Read I Am Adam Page 25


  In the clearing, Fire and Sunna were starting to go their separate ways when they heard a scream from Fire's home. They both ran to the woods and headed down the hill toward the noise. When they came to the top of the ridge overlooking Adam Fish's camp, they both stopped and looked down at the scene below. Adam Fish was standing over two figures on the ground screaming something at them. The male figure, which they could not identify, was on his face with a fishing spear in his back. Sunna looked at the other figure and let out a gasp, "It is Eve!"

  Fire looked at the female and saw it was Eve, and she was not moving from the ground. "Run and get Adam and the others, I will try to stop Adam Fish from hurting her."

  Sunna wanted to run to her mother, but turned and ran up the hill toward her people as fast as her legs would carry her. Fire went down the hill and approached Adam Fish. He was screaming at Eve, "Now I caught you. Now you will die for all you have done. You will die now."

  "What is going on Fish?" Fire hollered as he approached.

  Adam Fish turned and looked at him with a darkness Fire had never before seen. "I left you here to watch the camp, but you sold me out to hump the evil one’s daughter. Now I caught her and she will die. I should kill you too for not doing what I said, and selling me out to the village.” He lunged at Fire, grabbed him by the throat, and began to strangle him. Fire fought, but lost his balance and landed hard with Adam Fish still holding on tight.

  "Adam, stop it, what are you doing?"

  Fire saw the voice came from Day who was pushing Adam Fish with all her strength. Adam Fish released Fire and swung his fist at Day, hitting her in the face and knocking her back. He turned back to Fire and struck him hard in the mouth. "You all are evil, and I will deal with you later."

  Adam Fish rose and walked into his tent, while Fire stood, wiping the blood from his mouth. He went to Day and helped her up, seeing she was stunned but able to function. She looked at the figures on the ground and screamed, "Eve, Oh God, it is Eve."

  She ran to the female and was about to help her when Adam Fish came out of the tent and shouted, "Unless you want to die with her, do not touch her".

  Adam Fish grabbed the unconscious woman, took the vine in his hand, and wrapped it around her body and her neck. He took the vine, went to a tall tree, and threw an end over a branch. He began to pull hard on the vine and then tied it off. The vine pulled hard on the woman's throat, and she began to choke. As she did this, she awoke, and rolled forward to lessen the tightness on her throat. Adam Fish grabbed her, pulled her to her feet, and dragged her to the tree. There he pulled the vine tighter and once again, the woman began to gasp for breath.

  "Stop this now," said Fire as he ran up to Adam Fish and grabbed the vine. Adam swung at Fire with his fist, but Fire ducked and hit Adam Fish hard in the chest. Stunned by the blow, he dropped the vine as he fell down, allowing the woman to collapse on the ground, where once again she was able to breath.

  "How dare you strike me," Adam Fish hollered as he rose from the ground. "You are banished from here, and I never want to see you again."

  "You will not kill Eve," Fire shouted at him and placed himself between the Eve and Adam Fish.

  "She is evil and corrupts all of you. She brought her darkness to our people and destroyed trust. Now she is stealing the bright stones from me, and I will deal with her and will not be stopped."

  Adam Fish reached over to the campfire, and pulled out a long sharp cutting stone. He turned quickly and lunged at Fire. Stepping back, Fire was too slow and felt the sharpness cut his arm. Adam Fish turned, saw the wound, and brought the stone high to strike again. As he began to move, another form suddenly struck from the side. The two men hurled through the air and crashed on the ground near the tent. Fire saw that it was Sunna's father Adam, and realized that others were running into the camp to help Adam. They reached Adam Fish and took the stone from his had and lifted him to his feet, with two men holding him tight. Adam Fish glared at the men and then his stare turned to absolute fear as he looked across the camp and saw Eve standing at the edge. He looked at the woman on the ground and then at Eve and realized that his captive was not who he thought it was. Eve rushed into the camp and fell beside the woman on the ground. "Dawn, is it you? Are you all right?" She quickly pulled the vine from Dawn and threw her arms around her.

