Read Hurricane Hurry Page 18



  That summer of 1779 was a busy time for the right loyal and patrioticpeople of Jamaica, and I believe that even had the Count D'Estaign, withhis twenty-six line-of-battle ships and nine or ten thousand troops,made his appearance, he would have found it no easy task to gain avictory.

  After our return from our starvation cruise we remained but a day inharbour, and again sailed for Old Harbour with despatches for thePenelope. Having delivered them we were returning when we fell in witha small schooner. She made a signal to us to heave-to, and an officercame on board who brought us the news that war with Spain had brokenout, and directed us to go in search of the Penelope and acquaint herwith the fact. We overtook her the following day, and of course we allregretted that we had not been aware before of the war, as we hadallowed so many Spanish vessels to pass us which, had we captured, wouldhave proved rich prizes.

  Once more we got back to Port Royal, and had to go alongside the wharfto heave down and repair the ship. Sir Peter had made every preparationto receive the enemy. An advanced squadron was kept cruising off thecoast, while the entrance of the harbour was rendered impracticable bystrong booms laid across it, and by forts armed with heavy guns oneither side.

  On the 11th, however, notice was brought us that Count D'Estaign hadsailed for America, where, having been severely handled at the siege ofSavannah, he returned to Europe with the greater part of his force,sending some, however, back to the West Indies. They had, however,already done us some mischief by the capture of the Islands of SaintVincent and Grenada, with other places of less importance, while theyhad also made not a few prizes on their voyage.

  Sir Peter Parker was now designing an attack on the fort of SaintFernando D'Omoa. He had been informed that the Spaniards had threatenedto attack the bay-men on the Mosquito shore and Bay of Honduras, andthat they had already landed at Saint George's Quay, which place theyhad plundered, and treated the inhabitants with the greatest cruelty.To protect this settlement from further insults, the instant she wasready for sea, the Porcupine was directed to take on boardCaptain-Commandant Dalrymple and a small party of the Loyal Irish, andto proceed to the Black River on the Mosquito shore. We sailed on the12th of September, but, having carried away our mainmast, we had toreturn to replace it, so that it was not till the 20th that we couldmake a fair start. We reached our destination off the mouth of theriver on the 27th. This is one of the most dangerous situations inwhich a ship can bring up, as the bay is completely open to the north,the quarter from which the winds are most prevalent. The only safeproceeding, as the anchorage is none of the best, is at once to run tosea. A bar, on which a tremendous surf breaks, stretches across themouth of the river, so that, except in calm weather and a slack tide,the landing is dangerous in the extreme. Of this we had a sad proofsoon after we arrived there. Everything being made snug, to obtainfresh provisions was our first consideration. For this purpose a boatwas despatched under the command of Mr York, a master's mate, withdirections to enter the river and to procure fresh beef and othereatables. All sorts of commissions were likewise given him.

  "Give my compliments to King Hodge-podge, and tell him that I'll knockup his quarters before long," sang out one of his messmates.

  "Take care of those rollers there, Mr York," I observed. "They are aptto play people a scurvy trick every now and then."

  "Ay, ay, sir," he answered; and then in a lower tone he added, "I'vecrossed such bars as that fifty times, and I should think I knew by thistime how to handle a boat on one of them."

  I pretended not to hear the remark, and the boat pushed off from theship's side. Away she pulled towards the bar. I could not helpfollowing her with my glass. The bay was calm, but the current wasrunning out strong, and a slow, smooth, rolling swell came in from theoffing. The boat glided swiftly on towards the mouth of the river.Just before she reached the bar I had observed two or three rollersbreak with great fury on it. I called the attention of CaptainPackenham and some of my brother-officers to what I had remarked. Ifancied that I could see York looking back in triumph, as much as tosay, "You see I don't fear the bar you speak of." Then on glided theboat. A huge roller rose between us and her so suddenly, it seemed tocome from the very depths of the sea. On it went; others followed; butwhere was the boat? A cry of horror escaped from all those looking on.With my glass I made out through the mass of foam a black object andseveral smaller ones floating near, but they rapidly disappeared. Therecould be no doubt that the boat was swamped. The instant this wasascertained the captain ordered all the boats to be lowered that theymight go in and endeavour to pick up any of the crew who might becarried out to sea. I went in one of them. Our orders were especiallynot to venture on the bar. We were not long in reaching the place. Welooked eagerly about for any traces of our lost shipmates. Even theboat had been rolled over and over till not a plank remained holdingtogether. An oar came floating out towards us, and as I watched it Isaw one end rise up suddenly as if the other had been pulled atviolently. We pulled up to it, and as we got near I saw a darktriangular fin gliding away through the blue bright water. I now sawclearly what had been the fate of any of the crew who might have hopedto save themselves by swimming. We returned with sad hearts on board,but sailors cannot mourn long even for their best friends. The fate ofthose who have been taken may be theirs to-morrow.

