Read I Will Be There For You Page 40


  “Honey, can you get me a banana muffin?” I asked, innocently, to Jake.

  “Sure.” He said and went to the counter. I am at the hospital’s canteen with Jake so that all the invited people could work in the garden. Except his family no one has wished me. They are setting the place for my big surprise. To be honest I am getting cold feet. I am so scared that I may fumble and the biggest fear is Jake’s reaction……

  “Here you go!” Jake said, bringing my muffin. I was just about to take a bite of my muffin when Jake interrupted.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Jake asked.

  OH GOD!!!!

  “My…. my hands are clean.” I said, acting innocent. He smiled but I could see his disappointment. He looked away and I felt a pang of guilt. He spent the whole day without getting anyone’s wishes except his family but I am sure the surprise would be worth the wait. My phone beeped. It was Emma’s message.

  All ready, come fast. Everyone is super excited.


  “Okay let’s go!” I screamed.

  “What? You didn’t even finish your muffin.” Jake looked really perplexed.

  “I mean…….. I am feeling……kind of suffocating and un…uneasy. What say we go out and have a walk?” I said, feeling my stomach with one hand and the other crossed behind my back.

  “Ohhkkaay.” He looked really puzzled and confused. We got up and started walking. We kept on walking and walking and the garden came nearer and nearer. My heart was thumping against my chest. I could hear my heartbeat loud and clear. I have turned pale and oh my god …. My throat feels dry and I feel a bit dizzy.

  “You okay?” he asked, looking worried and concerned.

  “Yes, Ummmm…. Let’s go over there.” I said pointing towards the garden. He nodded and we turned our way towards the garden.

  This is the moment.

  We entered the garden and everything was just as planned. All were hiding and there was this table set up in the middle with candles and rose petals. There was a banner of ‘Happy Birthday!’ taped around the table.

  “Happy Birthday, Jake.” I hugged him from behind. He was shocked. His expressions were as if he’ll explode with happiness.

  “I don’t believe this. It is amazing. I love it and I love you!” he kissed me and I kissed him back.

  “Wait there is more. Close your eyes.” I said in a duende voice.

  “Come on.” He protested.

  “Please, for me.” I made a cute kitty face and he fell for it and closed his eyes. I took a deep breath smiled.

  “Open your eyes.” I said, in a wobbly voice. When he opened his eyes he didn’t see me standing there in front of him. He slowly looked down and there I was on my one knee.

  “Mr. Jake Brandon. You are the most amazing person I have met in my whole life. You are just perfect, everything about you is just so alluring so charismatic so pizzazz. The way you make me laugh, the way you behave so witty and funny, the way you look, the way you care for me, the way you excel at being you. I have never met anyone in my life about him I am this crazy. I love you more than anything in this whole world. I love the sound of your voice, I love your hair, I love your smile, I love your eyes but most importantly I love you.” I said and took out the ring mom and dad gave me that day and then continued, “So Jake will you marry me?” Jake didn’t say anything but got down to his one knee too. He still didn’t utter a single word but took out his phone. I heard something breaking inside me. I was hurt really hurt. I was near to tears when my phone started ringing.

  It was him. It was Jake. He got a new phone?

  “Hello!” I answered the phone.

  “Hey Ash do you remember you once said that f I ever need a relationship advice, you’ll be there?” he asked.

  “Yes I do!” I smiled and tears came too, what an irony.

  “Well, there is this girl who just proposed me. She is on her one knee and she is weeping.” He wiped my tears graciously with his fingers and then continued, “She has a ring too and I love her, can you tell me what should I do?”

  “Well I think you should say yes, wear the ring because I’m pretty sure her knees are aching.” I said with both a smile and lots of tears. Jake smiled and kept the phone aside and so did I.

  “So?” I asked.

  “I love you and I will be happy to live my forever with you.” He said and gave his right hand to me. I placed the ring lithely on his ring finger.

  “It is beautiful, thank you so much.” He embraced me tightly and I was still crying I don’t know why. I guess the moment was really flattering and overwhelming.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked wiping my tears once again.

