Read Immortal Reborn - Arianna's Choice Page 29

Alexandria felt so happy and content, more than she had in ages. She could feel the sheets under her and over her, so she remembered where she was, but she did not want to open her eyes. This was bliss, she told herself.

  Alex stretched and rolled over to her stomach, and then registered the smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. She realized she now had a very good reason to open her eyes. Alexandria opened one slowly and beheld a small table, laden with food. It was placed between the two leather chairs in front of the fireplace, where she and Sabina had chatted the night before. Alex moved to the side of the bed closest to the delicious smelling meal and made her way out of the warm cocoon she had created for herself.

  She sat and saw a small card leaning against a bud vase which contained a single, yellow rose. Her favorite, she mused to herself. Alex noticed that her name was elegantly written in script across the front, and she opened it, then slid out a simple white card embossed with a silver border. It had an undemanding message written to her on the inside.

  Alexandria, I hope you had a restful night. Please enjoy breakfast, and when you’re ready, I will meet you in the stables. Clothes are waiting for you on the window seat.

  Yours Always,



  Alex smiled at Gaius’ thoughtfulness and his succinct choice of words. She sat and indulged in all that was offered before her. There were fresh strawberries on the tray, as well as a tiny container holding slightly warmed syrup. Alex had come to appreciate pancakes while in New York after having them at a small delicatessen near her apartment. Did Gaius know that too, she wondered? She savored each bite and drank the orange juice, which she preferred to coffee any day.

  After she had finished her meal, she stood and stretched, feeling her body so relaxed for the first time in days. Alex turned and padded over to the watercloset to freshen up, taking the time to braid her hair. When she looked in the mirror, Alex noticed that there was finally some color back in her cheeks, but there were still slight dark smudges under her eyes.

  She came out and found the clothes Gaius had alluded to in the note. They were not hers. They looked closer to what Sabina had worn at Aeoferth, but the well-worn boots were hers. She dressed and made her way downstairs. Alex saw no one else, and so she stepped out of the door at the back of the kitchen and closed her eyes, trying to picture the horses. She remembered in which direction the stables lay, so she opened her eyes and began to walk in that direction.

  As she approached the stables, Alex saw that it, too, was made of stone, but was not as large as the structure at Aeoferth. Its size was appropriate to Elysium though, and she made her way in through the substantial, heavy wooden doors, which were both pulled back. Alex looked around and found Gaius talking with two very large stallions, both solid black. She walked slowly up to them, not wanting to break the moment they were sharing.

  Alex allowed her ribbon to unfurl, and she heard Gaius’ sharp intake of breath as he felt her make contact with his flow of thoughts. He was telling the two of the day he had planned and asking them to watch over Alex and himself as they rode and threw caution to the wind. Both stallions stamped their mighty hooves and looked him in the eye.

  Finally, he turned and smiled a warm welcome to her. Gaius held out a hand and said, “Come.”

  Alex moved forward and placed her hand in his. They stared into each other’s eyes, and she felt a calm wash over her, just like the feeling she had experienced that morning when she woke from her slumber. Gaius squeezed her fingers gently and turned, leading them out of the stables, and the horses followed of their own accord.

  Alex noted that though the horses had bridles and reins, they had no blankets, saddles, or stirrups. She raised her eyebrows, and he answered her unspoken question.

  “They have agreed to let us ride without any encumbrances today. We’re going to make a day of just having some fun, you and I. No immortal business, no training sessions – just be with me in the here and now, Alexandria,” he said softly.

  Gaius moved closer to Alex and tucked a stray piece of hair that had already worked its way free of her braid behind her ear, and Alex felt that now familiar energy at his touch.

  “You are so young, Alexandria. And this should be enjoyable for you, not fraught with such pain and torment. Will you set it aside and spend the day with me? Just be with me today?” he asked her gently.

