Read I Will Be There For You Page 27


  “Hi Emmet!” I greet him with a perfect smile. Emma and I left the restaurant as soon as we got free and came to her house. We didn’t tell Jake about our visit and I am feeling really guilty about that. Emmet and Jake have formed a new bond and I don’t want to distance them. I will go crazy in order to maintain Jake’s relations with everyone else except me.

  “Hello Ashley.” He said with a bright face. “You came alone today where is Jake?” he asked.

  “He….He was busy.” I lied and flashed a fake smile. I am an expert in that now.

  “Ashley, would you help me in something?” Emma asked expectantly.

  “Of course, what is it?”

  “You know, doctors say that Emmet should start with some physical exercises or else his body will become really stiff. Emmet has to start walking again and I can’t do that alone. See, you have to grab one arm and I’ll hold the other. So ……”

  “Of course, why not? So Emmet are you ready to walk the talk.” I said in a goofy voice and all three of us started to laugh, allegedly at me.

  We help Emmet get off the bed and trust me it isn’t that simple, it is really difficult. After a few more trials Emmet finally stood on his feet. I took a glance at Emma and she was sparkling with happiness. Her face glowed brighter than the sun. I am so happy for her.

  “So let us start!” Emma said. Emma and I helped Emmet in taking a small step. He flubbed at first but Emma and I handled him.

  “Slowly, step by step. No hurry at all.” I said. We started walking again and Emmet took another tiny step. Slowly, slowly we reached at their porch steps.

  “Very well done bro.” Emma said, holding her brother tightly.

  “We are really proud of you Emmet.” I said. Suddenly a huge wind blew and I left Emmet’s arm and wrapped my sweater tightly across my body.

  Shit shit shit….

  Emmet began to lose his balance and Emma couldn’t handle him too. His feet trembled and he was about to fell of the stairs when a steady hand grabbed him from the waist and Emmet was saved from falling and I was saved from a heart attack. How could I be so careless?

  “Easy buddy.” Came the life saving voice. JAKE. It’s undoubtedly Jake’s voice I could never confuse his voice with someone else’s.

  “Jeez, Emmet are you fine?” Emma rushed towards her brother in fright.

  “I am okay, thank you Jake!” Emmet said, regaining his balance as Jake held him.

  “I am so sorry Emmet, I really am. I was jerk, a stupid cow to let go of your arm like that.” I said feeling horrendous.

  “It’s okay Ashley, I am absolutely fine.” Emmet replied.

  “Emma, I am really sorry. It…it was just an accident; I didn’t mean to let go of his arm. I feel terrible.” I apologized. Tears started to pour out of my eyes and now even they are aching from crying way too much.

  “It’s okay Ashley, relax. Everything is fine. Just be a little more careful next time besides the fact is he will fall in order to stand up on his own. So please stop feeling guilty.” She gave me a warm smile but I know she skipped a heartbeat when she saw Emmet falling.

  “Thank you!” I say in a feeble voice. “Thank you too, Jake.”

  “I’ll bring the wheelchair. Enough walking for today. And I guess we should go inside it is getting pretty cold out here.” Jake and Emmet nodded and Emma went inside to bring the wheelchair.

  “Emmet, you’ve no idea how horrible I feel. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have been so careless. If Jake wouldn’t have come….” I couldn’t even finish my sentence, my throat felt so thick.

  “Ashley, stop blaming yourself, it was just an accident.” Emmet said.

  “And stop thinking about what could have happen, you think way too much. The good thing is that I was there and nothing happened to Emmet.” Jake said, still holding Emmet tightly.

  “Ashley said that you were busy.” Emmet started a conversation with Jake. Jake looked at me and I looked away, embarrassed.

  “Of course Ash said that. Well I was busy then…. a friend of mine helped me out.” Jake replied. I feel even more uncomfortable.

  “Here we are!” Emma said, bringing Emmet’s wheelchair. I helped her carry it down the stairs and then to open it. Jake helped Emmet to sit down safely.

  “Thanks man.” Emmet said to Jake.

  “Anytime.” He replied.

  “Ashley, just to be clear, I don’t hold any sort of grudges against you. Please don’t be upset. It was just an accident I know you would never ever do something like that, intentionally.” Emma said and then embraced me.

  “Thank you so much, Emma.” I replied.

  “Stop crying Ash.” Emmet said. I nodded and wiped my tears.

  “Let us go inside, it is really chilly out here. The wind is really cold.” Emma said and started to drag the wheelchair inside.

  “I will help you!” Jake said, and helped her push it inside. He helped her carry it inside.

