Read Hybrid (The Evolution Trilogy) Page 11

  Dressing gown on, he made his way to the kitchen. The wheels were clearly in motion for the Christmas dinner preparations. The evidence was all around. Flour scattered across the table, an opened mincemeat jar and stacks of vegetables waiting at the side to be peeled. At the sink his stepmother, Clara, was washing her hands. As he came in, she turned and rushed up, giving him a huge kiss on the cheek and a hug which left the back of his dressing gown wet, from her yet to be dried hands.

  With her dark brown hair, chocolate-coloured eyes, rosy cheeks and Christmas themed apron over her rounded form, she resembled a cute and cuddly Christmas bear. ‘Merry Christmas, Steven.’

  ‘Merry Christmas, Mum. Is Dad busy doing your bidding already?’

  ‘Yep, he’s getting the vegetables ready. Are you planning to help?’ she asked, her face lit up, hopeful.

  ‘I think I’ll go shower first.’

  ‘Sounds good, but don’t take too long.’ She narrowed her eyes. ‘You know your dad loathes peeling as much as you do.’

  Back in his room he texted Caitlin to wish her a merry Christmas. They had become near enough inseparable over the past few weeks. He hated being away from her now. Even though Caitlin had fussed over him, he was embarrassed to remember how weird he’d got over the blood incident. He still had no idea why he had become so strange. Maybe, the whole Ingrid business had affected him more than he thought.


  Caitlin heard her younger sister, Jeanie, before she felt the body crashing on top of her.

  Jeanie squealed, ‘It’s Christmas Day, Father Christmas has been, wake up, wake up.’

  Caitlin thrust the pillows firmly over her head; her worst nightmare had come true. If anyone else had woken her up she could have handled it. For some inexplicable reason, she loathed her little sister more than anything. It had probably been made worse by her incessant whining, huffs, and mood swings over the past few days. They left much to be desired. What really got on her nerves was the fact that Jeanie usually got her own way. Obviously, her parents had forgotten how to discipline by child number three.

  With that thought in mind, the sound of her mum’s voice hollered down the corridor, ‘Jeanie, get out of Caitlin’s room.’

  Jeanie sighed, shrugged her shoulders and took her leave. At the door, she blew a raspberry in Caitlin’s direction. She had screamed at her the night before. Apparently, Caitlin was no fun anymore and since she had left for university, she had become boring and adult like. Caitlin was a little sympathetic. Jeanie was the innocent eleven-year-old who still believed in Father Christmas.

  Caitlin twisted her head to face her clock and was shocked to see it was already nine in the morning. She groaned as she realised it was time to get up. In a way, she envied Jeanie for still getting excited. The whole Christmas experience had already become too manufactured and monotonous for her taste. She hated acting happy families with the relatives when she could not stand most of them. Luckily, this year it was their turn to go to her aunt’s house. At least she would not have to endure her mother’s frantic preparations and sense of humour failure.

  A bleeping noise alerted her to a text. She launched herself at the phone and hoped it was Steven. As she saw his number, she gave a whoop of joy.

  Maybe she would act nice today after all.

  There were only two weeks before they would see each other again, she was counting. As the thought crossed her mind, she realised their reunion would coincide with her first set of university exams. All she wanted to say was ‘bah humbug’ – she had always loved Mr. Scrooge.


  Steven was busy sorting out parsnips. This year it was his family’s turn to host Christmas dinner, so his Spanish grandparents on his mother’s side were coming. His other grandparents had opted to go on holiday in the Caribbean, not tempted to experience the English climate. His Spanish uncle, on his mother’s side, and his family were also coming along. Luckily, they were renting a cottage nearby, otherwise the house would be bursting at the seams.

  Busy peeling, he sat with his dad, Paul. They did not need to talk; it was the usual ritual as they listened to the news on the radio. At the end, the Christmas songs returned with a vengeance. When the Band Aid song started to play again and his dad started to sing out of tune, he started to lose the will to live.

  ‘Shall I take these into the kitchen?’ He needed an escape plan – fast.