  A few days after this Captain Packenham invited me to accompany him onshore to pay a visit to the Intendant of Black River. We took care,warned by the accident which I have described, to have a black pilot,and under his guidance we safely crossed the dangerous bar. Once in andable to draw our breaths freely, we were delighted with the beauty ofthe scenery which on every side met our eyes--woods and green fields,and hills and valleys, diversified the banks of the river, whichbranched off in different directions, and added much to thepicturesqueness of the landscape. From the accounts we received of thebarbarities committed by the Spaniards, we longed to meet them, tochastise them as they deserved. They had just before this made anattack on the settlement, where they had destroyed a large amount ofproperty, and carried off a number of prisoners, both men and women, toMerida, the capital of Yucatan. Thence they were afterwards shipped toHavannah, where, if they were no better treated than we were at SaintDomingo, their fate was hard indeed. On the 5th of October we werehighly honoured by a visit from his Indian Majesty of the Mosquitoshore--King Hoco-poco we used to call him--I forget his name. He cameaccompanied by a long retinue of princes, generals, and chiefs of allsorts, rejoicing in very curious names, very dark skins, and a veryscanty amount of clothing. We received his Majesty with all the honourswe were able to pay him, by manning yards and firing a salute oftwenty-one guns. We had also a feast spread for his entertainment, withan abundance of liquor, which he seemed to consider much more to thepurpose. He and his chiefs indulged very freely in the potent beveragesplaced before them, and at length they returned on shore, highlydelighted with the entertainment, vowing eternal friendship to England,and excessively drunk. The accounts of the atrocities committed by theSpaniards, which we had just received, induced Captains Packenham andDalrymple to come to the resolution of making an attack on one of theirsettlements. We accordingly beat up for volunteers, and in a very shorttime collected a hundred Indians and Black River volunteers, under thecommand of an Indian general named Tempest. Having embarked our army,we sailed on the 6th of October from the Mosquito shore with lightwesterly winds. On the next day three strange sail were seen from themast-head to the northward. They very soon also discovered us, and madeall sail in chase.

  "Are they friends or foes?" was the question we asked each other.

/>   Captain Packenham was not a man to run away from either one or theother, so we backed our main-topsail, and lay-to for them. We watchedthem with no little anxiety till they drew near. I forgot to say thatmy old friend O'Driscoll had joined the ship as a supernumerary, andthat I had once more with me my faithful companions in many anadventure, Nol Grampus and Tom Rockets. Nol did not look a day olderthan when I first came to sea. Rockets was now grown into as stout,active and strong a seaman as any in his Majesty's service. I could notso often have a yarn with my old followers as I used to when I was amidshipman, but I frequently exchanged words with them, and never failedto take them on any expedition on which I was sent.

  "I hopes as how them strangers are friends, old ship," I heard Tomremark to Grampus. "Three to one is long odds if they ain't, and Isuppose our captain intends to fight, as he don't seem inclined to run.I only hopes as how he will fight, and sink rather than give in. I'veno fancy to be made prisoner, and to be kept on short commons amongblackamoors, as we was at Ou Trou."

  "No fear, my boy," answered Grampus. "Our skipper has got some dodge orother in his brain-box, and depend on it he'll make the `Porcupine'stick up her quills all in good time. You'll see."

  I could not help telling the captain the opinion the crew formed of him,which was a very just one. Neither he nor I had much doubt that theships in sight were British. We hoisted British colours, so did they;and in a short time we were all paying compliments to each other, theybeing his Majesty's ships Charon, Lowestoffe, and Pomona, under thecommand of the Honourable Captain Luttrell. He confirmed the account wehad received of the attack of the Spaniards on the British territories,and informed us also that he had been in quest of two Spanish galleonswhich had taken shelter under the strongly-fortified town of SanFernando D'Omoa. He had wished to attack the place, but, it beingremarkably strong, he had considered that, with the force under hiscommand, he could scarcely hope for success. Now, however, with thereinforcements we brought him, he considered that he would have a fairchance of taking it.

