Read Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 12


  On the road Angell was feeling better than before, but her happiness didn’t fully come by in her life, she had only one thing to do. She was half happy that her dear boyfriend was next to her in the car. But how with one swallow does not make spring; Angell had other small missions to fulfill, like her mother and her friends. Arrived on the main road, which was uniting all the localities of Ieloharis Island, driving carefully, feeling her hand taken by Marvell and kissed it by time to time, making her soul to shine. As the where heading to Sunshine with the car, the landscape started to grow in forests, meadows which could steal your eyes, a lot of flower greenhouses and of course that the Pya mountains didn’t left them, being the rocky mountains and sparsely wooded, which was stretching on all the east side of the island. The highest peak was near the OldStory town, named “The Pure Top” from the pureness of the Island Goddess named Amara, having 7.220 meters high, being so high that every time was hiding in the clouds. Sometimes it could be seen snow on the mountain.

  “We are in Sunshine.” Marvell said, and Angell was a little afraid, because she never entered in that town, being for the first time there. She suddenly stopped, then turned the wheel on right side, entering the town, where at the entrance were some old fashion houses, but very beautiful like architecture, on a paved road. She stopped the car, seeing a rusty plate on which was written Elpida Str.

  “Now where do I go?” Angell said, looking scared around. She observed a man which was busy downloading something from a red pickup truck; the girl parked the car at a tree shadow, getting off.

  “Be right back.” She said to Marvell, and so the girl went to the busy man, which was carrying some sacks of grain.

  “Good day sir, I am sorry to bother you, but I have a question.” Said Angell with polite.

  “Sure miss.” The man said, putting down a heavy sack.

  “I am searching for a house and…” She started to say but was suddenly interrupted by the man, who was like he wanted to get rid of her.

  “Miss, I suggest you to search for a real estate company for that.”

  “Wait a minute. I am not searching for a house to buy it. I am searching for a house which belonged to Veriss family, if somehow you know about that.”

  The man stretched his back, watching her suspicious.

  “Why are you searching that cursed house?”

  “What do you mean cursed?” Angell asked, even if she was regretting that question, hunching that the man will peeve her.

  “What, you don’t know about the Veriss curse?”

  “No.” Said Angell irritated. “The Veriss Curse?”

  “Yes, well it says that Amira Veriss killed her parents into that house, because they was refusing to let her live with a boy from the island. Then she killed herself; it says that there are some ghosts there.”

  Angell looked him with big eyes, and then started to laugh. She was expecting anything, but not that.

  “What is so funny young lady?” The man asked offended.

  “My noble and kind sir, my name is Angell Veriss.”

  “Are you relative?”

  “Yes, I am Amira’s daughter. You don’t think that I am a ghost, do you?”

  The man dropped down the sack of bran, almost on his feet without saying a word.

  “Are you?” He said like Angell told him that vampires were among humans.

  “Yes, for real. And I want to know where that house is, if you are kind.”

  “You go straight ahead.” The man started to say, showing her with his hand. “Then you will reach the center. And then you have to turn to right until you will reach the Pepromeno Crossroad, ok, and then turn to left and you will find it. Is the only abandoned house in the area.”

  “Thank you.” The girl said coming back to the car with her smile on the lips. The man was watching her long, remaining stoned.

  When she got on the wheel, Marvell looked at her with weirdness because the girl burst into laughter.

  “Angell, are you ok?”

  “Yes. I will tell you why I am laughing about.”

  The girl started the engine, and driving softly ahead, in the same time thinking at the rubbish which her ears heard. What did he mean that Amira murdered her parents? Anyway, she knew that her real grandparents were dead, much less than being killed. All this horrible rumors about the unknown part of her family, made Angell to get angry because she still wasn’t aware of her mother’s true life.

  Even if she knew her mother well, now she seemed like a new woman she just met. While she was telling Marvell the funny event with that man, the girl arrived at the mentioned crossroad, not knowing that from there all the story came, and then she turned the car towards the forest, climbing.

  “My love, I hope that you don’t believe these stupid rumors, right?” Marvell said, looking carefully to Angell, like the girl was about to accuse her own mother of murder.

