Read I Will Be There For You Page 12


  We both spent almost three hours in the market buying bountiful amount of things. We got tees, jeans, shorts, sandals, funky jewelry. Everything. Our next stoppage was a nearby café and we fell into our chairs after such a long, tedious day. We ordered a mojito each and Becky also ordered a blueberry cheesecake for herself.

  “God! It was amazing. I have never done this much shopping before.” She said.

  “It was really pleasurable.” I said. As we were discussing about our day of fun our order arrived.

  “Hmmmmm . . . . . . . . . It really looks yummy.” She said, reaching for her blueberry cheesecake. “I am so gonna pig out.” She said groping her first bite. I smiled and took a sip of my drink.

  “How’s Joey?” I asked quaffing down my mojito.

  “Joey is great. I can’t even explain how nice and sweet he is. It’s just I feel so good whenever I am with him. He is so adorable.” She blushed,

  “I am really happy for you Becky.” I replied, patting her hand slightly. “So, tell me where is this relationship of yours going?”

  “Well for now it is staying as it is. We don’t want to rush into things. And we both agreed to it. But, you tell me what is going on with you. You have not dated anyone since that stupid Ion.”

  “I like it this way. Because I just don’t want a fling now. I want a real relationship and I am ready to wait.” I replied.

  We finished our drinks and left the café to go back to Beck’s house.

  “Home sweet home. We are back.” shouted Becky.

  “You are back. How was your day?” Jake’s voice came.

  “It was awesome. We had so much fun.” Becky said enthusiastically.

  How can one be so cheerful and jolly after such a tedious day? No one except Becky can do it.

  “I could see that, by the number of bags you are carrying. Geez, you both practically bought the whole place, didn’t you?” Jake commented sarcastically.

  “Everything was so reasonable, only a foolish wouldn’t have bought all this.” Becky defended us.

  “If you say so.” He said giving a shrug. “Ashley, you may put your bags down or by tomorrow your hands would not be able to shake mine.” Jake winked and helped me to put things down.

  “Oh God!” I said with a sigh of relief. My arms are throbbing with pain. “Thank you Jake,” I said.

  “Anytime.” He said, getting all charming. How can I never notice how good-looking he is?

  “I am so tired. I feel like I am gonna pass out.” I said to Becky.

  “Let’s go to my room and rest for sometime.” Becky suggested.

  “I would love that but my dad and mom will hit the panic button if I didn’t reach home within . . . . . . Fifteen minutes.” I said checking my watch.

  “I understand. Don’t worry Jake would help you carry all these bags to your house.” Becky said pointing at Jake.

  “No, no I will carry them. No problems.” I said already reaching for my bags. Jake grabbed my hand, stopping me from picking up the bags.

  “Look at you, you’ll fall the first step you take, with all this stuff. I would love to help. Seriously it won’t be any trouble.” He said.

  “What about your bruises?” I asked.

  “I am absolutely fine. It won’t be any trouble. Come on, don’t be formal.” He replied. I nodded and then agreed.

  “I will drop all these bags, and of course Ash, to their home safe and sound.” He announced.

  “That is like a good boy!” Becky said.

  I hugged Becky goodbye and started picking some of my bags. Jake picked up more than I did and we started marching towards my house.

  We were not talking, but the silence didn’t feel awkward at all. I was just staring at him. He realized my gaze on him and asked, “What?” I dragged my eyes off him.

  “It’s just amazing how you are there for me everytime. Our past few experiences show how well we connect.” I replied, my cheeks turning red.

  “You are right. We never talked directly, always the reason was Beck. But from past few days it’s like we can be good friends too.”

  “Of course.” I flashed him a brief smile and turned my head away.

  We reached my house and I welcomed Jake in.

  “I am home.” I shouted.

  “Oh dear. I am so glad you are okay!” dad said being overdramatic. I could see Jake’s mouth twitching. Thankfully mom came to my rescue.

  “Look who is here, Jake. Welcome son.” Mom exclaimed with sheer happiness.

  “Hey Kathy. Henry!” Jake said.

  “Jake, thank you so much for what you did for Ash the other day. We really appreciate it. Thank you so much.” Mom said.

  “It’s okay Kathy. I did what a friend would have done, nothing special.” Jake answered modestly. I smiled and he winked at me.

  “I guess I should leave. Mom would be waiting for dinner.” He said and waved my parents bye and I walked him to the door. “Thanks again Jake, I don’t know how many more times I would have to say this ‘thanks’.” I said.

  “According to me, never. You don’t need to Ash. It is okay, I am happy that I could make you happy.”

  “How can you do this? One minute you are all sarcastic and the very next minute you are all chocolate boy types.”

  “Everybody has got their own talents.” He raised his collars.

