Read If Only Page 17

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nothing more was said on the short drive to the hotel. Katherine was thinking over and over the words she would use, the questions she would ask and the answers she had better get from this man, this almost stranger. Certainly, he had saved her life, but he had caused it to be in jeopardy as well. What was it that those two wanted and why did Charles have it? Secrets were going to be divulged without any more hesitation. Asking such, she knew she should also tell him of her secret, but it would depend on him. If his were so bad that it could cause any more harm to her or to her daughters, it would end there.

  Shivering, she allowed Charles to guide her to his room with his feeble excuse that they would have more room as well as a living room in which to talk. Kathy agreed, although at that point, it didn't matter where they talked. They could have discussed this situation in a stadium or in front of a roaring fire on a bear skin rug. She was in no mood for romance no matter where their conversation took place. How could he have done this to her?

  I'll have to arrange for another key to your room, so that I can get what you need while you shower here. You'll have to call the desk and request it."


  "Your purse is gone."

  "I hadn't thought of that. Then they could have my key and could come in or be waiting for me. Have you thought of that?"

  "No, and you're right. I'll explain to the office and arrange for another room for you while you shower here."

  "Not yet, if you have a robe, a nice warm one that will do for now. After we talk, I'll call the desk and you can arrange to get my car brought back here."

  In moments, he returned, robe in hand, saying little.

  The warm, then hot water, helped alleviate the chill as she allowed it to run continuously for at least twenty minutes. It didn't matter, just as long as it was warm and without salt. At first, the shampoo left no suds, but as the salt dissipated, the bubbles foamed until it was worked up into a rich luxurious lather. Wrapped in a warm, totally unsexy faded blue robe, feet in large blue slippers and wet hair tied up in a white hotel towel, Katherine emerged from the bathroom.

  Grabbing another blue robe, even more faded, Charles also walked to the shower. "Give me one minute and I'll be right with you." Guiltily, it was the first time Katherine had noted that Charles was every bit as wet, cold and smothered in salt as she had been. Perhaps for not as long, but just as miserable. True to his word, within a few minutes, he emerged barefoot in his robe, toweling his dark hair dry.

  "Kathy, love, I'm sor..."

  "Charles, please don't apologize." she interrupted, "just answer some questions. I really think you do owe me that much."

  "I'll answer anything you want, tell you anything and everything. I do owe you that much and more. Come over here to the couch and sit, please."

  She didn't feel there was any harm in that. Certainly she wouldn't entice him in this woebegone outfit. Before she had even seated herself, she began, “Who were those men?boys and what did you have that they wanted and ..."

  "Let me start from the beginning and perhaps, I hope you'll understand." he pushed back the dark curl hanging over those incredible eyes. Kathy seated herself at the other end of the blue and gold couch keeping what she hoped was a safe distance. "You recall I told you that my son had gotten involved with drugs when he was much younger?"

  "Mmmm," Kathy murmured her assent.

  "I didn't realize it was happening. I guess most parents don't know until it is too late. They tell you about danger signs, but we tend to ignore them. I deluded myself into accepting some of his behavior as just being in his teens. Charles Jr. was really into them when I finally noticed his strange behavior and then it was almost too late. At first, I came down on him, restricted his time, and made him answer to me for every minute, everything he did and his friends. But then he balked and he stayed away from home. One day I came home to find he was gone, run away with his druggie friends.

  Kathy couldn't help herself. She was sympathetic in spite of her anger. If that had been her girls. "You must have been devastated."

  "I was. I didn't know what to do, where to look. The police hear this daily and couldn't even give me a suggestion. Oh, I searched the obvious places, put ads in the papers, put up flyers and posters. Nothing. Then I found this detective. I was at my wit's end. Steffan became my best friend, my only hope. He took me to places I didn't know existed. All it took was a little money in the hands of my son’s so-called buddies and they were ready to sell him out. When they're like that, they'll do anything for money to buy drugs. Family means nothing. Friends mean less. Within a week with Steffan I found my son or what was left of him."

  "You mean, but I thought you said?"

  "No, he was alive, but as good as dead. He had been so strung out on drugs that his mind was a mess. I didn't know anyone outside of a lunatic asylum could be so paranoid. His friends were against him, I was his enemy, the cops, his school, and everyone was his personal enemy. That was what his mind would let him think. He even began to think that the drugs were poisoned. We played on that. Steffan showed me how to work with his fears. We brought him to a place like a safe house. It is an almost deserted ranch that Steffan owns and uses for just this purpose. It is so far out away from civilization; no one knows what goes on. I don't think even I could have found my way out. For over a month, we brought my son through the worst of his drug addiction. Mind you, he was a rank beginner compared to some. They're those who are just about beyond hope. Did you ever see those commercials with a fried egg saying this is your brain on drugs? They mean it.