  “Good God Marvell, I am still mental health. Even if she would proof this thing I would still not believe.”

  “Anyway, let’s be serious… ghosts?” Marvell started to amuse himself. “Since when the S.F. exists?”

  Angell smiled without answering. She wasn’t that sure, thinking that she was talking to a “magical” flower back home. What normal human do this, if the fantasy doesn’t exist in his life? Even if Angell wanted so bad to tell the boy that he was wrong, preferred instead to shut up before she could be considerate a lunatic.

  “Angell, isn’t that the house we are looking for?” Marvell said, after when the two of them exited the forest.

  Indeed, Angell paid attention to a house left in heath, where the ivy took hold on the house front, once beautiful, and the roof was seating almost to fall down.

  “I think so.”

  The girl parked the car in the front of the house, and with Marvell, she got off. She looked around, seeing the wilderness. Two crosses in the courtyard, were symbolizing that there really something odious happened.

  “This is your parental mother’s house?” Marvell asked, watching easily amazed the landscape.

  “I guess so.”

  Angell entered the yard, walking towards the two graves. She saw some lite candles freshly putted, sign that someone was recently there. Angell read on the rotten wood crosses, the carved names.

  “Doloress Veriss. Born in 1947, died in 1989.” Angell read the first one. Marvell got next to hear, reading the second cross.

  “Gefred Veriss. Born in 1937, died in 1989.”

  “My real grandparents.” Angell said with compassion, petting softly the rotten wood, in sign of pity.

  Marvell putted his hand over her shoulders, seeing in the girl’s eyes, the tears.

  “Now I really do hate that I was lied.” Angell said.

  “This is it. I think your mother had a strong reason, Angell.”

  “Yes. Let’s go inside the house.” The girl said.

  “It doesn’t look so secure.”

  “I don’t care. I will go.”

  “I want for you to do this by yourself. I will wait for you at the car if you will need anything.” He said.

  “Fine.” Angell said, smiling to him.

  The boy lends over her, kissing her cheek then turned away back to the car, with his hands in the pockets. The girl looked at the house, going towards it.

  Inside was empty, the dust was omnipresent, and the spider’s webs, woven everywhere, was a sign that the house didn’t had masters for a long time. The girl was in the small hall, which was heading to the kitchen and living room, and she went to the wooden stairs, climbing it to the other floor. The stairs was creaking under the girl’s pressure, and Angell was afraid that at one point she will remain stuck with one of her foot inside the step.

  Arrived at the second floor, she saw two mahogany doors, and one of them was jarred, hearing someone signing a softly lullaby. The girl looked around from the door’s crack, and saw Amira on a bed, with red baldaquines ate by moths, carrying in her hands a
n ugly dirty doll. Angell easily pushed the door, without making a noise.

  “You know, when I was little my mother use to say to me that if I will not have a strong and rich family I will be in the people’s laughter.” Amira said, without taking her eyes from the doll.

  Angell looked around. Amira’s room, once clean, was a totally mess. The wardrobe was jaded, full of dust, and at every corner she could see spider webs. The windows were quite dirty, and the floral wallpapers were peeled, revealing the rotten wood walls.


  “Angell.” Amira said full of tears, watching her. “Why did you come here? It is a painful past which… well, should not be disclosed.

  “Why?” The girl said, taking a seat on the bed, launching dust in the air.

  “Because… I don’t know, maybe I was afraid that you will discover my past.”

  “Mom, only you and me are left. If we don’t trust each other, what will become of our left family?”

  “You are right, and I am so sorry Angell, I really am.”

  Angell saw that her mother was truly regretting.

  “I forgive you mother. And I am sorry too.”

  “You look so much like my mother.” Amira said smiling. “Same stubbornness, same beauty, unconcerned in appearance, but with the soul charged of worries for others.”

  “Doloress…” Angell said, looking at Amira with a smile.

  “Yes. Doloress Veriss. The one which, to save me from my father’s rage, she killed him.”

  Angell scowled.

  “But what Gefred did to you mother?”

