Read Immortal Wounds Page 14

  Chapter 13: Danger

  I had been so tired that I didn’t even wake when Marcus got out of the bed. I didn’t even know what time he’d left. The early morning sun shining through my bedroom window gave promises for a beautiful day. I didn’t want to dwell too much on last night. Today was going to be great! Marcus and I were off to Portland. We’d have several days away to relax and hopefully get closer. I had to believe that we could find a way to be together . . . safely.

  I looked out the window as I finished my bowl of cereal. It was one of those days I couldn’t wait to be outside. The air was warm, the sun—bright, and birds were singing. I was in love. Everything was rose colored.

  I glanced at the clock 9:00 a.m. This was the usual time I took my morning run. I could be back in an hour if I hurried. “I’d probably beat Marcus back,” I thought aloud.

  I looked out the window once again. That scared feeling I had last night when I didn’t want Marcus to leave me, was creeping back. Damen was out there somewhere, maybe looking for me, and I knew it.

  “But he wouldn’t think to look for me at the park, would he?” I shook away the thought. I couldn’t let myself be afraid like this. I couldn’t shut myself away in my house forever. If I didn’t leave now, I’d never go out alone ever again. I’d always be afraid. And I would always guilt Marcus into staying with me. “Look how well that turned out,” I thought to myself, thinking back to last night’s near blood bath.

  I looked back to the window. I really had no reason to think Damen would be looking for me today; or any day for that matter. For all I knew, he’d given up left town. I was already packed, and aside from needing a quick shower, I was ready to go. It was silly to just sit here and wait.

  I changed into my running clothes, put my hair in a pony, and wrote Marcus a quick note—just in case he did return before I did.

  Dear Marcus,

  I’m all packed to go! I had a little time so I went for a quick jog through Redwood Park. (South East of here) I should be back around 10:00. Xoxo (kisses and hugs)


  I left the note on the table, hoping Marcus would check the back door and find it unlocked for him; then headed for the park.

  If I run for half an hour, that would give me plenty of time to get back by 10:00, I thought as I got out of the car and checked my watch.

  There didn’t seem to be anyone else around. Weird, on a day like today, I thought this place would be crawling with joggers—or at least running with them. I couldn’t help but laugh at my bad joke.

  I started up one of my favorite paths, thickly shaded by Redwood trees. I loved to look at the moss that grew up the trunks and over the fallen trees that lay on the forest floor. I ran by giant ferns that grew taller than I was, and occasionally, I might get to see one of the many forest animals hurrying along with their busy day. My favorite part of this place was when I paused to take a moment to look up at the treetops. The trees seemed to reach high up into the heavens. Bits of sunlight peeked through here and there, warming my skin and casting an orange glow on the needled path.

  My feet moved lightly over the thick path. I couldn’t believe how quiet everything was today. I couldn’t hear a sound. Not even a bird . . . I started to run faster; something was very wrong.

  This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have come alone. I could feel eyes watching me. I tried to listen as I ran, but my feet seemed noisier as fear took hold of me. I caught a distinct smell across the wind. It wasn’t Damen . . . but it did smell familiar . . .

  There was a fallen tree up ahead blocking the path. The tree had to be a good two feet around. I could jump it—I would try. I couldn’t slow down. I needed to get out of here. Now.

  Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead. My heart was pounding its way out of my chest. I looked around. My eyes darted in every direction, looking for anything that might be a threat.

  I was fast approaching the tree. One, two, three—I was in mid air hurdling the log when I was tackled from the side and knocked clear from the path. I flew fast through the air, landing hard on my back, my bones cracking on impact. I gasped for air—

  My eyes wouldn’t focus, but I was painfully aware that something was on top of me. “Brian?” My eyes narrowed, trying to make out his face. “What are you doing?” I was somewhat relieved it was Brian and not Damen.

  “I didn’t mean to tackle you so hard,” he said flatly.

  My senses were coming back to me. “What the heck is wrong with you? You could have killed me!” I choked on the words, each breath more painful than the next. “Get . . . off . . . me!”


  “No?” I gasped in disbelief.

  “Why was that guy at your house all night?” he asked angrily.

  “What? Were you spying on me?” disgust coated my words.

  “I wasn’t spying. I was coming to ask you out again when I saw the two of you leaving together.”