  Having called a council-of-war, all the captains agreed that the exploitmight be accomplished. Accordingly, we made sail for the westward.There was a general satisfaction throughout the fleet when it was knownthat an attack on the fortress was to take place. As with light andvariable winds we moved slowly on to the westward, the ships' companieswere employed in making scaling-ladders, fascines, and all the otherrequisites for a siege. Our whole force consisted of the followingships and vessels:--

  +==========+=====+====+| |Guns.|Men.|+----------+-----+----+|Charon | 44| 300|+----------+-----+----+|Lowestoffe| 32| 220|+----------+-----+----+|Pomona | 28| 200|+----------+-----+----+|Porcupine | 16| 100|+----------+-----+----+|Racehorse | 8| 50|+----------+-----+----+|Peggy | 6| 15|+==========+=====+====+

  All the above together with 100 Indians and Volunteers, and 12 LoyalIrish--no very mighty armament for the attack of so strong a place. ButBritish sailors hold to the belief that what men dare they can do; so wewent on, never doubting of success. We anchored to wood and water atthe Bay of Truxillo, and then sailed on, touching at various otherplaces till, on the evening of the 16th, we anchored in Porto CarvalhoBay, not far from the place we had come to attack. Night had set inbefore we approached the land, so that there was little fear that theenemy would obtain notice of our approach. All of us were in highspirits at the thoughts of fighting the Spaniards, and O'Driscoll and Iagreed that it was far better than having to make war on the Americans,whom, rebels as they might be called, we could not help looking on asour brothers and cousins.

  All arrangements had in the most judicious way been previously made, sothat we were ready, directly the anchors were dropped, about nineo'clock at night, to commence landing our forces. Everything was donewith the most perfect order and in complete silence. The boats from allthe ships were lowered, and about three hundred seamen and marines, withabout a hundred and fifty Indians, volunteers and regulars, wereembarked in them. The oars were let fall in the water, and togetherthey pulled in for the shore. I watched the boats as long as they couldbe seen through the darkness, like some sea-monsters gliding noiselesslytowards their prey. O'Driscoll accompanied the shore expedition. Onlanding, the Indians, who were sent forward, attacked the enemy'slook-out houses, and, having killed a Spaniard and taken two moreprisoners, returned in triumph. At midnight the army began their marchto the westward, and the ships at the same time weighed and stood alongshore. On Sunday morning, the 17th, the ships lay becalmed about aleague off shore, when the troops halted to report themselves. No time,however, was lost. They had hoped to have arrived before the place justat daybreak, when they would certainly have surprised it, and even nowit was hoped that the enemy would not have heard of their approach. Onthe summit of a high hill, overlooking the fortress, stands thegovernor's house--a very important post. Towards it they hurried, andbefore ten o'clock reached its base. Up the hill like a swarm of antsthey rushed, and in spite of all opposition quickly carried it. Thegarrison were now, of course, on the alert to receive us. It was not,however, till three in the afternoon that the wind allowed us to standinto the harbour, when we made the signal to the forces on shore that wewere ready to co-operate with them. As we took up our stations,directly opposite the town, we commenced a heavy cannonade, which waswarmly returned by the enemy from a battery of between twenty and thirtyheavy guns. In a short time the effect, of our fire was very visible.Flames burst forth from different parts of the town, which was soonburning furiously in every quarter, and it seemed to us very evidentthat it would soon be entirely burnt to the ground. As the unfortunateinhabitants were afraid of leaving the town, for fear of falling intothe hands of the Indians, from whom they could expect no quarter, manyof them, we had too much reason to believe, were burnt to death.

  During the heat of the engagement the Lowestoffe, in her eagerness toget close up to the fort, ran on shore, and was considerably galledwhile she remained there by the enemy's fire. The rest of the squadronlending her assistance, she soon got off. All the ships were, however,much cut up both in spars and rigging, while a considerable number ofmen had been killed and wounded. The commander, in consequence, findingthat we had produced no impression on the enemy's works, threw out asignal for the ships to haul off for the night. As we sailed out of theharbour, the Spaniards, fancying that we were about to abandon theenterprise, made a sortie, and furiously attacked the forces on shore.They were, however, repulsed with much loss, and again took shelterwithin their works. At night a lieutenant was sent in command of ahundred men, to try and open a communication with the forces on shore,but the enemy were too much on the alert to render the attemptpracticable.

