Read I Am Adam Page 30

  Chapter 1

  The morning fog hung in the air and filled the road and woods as a soft blanket of fine wool. It was a moment of tranquility in a world that knew no peace. I rode the trail with my mind as misty as the morning sunrise. How long I traveled across this land, I little knew or cared. Zoë, my stable and trusty mount, trod the path with no complaint or hesitation. She knew the pointless direction I sought and obeyed my foolish and empty thoughts.

  My journey had not always been unfilled as this. In the earlier times, believing in the honor of serving my King and country, I found glory in protecting our land from forces of darkness. Those days brought abundance of life to my fertile soul. In all we pursued, the value of honor was our existence. In our lives, there was a presence of God and majesty we genuinely believed would still the heart of the unfaithful. We rode to battle as eagles seeking the heights of eternity. We loved each other as much as we loved our King, and knew we would never see failure.

  The glory of that precious time is but reminiscence. The King is dead and a sleep of fear has taken over the hearts of the people. The land rests fallow and the souls of her mighty men wander in search of the hope that may keep the vision alive. How naive we all must appear to the destiny makers who watch our foolish games. How they must laugh and scorn our dreams and vision. How empty they have left us as we wander aimless across the cursed world.

  I began to sense the gentle warmth of the summer sun and knew it was time to provide Zoë a rest. My body ached from the weight of the iron suit I wore and my back longed to be free from the confines of metal and brass protecting my vulnerability. I looked at my gloved hands and realized these weapons of war had not moved in hours. Instead of holding a sword and shield, they clung to reins with no direction or purpose.

  A small stream ahead caught Zoë's eye, and she pulled the reins to direct my eyes toward the ultimate goal. I gave in to her desires, for they clearly transcended any I had of my own. She stopped by the stream and commenced to drink of the cool waters running by her tired hoofs. She lifted her head, looked around to me as an encouragement for my own movement, sighed as I lifted the heavy load from her back, and set my feet upon the ground. I took off the helmet that seemed part of my own body and felt the cool morning breeze across my neck and face. How many years had I worn this burdensome load of iron in order to protect King and country from the spreading corruptions. Now, in the same way Zoë carried her burden, it was a heavy encumbrance carried out of habit.

  The sun breaking through the trees above brought warmth to my haggard soul and the stream beckoned to heal the wounds of body and spirit. I removed the breastplate that had been my loyal protector in many a gallant challenge. I studied the nicks and dents, which spoke of valiant opponents who previously sought to terminate my feeble life. How they too had believed in their own noble cause to which I appeared as the antagonist. Was this simple plate of armor the thing protecting me from premature death, or was there a benefactor who watched my every move? One more question escaped my ability to reason. In confusion and exhaustion, I sat my reliable protector on the bank and proceeded to strip to the pale reflection of my own vulnerability. Wading into the stream, I felt the coolness wash over my weariness and bring a great refreshing. I must have remained in reverie some time for when I returned to the bank of the river, Zoë had moved on to tall grass, which offered her sustenance for what ever was ahead. I walked to her with a sense of peace I had not felt for many a month. Unfurling the blanket from her saddle, I reclined on the ground and drifted into a sleep that provided a temporary refuge for my tormented soul.

  I awoke some time later feeling I was being watched. Reaching for the sword, I rose and cried out “Who goes there?” The natural quiet of the day responded with no words, just a sensation of the existence of another. I realized how foolish I must appear, standing with my sword in hand, prepared to vanquish all foes, and as naked as the day I was born. This new reality overshadowed the alarm, and I fetched my undergarments and suit of chain mail. Looking about I saw no person or beast but still perceived I was not alone in this place of refreshing. My peripheral vision caught a movement to the left. I held my place and avoided the impulse to turn and charge this possible figment of mind. I lowered my sword and pretended to move toward the retrieval of my armor. It was at that moment the stillness of the woods gave way to the sound of a snapping branch, and I knew the figment had become reality.

  I turned and in three strides was upon the site of my perceived activity. Jumping into the low bushes surrounding me I raised my sword to bring a quick death to whatever person or beast lurked in hiding. The sudden shriek of a small voice arrested my attack in mid flight and my sword crashed far to the right of the sound.

  “Show yourself as friend or die as a foe,” I shouted to the bushes around. Battle had honed the instinct of survival, and I began the second move of the sword toward the place of concentrated focus.

  “I be friend, I hope.” Came the high-pitched voice, “Hurt me not for I intend no harm to you or your steed”. The shrill voice became a small boy, or perhaps a man, it was difficult to determine at that moment. His outward appearance was of a mature individual yet half the appropriate proportion of a normal man.

  “Who are you and what is your purpose spying on me? What do you seek and do not make a quick move, or it will be your last? Step forward and show yourself. Where are you from and do you represent any in the land?”

