Read Immortal Danger Page 16

  Adam growled and plunged harder. Her legs wrapped around his hips, clung tight, pulling him against her.

  Feel me. He hadn’t used their link before. Hadn’t thought he’d ever be tempted. But the hunger was too much this time.

  He wanted everything from her. Every thought. Every desire.

  He wanted her body. Her mind. Her soul.

  He opened his thoughts, letting his hunger pour forward and surround her. The lust. The greedy possession. The release that was building in a blinding swirl.

  Maya gasped, and those fangs flashed even more. Then, it was as if a wall had fallen, and suddenly he was inside her mind. Feeling her desire. The tension that tightened every muscle in her body.





  Her thoughts, his, it didn’t matter. The desire was one and the same. So he gave her what she wanted, what he needed, and drove deep into her creaming sex, loving the way her delicate muscles closed over his shaft and squeezed his cock from tip to root.

  Then he felt the blast of pleasure slam through her. A white-hot ball of flame that burned her from the inside, taking her breath and leaving her shaking with the force of her release.

  He felt it. Every single second. The tremors that rocked her, the ripples of her sex—milking him with her silken sheath.

  Then he was falling—surging over the edge and climaxing deep and long in the cradle of her body. He came hard, pumping into her and holding her tight, marking her skin with the force of his passion.


  The whisper was in his mind. In hers. So he kept thrusting after his release. Driving deep, feeling his cock swell once again and thicken in the tight clasp of her sex.

  Maya was moaning. Panting. And thrusting her hips back against him with desperate force.

  He grabbed the hem of her shirt. Jerked it up so that he could find one ripe breast. He pushed the lace of her bra out of his way, and caught her breast with his mouth, sucking strongly on the nipple—

  Even as his cock surged inside her in ever demanding thrusts.

  She tasted good. Sweet. Not like a human. And sure as hell not like one of those undead vampires he’d killed in the past.

  His tongue swirled over her nipple. Sucked the engorged tip.

  Her fingers dug into his shirt, her claws pressing through the fabric and into the skin. Oh, damn, but he liked that. Liked the idea that she was marking him.

  Even if the marks would fade all too soon.

  His turn.

  Adam bit her breast lightly. Not enough to break the skin. Not enough to hurt. Just enough to—

  “Adam!” Maya shuddered, those black eyes hot with lust. “Not too much, my blood—”

  Probably wouldn’t change him. A victim had to be drained nearly dry before an exchange in order for a transformation to work. “Don’t worry, baby, I won’t make you bleed.” Just scream with pleasure.

  His fingers pushed between their bodies. Found her sensitive clit. Adam squeezed it lightly with two fingers and sucked deeply on her breast.

  She came, her body jerking beneath his. “Adam!”

  He slammed into her. Again. Again. Then stiffened as a second release shot through his body. He emptied into her, pouring every bit of his semen into her tight depths. When the climax finally ended, he felt hollowed out and so satisfied he never wanted to move again.

  Beneath him, Maya stirred faintly. She blinked up at him, eyes slowing shifting back to brilliant blue. She licked her lips, and he realized he hadn’t kissed her.

  The passion had been too hard. Too fast.

  He lowered his head. Pressed his lips against hers. Tasted the copper of his blood. And the sweetness of her mouth.

  Maya broke the kiss, turning her head slightly and swallowing.

  Her mind was closed to him again. As his was to her.

  The way it should be.

  But it just felt so cold.

  His cock was still cradled in her sex. He didn’t want to move, but he knew she was exhausted. The night ahead would be dangerous and she’d need all the strength she could get.

  While she slept, his blood would recharge her, giving her added energy and power.

  Then they’d face the vampires who waited for them.

  And he’d get his revenge on the bastard who’d left him to die.

  Slowly, he withdrew from her body, enjoying the way her muscles clamped over his shaft—as if she didn’t want to release him.

  They shifted in the bed, actually managed to make it to the pillows.

  Maya turned away from him. Curled in on herself.

  He stared at her back a moment. Came to a sudden decision.

  Hell, no.

  She’d taken his blood and his seed. She’d damn well sleep in his arms. He grabbed her, pulling her toward him and tucking her flush against him.

  “No! What are you—”

  “Shh.” He stoked her cheek, and she blinked up at him as if she were completely confused. As if no one had ever held her before. “Just sleep, Maya.”

  “But, I—”

  “Sleep.” And he’d hold her. Protect her. As she’d protected him.

  At first, she lay stiffly against him, her muscles too tight. Her lips thinned. But he stroked her back, smoothing his hands over her soft skin until she gradually began to relax.

  It took twenty minutes before her breathing changed and she softened against him.

  Adam smiled and pulled her closer.

  Her hand rested on his chest. Small fingers, pale and smooth. He stared down at that hand, then frowned, his eyes narrowing.

  There was blood beneath her nails.

  Her fingers had dug into his hips when they’d made love—but not deep enough to cut.

  He lifted her hand, brought it close to his nose, and inhaled.

  The blood was old and it was hers.

  The chameleon’s words whispered through his mind. “I gave you my blood. It helped you—healed you.” Because she’d been hurt. “Your hands—I saw what happened, how they changed.”