  “So how do you know he stayed the night?” I asked sarcastically as I struggled painfully beneath him, futilely trying to push him off.

  “Because I saw you come home with him,” he growled through his teeth. “And he didn’t leave until early this morning.”

  I stopped struggling. “You stayed outside my house all night?”

  “Never mind that! What kind of guy sneaks off in the middle of the night?” His tone was accusing.

  I huffed. “What kind of guy stalks someone, ‘in the middle of the night’?” I threw his words back at him.

  Brian narrowed his eyes.

  “He needed to leave early . . . and it’s none of your business anyway! Now get off me! I think you broke my ribs . . .” I moaned.

  “I don’t get it?” he continued, ignoring my efforts to free myself. “I’m a good looking guy, I have money. We’ve been friends since high school. I’ve been more than patient with you. And you let this guy that shows up out of nowhere sleep with you right off.” He glared at me, possibly considering his next move.

  “Sleep!” I snapped. “That’s all we did was sleep Brian, and again, it’s none of your business. We’re not dating!” I hit his shoulder with my fist. My temper was rising to an all time high. Not to mention I was in real pain.

  Brian grinned.

  “I mean it Brian, get off me. I don’t like being held down like this.” An image of Damen on top of Phoebe ran through my mind. Although I knew Brian wouldn’t be turning into a werewolf, I was still starting to feel a panic attack coming on. The situations were too similar.

  “You’re not going anywhere until you explain why you won’t go out with me. What’s this guy have that I don’t—except for that snobby British accent,” he scoffed.

  “Manners!” I shouted.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing,” he said with smug confidence.

  What I’m missing? “Are you crazy?”

  His face closed in on mine. “There is something different about you . . . I noticed it before. I can’t get you out of my head . . . even your smell!” He stared at me with a dream like gaze.

  “It’s called soap Brian, now get off me!”

  He leaned in and pressed his nose against my neck. I winced as I cringed away from his touch.

  “It’s you . . . it’s your skin . . .” he took another deep breath.

  “Quit smelling me!” Somehow I’d managed to slap his face.

  He jerked his head back and glowered. In the next instant, his mouth came crashing down on mine. He pushed hard against my lips, crushing them with his. I kept my mouth closed. His lips, sloppy and wet, moved over mine eagerly, ignoring my protests.

  The pain in my ribs was excruciating. I could hardly breathe under the weight of his body. Tears leaked out the corners of my eyes.

  “Get off me!” I choked—my mouth finally breaking free.

  Suddenly a look of surprise flooded his eyes. A hand appeared on his shoulder and ripped him off me with such force—his body went flying backward into a tree
a good fifteen feet away. The only sound was the air escaping his lungs upon impact.

  I laid there in shock, staring at my rescuer.


  I was too scared to speak.

  Damen turned to Brian who was shaking his head in disbelief.

  “You really shouldn’t force a lady against her will—no matter how appealing she is,” he growled.

  “You’re going to regret that,” Brian snapped, jumping to his feet. His temper was boiling. This wasn’t the Brian I knew . . . or thought I knew. This man was crazed.

  “I think you’d better leave if you ever care to use those lips again,” Damen threatened. There was no play in his words.

  I could see the fear in Brian’s face. He looked at me still frozen on the ground, covered in dirt and redwood needles. “This isn’t over,” he promised.

  “I wouldn’t advise you attempting that again,” Damen warned as he stepped toward Brian. “You won’t leave walking next time.”

  I stared open mouthed at Damen. He was letting Brian go?

  Brian backed away slowly, maintaining constant eye contact before he turned and ran down the path.

  I had one eye on Brian fleeing and the other on Damen as he now turned to me.

  He walked slowly toward me, his hands outstretched. I held my aching ribs firmly and scooted backward, backing myself right into a tree—I was trapped!

  “I’m not going to hurt you!” he said calmly, as he approached.

  My eyes narrowed, I didn’t trust him.

  “Are you alright?” I could hear the worry in his voice. All I could do was stare. I knew what he was, and more importantly, I knew what he was capable of. I’d seen him kill a thousand times . . . in my dreams anyway.

  He stared at my clothes that were all askew—he paled. “Tell me I got to you before he . . .” His words broke off. He closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and opened them again—his yellow eyes now stared back at me, I swallowed hard. I knew those eyes . . .

  “You’re alright now.” I didn’t know if he said this for my benefit or for his.

