Read Hurricane Hurry Page 11



  We were saved. The gale blew as hard as ever outside; the sea brokefuriously on the sandy shore, the foam reaching across the bank even towhere we lay, while the wind whistled through the rigging with a shrilland mournful sound. No sooner did I see that the anchor held than as Iwas hurrying below to quell the alarm of my passengers, I met themcoming on deck, unable to comprehend the cause of the sudden change fromthe wildest tossing to the perfect calm in which we lay. They lookedabout them with an expression of astonishment on their features,evidently puzzled to know how we could have got where we were; then theyclasped their hands and raised their voices together in prayer andheartfelt gratitude for their safety. The sudden and simultaneousmovement touched my heart, and while I admired their simple piety itmade me sensible of the hardness of my own heart in religious matters.

  "Where are we, Mr Hurry?" asked Mrs Tarleton. "We owe much, I feelsure, under God's providence, to your excellent seamanship."

  I thanked her for her good opinion of me, and told her that we were, Ibelieved, at the mouth of Little Egg Harbour, on the coast of NewJersey, and that I hoped to run up the river and to land her at somespot at which conveyances might be obtained, as I would not risk hersafety by continuing the voyage. Her niece looked far more than heraunt expressed, so I was perfectly satisfied, though she said butlittle. They knew that I should be in no hurry to part from them;indeed, I had received orders from Sir Peter not to do so till I hadconducted them to their friends or seen them in a place of safety.

  While I was still talking to the ladies. Grampus called me aside andhurriedly told me that, if the hands were not sent to the pumps, in avery short time the schooner would go down. I accordingly set all handsto work, and when they had lessened the water in the hold I once moremade sail, and, with the lead going on either side, I stood through apassage to the southward, and then to the west again up Little EggRiver. I hoisted a flag of truce as I stood on. After some time I camein sight of a gentleman's house--a long low building with a verandahround it--the usual style of building in that part of the country. Nearthe house was a village. I dropped my anchor and lowered a boat to goon shore.

  "We will accompany you, Mr Hurry," said Mrs Tarleton, who at thatmoment with her niece followed me on deck after I had announced myintention. "Should the country be in possession of the troops of Georgeof Brunswick, you are safe; but if in that of our patriot troops, youmay be liable to molestation."

  To this proposal I could raise no objection, so, ordering Grampus tokeep the people at the pumps to prevent the vessel from sinking, Ihanded the ladies into the boat, and steered for a rough little woodenstage near the large house I had observed on shore. I had a white flagat the end of a boat-hook in the bows of the boat, that I might beprepared for friends or foes. Not a person was to be seen moving. Iran the boat alongside the stage, and with my passengers stepped onshore, leaving Rockets with the flag and two other hands in the boat.There was, for a short distance, a piece of uncultivated open ground,and then a wood of somewhat scrubby trees through which a path led. Wehad walked along it but a short distance, when, turning an angle, wewere confronted by a body of militia, mustering some dozen or twentymen.

  "Halt!" cried the sergeant at the head of the party. "Strangers! whoare you?"

  I tried to explain.

  "That's all very well, and may or may not be true, mister," answered thesergeant, who certainly was not one of nature's gentlemen. "I ain'tbound to believe your gammon, I guess; you may be spies, so come alongwith us and we'll see about it."

  Here Mrs Tarleton stepped forward.

  "We are American ladies," said she. "We owe much to this officer, andtrust that our countrymen will afford us the aid we require."

  The fellow still doubted, and was evidently inclined to use us roughly,when we saw a fresh body of men coming along the road, headed by anofficer. He at once advanced to inquire into the matter. At first healso seemed not at all ready to believe us.

  "So many spies are dodging about in various disguises that you may be ofthat character for what I know to the contrary," he remarked, eyeing ushard.

  Mrs Tarleton was inclined to be very indignant. As I looked at the manthere was something in the tone of his voice and his countenance Ithought I recognised.

  "Is your name Spinks?" I asked.

  "I guess you're right," he answered.