  I giggled and then we both said our byes and he started walking towards his house. His hands inside his pockets. When we first met, he was a very shy boy. He never uttered a single word. So quiet and so unsocial, a total geek. He used to freak me out. I doubted if he was a human.

  “Ash, where are you lost? Your food is feeling lonely out there in the plate.” Dad’s shrill voice dragged me out of my thoughts. Never mind his joke’s, they are always this bad. I went inside and started eating my food. I was surprised, as my thoughts kept drifting to Jake. We finished our dinner and I went to my room. Today was really tiring but still I was not feeling sleepy at all. I was still thinking of Jake. His light brown hair looks so cute, all spiked up. His body, so fair with a little tan. His eyes are crystal blue, so clear and full of innocence. I feel so safe and warm with him. I fell asleep in my deep thoughts. Happy thoughts. Thoughts about Jake.

  The next morning, as I woke up, the realization that I have to work today hit me within seconds. I whined like an eight year old child who doesn’t want to go to school. But, what can I do I have to work. I got all dressed up, ate my breakfast and darted out of the door. I saw Jake leaving for the restaurant and he saw me too, so he stopped.

  “Wanna have a lift?” he asked

  “Depends upon who is asking.”

  “I think I am asking.”

  “Well I think I’ve got no other choice then.”

  “Then hop in.” he said opening the door for me and I sat beside him.

  “I think I should take up a full time job as your bodyguard / driver / chauffer. What do you think?” he teased me.

  “Not a bad idea at all. We could work upon them. I would love to have a personal bodyguard / driver / chauffer.” I said and we both started laughing. He looked so lovely. Stop it Ashley! Control yourself.

  Soon the restaurant came and we both got down from the car.

  “Thank you, Mr. Jake.”

  “Pleasure, ma’am.” He replied, bowing a little.

  I went inside the kitchen to get my apron when Emma came.

  “Are you fine? I heard about the other night.” She asked getting really worried.

  “I am fine Em. Jake was there to save me from those hooligans.” I replied.

  “Ah! The band guy. Your beau. Seriously Ashley you both look so cute together. I think you could give it a try.” She teased.

  “Emma I told you, there is nothing between us, we are just friends.” I pleaded.

  “Ya. . . . . . ya I know ‘you both are just friends’.” She said making quote marks with her fingers.

  I smiled and then we both got ready for our job. Emma an
d I’ve grown a lot closer. She is really sweet and nice. She is so frank and easy to talk to.

  The half of the day has gone by and the restaurant is almost empty besides some regulars having their meals. The band has stopped playing and I am taking a break in a few minutes. Justin is really precise. He wouldn’t allow you to leave your duty even a minute before the decided time. This habit of his really gets on my nerves. There are no customers then why the hell to stand here and stare at the wall. Between this wall watching, whenever Jake caught my eye, I start to blush. I just don’t know what is going on with me. I like his company so much. Whenever his soft eyes rest on me, it is like heaven on earth. The way he walks, the way he talks, everything about him is so alluring. The way he smiles. Oh My God! It’s the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. I can actually feel butterflies dancing in my stomach, when he touches me even if accidently.

  “Where are you lost?” Emma’s voice startled me. “Are you fine? The break’s already started!”

  “Yes, I know . . . . . . I was just leaving.” I replied.

  “Liar, liar pants on fire.” She teased me.

  I blushed and went inside the kitchen, hot with embarrassment. I removed my apron and went outside to take in some fresh air and clear my mind. I just closed my eyes when I heard a familiar voice from behind.

  “Hey, Ashley. What’s up?” Jake asked. See whenever I have to take my mind off someone, that person will come right in front of my eyes and I will lose all my progress.

  “Hey. Nothing’s up. Justin is acting like a freak rest all is fine.” I said and he gave a snort. “What about you?”

  “Nothing is up. Justin driving us also crazy!”

  “Hey, you copy cat!”

  “I love cats.”

  “Sure you know how to bum people out.”

  “As I said, everybody has their talents.”

  “And you are the most talented person I have met.” I taunted.

  “Really, I am so flattered.” He said making an awe face.

  “You are too much.” I replied.

  “No I am not ‘too much’. I am ‘Jake Brandon’, remember?”

  “Have you sworn that you won’t talk any sense today?”

  “No, I am sorry. I was just kidding.”

  “I know that. C’mon, I was kidding too.” I said.

  “I know that!”

  “You know what?”

  “I know that you know that I was kidding.”

  We both laughed at so called joke. “Oh, shoot! Break’s up. I better get going.” I said glancing at my watch.

  “Bye. Your break is too short just ten minutes anyway after you shift wait up for me. I will give you a lift home.” Jake said.


  I returned to the kitchen and wore my apron again. Emma was already there getting ready to serve people.

  “Hey!” I said.

  “Hello. Have you and your Romeo completed chatting?” she said making quote marks with her fingers.

  “Shut up.”