Read ISAN--International Sensory Assassin Network Page 16

  When the hallway split, the couple veered left and I steered right. I released a breath and focused again when Justine and Brooke appeared at the end of the hallway.

  I didn’t recognize my team at first. They wore wigs and housekeeping uniforms—black pants, black vests, and white long-sleeved, button-down shirts. After I rubbed the back of my ear, I connected the transmitter, so flat against my skin I had no idea if it worked.

  Kendrick had created a way to communicate without being detected. Since any form of metal device would have been picked up by the scanner, he’d designed a polymer one to blend with the skin. Brilliant.

  I slowed my pace to match Mitch.

  He spoke to them through the transmitter, dipping his chin low to shroud his lips from the cameras mounted on the ceiling. “We’ll enter our room first. Then you knock, announcing housekeeping service. Were you able to detect how many bodyguards he had?”

  “About twenty,” Brooke said.

  “Sorry ladies, but we’re going to need your assistance. He has more bodyguards than I had anticipated.”

  “Understood,” Brooke replied.

  “Did you prep the room?” Mitch asked.

  “As instructed. Justine and I did an awesome job for our first time. Everything we’ll need is in the cart.”


  Mitch took out the keycard and inserted it to be scanned. The door clicked open and I went in. A few seconds later, the door chimed.

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “Housekeeping. Did you request some towels?” Justine asked.

  I pushed a button, allowing the door to swing open on its own. As soon as the door closed behind them, Brooke reached inside the cart full of towels. She pulled out Tasers and guns and placed them on the dining table. The cart was big enough to hide Mr. San’s body.

  “I assume you had no problems with security?” Mitch took off his coat and placed the Taser in the back waistband of his pants.

  “It was the only cart in the basement.” Brooke adjusted the weapons around her. “Just like the itinerary said, it was waiting for us. I didn’t see anyone around. I’m assuming his identity is confidential?”

  “Yup.” Mitch adjusted his shirt and took off his bow tie.

  Justine pointed her Taser at the tall vase. “I’m ready.”

  “I’m almost ready.” I took off my fake jewelry and slipped off my dress to unveil black leggings and a curve-hugging corset.

  Lydia had provided the outfit—the only thing thin enough to fit under my tight fabric. I certainly couldn’t be a proper assassin in that dress.

  Mitch hitched a brow. His eyes lingered on my body a bit too long for my comfort. “Lydia told you to wear that?”

  I picked up a Taser and a gun from the table. “Yes. Don’t stare at me. Whatever it takes, right?”

  Everything paused. The room spun, and I felt sick to my stomach. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. The words flooded me with déjà vu. What the hell? I snuck a glance at Mitch and was glad he hadn’t seen my expression. He busied himself by setting aside the towels that had been dumped.

  “Hey, Ava. Are you okay?” Brooke’s hand on my shoulder took me out of my daze, but I wasn’t sure what she had said exactly.

  I rubbed at my temples, hoping to focus better. I blamed it on nerves, but I couldn’t shake it. “Yeah. Let’s do this. Is the room ready, Brooke?”

  “Yes,” she said with conviction.

  I froze when Tamara’s voice projected through the transmitter.

  “Mr. San and roughly twenty bodyguards are about to enter his hotel suite to change his outfit as stated in our itinerary. His speech is over. Russ and I have changed in our room and we are set to go. Let me know when you’re in. When the doorbell rings, you’ll know it’s us.”

  While Tamara spoke, the pitter-patter of my heart turned into a roar. I felt the danger, tasted fear, and saw death. Inhaling deep breaths, I counted down from ten to ease my pulverizing heart to control my trembling body. A dose of Helix would have been welcome. I’d have one less thing to fight—fear.

  As if reading my mind, Mitch withdrew Helix from his pocket and administered some to all of us.

  “You have thirty minutes for Helix and one hour before I jump start your capsule.” Mitch rubbed the transmitter. “Russ, Tamara, the eagles are in flight.”

  “Let’s do this.” Justine’s tone laced with confidence.

  “Let’s go.” Brooke took off.