  "And you were wounded before New York, and an English officer gave you asup of spirits and some fresh water, and washed your wounds, and--"

  "He did, he did; and you're the man who did it!" he exclaimed, springingforward and grasping my hand warmly. "I thought I knew your voice--yousaved my life, that you did. I said Amos Spinks would be grateful, andso he will. I'm a lieutenant now; I was then only a private."

  This was, indeed, a fortunate encounter. Full credit was now given toour statements. The house to which we were proceeding was, we found,the property of a gentleman of some consideration, who, although apatriot, had from ill-health remained at home. Lieutenant Spinks andhis men escorted us to it. The ladies were cordially welcomed, and Iwas treated with the greatest civility and attention. Our host, JohnPlowden, was a perfect gentleman of the old school, who received us withmany a bow, in bag-wig and sword, knee-breeches and buckles, floweredwaistcoat and three-cornered hat. Dinner was instantly prepared, andbeds were offered, but Mrs Tarleton wished to proceed on her journeythat very afternoon. At first Mr Plowden would on no account consentto this arrangement, but, Mrs Tarleton having explained to him herearnest desire to see her brother, or to gain tidings of him, hewillingly promised to do his utmost to enable her to proceed.

  "I fear much, however, madam, that you will be exposed to insult fromthe troops of the enemy who still occupy part of the Jerseys, though Ifeel sure that the inhabitants, whatever side of the question they take,would in no way annoy you."

  Mrs Tarleton looked at me as this was said. We were sitting at dinner,a midday meal, with several members of Mr Plowden's family round thetable. My instructions from Sir Peter were to see the ladies in safetywith Washington's army. I turned to Mr Plowden--

  "If, sir, you can guarantee the safety of my vessel during my absence,and secure me free egress from this harbour on my return, I will proceedwith Mrs Tarleton and Miss Carlyon, and I trust shall have the means ofsecuring them from any inconvenience of the nature to which you allude."

  Mr Plowden thought a little.

  "I can be answerable for the safety of your vessel, and that no one willprevent her leaving the harbour when you return," he answered. "Butremember, sir, I cannot prevent your people quitting her if they wish todo so."

  "I will trust to your honour, then, sir," said I. "My men are staunch,and I have no fear of their deserting her. I am ready to set outwhenever the ladies desire it."

  "And I have determined to accompany you," exclaimed Lieutenant Spinks,grasping my hand again. "One good turn deserves another. This is thegentleman who preserved my life, and I want to show that I am grateful.He will be safe enough from molestation on his way to GeneralWashington's camp, but he may find some difficulty when returning."

  Of course I told Mr Spinks that I should be very glad of his society,though I wondered how he could be certain of obtaining leave of absencefrom his regiment. I soon learned, however, that both officers and mentook the liberty of giving themselves leave, with very little ceremony,from many of the militia regiments, into which but a very slack style ofdiscipline had as yet been introduced.

  While the ladies were resting, and preparing for their journey, Ireturned on board the tender, and, leaving Grampus in charge, receivedfrom all hands an assurance that they would
obey his orders and remainfaithful to their colours.

  "Never fear us, Mr Hurry," said Grampus; "we hopes you will see thembeautiful ladies safe with their friends, and will soon come back tous."

  I told him I hoped to return in a few days, and as I went over the sideall hands gave three cheers as an earnest of their sincerity.

  The arrangements for the journey were soon made, and by two o'clock ourparty was ready to commence the journey. At the door stood a coachcovered with gilding, but very much the worse for wear. Four horseswere attached to it, but their sorry appearance showed that they wouldnot be able to drag it except at a slow pace, and for a short distance.On the coach-box sat a white-headed negro. He had once been a strongstout man, but age had shrunk up his flesh and muscles, and hiscountenance now seemed composed alone of black bumps and wrinkles andprotuberances, with two white orbs set in the midst of them. His lankbody and limbs were covered with a livery of blue and silver, but, likethe coach, sadly faded and worn. Two horses, of somewhat betterappearance, were held near at hand by some negro boys, and a littlefarther off two black mounted servants held the reins of a couple ofwell-conditioned palfreys with side-saddles on their backs. Mr Plowdenled the ladies to the door.

