Read I'll Be Okay Page 3

  "Don't tell me," said Astrid. "Does that guy wrestle all day long?"

  "Sometimes. He can wrestle 24/7 and never lose."

  "Whoa. Let's go watch him one last time!"

  "Okay," said Kim, as they made their way through the crowd.

  Jake was almost about to defeat another guy. This man looked quite strong, and had pretty cool muscles. But no, he was nothing in front of Jake. The man threw his head back in pain as Jake crushed his arm. One more victory to Jake's never ending list. Jake looked around at the mob expectantly. No one came forward to wrestle with him. Frustrated, Jake stood up, and boomed, "That's it? There's no one else who dares to fight with me? For Christ's sake! Get some guts, you chickens! Who's brave enough to fight with me? Come on, who will wrestle with me?"

  There was pin drop silence, until a voice rang out.

  "I will!"

  Heads turned, as the people tried to see who was brave enough to challenge Jake. But what they saw was not a figure of strength or courage. Hell, who they saw was not even a man! It was just a girl!

  "Kimmy, have you gone nuts? Just get away from here," said Astrid, shocked and scared. "That guy will break your hand."

  "Like I give a damn," Kimaya murmured, as she walked ahead. "He has no right to insult us."

  "Kimaya STOP! Are you out of your senses?! What the hell do you think you are doing?!"

  Kimaya didn't respond. She reached Jake.

  "Hey, baby girl," smirked Jake. "You want to fight with me, huh? You want me to smash your little hand into pieces?"

  "Shut up," said Kimaya, "I know what I'm doing."

  "Alright then. Let's begin. Take a seat, Miss."

  The match went on for a total of five minutes. Everyone watched - their eyes fixated on the wrestling. But as luck would have it, no one noticed the stout man in the spectators, sending silent signals to Jake, as he let the girl win.


  The girls were silent on their way home.

  "How did you do that?!" Astrid finally asked, unable to contain herself anymore.

  "I don't know. Maybe it was just really by chance. Besides, I've learnt karate when I was a kid."

  "Or perhaps he started liking you and decided to let you win. And when did you learn karate?"

  "I doubt he'd do that. That would hurt his ego. I mean come on, why would he like me? And karate, well, around four-five years back maybe?"

  "Oh, I see. You're young, beautiful, challenging. He has every reason to like you!"

  "Well, that's his problem then. I'm just glad he didn't break my hand."

  "I don't believe this."

  "Honestly, neither do I. But can we please leave this topic alone? I'm tired of people asking me about it."

  Quite obviously, a lot of people had stopped Kimaya on her way out of the club, and asked her about her victory over Jake. Kimaya didn't care. For all she knew, it was just a matter of the minute. It was only by chance that she had won. Or maybe, you know, the physics stuff. The lesser the surface area, the more the pressure. Maybe she had hit Jake's pressure points, causing him to collapse. Well, she didn't really know, and she didn't really care.

  "Oh, by the way, where's Abby?" asked Kimaya. She did want to meet Abigail. Astrid's sister was amazing, sweet, kind, loving; she was just so awesome.

  "She didn't come yet. She's got her college to finish."

  "Right! I totally forgot. Which stream did she choose?"

  "Art. Guess she was too inspired by your mom," said Astrid.

  "Thank God she did! I thought she'd give in to the pressure and become a doctor. She's a beautiful artist. She made the right decision."

  "I agree. She plans to manage your mom's galleries in London."

  "Seriously? Mom was planning to close them down because there's no one to look after them. I guess it's better they're left open! Abigail will graduate in another year, right?"

  "Yeah. Please don't shut them. One more year, and then Abby can take over!"

  "Yeah, I'll talk to mom about it. I'm sure she'll agree."

  Astrid smiled.

  "So Abby intends on staying in London?" asked Kimaya.

  "Yeah, maybe. She's not totally sure, but I guess she'd prefer London."

  "I see."

  "By the way, where are you living in Bangalore?" inquired Kimaya. She hoped that Astrid's parents hadn't chosen a house across the city, because it would be very difficult to meet frequently then. Bangalore had a lot of traffic, and moving across the city would mean at least two-three hours.