  Alex was very moved by his words and most grateful for the reprieve. She needed a day away from the struggle her body and mind were having. So she answered him truthfully, saying, “Yes, Gaius. I would very much so like to be with you today. And perhaps, we can get to know one another better.”

  His smile lit up his entire face as he turned, motioning the horses closer. Gaius wrapped his hands around Alex’s waist and told her to jump high. She did as he asked, and was atop the mount in one swift motion. She touched the horse’s neck and felt the sheer strength of the magnificent animal pulsing under her hand.

  “Are you ready to fly?” she asked him, and he cantered sideways, showing her that he was more than ready.

  Gaius was promptly on his steed, and he turned to her, still smiling a boyish grin. “You are riding Arvan today, Alex, and I will ride Boaz.”

  Alex thought through multiple languages and found that both names meant swift, fast, or strong in their native tongues.

  “Are we going to ride swiftly?” she asked, teasing Gaius.

  He guided Boaz over so that their horses were alongside one another.

  “We are going to go at whatever pace we want, Alexandria. Are you ready?”

  She nodded her agreement, and they began to ride along a wide path that led out of the back gardens and snaked across a snow-covered and rocky field. They passed by no one else, seemingly in their own world.

  Alex remembered that they were slightly out of sync with the rest of reality when they wanted to be, so perhaps they would not encounter any tourists during their ride. Gaius chatted with her as they moved along about her riding experiences. He asked about her childhood lessons, and how Alex found riding now that she knew she could communicate with her mount.

  She told him about her success with the sport, but that she never pursued it as anything more than pleasure, not wanting to enter any kind of formal competitions. Alex stated that would have been too public and too uncomfortable for her. But she was in love with riding now after her experiences with Eimhir, she gushed. They finally reached the coastline and paused, looking out across the North Sea.

  Alex closed her eyes and smelled the cold, salty air rolling in off of the waves. She remembered that smell, of that specific sea and those waters. She had ridden there for so long, and she felt it coming back to her senses.

  “Alex,” Gaius said softly, pulling her back to the present. “Do not think of what was right now. Concentrate on you and me, together today. Experience this, at this moment.” He nodded slowly at her to gain her agreement.

  “Yes,” she breathed out.

  They turned and began to ride gradually at first, then picked up speed. Alex looked over to Gaius and saw him nod his assent, and she leaned over Arvan’s long neck and whispered for him to turn loose. He rocketed across the sand, and Alex laughed aloud at the freedom she and the stallion felt together.

  There were no words to describe how she felt at that moment. Alex could feel the steed’s muscles flexing and Arvan’s sides expanding and contracting, but she could also feel his joy at the way they moved together as one. She was no burden for him to carry, and he was in bliss just as she was. Alex could feel the rhythm of Arvan’s hooves in her chest, and she closed her eyes and gloried in the sensation.

  “Faster, if you dare,” she prodded him, and he gave her an additional burst so that the two were flying across the sands.

  Eventually, Arvan slowed of his own accord, and they turned to watch Gaius speed toward them with Boaz. He was a sight to beho
ld. Alex tried to hold to the present, but she saw a flash of him riding across a valley trying to stop a child on a horse that had broken away. Another memory came of Gaius on the same beach astride a dappled mare, riding with longer hair and the wind lifting it off of his shoulders.

  Alex ran her fingers through Arvan’s mane, trying to anchor herself, and she whispered for him to help her return. She was able to stop the flashes and see Gaius as he was, not as he had been. Alex breathed slowly and smiled at his apparent joy as he and Boaz came to a stop in front of her. Both horses were breathing heavily, but neither was overly exhausted.

  Gaius lifted a long leg and slid down off his horse and then came around to Alex. “Would you like to walk?” he asked, holding his hands out for her to slide into them.

  Alex swung her leg over Arvan’s neck and slid down into Gaius’ outstretched hands.