  We were under no little apprehension all the time as to the fate of theforces on shore, for we could see that a furious attack was being madeby the Spaniards on Governor's Hill, and its result it was impossible toascertain. At daylight we once more stood in, when we had thesatisfaction to discover that our forces still held Governor's Hill, andhad thrown up works on it from which they were bombarding the town. Asthe wind would not allow us to get in close to the forts, we hove-tomain-topsails to the masts, and employed ourselves in firing randomshots at the enemy's works while the Lowestoffe repaired damages. Atfive in the afternoon, seeing a British Union Jack flying close to thewoods at the water's edge, the Porcupine was directed to run in and landher guns. This was done under a heavy fire from the fort. I was amongthose sent on shore, and I was ordered to take fifty men under mycommand, and with four guns to lead them up through the town of Omoa tothe top of an exceedingly high hill on the other side of it. Theenterprise was of no slight danger and difficulty, but it pleased me themore. I had Grampus and Rockets with me. Placing our guns on lightcarriages between us, away we rattled as fast as our legs could move.The faster our speed, the greater would be our safety. Where we weregoing the enemy could not guess; they never thought that we were aboutto scale the rocky height before us; they did
not know what tricksblue-jackets could play on shore. They kept peppering away at us as weproceeded, and now and then one of my men was hit; one poor fellow waskilled, three were wounded. A fine fellow, Jackson, who was near me aswe dashed through the town, caught sight of a dog running through thestreets, evidently having lost his master.

  "I'll have that 'ere animal," he exclaimed, springing on towards him.

  The dog turned tail and ran off, but Jack was too nimble for him, andcatching him up under his arm, and holding his head so that he could notbite, he was bringing the animal in triumph when a shot struck him onthe arm. He staggered on notwithstanding.

  "Jackson, my man, I'm afraid you are badly hurt," I exclaimed, as I sawthe blood streaming down his side.

  "Never fear, sir," he answered, "I've got the dog; I wanted him for you.Take him, sir."

  I had a piece of rope in my pocket, which I fastened round the dog'sneck and led him on. Jackson was a severe sufferer, for he lost his armin consequence of his wound. On we hurried, and, climbing the height,dragged up our guns after us. Before the enemy guessed what we wereabout, we had them on the top of the hill ready to open on the fort.With the same rapidity we threw up the necessary earthworks and soonbegan firing away with a right good will down into the fortress. TheSpaniards showed us that two could play at the same game. All nightlong we blazed away, doing no little mischief to the enemy. They,however, in return, dismounted one of our guns. On the morning of the19th three fresh batteries were opened from our works on Governor'sHill, and our hopes increased of speedily taking the place.

  I enjoyed from my elevated position a full view of the whole surroundingsea and country. Below me was the town, still burning in places andsmouldering in others. On one side was Governor's Hill, with thebatteries blazing away at the devoted fort which lay below the town, andwas replying from all sides to the fire directed towards it from theland and sea. Now the ships, with the exception of the Porcupine, stoodin to attack the fort in more serious earnest. Boats came passing andre-passing to her, and, as I found was the case, as all our guns were onshore, Captain Packenham with the greater part of the ship's companywent on board the other ships to assist in fighting them. The shipsstood in very close to the walls of the fort before they dropped theiranchors, and then commenced a heavy cannonade, the effects of which soonbecame apparent by the crumbling away of the works on every side.Night, however, put a stop to the work of destruction. Darkness hadjust closed in when I received orders to leave my exalted post and tojoin the party destined to storm the works at daybreak on the followingmorning. This was just according to my taste. I had never a fancy toknow that work was being done and not to be engaged in it.

  It was nearly midnight before I joined O'Driscoll and my other friends.I found them sitting round their watch-fires, not so much on account ofthe cold as to keep off the mosquitoes, and enjoying a good supper,which they ate as they cooked. We had no cloaks, so we sat up all nightdiscussing the probabilities of our success on the morrow. We talkedand laughed and joked as if there was nothing particularly serious to bedone. Adams, one of our midshipmen, was the merriest of the merry. Heabove all of us was making light of the difficulties and dangers to beencountered. Towards morning our voices grew lower and lower, and atlength no one spoke. I sat also silent, looking up at the dark skystudded with a thousand stars, wondering to which of them I should wingmy flight should I lose my life in the coming struggle. I dozed off fora few moments, it seemed to me, and then the drum beat to arms and Isprang to my feet. At the same moment the ships re-commenced theircannonade. Every arrangement had already been made, so that each man ofthe expedition knew his station. Not an instant, therefore, was lost.We hurried to our ranks. I had a hundred men under me. Of courseGrampus and Rockets were among them. Grampus had armed himself with amusket and cutlass, but Rockets had managed to get hold of twocutlasses. I asked him why he had thus encumbered himself.

  "Why, sir, you see as how one on 'em may be broken, and then I shallhave t'other for fighting with," he answered with his usual simplicity.

