Read Hurricane Island Page 19



  It was quite obvious that we could not offer any resistance to anotherattack if one should be made. All told, and excluding the women, therewere but seven of us, and three of these were disabled by their wounds.We did not, of course, know how the mutineers had fared, but it wascertain that their assault had cost them dear. The heavy seas hadwashed overboard dead and dying, and it was impossible for us to sayhow many enemies were left to us. It might be that with theirdiminished numbers they would not risk another attack, particularly asthey had found us develop so fierce a resistance. But, on the otherhand, the rank and file of the mutineers believed us to be inpossession of the treasure (as we actually were once more), and it waslikely that they would make yet another attempt to gain it. But they ontheir side could not tell how we had suffered, and they would be sureto use caution. For these reasons I did not think that we need fear animmediate assault, but we thought it advisable to concentrate ourforces against an emergency. We therefore abandoned the music-room andsecured ourselves as well as possible in the wreck of the state-rooms,using furniture and trunks and boxes as barricades.

  For my part, my heart echoed the Princess's wish. I was in favour ofabandoning the yacht and trusting to the chances of the island. As thesun rose higher we got glimpses of this through the windows, and theverdure looked inviting after so many weary weeks of desolate water.The tops of the hills seemed barren, but I had no doubt that there wasmore fertility in the valleys, which were not swept by the bluff windsof the wild sea. But the Prince was obstinate, and, relying upon hisluck, was dragging down with him the lives of the two women he loved,to say nothing of the rest of our company. We had therefore to make thebest of the situation, and to sit down and await issues with whatcomposure we might.

  The Prince himself had recovered wonderfully, though I did not like thelook of the dent on his head, which had been dealt apparently by theback of an axe. His power of recuperation astonished me, and I wasamazed on leaving the cabin in which Lane was housed, to find himentering the doorway that led from the lobby. I remonstrated with him,for it was evident that he had been wandering, and I wanted him torest, so as to have all his strength for use later should it benecessary. He smiled queerly.

  "Yet you would have me take a turn on the island, doctor," he said. "Isaw it in your eyes. I will not have you encourage the Princess so. Itis my wish to stay. I will see my luck to the end."

  This was the frame of his mind, and you will conceive how impossible tomove one so fanatically fixed on his course; indeed, the futility ofargument was evident from the first, and I made no attempt.Barraclough, too, retired defeated, though it was by no means his lastword on the point, as you shall hear.

  I was seated in the corridor some three hours later, near what shouldhave been four bells, when I heard my name called softly. I lookedabout me without seeing any one. The wounded men were resting, andLegrand was at the farther end of the corridor, acting as sentinel overour makeshift of a fortress. I sat wondering, and then my name wascalled again--called in a whisper that, nevertheless, penetrated to myears and seemed to carry on the quiet air. I rose and went towardsLegrand.

  "Did you call?" I asked.

  He shook his head. "No," said he.

  "I heard my name distinctly," I said.

  "Oh, don't get fancying things, Phillimore," he said with impatientearnestness. "My dear fellow, there's only you and Barraclough and menow."

  "Well, I'd better swallow some of my own medicine," I retorted grimly,and left him.

  I walked back again and turned. As I did so, the call came to me soclearly and so softly that I knew it was no fancy on my part, and now Iinvoluntarily lifted my eyes upwards to the skylights. One of these hadbeen shattered in the gale.


  I gazed in amazement, and suddenly Holgate's face passed momentarilyover the hole in the glass.

  "Doctor, can you spare me ten minutes?"

  What in the name of wonder was this? I paused, looked down the corridortowards Legrand, and reflected. Then I took it in at a guess, and Iresolved to see him.

  "Where?" I asked, in a voice so modulated that it did not reachLegrand.

  "Here--the promenade," came back the reply.

  I whistled softly, but made no answer. Then I walked away.

  "Legrand," said I, "I'm going for a turn. I've got an idea."

  "Don't let your idea get you," said he bluffly.