  “My lord, you ask me much, and I don't know which to answer or how to move. I fear that if I do either in the wrong way, I shall never have a second chance to try again. I am Troy, and I am frightened.” He moved with hesitation and held his hands before him as one who would bring me a gift but had lost it in transit. He was a man, but about four stones high. His legs and arms appeared as muscle prepared to defend his honor well, but his stature betrayed his vulnerability.

  “I come, my lord, as one who has allowed his curiosity to be his downfall. I mean no harm, as I honor seeing one of your obvious nobility lodged in our woods. I beseech you, please forgive my intrusion, and I will disappear from your sight as though I never existed. Let me be a passing vision and we will both be at peace tonight, especially me.”

  “No foe,” I ordered with a calmer voice, "Stay your ground till I am sure of your particular purpose in these woods. Do you live here alone or are you serf to a local noble?"

  With caution he lowered his hands and said, "No, my lord, I am a free man and have been since birth. I have lived in these woods with my people since the great sickness. We have now become few, but wander the woods with complete freedom bringing harm to none. I protect no one and serve as observer for no one, and I have nobody to whom I report. I am not here by any order, I have no place to go to tell of your being here, no one will find this of interest, and they will not come to see what I have seen. I am alone, my lord.”

  I laughed at the denial that hid truth I had best unravel if I was to know the risk at hand. “This no one who you speak of, is he King or robber?”

  "He is not a he, my lord. Oh, I mean, he does not exist, no I mean she does not exist. Oh, would to God I did not exist.” At which he commenced to tremble and cry." Take my life my lord, for I have failed my mistress in my task.” Falling to the ground, he bent his neck to prepare for the blow of my sword.

  What a strange creature. Prepared to die and yet not even knowing why I was here. In addition, who was the mistress he had failed? For that particular matter, where had Zoë and I wandered in our meandering?

  “Stand up Troy and stop cowering before me. I will not take your life or harm you unless you refuse to answer my questions with truth. Your tongue had best speak truth or I may have to relieve you of its presence! Whose territory is this and who is this mistress you appear to serve this day?”

  He rose and with great care moved into my shadow, as if the sunlight was blinding him. “Thank you my lord. May God have mercy and grace on all you do for showing mercy on one who deserves to die; on
one whose presence is signature of a life misspent; on one who is less than dirt, on one...”

  “Enough Troy, you have humbled yourself enough to please God and man, now talk of the explanations I seek, and do it without further games!” My patience with this small man was now wearing thin, and I still was not sure of the potential vulnerability into which I may have fallen. I knew from accumulated experience, if one person existed in an empty place, others were also around. Caution increased the concern for responses, and I stepped closer to this boy/man and reached out for his shirtfront. In an instant, I found myself in the air and flying over the boy/man's head. I landed on my shoulder and lost the grip from my sword. I rolled to my feet and planned to lunge at whatever rouge had slipped up on me in my foolish lapse of diligence. Nevertheless, no one was about; only the man/boy who now held my sword. It was as large as he was tall, but he lifted it with no effort and flung it at the nearest tree. As the blade buried into the tree and the shaft swayed from the significant power of the impact, I realized I had misjudged this man/boy known as Troy.

  “As my mistress would say, my lord, what you have sown will often bring a rapid harvest. I will show you no harm as you showed me none. Nevertheless, I too would appreciate some answers as to how a noble as you finds his way into our quiet wood. I also am curious to know if you are a friend or foe.” With that, he started to laugh and hold his belly as if he would burst. “My lord, forgive me for my indiscretion,” he said between bouts of laughter, “but the look on your face as you flew over my humble head was one I shall never forget. I hope I laugh with you and not at you, my lord, for picture in your head what my eyes beheld, and you will know the cause of my unpardonable joy.”

  My immediate anger at his mocking turned to a quieter discontent as I did mentally picture the exchange as he proposed. Here was the battle-hewn warrior overcome by one who was a third my size. I knew my expression had to be one of pure astonishment and confusion. A begrudging smile worked its way to my lips and with a small shake of my head acknowledged my change of attitude. “Troy, I too ask for your forgiveness for underestimating my opponent. Long ago, I learned from a great King that the heart of a man knows no boundary or limit. I trust your heart is large and strong, protecting all you honor. I entreat you to permit me to begin again, not from strength, but from respect. I also trust you will show me how you accomplished this great defense in the midst of a sure defeat.”

  “Come my lord, sit here in the shade for the sunlight hurts my eyes. We will talk as strangers who seek to be friends.” With that, he turned and pulled my sword from the tree, handed it to me and proceeded to walk to a quiet green space among the trees. Amazed at his boldness, I followed and reclined against a stout tree across from the stump he had chosen to make his chair.

