Read I Will Be There For You Page 14

Must say that mix-veg thingy was rather nice. Call me crazy but it kind of tasted like lasagna. It’s okay considering I had a tough day. I am not used to it. But it is Becky, I can’t say no to her, not in million years. Okay, so I am doing it for Jake but it is not at all personal. It’s his birthday and he deserves it to be a special day. Trust me on this; I would really do anything to make it a good day. (For him, to be clear.).

  Justin is such an insensate person who will never give leaves easily. But, I can do it. I can convince Justin to give me a break and also book the hall for the party.

  “Hey Justin.”

  “Hi Ashley. How is work?”

  He can never leave work aside.

  “Work is great!” I said, maintaining patience. “By the way, did I mention you are looking really…. Really….. smart.” I tried to suck up. (To be honest he looks yuck!”)

  “Oh! Thank you. My new tie you see.” He flaunted.

  “Yes, it’s really nice.” I lied. (Yuck again).

  “I don’t know why my wife doesn’t like It.” he frowned.

  Woh! He has a wife. I thought he was. . . . . . Well forget it.

  “I can’t really guess why she doesn’t like it. It is really nice.” I buttered him more. “Justin, I was thinking maybe I can take three day break from 22 – 24 of January.” I made pretty-please face, which can melt anyone except Justin.

  “Why you want the leaves?” his voice suddenly stern.

  “Actually I wanted to throw a birthday party to a friend a really close friend of mine.”

  “Well you know business is all time high and having one less waitress is……..”

  “I know Justin, but I will make up to you big!” I cut him in between. “Moreover the party would be held at Crimson Hall. So you will get good business.”

  “Well okay, but three days means three days and you have to do an extra shift the very next day you return to duty.”


  “Okay, done.” I showed him thumbs up.

  “Good day!” he said and left. I took out my phone and jabbed Becky’s number.

  “Guess what, our job’s done.”

  “Ash thank you. You are a rock star.”

  “I know I am a rock star.” I flaunted.

  “What did you do?” came a strange voice which was not Becky’s. I turned around and.


  “Jesus Jake, you scared me!” I fumbled and hung upped the phone.

  “I just saw you having the longest conversation with Justin. Bet this is the longest someone has talked to him.” he taunted and I am completely tongue-tied. I don’t know what to say.

  “Well……. I was just complimenting him……… for his tie. I really liked it.” I said confidently. Although I know he is never going to buy this.

  “Ya sure. I would puke on that tie.”

  “You are so rude. It…… it has got such ……… vibrant colors.”

  Shit. I am busted.


  “You know forget it. You know absolutely nothing about fashion. Mommy chose this top. Mommy does my shopping…….” I said in a funny tone.

  “Stop it you.” He giggled himself. That is one of the things I like about him, if he can make jokes on others he can take them too.

  “Today’s jokes session is over. I better get back to work.” He said

  “Sure, even I have to work.” I said and went back to the kitchen.