  Down the hill we rushed, the marines and Loyal Irish on either flank.Nothing stopped us. It seemed scarcely a minute from the time we wereon our feet till we were close under the walls. The fascines werethrown into the ditches, and the ladders being planted against thewalls, up we climbed, as O'Driscoll observed, like ants attacking asugar cask. We had already mounted the walls and were leaping down intothe town before the enemy knew what we were about. As soon as they werearoused they made a stout resistance and poured a heavy fire on us.Several men near me were killed or wounded. Poor young Adams wascheering on his party placed under his orders. A bullet struck him.His sword was uplifted, his cheerful voice was still sounding on my earwhen I saw him fall over, and before he reached the ground he was dead.Our men poured over the walls, and on we rushed among the buildings inthe fortress. We encountered a body of Spaniards led on by an officerwho apparently had only that instant been roused out of bed, for he hadneither his coat buttoned, a hat on his head, nor a sword in his hand.Another party of men on my left engaged my attention, and I was about toattack them when I saw Tom Rockets rushing towards the unarmed officer.I thought Tom was going to cut down the Spaniard, and so I dare say didthe latter, but instead of that I heard him sing out, "Senor DonOfficer, you no habby cutlash-o, I've got two-o! Take one of mine, oldboy; let's have fair play and no favour. Stand aside, mates, and we'llhave it out like men!"

  On this, to the very great astonishment of his enemy, he presented himwith one of his cutlasses, and made a sign that he was ready to beginthe fight. The Spaniard, however, had no notion of fighting with sogenerous and brave a fellow. Probably, also, he found the Englishman'scutlass rather an awkward weapon to use, so he made signs to him to takeit back, and that he would yield himself up as a prisoner of war. Tomthereupon took back the cutlass, and, shaking the Spaniard by the hand,assured him that he should be ready to have the matter out, if it sopleased him, as soon as the public fighting was disposed of. So suddenhad been our attack, and so unexpected by the Spaniards, that we hadeven fewer men killed and wounded than on the previous days. TheSpanish officer and his men having yielded, I left them under charge ofTom and some of my people, while I pushed on, accompanied by Grampus,towards the summit of the fortress, on which stood a flag-staff with theSpanish flag flying. The Spaniards rallied bravely round it, but,charging them cutlass in hand, with loud huzzas we put them to flight,and very soon Nol Grampus had hauled down their flag and hoisted our ownglorious ensign in its stead. It was a signal to the ships to ceasetheir fire, which was becoming somewhat annoying to us as well as to ourfoes. In a few minutes all the defenders of the fortress were scatteredfar and wide, or had thrown down their arms and sued for mercy. Thusthe important fortress was won. The first thing I did was to look-outfor Tom Rockets, whom I found guarding the Spanish officer, andendeavouring to assure him of his friendship and protection. Some ofthe prisoners were carried on board the ships, others were shut up undera guard in the fortress, and others were allowed to take theirdeparture. Besides two richly-laden galleons and a dhow with dry goodsin the harbour, we found in the fort twenty thousand dollars, a vastquantity of quicksilver, three or four hundred slaves who had beenlately landed, and were to have been sent into the interior, and sixtythousand pounds' worth of silk, cables, anchors, and other navalstores,--the whole not being of less value than a million sterling.

  On my return on board I acquainted Captain Packenham with Tom Rockets'gallantry. He was much amused, and at once sent for the brave fellow tocome to him on the quarter-deck. Tom approached, hat in hand, lookingsomewhat sheepish, as if he was afraid of getting scolded for havingdone something wrong. When, however, the captain praised him for hisconduct, he gave a hitch to his trowsers and a twist to his hat,exclaiming--

  "It's all right then, sir? I thought as how perhaps I ought to haveknocked the Spanish gentleman over; but you see, sir, I didn't like totake the life of a ma
n who hadn't even a cutlash to fight with."

  Captain Packenham assured him that he had done perfectly right, and thathe would look after his interests. He spoke to the commodore about himthat very afternoon, and it was agreed to give him a boatswain'swarrant; but Tom at once declined the offer, saying that he had onlydone his duty, and did not want any reward.

  After Captain Packenham's return from the commodore's ship, he told methat he was going home at once with despatches, and that I was to beremoved from the Porcupine into the Charon in order that I might withsome of her crew take charge of the Saint Domingo, one of the galleonswe had just captured. I had placed under me a mate, three midshipmen,and thirty-six of the best seamen of the Charon, including my twofollowers, for whom I got leave to accompany me. I had now a newfollower, the dog I had captured in the burning town. I gave him thename of Omoa, to which he soon answered and became greatly attached tome. I at once set to work to get the prize ready for sea; but she hadmuch to be done to her, and it was not till the 8th of November that,having scaled guns and bent sails a few days before, I warped out of theharbour, and made sail in company with the other ships of the squadron,leaving the Porcupine and the captured dhow for the defence of the fort.

