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  How It All Began


  Kendra Cooper

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  How It All Began

  Copyright © 2012 by Kendra Cooper

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  Foreword: How It All Began is the first work work by a young author.

  Written as a writing project for her Grade 5 Language Arts class in 2012, How It All Began shows the promise of greater work to come from Kendra in the future.

  If you have any comments, words of encouragement or suggestions, they can be

  sent via to [email protected]. Appropriate emails will be forwarded to her.

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  ISBN: 9781476129235

  Title: How It All Began

  Author: Kendra Cooper

  How It All Began is the story of girl named Ryan Medis. Ryan solves mysteries that happen in her town of Slave Lake. Her friend Miranda has died. Ryan believes she was murdered. Follow with her as she tries to find who committed this terrible crime. No one is safe, not even Ryan from the terror stalking her town.

  How It All Began

  by Kendra Cooper

  Chapter One

  The Book Report

  “Okay class, hand in your book  reports, if you did not do yours you will spend time in detention writing it out.” Said Mrs.Colliebird.  Mrs.Colliebird  is a nice teacher.  She has blue eyes, brown curly hair  and a big smile.

  “ Oh no, Ryan can I use your book report and put my name on it?” said Clair.  Clair is the one who thinks its all about her and she has to get her way.  She is also really mean and her birthday is on January twenty-first.  I hope I can go. “Why should I Clair? I don’t want to spend time in detention writing it out.” I said.

  “Because I will invite you to my birthday party it will be so much fun,and aren't you always in detention?”

  “Yeah but this time I don’t want to for once and, why does it matter?” I told her rudely.

  “Because I thought you really wanted to go so what do you say?” she said trying  to talk me into it.

  “Ryan don’t fall for it if you say yes she will just make you make a fool of yourself. Just come and hang out at my house with Isabella, Morgan and I. Come on.” Said  Danella.  Danella is my best friend same with Isabella and Morgan.  Danella has long red hair, blue eyes and she is the sweetest and nicest girl you could ever meet. Morgan is a nice guy he is really sweet and loves to have fun but he is a big troublemaker.

  When it was the end of the day Morgan asked me if I wanted to go to his party of course I wanted to go we’re best friends.

         So when I got inside I sat down, turned on the TV my favorite show was on “So You Think You Can Dance.” Its a great show when you love dancing.

  “Hi mom! How was...” when I walked in the kitchen my mom was not there. “MOM! Where are you?” I grabbed my cellphone and called her.  “Hello mom are you there” I asked

  “Hi sweetie how are you” She said back to me

  “Good where are you?” I asked nervously.

  “ I had a meeting but I’m on my way home see you soon bye love you.”she said before I could say anything.

        I was kind of wondering if she was really at a meeting or if she was lying to me but that didn’t really matter right now because I had other things to worry about.  So I went back to the TV, the show was over and “America's Got Talent” was on.  I like that show too because I like seeing crazy people do crazy things.

          When mom got home she came in with a hand full of grocery's. “Mom are you okay? Do you need a hand?” I asked really fast because I talk really fast when I’m scared or nervous.  My mom just stared at me she looked really scared something happened and I’m gonna find out the hard way I bet.

           “DING DONG” the doorbell rang but it was weird the doorbell never rings and if it did we would be expecting someone.  I went to go get the door but my mom pushed me to the side.  What was up with her because next she yelled at me to go to my room.  So I just went up the stairs and watched from there. My principal Mr. Sanamony was in the doorway.   My mom went to the kitchen and poured coffee for Mr.Sanamony.  I came down the stairs and peered from the corner of my eye.  “Ryan I thought I told you to go to your room.” my mom said when she said that she startled me so I didn’t know what to say.  “You did but um I.” I didn’t know what to say.  “Ryan that reminds me I have to tell you something.” my mom said.  I got kind of scared so I just ran off back to my room.


  Chapter Two


  “Help Me, Someone, please!” I said in my dream. I woke up admittedly from my dream it was terrible.  It felt like I’ve seen my dream before like in real life.  It was more of a nightmare because I was trapped in some kind of box, no a mirror in a dusty attic.  Then I fell back asleep.

          When I woke up I took out my book and read for fifteen minutes and then went down to get some breakfast.  For breakfast we had french toast and syrup with blueberries and raspberries on top.  That was my favourite because when you eat it the raspberries and blueberries squirt the juice inside of them all over your face and it tastes so good.

           I looked out the window and saw the bus coming around the corner.  “Bye mom love you.” I said when I left but I forgot she went to work.  As I left through the door I saw my friends Danella and Isabella.  We got on the bus and talked for the whole ride.  It was weird that it was so quiet on the bus.  “Why’s it so quiet on the bus today?” I asked.  “Because John isn’t on today.” said Morgan

             When I got to school  I walked to the classroom.  “Hi Mrs.Colliebird.”  When I was walking to my desk Clair put out her leg and tripped me.  Morgan ran out of his desk and helped me up.  Everyone thought it was hilarious that Clair tripped me but only 4 people thought it was not funny other than me and that was Morgan, Mrs.Colliebird, Isabella and Danella.

