Read Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 8


  The party was on, and the fleshly bride was dancing very energetic with Marvell, Angell with Doriss and Amira with a distant cousin. After the song was over, another one came quickly being slower, for the lovers.

  The party was kept in the Morning Glade, the biggest glade in Moonlight. Everything was under a white and huge tent, having the ceiling made of blue and white silk, and the walls were missing. In the middle was the dance floor, and after it was round tables, where on it was a small lamp, throwing ghostly lights. A bar, where the appetizers were and also the drinks, from water like, to the ones which made the neck go on fire, and a bartender which was preparing all of them. A stage where some boxes were, and of course near them was the Dj who controlled the music. At the edge of tent, and even in the middle of it, were strong lamps, which illuminated everything around, being like a fairytale. Angell was standing in Marvell’s arms, watching the dancers. Again Serena was arguing with Mariuss, because he spilled (unintentional, how the boy said), the drink on Serena’s purple dress, and she was foaming. Lania and Emell were waltzing slowly in the rhythm of the music.

  “You know Angell, how about you will sing something for us” Marvell said.

  “What? Didn’t I was like a fool on the festival? Now I need to be again here?” She said, watching him with her injected eyes from alcohol.

  “I liked very much your performance.”

  “Yes, only you. I am not singing, and that is final.”

  “Yeah right! After the third glass of tequila, I am very surprised that you can even speak longer.”

  “But I am sober!” Angell attacked herself.

  “Ok, ok, yes you are very sober.” Marvell said, kissing her cheek.

  Angell started to giggle, then her gaze fixed for the second time on the mysterious man from the church. He was frowning, watching the girl from the half shadow, but he quickly moved his eyes in another direction when he saw that she was looking at him. Angell rose up easily, balancing, determinate to solve that mystery.

  “Sweetie, where are you going?” Marvell asked, seeing her so decided.

  “I’ll be right back.” She said short and went directly to the man dressed in a black tails, who was seating calm at the bar, looking over Amira, how she was dancing with three friends of hers.

  “Hello.” Angell said smiling, from the man’s behind.

  He drowns, turning back suddenly, putting the glass on bar, beings easily shocked. She took a seat next to him, on those tall chairs. After she realized, the man was very handsome, with his face smooth, the nose being beautiful positioned and his eyes were greenish, with his hair cut short (somehow raised up) and light brown.

  “I am sorry, but I saw that you were looking at me and I was curious why you do that.” The girl said cheerfully.

  The man smiled shutting up, watching down then he took his drink glass, drinking it all in one shot.

  “You are very handsome. You look very familiar too me, have we met before?” Angell said, seeing that he didn’t say a word.

  The man smiled with all his mouth, and the girl observed that his teeth were all white and straight. She had to admit that the man was looking terrible good.

  “I didn’t think we had the honor.” The man finally said, with a masculine soft, warm voice.

  “Are you new in town?” Said Angell, being more daring, maybe she will remember him.

  “Yes, I am from Sareville, I mean I just came only for the wedding.” He said, making a sign to the grooms, which were dancing slowly on the dance floor.

  “Cool. Can you tell me your name?” Angell insisted much more, feeling her cheeks on fire.

  The man smiled, looking in the girls eyes, making her feel unconformable.

  “My name is Lovin, nice to meet you... ahh…”

  “Angell, likewise.” The girl said, and Lovin took her hand and kissed it.

  “Wow, what a gentleman.” The girl said.

  “Thank you, Angell, such a beautiful name. You look so much like your mother.”

  Angell smiled with her mouth closed, softly frowning.

  “How do you know my mother?”

  “Well, you look alike?”

  They started to laugh, Angell more loudly than usual.

  “Who is that man? Marvell, I think you have competition.” Mariuss asked at the table, observing Angell very happy.

  “Be serious Mariuss! That man it’s too mature for her.”

  “But he looks so damn hot.” Serena straightens, making Marvell to frown.

  “Hey! What you are gossiping about?” Amira said cheerful, taking a seat next to Serena.

  “About Angell, she found herself a new partner.” Mariuss said, making Marvell jealous.

  “What?” Amira said smiling, looking around to find her.

  Both of them raised from the bar, and went to the dance floor; Amira watched that man with very much attention, then she dropped her glass of drink, blown to smithereens.