  I must remark that a short time afterwards, the place being attacked bya thousand regular troops, the men we had left there in garrison werecompelled to make their escape on board those two vessels. And nowcommenced one of the most unpleasant and anxious voyages I ever made inmy life. I did not think it was to be so at the time, though. On thecontrary, I was highly delighted at obtaining the command, when I got onboard, and discovered that the galleon was the richest-laden vessel wehad captured, and that several thousand pounds would come to my sharealone if I succeeded in carrying her safely into port. Not, I must say,that I thought about the money for itself. I never was mercenary. Ishould have been considered wiser had I been so, but my thoughtsinstantly flew to Madeline Carlyon. I pictured to myself peace restoredbetween the revolted provinces of America and England, and I, withwealth at my disposal, able to go over and claim with a good grace thehand of the only girl for whom I had ever felt that deep affection whichwould induce me to marry. She was always in my thoughts, and now that Ifelt that, with the required wealth within my grasp, there was apossibility of our being united, I began in my imagination to realisethe happiness I anticipated. Whatever dangers or difficulties I was in,I always thought of her. She, though far away, spurred me on toexertion. She--in the tempest, on the lee-shore in unknown seas, indarkness and surrounded with rocks and shoals--was ever present, and Ibelieve that, had it not been for her, I should more than once indespair have given up the struggle with the adverse circumstances whichwell-nigh overwhelmed me.

  It was soon seen that the bulky old galleon would not keep way with themen-of-war, so the Lowestoffe took us in tow, not much to thesatisfaction of those on board. Thick squally weather with rain cameon, and away we went plunging after her. For two days this continued,and during the time I could scarcely ever leave the deck. At last Iwent below on the night of the 10th, but hardly had I turned in and gotmy eyes well closed when I was aroused up again by a terrific uproar,and, rushing on deck and hurrying for'ard, I found that the Lowestoffewas taken aback and was making a stern-board right down upon us.Fortunately an axe was at hand. With a couple of strokes I cut thehawser, and, putting up the helm, we were just able to run to leewardout of her way. Soon after this the commodore made the signal to tack,and the wind then shifting and a heavy gale coming on, I lost sight ofthe squadron. Directly after this I made out the land on the lee bowbearing east-south-east, three or four miles off. Whether I couldweather it was the question; but I made all the sail I could venture tocarry. I stood as close-hauled as I could, watching with no littleanxiety the unwelcome coast. The vessel looked up to the gale ingallant style, and at length I was able to bring-to under my foresail.

  Thus I remained all night. At six in the morning made sail under thecourses to the north-east, and at eight wore and saw the land bearingsouth by south, distant five or six leagues. At noon was again obligedto bring-to under the foresail, it blowing hard with a thick fog andsqualls.

  On the 11th, the wind continuing to blow as hard as before, I saw theisland of Rattan. At 5 p.m. I fired six guns as signals for a pilot,but night coming on with the accustomed bad weather, I wore and stoodout to sea. The next morning I bore away for Truxillo, on the Spanishmain. At 10 a.m., being close in-shore, the wind shifted, and blew aheavy gale with very thick weather, which obliged me to stand to theeastward. At noon, though we lost sight of the land, I found that wewere in very shoal water, and as may be supposed I became very anxiouswhen I found that there was no one on board who had ever been therebefore, or was at all acquainted with the coast. All we knew was thatit was considered a very dangerous and difficult one. Since we leftOmoa, from not having even seen the sun, I had been unable to take anobservation, nor had I any chart of the Gulf of Honduras in the ship.My officers, as were all on board, were as well aware as I was myself ofthe danger the ship was in, and a bright look-out was kept for the land.At 2 p.m. we made out an island under our lee. I soon saw by the waythe ship was setting that we should be unable to weather it. My onlyresource therefore was to attempt to run between it and the main. Ikept the helm up, and stood for the channel. I was under theimpression, as were my officers, that it was the island of Bonacca,between which and the main a book of sailing directions we had on boardtold us there was a passage; but as we neared it the characteristicfeatures which we discovered convinced us that we were mistaken, andthat it was the Hogsties. Now we had been assured at Omoa that betweenit and the main there was no passage. We did not make this discovery,however, before we had stood on too far to return. Our eyes, however,could not deceive us; a passage there certainly was, but whether ashallow or intricate one we could not tell. I kept the lead going and abright look-out in all directions; still it was work to try any man'snerves. There was a nasty broken sea running, and I felt sure that ifthe ship struck on any of the numberless rocks under her bottom, notmany minutes would elapse before she must go down. I kept her on,notwithstanding this, under her foresail. We were gradually shoalingour water--sixteen fathom, twelve, ten, six, four had been announced. Idrew my breath faster and faster. It was not a moment I should haveliked anyone to put a trivial question to me; still I could make out achannel of clear water ahead, and I did not despair.

