Read Hot Target Page 3

  And when she’d pulled that knee on him…the fire in her eyes, well…it had sent heat straight through his veins and right to the vicinity of her target.

  It was like a white-hot rocket had settled between his thighs. He had stood before her, completely hard and wanting. Katie Lyons might be a problem, but she was a delicious one.

  So now he found himself baiting her, and she was letting him. “Is there a problem, Katie?”

  He watched her force a smile. And damn if she wasn’t cute as hell trying to act all tough when he could tell she really wanted to bolt. Sexy and cute? Had he ever found a woman he would call both?

  Even as he was acting on his attraction to her, and challenging her to stay around, in the far corners of his mind he knew he was setting himself up to get burned again. But he couldn’t seem to help himself. He wanted to find out what made Katie tick. What made her laugh? What made her sigh?

  Several tension-filled seconds passed where he could almost see her trying to form words, before she finally managed to actually do so. “No problem,” she finally said. “We’ll do it Ron’s way.” It was a weak concession, at best, but one Luke reveled in nonetheless.

  Ron smiled his approval. “Good. It’s settled, then.” He glanced at Luke. “Katie will go undercover as your girlfriend. We have a week before you leave for the first series. That’ll give her time to get her crew here and in place.” Ron looked at Katie. “Luke has plenty of room for you to stay here.”

  Katie had opened her mouth to voice what Luke was certain would be an objection, when Ron turned to Luke. “Katie is known for solving problems fast. She gets up close and personal with the client and smokes out the problem, like fire in a chimney. It’s amazing.”

  Luke studied Ron, and then let his focus shift back to Katie. “Is that so?” To Luke’s surprise, she started blushing, and he found himself gently adding, “Good thing I have a guest bedroom next door to mine.”

  She wet her lips, choosing to divert the conversation away from the bedroom next to his. “I have two of my staff members joining us tomorrow. We’ll have to discuss their cover stories rather quickly after they arrive.” She paused. “They’ll need rooms, as well.”

  Luke inclined his head, forcing himself not to smile at her, diverting the conversation away from their sleeping arrangements. She had just agreed to stay around. And for some unidentifiable reason, he felt the best he had in months.

  “Not a problem,” Luke told her. “Why don’t I show you to your room?”

  She bit her bottom lip. “I know it’s late, but I’d like to go down a list of questions with you tonight so I can start formulating a plan of attack.” She glanced at Ron. “I’m empty-handed. I have no file. No real data to work with.”

  “I’ll bring it by tomorrow,” Ron promised.

  Luke wanted nothing more than to start getting to know Katie tonight, but she looked tired and more than a little uncomfortable, despite her grand efforts to appear unscathed. “Your flight was late,” he said. “And the trip from New York to Los Angeles is a long one. Why don’t we start bright and early in the morning?”

  “I’d…” She seemed to reconsider what she was going to say. “That works.”

  He smiled at her, a sincere, heartfelt smile. Now that she’d agreed to take the case, he needed to stop with the games. It was time to show her he wasn’t such a bad guy.

  “I’ll carry your bags up for you.” Luke faced Ron. “I’d like to talk to you before you leave.”

  “If you have something to say about me, say it to my face.”

  Katie’s heated words drew his attention. He narrowed his gaze on her—his intention had been to question Ron about Katie. But maybe that was best done directly.

  “Then let’s make a deal,” Luke said to her.

  Her eyes darkened. “What kind of deal?”

  Ron answered before Luke could. “You two deal,” he said. “I need to get going anyway. Unlike the two of you, age isn’t on my side. It’s eleven o’clock, and I have a meeting at seven in the morning.”

  “I’ll walk out with you,” Katie said quickly.

  Luke laughed.

  Katie fixed him in a hard stare. “What?” she demanded.

  He shook his finger at her. “You don’t play by the rules.”

  “What does that mean?” she asked, but her expression said she knew.

  “I’m out of here,” Ron said, moving toward the door. “And for the record,” he called over his shoulder, turning back to them for a quick moment, “I won’t be the referee. Play nice together and catch a bad guy. Then we all win.”