  His dad lifted his head and nodded sagely. With his greying hair and developing bald patch, he looked a lot older than he really was.

  Steven balanced the pot full of potatoes and the one with carrots in his arms and made his way into the kitchen. He was desperate for some fresh air. Ultimately, all he wanted was an excuse to check his phone for a text from Caitlin. He left the vegetables next to the hob and snuck back to his bedroom, ecstatic to see the flashing light on his phone.

  The message read, ‘I’m in hell at the moment! I just got woken up by my bratty sister jumping on my bed – joy! But anyway, Merry Christmas or Feliz Navidad! Hope your day is going better than mine. I can’t wait to see you, missing you loads, Caitlin.’

  He laughed aloud as he read the message, and then impulsively dialled her mobile number. When she picked up, he pinched his nose to speak, ‘This is the Samaritans. We have been led to believe that you are in need of some emotional support at the moment.’

  ‘Steven, ha, you are hilarious,’ she squealed, in her high-pitched shriek.

  ‘Aw, was it that obvious?’ he protested.

  ‘Only by the fact that I can see your number on my mobile.’

  ‘Oh yeah, annoying phones. It must have been so much easier to take someone by surprise when you could not see who was calling beforehand.’

  ‘I guess,’ she replied.

  ‘So, is it really that terrible?’ he asked.

  ‘It’s worse. My family is unbearable.’

  ‘Hey, I’ll have to concentrate all day. There’s going to be a lot of Spanish flying around.’

  ‘Can I come?’

  ‘Just hop on over.’

  ‘If only,’ she gave an audible sigh.

  ‘My mum wants to meet you.’ He wondered how that would go down.

  ‘What have you told her?’ Caitlin laughed.

  ‘Nothing much, but she’s shocked that anyone manages to get me to talk for longer than a few seconds. She thinks you’ve bewitched me.’

  ‘Hey, I have not.’

  ‘Haven’t you?’

  ‘You tell me?’

  ‘I’m pretty hooked, that’s all I’ll admit to.’


  There was a brief pause as he wondered whether he should reveal his inner thoughts. ‘I miss you,’ he admitted, before tagging on quickly, ‘and I hope you have a good day. Just remember those of us that’ll be totally confused.’

  ‘I’ll try, call me soon okay. I miss you too. I much prefer to hear your voice, than to see your words on a computer or mobile.’

  ‘Ditto, I’ll try to call you later. To check if you survived.’

  ‘Okay, bye then,’ she paused. ‘Steven, are you still there? Come on, you hang up first.’

  ‘Nope, you do it.’

  ‘This is your phone line.’

  ‘My parents are paying, it doesn’t bother me.’

  ‘Not fair. Are you really not hanging up?’


  ‘Okay then… I love you.’ With that she hung up.

  He stared at the phone in bewilderment. That was the first time she had said those three significant words aloud. She had slotted it in when he was totally unsuspecting. With a big fat grin on his face, he lay back on his bed.


  When Caitlin got to the bottom of the stairs, she heard laughter coming from the dining room. As she walked in she saw Mark standing next to another boy, who she vaguely remembered.

  ‘Is this your sister, Caitlin?’ the boy asked her mum, with a cheeky wink. His tan leather jacket made him look way too suave. In response,
her mum placed her arm on his forearm and giggled – it was pathetic. After all, he was just Mark’s age. How could she react to his compliments?

  ‘No, I’m his sister,’ Caitlin snapped.

  ‘Are you coming to play with me now, Daniel?’ Jeanie asked, as she bounded into the room.

  ‘Sure, I’ll play,’ he replied, as he followed her out.

  ‘Who’s that?’ Caitlin asked, trying to act disinterested.

  ‘Don’t you remember him?’ Mark frowned, astonished. ‘I’ve only been his best friend for like, years.’

  ‘Is that the Daniel, as in your best friend for like forever?’ She could feel the blood drain from her face as the penny dropped.

  ‘He’s changed a bit, hasn’t he,’ her mum added. She raised her eyebrows as she wandered out. At the door, she turned around and winked, ‘Not just a kid anymore.’