  "I have done all I could, madam, for your convenience," said he, bowinglow and pointing to the equipage. "This war has left me in a verydifferent state to what I have been accustomed, or I would have enabledyou to journey in a style more befitting your position in life. Thecarriage will convey you as far as those sorry steeds are able, and thenI fear that the bad nature of the roads will require you to continueyour journey on horseback."

  Suitable replies were made, affectionate expressions were exchangedbetween Mrs and the Misses Plowden and their guests, and the lattertook their seats in the old family coach. Spinks and I mounted thehorses, the black servants and the baggage-horses followed, and withmany bows and waves of the hands the cavalcade moved forward. Thecarriage rolled creakingly on, pitching and tumbling and bumping overthe stones and into the ruts in the road. Frequently I moved up to thewindow to exchange words with its occupants. They both expressed theiranxiety for the time when they might dismiss the vehicle and mount onhorseback. At first the country was very uninteresting, but by degreesit improved, and rich undulating ground and hills and fertile valleys,here and there dotted with cottages and flocks and herds, were seen onevery side. As we proceeded, men in half-military uniform, working inthe fields, would look up and inquire whence we came and where we weregoing, but they were easily satisfied with the civil answers we gavethem.

  It was late in the day before we drove into the courtyard of a housevery similar in character to that we had lately left. We were notexpected, but a note from Mr Plowden explained matters, and we werecordially received by the ladies of the family. The master was with thearmy, so were his sons. One had already fallen in the unfortunatestrife. I at first was received with some stiffness. I could notexpect it to be otherwise; but that soon wore off, and I felt myself asone of the family. I must not delay in describing each event of ourjourney.

  A truly Indian summer morning ushered in the next day. In high spiritsMiss Carlyon mounted her horse, as did her aunt, and with kindwell-wishes from our late hosts we trotted out of the courtyard. Theyfelt great relief from the noise and jolting of the old coach. The oldblack coachman gazed after us with a look of reproach, as if he thoughtwe had no business to be merry after we had deserted him. That day'sride was to me one of the most perfect enjoyment. Scarcely for a momentdid I leave Madeline's side, and every instant knit my heart closer andcloser to her. I forgot all that the future might bring forth, all thedifficulties to be encountered; the months, perhaps years, ofseparation, before I could hope by any possibility to call her mine, andrevelled only in the present. I could not tell what she might think orfeel. I dared not ask, lest the delightful enchantment by which I wassurrounded might be rudely broken. She eagerly listened to all I said,smiled and blushed and--but I won't go on. I knew that I loved her, andI thought she loved me. Spinks was an excellent companion on such anoccasion; silent and phlegmatic, he occasionally only would ride up tooffer a few remarks to Mrs Tarleton, and then would drop astern andseem lost in his own reflections. As the day advanced, signs of war'smalign effects began to appear. Poor fellows, with bandaged heads andarms in slings, were met limping and crawling along. Hedges and walls,overturned cottages, and whole hamlets burned to the ground. The tideof war had during the summer swept over this part of the Jerseys. Themischief we saw was, however, chiefly effected by foraging parties fromthe British forces, especially by the Hessians, so dreaded and hated bythe colonists.

  "Two causes have alienated all true hearts from the British crown inthis country," observed Mrs Tarleton. "The supercilious manner of thecivil and especially of the military officers sent from England towardsthe colonists, and the attempt to coerce them with foreign mercenaries.We could have borne unjust laws and taxes, because they could berepealed; but the pride of all the gentlemen of the land has beenaroused not to be quelled, except by entire separation from those whocould thus insult them."