  Passing the sofas, 3D screen, the kitchen, and then another bedroom, I reached the empty walk-in closet. Justine pushed a section of the wall she had cut through, the empty space just enough for a body to enter. She then took out the second wall, opening a door to the closet in Mr. San’s suite where a musky scent enveloped me. The sound of many footsteps indicated Mr. San was inside.

  Tiptoeing, I passed his bedroom and got into my position as far out as I could without being seen. Right on cue, the door chimed. Then the sound of Tasers and bullets rang out.

  Crouching low, I stunned the first guard through the door, shifted my aim, and shot again. Then I bolted across the marble floor to dodge bullets, and shot one guard in front of me. Brooke, watching my back, kicked a guard who was pointing a gun at me and tased him.

  With a Taser in each hand, Mitch took out two guards at once. Sidestepping to the right, he shoved one Taser behind his waist and punched the guard coming for him on the chest. Justine finished him off with a swipe across his neck with the plastic dagger she had pulled from her boot. The guard reached for his neck, blood spilling down his shirt.

  Tamara jumped on the sofa to evade the bullets aiming for her. Just as she leaped off, the fabric tore and white padding shot out like dust around her. Bullets sprayed across the wall, destroying the television screen, punching holes through the plasters, and shattering the mirrors. Tamara throttled a guard’s neck from behind him. As he struggled from her grip, she held him as a shield. The man took the hit instead of her and fell to the ground.

  More came at me. I slammed a man against the wall when he yanked a fistful of my hair. His whole face smashed into the plaster, making an imprint before he collapsed. Whirling, I stunned the one to my right. As I held on to him, I threw my legs in the air and kicked another guard on his chest. He flew on top of the glass coffee table, shattering it into pieces. I flinched away from the flying shards. My chest heaving, I assessed the damage.

  I didn’t know what made me freak out the most: seeing all the bloody bodies on the floor, or Mr. San scared out of his mind and urinating. Mr. San stood in the corner with two bodyguards pointing guns at us. He had told his guards not to shoot.


  “What do you want?” San’s beseeching eyes bounced to all of us. “I have money. I can give you lots of it.”

  Russ held a Taser on them as I cautiously closed the gap.

  “Stay where you are or I’ll shoot,” one brave guard said.

  “Not if I shoot first.” Russ took out both guards with his Taser in rapid succession, his aim impeccable, leaving Mr. San standing there with his hands in the air, surrendering.

  “I’ll give you whatever you want ... Please.”

  Mr. San’s plea softened my heart only for a tiny fraction when Lydia’s voice entered my mine. Don’t listen to the sound of their voices. It will only confuse you. Don’t look at their faces. Don’t make eye contact. You are there to do your job. You are an assassin.

  A gunshot exploded through the quiet. My heart leaped to my throat as my eyes darted from each member of my team. I even patted my chest. But it was Mr. San who dropped to the floor. One bullet to his head.

  Russ gripped the front of Mitch’s dress shirt, his eyes fuming with rage. “Why did you do that? We were supposed to bring him in.”

  Mitch shoved Russ off like he was a nuisance and straightened his collar. “I’ve been out in the field a lot longer than you. You don’t question me.”

  I stiffened and watched my two superi
ors as though I had never seen them before. What if they start punching each other? Though I would have loved to see Russ kick Mitch’s ass.

  Mitch pointed to San. “He’s not Jonathan San. He’s still down there. This one is an imposter. We’ve been found out. We need to get the hell out of here.”

  “You better not be playing me.” Russ shook San’s body and examined him. Mitch did too.

  I gasped when Mitch tugged off the imposter’s hair and the fake glasses.

  Mitch placed the glasses inside his pocket and stood. “We need to go, now.”

  “How did you know?” Russ inspected the wig Mitch had handed him.

  “I didn’t until I saw his face up close. Then it was obvious. Mr. San’s nose is bigger.”

  “We could’ve brought him in and questioned him.”

  “No, he wouldn’t have made it. I just saved him from blowing up or having a heart attack. They would use a failsafe like the cyanide capsule on him. These people we’re dealing with, they’re professionals, too.”