  Gaius did not hold her long, just lightly squeezed her waist, and then he turned, and the two walked for quite some time, talking and laughing together. He wanted to know about Alex’s career and how she liked her colleagues. He asked about the time her family lived in Egypt and what her favorite historical sites in the region were when she was small. Alex recounted how she had actually tried to avoid most of the history the area had to offer because of the visions at the time, and she noticed Gaius’ frown as he looked out ahead of them.

  She turned the topic to music then, asking if he liked current music or pieces mainly from the past. Alex found that he was surprisingly well versed in the pop culture of the present. Gaius told her of movies he had seen and books he had read, trying to pass the time over the last few decades. He told her that he had actually given some thought to installing a home theater room in Elysium, and Alex laughed aloud at the thought.

  Gaius pretended her laughter had wounded him and placed a hand over his heart, but he began to laugh as well. He told Alex of his love for a well-turned phrase, and thus he still was a fan of poetry. An image of her sitting on a blanket in tall grass came unbidden, and she saw his head in her lap. He was reading sonnets aloud, and she had one hand behind her holding herself up while the other slowly trailed through his soft hair. It was most serene.

  Alex felt Gaius’ fingers intertwine with hers, pulling her out of the memory. She looked up into his eyes, and he said softly, “Just us here, right now, Alex,” and she nodded. Alex looked back over her shoulder and saw that both horses were a little distance behind, but still following them.

  Gaius led her over to the water, and they stood watching the waves lap up onto the sand.

  “It’s so peaceful here, so beautiful. I can see why we’d never want to leave,” she said quietly. Gaius turned, and Alex saw the surprise on his face as his eyes roamed over hers. “Yesterday morning when I learned of you, Elrick said that we would come here and take refuge, not wanting to leave for portions of time. I can see why. This place is very restorative.”

  He nodded, not trusting his voice to answer her.

  Gaius stepped forward, and his hand hovered just over her hair, waiting for Alex’s permission to touch it. She nodded almost imperceptibly, and he took both hands and ran them down the length of her braid until he reached the end, then he unfastened her tie. Gaius slowly worked her hair free of the pattern she had woven it into and massaged the length of it and her scalp until Alex closed her eyes and succumbed to the bliss he was instilling in her.

  She reopened her eyes and saw the longing in his. Gaius slowly took his hands from Alex’s hair and trailed his fingers around the edge of her hairline that framed her face.

  “Would you like to ride back now?” he whispered.

  “If you’d like to,” she whispered in return.

  “No,” Gaius laughed softly, “this is your day. We’re riding or not riding, whenever you say so.”

  Alex could see he was giving her an out, a way to break the contact between them, so she gratefully accepted. Though she found it very hard to do so. “Let’s ride, and you can show me more of the land,” she said, and he nodded, stepping back and calling the horses to them silently.

  They spent the next hour meandering about and continuing their time alone. Gaius wanted to talk, and Alex found that his inquiries were his attempt to understand her thoughts or emotions behind specific events in her life that he had witnessed when he guarded over her. It was oddly comforting to know that he knew so much about her and cared for her well-being.

  When they turned back from the beach, Gaius looked over at Alex with a dimple in his cheek and a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’ll race you home,” he said, grinning from ear to ear.

  Alex immediately accepted the challenge and leaned low over Arvan, showing him with her mind how good it would feel to leave Gaius and Boaz in their wake.

  The stallion reared up slightly and launched himself across the ground, just as Eimhir had done. Alex’s hair flew behind her like a yellow piece of silk, billowing in the wind. She closed her eyes again and was filled with joy and freedom from this new way of riding. She laughed when she thought of the heart palpitations she would give her parents and Jameason if they could see her like that.

  Alex and Arvan roared into the courtyard in front of the stables, and the two had so much momentum that they continued on past and down the lane. They sprinted across the lawn at the front of the estate where the S-92 still sat. Finally, the steed slowed and Alex found that Gaius was right behind her, bringing Boaz to a stop. They were both laughing and grinning, and Alex felt so light after the exhilerating experience.

  She rode over to his side, their mounts facing in opposite directions. Alex tried to catch her breath to thank him, but her smile was all the thanks Gaius needed.