  He opened the door and disappeared.

  Luke and Katie were suddenly alone, staring at each other, the air crackling with awareness. Ah, but Luke was not blind. There was a heavy dose of discomfort on Katie’s part, as well. She wanted him, but she didn’t want to want him. Whatever Joey Martin had done to her, he’d done it well.

  Okay, admittedly, Luke playing the asshole on deck hadn’t helped. He’d taken a preexisting wall and inched it higher. Which really sucked because he liked her. She was real. He sensed it as surely as he did a batter about to hike a ball out of the park, sensed this with such certainty that he wouldn’t bother second-guessing himself, even though his recent track record with women was pretty flipping pathetic. If Katie hated him, it would be openly, not behind his back. If she desired him, her passion would be bold and flaming hot.

  “So, Katie Lyons,” he said softly as he took a step toward her. “Let’s make that deal I mentioned.”

  Her eyes went wide, suspicion flickering in their depths. “What kind of deal?”

  “The way I see it,” he said as he closed the distance between them, “we have two options for dealing with our situation.”

  She swallowed and then tilted her chin up defiantly. “Okay, I’ll bite. What two options are those?”

  He took another step. She didn’t move. She stood her ground with that tough facade, but he knew she was wavering by the flash of nervousness in her eyes.

  “We could fight all day and all night,” he said. He stopped in front of her, close. So close all he had to do was lift his arms to touch her. Damn, he loved her scent, a soft floral something. He wasn’t much of a flower guy, but he thought maybe honeysuckle. Sweet. A contradiction from her tough exterior, a detail that ripened his assessment of her to downright delicious.

  “Or?” she prodded, refusing to back away. Damn, she had spunk. That made him hot.

  “Or we can get right to the root of the problem and be done with it.” He shifted closer to her, his lips lingering above hers. “Now would be a good time for that knee if you don’t want to be kissed.” He reached for her, pulling her close, molding her sexy, taut body to his. He didn’t give her time to object. His mouth closed down on hers.

  He kissed her, prodding her into a response. She started to resist, her palms pressed against his chest, her spine stiff. But when his tongue dipped into her mouth and brushed hers, she whimpered. Her lips softened, her body warmed. She melted and gave him what he really wanted. Her surrender.


  KATIE COULD NOT stop kissing Luke Winter. The man deserved that well-placed knee for daring to kiss her, on top of being a complete, utter ass. And she’d give him that knee. Soon. Very soon. Right after she finished kissing him. And, oh, God, was she kissing him. The kind of kissing that screamed Strip me naked and have your way with me. Worse, no matter how hard she willed herself to pull away from such abandon, Katie couldn’t do it. She was drowning in sexy male seduction and couldn’t find the desire to escape. Which led her to one conclusion—Luke Winter had a magic tongue. It was the only explanation for the drugging effect of his kiss, the only explanation for the dull, wonderful ache that spread through her limbs and coiled in her stomach. When was the last time a man had accomplished such a feat? A year? Almost two?

  So when he said, “Tell me this feels as good to you as it does to me,” with his lips lingering above hers, a whisper
from another caress, Katie tried to say no, but she was afraid he would stop kissing her.

  Instead, she whispered, “Yes.” And it was breathless. Hungry.

  Bingo. He kissed her again.

  She knew she should be pushing him away, but…he tasted and felt so darn good. She was human after all, and he was…well, he was a damn good kisser.

  And try as she might to ignore the reaction her body was having to him, she couldn’t. She wanted him. Bad.

  But this was just a kiss. No harm, no foul. At least, in her desire-stricken state, that was the logic she decided to cling to. Later she would chastise herself. Not now.

  Besides, it had been an eternity, or so it seemed, since she had been thoroughly kissed. His tongue played along the sides of hers, and Katie moaned without any possible hope of restraining the sound.

  There was something so warm, so alluringly perfect about his kisses. Perhaps the way he used his lips to caress hers, or maybe it was the way his tongue did this slow, seductive dance along hers.