  Caitlin felt sheepish as she grabbed the newspaper, hid behind it and pretended to read. It was lucky she didn’t have to worry about what anyone else thought. She had Steven now.

  Chapter 16

  Taking The Next Step

  After the New Year was upon them again, it was time to make new resolutions and return to the normality of lectures and student living. Caitlin was just a tad guilty about being excited to go back, especially as Jeanie had burst into tears as she was about to walk out of the door. In that moment she actually felt sorry for her, but not enough to want to stay. Her little sister had done her utmost to irritate her throughout the holiday, to the point where Caitlin had wished her parents had thought to use contraception. She did not really mean it, but it made her aware of the consequences of spontaneous actions. A mistake like that was not worth it, even if she spent a stupid amount of time dreaming of a dimpled, cute baby with Steven’s features!

  After a final kiss to her mum, she was seated on the train and independent again, with nothing for company but music, a book and her mobile phone. As the train pulled out, she took out her phone and texted Steven to let him know she was on her way. Almost immediately, she got the reply to say that he was already seated and on his journey. She could not help but withhold a laugh at the thought of where he was. Whilst she was sat comfortably on a fast train service, he was going on a scenic tour of the countryside – courtesy of the National Express bus service. His parents had booked him the seat, convinced it was the cheapest and easiest way for him to get back to Southampton. Since they funded his university life he’d had no choice but to accept it.

  She smiled as she recalled their conversation.

  Steven actually admitted that he understood his parent’s reasoning. Even though his parents could afford to pay for his train fare, they insisted he travel via the cheaper coach option. His parents arguably had a point – it did have less transfers. In the scheme of things, Steven was lucky. His parents paid for everything. He would be debt free at the end of his studies, whereas Caitlin was convinced she’d have to work for years before she would cover the cost.

  The fact he understood and justified his parents actions made Caitlin respect Steven even more. It was these qualities, along with many others, that she loved. She was not blasé enough to ignore the fact that Steven was gorgeous by anyone’s standard. Yet, the fact remained. There was more to him than looks. She eagerly anticipated peeling back the layers that kept Steven Thorn together, one at a time. The best bit was she was not in a hurry; she had all the time in the world.


  It was freezing outside. To top it all, the rain was torrential. A gusty wind made anything lightweight fly overhead. The street resembled a dump site. It was this scene that greeted Steven as he clambered down the bus steps to retrieve his luggage. After a minute of being subjected to the diabolical onslaught, he was wet through. Luckily, his cap and waterproof jacket took the worst of it. His jeans were not so lucky. They felt sticky and uncomfortable, firmly pasted to his legs. As he trailed up to the bus stop, dragging his feet, he was tempted to spend some of his money on a taxi.

  He hesitated, stared at the taxi stand, but then made his way to the bus stop.

  Arms folded, a sulky expression on his face, he waited under the bus shelter for the right number. It was not the best way to start a new academic term. All he wanted to do was crawl into bed with a hot drink. One thought kept him motivated to return. Caitlin. After being separated for three weeks over the Christmas break, he could not wait to be with her. The fact they talked every day was neither here nor there.


  After another arduous bus journey, and fifteen minute walk, the hall building came into view as he rounded the corner. The grounds on campus were pretty deserted. It was obvious most students had decided against hanging around. As he walked, he texted Caitlin to let her know he was nearly there. Once in the comfort of his room, he dumped his things on the floor and started to take off his sodden jacket. He was just debating whether to go and have a shower before he saw Caitlin when he heard his phone bleep.

  It was Caitlin. The text read, ‘If u r here… my room – Now! ’

  At her door, he gave seven rhythmical knocks. The door opened immediately and Caitlin lunged at him.

  After a frantic kiss, Caitlin slammed the door shut.

  ‘You’re very wet.’ She gave a seductive smile and teased, ‘Maybe I can help you to get rid of your clothes, so that you can get more comfortable?’

  ‘You think?’ Her forwardness caught him by surprise. ‘You could, but…’

  Without giving him a chance to finish, she kissed him hungrily and he responded with vigour. They laughed together as Caitlin helped Steven to peel off his jeans.


