unconditionally. May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as the symbol of your love and fidelity.

  Samantha steps forward and hands the wedding rings to the minister. She then walks back to her pew and sits down.

  MINISTER 2 (CONT'D) Kieran, take this ring and place it on your bride's finger, and state your pledge to her, repeating after me.

  The minister hands a ring to Kieran.

  MINISTER 2 (CONT'D) With this ring I thee wed. I offer you my hand, and my heart as I know they will be safe with you. All that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you.

  Camera shot of Elizabeth’s hand. Kieran places the ring on her ring finger. A voice repeats what the minister said, but it is Andrew’s voice, not Kieran’s.


  With this ring I thee wed. I offer you my hand, and my heart as I know they will be safe with you.



  All that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you.

  Camera shot of altar. Andrew is standing there facing Chelsea. The minister hands Chelsea the other ring.


  Chelsea, take this ring and place it on your bride's finger, and state your pledge to her, repeating after me.

  With this ring I thee wed. I offer you my hand, and my heart as I know they will be safe with you. All that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you.

  Chelsea takes Andrew’s hand and places the ring on his ring finger.


  With this ring I thee wed. I offer you my hand, and my heart as I know they will be safe with you. All that I am I give to you and all that I have I share with you.


  I now pronounce the two of you husband and wife. Andrew, you may kiss your bride.

  Andrew steps toward Chelsea, and they kiss and embrace.

  Fade out on Andrew and Chelsea in embrace.


  Fade in to Chelsea sitting with her eyes closed. Turbulence shakes the aircraft. Chelsea’s eyes open. Chelsea closes the document reader on the tablet and sits for a few moments in silence. She opens her messaging app. Chelsea sends the following message:


  Please find out where Andrew is.”

  A few moments pass before a return message appears on the screen:

  “Are you serious?”

  Chelsea types the following message:

  “As serious as I’ve ever been.”

  Chelsea hits send. A few more moments pass before a reply:

  “Awesome. Will let you know by the time you land.”

  Chelsea types the following message:

  “When you find out, change my connecting flight to wherever he is.”

  Chelsea hits send. A few more moments pass before a reply: “Will do. Get some rest. I will take care of it.”

  Chelsea turns off the tablet and sits for a moment back in her seat, a bright smile across her face. She speaks softly to herself.


  I’m afraid resting is the last thing my mind and heart can do right now.

  Chelsea reaches up and turns off the overhead light, then looks out the window at the lights below.

  Scene 4


  Camera shot of front of church and entry drive. A taxi pulls up in front of the church.

  Camera shot of taxi. Chelsea steps out of the taxi, reaches in the passenger front window and hands the driver some money.


  Please leave the meter running. I may need a ride.

  CAB DRIVER 2 No problem. Not much business round here this time of night anyway.

  Chelsea stands for a moment outside the front doors. She takes a deep breath and walks in.

  Scene 5


  Andrew, Nina, and Kelly are standing in the hallway by the side stage door. Several other teens are milling about in the hallway. Music is coming from the auditorium.


  Your group is up next, right?


  Yeah. Just a little nervous.


  You’ll be fine. Andrew and I are going to grab our seats.

  Andrew and N
ina proceed down the hall and into the auditorium.

  Groups of young adults are playing songs on musical instruments on and in front of the auditorium stage. The auditorium is lit brightly, and people are seated unevenly throughout. Andrew and Nina seat themselves in one of the rows midway back from the stage.

  NINA (CONT'D) (Looking at Andrew) Thanks for coming. Kelly is thrilled that you’re here.

  Andrew is looking toward the stage, then turns to Nina.


  Thanks for inviting me. It’s nice to get out and enjoy some of the holiday season.

  Nina and Andrew turn to face the stage.


  Becky texted me earlier, asking how you are.


  What did you tell her?


  Just that you were coming out with us tonight. Gave her the church name and address.



  Something about wanting to send Kelly flowers or something for after her performance.


  You did tell her that this is just a recital, not a Broadway play.


  Yeah. Who knows what she was thinking.

  Nina sees Kelly at her instrument between a musical set, and Kelly waves. Nina and Andrew wave back. Nina turns back to Andrew. The band members begin playing another set.

  NINA (CONT'D) No word from Chelsea?


  No. Didn’t really expect to. I guess I can chock up another one in the loss column.


  I think this one is going to hurt a lot more.

  Nina turns back to the stage.


  You do realize that this is all on you, right?

  Andrew turns to Nina with a puzzled look.


  How so? I’m at fault for falling in love with her?


  You’re at fault for not telling her how you felt while you were in London.

  Andrew turns back to the stage.


  Yeah, that would have worked great. No chance of failure there, right after the accident and with her on and off boyfriend David lurking around.