  “My father found out from Lovin that I will have a child with him, and on that time, was an enormous shame for a girl at 16 years old to be pregnant. In a moment he got mad, wanting to kill me.”

  “And your mother saved you?”

  “Yes, she saved me.” Amira said sighing, looking fixed at the dust who was dancing in the sun rays which were tormenting to enter from the dirty window.

  “But, full of regrets, my mother didn’t stand the idea that she could harm someone, just as you do not bear it as well. And so, she hanged herself in the backyard. My aunt, or how you thought, grandmother Creselda arrived next day, and cried so much that everyone was thinking that she will have a heart attack. I was unconscious, had a break down… she took me safely in Moonlight, at her and Sabrina’s house. She took care of me like I was her own daughter, and she loved you so much, like she was a truly grandmother to you. Sabrina as a teenager ran away from home, breaking her mother’s heart. She died when Sabrina apologized to her. You were very small back then. Creselda made me to swear that you will have a normal life, without knowing the truth and by you, our family to triumph.” Amira said, turning to her daughter which remained stoned.

  “So… this is the reason?”

  “Yes. I wanted so bad to tell you so many times, but a promise is a promise. I couldn’t. I loved her too much.”

  The woman got up with the doll in her hand. Angell remained amazed, everything made sense.

  “But mother, Lovin? Did he reappear in your life?”

  “No, because he found out that I was gone, and neither had he known where I was. He searched me long time. He started his life, getting married with a beautiful ieloharian woman, but… she left him; she was alcoholic and therefore he remained alone, knowing that on this island he has a child.”

  “That is the reason he came to the wedding.” Said Angell, getting up.

  “Yes. Sabrina wanted very much to reunite us, to meet his daughter. But Lovin knew that you are his girl.”

  “But he didn’t say a word to me about this!” Angell said revolting.

  “It’s true. He didn’t tell you because he was afraid. But you found out without your will, and I for one didn’t want any more to see him.”

  Angell watched the dust from the rays, thinking. The truth was a really monster.

  “Mother.” The girl said, turning her face to she’s. “I want to visit Lovin in Sareville.”

  “Excuse me?” Amira said glum, watching her daughter like the last one mentioned just hit her head.

  “Honestly, I really want to see him mother, everything has to be fixed. I am still his daughter.”

  “But Angell…” Said her mother pretty scared by that suddenly wish.

  “I didn’t ask your permission. If you want, you can come with me and Marvell in Sareville, if not we will take you back home.”

  Amira was biting her lips, strongly thinking, and feeling her heart bumping harder in her chest.

  “Fine Angell, I will come with you.

  Angell smiled with all her heart, hugging her mother.

  After a couple of minutes, Marvell was playing on his cell phone, very annoyed that he was losing all the time.

  “Come on!” He said loudly, not noticing that Amira and Angell were coming from the house, happy as can be.

  “Mother, who owns now this house?” Angell said.

  “Me of course, I left it in the past, that’s why looks like that.”

  “Well we just have to reconstruct it, what do you think?” Said Angell. “It will be like a holiday house.”

  “Good idea.”

  The two of them reached Marvell, and Angell scowled see that the boy was paying attention to the cell phone game, moment when he woke up without it, because the girl just took it from his nose.

  “Hey! Oh, good day Mrs. Amira.”

  “Hello Marvell.”

  “Marvell we have decided to change the direction.” Angell said, giving back his cell phone.


  “We will go in Sareville.” The girl said smiling.


  “Because of that. I will tell you on the road. Come on.”

  “She always makes like that, leaving me dyeing of curiosity.” Marvell said, getting in the car, making Amira to laugh.

  They started the engine and off they go. Angell was watching cheerfully the review mirror, seeing her mother pretty sulky but at least everything was at peace, she had only one thing to do.

  She took her cellphone from her pocket, turning to left and heading on the highway, to reach Sareville.

  “Who are you calling Angell?” Marvell said, softly curious.

  “I will call to find out an address.” She said smiling, taking the cell to her ear.

  “Sabrina, how are you girl?”

  “Angell? Hey honey, I am fine at work, how are you?”

  “Very well, I am going to Sareville with my mother and Marvell.”