  “Mrs. Amira, are you alright?” Serena asked, but Amira was already too terrified to answer.

  The world was spinning in the poor woman’s mind, like a spinner. Was impossible what she was seeing, wasn’t real, and was even a paradox.

  Sabrina came quickly at Amira’s table, taking her away from that picture, by her hand.

  “Come along Amira! Come with me.” The bride said, seeing her face expression and what was going on.

  Amira didn’t protest, and with tears in her eyes, was taken off by Sabrina and both of them left the tent, heading towards the forest. The Ravings and Marvell were looking very curious after them.

  “What was all about?” Serena curiously asked.

  “Maybe her period came.” Mariuss laughed.

  “You are so stupid!” Serena said, taking her glass to her mouth.

  Marvell was watching very careful how Angell was waltzing with that man, and was wondering what Amira knew about both of them.

  “I don’t want to be imprudent, but what is your age, Angell?” Lovin asked her, while they were dancing slowly.

  “20 years old.”

  “Such a beautiful age.”

  “How about yours?”

  “How much you give me?” He said smiling.

  “28 years old.”

  “Thank you, but no. I have 39 years old.”

  “Really? But…”

  “I know. I can hide my true age.”

  Lovin was directing Angell to make a pirouette, and the girl got dizzy. She grabbed her head and felt the drink in her neck, wanting to get out.

  “Angell, are you alright?” He asked worried.

  “No. Please excuse me.”


  She ran away from the dance floor, leaving the tent, going to the forest. Marvell got up, wanting to go after her, but Serena stopped him.

  “Let her go, trust me.”

  “What do you mean by let her go? She is sick!”

  “Exactly, she doesn’t want to be with anyone right now. She hates that.”

  Therefore Marvell didn’t say a word, taking back hid seat, sighing.

  Angell woke up in the forest, hugging a tree literately, breathing abruptly, and closing her eyes. The nausea easily passed her, breathing, but something distracted her attention, namely two voices which were growing in intensity, burning, much known. The girl oriented after the two voices, realizing that they were Sabrina’s and her mother’s, then she went stealthily towards them, hiding after a thick oak tree. Amira and Sabrina were talking to each other on a highest tone possible, arguing, and Angell was listening breathless.

  “…For the last time Amira, how the hell should I know that he will come? I told Doriss very clearly to not invite him, how should I know that they are best friends?!” Sabrina was attacking, sawing the air.

  Amira was walking from left to the right, with one hand in her hair and the other on her hip.

  “You should know Sabrina! It’s your guest after all!”

  “It’s Doriss’s gu
est, Amira, I really didn’t know that he would came, honestly.”

  Angell started to suspect who was in the middle of the fighting, but she was listening further.

  “You saw how he and Angell were coping! This is a sign.”

  “Girl, what sign? She doesn’t have to know, do you understand? It’s better this way.”

  “I really don’t know why you are so selfish with your own daughter, Amira. Don’t you think that it’s time to tell her the truth?”

  “No. I don’t think so… it’s not a good time for that.”

  “She has 20 years old, for God sake! She is not a child anymore. She has the right to know.”

  “I am afraid, Sabrina! Do you understand? Maybe she will go insane or…”

  “My dear, you hide this thing for 20 years, I think she has the right to know and she has the right to react how she wants.”

  “I want to let the things unfold. I will send her home and Lovin can go away…”

  The girl’s hunches were confirmed. Very curious, and with her heart beating out from her chest, she was listen with the ears open, hearing even the most softly rustling.

  “And if I will, how should I tell her?” Amira desperately asked, crying.

  “Take it easy. You will tell her tomorrow morning. You’ll start with the beginning.

  Angell could breathe no longer, putting her hand on the chest to control the heart which was beating like crazy.

  “Help me Sabrina, I beg you.” Amira said crying.

  “Simple. You will tell her like this. Angell, my love, I have tot talk with you. I have to confess something that I hide from you for 20 years.”

  The girl was breathing very fast, sensing the fury how it was bursting her body.

  “And then?”

  “Then you will take the subject nicely. Tell her that you are born in Sunshine, you lived there, and you had a love relationship with a very cute boy named Lovin, but he left you pregnant and your parents died, one killed by other and whatever… then you explain her that my mother, your aunt, Creselda, raised you like her own child, and Lovin abandoned you, not believing that Angell was his daughter.”