  “You were glorious out there, your hair trailing you. It is a delight to see you so in the moment,” he said. “Can I interest you in some lunch?” Gaius asked, trying to still his breathing as well.

  “Lunch sounds good. What are we having?” she asked playfully.

  Gaius gave Alex his devilish, young man’s grin again and said, “Oh, I have a surprise. Come.” He turned Boaz, leading the way back to the stables.

  Heath was waiting inside to take over the care of the horses so they could go on their way. They both thanked him, and he brushed off their words nonchalantly, grinning as he inclined his head.

  They walked back towards the house together, both sated from the invigorating exercise. Gaius strode ahead a few steps and held the door open for Alex to enter the main house. He told her he would meet her in the foyer in thirty minutes or so, giving them time to freshen up.

  Alex made her way back to her room and decided on a quick shower. She pulled on jeans and a warm, powder blue cashmere sweater that her mother had given her two Christmases ago and dried her hair as quickly as she could. It was still damp at the edges when she made her way back downstairs.

  Gaius was just coming back in the front door, and he walked up to her, smiling appreciatively at her choice of attire. Alex blushed but tried to meet his eyes.

  “I would like to take you away from here for a little while, Alexandria. Would you come away from the memories for a time, and perhaps we can create a few new ones together?” he asked.

  “I would like that very much,” she agreed. Alex thought that the chance to escape the constant stream of the two of them together was a good way to see Gaius as he was now, and as they possibly could be.

  He held the front door open for her, bowing and gesturing her forward. Alex had no idea what Gaius was up to, but she walked out of the front and down the steps to find that she was looking at a very expensive new quantum silver Aston Martin. She glanced back at him, aghast at the machine in front of her. He laughed loudly and made his way over to the passenger side, holding that door open for her as well.

  “Are you coming, Alexandria?” Gaius asked teasingly.

  She shook her head and made her way over, giving him an exasperated loo
k before she slid into the soft, cream leather seat. He closed her door, then made his way around and slid in beside her. Gaius started the car, and its engine roared to life.

  Before he put the car in gear, Gaius looked back over at Alex and laughed, saying, “What? We drive cars now, too.” He did not wait for an answer. Instead, he drove them away from the estate, chuckling to himself.

  Alex soon found she was laughing softly as well.

  They made their way across the island to its lone village, and Alex found herself completely speechless as she watched Gaius use his aura to melt snow ahead of their path to give the car a way through. He kept his attention focused on the road until they had reached the tiny town and he had found a place to park.

  Gaius looked over at Alex and asked if she was ready for a little adventure. She nodded and found that his happiness was spilling over into her mood as well. Gaius helped her out of her side and held her hand as they walked along the streets. He pointed out the few shops and eateries the place offered and finally led her to a little restaurant called the BeanGoose. Alex chuckled at the name on the sign and walked in beside Gaius.

  It was warm and toasty inside, and he led her to a booth in the back, positioning himself so that he was facing the restaurant’s entrance. A lady in her mid-fifties, perhaps, asked them what they wanted to drink and she welcomed Gaius back to their establishment.

  “So good to see he finally has a lady with him,” she teased, laughing at her own words. “I’m always trying to get him to date my niece, but he’s never taken the bait. What’s your name, dear?” she asked as she delved for information.

  Alex chuckled at Gaius’ embarrassed expression and told the lady her name. She left them to retrieve their drinks and let them look over the menu together.

  “Her niece, huh?” whispered Alex, smirking at his obvious discomfort.

  Gaius shuddered all over. “You laugh, but you’ve not met her. No, Alex,” he replied, looking up from his menu into her eyes, “there is only you.”

  Alex felt her cheeks warm at his direct words. She turned the topic by asking him what was good to eat there, and they both settled on lobster bisque with some of the restaurant’s organic greens and fresh baked bread on the side. When it arrived, she found it delicious, and actually finished her portion before he did.