  “I don’t know.” I replied, honestly.

  “Well this may help.” He slowly brought his lips near mine and kissed me passionately. I nearly tripped off but it did help. All of a sudden the people in hiding shouted, “CONGRATULATIONS!!!”

  “Heyyy!” Jake said a bit embarrassed but he was more surprised.

  “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE!” Everyone shouted.

  “Thank you, I am so glad you all are here.” Jake said.

  “It was all Ash’s idea.” Emmet said. Jake went to him and came to the level of his wheelchair and hugged him, I too hugged Emma tightly.

  “Thank you it was all possible because of you guys!” I said and hugged Emmet too.

  “We just helped it is your love for each other that we are all over here.” Emma said, “Now go meet your parents they are so happy.” She said. We first went to Rachel and Jon.

  “Congratulations son!” Rachel said with tears, this time they are justified.

  “Thanks mom.” He replied and hugged her.

  “Hey buddy, we are so happy!” Jon said and hugged him.

  “Ashley, love, welcome to the family.” Rachel and Jon said together.

  “Thank you! I am so lucky to be a part of your family!” I replied and hugged Rachel and then Jon. After that we went to my parents.

  “Ash, you were so good!” mom said and squeezed my shoulder a bit.

  “We are really proud of you!” dad said and side-hugged me.

  “Jake, Happy Birthday Son!” mom said.

  “Wish you all the happiness.” Dad continued her sentence.

  “Thank you. I promise I will always be there with Ashley. Your daughter is in safe hands.

  “We know that.” Dad said and hugged him. OH MY GOD! This day is really amazing. Next we went to Rebecca and Joey. Tough part.

  “Happy Birthday and congratulation, bro!” Jake hugged his sister.

  “Congratulations buddy!” Joey said and patted his shoulder.

  “Thank you!” Jake replied. In the mean time I went to Dr. Smith who was feeling a little left out.

  “Thank you so much Dr. It was possible all because of you.” I thanked him.

  “No problems at all. By the way, your speech was really good. I am happy I was a part of this surprise.” He winked.

  “Thank you so much.” I replied.

  “Sorry to cut in, but can I talk to Ashley for a sec?” The familiar voice of Beck came.

  “Sure.” Dr. Smith said and left us alone.

  “I am so sorry, Ashley.”

  “For what?”

  “For being so rude to you and for putting all the blame on you. I am really sorry.”

  “Becky, it’s all the past. You’ll always be my friend.”

  “I was a bit jealous of Emma and I didn’t want to lose you but I acted like a jerk and spoiled our friendship.” She felt sorry now.

  “Becky, whatever you did I will forget and forgive that but we can never be the same. I appreciate you coming here and justifying yourself but I have moved on.”

  “But, we were soulsisters.” She said.

  “We were Beck not know. Soulsisters don’t leave like you did, no offense though. My best friend is Emma for eternity and whatever happens I am sure she’ll be there for me and I will be there for her.” I replied.
  “Well atleast we can be friends?” she said.

  “Of course!” I said and hugged her. We said goodbye and I rushed to Emma.

  “I am so happy everything turned out to be great!” I hugged her.

  “I know it was amazing.” She replied.

  “Today, I want to make a declaration!” I announced.

  “What?” she seemed really interested.

  “You will be my maid-of-honor on my wedding. You’ll be the Godmother of my children and you and I will always be there for each other.”

  “Of course.” She said and hugged me.

  “What’s going on?” Emmet asked, as Emmet and Jake joined us.

  “Just talking.” Emma replied.

  “Emmet, I hope you are feeling alright?” I asked, I didn’t want to him to exert himself.

  “Of course I am alright and after listening to your speech and I am really fine.”

  “Thank you!” I hugged him.

  “Well ladies and gentleman, I declare Emmet as my best man.” Jake announced to all of us.

  “Thanks buddy.” Emmet punched him lightly on the shoulder.

  “Now, if you all excuse me, I would like to take my brand new and beautiful fiancé for a ride.” Jake announced loudly.

  “Sure!” Rachel said and we both eloped.