  I assured him that I was particular about my personal safety, and withhis assistance the door was opened behind the barricade. For the firsttime for two days I found myself on the deck and in the open air.Hastily glancing about me to make sure that no mutineers were in theneighbourhood, I walked to the foot of the ladder that gave access tothe promenade-deck above and quickly clambered to the top. At first Icould see no sign of Holgate, and then a head emerged from behind theraised skylights and he beckoned to me.

  "Sit here, doctor," said he. "You'll be safe here. No harm shall cometo you."

  He indicated a seat under cover of one of the extra boats which wasswung inside the promenade-deck for use in the event of emergencies,and he himself set me the example of sitting.

  "I suppose you've come armed," he said. I tapped my breast-pocketsignificantly.

  "So!" said he, smiling. "Well, you're plucky, but you're not a fool;and I won't forget that little affair downstairs. I'll admit you mighthave dusted me right up, if you'd chosen. But you didn't. You had aclear head and refrained."

  "On the contrary," said I, "I've been thinking ever since what a dolt Iwas not to shoot."

  "You don't shoot the man at the wheel, lad," said he with a grin.

  "Oh, you weren't that; you were only the enemy. Why, we struck half anhour later."

  "Yes," he assented. "But we're not down under yet. And you can takeyour solemn Alfred that that's where we should be now if you hadn't letme pass. No, doctor, you spared the rod and saved the ship."

  "Well, she's piled up, my good sir," I declared.

  "So she is," he admitted. "But she's saved all the same. And I'll letyou into a little secret, doctor. What d'ye suppose my men are busyabout, eh? Why, pumping--pumping for all they're worth. I keep 'em wellemployed, by thunder." He laughed. "If it's not fight, it's pump, andif it weren't pump, by the blazes it would be fight. So you owe me one,doctor, you and those fine friends of yours who wouldn't pick you outof a gutter."

  "Supposing we get to the point," I suggested curtly.

  "That's all right. There's a point about here, sure enough. Well, we'repiled up on blessed Hurricane Island, doctor, as you see. We struck herat a proper angle. See? Here lies the _Sea Queen_, with a bulge in herand her nose for the water. She'd like to crawl off, and could."

  He waved his hand as he spoke, and for the first time my gaze took inthe scene. We lay crooked up upon a ridge of rock and sand; beyond, tothe right, the cliffs rose in a cloud of gulls, and nearer andleftwards the long rollers broke upon a little beach which sloped up tothe verdure of a tiny valley. It was a solitary but a not unhandsomeprospect, and my eyes devoured it with inward satisfaction, even withlonging. Far away a little hill was crowned with trees, and the sun wasshining warmly on the gray sand and blue water.

  I turned, and Holgate's eye was on me.

  "She's piled up for certain, but I guess she could get up and waddle ifwe urged her," he said slowly.

  "Come, Holgate, I have no idea what this means," said I. "I only knowthat a few hours ago you would have annihilated us, and that we mustlook for the same attempt again. I confess there's nothing else plainto me."

  "I'll make it plain, lad," said he with his Lancashire accentuppermost. "I'm not denying what you say. I told you long ago that Iwas going through with this, and that holds. I'm not going to let gonow, no, by thunder, not when I'm within an ace of it. But there's beena bit of manoeuvring, doctor, and I think we can help each other."

  "You want a compromise," I said.

  "You can call it that if y
ou will," he said. "But the terms I offeredyesterday I repeat to-day."

  "Why do you take this method of offering them?" I inquired. "Why notapproach the Prince officially?"

  "Well, you see, doctor, I don't hanker after seeing the Prince, as youmight say; and then, between you and me, you're more reasonable, andknow when the butter's on the bread."

  "And there's another reason," said I.

  He slapped his thigh and laughed. "Ah! Ah! doctor, there's no gettingbehind you. You're a fair daisy," he said good-humouredly. "Yes,there's another reason, which is by way of manoeuvring, as I havesaid. My men are at the pumps or they would be at you. You see you'vegot the treasure."

  "Oh, only a few hours since," I said lightly. His fang showed.

  "That's so. But so far as my men know you've had it all along. Now Iwonder where you hid it? Perchance in a steward's pantry, doctor?"

