Read I Am Adam Page 18

  Chapter 13

  Year 30

  What is it you look for out there?"

  Star turned at the sound of the voice and saw Wind climbing up the path behind him. He turned and pointed toward the distant world. "I often think of Eve and wonder what she is doing and how her life has changed where she is now."

  Wind came and sat next to him, and looking out in the distance replied, "We don't even know if she survived, Star. Nevertheless, if she did, I am sure she is doing well. She was very different, and I know she will always find peace, no matter where she journeys."

  Star looked at Wind and asked quietly, "Do you ever wish you could go where she has gone and see what she is seeing?"

  Wind leaned back, looked up at the clouds overhead, and finally replied, "Star, many seasons ago I wandered far from all I knew and lived alone for many full moons. I saw many things new, but I did not like being alone. I would love to be with Eve, but I do not want to go out and be alone again, for it is very hard."

  "I feel like we are no longer to be in this place," he said.

  "Why would you feel like that? We have all we need here to be happy, and Moon has given you children. You two have sheep and good harvest. Why would you feel this is not your place?"

  Star did not reply for a while, just continued to look out across the landscape as though looking for something particular. Finally, he turned and said, "What you say is true, but what can we do here but continue to raise sheep and crops. I know that Eve has found other Adams, as you found us. We have accomplished much because you and Hunter have been with us. How much more could we do if we had more Adams. The children are becoming young males and females, and will soon start more families. Do we continue to live here, or do we try to find another place where others may be living?"

  "Since you came back from the river, Star, you have not been totally happy here. Is it Eve, or do you simply need to be somewhere else?"

  "I think it is both, Wind. When she spoke of going down the river, I felt as I had new life in me. Even in the terror of the waters, it was a feeling of being more than alive. Moon and I survived, and even that was exciting. But now, I don't know, I feel like I am dead inside."

  Wind was quiet for a while and finally asked, "How does Moon feel about leaving?"

  Star laughed and said, "Moon is like her mother. She would go in a second just for the fun of going. She and I have talked, and we think the open place between the mountains will lead in the same direction as the river. We could take some sheep, and start in that direction. If we get through the open place, we can find the river and follow it farther down. If Eve is there, we might be able to find her."

  Wind smiled and put her arm around Star. "You two have done more than talk about this journey. It sounds as if you have already started to leave."

  "Would you, Adam, and Hunter go with us?"

  "I know your restlessness," she answered, "and a part of me would love to go out and see what is beyond the mountains. But I also see that this is a good place to stay and let the children grow. I don't know Star, I will talk to Hunter and Adam and see what they think about your adventure. Come, let us return to the quiet life below. I think you will not be here longer, and I want to be with you and Moon as much as I can."

  That night, as Star and Moon sat by the fire, Adam came and joined them. "Wind tells me you have another desire to see what lies beyond the mountains. In talking about this, we know it is the right thing for you to do. Dawn and Hunter are also thinking about joining you, as long as you do not try the river again. I know Wind is always ready for adventure, but will stay if I do. I have always loved being here, but since Sun left, it has not been the same. Tell me what you see in this journey through the mountains."

  "Several moons ago," Star said, "I went high on the near mountains, and I saw a large clearing between the far mountains. From up there, I saw a small river run through, which I think is the river we went by early in our river journey. If it is, there is flat land and open field from there to the rushing water where we lost Eve. When Moon and I finally came out of the river, we saw more open land beyond the rushing water, but decided to head home instead of getting farther away. If we went to this open land, we could follow the river and see where it goes. Eve had to go that direction, because the float went that way."

  Adam thought about this for a while and said, "If this was as you say, we could take the sheep with us and not have to cross the river. They would have water as we traveled and I think there would be food for them to eat in the flat land as we travel. Do you really think we will find Eve down there?"

  "After being caught by the rushing water," Moon replied, "when we were finally able to reach land, we saw a distant light in the sky, like a fire burning and lighting up an area. It was very faint and far off, and it might have been nothing, but I think it was other Adams. If this is true, I am sure God took Eve to them, and she is with them now."

  "I agree with Moon," said Star, "but even if she is not, what will we ever know of our entire world if we stay here? This land has been good to us, and I am grateful for its provision. But I think we are alive for a plan greater than staying in one place and doing the same thing."

  Adam laughed and said, "Doing the same thing every day is not a bad thing, if you know you are safe and have all you need. As you have seen by the river, not everything away from home is safe. I do agree that if we simply live and then die, what have we really accomplished. Sun would have the answer for us now, for she has lived, died, and is now in Eternity and understands all. Dom does not come to us anymore, so we must do our own thinking. If the others feel this is right, I too will go with you. I will speak to them, and we will talk again tomorrow. I feel a peace in my heart about the journey, even though my thoughts question why I should do this. Sun and I learned from Dom to follow our hearts, and I will trust that lesson."

  The next day, they all gathered in the sacred clearing and spent the day discussing the proposed journey. By nightfall, they agreed that this was a good thing to do, and had begun to prepare. They decided that Star, Moon, and Leaf would go before everyone else, and they would find the best path for the others to follow. The sheep, who were such a large number, would move slowly along this path, and it would be the work of everyone to keep them together. They now had many Wellnas to watch over the sheep as they traveled, so as long as they could find water, they would travel easily.

  The next full moon, they gathered to celebrate Sun and ask her for guidance. Dawn was now the leader of the celebration, and she followed the same procedure established by Eve many moons ago. As they all headed back to home and the fires dwindled, Wind found Adam sitting up on the cliff, and looking down at the valley below. "Will you miss this?" she asked as she sat next to him.

  He put his arm around her and said quietly, "Sun and I would come up here and I would shout out, "I am Adam," and we would wait for a reply. Soon it would come, and we always thought there was someone out there shouting back. Now I know it is my voice coming back from the other mountains, but it was a great adventure."

  Wind said, "When I was out in the far valley, I heard you once. I hollered back, but got no reply. That sound gave me hope for living. I headed in this direction to see if I could find who made the sound, and that is how you found me."

  "God guided us and protected us in this land, Wind. Even though Sun died here, it has always been a place to feel safe. I saw Sun here for the first time, and found you here. The new land will be good for us; I do know this in my heart. However, I shall miss all that this place has been. You have gone far from your original home and this has become your home. I have always been here and it is strange to think of not waking and seeing the things I know and understand. But Star is right, we are here for more than simply doing the same things all the time. God of All Good Things placed us here for a plan, and now we need to see what that plan is."

  Wind kissed him and stood. "Spend your time here and say what you must say. I will wait for you by th
e fire until your return. Tomorrow, we will send Star, Moon, and Leaf on their way, and will leave here to see what God has in mind. I love you Adam, and I love my friend Sun. I know she is with us in this journey."

  Standing near them, Domatarious watched Wind go by and head down the hill. He remembered the first meeting he had with the Adam male and female, and how beautiful the innocence of life was for them. Things had changed much in such a short time, yet all of this new creation still reflected beauty and peace. Looking out toward the far mountains, he saw the direction in which this new part of the journey would go. Soon the many pieces would be together, and the plan of God would evolve into the next stage. He felt peace in his heart, for he knew it would all work for good, no matter how the circumstances may take place. For now, he smiled, sent Adam a strong energy of love, and left him alone. "Be at peace Adam," he said quietly, "your journey is only beginning."