Read How to Kill an Incubus Page 15

  “Hi,” I said to the two men, my voice a few octaves lower than my natural one. Dream Rainelle had the sultry voice of a siren, whereas Real Rainelle was an uncultured cursing hussy. And Dream Rae wanted a little guy-on-guy action to get the party started. “Why don’t you, um, kiss each other?”

  This would be the real test. Both men were straight as arrows and I couldn’t even imagine either of them being with anyone of the same sex—especially Andrei, who had made it no secret that swimming in my pussy was one of his favorite pastimes.

  Argh! Now I was getting wet.

  Andrei’s hair was just how I liked it—wild and undone, cascading in long, thick rivulets. It fell past his broad shoulders, brushing just beneath his ribcage. From there, the only hair present was the dark smattering of his happy trail beneath his navel that showed the way to the V of his pelvis and the jut of his spectacular hard-on nestled in wispy dark curls. Daniel was just the opposite, his dark chestnut hair perfectly coiffed and his pubic area absolutely bare. I had no idea why Dream Rae thought he’d be bare down there, she just did. She also assumed that he’d be circumcised.

  “Oh, and make it a wet kiss, m’kay? I want to see some tongue action,” I added as an afterthought, licking my lips in anticipation as they looked each other over. Typical males, contemplating who would be the submissive and the dominant.

  Finally, Andrei snagged Daniel’s smaller form to his bigger one and pressed his lips against Daniel’s. It was, quite possibly, one of the sexiest things I’d ever witnessed—right next to Andrei playing with himself, of course. Then, Daniel’s hands came up around Andrei’s waist as the kiss morphed into something wetter and more animalistic. Their cocks—as hard and curved as they were—ground against each other, the sight enough to make me want to wedge myself between them.

  “OK, enough,” I panted when it became too much, and they instantly broke apart. I kicked the covers off; they were only in the way. “I want the both of you inside me. Now!”

  “Sure you’ll be able to handle that?” Andrei asked lazily, his hand caressing his erection.

  I knew from experience that he loved it when I traced each and every pulsing vein along his shaft with the tip of my tongue. I ached to do that.

  “Oh, she’ll handle it, all right,” Daniel put in, approaching the right side of the bed.

  I crawled to the edge and hoisted myself up onto my knees, reaching out to pull him into a kiss. His breath was hot and minty, and all the hairs on my body instantly stood up when I felt his tongue trace the seam of my lips. I felt pressure on the mattress behind me, and suddenly, Andrei’s hands were planted on my hips. Leaning back into him without releasing Daniel from our lip-lock, I rubbed my ass against Andrei’s cock, reveling in the moisture I felt there.

  “Mm, you feel so good,” I breathed into Daniel’s mouth, reaching out to palm his impressive erection. “Can’t wait for you to be inside me.”

  Andrei’s fingers ran along the slit of my cunt before he tweaked my erect little clit and generously began to finger-fuck me with two long, thick fingers while his other hand was busy massaging my left breast. The sensation was insane and it brought me tiny, intense shockwaves of bliss.

  “Ah, shit,” I hissed, pulling back from Daniel. “I’m gonna suck you off now. And you, Andrei, you’re gonna fuck me good, like you always do.”

  “Lie back down, Rae,” Andrei instructed, and I did as I was told, although I was somewhat peeved that even in my dream he was so freaking bossy. “That’s right. You’re so fucking wet for me, for your little hunter.” Then I was spread wide open, my legs stretching across the bed with impossible flexibility. Andrei gently ran a finger along my inner thigh, feeling the juices coating my skin. “You’re a dirty, greedy cock-loving whore and this dream proves it.”

  “Uh-huh,” I groaned, shivering inside when Daniel knelt beside my head and pushed my hair out of my face.

  His cock was probably about seven inches long (Dream Me wanted to be generous but realistic) and his shaft was thicker toward the bottom. The head was a deep pink and slick with pre-cum and I was aching to lap it all up. Licking my lips, I mentally urged him to lower it to my waiting mouth.

