Read I'll Be Okay Page 6

  Tashanna burst into tears. She fell into her brother's welcoming arms, sobbing. She had always loved her brother and her dad; but somehow, she had lost herself in the middle of this Armageddon.

  "I'm sorry, Tasha..." Whispered Vihaan, as he embraced his sister.

  "I forgive you," she said.

  "But I don't get it," said Mr. Verma. "How is my daughter related to it? Where is she?"

  "Uncle," said Vihaan, "I shared this secret with Kimaya. She was reluctant to talk to me at all; but I kind of forced her to listen. The night she came back from her school trip, I dragged her away and told her what was going on. I know it was wrong of me, but I needed an ally close to home. After realizing the truth, she agreed to help me out. I met her at a coffee shop one day, to discuss everything with her. It was the day before Mrs. Verma's art show."

  "So that's why Kimaya was already so tired when I asked her to paint that night," murmured Mrs. Verma, shaking her head in pain.

  "We thought that the people, or the person, who were threatening dad, would strike at Tashanna and mom next," said Vihaan. "So, I asked Kimaya to keep a watch on both of them. That's probably why she went out with Tasha when she left the party hall that day. We made a perfect plan. How many times did Kimaya visit your house after the art show, Tasha?"

  "A lot of times. Kimaya and I are best friends - we visit each other a lot, remember?"

  "Well, alright. How many times did an electrician visit your house?" Asked Vihaan.

  "Electrician? Surprisingly many times. Like, at least once in a month, and twice in October, I believe."

  "Kimaya and I had decided to set up CCTV cameras in and around your house to protect you. We could view the footage of the camera through our phones. We didn't want you to know, so Kimaya sometimes would meddle with your electric points, so that an electrician would be needed. And then, the electrician would set up the cameras, and our work was done." Explained Vihaan.

  Tashanna looked at him, dumbfounded. This was too much of information to digest. It was hard to believe that the two had been watching over her and her mother for all these months.

  "But what we didn't think of was that Kimaya herself could be in danger. Those people might have tapped my phone, or followed me. Every time I contacted Kimaya, it would have endangered her. They might have known that Kimaya was an easy way to bring my dad out in the open. Kimaya was vulnerable; she knew everything, but she had no protection. They must have been hawking her for a while to know about the party. But what I don't understand is how someone could just whisk her away without her putting up a fight. I know that she knows some karate. Plus, it was in the middle of a party. It forces me to think that the person who kidnapped her was a known person."

  Mr. Verma sighed. He didn't know what to do now. He just wanted his daughter back. Tears formed in his eyes and he held them back.

  "Uncle..." said Vihaan, softly. "I have a solution to this..."

  Mr. Verma looked up at him, wondering what the solution could be.

  "The only way to find Kimaya now," said Vihaan, "is to let dad out."

  "No!" Cried Tashanna.

  "We don't have another way!" Replied Vihaan.

  "You can't do that to dad! Please don't do this Vihaan!"

  "I'm sorry, Tasha... If this is what it takes..." murmured Vihaan, taking out his phone. He called up his father. It didn't connect. Damn! Vihaan groaned.

  "You're lucky Tasha, Dad's phone is switched off."

  Tashanna sighed in relief.

  "I'm glad too, but now, how will we save my daughter?" Said Mr. Verma.

  "I brought her into this mess," said Vihaan. "And I will bring her out of it."


  Kimaya stepped out of the room with the pudgy man, who led her out of the maze of lanes. He left her in a part of the city she knew, and let her make her own way. A small bag was slung across her shoulder, containing everything she would need for her job that night.

  As the man left her side, Kimaya's heart started pounding. She was going to do something she hadn't even imagined in her dreams. Kimaya crept through the shadows stealthily, unseen, unnoticed. I can do this, she kept reminding herself. She moved as smoothly as water, taking care to not make the least of noise.

  Around eight PM, after half an hour of walking, Kimaya found herself in an environment too familiar. She had been here several times before - but for different purposes.