  “Sareville? What are you doing there? Come and visit us?” Sabrina said in a funny way, but Angell smiled ironically saying:

  “I thought that you were living on the continent Sabrina.”

  “Well, now you know the truth.”

  “Yeah. I called you to tell me something. Where is Lovin working?”

  “Excuse me?” Marvell and Sabrina at the phone, said in choir.

  Amira sighed, watching the Pya Mountains.

  “You heard me. Don’t try to hide this thing from me Sab, I will still find out either way. So, spit it out.”

  “Angell, if I will tell you, promise me that you will not do something reckless.”

  “What do you thing I will do? Kill him?”

  “Well, no comment. It is all your right. Lovin is working at the Oriental Orange company, on the White-Poppy street no. 3. Go in and ask. He is the director anyway. Good luck Angell.”

  “Thanks Sabrina.” Angell said, closing the phone.

  “Well, what did she said?” Amira asked curiously.

  “I found out where he works. Hope I will find the right place.”

  The three of them just passed the sign board which was written Old-Story Left, which was directing them between the mountains, but they continued the road straight ahead. In the car Amira was telling them about her teenage relationship with Lovin, making the two lovers to look with passion to one another. Angell was thrilled that her mother was opening her past e
ven in front of Marvell, meaning that she had faith in him.

  “I remember that I had 15 years old, I was pretty, long and rich dark hair. Was the Rain Festival then in Sunshine. My mother brought me to the fair. The Rain’s Daughter at that time was Mirabella, a very 16 years old beautiful girl.”

  “But mother.” Angell interrupted her. “I thought that only 20 years old girls were allowed to be the Rain’s Daughter.”

  “Ah, not only. This 20 years old rule is now, back then was different. After her, I supposed to be next, but… anyway. Then at the fair I remember that my father came by, Gefred, very drunk. There we met Mrs. Kenilla, Lovin’s mother. She was a good friend with my mom. She presented to us her son, Lovin Rivertmen.”

  “But mom, if they were in the same town with you, doesn’t mean that you already knew him?”

  “Well I heard about him, that was the most wanted boy in the island, because was very handsome. My mother kept me away from him intentionally, but how my father got drunk, my mother had no choice but to let Mrs. Kenilla take care of me. I remained with them, watching the show. Lovin wanted to whisper something to my ear; he dragged me in the forest. And, full of emotions, told me that he likes me very much, and he felt in love with me. I remember that I was looking directly in his flaming greenish eyes, I was very lost in them.”

  “And you accepted to be his lover?” Angell said, overcoming a white car.

  “Not suddenly. It followed a week in which he was sending me letters, and in one night he told me to meet him in the Sun’s Glade. There… we kissed.”

  Angell shouted her mouth, not wanting to ask her about what happened next. Amira looked outside lost in her own thoughts, to the mountains, and some long gone words came in her mind.

  “Amira… I love you… I… I want you to be my wife.”

  “Look, we enter right away in the city.” Marvell said.

  The road was split in two, one going to Careville and the other one to Sareville. Angell turned the car to the left side, entering the road which was carrying them where they wanted to be. The city of Sareville was at the foot of Pya Mountains, and a river was cutting the way, pouring directly into the sea, which could be seen at the distance, between the mountains which were ending up as hills.

  The I.I.T. tower (Ieloharis Island Television) was the highest point from the city, if you don’t count the 2.000 high mountains behind. Angell turned again, entering on the SilverGate Bridge, where the road was leading them on the right. The bridge was huge, having four bands, and the city’s buildings were starting to appear on their eyes, while they were heading towards the city.

  “The Asimi River decreased so badly. Once it was reaching the bridge.” Amira said, looking down to the river which was coming from the mountains. Marvell looked on the other part, seeing how the river was softly turning to right, after the mountains, going to the sea.

  “I really don’t want to know how deep the river is.” Angell said, entering the city.

  The city of Sareville wasn’t much different then the Careville, being more smaller, and the road which came from the bridge was going straight ahead until the mountains, and in sides was crossing with other streets. Angell stopped the car on a small street, getting off. The truth is the she never was in Sareville city, and she had no idea where to go.