               When the long boring day was over and the teacher finally stopped talking I hoped on my bus and Morgan reminded me about the party.  It was my stop so I went off the bus with Isabella and Danella.  “What are you wearing for the party tonight?”  asked Danella. “I don’t know, my best outfit I guess.” I said because I didn’t know what I was going to wear plus I don’t even think my mom would let me because it’s a party and I know how my mom feels when I’m with boys.  

              I got dressed because I knew I was going to go no matter what my mom says about it and if she says no I have a plan.  What I got dressed in was a blue sparkly ruffled skirt with a Mickey Mouse shirt and a little black vest.

           Seven minutes passed.  “Uh! I’m so bored.”  I went to my moms room and asked “Mom can you drive me to tim’s?”

  “Who’s Tim?  Tim Horton's?”

  “Yes mom Tim Horton’s, I’m meeting Isabella, Danella and Morgan.”

  “I guess so.”

  “Great thanks!”

  “What time?”

  “Six.” I said in a hurry.  This was the longest conversation I had with mom this week because the whole thing about my principal coming to our house.  Just the thought freaked me out.  I just don’t know what's going on with them, I mean
they have been hanging out a lot and it’s kind of scary.

  Chapter 3


  I have been waiting forever to go to the party and now I can because it’s time for momma to drive me to Tim Horton's.  I can’t wait for the party it will be so much fun the only thing I’m scared of is that sometimes my mom goes over to Morgan’s house for a spice party when I’m not expecting it.  I mean what if I get caught  I guess it won't be that bad if I do get caught,I hope so.

  When we finally got their I didn’t see Morgan but I saw Isabella and Daniella.  “Morgan’s in the bathroom, while we’re waiting would you like an ice cap, coffee, hot chocolate, anything? asked  Daniella, Daniella is a girl who gets to the point and asks a lot of questions.

  “No thanks, wait I would like an ice cap.”

  “Okay, honey I have to go now you guys have fun.” said momma.

  “Bye Mrs.Medis.” said Isabella.

  Finally momma was gone I love her and all but still I want to go to this party.  I went to the bathroom and got changed for the party, I was dressed in a blue sparkly shirt with cute white shorts and pink flip flops.  Now I look a little weird wearing something that does not match anything I am wearing but that's the theme for the  party weirdo wacky clothes so I dressed weird and wacky.

  We sat down at the table still waiting for Morgan it’s been like an hour he’s been in there.  Two minutes later Morgan came out and he showed us to his mom’s car where she was waiting for us.  “Sorry Mrs.Shield, we didn’t mean to take so long.” I said shyly.

  “It’s okay Ryan, I was just on my phone while I was waiting.” said Mrs.Shield.  Mrs.Shield is super nice.  We drove off to the party and it was a long drive I forgot they live 6 blocks away.  But it was worth it since we were going to a super cool party. When we got there we saw absolutely everyone there.  Even Clair.

  “Clair what are you doing here?  I mean how nice to see you, no I mean what are you doing here.”  I said I didn’t mean to be rude but she shouldn’t be here.  Morgan doesn't like her either.

  “Her mom wanted her to come or else she would sue me.” said Mrs.Shield.

  “Why?  You don’t even work for her she can’t do that.  Can she?” I asked

  “I’m afraid she can, because if her mom is not happy of what I did or do she will sue me.”

  “That’s sad.”

  Then it just got silent.  Until the DJ turned on “Good Feeling” by Flo Ridda so everyone can have a good feeling he says.  So we just tried to ignore Clair but she would just follow us everywhere.

  “BANG, BANG, BANG.” a knock at the door roared across the room and again some more awkward silence happened I just thought to myself “It’s not my mother it’s not my mother.” I said that in my head as I hid behind the legs of Morgan and Danella. They looked back at me like I was crazy but I just rolled my eyes at them.  Again I’m not trying to be the rude girl at the party but this rolling your eyes ment I’ll tell you latter and they totally understood me, I hope.  All I knew was that if that is my mom I’m dead.

  “Buzz, Buzz. You got a text message.” my cell phone went I tried to cover the speaker before it repeated itself but it was to silent that was all you could hear and Mrs.Shield talking to someone who was probably my mom.  Doomed I’m Doomed.

  “Hi Mrs.Shield may I come in, I’m here for the spice party today.” I heard the sound of my moms voice call out.

  “Oh hi Mrs.Medis how are you?  Come on in.” said Mrs.Shield now I know for sure it’s my mom.

  “Doomed!!!” I shouted out loud and that’s when it happened the doomed part of this story.  My mom knew I was here so I had to hide.  I ran up the stairs of Morgans house and went into his bedroom and hid under his bed but I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  I covered my mouth so I didn’t make a sound when I was breathing but it didn’t help, it just made my breathing heavier.

