Read Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 23


  The Moonlight was very frighten that the murderer came back, having something with Veriss family. First he killed Lovin, then he attacked Serena, Mariuss disappeared without a trace, and Marvell felt in his trap. The crime investigators didn’t understand what exactly happened, and couldn’t find the 14 killer, how they called him, because all his victims had on their skin jagged this number. The press didn’t stop coming to the women’s gate, at Amira and Angell, wanting to find hot news, being named by them the cursed ones. Three murdered only in their courtyard. The press found out about Amira’s parents which practical they killed one another, saying that the woman was in fact a witch. Angell, sick of all those scandals, exit the house, walking to the gate, and thrown cold water with ice over a reporter woman from the Ieloharis TV, who dare to call Angell, the witch daughter.

  “ARE YOU INSANE?!” The reporter yelled, and the camera man was filming the entire scene, amused.


  The woman didn’t think much, and took her cameraman which was having so much fun, and left with their truck. Angell knew that she will be the TV press mock, but she really didn’t care a bit. She was so furious on the press that they were refuting everything that she really wanted to go to their place. After finding out, from the press of course, Sabrina came fast to Moonlight, taking care of her big cousin, which felt in depression because of the newspapers. Angell was furious on her mother as well, because she was taking their rubbish serious, therefore she was tired to explain to her that was no use to give them water to their mill.

  The night came, and Angell, sick and tired of her mother’s depression, went to bed earlier. She dreamt something odd. In the dream Marvell was crying, having a blue forget-me-not flower in his hand. He told Angell that was her fault because he died. The flower became a snake, biting Angell’s leg.

  Her cellphone rang at 6 o’clock in the morning (because she set it in every Wednesday to ring for her to water the flowers, before the dawn) and when she woke up for good then she realized that she had good reasons to be sad. She started to laugh, ironically, like she just had a hilarious dream, and with a headache she stopped the phone alarm, heading to the bathroom, taking a pill. She watched herself in the mirror, realizing that she was looking like a ghost. Pale, with dark circles under her eyes. She dressed, putting some short pants, special for entering the water. She lowered the stairs, and went to the main courtyard. Dingo came out from his house, waving his tale, and petted him with love, kissing him on his head. She saw at the east side, over the forest, the pinky sky, sign that the sun will raise up in a minute now, and she didn’t had much time to seat, therefore she went straight to the Forget-me-not flowers, to take the sprinkle. But she stopped. She was looking at them, at the sprinkle and started to laugh. She thrown the sprinkle away and she took a seat on the grass right next to the blue flowers, watching them ironically.

  “Before you say goodbye from this world, I want to tell you that I will not miss you at all. You manipulated me how the hell you wanted, I was a fool and I curse the day I planted you here. But because you ruined my life, now I will ruin you, you bitches. You messed with the wrong human.”

  Angell walked in the middle of the flowers, steeping on them, seeing that the cobalt blue flowers were starting to puff some small lines of smoke.

  She started to laugh, seeing the small blue flowers which were starting to burn.

  “And let me tell you something else, you motherfuckers! I do not believe a damn thing from your promised nightmare. I don’t care what will happen next, I just want for you to get the hell out from this world!”

  The small wires of smokes were starting to get thicker by the minute where the skyline was expanding. The sun pulled up his head after the forest, seeing his golden rays; Angell retreat from the flowers, fearing to not burn with them, because exactly this thing happen to them. One by one, like an invisible hand was ignited them, the flowers started to burn. A husky rough voice could be heard from the flowers, which were burning for good, making a huge blue flame, up above all.

  Angell made a mocking sign towards them, like a good bye, having an evil satisfaction on her face, observing how the flowers were burning, becoming ash, and with the bottle full of Forget-me-not tea, she took momentum, throwing it in the blue fire, and exploded, like Angell just thrown a grenade. She saw happily that beside the flowers nothing around was affected by fire. The bushes remained the same, and the trees untouched by the fire.


  Angell turned away and saw her mother which was running towards the fire, holding a bucket. She thrown the water but the fire was more intense. Amira ran toward the sea but Angell stopped her.

  “Mom! No! Calm down, this fire is not a natural one! It is only from flowers, let them burn!”

  “But Angell we will burn too!”

  “God woman, why don’t you understand that only the flowers are on fire? Let’s go inside!”

  Amira didn’t say a word, having the empty bucket in her hand, watching the huge blue flame which was strongly burning. It was difficult to believe that the fire cannot touch the house. But she shouted, walking behind Angell, without taking her eyes from the blue fire.

