Read I Am Adam Page 20

  Chapter 15

  Year 33

  Star threw a stone into the river and watched as it quickly sank into the clear water. The land around the river was lush and full of grass and trees. He had sent Leaf back to the others to guide them along the path the three of them had created. Moon was far down river exploring the new territory they had discovered. He laughed when he thought of her boundless energy and desire to find new things. She was definitely Wind's daughter, and he loved her deeply. Continuing to stare at the river, he began to sense another presence near him. Turning he saw a man in a long white covering. While surprised to find another being, Star did not feel fear or concern; rather he felt a strong sense of peace.

  "Hello Star, I am Domatarious."

  Star heard the words in his head, but saw the man did not speak. Eve had talked of Domatarious, and she said he was from the God of All Good Things. Star said nothing as the man walked toward him.

  "We have never met," the man again said in Star's head. "I am a friend of Sun and Adam and have talked often to Eve."

  "I know who you are, Eve has spoken of you," Star finally said. "She told me you were from the God of All Good Things."

  "Yes, I am," Domatarious said. "I have the pleasure of watching over you and the others as you progress through your journey."

  Domatarious came close and motioned for Star to sit with him near the water. Star felt a tremendous peace as he looked at this strange visitor. "Why are you with me today Domatarious?"

  "I have great pleasure in your journey, and it was a good time to speak directly to you and give you insight regarding some of the things in the future. I see Moon is out exploring again. She does love to be free and find new things."

  Star smiled and said, "I think we should call her Another Wind instead of Moon. She just cannot sit in one place very long without wondering what the next stop will be."

  "Well Star," Domatarious said, "that is why you two are so connected in this life. You both will travel a great distance in your journey, and it is a good thing. In the future, you will stand one day and watch the rising sun come over distant mountains, and you will know that is the place to go. You will meet another group of Adams in your journey who will become one with you, and together you will continue to move toward the rising sun. I will be with you in this and teach you the truths of the Power of Love and Light so the generations after you will walk with deeper understanding of the plan of God."

  "Eve often spoke of the Power of Love and Light," Star said as he looked out at the distant landscape. "She told me our life was to be a journey of joy and peace, and that anything distracting us from that journey would be shadow. I understand joy and peace, but I am not sure what is meant by the shadow of life."

  Dom drew a straight line in the sand and said, "You are on an eternal journey that is much like this line. It began with the thought of God and ends when the thought is completed. The God of All Good Things has no thought that is impure or imperfect; therefore, your journey is a reflection of that purity and perfection."

  He then drew two small lines through the long line and continued, "Your life here on Earth is part of the full thought of God, but it is only a small part. Your journey is the full line and this space between the smaller lines is your time on Earth. If you focus only on the time on Earth, then you loose your perspective of the total journey. You and the others are here to see how perfect God's thought is even in circumstances that seem to be different from God's thought. On Earth, you will find times of pain and suffering. If you only focus on the pain and suffering, then you have fallen into the shadow of understanding. The Light of understanding is the eternal journey and how it is pure and perfect. The Power of Love and Light is the ability to trust in the beauty of God's thoughts and plans, even when it seems difficult to see how they will work. For example, when you and Moon lost Eve on your river trip, it was a difficult and painful time. The shadow would keep you bitter and afraid to go forth again, because the trip caused you pain. However, the Power of Light has caused you to seek Eve and see the things she has discovered. You trust that God has protected her and now you desire to follow your inner need to keep going. Shadow would leave you a bitter lonely man who would never fulfill your desire for new things. The Light allows you to go forth and find all that you yearn for in your inner place. If you had followed shadow, then your time on Earth would not have taught you all you could have learned, but when your time on Earth was over, then you would continue on with the eternal journey, and have learned a lesson about trusting. If you follow the Power of Love and Light while on Earth, then you will walk in the power of God, and have a good journey. When your time on Earth is over, then you will continue with your eternal journey and understand a lesson about trusting. Either way you choose, it will work for good in your eternal journey, for that is the only way the thought of God can operate. Shadow will only bring you difficulty while on Earth, but your eternal journey will always be one of Light."

  Star looked at the long line and focused on the space between the two small lines. "It looks like our time on Earth is rather short compared to the long line of God's thought."

  "Star, your journey is eternal, but not bounded by time. Here on Earth you measure time by the rising and setting of the sun. In Eternity, there is no rising and setting, and no sense of time. There is only the joy of being on a wonderful journey that will always end in the perfection of God's love."

  Star looked up at Domatarious and felt a peace within that was more powerful than anything he had ever felt. "These things you tell me, this is what I am to take to the far lands and teach other Adams?"

  "These truths are in all of God's creations, but your task is to provide the reminder of the Power of Love and Light to those who are distracted by shadow. No matter how much shadow exists, Light will always triumph, for there is no shadow stronger than the Power of Light."

  Domatarious stood and placed his hand on Star’s head. "Enjoy your journey Star, for life on Earth is a beautiful thing."

  Star felt a warmth flood his body and as he looked around, he saw magnificent colors of green and white. "That is the color of the Power of Love and Light." said Domatarious. "When you walk in joy and peace, your world is filled with this color. The white light is the presence of God's Providers. They are attracted to the places of joy and love, and they provide everything to keep joy and love alive. When you turn to the shadow of anger, hate, and other darkness, they will depart and you will have nothing providing for your journey except your own abilities. The absence of the Providers makes the journey on Earth difficult."

  The magnificent colors disappeared from Star's vision and he was once again looking at the normal terrain around him. He turned to speak to Domatarious, but found he was no longer there. Looking down the river, he spied Moon running up the bank and waving at him. He saw her smile and felt the energy of her joy and love. "I am sure she is covered with these Providers," he thought, and then smiling at the sense of love and joy he was feeling declared, "and so am I."