  He’d been buried under a mountain of rocks. Maya had dug him out—with her hands and claws.

  He hadn’t realized what the chameleon meant until that moment.

  Why hadn’t she just left him? Why had she risked so much to save him?

  More rocks could have fallen down on her. She could have been trapped. The vampire who’d attacked him could have come back and killed her.

  Why had she stayed in the darkness and saved him?

  “Maya.” The whisper fell from his lips.

  She frowned in her sleep but didn’t awaken.

  Adam realized his questions would have to wait.

  But not for long.

  She hated it when blood was on her hands. Of course, that was a situation that happened all too often for her.

  Maya showered as fast as she could, trying to rinse the scent of blood and sex off her body. The water barely trickled out, thanks to Max and Adam, but there wasn’t much of a choice for her.

  When she left the bathroom, she found Adam sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes narrowed when he caught sight of her body. For a moment, she was tempted to go to him, to climb on those strong thighs and straddle him.

  Then it would be her turn to ride.

  But the sun was setting. Power and energy hummed through her veins—and she knew they couldn’t delay the hunt.

  Cammie needed them.

  And the vampires who’d taken the girl, well, they needed to die.

  The sex would have to wait.

  Maya stalked to her bag, began to dress.

  A warm, strong hand settled on her lower back. Right over her black tattoo. “Why the dragon?”

  Because after her change, she’d realized that she didn’t need anyone to protect her anymore. She was the fierce creature that threatened others.

  She forced a shrug. “Impulse.” Maya stepped away from him. She liked his touch too much and didn
’t trust her own self-control.

  “Huh.” The guy didn’t sound particularly convinced by her answer. “Skye—you said he was the one who gave it to you?”

  Maya tucked her gun into the back of her jeans. Slid a knife into her boot. “Yeah.”

  “So this isn’t your first trip to Vegas?”

  She smiled at that. “No.” Good thing, too, or they would’ve had one hell of a time finding the feeding room.

  But she remembered the place. Had even gone there once, only to leave when the stench of death began to choke her.

  Skye had told her that place wasn’t for her. “For the others,” he’d said. But not for her.

  Should have listened to him.

  Should have listened—the story of my life.

  Too late to change things now. She dug a second gun out of her bag, and gave it, handle first, to Adam.

  His brows lifted. “You know I don’t really need that.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure you can probably huff and puff and blow the whole place down—”

  A muscle ticced along his jaw.

  “—but if you did that, well, that wouldn’t exactly be keeping a low profile, now would it?”

  “And a gunshot is quiet?”

  “Nah. Just not as messy as a four-alarm fire.” Her gaze scanned the room. The weapons were ready. The sun was barely flickering through the blinds.

  It was time. “Come on, Slick. Let’s go find us some vampires.”

  It was the blood that drew her. The heady scent that floated on the wind and teased her nostrils, sending her heart racing and making her palms sweat.

  She drove past the glittering lights and flashing signs of the main Strip. Went past the casinos with their elaborate promises of wealth. Drove past the pawnshops that offered more money for the next hand of cards.

  The crowds were just as thick off the Strip. The bright lights still flashed.

  She kept driving.

  And the scent of blood grew stronger.

  There. Maya pulled the SUV to the curb. A good fifty feet away from the feeding room.

  Temptation. That was the name of the bar. She could see the scantily clad blond women strolling on the sidewalk near the entrance. Lures.

  Not that they had to work too hard to reel in the prey. It was barely nine o’clock, far too early for the normal clubbing scene, yet already there was a line snaking around the building.


  How many would live to see the dawn?

  Her gaze swept over them. Stopped on the two muscled guards near the entrance of Temptation. They both wore headsets. Small microphones were attached near their lips.

  Well, well. Looked like the Vegas vamps were smarter than those in L.A.

  If Hugh had been equipped with a unit like that, he might have been able to call out for help before that damn level ten had killed him.

  But the extra security did mean she’d have to alter her plans a bit.

  She had a feeling Adam wasn’t going to be too wild about the strategy shift. But, well, there wasn’t much choice.

  They climbed out of the SUV. The gun pressed into her back as she walked. Adam’s attention was on the feeding room, a frown pulling down his brows. “Can’t they smell it?”

  The blood. The death that hung in the air like perfume. Maya shook her head. “They’re here for the thrill. They don’t care about anything else.” Too bad for them. Some thrills weren’t worth the price.

  She studied the building for a moment. Granite. With tall white columns and a wide entranceway. Not much had changed since her last visit.

  Damn, but she’d been thirsty then. Thirsty enough to walk into this hell.

  At least she knew her way around inside. That knowledge would make searching for the girl much easier.

  Adam took a step forward. Maya’s arm flew out in front of him, shoving back against his muscled chest. “Sorry, Slick. There’s been a change of plans.”

  He blinked. “What?”

  “You can’t go in. I’m going to have to do this alone.”

  “The hell you are.” His heart drummed furiously beneath her hand. “This isn’t a solo game, Maya. You’re not leaving me.”