  "Very likely," I assented.

  His sombre eyes, which never smiled, scrutinised me.

  "I'd put my shirt on it that 'twas you, doctor," he said presently."What a man you are! It couldn't be that worm, Pye, naturally; so itmust be you. I'm nuts on you."

  I rose. "I'm afraid, Holgate, you can't offer any terms which would beacceptable," I said drily.

  "Well, it's a fair exchange," he said. "I guess I can keep my men alooffor a bit, and we can get her off. There's not much the matter with theyacht. I'll land your party on the coast in return for the boodle."

  "The Prince would not do it," I answered. "Nor would I advise him to doso--for one reason, if for no other."

  I spoke deliberately and looked him in the face fully.

  "What may that be?" he asked, meeting my gaze.

  "You would not keep your word," I said.

  He shook his head. "You're wrong, doctor, you're wholly wrong. Youhaven't got my measure yet, hanged if you have. I thought you had aclearer eye. What interest have I in your destruction? None in theworld."

  "Credit me with some common sense, Holgate," I replied sharply. "Deadmen tell no tales."

  "Nor dead women," he said meaningly, and I shuddered. "But, good Lord!I kill no man save in fight. Surrender, and I'll keep the wolves offyou. They only want the money."

  "Which they would not get," I put in.

  He smiled, not resenting this insinuation. "That's between me and myMaker," he said with bold blasphemy. "Anyway, I'm not afraid of puttingyour party at liberty. I know a corner or two. I can look after myself.I've got my earths to run to."

  "It's no use," I said firmly.

  "Well, there's an alternative," he said, showing his teeth, "and that'swar; and when it comes to war, lives don't count, of either sex; no, byblazes, they don't, Dr. Phillimore!"

  He stood up and faced me, his mouth open, his teeth apart, and thatmalicious grin wrinkling all but his smouldering feral eyes. I turnedmy back on him without a word and descended to the deck. I had not anotion what was to be done, but I knew better than to trust to theravening mercies of that arch-mutineer.

  Holgate was aware that the treasure was gone, and he wished to jockeyus into a surrender. That was the gist of my interview, which Ihastened to communicate to my companions. Legrand and Barracloughlistened with varying faces. Expressions flitted over the former's asshadows over a sea, but the baronet was still as rock, yes, and ashard, it seemed to me.

  "You people have all got a bee in your bonnet in respect of acompromise," he said with a sneer. "You follow the Prince, and Godknows he's no judge. He's a fanatic. Hang it, Phillimore, haven't youtumbled to that yet?"

  He was a fanatic, it was true, but I did not like Barraclough's tone."Then you would trust the lives of this company, including the ladies,to Holgate?" I asked sharply.

  "With proper reservations and safeguards," he said.

  I threw out my hands. "You talk of safeguards, and you're dealing witha cut-throat. What safeguards could you have?"

  "Well, we might stipulate for a surrender of all the firearms," saidBarraclough, knitting his brow.

  "It wouldn't wash," said Legrand decidedly. "Do you think they'd giveup all they had? No, it would only be a pretence--a sham. I agree withthe doctor that Holgate's safety is only spelled out by our deaths.There you have it in a nutshell. The man can't afford to let us gofree."

  Barraclough assumed a mule-like look. "Very well," said he. "Then we'rewiped out as soon as he cares to move," and he turned away angrily.

  An hour later I was passing the ladies' cabins when a door flew open,and Mademoiselle jumped out on me in a state of agitation.

  "What is this, doctor?" she cried. "This 'Olgate offers to put us onshore safe, and you refuse--refuse to give him up the money. You mustnot. You must bargain with him. Our lives depend on it. And you willarrange that he leaves us sufficient to get to civilisation again."

  "Mademoiselle," said I quietly, "I am not in authority here. It is thePrince."

  "The Prince, he is ill," she went on in her voluble French. "He is notmaster of himself, as you well know. He is not to be trusted to make adecision. Sir John shall do it. He is captain."

  "It should be done with all my heart and now, Mademoiselle," I said,"if we could put any reliance on the man's word. But how can we afterhis acts, after this bloody mutiny?"

