Read Hot Off the Press (Ridgemont University Book 1) Page 19

Simon had spent the entire weekend working on the article and even found some other students who lived in Zuko’s residence willing to be interviewed. Ian was by his side for most of the weekend, helping him to focus his research and to write the best story he could. Simon relished the time they got to spend together, even if it was only for work. Those words echoed in his mind… I care about you too. He noticed that Ian was looking a lot better, and was walking without his crutches, even though he said he was still in some pain. Simon made sure to bring him coffee and snacks when they took a break, trying to look after him a bit when he was struggling so much.

  They were getting closer, and casually joking with each other in between bouts of deep concentration. Ian had even taken to a new regular nickname for Simon, ‘tiger’. He had called Simon this once before, back when Simon felt they were on the verge of getting closer, but he had stopped since. Simon was glad that it had started up again. Did this mean that Ian was giving him another chance?

  That Sunday, Simon sat on the couch of his flat reviewing his notes from the week. With Ian’s help, he had put together a strong draft of the story, and Ian had heavily hinted that it would be the front page feature when it was ready. “Don’t sit on it too long,” he had said. But Simon wanted to make sure that it was perfect. There was a lot riding on this story.

  As Simon sat deep in thought on his couch, he heard a key turning in the front door of the flat, and Olivia appeared, looking as surprised to see him as he was to see her. “Oh, you’re here,” she said.

  Simon had felt increasingly bad about the silly fight he had had with Olivia. Clearly, she felt the same way because they both started apologizing at the same time: “I’m so sorry, Liv. I didn’t mean to blow up at you. I was taking out my frustrations on you. I guess I was just a bit overwhelmed. Can you forgive me, babe?”

  “I should be apologizing, Simon. I’m so sorry for always being on your case about Ian. You’re right, it’s none of my business. I should let you live your own life.”

  “I was a jerk. I had no right yelling at you like that, no matter how angry I was. But…” Simon paused dramatically, the corners of his mouth playfully rising in a teasing taunt.

  “I think you’ll be happy to hear that I decided to take your advice.”

  “Oh?” Olivia sat down next to him on the couch, her eyes twinkling with anticipation. “Tell me more.”

  “I wrote Ian a note, telling him that I care about him. And he said that he cares about me too, Liv!”

  Olivia let out her signature squeal of excitement, and planted kisses on Simon’s face. “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you!”

  “Hold on a second there, sweets. We’re not dating or anything. We’ve just been spending a lot of time together. And even though it’s under the guise of work, I think we’re getting really close. He even calls me ‘tiger’. That’s a good sign right?”

  Simon immediately regretted telling Olivia this, because he was giving her endless ammunition to make fun of him for weeks. However, she surprised him. She smiled and said, “I think it’s great. He’s a great guy and if he makes you happy, the more time you’re spending together, the better! Now I realize that perhaps I shouldn’t be asking you this, because it was the reason we had our last fight, but what about Margeaux? Aren’t they dating?”

  “He says he hardly sees her these days. I don’t know, really. I haven’t had the nerve to ask him outright and shatter my illusions. But as you said, we both know she’s not the right girl for him.”

  “Exactly, because you’re the right guy for him! Giddy up, cowboy, go claim your man!”

  They both laughed at this comment, and Simon playfully wrestled and tickled Olivia on the couch. “Speaking of delectable dudes, how is Justin?”

  “He’s good. We’ve been on a bit of a proposal honeymoon for the past week. But I needed some Simon in my life. I hate that we had this cold war between us. I can’t be without you for so long.”

  “Well, you know what this means, right?” Simon asked. Olivia nodded in agreement. It was their long-standing tradition to go around the corner and raid The Cheesecake Factory, their favorite haunt, especially to make up after a silly fight. “I’ll go grab the cake and you get settled in. I’m glad you’re home.”

  Simon popped out and quickly grabbed two slices of caramel cheesecake. As Simon entered his apartment complex’s hallway, he heard Olivia’s loud telltale guffaw, and he instantly knew that she was watching her favorite reality show. True to form, Olivia was in her pajamas on the couch, the smell of popcorn in the air, and she had taken the liberty of preparing Simon his favorite rooibos ice tea.