  He caught her eyeing his bowl, and he raised his eyebrows in mock surprise. “Do you want some of mine, Alex?”

  She flushed, embarrassed that she was actually still hungry. Her mother would probably have something to say if Alex ate Gaius’ food right out from under him, she thought to herself.

  “No, I’m good,” she said a little too brightly.

  Gaius laughed wholeheartedly. “No, you’re not. You are always hungry,” he said, shaking his head.

  Alex felt her mouth drop open slightly at his comment. “How do you know?” she asked in amazement.

  “Because, you have a lot more power and energy running through your body than even the rest of us, and it burns through what nourishment you take in rather quickly. It is nothing to be self-conscious about; it just is what we all deal with.” Gaius reached forward and laced his fingers through hers. “Alex, do not be embarrassed by what you are or how your body reacts to the power within,” he said sincerely.

  She glanced down at their hands and watched the growing light display as their auras began to dance and move in unison. Alex looked back into his eyes, so warm and encouraging.

  He nodded. “Right. Another round then.” Gaius looked over, signaling to the lady who was taking care of them that they would like another portion. If she was surprised, she did not let on, and soon Alex was feeling full and satisfied. Gaius left to pay, and Alex realized for the first time that she had not even thought to bring her wallet along.

  He stood beside her and offered her his hand, and she slowly slid her palm into his. Gaius gently squeezed Alex’s fingers as she stood, and she walked by his side out of the restaurant. He led her through the quiet streets for a little while, pointing out different buildings and telling her what lay within.

  Alex began to remember the churches and monasteries that existed there on the island through the ages when she knew it as Lindisfarne. Images of how they had worked with many of the monks who had come there to build first one monastery, and then another after Vikings destroyed the original, filtered through her mind. And when the past threatened to sweep Alex away, she was pulled back by Gaius’ aura.

  He still held her hand firmly in his, and he was not letting go. Alex had no desire to lose consciousness on the street in front of witnesses, so she stayed anchored to him. She shivered once, and Gaius broke contact long enough to put his jacket on her, then gathered her hand in his and placed it in the bend of his elbow, pulling her in closer.

  They walked into a Celtic craft shop and talked about the souvenirs and artwork inside. The place brought back recollections of their travels across Ireland, and the one specific trip they took to bring Benen back to Aeoferth after his mother passed away and his angelic father had to return to the Lord. Alex felt her eyes cloud at the memory of Benen’s grief from the loss of one he loved so much.

  Gaius brushed her cheek with his fingers and hugged her, causing several shoppers and the clerk to smile wistfully at the beautiful young people before them caught in an impromptu embrace. He pulled back and tucked Alex’s hand back inside the crook of his arm, then led her through the store’s offerings. Gaius paused by a case which held silver jewelry, featuring various rings, bracelets, and necklaces. He looked back at her for a moment as if considering something of gravity.

  “Alexandria, would you allow me to purchase something for you? It would give me great pleasure. A token to mark a very happy day,” Gaius said and, to Alex, he seemed to hold his breath as he awaited her answer.

  “If it is a small reminder of our day, then I accept,” she said quietly, unsure what he was thinking or planning. Alex had tried to stress the word ‘small,’ and she hoped that he had heard it in her voice.

  Gaius nodded and exhaled slowly. He then turned and asked a young lady who worked there to please remove a simple, silver ring from the case. She did so and repeatedly tried not to openly gawk at Gaius’ handsome face and his beauty. Alex smiled at the young woman’s struggle, as she felt slightly sorry for her. Nephilim could be very intense to humans, thought Alex, and apparently the young lady was susceptible to their pull.

  Gaius turned and reached for Alex’s right hand. He slid the ring, a Claddagh ring, onto her ring finger with the heart pointed toward her wrist. It fit perfectly, and his jaw flexed slightly as he appraised it on her hand.

  “Will you wear it?” he asked softly.