  She clasped her hands together in terror. "Then we shall be doomed todeath, Monsieur. Ah, try, consent! Let us see what he will offer. SirJohn shall do it for me whose life is at stake."

  I was sorry for her fears, and her agitation embarrassed me. Heavenknew I understood the situation even more clearly than she, and to meit was formidable, pregnant with peril. But what could I do? I did whatI could to reassure her, which was little enough, and I left herweeping. The singing-bird had become suddenly conscious of her danger,and was beating wildly against the bars of her cage. Poor singing-bird!

  Princess Alix had taken upon herself the office of nurse to herbrother, and although he refused to acknowledge the necessity of anurse, he seemed glad to have her in his room. When I entered early inthe afternoon after tending my other patients, they were talking lowtogether in German, a tongue with which, as I think I have said, I wasnot very familiar. But I caught some words, and I guessed that it wasof home they spoke, and the linden-trees in the avenue before thecastle of Hochburg. The Princess's face wore a sad smile, which stroveto be tender and playful at once, but failed pitifully. And she droppedthe pretence when she faced me.

  "Dr. Phillimore, my brother is not so well. He--he has been wandering,"she said anxiously under her breath.

  I had been afraid of the dent in the head. I approached him and felthis pulse.

  "It will not be long, doctor, before we have these scoundrels hanged,"he said confidently, nodding to me in his grave way. "We have nearlyfinished our work."

  "Yes," said I, "very nearly."

  I did not like his looks. He raised himself in his chair. "'_Den Liebenlangen Tag_,' Alix. Why don't you sing that now? You used to sing itwhen you were but a child," he said, relapsing into German. "Sing,Alix." He stared about as if suddenly remembering something. "If Yvonnewere here, she would sing. Her voice is beautiful--ach, so beautiful!"

  There was a moment's silence, and the Princess looked at me,inquiringly, as it appeared to me. I nodded to her, and she parted herlips. Sweet and soft and plaintive were the strains of that old-worldsong. Ah, how strangely did that slender voice of beauty touch theheart, while Mademoiselle had sung in vain with all her art andaccomplishment:

  Den Lieben langen Tag Hab ich nur Schmerz und Plag Und darf am Abend doch nit weine. Wen ich am Fendersteh, Und in die Nacht nei seh, So ganz alleine, so muss ich weine.

  Her voice had scarce died away gently when a sound from without drew myears, and I turned towards the door. The Prince had closed his eyes andlay back in his chair as if he slept, and his face was that of a happychild. Motioning to the Princess to let him stay so, undisturbed, Imoved to the door and opened it noiselessly. I heard Legrand's voiceraised high as if in angry altercation, and I steppe
d into the corridorand closed the door behind me. I hurried down to the barricade andfound Barraclough and Legrand struggling furiously.

  "Shame!" I called, "shame! What is it?" and I pulled Legrand back. "Hehas only one arm, man," I said reproachfully.

  "I don't care if he has none. He's betrayed us," cried Legrand,savagely angry.

  I stared. "What does it mean?"

  "Why, that his friends are outside, and that he wants to admit them,"said Legrand with an oath.

  Barraclough met my gaze unblinkingly. "It's more or less true," he saidbluntly, "and I'm going to let them in. I'm sick of this business, andI've taken the matter in hand myself. I'm captain here."

  He spoke with morose authority and eyed me coolly. I shrugged myshoulders. We could not afford to quarrel, but the man's obduracyangered me. Alas! I did not guess how soon he was to pay the penalty!

  "Then you have come to terms, as you call it, on your own account, withHolgate?" I asked.

  "Yes," he said defiantly.

  "And what terms, may I ask?"

  He hesitated. "They can have the treasure in return for our safety. Youknow my views."

  "And you know mine," said I. "Then, I may take it you have revealed thesecret of the treasure?"

  "What the devil's it got to do with you?" he replied sullenly. "Standout of the way there! I'm going to open the door!"

  "And why, pray, if they already have the treasure?"

  "You fool! it's only Holgate, and he's here to get us to sign adocument."