  "By the mark three," sang out the man in the fore-chains.

  Matters were coming to a crisis. If we shoaled the water much more wecould not hope to force the heavy galleon through. Not only should welose all her rich cargo, but our lives also would be sacrificed, for thefew boats we had were in so bad a condition that they would scarcely beable to carry even half the people we had on board. For my own part, Idid not feel that I had many more hours, or I might say minutes, tolive, for I always held to the opinion that a captain should always bethe last to leave his ship, and not then till he has seen to the safetyof all those entrusted to his care.

  On we glided--not very fast though. I stood conning the ship; sometimeswe passed so close to shoals and rocks that we could have thrown abiscuit on them, and still the lumbering old Saint Domingo floated free.

  At length we were once more in four fathoms of water, then in five; butstill I did not feel that we were clear of danger; there might be otherreefs running across from the island to the main which might bring usup. I however began to breathe more freely, and the faces of myofficers wore a more satisfied expression. Still we had many a turn andtwist to make, but with a leading wind we had little difficulty in doingthis. "Breakers ahead!" sang out Grampus from forward.

  "Starboard the helm," was my reply.

  "Starboard it is," cried the man at the wheel.

  "Breakers on the larboard bow!"

  "Port the helm."

  "Port it is," was heard along the deck, and so we glided by danger afterdanger till all were passed, an
d I breathed freely at finding the shipat length clear of the island. I then once more hauled in for the landto try and ascertain our situation; but the weather came on so thickagain with heavy squalls that I was compelled very soon to stand offonce more, still ignorant of where we were.

  My difficulties were not over. At 5 p.m. the mizen-yard was carriedaway in a heavy squall, though happily no lives were lost by theaccident. While we were endeavouring to repair the damage it fell astark calm, and the old galleon began to roll away awfully in the swell.I at once ordered the lead to be hove, for I knew that there weretreacherous currents hereabouts.

  I had soon proof of this. The first cast gave us thirteen fathoms; verysoon we had ten, eight, and so on, till we shoaled the water to fivefathoms. I guessed that we should very soon be on shore if thiscontinued, so I saw that I must resort to the only alternative ofanchoring, a dangerous proceeding in the uncertain weather we werehaving. Still I held on as long as I could, and hoped for a slant ofwind to enable me to beat off. My hopes were in vain. It was nearmidnight, when a heavier gust than we had yet had struck the ship, andsoon the man with the lead gave notice that we had shoaled our water tothree fathoms. Not a moment was to be lost, so I gave orders to clew upall our canvas and to let go the best bow anchor. This was done withoutdelay. Our cable held on, but I soon discovered that a strong currentwas setting past us to the east-south-east, at the rate of three knotsan hour, which, should our anchor not hold, would very soon send us onshore.