  “I am sorry to bother you.” She said to a lady, which was waiting the tram in a station nearby. “Can you please tell me where the White-Poppy Street is?”

  “Yes. You go straight up on the main road, then after the Ieloharis Bank, you take the Poppy Street. You will see the sign board. Are three streets which are crossing it. One of them is the White-Poppy.” The woman said polite.

  “Thank you.” Angell said, going back to the car.

  “Well, did you find out?” Marvell said.


  And she started the engine, going to the pointed direction. They were climbing easily with the car on the main road, seeing lots of stores and colored buildings. Finally she saw the I.B. sign from Ieloharis Bank, and turned to the right on the Poppy-Street.

  “Look Angell, the Oriental Orange.” Marvell said, pointing with his finger so suddenly that Angell flinched.

  “Good God Marvell, you were so close to take my eye off.”


  “Angell, my dear, just so you know that I am not getting off to talk with him.” Amira said prompt, while her daughter was parking the car between two glass dressed buildings.

  “But I never asked you this.”

  Therefore the girl made a sign to both of them that she will be right back, and so she went ahead to the building entrance. The glass doors were self opening when Angell made room to enter, climbing some stairs, attached by a red carpet, reaching the main hall. She observed a woman with glasses and bovine face like, standing on a computer, at a desk.

  “God day, please be kind and tell me where is Lovin Rivertmen?” Angell said with a smile on her face.

  “Right away honey!” She said on a tone that bothered Angell. She wrote something on the keyboard, and Angell was surprised how she could write with that horrible and fake nails, longs like an eagle and pink, then she drink from her coffee, without looking at Angell, further typing then she suddenly returned to Angell with a fake smile.

  “What are you saying honey?”

  This time Angell cut her smile from the lips, replacing it with a cruel expression on her face. That sow from her face didn’t paid attention at what she said? Seemed to be that be kind was not in the woman’s mental vocabulary. A similar question popped up in her head: “Listen you dirty slut! Where the fuck is that corpse Rivertmen desk?”

  “I asked where the corp… I mean Lovin Rivertmen desk, it’s urgent.”

  She was so attached by the mental question that was so close to bring it into reality.

  “Yeah, the thing is that Mr. Rivertmen is the director of this company. I can say that…”

  “Listen!” Angell got mad, letting go the kind tone which she just displayed couple of minutes ago, replacing it with a sharp one. “I didn’t ask you what job your boss has, or other stuff! But where is he!”

  But even the receptionist didn’t let go at her arrogant tone, on the contrary, it worsen.

  “Please behave like a normal person miss. Mr. Rivertmen cannot be disturbed by an oafish like you. Therefore you have to make an appointment before…”

  “You make an appointment to a psychiatrist you idiot! I’m his daughter!”

  And with those words perfect described by Lovin’s daughter, she got away from the secretary who remained with her mouth opened, walking with quick steps on the main stairs, so quick that if the floor was made of glass, was very shore that she could crack it. The girl ran on the red carpet, up, reaching the first level, being softly confused because she didn’t know where to search for him, the building was big enough. The second floor was pretty quadratic, with a small hall which was heading to a bathroom. There were five doors at some distance, and the white marble floor was cleaned shiny, sign that the company was very important. Exactly when Angell thought to return unbalanced back to the car, a chubby woman came out from a room, on the door which was written Secretary, carrying two coffee cups, going to the bathroom.

  “Honey, can I help you?” The woman said, seeing Angell so confused.

  “Yes. Can you tell me please where Lovin Rivertmen has his office?” She said, waiting a negative answer.

  “I don’t think its indicated sweetie. You have to make an appointment.”

  The woman smiled to her and answered with warmth, beside that down floor hypocrite.

  In that moment, Angell remembered a scene with her friends in the Amira’s silvery car.

  “So, are you playing the guild card?” Lania asked.

  “Me? Good God no. I tell you what your attributions are, if you care of course.”

  When the woman was heading to the bathroom, Angell stopped her once more, having a card up in her sleeve.

>   “Do you have children?” Angell asked her, making the woman turning surprised to her.

