Read I Will Be There For You Page 21


  Okay, now I know why Jake wanted to play liar’s poker. He is so damn good at it. I have not won a single game till now and we are playing from a past hour. Although we are playing with monopoly money, I still hate to lose. That thing can never change about me. Jake and Emmet are the ones who are winning. Emma and I are just growling after game after game.

  “That is so unfair. You boys are so mean, can’t you let us win a few times. You both have already won so much.” I blamed them as though it is their fault that they are winning. Truth be told Emma and I suck at it.

  “Awwww….. We are sorry, we just thought you guys love losing, since it has been an hour and you have won ……… not even a single game. That is a pathetic record!” Jake snapped and he and Emmet high-fived. How rude is that.

  “Ha Ha Ha……. Very funny!” I faced away.

  “Okay, okay I am sorry Ashley.” Jake said in his alluring voice, who would not melt?

  “Be careful next time.” I said faking a rude tone. I checked my watch and it was 9:20. “Jake I think we should leave, it is getting a late.”

  “Ya, you are right, we should be leaving also the way back is really long.”

  “I can’t express how happy I am that you both visited. It was great to have you guys here. I feel so lucky to have friends like you. Thank you so much.” Emmet said. His face was not the same as the one we saw when we entered. He looked more vibrant and lively. His eyes were lit up. Even Emma seemed really happy. Her face became radiant and a permanent smile was there on her lips.

  “I could guarantee that we both had more fun than you had. It was too good to be here. So we will keep returning here again and again.” Jake replied. He had a fantabulous day too. He doesn’t have a best friend as of now but I am pretty sure he will soon get his best friend. Four of us said our byes and Jake and I drove off.

  “I had a great time.” Jake said, driving. “I am so glad we decided to come over here.”

  “You’ll have much more fun at our dinner date tonight.” I flirted with him.

  “You agreed. Hey, I am okay if you don’t want to come……”

  “I want to.” I dived in before he could complete his sentence.

  “That is great.”

  “I know it is!”

  “So, you have any preferences or I should select a good place on my own?”

  “Hmmmmm…. I wanna go to some place nice. Something open and refreshing as the weather looks great.” I recommended.

  “Of course, madam. I know a great place which is open, nice and serve the best cheesecakes ever.”

  “Okay then!” I replied, quite excited about our dinner. We went from coffee to dinner and both of us were okay with it. The more time we spend together the merrier I felt. He is the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen. I wonder why I never thought of Jake like that before. We knew each other from, I don’t know how long but this connection is very new and very comforting. I always try and find my dream guy when all this time he was right in front of my eyes. My dream guy, my Jake.

  “What are you thinking?” Jake asked.

  About you I want to answer.

  “Nothing, just about Emma and Emmet.” I lied.

  “Back there, when you got all emotional, was it because of Becky?” he asked, gently. I paused for a moment and took a deep breath.

  “Yes but I was not thinking about Becky I was missing her.”

  “I can understand. But please, don’t upset yourself because of her. It was her fault and you have already said sorry for like a million times.”

  “You are her brother, don’t say like that.” I felt defensive for her.

  “What is wrong is wrong, no relation can change that.” he is so practical.

  “Maybe you are right.” I gave in.

  “I am always right.” He flaunted.

  “Let us first see your restaurant choice and then we will decide.” I snapped.

  “Okay. I am sure you will love this place.” He said in a low, alluring voice.

  “Over confidence is bad Mr. Brandon.”

  “It is experience, Miss. Green. Now, I know what you like and dislike.” He winked.

  “I am impressed.”

  “You will be more impressed once you see the place. It is really gorgeous. My favorite place in the whole world.”

  “Atleast tell me the name of the place, I may know it.”

  “No, you don’t know the place so I will show you.” He winked at me. I am blushing so much. Everything is going so well. I am so excited. I spending time with Jake, alone, is something I have been wanting for days and finally it is coming true. Last time we spent time was at the Crimson Palace. That date was way too small. Now, we get a proper date, and I am really enjoying every breath I am taking. Note to Self: don’t get over-excited Ash. Whenever you are this happy, something or the other goes wrong. So just relax.

  “How much more time will it take?” I asked Jake. I can’t wait any longer although I am enjoying our silent ride too. I know I am going crazy.

  “Just a few minutes more!” he replied. “Everything okay?”

  “Perfect!” I replied.

  “I am so pleased that we will get some time alone to, you know, understand each other better.” Wait a minute, he is blushing and looking so cute. His white cheeks turning beetroot red and a spark in his blue eyes. He is just so adorable.

  “Me too, after all this chaos going on in my life, I can really do with a nice dinner at a nice place. Thank you so much Jake.” I said, squeezing his hand which was on the gear.

  “My pleasure madam.” He said and I smiled. A big, broad grin. We continued the rest of the journey in silence and, as Jake said, we reached the place in a few minutes.

