Read Immortal Reborn - Arianna's Choice Page 2

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Actual locations are referenced solely to lend realism to the story. No negative connotations to real locations are implied or suggested.

  They are here. They have always been here, living amongst us. Remarkably, mankind has always known of their existence, yet failed to fully articulate and acknowledge when our paths cross theirs. Tales of angels, immortals, warriors, heroes, even ‘the Wandering Jew’ persist through time, religions, and mythologies. You may call them what you will – but they are here.

  What makes the truth so hard to believe? What is truly amazing is that one little biblical verse gives the secret away – actually spells it out. But humans, as we are so apt to do, are slow to convince and even harder to compel to bear witness to the truth, even when it is right before our eyes.