Read I Am Adam Page 11


  As the sun kissed the top of the mountains and began to descend into the nighttime, Adam and Star headed back to the clearing where Dawn, River, Moon, and Wellna greeted them. Star picked up Moon, threw her on his shoulders, and began to run around the clearing while Adam grabbed the other two and ran with them chasing Star. Sun and Wind watched the antics of Adam and the children and laughed with joy. Sun reached over, kissed Wind and gave her a big hug. "I am so happy to have you with me. I do love you so much." Wind gave her a hug and smiled at her.

  "I am happy with you, Sun. You and Adam are part of my life and River and Moon are our little ones together."

  "Do you want more little ones, Wind?" Sun asked.

  "Have you been talking to Eve?" Wind asked somewhat startled. "She asked me the same thing this morning."

  "No, I have not talked to Eve about this," Sun replied, "but I often think she knows what is going on before any of us do. What did you tell her?"

  "She asked if I missed my Adam and if I wanted to have more little ones," Wind replied. "She also asked if your Adam was going to give me little ones."

  "What did you tell her? For if she asks a question, she will not give up until she receives an answer."

  Wind watched Adam and the children play in the field and then replied, "I miss him at times. He was good, but I did not understand him and he would not let me be me. But we are still one in some way, and I miss that."

  "Do you want to have little ones with Adam?"

  Wind looked at Sun and asked, "Your Adam?"

  "He is not my Adam any more than you belonged to your Adam. I love Adam and I love you. I find joy that you love each other. I know Adam would do anything for you as he would do for me, for he has learned to find joy in giving. But you have never asked for this from him, so he has not given to you."

  Wind was about to reply when Star, still carrying Moon, came running and laughing into the clearing. Moon jumped down, ran up to Wind, and gave her a hug and kiss. "Did you see Star run?" she asked, "he is faster than the Wellna."

  She then ran and jumped up into Sun’s arms and gave her a big hug. Adam and the others came into the clearing and then raced off to the lake to swim. As the children ran ahead, Adam ran back and, pulling Sun and Wind close, lifted them off the ground and laughed. "Tonight we will show you what Star and I have made and you will be very happy." Kissing them both, he ran off toward the lake and they could hear him holler as he jumped into the water and played with the children.

  "He is a good male," Wind said.

  "Yes," Sun said as she held Wind close to her, "we are all very good for each other."

  After they ate, Star and Adam lit some sticks and told everyone to follow them across the clearing. The moon shone bright on them as they ran and walked with each other. When they arrived at the far side, Star went ahead and set his burning sticks into a pile of wood stacked nearby. As the glow rose, they all saw what appeared to be a wooden cave.

  "Star and I have cut some trees and bound them together into this form," Adam said proudly as he led them closer. "The trees make a cover and sides, so wind and rain don't come on us. We put mud on the trees and then covered them with sheep covering. It is big enough for all of us to sleep together and not have to get wet or cold at night." He then took a wood with flame and put it into a place inside the cave-like structure. The flame caught the wood inside and they could see that the flame stayed inside the fire holder and the smoke went up through a clear spot in the top of the structure.

  "We can warm ourselves and cook on this when we want, and not have to go outside. This will be our new place to sleep and it is even closer to the lake than the other place. Come look at this," he said as he went further into the structure. He pointed to the back and they saw piles of food and holders of water all lined up together. "We can keep things in here and when storms come, we do not even need to go outside to cook."

  He and Star stood beaming as the rest of the group looked around them in wonder. Sun ran to Adam and threw her arms around him and hugged him and then turned to Star and did the same. Wind followed and gave them both big kisses and hugs. The children all ran around hugging each other, laughing. Finally, Eve came to Adam and as he lifted her, she held him close and then looked into his eyes. "You have made a home Adam, and we are all one here together."

  "A home," said Adam. "I like that. This is our home and we are all together in our home."

  They all took up the task of moving things from the old location to the new home and then setting up places for sleeping. The children found space in the shelter and set up their own sheep coverings for sleeping. Soon they all drifted off into a peaceful sleep while Adam, Sun, and Wind gathered outside the home near the fire.

  "You and Star have done a good thing, Adam," Sun said as she lay down next to Wind and pulled Adam closer. "We are all much happier and safer in our new home." She turned to Wind, put her arm around her, and pulled her close. "Wind and I talked today about her having more babies to join with Moon and River. She does not ask you for this because she loves us both and does not want to sadden me. I told her I would be happy if you helped her have babies, because we are all one with each other, and that brings me joy." She turned her head, looked at Adam and waited for him to reply.

  Adam sat up and looked down at the two women as they lay staring up at him. "What about your Adam, Wind?" he asked. "Do you not think he will find you someday and want to be with you?"

  "It is always my hope that he will come and join us, but I do not know when that will happen. If Sun was with me and my Adam, and you were not around, would you want her to have babies with him?"

  Adam stood and looked out at the clearing and then said, "I have never thought of Sun not with me. If I was not with her, I do not think it would be a bad thing for her to have babies with your Adam, for she is good with them and I know she wants more. I would want your Adam to love her like I love you and Sun, then she would be happy and the babies would be happy. I love River and Moon just as I love Star, Dawn, Eve, and Leaf. Dom taught us that loving each other is why we are here, so this would be more loving."

  Sun reached up, took Adam’s hand, and pulled him down between herself and Wind. She kissed him and said quietly, "Then we shall have more love between us and it will be good".

  Adam kissed her and then put his arm around Wind and lay back holding both of them close. Wind reached across Adam and kissed Sun, then she kissed Adam as he held her close. As she gently stroked Winds back, Sun felt the goodness within herself as Wind and Adam became one. She softly pulled back Wind's hair, kissed them and said, "I do so love you both."