  After that, we got him admitted into a hospital where they specialize in rehabilitation. He was ready for that then. I told you how is today. If it weren't for Steffan, I would have lost my only child."

  Tears were streaming down Katherine's face. He did have to know about his daughter.

  "I'm so sorry, Kathy. I didn't mean to make you cry. I promise you he is doing great now."

  "It's not that. I mean, it is that, but there is something I have to tell you too."

  "Do you want to tell me now, or do you want to wait until you hear it all?" He moved closer to put his arm about her, pulling her head to his shoulder. She resisted at first but found herself wanting to be in those arms...

  "No, go on. It will wait. What does all this have to do with what happened today?"

  "Are you sure?”

  "Mhmm." she agreed enjoying their closeness.

  "All my life I've lived in a vacuum. I went to work, went home, ate, slept, paid my bills, lived the right life, well except for one brief excursion into happiness." For the first time in hours, he smiled at her with that special smile. "When this happened to me, I realized that there were so many more out there who needed help. I begged Steffan to let me help. First I had to serve an internship in his office with a very boring job until he felt I could handle things. You can't begin to believe what we saw when we were searching for my son. Kids, babies, selling their souls for drugs and dealers taking it. I had to make a difference. If I saved no more than one other than my boy, my life would have meaning. I had to try.

  First I went after the men who preyed on the kids at his school. They were easy. They were so sure of themselves. Then I started going higher and in the mean time, we did what we could to save kids one at a time. This is what I have been doing for the past several years. Basically, Steffan and I are sort of detectives. With the technology available to us, we are pretty good at what we do. We make a fair living finding and salvaging young people whose parents can afford us and this pays enough so we can save a few more whose parents are unable to pay the price."

  "That tells me a lot and I admire what you've done, but it still doesn't tell me about tonight."

  "Raymon and Eddie were the two who grabbed you. A few nights ago, I had managed to find one of the girls they were trying to recruit. She was so strung out and angry with her boyfriend that she handed me their stash of drugs that was kept in the h
ouse when I came to pick her up. Steffan and I usually turn it over to the local DEA, that's Drug Enforcement Agency. Luckily, I hadn't had time. We had a date and I put it in the hotel safe. Raymon called me and made a deal. If I gave him back his drugs, he would let me know where they put you. He let me know that time was limited, as you would die before I could get there if I delayed. There was no telling what they would do with you. If anything happened to you because of me..."

  "Were you so sure they would tell you where I was hidden?"

  "I know these two well, very well. The drugs they had were not theirs and all they were concerned about was getting it back right away. I was reasonably certain they would tell me once they got their hands on the stuff and they knew what I would do if they didn't."

  "Won't those drugs go to killing other young people?"

  "No, in fact, the bug that I planted will help us round up some more and a little higher up. Those two would never admit that the drugs had been out of their hands and therefore not suspect."

  "Weren't you afraid they would find the bug and kill me because of it?" She pulled back. If and that was a big if, she did get involved with him, would her life always be in danger? Didn't he care?

  "No, it's our best bug, impossible to discover. I had to be sure I could find them if they didn't tell me where you were. I was only trying to make sure of your safety. Catching them is only second."

  "I do understand, I think. I really do. I'm relieved in a way. My thoughts were that you might be involved in the drugs yourself. You were so secretive and lying to me. Is this what you were going to tell me when the time was right? That your job was dangerous, not only to you, but to me?"

  "Katherine, I love you. I've never had anything like this happen before or I would never have gone near you. Never would I have risked your life. I want you to know I am prepared to give it all up to spend this end of our lives together."

  "Do you want to give up your business? Honestly."

  Charles looked down into her face. "I don't know," he whispered. "No, I didn't want to give this up, but you are my life now. You're all that matters. I never want to go through anything like this again."

  "Then I have something to tell you. Perhaps I should have told you sooner, but I wasn't sure how our relationship would turn out."


  "This is going to be as hard for me as what you had to tell me was for you."

  "Kathy, I told you before. There is nothing that you can say that will make any difference. Just tell me."