  We were within a few miles of that magnificent stream, the DelawareRiver, when we gained sufficiently exact information to enable us toguide our future course. The British fleet, under Lord Howe, hadcomplete command of the lower part of the river. The city ofPhiladelphia, lately the seat of Government, had fallen into the handsof the army under General Howe, after the battle of Brandywine, whenWashington had been compelled to retreat. General Howe, it appeared,had neglected to take advantage of his success, and the patriot forces,emboldened by, his inaction, were about to attack him again, when aterrific storm of rain prevented the engagement. After this the Britishtroops, having advanced to Germaintown, were vigorously attacked by thewhole patriot army, and victory seemed inclined to their standard when,the Americans becoming separated by a thick fog, a panic seized them,and they made a precipitate retreat. General Washington's army, weheard, was now at a place called White Marsh, about fourteen miles fromPhiladelphia. Thither Mrs Tarleton resolved immediately to proceed, inthe hopes of meeting her brother, who, though wounded, was still, sheheard, with his regiment.

  As both shores of the Delaware were now in possession of the British,there was much chance of our falling in with some of their troops.Strange as it may appear, I felt very anxious to avoid them. I couldnot bear the idea of exposing my charges to the scrutiny and theinquiries to which they would be subject, though my presence would, Itrusted, prevent their being exposed to any personal annoyance. Weaccordingly turned our horses' heads to the north, intending to crossthe river at a spot a considerable distance above Philadelphia. We hadtravelled some miles without meeting anyone from whom we could makeinquiries. I began to be somewhat anxious, fearing that the peasantrymight have concealed themselves in consequence of the approach of anenemy, and I was on the point of begging Lieutenant Spinks to rideforward and make inquiries, when a cloud of dust rose up from a valleybefore us, and the dull heavy tramp of a body of men was heard ascendingthe winding road up the hill. I instantly reined up and drew mycompanions on one side, where they were concealed by a small clump oftrees, while I advanced with Spinks a little way in front, each of uswaving a white handkerchief, to show that we were there with no hostileintent.

  "They are the enemy!" cried Spinks. "Oh, the villains! May they allbe--"

  "Which enemy?" I asked, forgetting for a moment that he was anAmerican.

  "The scoundrel Hessians," he answered with an oath. "They are the lastpeople I would wish to have met."

  I agreed with him, but there was no time to be lost, as we coulddistinguish the advanced guard with their glittering arms and darkuniforms coming over the brow of the hill. No sooner were we perceivedthan several men advanced at double quick step and surrounded us. Wecould not make ourselves understood, so, holding Sir Peter Parker'sletter in my hand, and pointing to my uniform, I signified that I wishedto be conducted to their co
lonel. By this time a halt was called. Alight company was sent out as skirmishers into the wood through which wehad passed, and the officer I asked for rode up in front. He looked atmy naval jacket, and then at the militiaman's uniform, and evidentlyregarded us with no little suspicion. I found, however, that he couldspeak English, and I endeavoured rapidly to explain matters.

  "A very odd story this you tell me," he answered. "How can you expectme to believe you?"

  I handed him Sir Peter's letter.

  "I do not know his handwriting. This may be a forgery," said he. Thecolonel was a weather-beaten, stern, wary old man. I have seldom met aperson less likely to be moved by any of the gentler sympathies of ournature.

  "I'll tell you what it is, colonel. I was left for dead, near New York,by some of your people, and this sea-officer here came up and saved mylife, and that's the reason I came along with him," exclaimed Spinks,who was excessively indignant at our statement being doubted.

  The mention of New York reminded me of the narrow escape I had had of mylife on the day to which Spinks alluded, and I thought I recognised inthe man before me the officer in charge of the party of Hessians who sonearly finished Simeon and me when General Pigot came up to our rescue.I asked the colonel if he recollected the circumstance. He smiledgrimly.

  "I think I recollect the circumstance," said he; "but what has that todo with the matter?"

  "Simply that you thought I was a rebel then, and you found that you weremistaken, and in the same way that you will find you are mistaken now ifyou molest me."