  "Meaning," said I, "that we are not to split on him, and to keep silentas to all these bloody transactions."

  "It's our only chance," he said savagely. "Out of the way!"

  I hesitated. If Holgate were alone, there was not much to be feared,and, the treasure being now in his hands, what could move him to visitus? Surely, he could have no sinister motive just then? Could he, afterall, be willing to trust to his luck and release us, his predestinedvictims, as the unhappy Prince had trusted to his? The omen was ill.The barricades had been removed evidently before Legrand had arrived onthe scene to interfere, and even as I hesitated Barraclough turned thekey, and the door fell open. Holgate waddled heavily into the corridorand took us all three in with his rolling eyes. His face seemed to bebroader, more substantial, and darker than ever, and his mouth and chinmarked the resolute animal even more determinedly. The open door wasbehind him.

  "As Sir John will have told you," he began slowly, moving his gaze fromone to another, "I have come on a little business with him which we'vegot to settle before we part."

  Legrand stood in angry bewilderment, and, as for me, I knew not how totake this. Had he come in good faith?

  "I would be damned if I would have struck a bargain with you, Holgate,or dreamed of trusting you," said Legrand, fuming. "But as it's done,and you have the spoils, what's your game now?"

  Holgate sent a quick look at him, and passed his hand over hisforehead. Then he eyed me.

  "What do you suppose I'm here for?" he asked, his eyes looking out astigers waiting in their lair. "All unarmed, and trusting, as I am, itis only reasonable to suppose that I come to fulfill my promise to SirJohn here. He knows what that was, and he's done enough to have got hismoney's worth."

  "We will sign if you produce the document," said Barraclough curtly."You'll sign, Phillimore, and you?" he said, looking at Legrand.

  It had the air of a command, but what else could we do? We were atHolgate's mercy, and the act of signature could do us no harm. On theother hand, it might save us.

  "Yes," I said reluctantly, "I'll sign, as it's come to that."

  "I'll follow," growled Legrand. "But if I'd known----"

  "Hang it! let's get it over!" said Barraclough. "You shall have ourword of honour as gentlemen."

  "It's a pretty big thing you're asking," said Legrand moodily. "I don'tknow. Let's think it out."

  "And the Prince?" said Holgate; "he must sign. You can manage him?"

  Barraclough frowned. After all, it seemed more complex now with thecold light of reason on the compact.

  "Look here, man," said he, and I never was nearer liking him, "ifyou'll put us ashore within forty-eight hours after floating--and youcan--on the Chili coast, you'll have a fortnight's start, and canchance the rest. Hang it! Holgate, take your risks."

  Holgate showed his teeth in a grin. "I have lived forty years," said heslowly, "and, by thunder, I've never taken an unnecessary risk in mylife--no! by God I haven't!" and he whistled shrilly through his teeth.

  Instantaneously (for they must have been in waiting) half a dozen ofthe mutineers dashed through the doorway, and, before any of us couldfinger a weapon, we were in their grip. It was the simplest booby-trapthat ever was laid, and yet it was prepared with consummate skill. Hehad come alone and unarmed; he had held us in converse; and when we hadlost our sense of suspicion and precaution he had brought his men uponus. Down went the lid of the trap! I could have kicked myself.

  Legrand struggled, as did Barraclough; but what did resistance avail?The infamous Pierce, who had me on one side, twisted my arm in warninglest I should kick futilely against the pricks.

  "Steady!" said I. "It is not a question of war just now, but ofparley," and I raised my voice so as to be heard above the noise. "Whatdoes this mean, Holgate? More treachery of a special black die?"

  He seated himself on the barricade. "You may call it revenge," said he,considering me. "I exonerate Sir John, and I think Legrand there, butcuss me if I'm sure about you."

  "You're a black traitor!" cried Barraclough, impotently fierce.

  "Whoa there, Sir John, whoa there!" said the mutineer equably. "I'vealready said I exonerate you; but, hang it, man, you're a flat. They'vediddled you. I'm no traitor. I'd have struck to my bargain and trustedyou, but by the Lord, what am I to do when I find I'm dealing with apack of hucksters?"