  As if on cue, the phone rang. Charles glanced at her as if planning on ignoring the annoying jangling sound. "Forget it," he said. "It will stop in a minute."

  "No, go ahead. This has waited for this long."

  Reluctantly, he picked up the receiver. "Hello," she could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

  He listened for a brief moment, and then said, “No, not now. I can't."

  Another moment, then, "You don't understand."

  "Charles, if it is something you have to do, go ahead. I think I need more time to think this out."

  He put his hand over the receiver. "No, we're making headway and I don't think I could stand leaving you, not now."

  "What is it?"

  He continued to put his hand over the receiver, taking it away for a brief moment, "Just a minute."

  "I can handle it."

  "On the way to get you, I called my friends at the station and told them about the drug package. I didn't want to take a chance that they had laid to me and there wouldn't be enough time to find you. We have these pre-planned bugs we use. They not only found where the boys are, but they say there are others, a few more, quite important dealers. No," he spoke again in to the phone. "It will have to wait this time. What I have to do now is far more important. I'll call you back when I'm free."

  "Charles," Kathy threw a blue and gold satin pillow at his head. "I am not something you 'have to do' immediately."

  "Kathy, my sweet...."

  "No, don't call me that."

  "Alright, Katherine, I told you I was giving up my business and any connections with it. The police can bring them in without my help, although I will go in later to identify them as any good citizen would do, but then it is over. You and I..."

  "Stop, have you forgotten. I too have something to share, a secret as well?"

  "No, I haven't forgotten, but it can wait." Charles moved closer to her reaching out his arm to place it around her willing body.

  "No, let me tell you now. Are you sure you don’t have to leave immediately?"

  “Yes, I am sure. Are you trying to keep from telling me at this time?” How well he knew her.

  She nodded, her head down a bit.

  “Go ahead. Trust me. It is easier once it is over. I told you before nothing you say will make any difference.”

  “Okay, how do I say this?” she continued. When I left you, I didn’t know. That is, not right away. Before you say anything, I had made up my mind not to ruin your life, so I couldn’t tell you then, not then, not later.”

  “What is it? Please don’t keep me in suspense.”

  “Charles, I gave birth to a little girl, yours. I am so sorry. I could have told you. I know how much you wanted children as I did, but I had to keep it to myself. If you had known it would have only been that much harder for you.”

  “For me? What about you having my child alone?”

  This was so much harder for her to tell him than she had ever imagined. Kathy couldn’t tell from the expression on his face how he was feeling. Was it anger toward her, hatred, shock? She couldn’t tell. “I married Frank right after our daughter was born. He wanted a home, family and it didn’t matter that there was little love. His wife died in the same hospital as I was in when she gave birth to their daughter. I needed a home and he needed someone to care for his baby daughter.”

  “Oh, Kathy, love, what kind of life did you have because of me?” Charles pulled her forward holding her close in his arms.

  She pulled back slightly. “Don’t get it wrong. Frank was a good man, a good provider and we did have a great friendship. My life was not all that bad. I had a home and two wonderful daughters.”

  “I’m glad of that. What did you name my daughter?”

  Kathy laughed, the tension broken. He was apparently happy to hear about his being a parent. “I named her Elizabeth and we call her Beth.”

  “Does she look like me? Can I see her picture? Does she know about me?” He fired the questions rapidly.

  “Wait?” Kathy held up her hand. “Yes, yes, sort of. Yes, Beth has your looks, your eyes and your dark wavy hair. Yes, you can see all the photos I have with me? When she discovered she was born before I was married and that her sister had the same birth date and they were not twins, she asked questions. I told her she was born of a very special love. I have not yet explained that Frank was not the love or about you. Today’s society is more lenient toward things like this. I am hopeful she will understand.”

  If she’s anything like her mother, she will. Now will you answer the question I asked you a few days ago and before you forget……?” Charles stopped to get down on bended knee. The faded blue robe was half opened and he attempted to look presentable. Kathy smiled. “Katherine, will you be my wife?”

  “Yes,” tears were streaming down her face. “Please get up.”

  “If I can. This old body isn’t used to all that activity.” He struggled to rise and pull her again to his arms. “Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, I’m just so happy.”

  “So am I. I love you so much. It’s going to be wonderful being a dad again. Do you think Beth will accept me?”

  “You make me happy. She will.”

  “Great. Let’s call a preacher friend of mine and can we get married today?”

  This time tears of laughter were streaming down Kathy’s face. “Oh, my wonderful love, yes, any time, but do you think we should get dressed first???