Read I Will Be There For You Page 2


  The environment inside the lounge is so rad. Everybody is enjoying so much.

  “It’s going to be a really fun night!” Becky jumped with joy.

  “You kidding me, it’s going to be the best night of the year!” I gleamed with joy.

  And then I went weak in my knees, when I saw, Ion. He is looking as immaculate as ever. I love him so much. We are together from the last three months and I have never been happier. He is the best boyfriend I have ever had.

  “Becky, I’ll see in some time.” I said to Becky but my eyes were set on Ion.

  “No problems. Take your time.” She caught me.

  “Thanks Becky! You are the best.” I kissed her and ran to Ion.

  When I got near him and took a deep breath. Note to self: don’t say something stupid. He is standing in a group.

  “Hi, Ion” I said breezily.

  “Hey Ashley!” he replied side hugging me.

  “Merry Christmas, honey” I wished him.

  “To you too!” He replied “Meet my colleagues, Harry, Nick and Sam.” He introduced us and we shook hands.

  Well I was happy to meet his friends. But I wasn’t expecting him to behave like this. I mean he didn’t give me a kiss and didn’t compliment me. I was a bit confused, he was, I don’t know, behaving different.

  “Ashley I was waiting for you actually. I gotta tell you something.”

  There’s my man.

  “What?” I asked not getting too excited.

  “We are really great together and you are a wonderful person but recently I …. I’ve got this secretary …… and sort of have…..feelings for her. I am really sorry! But I think we should break up.” He said and I was shattered. That was………..too direct. How could he do that to me? I thought our relationship was going somewhere and now bam!

  “Good luck for the future!” He said and took off with his friends.

  I couldn’t move. He broke up with me. Ion broke up with me. One tear came out of nowhere and the others followed dampening my cheeks.

  I saw Becky, she looked so happy. Dancing like a lunatic. I can’t ruin her night too. So without saying a word I went outside and sat on a bench near the fountain. I took off my sandals and it is such a relief. This shouldn’t have happened. My best night turned out to be my worst nightmare. I actually don’t know what to do. Everything seemed over. I loved him a lot. I couldn’t have imagined he would embarrass me in front of his colleagues. I felt totally humiliated.

  “I see….. It’s much more fun outside than inside.” Came a familiar voice of Jake. To be honest I chuckled a bit.

  “Jake I think you should be inside.” I said wiping my tears.

  “Leaving you behind like this …..let me think…..the answer is no!” He said sitting beside me.

  “Do I need to ask or you are smart enough to answer yourself?” He taunted.

  “Ion broke up with me that too in front of his colleagues. It was so humiliating. He said he is in love with his secretary.” I told Jake. Tears came streaming down my face and I couldn’t stop them.

  “I am so sorry!” He said handing me a handkerchief. “Everything would be okay”

  “Do you think so? Well let us see… I am 25 years old with no job, no boyfriend and am sitting on a bench crying over my broken relationship and holding a pair of high heels which I cannot wear because they hurt so much!” I cried even more.

  “Ashley, stop crying over that bastard. He doesn’t deserve you or your tears. He is a jerk and you are way too much special for him.”

  “Keep saying “

  He laughed and then continued “About your painful sandals, I will buy you a new pair”

  I laughed too. I am feeling so relieved. He is such a sweetheart.

  “Thank you so much Jake! “ I said hugging him.


  We sat there in silence for a few minutes and then suddenly Jake got up and pulled me up too.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I have a great idea to cheer you up!”

  “What?” I asked again.

  “You go inside and humiliate him in front of his friends!”

  “You are kidding, right?” I asked with blank expression.

  “No. Now, you go inside, pick a glass of wine, splash it on his face and tell him that he doesn’t deserves you”

  “No … no …are you out of your senses?”

  “Trust me. You will feel great. Say all the horrible things that come to your mind.”

  “What if….”

  “No ‘what ifs’ just go in there and speak your heart out!” He doesn’t even let me finish my sentence.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. Just be confident and you will rock!”

  “Okay…..” I said and handed my painful heels to him.

  “I will take care of them.” He laughed.

  “You better, they, maybe painful but are quite expensive.”

  I try to sound cool but inside I am freaking out.