Read I Am Adam Page 22


  Year 35

  Dawn climbed to the top of the ridge and could now see the river below. After spending much time in the dry empty spaces, the river looked as eternity on Earth. She turned, looked behind her, and saw Hunter coming up the path. The two of them had volunteered to see if they could find a passage that crossed the river or if they needed to go farther down for crossing. Moon and Star had been away from the main group much of the travels, and now that Moon was going to have another child, they decided to change places. It was exciting to be out here alone, and she greatly loved being with Hunter. This was the first time she had been to the river since they left their home, and she could not wait to jump in and feel it all over her body. She pulled off the animal skin she wore for protection in the woods, and felt the coolness on her skin. She was not used to wearing the covering, but Star and Moon told her it was important in the woods and trees, as many things might cut her.

  "You are faster than I am, Dawn," Hunter said as he climbed to the top of the ridge and joined her. "Now see if you can get to the river before I do!" Laughing, they darted down the ridge and ran for the water. Hunter won, but just barely and they both plunged into the cool, refreshing water. Dawn surfaced and, treading water, looked around for Hunter. Suddenly, she felt a tremendous tug on her ankle that pulled under the surface. She saw Hunter below her and tried to catch him, but he pulled away and charged to the surface. Swimming after him, she grabbed his body and yanked him under as she broke the surface. He exploded to the surface and in mock surrender said, "You win, you win," laughing she swam to him, and he pulled her close.

  She kissed him and said, "That will teach you to trick me and try to pull me from below the water." He gave her a tight hug, and they wandered back to the shore, and sat on the sandy ground. Looking down the river, she said, "I don't see anyplace shallow enough to cross in this area. However, look way down there; it appears to be a small piece of land in the river, and the two sides get closer together past that point.

  Hunter looked where she was pointing and tried to make out what the small piece of land was. It looked like the river went around it, but he could not see from this distance. Looking at the sky he said, "The sun is still early in the sky, and we could move in that direction and be close before night. If we follow the river, we might find a good place to cross, or at least provide a safe place for the others to settle for a season."

  The entire group had followed a small stream for a long time, but when it headed down a sharp cliff, it became an impossible path for the sheep. The others had moved inland staying in the level places where the sheep could move easily. They now needed to move toward water, and find good grassland to settle, for they all were weary of travel. They agreed that Hunter and Dawn would search until they found either a crossing or a good place for all of them to settle.

  Dawn rose and reached out her hand to Hunter. "Yes, but no more trying to figure out who is faster, I am going to be worn out, and you will have to carry me." He jumped to his feet, grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder, and ran to the water. Laughing and splashing wildly, he threw her in the water and shouted, "I win, I win, and I am the best." Dawn sank as he threw her, and she burst to the surface and swam to his side. "You did not do that fairly, but I will allow you to feel good about the win. But when we camp tonight, you may wish you had been nicer, because, I am the prize."

  He tried to grab her, but she ran up the shore and waved for him to follow. Grabbing their animal skins and supply sack, he ran after her shouting, "I will be nice, I really will."

  The shore proved too rocky, and they journeyed inland for some time before heading back toward the river. As the night began to gather, they settled in a clearing and Hunter made a fire while Dawn found some tree fruit in the nearby forest. She climbed one of the trees and looked farther down the river. She now saw the piece of land in the water clearly, but it appeared void of any life. Looking down the river from the small land, she thought she saw something going across the river from one shore to another. It might be a fallen tree, but she could not tell as the night was now rapidly approaching. She returned to Hunter and said, "Something is in the water farther down river, and it may be a place to cross. We will look in the morning light. It looked as though it went from one side of the river to the other."

  "If it is a tree," he replied, "then the river may be shallow there. We will see in the morning."

  They finished eating as the night shadows engulfed them and the stars filled the sky. Hunter looked at Dawn in the firelight and was once again amazed at how alike she and Eve looked. Dawn had let her hair grow, and it appeared almost white in the fire’s light. She rose from the fire, came to him, and sat down. "What are you thinking mighty Hunter who cheats in water games?" she asked.

  "I am always amazed at how much alike you and Eve are. I know she is your twin, but sometimes I think you have switched places with her."

  "She has a small brown patch on her lower back, and I remember Sun would have to turn us around to see who was who. I miss Eve so much, and everyday I ask Mother Sun to show me where to find her. I really believe she is near here, and we will find her."

  "The land is hard," he said as he pulled her close to him, "but if anyone could make it, it would be Eve. Now, I have been nice, and I will tell the world that I did cheat. Does that mean I get the prize?"

  Dawn laughed and held him close. "You do, and I also get a prize. For you are my prize."