  When Kimaya reached the end of her journey, she found herself in an area surrounded by trees and flowers. It was a very peaceful space, but not for much more time. Kimaya had come to her destination - it was time she completed her task. Kimaya's eyes, sharp as an eagle, scanned the area; and soon found the target they were looking for. Kimaya drew out something from her sling bag. She edged closer to her aim silently, till she thought she was close enough.

  She breathed softly, not able to understand why she was doing what she was about to do. She was scared, but confident too. Kimaya finally lifted her hand.

  A knife went flying through the air, but it did not hit the target. Kimaya had missed her aim. Terrified, she began to run. She suddenly hit a slightly hard surface. But it was not a tree, not a wall. She was surprised when she was suddenly enclosed between someone's arms. Unable to figure anything out, Kimaya began to cry. She sobbed silently, not caring to see in whose arms she was.

  "Ssshh.. It's me, Kim," said a voice too familiar.

  Kimaya looked up.

  "Vihaan!" She said, amongst tears.

  "You're safe now," he whispered.

  "What's going on..." she murmured. "Why am I here? Where did Aakash go?"

  "Aakash?" asked Vihaan.

  "Yeah.. Aunt Clarisse's friend. I was with him for the past few days. How did I come here?"

  "Kimaya? Are you okay, my child?" Said a voice from behind her. Kimaya sprung around to face the reason why she was here - her target, Mr. Arora.

  "Dad! Thank God you're safe!" Cried Vihaan. "I almost thought that I might be too late."

  Kimaya stared at Vihaan and his father for a few minutes before her knees fell weak and she fell to the ground. She raised her hand, and was almost about to hit herself, when Vihaan caught hold of her.

  "What do you think you are doing?" He said, angrily.

  "I... Argh. I deserve it! I ought to be jailed!" She was almost screaming, and her voice was piled with horror and pain.

  "Kim? What happened?" Asked Vihaan, clearly concerned.

  "Ask your dad..." She replied. "I'm sure he would have figured it out by now." She looked at Mr. Arora, her eyes pleading him to save her from the pain of saying it out herself.

  "They asked you to kill me, didn't they?" Asked Mr. Arora, helping Kimaya up on her feet.

  But before Kimaya could answer, events took a different turn. Kimaya's sharp senses heard a little crunch behind her. She turned around, and stiffened. Before she could say anything, there was the sound of a gunshot.


  The world slowly faded away before my eyes. The last thing I remember is people screaming. And then, everything went black.


  "Oh Kim.. Please wake up baby.." I heard my mom say. I tried to move my head to look at her, but even opening my eyes was painful. Someone noticed my attempt to make movement, and the doctor was called. I realized that I was in a hospital. The doctor ushered the people out of the room, and checked me up. Around ten minutes later, I heard someone enter the tiny unit and stroke my hair. It was mom.

  "Kim... Why didn't you tell me about what was going on?"

  I finally managed to open my eyes. The person I saw didn't really seem exactly like my mom. This person had very dark circles under her eyes, which were still filled with tears. She wasn't sunny and smiling like my mother; she was in fact, the exact opposite. I knew that my mother had become like this because of me, and I felt horrible. I looked at my mom in confusion.

  "Don't give me that look," said my mother. "Vihaan told us everything. You could've shared it w
ith me, sweetie. Maybe you wouldn't be here right now if you had told us."

  "I'm sorry, mom..." I said, my voice coming out in a mere whisper.

  "It's okay Kim. Thank God, both you and Vihaan are safe."

  That was news to me. "Vihaan?"

  "Yes, Kim. That night, he went after the person who shot you, only to end up getting hurt himself. It was a blessing that Aakash found Vihaan - or he would have probably died."

  Aakash? What the heck?

  "Mom, where is Aakash right now? And Vihaan, how's he?"

  "Aakash? I don't know. He disappeared the same night. He told us that he had a flight to catch. I wish we could've thanked him enough though. Vihaan is out of danger. The doctors kept him drugged though. He was quite hurt, and they thought that it's better he's kept asleep for a day."

  "Was Vihaan in his senses when Aakash brought him in?"

  "I don't think he was."

  So that's why Aakash got away.

  "Mom you need to find Aakash soon! Keep Tashanna's dad safe. Please!" I said, with all the energy I could muster.