  Satisfied with his answer, Russ tossed the wig onto the imposter’s body. “Good observation. I’ll call the sweeper team. They’re already in the building.”

  Blood rushed down to my toes, and acid rose in my throat. Not only was Helix out of my system, I was on the run.

  Mitch stretched his neck and rolled his shoulders. “Ladies, don’t go out front. Go back through the closet we came from and dress back to your gown. Don’t get caught. Stay close to me. I’ll lead you to our sub-glider.”

  Justine and Brooke left the room with the cart as if nothing had happened. Tamara and Russ went back to their room through the adjoining door, and Mitch joined them to do a quick update to ISAN. With my hands shaking, I held onto my dress and ran to the bathroom.

  I fixed my hair to be presentable and slipped on my dress and tried to zip it back up. Unable to finish the rest, I decided to call Tamara when I heard a soft tap on the floor.

  “Would you like my assistance? Or you can just stand there so I can stare at you a bit longer.”

  Startled, I whirled toward the sound of a familiar, seductive voice. Sniper stood by the walk-in closet in a cool, relaxed manner with his hand braced on the door. His hair was slicked back, looking polished and debonair. My heart pummeled, but not in fear.

  Was I crazy to be attracted to him? Mesmerized by the black tuxedo forming to his perfect body, I stared at him and wondered if I’d dreamed him up. His presence confirmed I hadn’t imagined him above the stairs earlier. Then I wondered if he’d come alone.

  “How’d you know I was here?”

  Unnerved, I gritted my teeth. He hadn’t heeded my warning to stay away. I should scream or plan an escape out of the bathroom, but I couldn’t move or think. His presence stirred my curiosity and I wanted answers, especially when the lunatic thought he knew me.

  “It doesn’t concern you,” he said.

  His nonchalant tone caused me to raise my voice. “The hell it doesn’t.”

  “I’ll explain later.”

  I scoffed. “Are you here to try to kidnap me again?”

  I might not have Helix, but I had my heels and months of training backing me up. If there was one thing I was good at, it was bringing a person to their knees. Courage grew inside me and I dropped my dress.

  Sniper snapped out of his stupor and his amber eyes grew darker. “Where are my manners? I admire the dress, but I like what you’re wearing now so much more.” He waggled his eyebrows. “You look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

  No. Don’t say that.

  I became breathless when he closed the gap between us. Why was I letting him? When Sniper raised his hand, I flinched. My heart galloped faster when he cupped my face and ran his thumb ever so tenderly along my cheek.

  “I wish I could’ve been your date tonight. We could’ve danced together. Dancing with me always made you happy.”

  I closed my eyes for several seconds, hypnotized by his voice, by his touch. I pictured us slow dancing, not because it had happened, but because I desperately wanted the happiness he described.

  Then I came to my senses. Leaning into his caress, I pretended to enjoy it, which wasn’t hard. Moving slowly, I raised my knee ...

  He stopped me from kneeing him between his legs. “Good try, but I know you too well.”

  Sniper whipped me around before I even knew what had happened. Blood rushed to the spots his warm hands touched, and the scent of him spiraled around me. I peered up to see our paired reflection in the mirror. When my eyes met his, I became lost in time and space as I studied him. A second seemed like minutes.

  Who are you? What do you want with me?

  “Do you want to walk out of here with me willingly or do you want me to carry you out? Either way, you’re coming with me.” His flirtatious tone had vanished, replaced by something sharper.

  “If you think you’re going to take me, you’re wrong. My team is in the other room. Leave before they come get me. If they find you holding me hostage, they’ll kill you. You better hurry. You’re running out of time.”

  “I doubt that’ll happen. Besides, I’m not alone.” He twitched his lips. “We—”


  “My team. Look behind you.”

  The two friends with him last time stepped out of the shadows. The girl wore a shimmering coral gown, and the guy sported a black tuxedo.

  “Whoa.” The guy raised his hands, blocking his view of me. “When you said you wanted to strip her down, I didn’t think you meant literally.”

  “Shut up, Ozzie. Just do it.”

  Ozzie approached me. He raised his slightly trembling hands, but backed off. “Reyna, you do it. I can’t touch her.”