  “It is one of the difficulties my people suffer since the great sickness. The sun causes our vision to blur and produces great pain in our head. In the shade and dark, we are as the owls that see all, but in sun, we seem as bats, moving in the shadows as though blind. Now, my lord, tell me of yourself and your quest, and I shall answer all you ask to the best of my humble ability. ”

  Smiling, I responded, “I shall not underestimate your humble ability ever again my friend. My name is Sir James, and I come from the court of the King of all England. I serve and have served his honor and grace for over ten years. My King died over a year ago. While the physicians and wizards say it was because of many battle wounds, I know it was of a heart that had been broken. My King had a Queen who was of great beauty and honor. Together they ruled with absolute truth and mercy, and the land prospered in all they did. Nevertheless, my Queen's heart turned to another, and she and her lover fled the Kingdom in shame. My King did pursue them and defeated the knight and his rebel soldiers. Nevertheless, he allowed my Queen to escape. She died in a convent in France several months later. My King grieved for her and lost his ability to rule with truth. Others took advantage of his weakness and commenced to divide the Kingdom into pieces to fit their pleasure. As the Kings' pledged protectors, we remained loyal until his death. Since that time we have wandered our separate paths in search of answers to save the dream of our King.”

  He pondered my words as if memorizing the lines I spoke. “My lord, if I may be bold enough to ask, what is this you seek, and how will it save the Kingdom?”

  “Before my King died, he called us together and told us he knew his time was over. A great magician, who had been with him almost all of his life, had come to him and informed him to prepare for his end. The great magic man told him his love had failed the Kingdom , and now it would be restored by another who would hold the honor of the dream above all things in this world. The Kingdom was to be a pure reflection of the heart of God himself. It would be a place of peace and joy in which a people had respect for each other as though God himself lived in them. The one who would fulfill that which my King had not accomplished lived in the land of England. It was our duty to find this person and bring them to the throne to rule. We all left on the day our King died and went into all parts of the land searching. Soon after we left, his honor, Duke Prindle, acceded to the throne. Upon hearing of our quest, he sent our warriors in secrete to persuade us from our search, for he feared the old magician would cause betrayal to his reign. He ordered the troops to persuade us to stop our search or, if we refuse, then kill us. Last I was able to find out, two of us remain, Sir Thomas and myself. All others died at the hands of Duke Prindle's army. I have wandered for many months in search, but I fear it may all be a lost cause, as I have found nothing to support this quest.”

  “Therefore,” he replied”, your quest brought you to our woods and stream. Weary of your pursuit, you rested here and been discovered by your humble servant.”

  “That is the tale I bring to you, Troy, humble servant with strong arms.” I answered, “And now to your part”.

  “This forest in which you rest belongs to Lady Fleur. Her father held the land and before his father and before his father and before ... I imagine his father, but I cannot say as I ever thought back that far. My people settled here long ago and have worked in the field and forest as good friends of the Lord of the land. A great sickness came upon my people some time ago, and we lost all but a handful. I am the second generation after the sickness, and we continue to recover from our loss. While we are small of stature, we have learned from the ancients the art of arm fighting. I am able to throw men five times my weight, and my brother Jerrod once threw a large bull that attacked him. While we are a peaceful people, we fear little that comes toward us.”

  I definitely found myself is awe of this little man, for he spoke with confidence that would preclude even our bravest knights from bringing challenges. “Tell me of your Lady, and what she brings to these woods you seek to guard”.

  Lady Fleur is our protector. She is the light that shines in our heart even in the darkest moments. Her mother was from another land, and our Lord brought Lady Fleur here after her mother died. As she grew, it was obvious she had a love and kindness able to win the heart of even the wicked in the land. Upon her father's death, she accepted full responsibility, and has given us great peace and prosperity. She has been kind to our people, and she has given some of us a position of great honor by making us keepers of the night. Our task is to guard the land within the shadows and keep watch in the night. No intruder slips by us, for we see all in the dark. It was my duty to find out about you and your particular purpose in order to tell my Lady. In this, I have succeeded, now I must report.

  “It appears you were captured in your seeking, friend Troy. I did find you as you sought to hide from me.”

  He pondered this for a moment and replied, “Perhaps this is true, perhaps not. Cast your eyes on the trees behind you and tell me what you see.”

  Behind me was a group of trees, which appeared similar to all the others. “I perceive nothing different in this group as in any...” Returning my eyes to his position, I found it vacant. In the moment I looked
away, he had transferred himself into the air and I had not heard a noise or sensed any movement. He had vanished from sight.

  Sitting in that shade covered spot in the mystical woods, I began to believe it was not I who captured Troy, but he who had apprehended me.

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