  "Oh Eve, we found you," Dawn cried and buried her face in Eve's shoulder and began to weep. "Who is this man, Eve? Why was he going to kill me? Oh my God, Hunter!" She jumped to her feet and ran to the other side of the tent with Eve following. There on the ground, trying to reach the spear in his back, Hunter lay in agony.

  Eve fell to the ground and placed her hands on Hunter’s shoulders. "Do not move Hunter, or you will be hurt worse." He looked up, saw both Eve and Dawn, and smiled. "This is not the way we wanted to find you Eve."

  "Hold very still Hunter, it is in your shoulder and must come out." By now, Adam was beside her, and she indicated he should hold Hunter down while she pulled out the sharp part. With a great tug, she removed the spear as Hunter gave a loud groan. Adam handed her water to pour on the wound and then Eve put her lips on it and felt the healing warmth flow through her. Soon she pulled back and saw that the wound was not bleeding and had started to close. She leaned down, kissed Hunter on the forehead, and said warmly, "It seems I am always getting you out of trouble." He smiled and with Adam's help sat up and looked around. By now, the entire village was in the campsite, and Hunter had never seen so many Adams in one place. He took Dawn's hand, and she helped him to his feet.

  Eve turned to the gathering and said, "People of my village, these are my people from up the river. This is my Sister Dawn and this is Adam Hunter. We shall celebrate all this later, but for now, we must deal with Adam Fish and the unresolved problem he has brought."

  "I did not bring any problem," Adam Fish shouted, "you are the problem, and now there are two of you. We will all have evil in our lives if we allow both of you to live. This one," he said as he pointed to Dawn, "came into my tent, and was stealing from me. I caught her, and now she must pay."

  "Adam Fish," Eve said as she approached him, "we have all tried to give you what you wanted, because we are all one, we are all Adams. Now you have shown the depth of your shadow by thinking you had the right to take another Adams life. You are still an Adam, and we will love you because of that. Even so, now we must all agree how to deal with your lack of love and the hatred you produce."

  Sortes stepped forward and said to the men holding Adam Fish. "Bring him to our village and stay with him. If he becomes difficult, use the vine to hold him." Turning to Adam Fish, he said with sadness, "Old friend, you have traveled so far to come together with us, and we made this place with joy. I do not understand why you have turned far from us, but I do desire to hear what you have to say, and I can only pray to the God of All Good Things that you will listen to what we say. I truly believe we are still one."

  The men took Adam Fish up the hill as Adam asked, "Where is Sunna?"

  She responded from the far side of the clearing, "Over here, Adam. I am with Fire, and he has been hurt."

  Adam went to her and saw that Fire was lying in her arms, with his arm bleeding badly. Eve came and the two of them looked at the depth of the cut. Fire lost much blood and was weak and unable to stay awake. Eve placed her hands on the wound, but could feel that her healing was not enough for the depth of the cut. She looked at Sunna and said quietly, "It is for now that I have taught you the lessons of Love and Light. Put your hands on mine and join with me in the flow of healing." Sunna reached over and placed her hands on Eve's bloody hands, and she felt the power all through her body. Slowly, she lowered her head to their hands and placed her lips on the wound. She began to feel dizzy, and was overwhelmed with a brilliant light. She felt herself fall to the side, and her hands slipped away from Eve's. Adam caught her and lifted her upright, and pointed to Eve's hands. As Eve pulled away from the wound, they all saw that i
t was not bleeding, and the depth of the cut was slowly receding. Eve took a wet sheep covering and wiped the blood from Sunna's face. "You have done well my daughter," Eve whispered. "Now comfort Fire, and allow the love you feel for him to complete the healing."

  Eve turned and saw Day kneeling beside her. She put her arm around Day, and holding her close, she quietly said, "The separation is over, Day. Somehow, in the plan of God, we will once again be together. We are Adam.”