  Scarcely had I ceased speaking when a shriek resounded through the wood.I knew too well whence it proceeded. I wheeled round my horse, and,putting my spurs into his side, was in a moment at the spot where I hadleft the two ladies and their attendants. I found them surrounded byHessian soldiers, some of whom were attempting to catch hold of theirhorses' heads and to drag them from their saddles. I drew a sword fromthe scabbard of the first man I reached, and before he could look roundI had dashed in among the miscreants, cutting at them right and left. Ifelt maddened with rage, and thought not of the consequences. Madelinesaw me coming, and held out her hands to implore my aid. I reached herjust as a soldier had succeeded in catching the bridle of her horse andhad almost dragged her to the ground. With a blow of my sword I sentthe fellow reeling backwards, and placed her in her saddle. MrsTarleton had managed hitherto to elude the soldiers; but in anotherinstant they would have closed in on her, when Spinks, followed by theHessian colonel, galloped up.

  The appearance of the latter prevented the soldiers from attacking her.He ordered them back into their ranks. I pointed to the pale andterrified ladies, and asked him if this was the way Germans behavedtowards helpless women. He looked ashamed and attempted to apologise.I saw my advantage and pushed it to the utmost.

  "They are anxious to visit a wounded, perhaps a dying, relation, and youthreaten to delay them," said I.

  "We cannot allow people to wander about, and perhaps give notice of ourexpedition," replied the colonel.

  "As to that, colonel, depend on it, every step you take is well known toGeneral Washington, and if he does not attack you it is because he doesnot think it worth while," put in Spinks, in his amusingly independentmanner.

  The Hessian officer looked as if he would like to eat him.

  "Well, sir," said I, "you have every proof I can give you of thecorrectness of my statement. You see what Sir Peter Parker says. Willyou allow my party to proceed?"

  The colonel must have seen that we could in reality not do him theslightest injury by any information we could give as to his movements,so after some more conversation he ordered his detachment to advance,while he remained with us. It was with much satisfaction that I sawthem march by, casting no very friendly looks at us.

  "Now proceed as fast as you can," said the grim old officer. "My menare rather unmanageable at times. They might have attempted to revengethemselves for the way you treated their comrades, though on my word youwere perfectly right."

  We thanked the gruff old man for his courtesy. I suspect that he had asofter heart than he would have wished to appear under his roughexterior, and, taking his hint, moved on as rapidly as our horses wouldcarry us to the northward.

  I will not repeat the indignant expressions uttered by Mrs Tarleton atthe conduct of the Hessians. I could only blush for my country, andbitterly regret that such men were employed in that fratricidal warfare.Madeline expressed her thanks to me, rather by her looks than herwords. She said little, afraid of wounding my feelings, but I suspectthat the behaviour of the Hessians made her abandon any sympathy for theTories which she might have entertained. Every now and then we lookedround to see that none of the Hessians were following us. Their marchcould be traced by the fields trampled down--cottages unroofed orburnt--stacks of corn scattered about, and walls and hedges overturned.It showed the utterly unprotected condition of New Jersey at the time--that no opposition was offered them in their progress. For my part Ifelt that the patriot cause was hopeless, and it was with a secretfeeling of gratification that I pictured to myself the service I mightrender to my friends when the royal cause should finally triumph, andall ranks be compelled to submit. I did not venture to ask MrsTarleton what opinion she had formed from the aspect of affairs, but sheapparently divined my thoughts.

  "It is very sad to behold all this," she remarked, pointing to thedevastated country. "But, Mr Hurry, do not be mistaken. Those whocome to conquer us little know the amount of endurance possessed by theAnglo-Saxon race, if they fancy that we are about to succumb becausethey have laid waste our fields, cut down our fruit-trees, and burnedour villages, or because our undisciplined troops have in some instancesbeen compelled to retreat before them. I tell you, Mr Hurry, we shallbe victorious in the end."