  “Ashley?” Emma told me to come inside.

  “I’ll just come, you guys go.” I said and turned my back towards them. I wrapped my sweater tightly around me and tears started to flow again. It was really cold but I was too ashamed to go inside. My skin went pale and my lips were trembling.

  “Here, you guys go inside, I will join you soon!” Jake said. Emma and Emmet nodded. Both of them went inside and Jake came down to me.

  “How did you come to know, that I was here?” I asked Jake straight-forwardly. My heart hammered loudly in my chest.

  “I saw you going with Emma and I confirmed it from your mother. I called her up and she told me you were going to Emma’s. That’s how I came to know. Here I am.” He replied, tucking his hands in his pocket. He slowly walked towards me and lifted my chin upto his level.

  “What is wrong, Ashley?” he asked. I am tired of lying, I can’t do it anymore.

  “What’s wrong? Ask, what is right. Yesterday, I go to my best friend’s house to patch up with her. To say I am sorry again even though it is not entirely my fault. But when I reach, what I see is that she is shouting at her brother for talking to me. I still miss her and she hates me.” I took a pause and then continued with tears, “I was hurt and I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid and tired. My blood was boiling and my eyes were wet. I was facing an emotional turmoil. I was going crazy. Everything seemed wrong. My life falling to pieces……”

  “Ashley, you were under so much pressure. I am so sorry.” He comforted me and then hugged me tightly and I didn’t stop him. I was once again feeling safe and secure. I felt hope.

  “I am sorry Jake. I know it wasn’t your fault, you were on my side but I didn’t wanted that your relation with Becky be spoiled because of me.” I said, wetting his shirt with my tears.

  “Ash, you don’t need to take blame for what happened between Becky and me. You were concerned about me right? So you know what I want? I want us. This is so beautiful what we have, you are so beautiful.” He said wiping my tears for me. He looked directly at me and I am staring him back.

  “I am a wreck Jake, I don’t want anyone to be a part of it.” I said, not disrupting our gaze.

  “You are not a wreck, sweetheart. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met. You are independent, beautiful, caring and responsible.”

  “Responsible? You saw what happened today, didn’t you?”

  “Come on; stop taking blame for every damn thing. Emmet is just fine. He is okay. Stop feeling guilty, please, I beg you.”He said and I didn’t reply anything, I was tongue-tied. Suddenly raindrops start pouring down, really hard. We didn’t move or shifted our stare. He slowly brought his mouth near mine and I didn’t move. He brought it more close and a second later we were kissing. I closed my eyes, my hands playing with his hair and his hand rubbing my back. The raindrops wetting us completely. His lips felt so soft against mine. It was the best kiss of my life and the best moment too. We finally drifted our lips apart to take a breath. I can’t stop smiling and neither can he. Our f
irst kiss in such a romantic atmosphere. It feels amazing. I can’t explain the feeling it is so overwhelming and special.

  “Wanna go inside? You might catch a cold.” he asked.

  “I thought you love rains.” I replied.

  “I do and I know you too like them but you might get ill. You know getting all wet and sticky.”

  “Well it’s a habit now. My cheeks are always wet and sticky.”

  “They won’t be anymore.” He said and kissed me again. I literally felt weak in my knees.

  “I think we should just sit here and enjoy the rain.” I suggested and he nodded. We sat at the third step of the porch. I kept my head on his chest and his one arm safely around me and the other hand is intervened with mine. This was the moment I have been longing for. It was magical and so pure. We both did not speak anything but enjoyed the rain and the special bond that we share. I looked at his eyes; they are so gorgeous I could stare at them my whole life. He noticed me gazing at him. He kissed me again and then kissed my forehead. He always makes me feel so safe. Like nothing could go wrong when I am with him. He has this charm which makes it too difficult to ignore him. His every feature is so unique and alluring. He is so handsome and pretty. I love him so much. I don’t want this moment to go away. I wanted that time should freeze then and there.

  “Ash, never ever distance yourself from Me.” he said out of the blue.

  “I just wanted you to be happy.” I replied.

  “All I want is you wanting me. Nothing else. I am the happiest when I am with you.” He said being excessively romantic.

  “I love you like crazy, Jake. You are the one I think about every single minute. You don’t have a clue how hard it was to stay away from you.”

  “I know babe. I love you too.” He said and kissed me again. “This is great. The two things I love are here with me.”

  “Two?” I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly.

  “Ya, you and…. Raindrops.” He said, throwing some droplets at me.