  Grumbling, Reyna ran her hands down my body. “She’s clean.”

  “Are you done? Had enough? So, have I.”

  I kicked my heel upward and caught it with my left hand, then tapped it on the beige granite counter. After I whipped around, I grabbed Sniper and locked my arms around his neck, the plastic blade from my heel sticking close to his throat.

  “Well done, Ava. Too bad you won’t be awake to celebrate your victory.” Sniper didn’t struggle or try to break my hold.

  Did he plan to kill me?

  “What do you mean?” I tightened my grip.

  “You were dosed with a sleeping agent when I caressed your face. In the count of five, you’ll be in my arms.”

  “You’re lying.” My heart leapt to the ceiling. My eyes darted wildly as I tightened my hold around his neck to the point of cutting off his air. “You don’t understand. I need to get back. I’m going to have a heart attack. I’m going to die. They’re going to trigger my chip. Are you not hearing me?”

  “Three ... two ... one.”

  When nothing happened, their stunned faces almost made me laugh, and I loosened my grip. In my desperation, I had rambled things that shouldn’t make sense to them, and I felt as if I had told them ISAN’s secrets. My team’s faces flashed in my mind—Brooke, Tamara, and Justine.

  I’m a coward and an idiot. Think. Think. Do something. Now is your chance to escape.

  But I couldn’t move. A part of me wanted to be taken, to see where they would take me, perhaps a place better than ISAN.

  “It didn’t work.” Sniper cursed under his breath.

  It was my chance to yell for help, but my tongue twisted in knots. I also found myself amused by their blunder.

  “You’re supposed to start from sixty. It takes sixty seconds once it’s applied. But you’re not supposed to count out loud.” Ozzie rolled his eyes. “It’s not my fault you didn’t listen and made a fool out of yourself.”

  “Sixty? What the freakin’ hell, Ozzie?” He roared and then shifted his attention to me. “So, Ava.” Sniper cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his head. “It seems like I miscalculated the time. You should be seeing the room spin by now. Don’t worry. I’ll catch you. I always do.”

  I had made a terrible mistake by keeping quiet. Now
, I was good as dead. Before I could part my lips, the room spun. My muscles slacked, my body swayed, and three blurry Snipers wavered. Then I felt a sting on my forearm, where my chip was lodged.

  “I know the drill. That will deactivate the chip and the capsule. Though I highly doubt they would risk it with you. You’re too valuable to them.”

  Ozzie’s words dragged out, and it sounded like a long, jumbled sound. An arm supported my back, and I knew I wouldn’t drop to the floor. Sniper’s arms? I fought so hard to stay awake, but darkness came swiftly and Sniper’s words chanted in my head.

  Don’t worry. I’ll catch you. I always do.

  “I got you. Whatever it takes,” was the last thing I heard before sleep beckoned.

  * * *

  I blinked my eyes open to a white ceiling. As I relaxed my muscles, a sense of serenity filled me. That only lasted for a second before I realized I should be looking at an energy-saving light panel turned on by my command. My memories of the night before crept in.

  Oh God, how long had it been? I should have been dead from the cyanide. Why was I not dead? What do I do now? My training hadn’t covered getting captured.

  Breathe. Don’t move. Stay calm. I wiggled my toes, ensuring I had use of my muscles, when something clicked. Shoes squeaked on the floor. I closed my eyes again and kept my breathing even.

  “How long does it last?” Sniper asked.

  “It should be out of her system by now, unless you did something I told you not to do, like apply double the amount.” Ozzie sounded aggravated.

  I heard clicks with a rhythm like typing, but TABs didn’t make any sound when fingers touched the screen in mid-air.

  I heard more clicks, but on the floor. Someone paced across. “Why don’t you get something to eat?” Reyna’s voice.

  The sound of the chair rolling made me twitch. “I’ll sit,” Sniper said, his voice a lot closer than before. “Ozzie, go with Reyna and get something to eat. I’ll wait here.”

  “You sure? Ava’s different. She’s stronger.”

  “She’s knocked out. She can’t hurt me. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. I’ll bring you something to eat, then.”