  “NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU CRAZY BITCH?” A shout appeared from nowhere.

  Amira and Angell stopped walking, looking around to find the source of the voice. From the marble steps, Kristall was running terrified, seemed like he was about to get mad.


  Amira turned to Angell, like she was demanding an explanation from her looks, but Angell remained amazed at hiss affirmation, not understanding what exactly happened. For real, she knew that Kristall was just a simple wish, a picture from her imagination brought to life, not at all to behave like he was the one who created the flowers.

  “STOP! STOP IT THIS ISTANCE!” He yelled at Angell.

  Amira left scared inside the house, with the bucket, at her daughter insistence, which was looking very serious at Kristall, waving his hand with energy, being scared.

  “No.” She said shortly, approaching with much courage then she usual have to the mad boy.

  The smile which the girl was displaying was making the boy go wild, and not in the good way of the word, who was watching her with hate and reproach, but in the same time with helpless.

  “You will do this.”

  “I will not. Point number one I don’t know how to extinguish the fire then…”


  “I DON’T WANT TO DO THIIS, YOU DUMBASS! I set the flowers on fire, whatever I didn’t watered them! Why don’t you water them if you cry for them?” Angell said with sort of sarcasm, getting angry for the simple fact that he boy offended her.”


  “I don’t give a shit if you cannot do it!”

  “Do you want to see something spectacular?” He said with an evil smile on his face, making Angell to freeze.

  “What do you mean by that? Let my mother alone!”

  “Why I should leave her alone? Since that slut with glasses born a stupid bitch like you!”

  With an extraordinary speed, like an eagle, Kristall grabbed Angell’s arm going with her to the house columns, which were holding the balcony from the back of the courtyard. Out of nowhere made ropes to appear, which were bind Angell very tight, in the way that the girl to not have a single chance to escape from that grip who was almost choked her.


  But Kristall grabbed her hair and kissed her so hard, biting her lips, that she started to bleed, then like a prize he bind her mouth too.

  “Ah, I love so much the human taste. Hush; shut up, your beautiful voice is too sharp for my smoo
th ears. Now, how I’ve promised, my beautiful one, I will show you something spectacular.”

  Therefore he left from her side, and Angell was still struggling, crying and trying to find a way out, but she was to tight bind. Angell horrified even worse when she heard a much known woman screaming, and the girl struggled even harder.

  “LET ME ALONE! HEEEELP!” Amira was yelling.

  Kristall carried the woman, who was exasperated, at Angell’s face.


  “SHUT UP!”

  And he snapped the woman with power that she felt down.

  “So Angell, I promised you something. You destroyed my flowers! And for that I will destroy your life. I will not do it, only with one condition.”

  “Whatever it is Angell, do not accept it!”

  “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Kristall yelled at her.

  “So, where was I. Ah yes, I, being your brought wish to life, I don’t have much power left… I get weaker by the minute, and I cannot serve my queen. So, you just have to accept me again in your life, and to go back to the way it should be, otherwise, your mother gets it. I will torture her in front of you.”

  “Angell… do not accept.”

  Kristall untied her mouth, and Angell started to cough.

  “I will never accept it.”

  “Very well then.”

  Kristall took off a shiny knife, with the ruby silver handle. He took Amira’s hand, and with an extraordinary speed he cut the woman’s pointing finger. The woman yelled, splashing with blood everywhere, including Angell’s face, which was yelling too.


  “Ok… wait…” The girl said scared.

  “Angell, don’t…” Amira was crying.

  Kristall let her fall on the ground, untinting Angell from the ropes, taking her in his arms.

  “Kiss me Angell.”

  Angell kissed him, and Amira was crying desperately. Kristall then looked at her, and his smile vanished. Then the boy looked at her amazed, kissing her again, and again, and again.

  “Why it’s not working? I should gain power by now, and you to transform.”

  “Too bad.”

  He got angry and thrown her to the ground, screaming. Seemed to be that his charm wasn’t working any longer. Angell smiled satisfied, and went to her mother.

  “Come here!” He said, grabbing her arm.

  “Don’t you see? You lost!”

  “NEVER… Moo… the moonstone.”

  Angell hides her hands to the back, fearing that Kristall will take her ring.

  “Give me the stone Angell!”


  In the next minute the boy was struggling, or better said, was fighting with the girl, to gain the ring where the moonstone was on.

  “LET ME GO!” Angell shouted.


  Kristall stopped and Angell looked to the courtyard, to see who called her name. For her surprise, a much known boy was running towards them. He was dressed in white, with the floral edged, barefoot. Seemed to be that the costume was made of silk having purple eyes.