  Or was there more?

  Some kind of unique chemistry between them perhaps?

  Slowly, he pulled away from her, coming back for a brief nibble, before staring down at her with a probing, heated gaze.

  Without thought, a sigh of pure female satisfaction slipped from her mouth.

  He smiled in return—clearly proud of making her act in such a way—but Katie didn’t find the smile offensive, surprisingly. She knew he had enjoyed kissing her, as well.

  His hand slid beneath her hair, his callused fingers caressing her neck with delicious friction. “Katie—”

  Someone cleared their throat at the doorway, a distinctly feminine sound, drawing their attention. Shocked at someone else’s presence, Katie instantly moved to take a step backward. Luke quickly settled his hands around her waist, holding her there against him. Katie cast him a disbelieving look and had opened her mouth to complain when he whispered, “Remember your cover. We’re dating.”

  “I think we’re about to have our first fight,” she ground out, giving him her best evil glare, intended for perps under arrest but quite effective with low-life athletes who couldn’t keep it in their pants. Her attention shifted to the visitor, a woman—no, girl—not more than nineteen. Distress etched her youthful features, a frown on her heart-shaped face. Her faded, ripped jeans and pretty yellow lace blouse were as youthful as the highlights streaking her long, dark hair. A sick feeling gathered in Katie’s stomach. Apparently, Luke Winter liked them young, and he didn’t care if he had more than one woman in his house at once. She visualized the pleasure she’d get from a well-placed knee, something she should have already given him. Pig!

  “Hi, Jessica,” Luke said. “Katie, this—”

  Jessica rambled over the top of him. “I should have known better than to let myself—” Her hands twisted together, her voice trailing off.

  “Let yourself what?” Luke said, actually having the gall to sound both concerned and confused.

  Katie would have told him where to stick that stupid act of his, too, but the girl spoke up first. “My mother wanted me to let you know the guest room is ready.” Her hate-filled gaze shifted to Katie. “She said you’d need it.”

  Katie blinked and turned to Luke. “Who’s her mother?” What the heck did the man have going on here?

  “I am,” came a voice etched with accent. A gentle-looking older woman stepped up beside Jessica, her thick, dark hair streaked with gray and pinned in a bun. “I’m Maria Rodriguez, Luke’s housekeeper.” She paused and smiled at Luke. “But he’s more like a son to me.” Her friendly attention, so unlike her daughter’s, shifted to Katie. “You must be the someone special Ron told me Luke had arriving this evening. We let ourselves in. To make sure you had everything you needed.”

  “Someone special?” Katie repeated. She swallowed, biting back anger—and not at Luke this time. She and Ron were going to have words. He had clearly planned the dating thing from the start and thrown her to the wolves—no plan, no story in the mix. And now she and Luke were flying by the seat of their pants. Lacing her arm with Luke’s, she forced a smile in his direction. “Is that what I’m being called these days? Should I tell you what my special name for you is?”

  Luke slid his hand over hers. “Why don’t we save that for when we’re alone, sweetheart.” He pulled her a bit closer, their hips aligned, and the message clear—he was more than happy to play boyfriend. No doubt because he thought he was going to be getting more of that kiss-kiss action.

  They’d be clearing up that misconception sooner rather than later. It was time to recover from this unexpected meeting and get her ducks in a row. This was business, not pleasure, which she should never have forgotten.

  Speaking to Maria, Luke added, “The ‘someone special’ comment is Ron’s way of being discreet about Katie and I dating. You know how I dislike the media delving into my personal life.”

  “Hound dogs, those reporters,” Maria said with a huff. “I get sick of them snooping around, and I’m not the one they are trying to snap photos of.” She pursed her lips toward Katie. “Hope they don’t run you off.”

  “If anyone runs me off,” Katie said, squeezing Luke’s arm meaningfully, “I can assure you, it will be Luke.” She glanced at him, their eyes clashing in a strained connection before she forced a smile in Maria’s direction. “And it’s nice to meet you, by the way.”