  Alex nodded her agreement and thanked him for the unadorned silver ring. He nodded tightly and then moved forward to pay for it.

  As they walked out of the shop and along the street, Alex stopped and pulled on Gaius’ arm to halt him from going any further. He turned quickly and looked to assure himself she was alright.

  “Alex?” he said in question.

  “Thank you, Gaius, for today. I didn’t realize how much I needed this, but you did. You do seem to know me very well.” She looked off in the distance for a few moments and then back up into his eyes. “I would like to give you a token too, but I didn’t bring my wallet along.” She shrugged her apology.

  “I don’t need anything more than what I have right now at this moment, Alexandria. You are safe and whole and happy. That is all I need,” he replied and reached forward to smooth her hair back and away from her face. “Come; I have one more place I want to take you before we head back.” He turned and led her to a little coffee shop called the Pilgrims Coffee House, and ducked his head under the doorframe as they walked in.

  Alex could smell the sugar before she had even taken a moment to look around, and she knew her face must be telling Gaius of her obvious excitement. He laug
hed softly and pulled her forward to a small table for two. The unique eatery specialized in a wide variety of cakes and scones along with gourmet coffees, and she smiled as she read over the menu.

  Alex opted for a large slice of triple chocolate cake with hot chocolate on the side. Gaius ordered coconut cake for himself and a cup of gourmet coffee, with no cream or sugar. She watched him raise the cup to his lips and wrinkled her nose.

  “What? Still not a coffee drinker?” he asked playfully.

  “Not at all,” Alex assured him. “Sometimes I can stomach the smell, but I don’t like it, in any variety or flavor. Some mornings, just the aroma of someone else having a cup nearby can make me feel nauseous. Do you drink it often?”

  “Every day,” he replied. “But I’ll remember not to get it too close to you.”

  Gaius looked down to gather a bite of cake on his fork and did not notice Alex’s look of surprise over his last comment. It sounded to her that he assumed they would be together most days in the future. She looked down before he registered her expression and concentrated on the food before her.

  When they had both finished, Gaius paid the ticket, and they made their way back through the village. Each seemed lost in their own thoughts, and Alex was surprised to look up and find that they were already back at the car. Gaius said nothing, but held Alex’s door open for her and closed her in before taking the driver’s seat. He drove them slowly back to Elysium and parked the car to the left of the main house, just outside the kitchen.

  He turned in his seat and looked at Alex, taking her right hand in his and lifting it to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand and then the silver ring he had given her. Gaius continued as he turned her palm over and brushed his lips across it, softly and gently.

  Alexandria closed her eyes and felt the current pass from Gaius’ lips to her hand and travel throughout her skin and body. Even the top of her scalp was singing. She opened her eyes to see his burning into hers.

  “Gaius,” she whispered in warning, not trusting herself to what was building between them.

  “I know,” he murmured, feeling the charged atmosphere that he had initiated as well. “Your mind is torn, as is your heart. There is Jackson, and there is also me. I only ask that you don’t shut me out because I was held back from you for a few days, but consider me also. Please, don’t shut me out, Alex,” he breathed and leaned into her, touching her lips with his.

  Gaius slowly coaxed Alex into responding, holding her head in his hands as his fingers shook slightly in her hair. He continued his gentle play until she sighed and he deepened his embrace. Again and again, his mouth slanted over hers, taking and giving all that he felt for her and wanted to offer her.

  “Oh, Gaius,” Alex said, almost crying, so at war was she within herself.

  “I know, Alex, I know. I am so sorry I was late,” he said with anguish and regret.

  Alex felt swept away and tried to fight it, but it was of no use. She felt as if this man knew her body better than she, and he knew exactly what would make her respond. Alex caught a glimpse of them on another day, in such a passionate embrace as that, and tried to pull away from it before she saw too much.