  “Ma… Mariuss?” Angell got shocked.

  “Hey Angell”


  “Your nightmare.” Mariuss smiled to Kristall.

  With a strike he threw him at a distance, turning quickly to Angell.

  “It’s no time left. You will soon enter in the nightmare.

  “What? Mariuss how…”

  “I don’t have time to explain Angell. You have to be very careful. Anyway, we will see each other, I promise you that.” He said and kissed her forehead.

  “Mariuss, I don’t understand, what iis going on?”

  Mariuss smiled to her, and Angell observed amazed to descover how beautiful he was with that light purple eyes, almost pink.

  “I don’t have time to explain everything now Angell. But I will…. You made a huge mess and… you have to pay for it. You are cursed Angell, you have to go into the Nightmare.”

  Mariuss grabbed Amira’s hand, and for the both surprised, her pointing finger heals.

  “Now, Angell, Kristall is immobilized. Go and grab some sea water. Pour it on him! QUICKLY! Do not let him take the moonstone ring.”

  Angell didn’t ask another thing, just because everything was to odd. She ran and saw the place where the flowers were burning, was empty, like the cursed flowers never been planted there. Angell didn’t stop to analyze the situation, feeling her heart beating with power; she took the sprinkle and ran towards the marble stairs. Somewhere between them, Kristall was struggling to escape some roots, which came from the ground, immobilizing him. The girl was no longer amazed of horrified about a thing. What Mariuss mend with that entering the nightmare? She went into the sea, taking saline water, and then she returned on the beach, and then climbed the stairs, gasping, with the sprinkle in her hand. When she reached at the top of them, she watched Kristall. He, seeing the sprinkle, started too agitated and to struggle even harder.

  “Angell… don’t do this. Please! I love you!”

  “Go to hell!” She said, and without thinking, she tilted the sprinkle, and the water was pouring making Kristall yelling of pain. And like the flowers, he started to puff smoke. It was like Angell just poured boiled water or acid.

  Mariuss came to her, and Angell flinched, seeing the boy’s iris, from light purple becoming red, and looking better in his eyes, on the iris some words appeared in a forgot sacred language. Mariuss smiled, seeing her so curious.

  “Angell, you make me blush.” He joked, and from a long time, Angell laughed.

  “Really? Mariuss, in fact who are you? You are definitely not human.”

  “No, I am not human, but I am still you best friend Angell.”

  “Interesting, a non-human friend. Like an alien.”

  Mariuss laughed, and both looked down, and where Kristall was, a picture of him appeared. Angell recognized it, was the paper which she pulled off from her laptop. She leaned, took it, and made it pieces.

  “If Serena would know that you…” Angell started but stopped. She forgot for a second that Serena was no longer between the livings.

  “Don’t worry Angell. I met her. She cannot wait to see you.”

  “What?” Angell got amazed. “Mariuss, I am not dyeing, am I?”

  “No, you will not. Your spirit will leave your body and will step into the Nightmare. You have to end this all Forget-me-not curse.”

  “Well I did it. I just burn the God damn flowers.”

  Mariuss shortly laughed.

  “Angell, just because you burn them, doesn’t mean that it is the end of them. Forget-me-not can come back, and anyway she wants your soul. You sign a contract with her, or whatever, a pact. You don’t have a choice.”

  “It’s like you give me non chances.” Angell said, feeling her eyes wet. She had the impression that she was about to die.

  “Hey! No! Angell, I will be your guide in the nightmare. You will see. We will find everything together. I will help you to fix everything.”

  “Can you please tell me who exactly are you?”

  “You dream man.” He joked, making Angell to laugh.

  “No, really.”

  “It’s not the right time to answer this. But you will find out soon enough. More faster than you would expected.”

  Angell didn’t say a thing, looking towards the sea. She however wondered when she will fall in the Nightmare.

  “Mariuss, when I will leave into the Nightmare?”

  “Tonight, when the moon is rising, when you sleep.”

  “So basically will be just a dream?”

  “Not quite. From the dream you can wake up. Where we will go, every small pain you will feel it, trust me.”

  “Don’t you come inside? I will make some breakfast.” Amira said.

  Angell nodded her head, taking Mariuss’s hand, and felt a strange warmth. Was easily happy that she get rid of Kristall and flowers, but terrified th
at the worst past didn’t came yet.

  “Mariuss, what is written on your iris?”

  “What, you cannot read it?”


  “It’s on the ieloharian language. You should have known already who I am.”

