Read I Am Adam Page 7

  Chapter 4

  Year 1 – Understanding

  "Adam Sun, come, look at what I have done."

  Running into the clearing, she saw Adam standing by something that was giving off a cloud. She approached him, and he reached out, took her hand, and drew her near the cloud. As she looked at the cloud, she saw sparkling things on the ground. She had seen these before when the clouds had made loud noises and sent flashes to hit the ground. Where it hit, the sparkling things would often appear and spread to the dry grass around. She reached out toward the sparkling and found it was hot. "What is it Adam?" she asked.

  "It is light and warm that I have seen come from the clouds when they bring rain. I was hitting this stone with another stone when it spit at me. I hit it a few more times and the spit made the grass turn to this light and warm. The more dry grass I put on the light and warm, the more it grew. Help me get more dry things and let us see how it grows."

  She ran to the edge of the clearing, gathered dry grass and some small pieces of the trees, and ran back to Adam, who had found other dry things. They put them on the light and warm and it began to grow much larger. Adam Sun excitedly began to jump up and down and laugh.

  "Oh Adam, you have made a wonderful thing!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him, and giving him a long kiss on his lips.

  Adam laughed and lifted her into his arms and spun around and around. "I enjoy it when you are happy and laugh," he said as he put her back on the ground and hugged her. "I don't know what this warm and light is, but I think it will help us bring light when the sun falls, and it can keep us warm in the dark times."

  "You two have made a great discovery."

  They both turned at the sound of this new voice and saw Domatarious and Satari standing at the edge of the clearing. Adam Sun ran to them, grabbed their hands, and pulled them toward the new light and warm they had made. "See what Adam has done!" she exclaimed. "Is it not the most beautiful thing ever?"

  "Yes Adam Sun," said Satari, "it is beautiful and we call it ‘fire’. With it, you will be able to do many things and it will be a great friend for you. You need to be careful to keep it under control, for it can also cause harm if you do not watch it."

  "Why would something good and beautiful be harm for us?” Adam Sun asked.

  "It is the way of life, Adam Sun," said Domatarious. "Everything we have in this world can cause harm if we do not use it the best way. There are many things to eat in the forest, but if you eat too many, what happens?"

  "I do not feel well down here," Adam said as he put his hand on his stomach.

  "It is not the food in the forest that is bad," said Domatarious, "it is what we do with the food that causes a problem. You two will discover many things, but always try to use the new things so they bring you joy, for if they do not, then you are not using them the best possible way."

  "Adam Sun is a new thing to me," replied Adam", and I do not think she would ever be a harm to me."

  "In the last few days," Satari said," you two have found a new feeling for each other that you have never had before. You learned to trust each other, and you know that you are safe together. This is a good thing, and you need to treat it as the fire and the food in the forest. Always do things toward each other that bring joy for the other person and you will keep this trust strong. If you only do things that you want, or something you know the other does not want, then the trust will not grow."

  Adam Sun considered this for a moment and said, "How will I know if what I want is something Adam wants also? I may want to go to the lake, and he may want to go to the forest. Will that cause the trust not to grow?"

  "The important thing is to share what you want and not force it on Adam," Domatarious said. "You may desire different things than Adam, but if you share your desire and he desires something else, then you can both talk about this and not feel you are being forced by the other. This is difficult to understand, but it is very important to use this toward all things you find in this world. You have feelings that bring joy. When you think things that do not bring you joy, you must stop and think over what is going on and change your thinking until you feel joy again. As you practice this, it will become very easy to do."

  "Do all our friends in the forest think this way?" asked Adam. "I have seen them take things from each other, and I feel bad things come from them when they do this."

  "What you feel is anger and fear coming from them," replied Satari. "When a being believes that they cannot trust another being and must act bad toward that being, anger comes. When another being acts badly toward us, and we do not trust them, fear comes."

  "I felt Wellna's fear when I first met him and he was hurt," Adam Sun said as she put her hand on Wellna's head. "I could not tell what that feeling was, but I could smell the strange smell that this ‘fear’ had."

  "Anger and fear will kill trust and are not good feelings for you to have," Domatarious explained to her. "Your friends in the forest cannot think the way you do, and they may have more anger and fear than you will. Even so, you both have the ability to stay away from anger and fear and feel the good things that make trust grow. The things we tell you are call the lessons of Light. The God of All Good Things who gives us all life has created you both. This God desires for you to live in trust and know you can always have joy if you walk in trust. This lesson is one of many you will learn as you walk in the Power of Light."

  "So light that comes from the sun is the God of All Good Things?" Adam asked. "I like the sun for it is good and I call Adam "Sun" because I like her." He smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulders. "I think she is the God of All Good Things."

  Satari laughed and said, "What you feel for Adam Sun is how the God of All Good Things wants you to feel about all life. Adam Sun is not the God of All Good Things, but the good feeling she brings to you and what you give to her are the ways of Light and a gift of the God of All Good Things."

  "Adam, our fire is no more," cried Adam Sun as she ran to the place the fire had been burning. "We have killed it and that is sad."

  Adam came to her side and said to her, "I know how to make it alive again, and for you I will do this to make you happy". Smiling at her, he pulled her close and said, "I will do this to help your trust grow."

  He gathered a small pile of dry grass and found the stones with which he had been working. He began to hit the stones together and soon the sparks from the rocks caused the grass to smoke. He blew on the smoke and a flame came forth and began to make greater fire. He added more dry grass and twigs, and soon it was burning bright. He looked up at Adam Sun and saw she was crying. Jumping up he took her and said, "Adam Sun, you are still sad with the fire?"

  "No," she said softly as she looked at him, "I see what you have done for me, and it makes my inside feel strange and all I can do is cry. It is a good feeling; it is just so strong I cannot help crying.

  "That, Adam Sun is called love," Domatarious said to her. "It is the greatest gift from the God of All Good Things, and is the feeling God has toward all creation."

  "Then tell the God of All Good Things I like this gift," Adam Sun said. "Tell the God of All Good Things that I love Adam and I love the God of All Good Things that gave me such a great gift."

  "You may tell the God of All Good Things yourself, Adam Sun," Domatarious said, "for the God of All Good Things hears all that comes from this gift of Love."

  Domatarious and Satari moved toward the edge of the clearing and disappeared, but neither Adam was aware of their leaving. Holding each other, they stood before the fire and knew the feeling of loving and trusting. All the forest around them felt this love, and it grew even more beautiful than it had ever been.