  Gaius felt her tremble, and he pulled his head back and shook it sadly. “Alexandria, I am so sorry. I promised myself I would not do this today. I wanted to give you one perfect day. I am so completely and utterly yours that being physically apart from you is very difficult for me. I’ve missed you so much; I cannot ever begin to express it fully to you.” He ran a hand down her cheek, and his thumb traveled across her swollen lips.

  “And now you’re here, and I am trying. God help me, I am. Please, Alex, forgive me,” Gaius said, still sounding winded and leaning his forehead against hers, getting his eyes as close to Alex’s as he could.

  She looked into his blue and green irises and sighed, knowing that she could not lie to him or herself. “There’s nothing to forgive, Gaius. I can only imagine what your battle is like for you now. And believe me when I say, I feel the connection too. I just need to slow down a little, so that I’m not so consumed by what was, and I know what is for me right now.”

  Alex exhaled heavily. “I honestly don’t know that we can, because all I have to do is look at you and my aura reaches out for you, I can feel it. I’m just afraid I am going to be led by it more than my own mind. Do you understand?” she asked, pulling back and looking imploringly into his eyes.

  He nodded his head slowly in response.

  “If you asked me do I like the man I see before me, I’d be a fool to say no. I see not just this beautiful exterior, but I see your goodness and kindness. It flows off of you like a river. I can also feel how much you’ve tried to care for me since I arrived. Today was exactly what I needed, and you saw that and made it possible.”

  Gaius’ shoulders relaxed slightly at her last statement.

  “You think I’m beautiful?” he asked, smirking at her.

  “Of course, and so did every other female who looked at you today. The poor girl whom you purchased the ring from had a hard time completing her sentences. I actually felt sorry for her.” Alex chuckled, causing Gaius to completely relax beside her.

  “I am sure, given time, I can make sense of my emotions, but I really must slow down. I can say, though, that I do know one thing for certain now.” Alex paused, making sure she had Gaius’ complete attention. “Henry will be devastated to know that he finally has competition.” She smiled at the way his eyebrows shot up in question to her remark, and she laughed, using his surprise to allow her a quick escape from the car.

  Alex squealed when she saw Gaius come swiftly out of his side, and he began to chase her towards the house. She beat him inside and ran as fast as her legs would carry her through the castle, down corridor after corridor, until she found herself within the same den they had been in the night before. Alex came to a stop in the center of the room and turned just in time to see Gaius come running in behind her, panting and smiling broadly that she had initiated such play.

  He quietly walked over to her, and she took two steps back until she bumped into a table and could retreat no farther. Gaius came to stand before her, and Alex saw such delight run across his features. He leaned forward and braced his arms on either side of her, causing Alex to lean back on the table. His eyes moved slowly from the top of her face, down her nose, to her lips, then back up to her eyes, drinking her in.

  Alex was still trying to catch her breath when Gaius leaned down until he hovered over her mouth.

  “Who,” he whispered, “is Henry?” Gaius stayed there, waiting for her response.

  She smirked at him and chuckled before giving him her answer. “The young man my mother thinks would be a good husband for me.” She tilted her head to the side, waiting to see what he would say.

  His slow smile let her know that he was not really worried about this new competition. “Well then, we’ll just have to let her meet me and see if I measure up to good old Henry. Will you let me meet your parents, Alexandria?” he breathed, still not touching her.

  “Yes. They’ve met Jack, so it’s only fair that they meet you, too,” she said softly.

  “Good, I look forward to it. I enjoyed our day together, Alex. I hope that there will be more like it to come. Many, many more.” Gaius leaned down, kissing first Alex’s lips chastely, then the tip of her nose, and finally her forehead. He looked back into her eyes as he said, “I would like to share some poetry and writings with you tonight. Will you join me in the library in another hour or so?”

  She nodded her head and watched as he straightened to his full height, then turned to walk away. Gaius paused in the entryway and looked back at Alex briefly, and then finally left the room. When Alex trusted her legs to support her again, she straightened away from the table as well.