  Angell grimace. The Ieloharian language and Latin were the classes which Angell hated the most.

  “I can see that you have no idea. And II thought that you were a book worm.” Mariuss laughed.

  “I felt the…” But she stopped, because Amira turned her glances.

  “Late… but still, what its saying?” Angell continued.

  “It’s my birth certificate to say like that. I will not tell you.”

  “Don’t start with me Mariuss. I will take the dictionary and I will tell you.”

  Mariuss laughed, and Angell observed that the red iris was becoming darker, becoming brown, and the Ieloharian words were starting to get golden color.

  “God, your eyes are so odd.”

  “You humans are much odder then us.”

  “Mariuss, I wanted to ask you.” Amira said, opening the fridge, taking a bottle of juice. “The A letter from the moonstone, from what it comes?”

  “From Amallia. The Moonlight goddess daughter. The first Rain’s Daughter.” Mariuss smiled, like he said that the ring was from a shop.

  Angell and Amira changed some looks. Angell was somehow used to the fantasy, maybe just because she could speak with a flower, but didn’t understand since when the gods interfere.

  “Mom. I really wanted to ask you, who gave you the ring?”

  “I told you before, you gave it to me.”

  “Yeah, when I had 1000 years old, no, really…”

  “Really.” Mariuss smiled, and Amira turned to him. “I brought you mother in time. In the past and in the future. You gave the ring to your mother Angell.”

  “You did this to me Mariuss?” Amira asked amazed.

  “Miss Amira, trust me that you were no longer alive when Kristall hit you.”

  “What?” Angell asked, getting up from the table, being shocked.

  “You mean that he killed me?” Amira asked.

  “Yes. But I took care of your spirit to guide it through time. And I brought you back in the present. We had to save somehow Angell. The moonstone annihilates every single charm effect.”

  “That’s why Kristall couldn’t control me.” Angell said, everything made sense.

  “So, was everything an illusion?” Amira asked.

  “No. Miss Amira you…”

  “Amira. I feel much older when you call me like that. Like Angell from that time.”

  “Hey!” The girl jumped.

  Mariuss laughed short, addressing again to Amira.

  “So, Amira…. Wasn’t an illusion. It is a long story and I cannot tell you all right now. I am not allowed. I am here with a purpose. In the mortal world I cannot tell you who I am, or what aim do I have.”

  “Mortal? What you are a god or something?” Angell laughed same as Amira, seeing that Mariuss wasn’t laughing; only smiling.

  Angell looked at Amira, and then shocked she got up from her chair, watching Mariuss with her mouth opened, seeing that his iris was black like a coal, and the Ieloharian words were gold, softly spinning.

  “So… are you a god?”

  “I cannot say anything in this world. Here I am very burnable.” Mariuss said.

  “Me… who I was catholic and stuff.”

  “Don’t panic, you are still a Christian. I didn’t say for you to believe in gods. Practical, the gods are pale entities by time; the humans have the free will to believe in what they want.”

  “True.” Amira smiled to Mariuss.

  “The Mariuss God? I never heard him before.” Angell thought.

  Mariuss loudly laughed.

  “My name is not The God Mariuss, Angell or even Mariuss. This is my mortal name, or let’s call it human name, sounds better.”

  “But then? You are Sunshine?”

  “Sunshine it’s a female goddess Angell.” Amira sad.

  “Let’s change the subject. I cannot say anything. I am weak here. I will tell you everything in the Nightmare.”

  “Angell, what the hell do you think you’re going?” Amira started.

  “She has no choice. She made a pact with Forget-me-not, and now she has to pay.”

  “What do you mean? She will not be hurt, does she?”

  “Not at all. She will see what all is about.”

  “And when you will leave Angell?” Amira asked.

  “Tonight. By the way Mariuss, if I refuse? I mean, if am I not coming?”

  “That is impossible. Someday you have to sleep. My advice is now, when I am still around. Otherwise you would have to get yourself throw it. And I think you do not wish this.”

  “Yeah ok. It’s like going in a trip.”

  Amira sighed.

  “Let me prepare you a bag with food.”

  Mariuss laughed loudly again.

  “Trust me Amira. She will not need any food or water. She will leave the Earth. Her body will stay here, with the objects as well.”

  “You mean that she will die?” Amira shocked herself.

  “She will not die. She will wake up the next day morning, if Angell is careful. Otherwise… yes she will die.”

  Angell was more shocked, refusing to look at her mother, which left the kitchen.

  “Silence was much wiser.”

  Mariuss shake his shoulders.