  "What's your game?" repeated Legrand, blowing hard. Holgate indicatedBarraclough. "If he had carried out his part I was prepared to carryout mine; as he hasn't----" He left his end in space.

  "You haven't the treasure?" I cried in surprise; but Holgate's gaze hadgone beyond us and was directed at something down the corridor. I movedmy head with difficulty, and, as I did so, I saw Holgate take arevolver from one of his men. He sat fingering it; and that was all Iobserved, for my eyes, slewing round, had caught sight of the Princeand Princess. The Prince moved heavily towards us, with an uncertaingait, and Alix's face was full of terror and wonder. In that instant Iremembered something, and I saw in my mind's eye the figure of thePrince labouring through the doorway that gave access to the stairs tothe lower deck. It was he who had removed the treasure, and Holgate hadbeen cheated a second time.

  Even as this revelation came to me, I wondered at the self-restraint ofthe man. He was as cool as if he sat at dinner among friends, merelyresting a finger on the trigger of his weapon, the muzzle of which heheld to the ground.

  "What is this, sir?" demanded the Prince, coming to a pause and staringat the scene. Holgate answered nothing. I doubt if the Prince had seenhim from where he stood, for he addressed Barraclough, and now herepeated his question with dignity. At that moment a door openedsomewhere with a click, and Mademoiselle entered the corridor.Barraclough made no sign, but with his teeth on his under lip staredbefore him helplessly.

  "But you have the treasure," suddenly cried a tremulous voice in brokenEnglish, and Mademoiselle was in our midst. "Go back, Messieurs: youhave broke your word. You have the treasure."

  The Prince stared at her. "What treasure?" he asked with a puzzledexpression.

  "Sir John has made peace with them," she cried excitedly. "He hasdelivered up the treasure, and they will let us go free. It is allsettled. Let him go, 'Olgate. You shall let him go."

  "Why," said the Prince with a singular expression on his face, "itmeans I am surrounded with traitors. There is treachery everywhere.Yvonne, you have betrayed me."

  "Ah, _non_, _non_!" she cried plaintively, clasping her hands togethe
r."We shall be saved. Sir John sees to that."

  "So you made terms," said the Prince to Barraclough in his deep voiceof fury.

  "I acted for the best," said Barraclough; and now that he met the stormhe faced it with dignity. Perhaps I alone knew the measure of histemptation. He had fallen a victim to the arts of a beautiful woman.There was nought else could have melted that obdurate British heart orturned that obstinate British mind. This obtuseness had been his ruin,and he must have recognised it then; for he had admitted the enemy andour stronghold was in their hands. But the last blow had yet to fall.

  "Fool!" said the Prince with a bitter laugh. "The treasure is notthere. You have played without cards."

  "I will be damned if I didn't think it was his royal highness," saidHolgate in his even voice, and as he spoke he rose into sight.

  It was grotesque as it sounded, certainly not a bit like the prelude ofhigh tragedy; yet that was on the way, and fell at once. Holgate'svoice arrested the Prince, and he started, as if now for the first timeaware of the presence of the mutineers. Till that moment he had merelybeen bent on rating a servant. With the swiftness of lightning he drewand levelled a revolver; I saw Holgate's fat bull neck and body lean toone side and drop awkwardly, and then an exclamation sprang up on myleft, where Gray and another were holding Barraclough captive. Thebullet had gone over Holgate's head as he dodged it and had found itshome in Sir John's heart. His body dropped between the captors. ThePrincess gave a cry of horror. Holgate cast a glance behind him.

  "You're too mighty dangerous," he said easily, and put up his ownweapon. But before it could reach the level, the Prince with a slightstart clapped the revolver to his own head and pulled the trigger."Alix!" he cried weakly, and then something low in German, and as hefell the life must have left him.

  His sister bent over him, her face white like the cerements of thedead, and Mademoiselle ran forward.

  "Frederic!" she cried. "_Mon Frederic!_" and broke into violent sobs.

  "Good God!" said Legrand, trembling.