  "A place not too far from your house. I'll take you there tomorrow. Tonight, I'm staying at your house," said Astrid.

  Kimaya laughed. "So how's Uncle Flynn? And Aunt Olivia?

  "Mom and dad are good! They miss you. Well, they'll have to wait till tomorrow!"

  "Can't wait to see them!"

  "We've reached home," said the driver.

  The two girls got out, a little tired after the fabulous-yet-weird day.


  Kimaya's mom was home when they entered the house. She greeted them warmly, and asked if they would like to eat something.

  "Yeah, we're starving!" said Kimaya. They'd eaten a bit in the dance hall-restaurant, but nothing other than that.

  "Sure baby. What do you two want?"

  "Popcorn!" said Astrid.

  "You're still not over your popcorn craving, huh?" asked Mrs. Verma.

  "Well... No!" Astrid laughed.

  "Okay, give me a few minutes, I'll get it ready. You girls go and freshen up till then." said Mrs. Verma, chuckling.


  "Oh my God, look at that one!" cried Kimaya. It was a photo of her when she was a baby, crawling on her knees.

  "You look too cute in that one, Kimmy," Astrid laughed.

  Kimaya smiled. She did look cute.

  "And that's you! Gosh, you're so adorable, I feel like pulling your cheeks."

  Astrid groaned. "You leave my cheeks alone."

  Kimaya laughed. Astrid hated it when anyone touched her cheeks. But oh boy, she looked so cute in that photograph. She was just three or four weeks old in the picture, bundled up in her mother's arms, with a little smile on her face.

  The girls ate up all the popcorn. They took a break for dinner, but soon continued seeing the photos. They had captured so many beautiful moments. It's amazing how photographs can be so perfect. Taking in the essence of the moment, capturing it in its complete sense.

  There were some photos of their London homes too. The houses were beautiful. They had large gardens in the front, and were painted white. The interiors were marvellous. Kimaya's house was filled with her mom's beautiful paintings. Even her house in India was just like that. Astrid's London home was quite different. It was clutter-free, though it had some of Mrs. Verma's paintings too. Kimaya's house had white and black interiors, but Astrid's house was pure white. Even her room was pure white, with a splash of green here and there. Kimaya's room was white and baby pink, the only shade of pink Kimaya liked. But everything else, like flowers, lamps etc. were a gentle shade of red.

  Astrid smiled as Kimaya adored her house.

  "Oh, I miss it so much," murmured Kimaya, a bit upset as she longed to go back to London. London was beautiful, clean and safe. And Kimaya had so many memories over there, that it was hard to think that she had to spend the rest of her life in India. India was amazing too - but obviously every child loves the place of their birth, the place where they spent their initial years in.

  "Cheer up Kimmy," said Astrid.

  "Okay, Andy!" said Kimaya, winking at her.

  Kimaya looked up at the clock.

  "Goodness! It's already 11 PM!"

  Astrid laughed. "Time flies by, doesn't it? You want to sleep?"

  "Well, I should be sleeping, because I have school tomorrow. But I'm not at all sleepy!"

  "Then let's spend a little more time together? We can sleep in another half an hour or something."

  "Sure." They had seen all their pictu
res by now. Kimaya closed the last album and put it away.

  "Kimmy... I wanted to see that."

  "See what?"

  "You know, what made you enter the dance hall today."

  "Astrid no!"


  "But... I thought you already did. I mean, that's what you said in the afternoon, right?"

  "I did see what's in there, but I didn't open anything."

  "Oh. But Andy... No, Please."

  "Come on. You can show me. I'm your best friend, am I not? I'm your Andy! I won't go and tell it to everyone I find. Though it probably deserves to be known."

  "I know you won't, but..."

  "Please?" asked Astrid, making a super cute puppy-dog face.

  Why are those faces she makes so irresistible? "Fine," Kimaya said, giving in.

  "Thanks!" said Astrid, giggling. She walked up to the cupboard, and drew out everything she wanted to. Then, she settled down on the couch, going through Kimaya's works.

  "All of this is by you?" Astrid asked.

  "Yeah, is it so bad?" asked Kimaya, a little uncertain.

  "Are you kidding me?! This is perfectly awesome! I didn't know you were so talented!"