  “Excuse me?” The woman asked, easily confused, not understanding from where to where be that question which didn’t had a link to what the girl was searching for.

  “I asked you if you have children, if you are a mother.” Angell said with calm, not knowing clearly where she wanted to go with it.

  “Yes, two, but why you ask?”

  “Let’s put it in this way, that if one of your children or even both of them would not know who their father is, and after 20 years they would wish to see him. Would you stop them?”

  “Oh Lord, dear girl. Not at all, I would never do this. But my children have a father.” The woman said with her hand on her chest.

  “I wasn’t talking about you madam, but about me. I am the lost daughter to say so, and Mr. Lovin Rivertmen is my father.” Angell ends up promptly, softly balancing on her feet toes, like the girl just told a jock.

  “Lord… poor or you. But I didn’t know that Mr. Rivertmen is married and has children.” The woman whispered, getting closer to her. Angell guessed automatically why she was doing that. The Secretary Room door was cracked, and inside was totally silence, even if two of the woman’s colleagues were there, a clue which made Angell to smile.

  “Yes. I mean he is a bachelor, but because of a love teenage affair, apparently innocent, I came into the world.”

  The woman gave Angell other look then before in her big eyes, and the girl was very satisfied to see pity in them.

  “In this case… Mr. Rivertmen is at the 7 floor, first door to the left. But please do not tell him that you found out from me, otherwise…”

  “Don’t worry, I will not. Trust me.” The girl said, quite happy.

  Therefore she headed to the elevator’s metal doors, calling it. She waited quietly while she was balancing on her feet with her hand at the back.

  The elevator came, and the metal doors opened aside, making room for Angell to enter. The first sight she thrown was at the elevator’s mirror, pushing the 7 button. She arranges a little bit the hair, and the scarf which she was wearing at her neck. She really didn’t know what she would say to him, and in the trip time from Sunshine to Sareville, she made a lot of plans, words, phrases, and ideas which stabbed her mind, but being so close to her father, everything evaporated, that she really wasn’t able of talking. And the thought that she was so close to watch him differently at the wedding, like a potential partner. Angell smacks her forehead, to chase away that thought from her head.

  The elevator stopped softly, and then a final ding, the metal doors opened and Angell was very dry of ideas then was ever before. The floor was smaller and Angell was wondering if how higher you get, the smaller the floors are, in such way that at the last floor the elevator was crunching directly in the office. At the elevator’s sides where only two doors and one of them was cracked, and on the glass was written Director. Angell got closer to the entrance door, having her heart small like a flea. She stood carefully to listen, hearing the unmistakable voice of Lovin, furthermore one nervous and agitated.

  “Bod! I told you before, and I will tell you last time! If the insurance it’s not done, we are fucked and I don’t desire this thing to happen. Do something, anything, get that land, if not, you can say goodbye to your job!”

  And slammed the phone on the desk, Angell looked easily amazed at him. Lovin fallen in the front desk chair, turning to the window, with his face buried in his hands.

  Angell didn’t knock at the door, thinking that she could catch him inside, without him to run away. The room was clean but messy, and smelling of perfume. Two wood closets with shiny glass, were next to the grey desk, on which was a computer, and lots of papers and the phone, which a minute ago Lovin was yelling at it.

  A dwindling plant was squeezed between the two wooden closets full of folders. The chair with a tall backrest was still with the back to the desk, in front of the window, and the man from it sighed with all his force, being obviously stressed.

  “This is what I was missing!” He started to talk. He turned suddenly continuing to talk, looking down to his cellphone, not seeing that his daughter just took a seat on a chair near the door. “If I don’t catch that land, which is the best from the area I can say bye to…”

  He stopped suddenly because in the moment he raised his eyes to the entrance door saw Angell, flinching strongly like he just saw a ghost. He just stoned, looking at her scared, with his green sparkly eyes, fixed upon Angell, who was smiling and got up easily.

  “Hello Lovin. I hope I didn’t scare you that much.” She said with a ton, which was rather amused then serious.

  “Oh… no… yes… Hello! I didn’t… what a surprise!”