  The tiny single bed was a squeeze for two. Somehow, they made it work. Caitlin nuzzled into Steven’s chest. It was not as embarrassing as she expected it to be when you took into account the fact they were naked together – for the first time.

  ‘Did you miss me?’ She knew the question was childish yet she could not help it. Her finger circled his chest hairs.

  ‘Do birds have wings?’

  ‘I missed you too,’ she admitted. She nestled against him. As the realisation of what they had done hit her, she sat up and kept the covers firmly over her chest. ‘I can’t believe we just did that. I’ve been thinking about it during Christmas. I never imagined it would be anything like that.’

  ‘Sorry to disappoint you,’ he sighed, then pulled the covers over his face.

  ‘Awww, you know what I meant,’ she said, and pulled them back off.

  ‘I know,’ he paused. The feel of his hand on her hair made her lean to the side towards it. His hand trailed down her face before it dropped onto her hand, his eyes searching. ‘Are you glad? It felt right to me.’

  ‘Of course, it was a bit funny that you were so well prepared,’ she teased, with a light nudge of her elbow.

  ‘Well,’ he started, as he bit his lip.

  She decided to let him off the hook. ‘It’s okay. I have some too. You never know when you might need them, right?’

  ‘Yes,’ he recovered. ‘Well you’re very sensible. But, who were you planning to use them with?’ He lay back on the pillow and folded his arms under his head as he winked.

  ‘Well, err… you know.’ She wiggled and huffed.

  ‘I’m only teasing.’ He sat up again, grabbed her firmly within his arms and pulled her down.

  Face-to-face, Caitlin could not stop herself from bursting into a fit of giggles. Once recovered, she became serious, ‘You know, as much as I would love to stay here with you, we should actually think of making a move.’

  ‘Do we have to?’ He kissed her lips, his tongue searching for hers again.

  Caitlin pulled back, ‘Yes, you’ve had your wicked way. We can’t stay in bed all afternoon. We have to eat.’

  ‘If we must. You didn’t seem to complain a few minutes ago.’

  ‘That’s because my body was lusting after yours,’ she admitted, ‘but, we women are practical. Our bodies have other needs too.’

>   ‘What are you saying about men then?’ He pulled a face that feigned offence.

  ‘Well, if you must know,’ she said, with a coy smile, ‘after thinking about sex pretty much all the time, it’s limited really.’

  Steven picked up the pillow, and pinned her down on the bed with it. ‘Well if you weren’t so gorgeous, maybe, I would stop to think about other stuff like our upcoming exams.’

  She was helpless to his charms as she succumbed to his kiss. Before things got out of hand, she broke off and added, ‘Okay, we really have to go to get some food – I’m starving.’

  ‘Can I not sway you at all, Caitlin?’

  The way he said her name made her stomach swirl. When he leant in and kissed her again she could not refuse.

  Ten minutes later they lay on their backs, side by side.

  ‘Wow,’ Steven said.

  ‘I know,’ Caitlin said, dazed. She was sore in places she never thought possible. ‘Now, I’m going to get up and shower. I need food!’

  ‘Okay, okay.’ He moved on to his front, shook his head and rubbed his face. ‘At least you also have an en suite. Ladies first?’

  ‘Ugh! Irritating man.’ She grabbed the covers and wrapped herself as she made her way to the bathroom.

  ‘That’s cruel. I’ll get cold now.’

  ‘Not if you join me in the shower.’

  He raised his eyebrows and whistled, ‘Have you become all saucy on me all of a sudden?’

  She was amazed at her candour. ‘Nope, just being practical.’

  ‘A shower with you is an offer I will not refuse.’ In a swift action he got off the bed and walked over to her, seemingly unabashed by his nakedness.

  She kept her eyes on his face as she turned and made her way into the bathroom, now regretting the decision to share. It seemed stupid to carry the covers with her but she could not let them go.

  As though sensing her discomfort, Steven popped his head in the door, ‘Do you want some alone time?’