  Soon after this we came to a spot where three roads branched off beforeus. We hesitated which to take, and not a person was to be seen toinquire our way. That to the right led, it appeared to me, in thedirection we wished to proceed. We took it, and shortly began to ascenda steep hill among trees, now richly tinted with the varied hues ofautumn, though many of the leaves had already fallen, and thicklystrewed the ground. Never had my eye rested on such gorgeous colouringas that wooded height presented. Madeline and I could not refrain fromreining up our horses, and turning round to enjoy the superb view whichlay spread out before us over the country across which we had latelypassed. At our feet was a broad valley, with a succession of undulatinghills beyond, and fields and orchards and cottages sprinkled about.There were to be seen groves of the delicate straw-tinted beech, and theruddy maple, with its shades of brightest yellow and green, and oakforests of a dark copper hue, as if changed into metal by an enchanter'swand, and in the hollows, dark patches of the sombre cypress of NorthAmerica, which delights to grow in the stagnant marsh; nor was thegraceful birch with its white stem, or the willow, wanting to addvariety to the woodland scene. To our right the majestic stream of thebroad Delaware wound round from the north-west towards the city ofPhiladelphia, now the head-quarters of General Howe's victorious army.While we were looking across the valley at the wood into which theHessian troops had passed, we saw several men appear at the outskirts.After looking about them, it seemed to us, they descended rapidly thehill. Others followed, and it appeared as if the main body were makinga retrograde movement, and perhaps might march along the very road wewere taking. At all events I was anxious not to expose my charges toany fresh insults, and therefore once more put the party in movement.Spinks volunteered to ride back to ascertain in what direction theHessians were about to march. He promised not to expose himselfunnecessarily, and to overtake us speedily, so I saw no objection to hisproposal.

  We rode on as fast as the horses could go, without risk of falling overthe very rough and ill-formed road. It was late in the day, and stillSpinks had not overtaken us. I began to feel anxious about him, for Iknew that, should he fall into the hands of the Hessians, he would havevery li
ttle mercy to expect from them. After what had occurred theywould probably look upon him as a spy, and hang him without ceremony. Ithought of sending back one of the servants who had charge of thebaggage-horses, to try and learn something about him, but Caractacus,the negro in question, positively refused to go.

  "If Massa Spinks dead, Cractus no make him live again," he argued. "Ifhe live, he come back of his self."

  There was no controverting this opinion, so we continued our journey.We at last came to a cottage, in which was an old woman almost deaf andblind. After much interrogation, I found that her two sons had gone tothe wars with General Washington, and that a daughter-in-law who livedwith her was away to get some provisions, and, what was of importance tous, that we were on the road we had wished to take. We had still aleague to go before reaching the house at which Mrs Tarleton wished torest before crossing the river. Spinks knew of it, so we hoped that hewould rejoin us there. There was something very genuine about that poorfellow. I had done him a service, and he wished to do me one, so Icould not help taking a liking to him. Both Mrs Tarleton and her niecehad become somewhat anxious about our friend. The shades of eveninggrew rapidly denser, for the twilight in that latitude is short, andstill he did not appear. We could not, however, stop for him, and itbecame at last so dark that we could scarcely find the entrance to thehouse at which we were to stop. It seemed a long, low building,surrounded by a courtyard and walls, with several out-houses and gardensand orchards outside. I made out an entrenchment in front, with awooden bridge over a moat, and then a stone wall with some massivegates. After ringing for some time they were opened, and several armedmen appeared on either side. As we rode on to the hall door thereappeared a blaze of light inside, and a tall, dignified old gentlemancame down the steps to assist the ladies to dismount.

  "I am glad to welcome you and your niece to my house under anycircumstances, Mrs Tarleton," said he, as he led them up the steps."But you find us somewhat in marshal array just now, and I am afraid maybe put to some inconvenience. The enemy's troops have crossed theriver, and it has been considered necessary to fortify this post."

  "I can never complain of any inconvenience in our noble cause," saidMrs Tarleton.

  I knew well that not only would she cheerfully bear any inconvenience,but would glory in any suffering or hardship she might be called on toendure on account of it.

  The public rooms, as we passed along, were, I perceived, filled with anumber of persons, some in military uniforms, and others in the dressesof civilians. I was formally introduced, and though at first I wasreceived with some restraint, in a little time the manner of the hostand his numerous guests became as cordial as if I was an old friend,instead of belonging to the party of their enemies. There were noladies or any females left of the family. They had all been sent off toanother house some way into the interior, to which it was believed theenemy were not likely to penetrate.