  Kimaya smiled, blushing a little. No one had praised her in this way before - but then again, no one had really known.

  "I have such a talented best friend! You have any more stuff like this?"

  "Yeah. All of them except one are in the cupboard." replied Kim.

  "Why separate only one?"

  "Because that one was too special. I didn't want anyone to find it out, until it was completely ready."

  "Can I see it?"

  "Now that you anyway know everything, you can."

  "Great! Where's it?"

  "You won't find it," said Kimaya chuckling. "I'll get it, wait."

  Kimaya walked up to her wardrobe and opened it. She shuffled between some clothes, and finally took it out. She handed it over to Astrid.

  Astrid examined what Kimaya had given her. "This is huge!" exclaimed Astrid.

  "It has to be, I've worked on this for years!"

  Astrid smiled. "Well, I'm sure, it has to be amazing."

  Kimaya suddenly yawned.

  "Sleepy?" asked Astrid. "Well, our half hour is already over. We'd better sleep! I'm keeping this though, something to keep me busy."

  "Yeah, okay!"

  The two girls adjusted themselves on Kimaya's king sized bed. Mrs. Verma had given them extra pillows and blankets, and soon, they were both lying down comfortably.

  "This feels so much like the old days. Like London," said Kimaya.

  "I know," replied Astrid. "I missed this so much."

  "Me too. Okay now, let's sleep," said Kimaya, sleepily.

  "Good night, Kimmy."

  Kimaya smiled.

  "Good night, Andy. Sweet dreams."

  And with that, they both fell asleep.

  Chapter 5

  Kimaya's phone vibrated. It was late at night, and Kim wondered who it was.

  "We need to meet. State the place and time." said the message. Kimaya frowned. It was from her old captor. What am I getting myself into?! She thought, groaning. But she knew that this was important for the happiness of her loved ones.

  Tomorrow is Thursday; I should be free after school; guess 5 PM should do. She decided to reply back the same. "Tomorrow, 5 PM. At the Coffee Lounge near my school."

  Her captor was fast to reply. "Okay. See you then."

  Kimaya didn't really want to meet up. But she had no choice. Talking on phone was not an option. She put her phone away, covered herself up with the blanket, and soon drifted off to sleep.


  Kimaya was anxious the whole day. There were two reasons for that. One, she was anxious about what her captor had to say. Two, in case anyone saw her with that person, it would be disastrous. She rushed out of her school, and went home to get ready. She put on a casual tee and jeans, got her handbag, and left. Her mother had an art exhibition the next day, and was very busy. Kim didn't expect her to be home before dinner.

  She reached the coffee shop fifteen minutes earlier, and placed her order. She was about to occupy a vacant seat, when someone smirked behind her.

  "I didn't know you could be punctual."

  Kimaya turned to face her captor.

  "I didn't know that you actually even knew me," she retorted.

  "Thanks, by the way; for helping me out. I know you hate me, but... Well, just thanks."

  Kimaya smiled at the frankness. "It's not for you," she said. "It's for the people I love."

  Her captor gave her a slight nod, and led her to a table.

  "So, why exactly did we need to meet?" asked Kimaya.

  "Because we can't talk on phone. And this is important."

  Kimaya eyed the person sitting across her curiously. What's going on? She wondered. Her expression earned a laugh from her companion.

  "I'll explain everything," said the person, laughing. "Well, to put it straight, I think they are - or he is - going to strike soon if we don't take any action fast."

  "What? Are you kidding me? The last time you met me, rather kidnapped me, you said it may take up months. And it's not even a complete week right now!"

  "I can't help it, Kim. This was never in my hands. I said it may take months. But if it doesn't, I can't do anything."

  "I understand. So now, what's the plan?"

  "I... Don't know."

  "What? Is that why you called me here?"

  "Yes, actually. That is why I called you here. You're the only other one who knows about this. I want us to discuss, and reach a solution. Please."

  Kimaya groaned. "You know I'm not good at this, don't you?"

  "Come on. If you can skydive, you can definitely do this."

  Kimaya looked up. "How did you know about that?"

  "I know everything, Miss."

  "Aren't we getting a bit cocky here? Too much for me to take," said Kim, making a face.