  I at last began to feel as if my anxiety would break me down, as all thedangers with which we were surrounded were brought to my thoughts. Wehad a dark night, a heavy gale of wind, a lee-shore, a strong current,untried and probably not over-good ground tackle, and a greatuncertainty as to our position. Added to this, I had under my command avessel worth four hundred thousand pounds, and between thirty and fortylives entrusted to my care. Our anchor held, but not without draggingslightly. Anxiously I walked the deck and waited for break of day. Ithought it would never come. It did at last, however, and revealed asight sufficient to make the stoutest heart quake. Scarcely more than acable's length from the ship appeared a ledge of rocks over which thewaves were washing with sullen roars, while the log hove overboardshowed me that there was a strong current setting towards a high rockybluff land dead to leeward of us. Towards it the ship was surely thoughslowly dragging her anchor. One thing only could save us. We mustwithout delay get sail on her. We tried to weigh the anchor, but soonabandoned the attempt as hopeless. I called the officers round me, in afew words explained our position, then sent every man to his station.Nol Grampus stood, axe in hand, ready to cut the cable as I gave theword. Two good hands were at the helm. The men were aloft, ready toloose sails. I waited till the ship's head tended off the land, then ata wave of my hand the sails were let fall and sheeted home, down cameold Nol's gleaming axe, the end of the cable disappeared through thehawse-hole, the sails filled, and away glided the big ship from thethreatening rocks. Still she was not free from danger. I held mybreath, as did every seaman on board, as we gazed at the bluff land itwas necessary to weather. The current set strongly towards it, a shiftof wind might yet cast away the ship. Down she seemed settling towardsit. We were doing our utmost to avoid the danger; we could not carrymore sail, the ship was kept as close as possible to the wind. Still wehad already escaped so many dangers before that I hoped we might this.Higher grew the land frowning above us, nearer appeared the breakers.In ten minutes I saw that our fate would be decided. The wind remainedsteady. None of our gear gave way. The surf broke under our lee as weglided by; we were safe; and once more reducing sail we stood out tosea. We, however, were still in far from a pleasant position, orrather, we could not tell in what position we were, and had every reasonto believe it a bad one. Various were the opinions broached on board asto our whereabouts. Some thought we were in the Bay of Dulce; othersthat the point we had just weathered was Point Manwick; while theSpanish prisoners affirmed that we were certainly down in the bottom ofthe Gulf of Honduras. I could scarcely believe that the currents andgales we had encountered, strong as they were, could in so short a timehave drifted us so far out of our course. As the day drew on theweather moderated, and the mists clearing away, we found ourselvessurrounded by a number of rocks and islands. The Spaniards nodded theirheads and affirmed that they were right in their assertions.Fortunately the sun came out to settle the question. I was able to taketwo altitudes, and found that we were abreast of the Island of Rattan.Not long after this I got a sight of Truxillo Bay, the place thecommodore had appointed for the rendezvous. I accordingly ran in andanchored there at six o'clock, hoping to find the rest of the squadronin the place, but, much to my disappointment and surprise, not anothership was to be seen. This being the case, I had to examine my officers,to ascertain what I was next to do. Much to my satisfaction I foundthat I was forthwith to proceed home to Falmouth, and, having reportedmy arrival to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, to await theirfurther orders. In consequence of this I immediately proceeded to woodand water the ship. This was a long and tedious operation, for havinglost all our boats one after the other in the gale, I was obliged toemploy a couple of very frail canoes. I persevered, however, and byworking hard managed to make progress in the task. While some of thecrew were on shore cutting wood and filling the casks, others wereemployed in towing them off in the canoes, which were likewise ladenwith wood. Though I worked myself, for the purpose of setting anexample, I found time to make an excursion or two a little way into theinterior. I was accompanied by Martin, one of my master's mates, and agreat friend of mine. We took our guns with us and my dog Omoa, who hadnow become much attached to me. The shores of this bay of Truxillo arewild and desolate in the extreme. Nature here revels in perfectfreedom, and gigantic trees of all sorts tower up on every side. It isa long way from any inhabited place; I had heard, however, that theSpaniards once had a settlement here of considerable size, but it havingbeen attacked by the buccaneers and Indians, about a hundred years ago,they were compelled entirely to abandon it; since which time nature hadresumed her original sway over the territory, and as we wandered throughthe forest not a sign of human life or human industry did we for a longtime perceive. At length, however, landing one day at a different partof the bay to that which we had before explored, about a quarter of amile from the beach, we came suddenly upon a high-built wall. A littlefarther on we found ourselves walking over what had evidently been apaved street of great length and breadth. In another minute we foundourselves with the walls of houses on either side of us, the vast treesgrowing out from among them and forming a sheltering roof with theirboughs, showing for how long a period they must have been deserted.There were churches too, which we discovered to be such by theirconstruction and the massiveness of their walls; many of them ofconsiderable size, and built of well-burnt bricks. Altogether we werestruck by the elegance and substantial appearance of the differentbuildings, so superior to those of modern architecture, and whichconvinced us that we were standing in the midst of a once magnificentand wealthy city. Its wealth had proved its destruction, and now, likemany of the cities of the ancient world, it had become the habitationalone of the wild beast of the forest, the birds of the air, and thereptiles which creep on the earth. I cannot properly describe mysensations as I stood in the midst of that abandoned city; the scene wasso unusual and curious, there was so much beauty and elegance even inthe masses of ruins, and still more in the trees and shrubs which hadtaken possession of these walls, once the abodes of men engaged in allthe active pursuits of life. I could not help picturing to myself whatit must have been like; what scenes were going on within it, such as areenacted in most cities in the present day, when sudden destructionovertook it. I learned a lesson, I drew a moral, and I received awarning from the fate it told, from which I trust my readers will profitlikewise.