  From what I could learn, it was not at all improbable that the house,which commanded a reach of the river, might be attacked before long, andI was therefore very anxious to get my friends across it, and once moreon their journey towards head-quarters. Mrs Tarleton, however, seemedto think that she might wait safely till the next morning, and, as nonews of the British troops had been brought in, I hoped that the delaywould not bring them into any danger. Supper was over, and the officersof the little garrison not on guard had retired to their rooms. I hadone allotted to me, looking out on the river, which shone with a silveryhue from the light of an almost full moon, while the swill of thestream, as it rushed by, had a pleasing and soothing effect. I couldhear, ever and anon, the distant bark of a dog, the tramp and challengeof the sentries, and the voices of some of the men of a militia regimentquartered in the out-houses and in some hastily-constructed huts withinthe courtyard.

  My mind was occupied with too many thoughts to allow me to sleep. Afterseveral attempts I gave it up. My companions in the room were much inthe same condition, and as they rose and resumed their outer clothing, Idid the same. They proposed making the round of the works, and I askedleave to accompany them. Scarcely had we reached the front door whenvoices were heard, and the clatter of a horse's hoofs in the courtyard.

  "A scout has come in, and will bring us news of the enemy," observed oneof the officers. "Let us hear what he has to report."

  In another second the light of the lamp in the hall fell on thecountenance of the newcomer, and I recognised my friend LieutenantSpinks. His dress was bespattered with mud from head to foot; his horseshook in every limb as he dismounted; his head was bare, his countenancewas pale as death, and through a rent in his coat I saw the blood oozingslowly out.

  "They are coming!" he exclaimed. "The rascally Hessians! I have beenwatching them all the evening to ascertain which way they were taking.I got too close at last, and was discovered by one of their pickets,just as they were getting under arms. They are going to make anight-attack on this place. Of that I am certain."

  The senior officer in the house, Colonel Barlow, now came down, andSpinks made him a full report of his adventures. He had run a greatrisk of being taken, and I was truly glad that he had escaped. Thereseemed to be no doubt that the Hessian troops were advancing to attackthe house. The officers assembled were unanimous in the opinion thatthey could defend it. Every one was instantly on foot. Loop-holes hadbeen cut in all the walls. They were at once occupied by men. Somelight field-pieces defended the front of the house--the weakest point;some men were stationed on the roof; the bridge over the moat was drawnin, and, indeed, every preparation was made to stand a siege.

  In the midst of the preparations Mrs Tarleton appeared in the hallamong the officers collected there. Her countenance was as calm, andher voice, when she spoke, as firm as if nothing unusual was occurring.

  "You will be able to hold this fort against those wretched mercenaries,I hope, Colonel Barlow?"

  The colonel replied that he had no doubt about it.

  "Then we will remain and see the result," she answered. "I cannot bearthe thought of running away when so many of my countrymen are exposed todanger."

  "While such are the sentiments of our women, our cause is sure totriumph, madam," said the colonel. "Still it is my duty to try andpersuade you not to expose yourself and niece. The fortune of war isalways uncertain. Independent of the risk you run from the shot of theenemy, we may be overcome, and then your fate would be a sad one. Itwill be wise in you if you will consent to leave us at once. A boat isbeing made ready to ferry you across the river, and on the other sidethe country is occupied by patriot troops."

  Still Mrs Tarleton would not consent to go. She knew that her presencewould encourage the garrison to resist to the utmost. I would very muchrather for her sake, and especially for that of her niece, that she hadgone at once to a place of safety. As, however, I must, at all events,be a non-combatant, I felt that I could remain by their side and aidtheir escape. The better to be able to do this, I set off at once toexamine the situation of the place, and to see that the boat was inperfect readiness to cross the river. Caractacus and his companion, Ifound, were both accustomed to pull an oar. There was a horse-boat alsoat hand, and as there would probably be time before the attackcommenced, I got Colonel Barlow to allow the horses and baggage to beconveyed across at once, and left at a farm-house of which he told me,at a short distance from the banks. I directed Caractacus and Sambo, assoon as they had performed this duty, to return at once, so as to beready for any emergency.