  Gripping his length in one hand, he brought it down and I let my tongue slide out to taste him. I flicked the tip of my tongue into the tiny slit on his cock head, slurping up his cum. Weirdly, he tasted citrusy.

  Orange cum, I thought, smiling before he pushed himself into me as far as he could go. At least I’m getting my vitamin C.

  Slowly, Daniel began to fuck my mouth. Despite my attention being focused on deep throating Daniel, I hadn’t forgotten about Andrei. No one could forget about someone like him. I wanted him to watch me with another man’s penis in my mouth, but he was completely focused on running his index finger along my dripping cleft and around my clit, making his presence known down there.

  I trembled, mentally telling him not to be gentle, to fuck me hard because I was so ready for him I was practically spurting.

  He must have read my thoughts.

  With no warning, Andrei drove himself into me, balls deep. As usual, he stretched me to the limit. My labia gratefully gave way for him, and protested as he withdrew, his shaft brushing the little sensitive bundle of nerves that was my clit in the process, before he plunged back in again.

  “Ah!” I cried out, momentarily releasing Daniel’s cock from the embrace of my lips.

  “Oh, shut up!” Daniel admonished, sticking himself back into the wet cavern of my mouth and effectively shutting me up.

  Andrei’s fast, forceful strokes drew out the white liquid of my arousal. The feel of his heavy balls slapping against my butt cheeks was like music to my ears, because it was proof that he was just aching for release like I was.

  You’re going to tear me apart, I thought in delight since I couldn’t open my mouth without depriving myself of Daniel’s cock.

  And you fucking love it, was Andrei’s unspoken response as he sank into me again, his navy eyes fixed on mine.

  I totally did.

  I writhed and thrashed with pleasure, careful not to accidentally bite Daniel’s manhood off. Every withdrawal and thrust pushed me that much further into the arms of my orgasm, and that, coupled with Daniel’s throbbing salty dick in my mouth, was going to be the death of me.

  Don’t come yet, I thought, mentally sending the command to both men. Flip onto your back, Andrei, and take my pussy while Daniel takes my ass. That’s what I want now.

  In the dream world, logistics doesn’t matter. In less than a second, Andrei was flat on his back and I was leaning over him, offering my behind to Daniel. Warm and hard beneath me, Andrei held me up with his hands. My lips were inches away from his so I kissed him. From behind me, Daniel was spreading my butt cheeks and, because this was just a wet dream, I allowed him to enter me without lubrication.

  And goddammit! It felt like heaven to have both ends stuffed with dicks. But Daniel was only incidental, a pawn I was using to heighten the pleasure I experienced with Andrei. This was all about Andrei.

  “Ugh!” I groaned when Daniel withdrew until only his head was inside me. “Oh, fuck,” I gasped when he sliced back into me. The pain felt so real, so divine that I was beginning to have a hard time believing that I was only conjuring this up.

  Daniel’s thrusts quickened and as he hammered into me, Andrei’s up-thrusts did, too. It was surreal how I felt the swell of his cock distend my sex, heard the whoosh of air with every quick breath he took, and saw his gem-like pupils dilate.

  Someone cleared their throat… and it wasn’t either of my men.

  I raised my head and nearly choked on my tongue because there were ‘two’ Andreis—one buried deep inside me and one hovering over my bed, fully dressed with a dark look on his face. Because of shock, the scene I’d created disappeared and I was left naked and alone. In a flash, I strived to visualize a peach baby doll on me and soon felt a semblance of dignity.

  “How dare you interrupt my dr
eam?” I asked Andrei, hopping off the opposite end of my bed and putting some much-needed space between us.

  “Were you about to come?”

  To my surprise, he sounded like he was on the verge of laughter.

  “I… That’s none of your business,” I snapped in annoyance. It was absolutely mortifying to have him barge in unannounced while I was right in the middle of fucking him, and someone else, in la-la land.

  “For the record, I might be wide but my chest is not that broad.”

  The motherfucker was out-and-out laughing at me now. What was worse was that I could feel heat staining my cheeks like an embarrassed little girl caught red-handed with her hands down her panties by her grandmother.