  "Kim? Calm down baby! What's wrong?"

  "Aakash was the one who kidnapped me! He was the one who shot me - he is the real culprit! You need to get him! Uncle is still in danger!"

  "What? You're not serious, are you?"

  "Mom, I'm sure I am pretty damn serious! Aakash Singh, the mastermind of this mess. Inform the police. Fast. Please!" My voice was now rising in fear, and the doctor came rushing inside, hearing the noise.

  "Ma'am, please stay out for some time. You cannot excite her like this. It is risky for her health right now," said the doctor to mom.

  "No!" I protested. "Mom, please listen to me. I'm not hallucinating! It really was Aakash!"

  "Kimaya." The doctor looked at me. "Please calm down. I am sure your mother has already understood you. Mrs. Verma, let me deal with your daughter for a few minutes. You can talk to her later." My mother nodded and walked out. I groaned.

  "Doctor, please let me talk to my mother," I said, pleading.

  "I am sorry, Kimaya. You need rest. You should be thankful that the criminal only managed to wound your arm. A few more inches, and I'm afraid that you would have been dead by now. But you've lost a lot of blood. Panicking at this stage will only cause you more harm."

  "But doctor, it is about the criminal. We need to catch him, or it will be disastrous. But shockingly, he is one of my mom's friends, and I don't know whether she believes me. Please, just let me convince her that I'm not lying."

  "If that's the case," replied the doctor, "I will convince your mom for you. I am not letting you get hyper again." And he left the room, leaving me to my thoughts. Will mom believe me?


  I must have fallen asleep because I felt a nurse by my side, gently waking me up. My parents stepped in, with Astrid and Tashanna's dad. I smiled at dad and Astrid, but when my eyes turned to Uncle, I became grave.

  "Please stay indoors, Uncle," I said. "They are still trying to kill you."

  "I know Kim. I'll stay safe. Don't you worry about me," he replied.

  I smiled at him. Uncle loved me like his own daughter. I knew he would accept this request of mine.

  My mom had finally excepted the fact that Aakash was the criminal, and had instantly filed a police report. They would be here in a little time to interview me and Vihaan. The doctors were in the process of waking Vihaan up. I wondered how Aakash had the guts to bring Vihaan in - he could have been caught. Vihaan had been unconscious, but he could have woken up. Uncle had seen him too, but unfortunately, he had been in my room when this happened. Aakash had been lucky in hiding his identity.

  I talked to my dad and Astrid while we awaited the police. I had been away from them for quite a few days now, and I felt like I was seeing them after years. I asked them how bad Vihaan’s injuries were.

  "Not life-threatening," replied my dad. "It doesn't look like Aakash had any intentions of killing you both. Either that, or he has the worst aim possible."

  I couldn't help frowning at that. It was pretty obvious that Aakash did not want to kill us. He was right in front of me when he shot me. He can't possibly have that bad of an aim. And besides, in the two days I stayed with him, he taught me to throw knives. I was pretty bad at it, of course; and thank God that I still am, or I'd have killed Uncle. But I faintly remember that Aakash would always hit bulls-eye. No, he did not have such a deficient target. But why did he keep us alive then? He surely knew that we were trouble to him.

  "Apart from that," said my father's voice, bringing me back to reality. "Vihaan has a few wounds here and there. He got hit on his head; the doctors don't believe it was that disastrous, but they thought it better to keep him out for a little extra time, to prevent any mental damage. Good thinking on their part, I must say."

  Suddenly, the door of the little hospital room opened, and Uncle walked in.

  "Kim," he said. "I just thought of something that I should have long ago. Why did you just walk off with this Aakash? I know that you know him, but you could have at least called. And how did he convince you to murder me?"

  I stared at Uncle blankly. For the first time, I realized that what had happened was a little... no, very weird. I am not that irresponsible. And I'm definitely not a murderer. I remember being scared, but in my head, I was thinking that I could do it; that I simply have to do it. But I love Uncle. I would never even imagine of hurting him, let alone killing him. Then what had happened to me?

  "Kimaya? What had happened?" Asked Uncle, once again.

  "I.. I don't know..." I muttered, completely confused.