  Jake was absolutely right. This place is nice. I instantly love it. It is called ‘Green Gardens’ and it is phenomenal. The place is open with separate marquee over each table. There are hanging lanterns everywhere and they are looking so romantic. The tables are lit with candles and rose petals are scattered around it. We selected a table in a corner, so we are on our own. Jake has already placed the order. We both are having lasagna with chilled beer.

  “Nice choice. This place is amazing.” I didn’t even try to hide my enthusiasm.

  “Thank you very much. You know, I always choose the best.” He said with chivalry.

  “Ahhhh! I see.”

  “Tell me about yourself Ashley, I barely know you.”

  “Don’t lie. You know me better than anyone else. Half of my childhood and teenage was spent at your house.” I joked.

  “Come on, seriously.”

  “Okay!” I started to tell my tale. “My name is Ashley Green and people usually misspell it by GREENE. I get close to people very quickly. I am a bit spoilt, perks of being rich.” I winked at him, as he belongs to the same social status and then I continued. “I love when people praise me. I love compliments. I still live with my parents and I am not ashamed of it. My favorite color is red, the color of love. I can have many tubs of ice-creams in a single day. I am crazy about them. My favorite drink is strawberry wine; I really like its color. I adore dressing up in fancy dresses and jewels.” I paused for a breath and continued, “I am the best advisor anyone can get. My best friend is Emma….”

  “Only Emma?” he cut me in between. He was looking quite angry at my statement.

  “Who else?” I counter-asked him.

  “What about me?” he asked furiously.

  “You are not my best friend.” I pulled his leg. His expressions changed and I controlled my smile. He turned away and at the same time our order came. “You are my someone special!” I finally said. My eyes sparkling and my face changed multiple colors. He didn’t reply me but gave me his best smile, the cutest one. Then, we both began to eat our food.

  “Your turn.” I said, gulping a forkful of lasagna.

  “For what?” he asked, too engrossed in eating.

  “For leaking your personal details.” I replied.

. Well, my name is Jake Brandon. I love to sing and I think I am pretty good at it. I am witty and funny and love to spread smiles and laughter. I love rains, I love getting wet. I love red wine and sometimes I drink white wine too. I love sitting here with a beautiful woman like you.” He stopped and I blushed. Blushing is such a common phenomenon now-a-days.

  “That’s it?” I asked him.

  “And ya, I like Black color. Left out that piece of information.”

  “Quite an important one.” I said, sarcastically. “The weather is great, I hope it rains.”

  “So you like rains too?”

  “They are fun. I love its sound and the fragrance that accomplishes it. I like splashing water on others and playing in puddles.” I closed my eyes and prayed for rain to fall.

  “You copy cat.” Jake said.

  “Cats are cute, so I take it as a compliment.”

  “Take it as you want!”

  We finished our food and drank our beers. I was really full. The lasagna was delicious. I loved it; well I loved everything about today. It was perfect.

  “Do you want cheesecake?” Jake asked me.

  “Don’t tell me you are going to have a cheesecake after such a heavy meal.”

  “Of course I am going to have cheesecake. Coming here and not having one is not possible.” He said, “Excuse me.” He called a waitress.

  “How may I help you?” she asked. This is so weird, somebody else asking me if a want to have anything.

  “Can I have a raspberry cheesecake please?” He placed his order. The waitress scribbled something, smiled, nodded and left.

  “You are such a food lover.” I commented.

  “Oh yes, I forgot to tell you that.” He joked and I laughed. We chatted till his cheesecake came and he started to pig out.

  “Do you want something?” he asked. His mouth filled with cheesecake.

  “No nothing I am really full.” I replied. Rubbing my belly.

  “This is so good. You gotta take a bite. It is yummy.” He said.

  “Bring it here.” I picked up my folk. Let me taste this cake for which Jake is crazy.

  “Here.” He slid the plate towards me and I took a forkful of cake and put it in my mouth.

  Oh my god! It is amazing. It feels like silk on my tongue and has an awesome taste.

  “It is so scrumptious. I love it.” I told Jake.

  “See, I told you.” He replied.

  “I love your choice.” I said, taking another bite from his plate.

  “My choice is the best.” He raised the collars of his shirt. He can never keep his feet on ground.

  “I want it too!” I cribbed like a five year old girl crying for a baby doll.

  “Of course. I told you the cheesecake here are not to be missed. They are the best.”

  “Agreed Mr. Jake. Now I would eat whatever you say.” I replied and he laughed.

  “Excuse me, can we get another raspberry cheesecake, please.” Jake requested. The same waitress was there.

  “I am so sorry sir, we are all out of cheesecakes. But, I can get you any other dish you want…” the waitress said.

  “No, thank you.” I said my voice much shriller than I intended it to be. The waitress bowed and left.

  “My luck is great!” I threw my hands in air.

  “It is okay, you can have mine.” Jake offered.

  “Oh no, you have them, you like them more.”

  “Okay, let’s share.” He picked a knife and cut the cake into two halves. “Here, you have this one and I will have this.” He said, pointing to two pieces of cake that lay in front of us.

  “Thank you very much!” I said, taking my share of the cheesecake.