  She jerked her thumb toward the guards. “See them? If I walk by, show some fang, flash a little hunter’s black eye, they’ll let me in, no questions asked.” Her lips tightened. “But you—no scent, rage pouring from you—they’ll notify the vamps inside about you before you can even say ‘Screwed.’” Which they most definitely would be if he didn’t listen to her.

  “You’re not going in alone.” The words were bitten off.

  Yeah, she was. “If you want to find Cammie, well, then I sure as hell will be.” They were wasting precious time. “Look, there’s a back entrance,” she told him, pointing to the alley on the left. “If you stay in the shadows, no one will see you. I’ll search the place, get the girl, and slip out to meet you.” And if luck was on her side—doubtful, but maybe—at least this once, “Then we’ll get the hell out of there without any of the vamps knowing what’s happened.”

  “I want Torrence.” Flames burned in his eyes.

  “I know you do.” But they had to prioritize, dammit. The guy couldn’t just go on a revenge spree. “But what do you want more, him or your niece?”

  His hands fisted. “Cammie.”

  She exhaled. “Good answer, Slick.” Payback would have to wait. “Now go, and I’ll meet you as soon as I find her.” If she was inside.

  She’d damn well better be.

  They didn’t have much longer to search for her. The whisper in Maya’s head, that soft call, was growing more insistent.

  Nassor would rise soon.

  And call to those taken of his blood.

  She turned away from Adam, began walking fast.


  His shout stopped her. There was something in his voice. A hesitation. A fear?

  She glanced over her shoulder. Found him watching her with a face that looked hard and cold under the streetlights.

  “Why’d you do it?” His voice was soft, but easily reached her ears.

  “Do what?”

  “Dig me out of those rocks.” His gaze bored into her. “Why didn’t you just me leave me—”

  To die.

  “Leaving you wasn’t an option.” She’d never even thought about it.

  “Why?” Stark.

  She didn’t know. She just…hadn’t been able to walk away. She couldn’t leave, not when she knew he was down there, trapped under those rocks. Maya forced a shrug. “Hey, I’m sure you would have done the same for me, right?”

  She turned away, not wanting to see his expression and Adam didn’t reply, didn’t speak again.

  His silence followed her to Temptation.

  “Hey, I’m sure you would have done the same for me, right?” Her words seemed to echo in Adam’s ears.

  But would he have done the same?

  He watched her stalk away from him, back perfectly straight, shoulders thrown back. Her hips swayed slightly, a sexy roll that caught his eye—and the eyes of others.


  She marched past the crowd. Flashed the guards the promised smile and slipped inside. He could hear the doors slide closed behind her, a soft whoosh that seemed far too final.

  Alone. Damn. He didn’t want her in there without him.

  Sure, the lady knew how to handle herself, but there was only so much that she could do against a gang of vampires.

  Be safe, Maya. And get the hell out of there, fast.

  He sighed and turned toward the alley. He’d wait for her, as she’d ordered, but if he caught even the faintest whiff of trouble, he’d knock down the bar’s doors and go in after her.

  “Hey, I’m sure you would have done the same for me, right?”

  It was just as she remembered. Gold cages lined the walls. Scantily clad men and women undulated inside them, dancing in a slow, teasing rhythm to match the beat of the band.

  A wom
an was lying across the bar as a vampire fed from her neck. She moaned in ecstasy, her hips rocking against the smooth surface.

  Couples were dancing. Humans, vamps. Blood was flowing.

  You come to fuck or to feed? That had been the question gruffly asked by the guard at the door.

  She’d replied, as most vamps did. “Both.”

  Maya knew she wasn’t going to find the kid in any of the main rooms. Not the bar, not the VIP lounge, not the sex rooms in the back. If Cammie was there—and since it was Torrence’s little home away from home, it figured that the girl would be—then he’d have hidden her well.

  Her gaze darted to the gray door marked “Private.” It led below. She knew, she’d caught a glimpse of stairs when the door had opened before.

  What waited below? Who waited?

  The hair on her nape began to rise. Slowly, she let her stare drift around the crowded bar.

  So many vampires.

  Sex and blood. The scent filled her nostrils.

  Her eyes locked on the tall figure of a man. A man with blond hair, a perfect face, and fangs that were just inches away from a woman’s throat.


  She couldn’t be sure. He fit the description, but that wasn’t saying much.

  Just to be safe, she used the crowd as a cover and carefully made her way to the gray door. She’d search below first. If there was no sign of the girl, then she’d work her way back up until she covered every inch of Temptation.

  Her hands were against the door when a shiver of awareness worked its way over her body. She glanced back.

  And found the blond vampire smiling at her. Kind of like a cat who’d just caught a fat mouse and was now getting ready to have a really, really good dinner.

  Fuck it. Maya shoved open the door and took the steps three at a time.

  Chapter 12

  The night was too quiet. Adam stood near the back entrance of Temptation, a steel door that was locked tight, and wondered why the night seemed so quiet.

  Maya had been inside for ten minutes now.

  Not enough time to search the bar.

  Enough time to die?

  He swallowed back his fear. He’d give her a little longer. She’d been right to leave him behind, he knew that. If he went inside, saw that bastard Torrence, the rage would overwhelm him and everything would go to shit.