  “Don’t be afraid, you can calm down. I didn’t come here to argue with you, or to finish what I have started. I came to you to apologize.”

  Lovin seemed and was for sure confused, only from his face expression which he displayed. Was clear that he was just thinking at that night when Angell slapped the hell out of him.

  “Ah yeah…” he said like he wanted to force that memory to leave him.

  “Can I talk to you?”

  “Sure. Please take a seat.”

  Lovin pointed the empty chair from the front of the desk, smiling for the first time, and Angell felt unusual warmth, very different than what she felt before, sitting elegant, with her legs crossed.

  “Don’t worry, is nothing, really. You didn’t make a mistake Angell, trust me.” He said a little embarrassed.

  “Oh yeah! Of course I did, I wasn’t supposed to hit you like that, I was supposed to…”

  “Don’t worry,” Lovin interrupted her. “If I was in your place probably I would do the same, maybe even worst.”

  “Yeah… yes… whatever.”

  The man smiled with more warmth, showing his all white and straight teeth, seeing her frustrated, and he seemed to be more relaxed then he was a minute ago.

  “God Angell, you look so much like your mother. Only that I have a small contribution at your beauty.” Lovin said.

  “Yes, the green eyes and the light brown hair.”

  “Yes. I am really sorry…”

  “Hey! I thought I was the one who was apologizing here!”

  Both of them started to laugh, like they were old friends at a drink in a bar. Then Lovin suddenly frowned, looking at Angell closely.

  “But Angell, how did you knew that I was working here?”

  “Eh, well, a bird just told me.” She said sneaky.

  “No really, from where did you know?”

  “Well Sabrina told me, your sister in law.”

  Lovin laughed short.

  “She is not my sister in law; she is your mother’s cousin.”

  “I know. But, how you know each other?”

  “Well I know her husband very well. Doriss and I went to college together. So we’ve decided to start our own company. He is my partner.”

  “Nice, like in family.” Angell smiled with meaning, even if for her surprised, Lovin didn’t get it.

  “Therefore… but my office, at what floor is… I hope you didn’t search all the building for it.”

  “Ah no. A secretary just told me from the first floor. I mean…” Angell woke up, making big eyes. “You didn’t hear anything.”

  For her relief, Lovin laughed plentiful, knowing that she wasn’t supposed to tell him that.

  “Don’t worry for Ms. Pompy, Angell. She is the best from this building. She would help a thief getting in. She will not now that you told me.”

  “I have faith in you.” Angell said smiling.

  “I am glad to hear that.” Said Lovin with a big smiled, and as well as serious.

  “So… at first I asked your secretary from down stairs, but… I was this close (she showed him the big finger and the index finger, close to each other) no to beat her there. She told me that I need an appointment.”

  “Well yes. But y
eah, seems to be that here you look alike your mother. She liked to step on the rules as well as you are.”

  “What do you mean?” Angell asked, not seeing her mother stepping on such a thing.

  “Well she was dating me in secret, but after all, her parents found out and they accept it.”

  “Lovin, do you have siblings?” Angell asked suddenly, making Lovin raising his eyebrows.

  “No. As far as I know.”

  “OK. Pay attention to me. I have an idea.” She said smiling.

  “Something tells me that I will not like this.” Lovin said joking, with a big smile on his face.

  “Trust me, you will love it. What if you would come in Moonlight to visit us, at least for one day?”

  “Wha… what?”

  “I asked you only if you want to come and visit us.”

  Lovin seemed shocked like all his dreams came alive. He jumped from the chair. Angell watched him amazed in a good way.

  “Seriously?” He said excited. “You’re not joking, right?”

  “Do I look like I joke?”


  “Don’t answer that.” Angell laughed.

  “God yes! YES!”

  Angell felt her skin like goose bumps. She never saw a person that happy.

  “Then we will wait you. You can come tomorrow…”

  “On the evening?”

  “Yes, it’s perfect. Here is our address.” She said, taking a paper and writing it down.

  “Perfect. Thank you so much Angell, really.” He said with tears in his eyes, like Angell just saved him from the death, even if Angell thought that for him was equivalent.

  “Do not forget that is Moonlight. Do not forget.”