  “Wake up, Rae,” I begged myself, pinching my arms. “Wake up from this nightmare.”

  “I’m very flattered, Rae,” Andrei went on, that same smug smile tugging at his lips—but the smile vanished quickly. “Of course, knowing that you want to fuck the hunter isn’t exactly appealing to me.” He paused, and before I could so much as blink, he was beside me. “As long as you understand that I don’t share, I’m fine with you dreaming.” His eyes regarded me with a steely gaze.

  “Don’t share?” I couldn’t believe this! But then, he really didn’t have to know that I couldn’t have cared less about Daniel. So instead of giving assent, my reply was, “I’m not some toy that boys hoard in the playground! How dare you?”

  “On any given day, your insolence would turn me on but that’s not why I’m here,” Andrei said, completely unruffled. “I need a favor.”

  “A favor,” I repeated, quirking a brow. “From me?”

  “There’s a function I need to attend next week. I need a date.”

  Because this was a dream, I was more than able to actually swallow my tongue. Then I felt it travel down my throat, ease through my esophagus before miraculously coming back up and reattaching itself, so I was capable of saying an astonished “You’re asking me out?”

  Andrei’s brow creased. “Semantics.”

  “You’re asking me out?” I repeated, finally noticing the twitch in his jaw.

  “Fine. Yes, I’m asking you, Rainelle Erickson, to accompany me to an event.”

  Oh boy! This was certainly a day of surprises. From Temp seducing JP and discovering that JP was tangling with demons, to an intense wet dream, and finally, the badass Lord Andrei Anghelescu asking me out—in my dream, no less. This was turning out to be the most warped day of my life.

  “Why couldn’t you ask me in person?” I asked, enjoying the look of controlled annoyance currently on his face.

  “Because I’m in the middle of something. In Novosibirsk.”

  “Surely teleporting from Russia would only take a second?”

  Andrei’s eyebrows creased into a frown. “Are you deliberately being difficult?”

  “I can’t help it. It’s what you do to me.” I sighed. “What event is this?”

  His hand came up to cup my chin. “A bonding ritual.”

  “Bonding ritual?”

  Andrei sighed heavily. “I forget how ignorant you are,” he murmured, rubbing my chin with the pad of his thumb, causing twinges of desire to splice with my irritation. “Roan is an incubus that wants to be bound eternally to his… woman. I want you to witness the ceremony.”

  I stepped away from him. “Is it against her will?”

  “No,” Andrei replied vehemently, pulling me back. “It can’t work if one doesn’t want the other.”

  If one doesn’t want the other.

  “You don’t have to be afraid that I’ll force you to come, Rae,” Andrei added, and he crushed his lips against mine, his arms around my lower back.

  I melted against him, a billion thoughts swirling in my head. I thought about telling him about JP and the virgins. Then I thought about asking him why he wanted me to be privy to a ceremony that was obviously as ancient as time, and as personal as things could get.

  But dream or not, all of those thoughts evaporated the instant he pinned me down to the bed, his skillful hands zoning in on my sopping cunt.

  Chapter 11

  From: [email protected]

  To: [email protected]

  Subject: (No Subject)

  ‘He should stay away from Damien.’

  I couldn’t do up my jeans.

  After fighting with the size nine DKNY skinnies for at least fifteen minutes, I changed tack and pleaded with them to work with me. I didn’t buy them to give me problems; I bought them to make my ass look good, which they did.

  “I don’t want to rip you but you’re making this an impossibility,” I muttered, hopping up and down before giving up and collapsing on my unmade bed.

  To be fair to myself, I recently had my contraceptive shot and—since I was so freaking lucky—was probably one of those rare cases that experienced weight gain as a side effect.

  Not that Andrei’s complaining, my inner voice snorted. If anything, the extra junk in my trunk turned him on.

  Sunlight from the large, open French windows streamed into my bedroom, a contrast to my gloomy mood. But arguing with denim was the least of my problems. I mean, I had way more important things on my mind.

