Read I Will Be There For You Page 9

“Oh God! I am so damn full.” I say, after finishing my ravioli and rubbing my stomach.

  “Darling, it was great!” Dad said, kissing her.

  “Thank you!” she said really gracefully.

  I am really glad that my parents are celebrating my achievements. I am so proud of myself and I am sure you are too. There is no feeling in the world which could match the feeling you get when you see a smile on your parents face especially when you are the reason.

  “Ah! It is to relaxing to lie on the bed when you have worked hard all day” I muttered to myself, falling on my bed. I actually didn’t realize when I was sound asleep.

  Next morning, I woke up early having the same zeal as yesterday. I went to the bathroom, plugged in my I-pod and started getting ready for my job. I think I am running out of classy wears. Note to self: Go shopping soon.

  “Morning, mom and dad!” I greeted them like a five year old who is too excited to go to school.

  “Morning love.”

  “Morning Darling!” dad and mom wished me respectively.

  “Ready for Crimson Palace?” dad asked in a strange accent. I think its mandarin or something. What so ever, it didn’t suited him.

  “Always!” I replied.

  Meanwhile mom brought my coffee and kept it on the table. I sometimes think that I have the best parents ever! No, I believe it and it is so damn true. I mean I am 25 and still living with them and they have not passed a single sarcastic comment. I wasn’t even working or helping mom around but still they have always loved me unconditionally. But you know what, once I start earn enough money I am sure I am gonna settle down in my own house and then get settled with the most handsome husband.

  “Honey, finish your breakfast fast and then I will drop you off to the restaurant!” dad said, finishing his tea (he has stopped eating coco pops, even at night, after mom and I drove him crazy with our comments.).

  “Dad actually, you don’t need to drop me. Jake is coming here to pick me up.” I replied, gulping my coffee.

  “Oh okay. Of course you both are going to the same place, why not go together.” He said. He kissed my mom goodbye and left for work.

  “Mum I must leave too. Jake would be here any minute now” I said and waved mom goodbye. As I went outside, Jake was already there with his car.

  “Hey, Ash. Come fast” I heard Becky screaming for the car. Becky?

  “I have already missed the first day of your work. Can’t miss the second.” She said, joyfully. Oh! Got it.

  “Oh Becky I love you” I said and rushed inside the car. “Thank you Becky for coming. It is great, you will love it. I am sure.”

  “Before you get too excited, you must know, I am a tough customer to tackle love” she said like a million dollar worth, snotty businesswoman.

  “Don’t worry. I know how to handle you” I replied and then we both burst out laughing.

  “Hello Ash!” came Jake’s voice.

  Shit. I totally forgot he was in the car too and the fact that he was kind enough to give me a lift today.

  “Hello Jake! I am so sorry. I was so excited about Becky joining us today at Crimson Palace, I completely. . . . .” I couldn’t even complete my sentence as he intervened and completed it for me, “Forgot me! It is okay I was just kidding, relax.” And then he started laughing. I was too embarrassed to smile let alone laugh. You know what they say (I don’t know exactly who, by the way!) there is always some seriousness behind every just kidding. Finally the restaurant came. Phew.

  “Welcome Ms. Rebecca Brandon. Welcome to Crimson Palace.” I said in my perfect waitress-type tone.

  She nodded, continuing to pretend like snotty pants. The three of us went inside and took our positions, that were, Becky at a table. Jake on the stage, doing some kind of setting. And I went inside the kitchen.

  “Hey Ash!” Emma greeted me with a big smile.

  “Hello Em. So early?” I asked.

  “Well I am a little more punctual.” She replied.

  “Oh I see. It is good”

  I wore my apron and picked my small diary and pencil and kept it in the small pocket stitched to my apron

  “Good morning ma’am. I hope you find your table conducive?” I asked Becky in a sugar-coated tone.

  “Actually, I need help. I need to find my-not-so-prissy-and-polite friend who does not wear an apron. Have you, by any chance, seen her?” she chaffed me. And we both started laughing. Just then Justin came and coughed so that I can be alert of his presence.

  “Being quite friendly with the customers?” he taunted me.

  “No, actually I find your staff really warm and nice. For a moment I thought I was talking to my friend and not a high-on-attitude waitress. I really liked her.” Becky said on my behalf and then winked at me.

  She is a star.

  “Well in that case, good job Becky.” He said and left. He is such a cold person. No ‘I am sorry’, no nothing. Bosses are horrible.

  “Listen Ash, I have to go. I have to meet Joey. You look fab. And I am sure you are doing a great job. Bye. Meet you soon” she said and rushed off. To be frank I was a little annoyed of this Joey. He always gets in between. I hate him. Although I haven’t even met him but I am sure he is a bugger.

  Sorry, I take that back. I am being so judgmental.

  I was going back to the kitchen when I glanced at Jake. He was adjusting the mic. He looks really cool in hoods, just for your information. He is now practicing his song, it is really soothing and nice. I like it. No, I love it. At that very moment, when I was busy staring at Jake, Emma came from behind and tapped my shoulders.

  “What are you staring at?” Emma teased me as she had already followed my gaze and is looking at Jake herself. I am all red but she keeps on smiling.

  “No …. No. . . . . . you have got it all wrong…..” I tried to explain but I was tongue tied.

  “I got it! But, on a serious note Justin is calling everyone for a special meeting.” She informed me. I nodded and followed her inside the kitchen. Justin was standing in the centre and everyone surrounded him, Emma and I joined.