  Katie’s attention flickered to Jessica, whom she’d concluded either a) had a big-time crush on Luke, or b) was sleeping with him, or maybe even c) had slept with him at one point and hoped to again. Whatever the case, she was going on the suspect list. “Nice to meet you, as well, Jessica.”

  Jessica gave her a barely there nod and then eyed Luke, speaking to him, not Katie. “She’s in the room next to yours.” There was a message there—I know she isn’t sleeping with you.

  Maria quickly responded, as if she sensed her daughter’s agitation and inference, and was trying to cover it up. “It’s a beautiful room,” she said. “Let me know if I can do anything for you while you’re here, Katie.”

  Jessica remained focused on Luke. “Should I show her to her room?”

  Katie grimaced, disliking the way Jessica spoke as if she was not there.

  A slow, intimate smile slipped onto Luke’s lips as he glanced down at her. “I’ll show Katie to her room myself.” Okay. So if Jessica thought the separate rooms meant they were not sleeping together, Luke’s stare, at that moment, must have rattled her. Because even Katie was almost convinced she was sleeping with Luke based on that hot, steamy look.

  Maria cleared her throat, her cheeks red. “We’ll leave you for the night and head home. Oh, and Katie, your bag is in your room.”

  “Thank you,” Kate said quickly. At the same moment, Luke slid his arm back over Katie’s shoulder, another intimate, overly friendly gesture. She wanted to shove him away, especially when little ripples of awareness began spraying along her nerve endings. She had so many reasons to dislike this man, yet her body couldn’t seem to get in agreement with that rationale. Nor did she have time to dart away when Maria and Jessica finally departed.

  The instant she and Luke were alone, Luke turned to face her, pulling her to him, hands still around her waist. “You thought Jessica and I were together.”

  Denial seemed futile. “Are you?” she challenged, her fingers melded to those damn, far-too-appealing muscular arms.

  “She’s my housekeeper’s daughter, Katie,” he said, his voice laced with disbelief. “I was at her sweet-sixteen party. She’s a kid. I have not, nor would I ever, sleep with Jessica. You really want to hate me, don’t you?”

  Yes! And it would be easier if he would let her go and stop touching her. “You’ve not exactly given me reason to do anything but hate you.”

  She got her wish. He dropped his hands from her waist and stared at her. “Because I was trying to get rid of you, and for the record, I know I was a jerk and I’m sorry. But you have t
o admit you were an easy target, with all kinds of preconceived notions about me.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You admit you were a jerk?”

  “Yes,” he said pointedly, hands on his hips. “And I said I’m sorry, in case you missed that part. Now it’s your turn. Do you admit you judged me before meeting me?”

  She sighed, crossing her arms in front of her chest, her foot tapping with nervous energy. It was true, she had prejudged him. “Okay, yes, I did, but I’m not apologizing. You were a jerk. I have no reason to believe it was an act.”

  “Do you make a habit of kissing jerks?”

  “Apparently, I do,” she replied shortly.

  His expression darkened, eyes flashed. “I’m not him, you know.”

  She knew who he meant. Her ex. The one who had said he was different from all the others but wasn’t. She chose to play dumb. “Who might that be?”

  He nodded decisively. “Got it. You don’t want to talk about the past, and that appears to be the root of all my evil.”

  “You learn fast,” she said. “But you seem to create your own evil quite nicely. You don’t need anyone from my past to do it for you.”

  His jaw tensed, heat firing from his eyes, a mixture of anger and arousal. He wanted to kiss her into submission—she could see it in his eyes, and she barely contained the urge to back away.

  “I’ll drop it.” Then he added with emphasis, “For now.” He considered her a moment. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  “Oh, no,” Katie said with a nervous laugh. “I don’t need you to escort me to my bedroom.” She’d kissed him. She didn’t want to do something crazy, like undress him, and considering she kept thinking about it, a solo trip to her room seemed smarter. “Just point me in the right direction.”

  His anger slid away with the appearance of a twinkle in his eyes. “Tucking tail and running?”