  "Is, massa, we come back and fight de Hessians; oh, ki, berry likely,"exclaimed the negro, giving a poke with his elbow at his sablecompanion's ribs.

  The other grinned, as if he considered the bare possibility of his doingsuch a thing a very good joke. I saw that I could not very well dependon them.

  "No, I don't want you to fight, only to help the ladies escape; youunderstand me? I promise you a dollar each if I find you at the boatwhen I come down."

  The negroes un
derstood this sort of reasoning better than any argument Ihad used, and promised obedience. Had Mrs Tarleton, however, knownbeforehand of the arrangements I had made, I believe she would havecountermanded them, so confident was she on all occasions of the successof her party. When any defeat had occurred, she evidently looked on itas an exception to the general rule, or rather as a means to thevictorious termination of the strife.

  By the time I had made all the arrangements I had described it was pastmidnight. Some of the gentlemen retired again to their beds, but I withothers sat up. My position was rather a curious one. Here was I, aguest in an enemy's camp, with the prospect of an engagement, and unableto side with either party. Certainly, however, I could not have beentreated more kindly or courteously than I was by the Americans on thatoccasion. A party of a dozen or more of us were sitting smoking andchatting in the large plank-lined dining-hall, by the light of a hugefire, when a sergeant of militia entered with the announcement thatseveral scouts had come in, reporting that the enemy were advancing, andwere not more than a couple of miles off. In less than an hour, then,we might expect an attack. I have never felt more anxious than I did onthat occasion. Immediately all within the house were on the alert; thewalls were manned; the wooden bridge hauled up, the guns loaded and runout, and every preparation was made to repel the assault. Being myselfvery doubtful of the result, I looked about for a place where the ladiesmight remain in comparative safety. The most secure spot was a roothouse, where stores of vegetables are kept during the winter. There, atleast, no shot could reach my friends, and as it was on the side nearestthe river, they might more easily escape thence to the boat. Havingfound a piece of matting, I carried it, with some chairs and cloaks, tothe place, and then returned to beg Mrs Tarleton to take shelter there.She laughed at my proposal.

  "What! do you think that the women of America are accustomed to skulkfrom their enemies when their presence may avail to encourage theirfriends, and they may be of use to the wounded?" she answered, lookingat the same time towards Madeline, in the expectation that she wouldutter her sentiments.

  "Perhaps, dear aunt, we might be of more use out of the way of danger,in some place where, should any of our friends be wounded, they might bebrought to us," remarked her niece, "especially as Mr Hurry has soconsiderately prepared a refuge for us."

  Still nothing Madeline or I could say could move Mrs Tarleton from herpurpose. At length Colonel Barlow came to our aid, and so stronglyurged the point that she appeared inclined to give in. We were standingat the moment in the centre of the dining-hall. Our conversation wasinterrupted by the loud report of musketry--the pattering of the bulletsagainst the roof and sides of the house--the louder roar of thefield-pieces--the cries and shouts of the men within the building, andof their unseen assailants. The colonel and his officers hurried offinstantly to the defences. Madeline trembled; even Mrs Tarleton turnedpale. Several shots found their way into the room where we were. Theshouts of the assailants grew louder; the bullets fell thicker andthicker. A bright glare burst forth. One of the out-houses had caughtfire. Two wounded men were brought in and placed on the ground. MrsTarleton and her niece knelt down by their sides. I assisted.Madeline, I observed, had ceased to tremble while employed in her workof mercy. One poor fellow soon ceased to breathe; he had been shotthrough the lungs. The other groaned heavily; the haemorrhage wasinternal. I soon saw that their efforts to aid him were of littleavail. He quickly joined his companion in another world. For a minuteor more there was a cessation of the attack: then it began again withgreater fury than before, and the bullets came pattering against thewalls like hail, many finding their way into the room. I seized MrsTarleton's hand, exclaiming--

  "Come, madam! no woman should remain thus unnecessarily exposed."

  Madeline took her other hand, and together we led her through the gardento the place I had prepared for their reception.