  Being with Gaius when he was looking at her as he just had completely clouded her view of every
thing else, Alex thought to herself. She knew she would have to work harder to guard against the pull. Alex ran her hand through her hair and walked over to a fabric-covered chair by a window. She sat down and looked out across the frozen earth before her.

  Alexandria began to search her soul for answers. Not about Kronis, but about Jack and Gaius. She recognized her attraction to Jack as a slowly emerging friendship and possible romance. She knew that he would be a slow and steady constant at her side, and he would give her perspective, guidance, and acceptance. He would love her no matter what strange lights shot out of her hands.

  But if she chose an immortal life, he would grow old in front of her, and Alex doubted he would ever have children. She had been smart enough to observe there were no children at Aeoferth Hall and no pictures of descendants anywhere in the castle that she had noticed. Alex decided to talk to John and ask for clarification.

  Then there was Gaius, with his complete understanding of her life, both as Arianna and Alexandria, now that Alex knew he had watched her grow and mature. They had spent a very enjoyable day together, their conversation coming easily and already comfortable. She knew if she gave him the okay, he would have her as his wife and the rest would come in time. Gaius would not want to let her slip away again.

  But she could not say yes because, deep down, she loved Jack, too. Alex put a hand over her mouth, realizing she had confessed her feelings finally to herself. She loved Jack and could feel the already established love between herself and Gaius. What if he had not been held back from her days ago, she questioned? Would she have ever allowed herself to go into Jack’s arms for comfort? No, Alex told herself, she would not. She would have found Gaius’ embrace waiting for her and sheltered there.

  Alexandria looked down and studied the ring now on her hand. She knew that the hand it was worn on and the direction it sat on the finger held special significance, but she could not remember at the moment. She used her thumb to spin it around on her finger, feeling its smooth surface.

  Finally, Alex looked back outside and saw a memory of herself as Arianna walking across the lawn. But Arianna gazed back at the house, looking at the windows as if she was hoping to take her leave without being detected. Alex stood and moved over to the window, trying to see what she was doing in the past. She looked closely at herself as she mounted a tall mare. She was wearing the same outfit she had been in the day she met Kronis on the cliff.

  Alex noticed a pack behind the animal’s saddle, and she knew it held her luggage. That was the moment Arianna left to offer him a way out, she told herself. She felt very dizzy and slightly sick to her stomach, knowing what was to come. The image began to dissolve in front of Alex’s face, and she let it go as she thought she had seen all she needed to from that particular scene.

  Alex decided to go up to her room and lie down for a little while but felt an odd burning sensation in her nostrils. She then registered something wet on her lip and knew what was happening. Alex moved her hand up in time to catch the next few drops before her nose began to freely run blood. She grabbed her face and bolted up the stairs before anyone saw her distress. She made it to the watercloset and got a handful of tissue, then tilted her head back.

  Alex had never been prone to illness much and certainly never suffered from nosebleeds before. Now, in that one week, she had experienced several. She stayed like that, nose pinched and head back, trying not to let the metallic taste on the back of her throat make her ill.

  Perhaps, she thought, the stress of the week was finally getting the best of her. Alex sat on the bench and got a new tissue and noted that the flow was decreasing. When she thought it had finally ended, she flushed all of the evidence away and washed her face gingerly.

  She made her way out and fell across the bed, not even bothering to take her boots off. Alex just let her feet dangle off of the edge and succumbed to an exhausted sleep. She felt something tug at her, but also a warm, soothing sensation that reminded her of Gaius’ aura, and so she stayed under.

  Gaius had come down the hall towards his own room and paused at Alex’s door, which she had left wide open. He noticed her lying across the bed, and he was unsure why she had chosen to lay in what looked to be an uncomfortable position.

  He moved forward to ask her if she was alright but realized she already slept. He pulled off one of her boots, then the other, and then he gently lifted her until she lay with her head on a pillow. Gaius closed his eyes and sent his aura to Alexandria, willing her to rest well. Then he left her to her nap, sending a prayer her way as he departed.

  Chapter 25