  I heard a twig snap off in the distance. I gasped as I jumped and clung onto the tree behind me for safety. No one was going to separate me from this tree. I looked wildly around . . . searching for any trace of Brian. Praying he wouldn’t come back.

  “He’s not coming back, Phoebe. I swear on my life; he will never touch you again!” His words were full of malice . . . I knew he meant them. There was something familiar about the fierceness in which he was protecting me.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” he asked.

  I jerked away from his reach.

  “Phoebe. I can’t leave you here like this. Do you understand me?” He spoke slowly, like my mind might not be able to comprehend what he was saying.

  I nodded sharply.

  “I’m just going to lift you up,” he said slowly as he moved toward me again. “I promise to take you home.”

  “NO!” I yelled. It didn’t even sound like my voice.

  His hands came out again, motioning for me to calm down. He knelt on the ground a few feet away, his eyes, still yellow, were reflecting concern.

  I felt as though I were falling apart. I held onto the tree tightly. My teeth chattered inside my head as my body shook with fear. What was happening to me? I leaned my head against the tree, trying to steady myself.

  “I should have killed him for touching you like that,” Damen said with regret as he looked down the path Brian had taken. He looked back to me. I could see him deliberating whether or not he should go after him. I gripped the tree tighter, hoping my body would somehow merge with the trunk so I could escape.

  “I should have been watching you closer . . .” he growled. “I knew the risk.”

  I looked at him with confusion.

  “He couldn’t help himself you know, he was obviously attracted to you before, and with the change, you’re more appealing to him than ever.” He spoke casually like there was nothing unusual about our conversation. “He’s drawn to you, like an animal in heat. It’s part of your allure now. It’s what makes them easy prey for us.” I watched him closely, taking in as much of what he was saying as I could. My mind was reeling . . .

  “You’re probably wondering how I found you?” he asked lightly. “I went to see you. I found the note you left on your table and followed you here. A good thing too, wouldn’t you say?”

  I shifted a little. The pain in my ribs was becoming unbearable with each breath I took. I held my arm against it, trying to hold it as best I could. I had to admit, a small part of me was glad he’d come.

  His eyes softened. “My heart sunk when I heard you scream for help. Phoebe . . .”

  I flinched away from his touch.

  “I got here as fast as I could. I’m sorry it wasn’t fast enough,” he added with remorse, as he looked me over once again. “No one will touch you like that again,” he promised darkly. “I can make you stronger.”

  I pulled my legs up closer to my body, trying to get as much distance from Damen as I could.

  “I understand you don’t trust me, but you need to let me help you.”

  “NO!” I shook my head. “Don’t touch me! I don’t want anyone to touch me!”

  With considerable effort, I got to my feet and started backing slowly away. My hand shook as I extended it out between us. “I won’t let you hurt me again.”

  “Again?” He looked confused. “Phoebe, I’ve never hurt you.”

  “I saw what you did to that other Phoebe in the woods!” I shouted, tears falling from my eyes. I held onto my forehead, trying to steady myself. I could feel the world spinning around me.

  “No! You couldn’t know that.” Then realization must have claimed him. “You misunderstood. I never meant to harm her—you. I. Loved. You!” I could hear the desperation in his words. He’d somehow managed to take hold of my arms without me seeing him move.

  “I’ve never stopped loving you. It’s always been you.” He pulled me to him, his eyes piercing mine.

  I shook my head, clearing away the fog. “This is madness, I’m not that Phoebe!”

  I tried to pull away, but he held me firm. “I have your memories,” I blurted out. “I saw what you did to her body. I saw you kill her—and her baby!” I looked at him with such loathing. “How could you?” I added in disgust. “You were supposed to protect her!” I cried. “You swore you’d always protect her! You were her friend.”

  He looked as if I’d just stabbed him unexpectedly. “No,” he breathed. “Phoebe.” He gripped me tighter, causing me to cry out in pain.

  Damen released me. His eyes searching—they settled on my arm protectively holding my side.

  “You’re hurt,” he snarled. His eyes showed no sign of mercy now. He looked back toward the direction Brian had fled.

  I turned and ran aimlessly through the forest. I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t care. I needed to get away from Damen. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if he was following me—he wasn’t.

  I turned my head back toward the direction I was running when I ran right into Marcus's open arms, and collapsed.