  When she finally came up the stairs I found out it was Morgan, Danella and Isabella.

  “We have to hide.” said Isabella

  “Under here.” I said. I moved my hand so they knew where I was to find me and they came to me and hid with me.

  “So what's the plan?” asked Isabella but the only problem was I didn’t realize my foot was sticking out of the bed and my mom knows what shoes I have, except for the ones I hide down in the basement for prom.  Something grabbed my foot and I didn’t know what it was I was terrified I didn’t know who it was or what it was.

  “Ryan what are you doing at Morgans party didn’t I tell you no party.” mom said to me as she dragged me out from under the bed.

  “Yeah, but I’m sorry.”

  “No you know what you're not ever going to Morgan, Isabella or Danella’s house again.  And you will not leave the house unless it’s school, you’re also grounded for two months I will need your cellphone, ipod, ipad and laptop.”

  “But mom thats not fair there my only friends.”

  “Well you should've thought of that before you came to the party, now get in the car.”


  “Now, I don’t want to hear it, I’m really disappointed in you Ryan. Lets go.”

  As I hopped in the car I saw Morgan waving out of his window and Danella with Isabella running out the door to give me a hug, I love them so much. I will miss them so much but its only for two months I can handle that, I hope.

  No words just hugs and sadness like I was moving away forever.  When I closed the door to the car mom was so mad she drove off without me waving goodbye.  

  When we got home I gave her everything she asked for then went in my room.  I decided to fall asleep because their  was nothing to do, and I was tired anyways.

  When I woke up from my sleep at like midnight I was staring at my Rihanna poster in my room.  Then I got up and looked closer at the words at the bottom of the poster and this is what I read. “Come April 11th to my concert because it will be amazing.  All you have to do is open up one of the bottle caps from the pop Sizzling Berry Explosion, Contest for a free concert tickets and backstage passes so have fun and good luck!!”  I just know I want to enter that and I will win somehow  I have to find that out and I will win.  Wait I forgot thats my birthday yay!

  Chapter 4

  New Girl

  Okay so the grounded thing is still going on. It’s only been a week usually mom will ground me for two weeks.  I guess she had enough with me always getting in trouble and she wanted me to learn my lesson.

  As I was on my way to the bus stop I saw someone there that I have never seen before.  I went there trying to mind my own business as I was waiting for the bus.  Finally a few minutes later the bus arrived and we hopped on. That girl I was talking about sat right in front of me.

  So when we got to school she was in my class, she was every where I was.  Mrs.Colliebird told us that her name was Miranda and we had to make her feel like family.  Miranda got to sit right beside me.  She has brown eyes, brown hair with light brown streaks and has a nice smile.  

  Me and Miranda talked to much so that Mrs.Colliebird had to move the desks around.  I moved to the very back, so far away from my friends and sat beside nose picker Frank.  I tried to ignore him as much as I could but sometimes I would have to interrupt the class and tell him to stop bugging me.  I asked Mrs.Colliebird if I could move because Frank kept bugging me.

  “Ryan you know how I feel about kids asking me to switch desk, but he is bugging you and I can tell so let me do this.  Uh Joey switch desks with Ryan please.”

  “Thank you Mrs.Colliebird.” I said politely.  The only thing is Miranda is sitting next to Clair and the’re laughing about me.  I got moved by Jessica the know-it-all and she keeps telling me things I already know.  She should move back to grade 3 because she is killing me with the “I’m so much better than you.” Well she wasn’t saying that out loud but she was thinking it.  This girl has no manners she also thinks she's so amazing.  I try to ignore that too, things in grade 6 are really ha
rd.  But my bullies are my motivators.  I say that a lot to my friends that are getting bullied because they barely get bullied other than Clair they’re popular too.   

  It was recess and I was shocked to see Miranda come up to me and ask

  "Hey I'm sorry about this morning do you want to hang out today?"

  "It's fine I get that a lot, and I think I would like that."

  "No it's not fine it was bullying and that's not nice."

  "What were you even laughing about?"

  "Your sense in fashion and that you’re really stupid.  I don't know what I was thinking I should've never said that or hung out with her, sorry."

  "I get that a lot but it's okay."

  So after our discussion we sat and talked about Miranda's old school.  I showed her the playground and the baseball diamond, everything because I want to be there for her.  At the baseball diamond we sat and talked she was a very cool person.

  “We should hang out more here’s my cell phone number you can text me anytime you want.” I said as I handed her a piece of paper with my phone number on it.

  “I totally will!” she said trying to be funny. We are going to be great friends I could just tell.  We just sat on that park bench and just talked until the bell rung.  We ran to the doors we got in line and Mrs.Colliebird called our line first.  As we walked in the class Morgan came up to us with his lab partner Zac.