  “God. I am already completely wet.” I said.

  “You are not completely wet.” Before I could have said anything he stood up and picked me in his arms and then jumped down the stairs, splashing water.

  “Jake leave me.” I shouted but honestly I didn’t want him to leave me ever.

  “Ya! As if you really want to get down.” He teased me. We both laughed and then he swung me around and I shrieked with happiness and delight.

  “Well, we didn’t see anything.” Emmet said, pretending to close his eyes. And then Emma, who is standing behind him, started laughing. Jake and I got so self involved and engrossed in our romantic evening that we totally forgot that the door was open and both the brother-sister duo was watching and enjoying the show. Jake very gracefully emplaced me on the wet road, both of us a bit embarrassed.

  “We were just enjoying the weather!” I said feeling flustered.

  “Absolutely and we were enjoying ourselves by watching your little enjoyment.” Emma said, pulling our leg. Emma and Emmet hi-fived each other and laughed out loud at us.

  “Come on guys, stop it.” Jake said, smiling himself.

  “Okay, okay sorry but I think you both should come inside and dry yourselves up or both of you would fall sick.” Emma suggested. Jake and I looked at each other and shared an evil smile.

  “One, two and three go…….” Jake and I counted and both of us rushed towards Emmet and Emma. I dragged Emma in the rain and Jake bought Emmet, with his wheelchair, down the stairs.

  “GOD! Ash and Jake, that was really wicked.” Emma said.

  “Don’t tell me you are not enjoying it.” I said, dancing in the rain.

  “I’ve not enjoyed rain this much, in my life before.” Emmet committed.

  “Me too.” I said.

  “Me three.” Jake said

  “And me four!” Emma chimed in. We all started spraying water on each other. It was so much fun. I have actually not enjoyed this much before. All four of us were having a splendid time. We really were enjoying ourselves. It was like a water fight. We were dancing, singing, laughing, and teasing all at one time. It was turning out to be the best day for all of us. What surprised me the most is that we bonded so quickly. We have become so comfortable with each other that we can spill our dark secrets and know that they are safe.

  “Time out. Stop. I can’t laugh anymore or my lungs would burst.” Emma said and everyone agreed with her and stopped playing, moreover the rain was subsiding too.

  “Well I guess it is time to get inside and dry up.” Emmet said. The three of us nodded and went inside their house, dripping on their neat and dry carpet.

  “We are so sorry for making your house damp and dirty.” I apologized.

  “You can’t make it dirtier than it already is and partners in crime don’t say sorry to each other.” Emma winked at me. She is so cool about everything, I love this thing about her.

  “Here you go!” Emma said handing us over the towels. I wiped my hair with the towel and tiny droplets of water landed on Jake’s face and he fidgeted. I did it the second time, intentionally, and he fidgeted again. He looks so cute fidgeting. He closes his eyes so tightly and then he brushes off the droplet from his face. I realize I have started observing all his little, little habits. Like he always drink a glass of wine before singing. He writes with his right hand but does other things with his left hand. His hands, most of the time, are in his pocket.

  “Emma thanks for the towel.” Jake said and gave back the towel and I was brought back to the reality.

  “Thank you Emma, I had a great time here. I really needed it or else I would have gone mad.” I hugged Emma tightly.

  “We should be thankful, Ash. Emmet and I had a blast today. It was awesome. This was the best rain of our life. Right Emmet?” Emma said.

  “Of course. It was such a wonderful rainfall. I really enjoyed it. I have never loved rain so much in my entire life. I am really thankful to Crimson Palace.” Emmet said.

  “Crimson Palace, what it has to do with today’s night?” I said, surprised.

  “Of course I should be thankful to Crimson Palace. It is because of that restaurant my sister met you both and then you both came here and then we all bonded and that is why we had this night.” Emmet stopped to take a breath.

  “Oh that ways. In that case even I would like to thank Crimson Palace, I also met special friends like you.” I said.

  “Cheers for Crimson Palace.” Emma said and we all hooted.

  “It is getting late, I think we should leave, but guys, to be honest I really don’t want to go. We had such a great time. I love rains but I have never enjoyed them more.” Jake said, looking at me. We both stared each other without blinking. We were caught in the charisma of the moment. Suddenly Emma coughed and we both startled.

  “You never fail to embarrass me, do you?” I snapped at Emma.

  “What are best friends for”” She replied and we all laughed.

  “Best friends are for the fun moments like rain dances.” I said and did a little twirl.

  “I am glad I have such good best friends.” Emmet chimed in. We all did a group hug and then said our byes.