  "Alright, alright. I found it out through your mom."

  "Mom? When did you meet her?"

  "Ran into her in the supermarket last night. She was talking to her friend. I overheard."

  "Eavesdropping is a bad habit, you know."

  "Oh God, now can we please stop arguing about this and focus?"

  "Fine," said Kim sarcastically.


  An hour later, the two got up and went to the counter to pay the bill. Kimaya felt exhausted after the brain-whacking work her captor had taken her through, and had had quite a lot of coffee.

  "Let me pay for you. As a gift for coming here?"

  "Oh, shut up," said Kimaya. "I pay my own bills."

  Her captor tried to pay the money, but Kim was faster. Soon, they were out of the coffee shop. Kimaya was about to hire a taxi, when her captor stopped her.

  "Let me at least drive you home. I owe you this much."

  "But what if someone sees you?"

  "I'll take care about that."

  "Okay, then. I anyway don't have a ride. So long as you don't kidnap me again or something."

  Her companion laughed, and motioned her to get inside the car.

  They reached her house, and Kim was about to get out, when her old captor caught her hand from behind. Kimaya snapped her hand out, and turned around. "What?" she asked.

  "Thank you. I would have probably been considering suicide right now if you weren't there. Seriously, how did you come up with such a great idea?"

  Kimaya smiled. "Spur of the moment, I guess. And don't consider suicide, okay? I mean, how can anyone do that? You've got your whole life in front of you. Why die for something which is probably temporary? You know, like they say - fall down seven times, stand up eight."

  "Yeah, I get it. Thanks," said the captor with a crooked smile.

  "Okay, now I better get going. Bye."

  "Yes. Take care."

  Kimaya went inside her house. It was almost seven. Wondering when her mother would
return, she called her up.

  "Hi sweetie," said her mom.

  "Hey! When will you be coming home?"

  "I don't really know. Tomorrow is important. Umm.. I was wondering if---"

  "If...?” urged Kim.

  Her mom said something on the other line.

  "No, that is so not happening!" yelled Kimaya.

  "Please sweetie? It may turn out well. I'm sending the car. See you soon."

  Kimaya hung up. She sighed. Why did she need to solve so many problems in one day?


  Mrs. Verma returned home late that night, with a very exhausted Kimaya. She had asked her daughter for a considerably big favour, requested by one of Mrs. Verma's close friends. Kimaya had refused and refused, but to no avail. Her pleas had fallen weak in front of her mother.

  "Change and sleep, baby," said Mrs. Verma gently.

  Kimaya sleepily dragged herself up the stairs, got onto her bed, and fell asleep, without changing or even getting a blanket. Her mother stepped into her room a few minutes later, and covered Kim up. She planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead, and silently left.

  She was proud of Kimaya, who had so excellently done the favour she had asked her to. But she had to say, she was surprised at this sudden change in Kimaya. Kim used to be silent and stubborn as hell. She didn't seem to be like that anymore. But Mrs. Verma didn't think too much about it, and soon fell asleep.

  Tomorrow was a big day for her.


  Kimaya woke up late the next morning. She skipped school for attending her mother's exhibition. It was already 10 AM by the time she woke up.

  Oh shit! She thought. Her mother's art show started at 11:30, and would go on till 5 in the evening. The place of the show was half an hour away, which meant that she had just an hour to get ready, have breakfast, and complete anything else she needed to do.

  Kimaya rushed to the washroom, and in half an hour, she was ready. It was an important day for her too, and she needed to be ready for it. She put on a pretty floral dress, to match with the colours of the art gallery. She made herself some sandwiches and packed them up, quickly tossing them into the car. She could eat in the car too. Even if she generally never was, this was the one time Kimaya wanted to be on time.

  She reached the gallery forty five minutes later, thanks to traffic. Just fifteen minutes for the show to begin, and Kimaya could notice a few cars parked, indicating the presence of a few eager people.

  "Mom!" She cried, spotting Mrs. Verma, doing some last minute preparations. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

  "Come on Kim. You slept late enough last night. I didn't think it would matter so much if you were a little late to the exhibition."

  "But this is important for me too, you know! Thank God I woke up just in time!"