  Sighing heavily, I peeled my jeans off and settled on a flimsy white cotton dress, thankful that I’d shaved my legs the previous day. Just as I was attempting to tame my wild hair by the bathroom mirror, I heard a noise in my bedroom. Glancing out the doorway, I caught Andrei sliding the door to the balcony open.

  “Why don’t I ever sense you before I see you?” I grumbled loudly (not for the first time today), finally gathering my hair up into a bun. I padded out the bathroom and met his assessing gaze.

  “Because I don’t want you to,” was his enlightening response. “I thought we’d do breakfast before I take you shopping.”

  I quickly looked him over, taking in the grey T-shirt molded to his broad chest, and the casual slacks hanging off his lean hips. His hair was loose, just the way I liked it, and a pair of Ray-Bans was perched on his head to keep it out his face.

  “Breakfast?” I blurted out incredulously. “Shopping?”

  Andrei’s lips twitched as though he wanted to smile, something that actually happened once in a blue moon. “I do eat, you know. It continues to be a worthy distraction.”

  I swallowed, trying to process his suggestion. “Yeah, but we’ve never really gone out… together.”

  “Believe me, Rae,” he said in a low growl, stepping into my personal space and sucking in all my oxygen, “Going out with me can be just as fun as staying in.” His arms snaked around my waist and his hands cupped a handful of my ass, pulling me to him, pulling me to his scent, his hardness. “You feel so fucking good,” he said into my ear, nibbling my ear lobe.

  Hot damn!

  Ignoring the sudden dampness in my panties, I mumbled quickly, “You, um, mentioned something about shopping? What for?”

  “The bonding ritual,” he murmured, grazing his teeth against my bare shoulder as he spoke.

  I pulled back, looking up at his hooded eyes. “Why, is there some sort of dress code? Care to explain exactly what I…”

  The lustful look in Andrei’s eyes vanished, replaced by one of annoyance. “I already explained.”

  “No, you just gave some half-assed reason for wanting me there.” I wrenched myself out of his embrace. “I’m not an idiot. If this is your creative way of tricking me into offering myself up as some gullible freaky cultish demon hunter sacrifice, I’ll see right through you.”

  Andrei’s head jerked back as though he’d been slapped. “Why the fuck would you say that?”

  “Because you’re being so secretive! For all I know, I’m the one being bonded… to you.”

  Andrei’s eyes narrowed. “Let’s get one thing straight, Rainelle. I have no wish to be bonded to a human as mulish, unpredictable, and frustrating as you,” he bit out, his baby blues turning crimson. “The only reason I’m asking you is because we’ve been fuck
ing and this ceremony calls for the king, me, to have a female standing by him, preferably someone he has a physical relationship with.”

  I scowled at him and snarkily replied. “Glad you cleared that up, Your Majesty. Because there’s absolutely no misconception on my side. This…” I motioned between the two of us, “… is just good old-fashioned sex. You’re a demon lord, for fuck’s sake, older than me by millennia. So there is no way in hell that this can even be labeled a relationship, physical or otherwise.”

  We stared at each other and I was positive my green eyes were as hostile as Andrei’s blue ones. Then, I looked away.

  “I’m hungry.”

  Andrei chose the famous Les Deux Magots Café on the corner of a cobbled street in Saint-Germain des Prés, which was filled with touristy types snapping away with Nikons. The cafe was busy but Andre managed to find an al fresco round table for two under a red and white checked parasol.

  Wordlessly, he pulled out a chair for me and I sat, momentarily stunned. Andrei gauged my reaction and rolled his eyes.

  “What? I’m not a complete rogue.”

  “Could’ve fooled me,” I said before thinking.

  Andrei’s eyes caught mine. “You’re a woman and I am, for all intents and purposes, a man. From time to time, I will do things like pull out your chair. I didn’t expect you to look at me as if I’ve strangled a baby in front of you.” He grabbed a laminated menu off the table and quickly scanned it before putting it down.

  I laughed. “You’re so sexy when you pretend you’re not an ass.”

  To my astonishment, he flashed me a grin. “Shut the fuck up.”

  “And there he is,” I said, sighing dramatically. “The ass.”