  “Listen,” he said, “I know you couldn’t tell because I was being such a neurotic mess, but I really am happy for you and Justin. I really am glad to be your man of honor, and I know he’ll make you happy. I just hope it’s a very long engagement so you don’t leave me any time soon.”

  “I know you are. You’ve supported me forever. I just want the chance to support you too. Which is why I’m so glad things are heating up with you and Ian. First a kiss on the cheek, then a declaration of mutual ‘caring’… what’s next?” she smiled.

  “Nothing more than working on a story, for now. I’ve become a bit obsessed with it. I spoke with Zuko this morning and he sounded like he was reconsidering moving forward. I’ve been trying to find a way to protect him while still getting the story out, but it doesn’t seem possible. And Riley threatened me too.” Simon filled Olivia in on his meeting with the vice rector. Her jaw dropped in tandem with all the beats of his retelling, and Simon was reminded by her reaction that he was getting in deep.

  “I just hope you’ll be okay. He’s only threatening you because he’s scared, you know that right?”

  “That’s what Ian says, too. They have a lot to lose if this story gets out. But I have a lot to lose too if they follow through on their threats.”

  “Well, this is a whole new Simon I’m seeing. Standing up to management, putting yourself out there for a story, even telling Ian that you care about him. I’m impressed, Mr. Man, somebody is growing up!”

  Simon smiled, but he knew that he had not changed that much. He was still frightened of what would happen to him, and a big part of him was terrified of ever publishing the story. He secretly wished that Ian would take credit for it, or that there was some way out of it. But at that moment, he knew that he couldn’t back out.

  Simon decided to re-read his draft of the story before going to sleep, and headed back to the office where he kept the rest of his notes, leaving Olivia to her reality TV show. The night was definitely getting colder, and he pulled his jacket close around him. There was a light on in the office when he arrived, and he felt excited that he might be lucky enough to see Ian again.

  When he stepped through the office door, however, it wasn’t Ian that he saw. It was Margeaux, and she was sitting at his desk. “What are you doing at my computer?” he demanded, suspicion at her behavior rising to the surface.

  Margeaux quickly exited the window she was working in when she heard Simon’s voice, and turned around to face him, her face blood-red. “Simple Simon, how diligent of you, showing up in the dead of night! My, you really are gunning for that editor position, aren’t you?” Margeaux projected a false confidence and ease, and Simon sensed that she was hiding something. His antennas went off, and a growing sense of unease was clustering in his stomach.

  “My computer has been acting up lately, and yours happened to be logged in under your profile. Silly boy! Remember to log out!” Margeaux let out an unnaturally high-pitched laugh, and Simon worried at what her strange behavior was compensating for. Changing tack, Margeaux exclaimed, “How are you, by the way?”

  “I’d prefer it if you don’t use my computer next time, but rather use the one at reception. I have a lot of my work on it and if anything goes wrong it could be really catastrophic.”

  Margeaux seemed to regain her regular confidence then, or, Simon thought, it cou
ld better be described as arrogance. She got up, her spine straight and rigid, and walked over to him, “You know, Simon, you really should learn to back up your files if they’re so precious to you. No need to be all pissy. I won’t use your computer again. Jeez. Simple Simon? More like Sulky Simon! Get a grip!” Margeaux turned on her heel, in a huff, and Simon stared after her quizzically.

  Simon tried to ignore her and walked over to his computer to open his draft. He had an uneasy feeling about Margeaux. She was acting strange over the past few days, weeks in fact. Simon knew that the competition for editor was getting to her, but he didn’t have time for her shenanigans when he was already under so much stress.

  Simon heard footsteps approaching the office door, and he swung around to see an unfamiliar face, a man greeting Margeaux and saying, “Hey sexy, did you miss me? Let’s pick this up where we left off!”

  Simon’s eyes were ready to pop out of his head. Simon stared at Margeaux, who nervously shot Simon a look and at the same time chastized the tall man with a sharp elbow to his chest. “What’s going on here, Margeaux?”

  Chapter 17