  "Nikhil," said Uncle to my father, "I guess I should do a little check up on her. That Aakash guy, he might have hypnotized her or something. But hypnotism is not so simple; yet he achieved it with ease. As far as I know, that is only possible if Kimaya's brain is soft enough, or faint, to accept the impression so easily."

  I looked at Uncle, confused by what he said. I was not into psychology; and could certainly not understand such stuff. However, when Uncle suggested this to the doctors, they accepted it, and soon, the room was totally deserted, except me and Uncle. He told me to lie down and be calm; he wanted me to stay at peace for this to work out. I suddenly felt muddled and nervous. What was wrong with me?

  Chapter 8

  After half an hour, the little session was over. Mr. Arora had tried to make Kimaya remember what had happened, but when nothing really worked out, he hypnotized her. He was shocked at the effortlessness to bring her to that state. And in the hypnotized state, Kimaya was able to recollect things more clearly. Mr. Arora asked her specifically about Aakash.

  "Aakash... Aakash Singh. I met him at my mom's art show. He had asked Aunt Clarisse to challenge me to paint. I had done that painting well, so he appreciated me. The night when my book got published, I went out to drop Tashanna to ensure her safety. I ran into Aakash as I was returning to the hall. He was just passing by, and we made small talk. And then, he said something seriously. He said that he needed a favour from me, and that he needed me to come with him. I knew him beforehand, but he was still more of a stranger to me, than a known person. I told him that I cannot do that. He asked me to look into his eyes, and asked me once again; this time, more firmly. I do not know what exactly happened to me, but I agreed. He took me to a small room in a silent part of the city. I don't know where that is, I haven't been there before. The room was tiny... It was a little scary too."

  Kimaya paused, as if trying to recollect more. Mr. Arora urged her to continue.

  "The room was very small, but big enough to hold a single bed and a couch. There was a smaller washroom attached to the room, and I believe it also had a little balcony. I would sleep on the bed, and as far as I know, Aakash would sleep on the couch. The next morning when I woke up, bewildered at where I was, I tried to call someone up. I distinctly remembered that I had my phone with me when I left with Aakash. But somehow, I couldn't seem to find it. Just then, Aakas
h emerged from the washroom and calmed me down. He disappeared in the middle of the first day, and came back with all sorts of targets. I remember I had wanted to go out when he was gone - but the door was locked. He showed me how to point, how to aim; and soon, I was learning how to throw daggers at general target boards, and even those shaped like humans. I was very surprised at this, but he just said that a little practice won't do any harm. He kept me well dressed, well fed. From where he got hold of those female dresses that fitted me perfectly, I don't really know. We spent two days in that room. And finally, on Saturday, he told me the job I had to do; the favour he had asked for."

  "And that was to kill me?" Asked Mr. Arora.

  "Yes," continued Kimaya. "I did not know your name though. I was just told that I had to kill someone. I remember being reluctant at first; but he was insistent. He forced me into thinking that I had to do this at any cost. I have no idea how he made me agree so easily. He led me to a known part of the city, that night, with a sling bag dangling from my shoulder. It contained only one dagger, as far as I know. And then, I made my way alone to the destination. That is a few blocks away from your office, I believe. That is why the place seemed so familiar to me. I took out the knife and aimed it at you, but I was nervous. My hands were shaking, and the aim went all wrong. I missed my target, and the knife went flying over your head. I freaked out and starting running away, and that's when I ran into Vihaan. I wasn't able to understand anything at that moment, so I simply started crying. When I saw you, I finally realized what I was about to do, but before I had the chance to explain anything or anyone, Aakash came from behind. And shot me. I remember the pain and  the screams. I remember the world getting a little dizzy. And the next thing I know, I'm in the hospital."

  Mr. Arora had gotten his information, and had recorded everything Kimaya said. He decided to let her sleep for a while. She had a lot of information to digest, and he wanted her to have enough time to let her mind accept the facts. He got up, and quietly left the room.

  "How's she?" Asked Kimaya's father, as Mr. Arora stepped out of Kimaya's room.

  "She's fine. I had to hypnotize her to get the information out."

  "You did what? She is too weak for that!"